1.School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China 2.School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China 3.State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather and Joint Center for Atmospheric Radar Research, CMA/NJU, Beijing 100081, China Manuscript received: 2019-10-17 Manuscript revised: 2020-02-05 Manuscript accepted: 2020-02-21 Abstract:With the development of urbanization, whether precipitation characteristics in Guangdong Province, China, from 1981 to 2015 have changed are investigated using rain gauge data from 76 stations. These characteristics include annual precipitation, rainfall frequency, intense rainfall (defined as hourly precipitation ≥ 20 mm), light precipitation (defined as hourly precipitation ≤ 2.5 mm), and extreme rainfall (defined as hourly rainfall exceeding the 99.9th percentile of the hourly rainfall distribution). During these 35 years, the annual precipitation shows an increasing trend in the urban areas. While rainfall frequency and light precipitation have a decreasing trend, intense rainfall frequency shows an increasing trend. The heavy and extreme rainfall frequency both exhibit an increasing trend in the Pearl River Delta region, where urbanization is the most significant. These trends in both the warm seasons (May?October) and during the pre-flood season (April?June) appear to be more significant. On the contrary, the annual precipitation amount in rural areas has a decreasing trend. Although the heavy and extreme precipitation also show an increasing trend, it is not as strong and significant as that in the urban areas. During periods in which a tropical cyclone makes landfall along the South China Coast, the rainfall in urban areas has been consistently more than that in surrounding areas. The precipitation in the urban areas and to their west is higher after 1995, when the urbanization accelerated. These results suggest that urbanization has a significant impact on the precipitation characteristics of Guangdong Province. Keywords: urbanization, precipitation, intense rainfall, precipitation frequency, tropical cyclone 摘要:本文利用1981-2015年中国广东省的76个自动观测站资料,分析了中国广东省的降水特征随城市化的变化。这些降水特征包括年降水量、降水频次、强降水(小时降雨量≥ 20 mm)、弱降水(小时降水量≤ 2.5 mm)和极端降水(总降水样本中降水强度最大的0.1%)频次。结果表明:近35年来,广东城市区域降水量和强降水频次呈增加趋势,而降水频次和弱降水频次呈减少趋势。这种降水变化的趋势在暖季(5-10月)和华南前汛期(4-6月)最显著。在城市化最强的珠三角区域,强降水和极端降水均明显增强。同城市区相比,郊区的年降水量呈下降趋势。尽管郊区的强降水和极端降水也呈增加趋势,但没有珠三角城市区域显著。在台风登陆华南沿海,城市区域的降水也显著多于郊区。随着1995年后城市化进程加快,在城市区及其西边的台风降水也呈增加趋势。这些结果表明城市化对广东省的降水特征有重要影响。 关键词:城市化, 降水, 强降水, 降水频次, 热带气旋
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3.1. Variation of annual precipitation characteristics
The annual precipitation shows an increasing trend at some stations in the urban areas (Fig. 1a). However, the rainfall frequency (Fig. 1b) and light rainfall frequency (Fig. 1d) show decreasing trends in most areas of the entire province. On the other hand, intense rainfall is increasing, especially in the PRD (Fig. 1c). Figure1. The trend distribution of (a) annual precipitation (units: mm yr?1), (b) precipitation frequency (units: % yr?1), (c) intense rainfall frequency (units: % yr?1), and (d) light rainfall frequency (units: % yr?1) in Guangdong Province during 1981?2015. Gray lines represent urban areas. Warm tones represent a positive trend, while cool tones represent a negative trend. The magnitude of the value represents the extent of the increase or decrease. Only sites that pass the 90% Mann?Kendal trend test are shown.
Based on the nighttime light data, all 14 sites within the PRD region were chosen to represent the urban area. In addition, nine sites around the urban agglomeration were considered to be the rural area (see Fig. A1 in Appendix). For the urban areas, precipitation frequency has a decreasing trend, but precipitation amount as well as intense rainfall and extreme precipitation frequency all show an increasing trend (Fig. 2a). This trend is the largest for the intense rainfall and is statistically significant at the 95% level based on the Mann?Kendall test. These results also suggest that the increase of precipitation is mainly contributed by intense rainfall events. In other words, deep and strong convection is becoming more frequent in urban areas. Note also a substantial jump in both the precipitation amount and the intense rainfall frequency after the early 1990s when the PRD region became more urbanized. On the other hand, the precipitation amount and frequency of non-urban areas both have a decreasing trend (Fig. 2b). Although the heavy and extreme precipitation also show an increasing trend, they are not as strong and significant as that in urban areas. The intense rainfall shows a significant increasing trend in 8 of 14 urban sites and only 1 of 9 non-urban sites. This comparison between urban and rural sites illustrates the important impact of urbanization on the precipitation characteristics in Guangdong Province. In addition, the substantial increase in precipitation characteristic parameters mainly occurs in the 1990s when the urbanization accelerated. Figure2. Time series (brown) of annual precipitation (units: mm), precipitation frequency (in %) and heavy and extreme precipitation frequency (in %), and their yearly trend (green), during 1981?2015, averaged for (a) 14 stations in the PRD and (b) 9 stations surrounding the PRD.
FigureA1. A map of urban and non-urban sites mentioned in Fig. 2.
The decrease in precipitation frequency might be partly attributable to the effect of aerosols. Rosenfeld (1999) found that a high concentration of pollutants near cities was conducive to small cloud droplet nucleation due to the increase in cloud condensation nuclei numbers, which made the cloud droplet spectrum distribution more uniform, decreased the conversion efficiency of cloud water to rain water, and thus inhibited precipitation generation. The urban heat island effect could also set up thermodynamic conditions that would enhance updrafts, elevate PBL heights, and subsequently moist convection, on the leeward or downwind side of cities, and hence more precipitation (Arnfield, 2003). Increased roughness will enhance the mechanical turbulence, which leads to a stronger low-level convergence and increased convection (Wang et al, 2014). Another modeling study, by Thielen et al. (2000), suggests that precipitation enhances with increased roughness. Thus, as a result of the accelerated urbanization, heavy rain becomes more frequent and light rain occurs less often in urban areas. Some other studies have also obtained a similar pattern: an increase in heavy and extreme rainfall events coupled with a decrease in light precipitation events over urban areas (Karl and Knight, 1998; Fujibe et al., 2005; Liao et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2014). The increase in heavy rain and extreme precipitation for both urban and rural areas is likely a result of global warming. The warming climate could bring about an increase in atmospheric moisture, which will enhance the extreme precipitation (Trenberth et al., 2003; Westra et al., 2013). However, the fact that these increases are more significant in urban areas implies that urbanization indeed enhances the occurrence of heavy and extreme precipitation.
2 3.2. Precipitation characteristics in warm versus non-warm seasons -->
3.2. Precipitation characteristics in warm versus non-warm seasons
The period of May to October is defined as the warm season, and other months are labeled as the non-warm season. Figure 3 shows the spatial distribution of precipitation and the trend in the warm season in different periods. The precipitation amount shows an increasing trend in the urban areas (Fig. 3a). Intense rainfall frequency is increasing over larger areas, including the PRD region, north and southeast of Guangdong Province (Fig. 3b). In general, the areas where precipitation amount and intense rainfall frequency tend to increase are in good agreement, which indicates that the increase in precipitation amount mainly comes from intense rainfall during the warm seasons. The southeastern and northern parts of Guangdong Province have mountainous terrain. Topographic uplift makes precipitation and convection more likely to be triggered in these areas. Figure3. Results for the warm seasons: trend distribution during 1981?2015 of (a) annual precipitation amount (units: mm yr?1) and (b) intense rainfall frequency (units: % yr?1); distribution during 1981?95 of (c) average annual precipitation amount (units: mm) and (d) intense rainfall frequency (units: %); distribution during 1996?2015 of (e) average annual precipitation (units: mm) and (f) intense rainfall frequency (units: %).
During the period 1981?95, both the rainfall amount (Fig. 3c) and heavy rain frequency (Fig. 3d) are similar across many areas of Guangdong Province. However, during 1996?2015, when urbanization accelerated, the PRD region shows the higher rainfall amount (Fig. 3e) and larger trend in intense rainfall frequency (Fig. 3f). In the southern part of China, the southwest monsoon from the ocean prevails in the summer, which means the northeast of the urban areas is downwind of the city. The urban heat island effect enhances the horizontal transport of water vapor, thus strengthening the convergence and upward movement in the downwind area of the city, resulting in the increase of precipitation also in the downwind area (Inamura et al., 2011). The results indicate that urbanization intensifies the precipitation of urban and downwind areas during the warm seasons. For the non-warm season, because of the relatively small amount of rain, the variations in precipitation characteristics barely pass the MK significance test, and are therefore not shown. There is no evidence that the precipitation characteristics of urban areas in non-warm seasons has changed significantly. Considering that little strong convection occurs during non-warm seasons, the threshold for intense rainfall was revised, to 10 mm h?1 and 5 mm h?1. The results indicate that intense rainfall frequency shows a significant decreasing trend at most stations, except for those in the PRD area. One possible explanation is that the thermodynamic conditions during non-warm seasons are generally not conducive to the triggering of strong convection. Thus, the dynamic forcing of the urban heat island-induced updrafts cannot work as effectively as during the warm seasons. However, intense rainfall still appears more in urban areas than nearby rural areas. Thus, the influence of urbanization on the precipitation during non-warm seasons still exists but is not that significant. Influenced by the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSSM), the region of South China, including Guangdong Province, has abundant rainfall. South China enters the main flood season after the onset of SCSSM. The flood season of South China is generally divided into two periods: the pre-flood seasons (April?June) and the post-flood seasons (July?September). Changes in precipitation characteristics during these two periods were also evaluated separately (Fig. 4). The precipitation amount (Fig. 4a) and intense rainfall (Fig. 4e) in the center of the PRD exhibit a significant increasing trend during the pre-flood seasons, while this trend is not that obvious during the post-flood seasons (Figs. 4b and f). Figure4. Results for the (a, c, e) pre-flood seasons and (b, d, f) post-flood seasons: trend distribution during 1981?2015 of (a, b) annual precipitation amount (units: mm yr?1), (c, d) precipitation frequency (units: % yr?1), and (e, f) intense rainfall frequency (units: % yr?1).
There is a significant advance in the onset dates of the SCSSM around 1993/94: 30 May before 1994 and 14 May after 1994 (Kajikawa and Wang, 2012). The onset dates of the SCSSM have an effect on the decadal variation of monsoon rainfall in South China. The SCSSM also shows a strengthening interdecadal variability starting from 1995 (Choi et al., 2017). The advance of the SCSSM onset time and enhancement of the intensity of the SCSSM, together with the urban effects, contribute to the increase in precipitation from 1981 to 2015, especially in the pre-flood season. This also helps explain the increasing trend for other sites besides urban areas.
2 3.3. Precipitation characteristics during TC periods -->
3.3. Precipitation characteristics during TC periods
TCs often make landfall along the coast of Guangdong Province and cause a lot of damage. It is useful to study the precipitation characteristics associated with landfalling TCs. In total, 106 typhoons made landfall in Guangdong Province from 1981 to 2015. The precipitation two days before to two days after typhoon landfall was considered. As expected, precipitation produced by landfalling typhoons decreases from the coast to the interior. Figure 5 shows the spatial distribution of mean precipitation and precipitation frequency during TC landfall in the period 1981?95 and 1996?2015 and their trends in the whole period. In order to eliminate the impact of changes in typhoon landing sites during these years, the numbers of typhoons that made landfall in the east and west of the PRD were counted separately. The results indicate that there is no significant change in the number of typhoons making landfall on either side during these 35 years studied (not shown). Figure5. The trend distribution of (a) precipitation (units: mm yr?1) and (b) precipitation frequency (units: % yr?1) during 1981?2015; distribution of (c) mean precipitation amount (units: mm) and (d) precipitation frequency (units: %) during 1981?95; and of (e) mean precipitation amount (units: mm) and (f) precipitation frequency (units: %) during 1996?2015. All figures are for rainfall during TC landfall.
In the urban areas and to their west, the precipitation amount and precipitation frequency both show an increasing trend during the entire period (Figs. 5a and b). During the period 1981?95, the precipitation amount is more in urban areas and the western part of Guangdong Province (Fig. 5c) The PRD and its western areas are also a high-value center of precipitation frequency (Fig. 5d). After 1995, the high-value center is more remarkable (Fig. 5f). In addition to the urban areas, precipitation also shows a significant increase over the Leizhou Peninsula (located in the western part of Guangdong Province) (Fig. 5e). The annual average intensity of typhoons making landfall along the west coast of Guangdong Province is found to have increased during these years, based on the data from the CMA (http://www.cma.gov.cn). This may contribute to the increase in precipitation over the Leizhou Peninsula. Figure 6 shows the variation of precipitation amount (Fig. 6a) in the urban and surrounding non-urban stations (same as in Fig. 2) during TC landfall and the difference between them (Fig. 6b). The precipitation amount shows a significant increasing trend both in urban and non-urban areas. However, there has consistently been more rainfall in the urban areas than in the non-urban areas during TC landfall. In addition, the difference between the precipitation amount in urban and non-urban areas also shows an increasing trend during the 35 years included in this study. These results indicate that precipitation characteristics associated with TCs have been experiencing significant changes with the process of urbanization. Figure6. Time series (units: mm) and trend (units: mm yr?1) of (a) annual precipitation amount in 1981?2015 during TC rainfall averaged for 14 stations in the PRD (brown) and 9 stations (green) surrounding the PRD, and those of (b) the difference between urban and non-urban stations (blue).
The structure of convective systems can be modified when they move over cities (Bornstein and LeRoy, 1990; Tumanov et al., 1999), thus changing the precipitation distribution. The urban barrier effect could slow down the airflow of weather systems and increase its residence time over urban areas. This effect is more obvious to precipitation produced by TCs with high wind speed (Yue et al., 2019). Increases in surface roughness of the landmass have been found to lead to an enhancement of rainfall intensity associated with TCs (Chan et al., 2019). However, the actual mechanism as to how urbanization might lead to changes in the location and distribution of typhoon rain bands is still uncertain. This effect may depend on many other factors, such as topography, moisture conditions, and the dynamic structure of the storms. More studies are necessary.