Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Earth System Modeling, Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China Manuscript received: 2021-01-24 Manuscript revised: 2021-05-03 Manuscript accepted: 2021-06-03 Abstract:In recent decades, a greening tendency due to increased vegetation has been noted around the Taklimakan Desert (TD), but the impact of such a change on the local hydrological cycle remains uncertain. Here, we investigate the response of the local hydrological cycle and atmospheric circulation to a green TD in summer using a pair of global climate model (Community Earth System Model version 1.2.1) simulations. With enough irrigation to support vegetation growth in the TD, the modeling suggests first, that significant increases in local precipitation are attributed to enhanced local recycling of water, and second, that there is a corresponding decrease of local surface temperatures. On the other hand, irrigation and vegetation growth in this low-lying desert have negligible impacts on the large-scale circulation and thus the moisture convergence for enhanced precipitation. It is also found that the green TD can only be sustained by a large amount of irrigation water supply since only about one-third of the deployed water can be “recycled” locally. Considering this, devising a way to encapsulate the irrigated water within the desert to ensure more efficient water recycling is key for maintaining a sustainable, greening TD. Keywords: vegetation, irrigation, taklimakan desert, precipitation, CESM 摘要:近几十年来,塔克拉玛干沙漠(TD)由于其周围植被的增加,出现了绿化的趋势,但目前这种趋势对当地水循环的影响仍不确定。这里我们用全球气候模式(CESM1.2.1)模拟研究了夏季局地水循环和大气环流对沙漠绿化的响应。模拟结果表明,当有足够的灌溉供水维持沙漠中植被生长时,局地降水量显著增加,这归因于局地水循环的增强;其次,局地地表温度随之降低;然而,对低洼的TD进行灌溉和植被种植对大尺度环流的影响较小,所以其对降水以及水汽辐合的影响也较小。研究还发现,由于灌溉水的局地再循环率只有大约1/3,沙漠绿化的维持需要大量的灌溉。考虑到这一点,设计一种能将灌溉水保持在沙漠中的方法以确保更有效的水循环是维持一个可持续的、绿化的TD的关键。 关键词:植被, 灌溉, 塔克拉玛干沙漠, 降水, CESM模式
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3.1. Effects on precipitation and surface temperature
The JJA mean precipitation from Global Precipitation Climatology Project version 2.3 (GPCP_v2.3, Adler et al., 2018) and P1 experiment is shown in Fig. 4. Overall, the simulation performed well in capturing the observed precipitation pattern with large precipitation over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau (TP) and small precipitation over the TD. The largest rainfall amounts occurred in the southern foothills of the TP. Mountain ranges northwest of the TD received more precipitation than the interior of the TD. The JJA mean precipitation in region (b) is only about 0.53 mm d?1, suggesting that the region where we grow vegetation has less precipitation than surrounding regions. Crop growth and irrigation significantly (p < 0.05) increases precipitation by 119% to 1.16 mm d?1 in region (b) (Fig. 4c), especially at the edges of the TD, highlighting the importance of vegetation and irrigation to increased precipitation. Complete deforestation of the Amazon may lead to only a 16% reduction of local precipitation (Spracklen and Garcia-Carreras, 2015), and Kemena et al. (2018) found that the irrigation of the Sahara leads to larger increases in precipitation (267 mm yr?1). These results are different from our estimates, partly due to the different climate regimes and surrounding regions. Typical drier climatological conditions over a relatively smaller area of vegetation growth may explain the small changes found in this study. On the other hand, the decrease of surface temperature induced by vegetation and irrigation is mainly concentrated in the study area, up to 4°C in the eastern TD (Fig. 4d). Although some significant (p < 0.05) changes (generally less than 1°C) also occur downstream, they are generally much smaller than those over the study area. Figure4. The JJA mean precipitation of (a) GPCP_v2.3 ( for 2001?20, (b) P1 (100-year), and (c) P2 minus P1 (100-year), and JJA mean surface temperature of (d) P2 minus P1 (100-year). Stippling (in c and d) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level using the Student’s t-test. Red boxes indicate the study area. Black lines indicate the terrain height, which is given in m.
Precipitation also changes non-locally. A slight extension of increased precipitation was noted downstream of the TD. In the southern periphery of the TP, precipitation decreases by ~2 mm d?1. There are also precipitation changes over the Indian and the Pacific Oceans, but they are generally small and insignificant (not shown). It is surmised that such a small area of vegetation growth might not be able to affect large-scale circulation and precipitation, an aspect that is discussed later.
2 3.2. Water budget -->
3.2. Water budget
Following Wang et al. (2015), the surface water budget can be expressed as: where W is soil water, P is precipitation, E is evaporation, R is runoff and Rg is groundwater runoff. In P1, the averaged evaporation in region (b) is 0.56 mm d?1, which is greater than the precipitation, and water vapor diverges in the atmosphere. In P2, the large increase of precipitation is mostly due to increased ground evaporation and canopy transpiration, which is due to irrigation and increased vegetation, respectively. Overall, the larger increase of ET (523%) is the direct cause for the increase of local precipitation (Fig. 5). In the irrigation scheme, the soil cannot take up all of the irrigation water immediately, which leads to a large amount of surface runoff. If the runoff water can be somehow diverted back to the desert, the only way for the moisture to escape from the desert is by moisture divergence, which is increased in an irrigated situation. The total loss rate of irrigation is about 85%, indicating that the irrigation water here is difficult to be efficiently recycled and utilized. Here we only consider effective irrigation, which is irrigation minus surface runoff. Effective irrigation of 3.46 mm d?1 is required to keep the crops growing normally, however, a large part of the effective irrigation (30%) is lost to drainage. Such a large amount of loss is also found in Kemena et al. (2018), who found that dense vegetative growth required large amounts of irrigation to maintain. In this study, whenever photosynthesis is limited by a water deficit, irrigation is applied until a target soil moisture level is reached. The balance between precipitation and ET is an important indicator of self-sustainability. In P2, a regionally averaged ET of 3.49 mm d?1 only resulted in precipitation of 1.16 mm d?1, i.e., only 33% of the deployed water is effectively “recycled” locally. This is one of the major reasons that such a large amount of irrigation is required for vegetation growth.
2 3.3. Energy budget -->
3.3. Energy budget
The surface energy budget equation is applied to land surface (Cuxart et al., 2015), which can be expressed as (arrows indicate the direction): where net radiation (Rn, surface absorbed solar radiation minus surface net longwave emission) is the main input of surface energy; soil heat flux (G) is related to the soil temperature gradient; SH indicates sensible heat flux and LH indicates latent heat flux. Figure5. The JJA water budget in region (b) for the P1 (left) and P2 (right) as a 100-year time average. Fluxes are in mm d?1. Convergence is calculated by “precipitation minus ET” according to Shi et al. (2019). All changes are significant above the 95% confidence level using the Student’s t-test.
Energy budget changes between the two experiments mainly occur locally in JJA (Fig. 6). Compared to P1, increased crops resulted in a decreased surface albedo of 0.14 in P2, corresponding to an increase of surface shortwave absorption by 29 W m?2. The increase of ET is accompanied by large increases of LH, from 16 W m?2 in P1 to 101 W m?2 in P2 (Spracklen et al., 2018). Accordingly, the surface temperature is reduced by 4.3°C and is furthermore associated with reduced SH and surface longwave cooling (Hu et al. 2015). Besides, the air in the TD acts as a heat source, and the heat flux divergence of 48 W m?2 in P1 increased to 80 W m?2 in P2. Figure6. The 100-year time-average JJA surface energy budget in the region (b) for the P1 (left) and P2 (right) experiments [refer to Kemena et al. (2018)]. Fluxes are given in W m?2. Yellow (purple) arrows represent the budget for shortwave (longwave) radiation. Green (blue) arrows represent the SH (LH). The surface albedo (α), net solar radiation at the surface (SWnet), net longwave flux at the surface (LWnet), surface temperature (ST), and soil heat flux (G) are also shown. All changes except incoming solar radiation and soil heat flux are significant above the 95% confidence level using a Student’s t-test.
On the other hand, increased ET increases low-level atmosphere moisture and thus cloud amount, which also promotes precipitation to a certain extent (not shown). According to Eq. (3), due to an almost unchanged soil temperature gradient (not shown), G in the P2 experiment does not change much compared with P1, indicating that the energy absorption by the soil does not change much. In general, irrigation leads to enhanced ET, LH, and reduced surface temperatures which serve to change the local energy budget. However, similar to the water vapor budget, these changes are too spatially confined to affect the climate of surrounding areas.
2 3.4. Circulation change -->
3.4. Circulation change
Low-level circulation in the study area is greatly influenced by the topography. In the lower atmosphere at 850 hPa (Fig. 7a), air enters the study area between the Tianshan mountains and the Altai Mountains. Due to the saddle topography between the two mountains, two subsidence areas are formed (and another subsidence area near Balkhash Lake). Due to another saddle topography between the Tianshan mountains and TP, the northeasterly airflow sinks when it enters the desert. Afterward, the incoming air tends to accumulate and move upwards at the edges of the mountains. Similar patterns extend to the upper troposphere (not shown), above 500 hPa, as westerlies predominate over this region. Wind speeds decrease near the surface due to the increased roughness by vegetation, and thus the upward movement near the edge of the mountains and the downward movement around the saddle are weakened (Fig. 7b). On the other hand, at 500 hPa, a cyclonic anomaly is present over the study area associated with decreased geopotential height in the P2 experiment (Fig. 7c). Figure7. (a) The JJA mean vertical motion (shaded) and horizontal circulation (vector) at 850 hPa for P1; (b) same as (a) but shows the difference between P2 and P1. (c) The difference of JJA mean geopotential height (shaded) and horizontal circulation (vector) at 500 hPa between P2 and P1. Stippling in (b) and (c) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level using the Student’s t-test. Red boxes indicate the study area. Black lines indicate the terrain height, which is given in m.
Vegetation growth and irrigation in the study area have little effect on the global circulation (not shown). This is different from other studies of the Sahel region (Kemena et al., 2018). The reason may be that the area of the vegetation growth in the Sahel region is large enough to change global circulation. But the area in this study is small, low-lying, and surrounded by mountains, thus its impact is strongly confined locally.