1.Center for Monsoon System Research, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 2.College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Manuscript received: 2021-02-28 Manuscript revised: 2021-06-21 Manuscript accepted: 2021-07-16 Abstract:Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are long, narrow, and transient filaments of strong horizontal water vapor transport that can lead to extreme precipitation. To investigate the relationship between ARs and mei-yu rainfall in China, the mei-yu season of 2020 in the Yangtze-Huaihe River basin is taken as an example. An adjusted AR-detection algorithm is applied on integrated water vapor transport (IVT) of the ERA5 reanalysis. The JRA-55 reanalysis and the data from Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) are also utilized to study the impacts of ARs on mei-yu rainfall in 2020. The results reveal that ARs in East Asia have an average length of 5400 km, a width of 600 km, a length/width ratio of 9.3, and a northeastward orientation of 30°. ARs are modulated by the western North Pacific subtropical high. The IVT core is located at the south side of low pressure systems, moving eastward with a speed of 10° d?1. For the cross sections of ARs in the Yangtze-Huaihe River basin, 75% of the total flux is concentrated below 4 km with low-level jets near AR cores. Moreover, ARs occur mainly in the mei-yu period with a frequency of 20%–60%. The intensity of AR-related precipitation is 6–12 times that of AR-unrelated precipitation, and AR-related precipitation contributes about 50%–80% to total mei-yu precipitation. As shown in this case study of summer 2020, ARs are an essential part of the mei-yu system and have great impacts on mei-yu rainfall. Thus, ARs should receive more attention in research and weather forecast practices. Keywords: atmospheric rivers, East Asian summer monsoon, mei-yu front, low-level jet, western North Pacific subtropical high 摘要:大气河是指狭长、瞬变的强水平水汽输送带,能够导致极端降水。为了调查大气河与中国梅雨之间的关系,本文以2020年中国江淮地区梅雨期为例,基于ERA5再分析数据中的垂直积分的水汽输送值来筛选大气河,并对现有的筛选大气河的方法做了改进。本文使用到的数据还有JRA-55再分析数据以及GPM多卫星反演融合资料。结果显示,在东亚地区,大气河平均长5400千米,宽600千米,长宽比平均为9.3,方向为东偏北30°。此外,大气河受到西北太平洋副热带高压的调制,大气河的核心位于低压系统的南侧,以10°d-1的速度向东移动。在江淮地区,大气河截面上75%的水汽输送集中在4千米以下,且大气河的轴心位于低空急流附近。此外,大气河主要发生在梅雨季,出现频率为20%-60%。与大气河相关的降水的强度是与大气河无关的降水的强度的6-12倍,与大气河相关的降水占梅雨期总降水的50%-80%。根据对2020年夏季的个例分析可知,大气河是梅雨系统的重要组成部分,对梅雨降水有着重要影响。因此,在中国梅雨研究和业务预报中,应该对大气河加以关注。 关键词:大气河, 东亚夏季风, 梅雨锋, 低空急流, 西北太平洋副热带高压
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2.1. Data
The daily precipitation variable is retrieved for summer 2020 from the Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement (IMERG) Late Precipitation L3 V06 dataset (Huffman et al., 2019), which has a spatial resolution of 0.1° × 0.1°. The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission is an international satellite mission meant to provide next-generation worldwide observations of rain and snow, and it is supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The GPM Core Observatory design is an update of the highly successful rain-sensing package of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) with the extension of observations to higher latitudes. The precipitation data of IMERG for the summer of 2020 are used in this study. The meteorological variables for the summer of 2020 are retrieved from ERA5 reanalysis (Hersbach et al., 2018b) of the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and include temperature, specific humidity (q), wind speed (u and v), vertical velocity, and geopotential height at multiple levels, with a spatial resolution of 0.25° × 0.25° and a temporal resolution of four times per day (0000, 0600, 1200, and 1800 UTC). ERA5 is the fifth generation ECMWF reanalysis and is available for 1950 to present. The vertical integral of eastward (northward) water vapor flux is also retrieved from ERA5 (Hersbach et al., 2018a), with the same spatiotemporal resolution as wind speed, for June, July, and August (JJA) from 1981 to 2020. Latent heat data for the summer of 2020 are retrieved from the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55, Kobayashi et al., 2015; Harada et al., 2016), with a spatial resolution of 1.25° × 1.25° and a temporal resolution of four times per day (0000, 0600, 1200, and 1800 UTC). JRA-55 is the second reanalysis project carried out by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and is a high-quality homogeneous climate dataset based on a sophisticated data assimilation system.
2 2.2. Method -->
2.2. Method
3 2.2.1. AR identification algorithm -->
2.2.1. AR identification algorithm
Existing AR detection methods can be categorized into two types according to the data used: i) using total column water vapor (TCWV), or vertically integrated water vapor (IWV), obtained from satellite observations (Neiman et al., 2008; Wick et al., 2013); ii) using vertically integrated water vapor transport (IVT) retrieved from a reanalysis dataset (Guan and Waliser, 2015; Kamae et al., 2017; Pan and Lu, 2019). Detailed comparisons between these two types of methods can be found in previous studies (Shields et al., 2018; Shields et al., 2019). In most studies on ARs in East Asia, IVT was chosen to define ARs (Kamae et al., 2017; Pan and Lu, 2019; Kim et al., 2020), since IVT represents water vapor transport directly and is closely related to precipitation (Rutz et al., 2014). Following these studies, this study employs 6-hourly IVT to detect AR activities and quantify AR geometry. IVT is defined as: where viewvf (vinwvf) denotes the vertical integral of eastward (northward) water vapor flux (units: kg m?1 s?1) retrieved from the ERA5 reanalysis, g is the acceleration of gravity (units: m s?2), p means pressure (units: Pa), p0 is surface pressure (units: Pa), q represents specific humidity (units: kg kg?1), and u (v) is the eastward (northward) component of wind (units: m s?1). Based on IVT, Pan and Lu (2019) (hereafter PL19) proposed a novel AR identification algorithm to investigate the AR activities in the Yangtze River Basin and proved it is applicable for other regions and the global domain. Herein, this study adopts this algorithm and adjusts the research area to 15°–60°N, 100°–180°E. The first step of the algorithm is to extract AR pathways from IVT fields based on a dual threshold (combination of local threshold and regional threshold). Following Guan and Waliser (2015) and PL19, the 85th percentile IVT is calculated over all 6-hourly data for JJA during 1981–2010 (Fig. 1a). By applying the Gaussian kernel density smoothing (GKS) technique on the 85th percentile IVT field, the local threshold (Fig. 1b) is obtained. In addition to the local threshold, the regional threshold is defined as the 80th percentile of the IVT magnitude over all grids inside the detection domain for summer (334 kg m?1 s?1 according to PL19). After getting the dual threshold, preliminary AR pathways can be extracted for all time steps. As shown by the example of the IVT field at 0000 UTC 5 July (Fig. 1c), the maximum IVT grid is defined as the initial anchor. From this anchor, all contiguous grids that exceed their dual thresholds are extracted as the first preliminary AR pathway. It should be noted that the second, or even more, preliminary AR pathways at this time step may be detected from the rest of the IVT field. And, all detected ARs in the research domain are taken into consideration in this study. Figure1. The thresholds and algorithm to identify an AR (atmospheric river). (a) The 85th percentile IVT (integrated water vapor transport) field in the AR detection region (100°E to 180°E, 15°N to 60°N) from 1981 to 2010 (JJA, June, July, and August). (b) The local threshold by applying the Gaussian kernel density smoothing method to the 85th percentile of the IVT field. (c) The IVT field at 0000 UTC 5 July 2020. (d) The detected AR pathway based on the IVT field in (c) and its trajectories identified by the method of Pan and Lu (2019) (solid black line) and the adjusted method (dashed black line), respectively.
The second step of the algorithm is to generate trajectories of these AR preliminary pathways, as shown in Fig. 1d. Trajectories are regarded as the core of water vapor transport in this study, instead of being representative of the center of AR mass as in PL19. Therefore, four adjustments are made in the process of generating trajectories. 1) In this study, the weights are determined by 10% nearest neighbors (NN10) rather than 30% used by PL19. 2) Both distance-based weight and IVT-based weight are considered while determining the weighted IVT direction, rather than only distance-based weight as in PL19. 3) This algorithm moves 50 km when searching the next reference grid, instead of 100 km as in PL19, providing more smoothing to the trajectory. This difference is mainly due to the different spatial resolutions of IVT, which are 0.25° × 0.25° (this study) and 0.5° × 0.5° (PL19). 4) Only IVT-based weight is considered while determining the location of weighted centroid rather than using both distance-based and IVT-based weights as in PL19. More details about this step and the discussions about these adjustments are provided in the Appendix. The performances of the adjustments are illustrated in Fig. 1d, with the dashed line representing the adjusted algorithm and the solid line for PL19. Apparently, the dashed line (the adjusted algorithm) fits the core of IVT better and longer than the solid line (the original algorithm). The third step is to compute AR metrics based on the trajectories and eliminate unqualified preliminary AR pathways. The length of the trajectory is regarded as the length of the AR, with the width defined as its total area divided by the length. The ratio of length to width is defined as length/width ratio (L/W ratio), and the mean direction of IVT can be calculated by where IVTU,i (IVTV,i) is the zonal (meridional) component of IVT at the ith grid of the AR pathway. The preliminary AR pathways with a length less than 2000 km or a L/W ratio less than 2 are regarded as unqualified ARs and are eliminated. More information about the algorithm can be found in PL19. East China frequently experiences typhoon activity in summer. However, issues resulting from typhoon activity are not considered in this study since few typhoons reached the Yangtze-Huaihe River basin during the mei-yu period of 2020.
3 2.2.2. Definition of AR frequency -->
2.2.2. Definition of AR frequency
In this study, AR frequency is defined as the fraction of the number of time steps at which an AR appears to the number of all the time steps, in terms of percentage. For example, the month of June has 30 days with a total of 120 time steps, and if an AR appeared at 60 time steps at one grid in June, then the AR frequency at this point is 50%.
3 2.2.3. AR-related precipitation -->
2.2.3. AR-related precipitation
For each day, an overlapped region is identified where the 24-hour accumulated precipitation is over 15 mm and an AR pathway passes through it. Then this overlapped region is extended outward until the precipitation no longer exceeds 10 mm. This region is identified as the AR-related precipitation region. The solid red contour in Fig. 2 shows the AR-related precipitation on 5 July 2020 as an example. Additionally, the days when 24-hour precipitation is over 0.1 mm are defined as wet days, which include AR-related wet-days and AR-unrelated wet-days. For each grid, AR-related wet-days mean that the precipitation at this grid is determined as AR-related precipitation on those days. The intensity of AR-related precipitation (IAR) and AR-unrelated precipitation (Inon-AR) is defined as Figure2. The AR and the AR-related rainfall at 1200 UTC 5 July 2020. The AR-related integrated water vapor flux (vectors, units: kg m?1 s?1), the 24-hours accumulated precipitation (shadings, units: mm), and the AR-related rainfall region (red solid contour).
where IAR (Inon-AR) represents the intensity of AR-related (AR-unrelated) precipitation, PAR means the total AR-related precipitation, Ptotal represents total precipitation over all wet-days, DAR is the number of AR-related wet-days, and Dwet-days denotes the number of total wet-days.
3 2.2.4. Frontogenesis -->
2.2.4. Frontogenesis
According to the Miller Frontogenesis Formula (Miller, 1948), two-dimensional scalar frontogenesis F is defined as where θ is equivalent potential temperature and Vh represents horizontal wind. In practical application, the Petterssen Frontogenesis form (Keyser et al., 1988; Cordeira et al., 2013) is used: where D denotes horizontal divergence, E represents resultant deformation, and $\beta $ means the orientations of axes of dilatation to the equivalent potential temperature contours. The equation is implemented using Python routines (May et al., 2020).