--> --> --> -->2.1. Tibetan Observation and Research Platform in-situ data
The Tibetan Observation and Research Platform (TORP) is a project aimed at research on the land surface process over the TP, which comprises various comprehensive observation and research stations and other additional observational sites (Ma et al., 2008). The locations of the comprehensive observation and research stations used in this study are marked in Fig. 1, and their detailed information is listed in Table 1. The TORP in-situ measurements, with a temporal resolution of 30 minutes, were used to develop the retrieval algorithms and carry out the cross validation.Figure1. Locations of the Tibetan Plateau (black thick line) and in-situ meteorological stations (red stars) from TORP.
Station | Longitude (°E) | Latitude (°N) | Altitude (m) | Heat fluxes measurements for ground validation |
NADORS | 79.7035 | 33.39056 | 4270 | SWD, SWU, LWD, LWU, Rn |
NAMORS | 90.9636 | 30.7699 | 4730 | H, LE |
QOMS | 86.949638 | 28.358209 | 4276 | SWD, SWU, LWD, LWU, Rn, H |
SETORS | 94.7417 | 29.7622 | 3326 | SWD, SWU, LWD |
Notes: SWD, downwelling shortwave radiation flux; SWU, upwelling shortwave radiation flux; LWD, downwelling longwave radiation flux; LWU, upwelling longwave radiation flux; Rn, net radiation flux; H, sensible heat flux; LE, latent heat flux. |
Table1. Information on the TORP stations for ground validation.
2.2. FY-4A geostationary satellite data
The Fengyun-4 geostationary satellite system, the successor of Fengyun-2, is the second generation of the Chinese geostationary meteorological satellite system. Launched on 11 December 2016, Fengyun-4A (FY-4A) is the first test satellite of the Fengyun-4 system. The Level 1 data of FY-4A started on 12 March 2018. FY-4A provides two modes of data telemetering: the China region mode, and the full disk mode, which covers the Asia and Oceania region. The temporal resolution of FY-4A Level 1 data can reach 15 minutes (Min et al., 2017). The meteorological instruments onboard FY-4A include the Advanced Geostationary Radiation Imager (AGRI), the Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder (GIIRS), the Lightning Mapping Imager (LMI), and the Space Environment Monitoring Instrument Package (SEP) (Yang et al., 2017). The band list of FY-4A/AGRI is displayed in Table 2. Compared with FY-2/VISSR, the imaging observation bands of multichannel scan imagery radiometer FY-4A/AGRI have been expanded from 5 channels to 14 channels. Of the total 14 spectral bands of FY-4A/AGRI, channels 1–3 cover the VIS to NIR bands, channels 4–6 cover the SWIR bands, channels 7–8 cover the MWIR bands, channels 9–10 are the water vapor bands, and channels 11–14 cover the LWIR bands. The spatial resolutions of the VIS to NIR, SWIR, MWIR and LWIR bands are 0.5–1 km, 2 km, 2–4 km and 4 km, respectively. In this study, channels 2–3 were used to calculate the NDVI, channels 1–6 were used for broadband albedo retrieval, and channels 12–13 were applied for estimation of LST (Fig. 2). For the spatial resolution differences of FY-4A/AGRI bands, in order to reduce the errors due to resolution mismatch, the finer spatial resolution bands should be upscaled to the same resolution as those bands with coarser resolution, i.e., from 0.5–2 km to 4 km resolution. Fortunately, for each band of FY-4A/AGRI, data with coarser resolution of 4 km were already provided on the official website. Therefore, the 4 km resolution data for all bands were uniformly used for subsequent surface characteristic parameter retrieval and turbulent heat flux estimation in this study.Band | Wavelength range (μm) | Central wavelength (μm) | Spatial resolution (km) |
1 | 0.45–0.49 | 0.47 | 1 |
2 | 0.55–0.75 | 0.65 | 0.5 |
3 | 0.75–0.90 | 0.83 | 1 |
4 | 1.36–1.39 | 1.37 | 2 |
5 | 1.58–1.64 | 1.61 | 2 |
6 | 2.10–2.35 | 2.22 | 2 |
7 | 3.50–4.00 | 3.72 | 2 |
8 | 3.50–4.00 | 3.72 | 4 |
9 | 5.80–6.70 | 6.25 | 4 |
10 | 6.90–7.30 | 7.10 | 4 |
11 | 8.00–9.00 | 8.50 | 4 |
12 | 10.3–11.3 | 10.8 | 4 |
13 | 11.5–12.5 | 12.0 | 4 |
14 | 13.2–13.8 | 13.5 | 4 |
Table2. Band list of FY-4A/AGRI.
Figure2. Flowchart of the retrieval method of the land surface characteristic parameters and heat fluxes by combining FY-4A/AGRI and CLDAS-V2.0 data (α1–α6, narrowband albedos of FY-4A/AGRI spectral bands 01–06; T12 and T13, brightness temperatures monitored in band 12 and 13 of FY-4A/AGRI, respectively; SWD, downwelling shortwave radiation flux; p, near-surface air pressure; q, specific humidity at 2 m, Tair, air temperature at 2 m; u, wind speed at 10 m; NDVI, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; α, surface broadband albedo; LST, land surface temperature; WVC, atmospheric water vapor content; LWD, downwelling longwave radiation flux; Pv, proportion of vegetation; SWU, upwelling shortwave radiation flux; Rn, net radiation flux; H, sensible heat flux; ε12 and ε13, narrowband emissivities of band 12 and 13 of FY-4A/AGRI, respectively; ε, land surface broadband emissivity; LWU, upwelling longwave radiation flux; G, soil heat flux; LE, latent heat flux).
For the clear detection on FY-4A/AGRI, the threshold method (Oku et al., 2007) was used in this study. For bands 12–13, brightness temperature values below 250 K were not used in the LST retrieval. The threshold of 250 K was determined based on TORP in-situ measurements to acclimate the general climatic condition over the TP in spring. Due to the presence of cloud, the cloud-top temperature instead of the surface temperature will be detected, which yields an underestimation in brightness temperature and thus a lower LST. The underestimation in LST will further induce underestimation in LWU (upwelling longwave radiation flux) and H (sensible heat flux). Additionally, areas covered by clouds will also exhibit higher surface broadband albedo than those under clear-sky conditions. The overestimation in surface broadband albedo will result in overestimation in SWU. Therefore, the abnormal low brightness temperature data points were considered as cloudy and then eliminated based on this threshold. However, several defects also exist in the threshold method. First, the selection of the threshold is difficult to determine, for this one-size-fits-all approach may induce some uncertain missing reports and false alarms. Second, due to the land cover heterogeneity over the TP, the threshold method is not sufficient to meet the unique hydrometeorological conditions over the whole TP. It should be noted that the FY-4A Level-2 CLM (cloud mask) product is also available for clear detection. However, the areal proportion of the clear region over the whole TP detected via the FY-4A CLM product is too small (< 20%) for most observation times, from which it is difficult to derive the spatial distributions of the surface characteristic parameters. Thus, the threshold method was used for the clear detection in this study.
2.3. China Land Data Assimilation System meteorological forcing dataset
For estimation of the radiation flux components and turbulent heat fluxes, meteorological forcing data are needed as inputs. In this study, the CLDAS (China Land Data Assimilation System) meteorological forcing dataset, CLDAS-V2.0, was used in combination with FY-4A satellite data for flux estimation. CLDAS-V2.0 has a spatial resolution of 0.0625° × 0.0625° and a temporal resolution of 1 h, and covers the whole East Asia region (0°–65°N, 60°–160°E) from 19 January 2017. The near-surface air pressure p, specific humidity q measured at 2 m, air temperature Tair measured at 2 m, horizontal wind speed u measured at 10 m, and surface downwelling shortwave radiation flux (SWD) were used as the input data. For integration of the CLDAS-V2.0 with FY-4A satellite data, the FY-4A data were upscaled from the original 4 km × 4 km normalized projection grid to the 0.0625° × 0.0625° equal latitude and longitude grid of CLDAS-V2.0 using bilinear spatial interpolation.-->
3.1. Retrieval of land surface broadband albedo
Since the TORP in-situ measurements already covered the observation for the radiation flux components, the in-situ albedo αobs was directly calculated aswhere SWDobs and SWUobs are the ground observed downwelling shortwave radiation flux and upwelling shortwave radiation flux, respectively.
Of the total 14 spectral bands of FY-4A, the VIS to SWIR bands 1–6 are suitable for broadband albedo retrieval. Based on the linear regression method discussed in the Appendix, a linear relationship between αobs and the narrowband albedos of these six spectral bands α1–α6 can be established to work out the linear fitting coefficients k0–k6:
where e is the error between the observed broadband albedo αobs and the fitted value of the broadband albedo α, and α was computed through the derived k0–k6:
Note that the time series of αobs were divided into two halves: the first half for solving the linear fitting coefficients k0–k6 [Eq. (2) and Eq. (A13)] and then the calculation of α [Eq. (3)], and the second half for the validation of α against αobs. The validation result is discussed in section 4.1.
3.2. Retrieval of LST
The in-situ land surface temperature, LSTobs, was directly computed as (Chen et al., 2017; Hu et al., 2018)where LWDobs and LWUobs are the ground observed downwelling longwave radiation flux and upwelling longwave radiation flux, respectively, σ is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant (5.67 × 10?8 W m?2 K?4), and ε is the land surface broadband emissivity. The latter was calculated via (Valor and Caselles, 1996; Ma et al., 2003)
where εv = 0.985 and εs = 0.960 are the land surface emissivity for full vegetation and bare soil, respectively (Valor and Caselles, 1996), <dε> = 0.015 represents the cavity effect of rough surfaces, and Pv is the proportion of vegetation, which was derived as (Zou et al., 2018b)
where the NDVI was obtained from (Carlson and Ripley, 1997)
in which α2 and α3 are the narrowband albedos of band 2 and band 3 of FY-4A/AGRI (Table 2), respectively, and the NDVImin and NDVImax in Eq. (6) are NDVI values for bare soil and full vegetation, respectively. In this study, we set NDVImin = 0 and NDVImax = 0.8.
In order to retrieve the LST from satellite remote sensing, the Split-Window Algorithm (SWA) of Becker and Li (1995) was used in this study:
where LST is the satellite-retrieved land surface temperature (K); T12 and T13 are the brightness temperatures (K) monitored in band 12 and band 13 of FY-4A/AGRI (Table 2), respectively; w is the water vapor content (WVC, g cm?2), which was calculated via Eq. (10) (Yang et al., 2006); θ is the satellite zenith angle;
where Tair is the air temperature (K) and RH is the relative humidity (%) calculated via
in which ea (Pa) and es (Pa) are the actual and saturated water vapor pressure, respectively:
where p is the air pressure (Pa) and q is the specific humidity (kg kg?1) (Zou et al., 2018a).
Similar to the albedo retrieval process, the derivation of k0–k12 for LST was also based on Eq. (A13). The validation of LST against LSTobs is also discussed in section 4.1.
3.3. Estimation of radiation flux components
After the broadband albedo α was retrieved, the upwelling shortwave radiation flux SWU can be obtained from α and the downwelling shortwave radiation flux SWD provided by the CLDAS meteorological forcing data:The downwelling longwave radiation flux LWD can be calculated from the air temperature Tair (K) and the actual water vapor pressure ea (Pa) (Brutsaert, 1975):
where λ was set as 1.31.
Then, the upwelling longwave radiation flux LWU was derived from the LST, LWD, and the land surface broadband emissivity ε (Han et al., 2016):
3.4. Estimation of turbulent heat fluxes
The net radiation flux Rn was obtained from the radiation flux components:The soil heat flux G was calculated from Rn and Pv:
where rv = 0.05 and rs = 0.315 are the ratios of soil heat flux to net radiation flux for full vegetation and bare soil, respectively.
In this study, the SEBS (Surface Energy Balance System) model (Su, 2002) was used for estimation of the hourly sensible and latent heat flux. The SEBS model has been successfully applied for the estimation of daily, monthly and annual evaporation at both local and regional scales under all atmospheric stability regimes (Tang et al., 2011). Characteristically, SEBS is effective for estimating land surface heat fluxes in semiarid areas (Su et al., 2003a) and for drought monitoring (Su et al., 2003b). Besides, SEBS was also firstly coupled with a numerical weather prediction model by Jia et al. (2003) and firstly used in data assimilation by Wood et al. (2003).
The derivation of sensible heat flux H requires the solution of a set of three equations:
where L is the Obukhov length, ρ is the air density, cp is the specific heat capacity at constant pressure, θv is the virtual potential temperature, u* is the friction velocity, k = 0.4 is von Karman’s constant, g is the gravitational acceleration, u is the horizontal wind speed, z is the reference height, d0 is the zero plane displacement height, z(0,m) and z(0,h) are the roughness heights for momentum and heat transfer, respectively, Ψm and Ψh are the stability correction functions for momentum flux and heat flux, respectively, and θ0 and θa are the surface potential temperature and the air potential temperature, respectively. L, u* and H are the three unknown variables in Eqs. (21)–(23). Due to the implicit functional relationship of L, u* and H, these three unknown variables were solved via iteration (Ge et al., 2019). After H was worked out, the LE can be directly calculated as the remainder term of the surface energy balance equation (Su, 2002).
3.5. Statistical indices for ground validation
In order to examine the accuracy in land surface characteristic parameter retrieval and turbulent heat flux estimation, four statistical indices, RMSE (root-mean-square error), MB (mean bias), MAE (mean absolute error), and R (Pearson correlation coefficient) were used:-->
4.1. Validation of broadband albedo and LST
Scatterplots of the FY-4A retrieved broadband albedo and LST against TORP in-situ measurements are shown in Figs. 3a and b. The RMSE, MB, MAE and R of broadband albedo retrieval were 0.0309, ?0.0003, 0.0229 and 0.683, respectively. From Fig. 3a, we can find clusters of points indicating different ground validation stations. Of these three stations, at NADORS the FY-4A estimates were in best accordance with the TORP measurements, which may result from the much more homogeneous underlying surface of NADORS. The broadband albedo at SETORS, which is located in a highly vegetated region, was the smallest relatively, and the satellite estimates showed a slight overestimation. Meanwhile, at the sparsely vegetated QOMS, the situation was just the opposite. The systematic underestimation of broadband albedo at QOMS may result in the slightly negative MB, while overall the broadband albedo retrieval showed a relatively small RMSE. The RMSE, MB, MAE and R of LST retrieval were 3.85 K, 0.19 K, 3.24 K and 0.962, respectively. The MB showed a slight overestimation of LST, which may possibly be due to the overestimation in low values at NADORS. We also validated the MOD11C1 daily LST product against the TORP measurements in April 2018 over the TP, which is shown in Fig. 3c. The results show that the RMSE of LST was 6.56 K, and the MB was ?0.20 K. The accuracy of LST retrieved from FY-4A/AGRI was superior than that from MOD11C1, which also verified that the universal algorithm may not work well for the TP. Generally, the small RMSEs of broadband albedo and LST retrieval verified the applicability of the regression scheme based on FY-4A/AGRI over the TP. Thus, the retrieved broadband albedo and LST were further used to calculate the SWU and LWU, respectively, whose estimation accuracy may largely depend on the retrieval of broadband albedo and LST.Figure3. Validation of the (a) land surface broadband albedo and (b) LST retrieved by FY-4A/AGRI and (c) LST retrieved by MOD11C1 against the TORP in-situ measurements.
4.2. Validation of radiation flux components and turbulent heat fluxes
Scatterplots of the estimated SWD, SWU, LWD and LWU against TORP in-situ measurements are displayed in Figs. 4a–d. It is noted that the estimated SWD was directly obtained from the CLDAS-V2.0 product, and the LWD was also directly calculated from the air temperature, air pressure and specific humidity of CLDAS-V2.0 [Eq. (17) and Eq. (12)]. The RMSE and MB of SWD were 138.87 W m?2 and 45.69 W m?2, and those of LWD were 51.55 W m?2 and ?41.17 W m?2, indicating that the CLDAS-V2.0 product may have an overestimation for SWD and an underestimation for LWD. The MB of SWD may mainly result from the overestimation in low values at SETORS, and the large MB of LWD may be due to the underestimation of air temperature in CLDAS-V2.0. From Fig. 4, it can be seen that the biases in SWD, SWU and LWD were all largest at SETORS station, which may result from its geolocation situation with heterogeneous land cover. SETORS station lies in a valley basin surrounded by mountains. The nearest CLDAS-V2.0 grid point to SETORS station has a higher elevation than the station. Therefore, the CLDAS-V2.0 air temperature at the grid scale was relatively lower than the point measurements, contributing to an underestimation in LWD [Eq. (17)]. Additionally, SETORS is humid and cloudy all year round. We speculate that, due to the presence of clouds, the in-situ SWD is weakened while the in-situ LWD is strengthened compared with CLDAS-V2.0 data. The SWD and LWD were both directly obtained as discussed above, while the SWU and LWU were both derived with the FY-4A data involved. The RMSE and MB of SWU were 32.78 W m?2 and 9.43 W m?2, and those of LWU were 17.92 W m?2 and ?0.15 W m?2, revealing a slight overestimation of SWU and a nearly unbiased estimation of LWU. Compared with SWD and LWD, the relatively smaller RMSEs and MBs of SWU and LWU verified the accuracy of broadband albedo and LST retrieval from another point of view.Figure4. Validation of the (a) downwelling shortwave radiation flux, (b) upwelling shortwave radiation flux, (c) downwelling longwave radiation flux and (d) upwelling longwave radiation flux against the TORP in-situ measurements.
Scatterplots of FY-4A estimated Rn, H and LE against TORP in-situ measurements are shown in Figs. 5a–c. The RMSE and MB of Rn were 58.88 W m?2 and 12.24 W m?2. From Fig. 5a we can see a precise estimate of nighttime Rn, while the daytime Rn at both sites, especially at QOMS, was generally overestimated, which may result in the positive MB. Additionally, on the MB of Rn, the overestimation of SWD and underestimation of LWD discussed above may have offset each other. The RMSE and MB of H were 82.56 W m?2 and ?31.65 W m?2, and those of LE were 72.46 W m?2 and 31.60 W m?2, depicting an underestimation of H and an overestimation of LE. From Fig. 5b, the negative MB of H was mainly due to the systematic underestimation during nighttime. According to the surface energy balance equation (Kustas and Norman, 1997; Su, 2002), the underestimation of H results in the overestimation of LE, which may explain the abnormal high points during nighttime in Fig. 5c and the positive MB of LE. Chen et al. (2019) also pointed out that the underestimation of H and the overestimation of LE may result from the overestimation of kB?1 in the SEBS model. Additionally, the diurnal cycles of kB?1 may also contribute to the nighttime underestimation and daytime overestimation of H, which will be focused upon in our future studies for some possible model improvements. Moreover, the spatial resolutions of CLDAS-V2.0 and FY-4A data are 0.0625° (~7 km) and 4 km, respectively (the FY-4A retrieved 4 km LST was upscaled to a 0.0625° grid to match the air temperature data of CLDAS-V2.0), while the “ground truths” of TORP in-situ measurements can only represent a spatial scale of approximately 10–100 m. The scale difference of air temperature between TORP measurements and CLDAS-V2.0 reanalysis data, and the scale difference of LST between TORP measurements and FY-4A satellite data, may both contribute to the day/night discrepancies of H estimation. We are going to use the polar-orbiting satellite data with higher spatial resolution as a bridge to reduce the scale differences for better estimation of H in our future studies. Moreover, due to the surface energy balance closure problem (Foken, 2008; Zhong et al., 2009; Leuning et al., 2012), the sum of G, H and LE is generally less than Rn, and thus when the LE is derived as the remainder term of the surface energy balance equation, this derived LE is usually higher than its actual value.
Figure5. Validation of the (a) net radiation flux, (b) sensible heat flux and (c) latent heat flux estimated by FY-4A/AGRI against the TORP in-situ measurements.
4.3. Spatial distributions for diurnal variations of LST and turbulent heat fluxes
The spatial distribution of the diurnal variation of LST in April 2018 is shown in Fig. 6. Since the nighttime LST changes slowly, Fig. 6 only displays the diurnal variation in the daytime, i.e. 0800–1900 (Local Standard Time). We can see that the LST over the TP varied from 250 K to 310 K, generally reaching a maximum at 1300. The southeastern TP was the high-value zone of LST throughout the day, which may result from the effect of excessive atmospheric WVC compared with the whole TP in the split-window algorithm for LST retrieval. Additionally, the LST over the Qaidam basin depicted distinctive characteristics, which basically maintained as a high-value zone compared with the surrounding regions, especially at noon. This phenomenon may result from its low-lying terrain and desert environment. Generally, the LST over the TP presented a rapid hourly variability, which was especially distinct in the heating processes over the Qaidam basin as well as the mountainous regions of the southwestern TP from 1100 to 1300 and the cooling processes over the central TP from 1400 to 1700. The hourly variations of LST over these regions can exceed 10 K, which revealed the unique thermodynamic property of the TP.Figure6. Diurnal variation of the LST over the TP in April 2018 retrieved from FY-4A/AGRI.
The spatial distributions of the diurnal variations of Rn, H and LE in April 2018 are shown in Figs. 7–9, which also only exhibit the daytime diurnal variations due to the slight changes of turbulent heat fluxes at night. The Rn varied from ?200 W m?2 to 800 W m?2, displaying a distinct high-value zone in the central TP. Besides, the low-value zone in the southeastern TP was likely due to the higher LST in this region, which can further derive a higher LWU. The ranges of H and LE were from ?200 W m?2 to 500 W m?2 and ?100 W m?2 to 400 W m?2, respectively, overall with H larger than LE over the whole TP in April. Similar to Rn, the high-value zones of H were mainly situated in the central TP, while LE presented a relatively slighter diurnal variation, which for the majority of the TP region varied from 0 to 300 W m?2. Additionally, the low-value zone in the southeastern TP may be influenced by two factors: the Rn and the atmospheric WVC. In the southeastern TP, the lower Rn may outstrip the excessive atmospheric WVC, which ultimately resulted in a relatively low LE. Overall, both the Rn and H exhibited swift hourly variations, especially in their enhancements over the central and northeastern TP from 1100 to 1400. Compared with Rn and H, a relatively subtler hourly variation of LE can also be discerned over the central and eastern TP from 1000 to 1200.
Figure7. Diurnal variation of the land surface Rn over the TP in April 2018 estimated from FY-4A/AGRI.
In previous studies, surface turbulent heat fluxes were mainly estimated using polar-orbiting satellites including MODIS and AVHRR with coarse spatial resolution, as well as ASTER and Landsat with fine spatial resolution. Contrary to studies based on MODIS and AVHRR (Ma et al., 2011, 2014), FY-4A/AGRI provides far more scenes for ground validation. Compared with studies based on ASTER and Landsat, FY-4A/AGRI supplies hourly-scale turbulent heat flux estimation over the entire TP (Ma et al., 2006; Han et al., 2016; Ge et al., 2019). Studies based on geostationary satellites are much fewer. Oku et al. (2007) applied Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (GMS)-5 data for surface heat flux estimation, while the western TP was not covered via GMS-5. Zhong et al. (2019) first applied the FY-2C/SVISSR data to estimate the hourly surface turbulent heat fluxes over the entire TP. The annual mean spatial distributions of H and LE showed that the central and western TP were the high-value zones of H, while those of LE were mainly located in the southern and eastern TP. From Figs. 8–9, it can also be seen that the spatial distributions of H and LE have a contrary and complementary pattern. Compared with the findings of Zhong et al. (2019), the results in this study can draw a similar conclusion. Overall, the accuracy of surface heat flux estimation in this study is superior to that of Oku et al. (2007), and is at a comparable level with Zhong et al. (2019). Owing to the high temporal resolutions of FY-4A/AGRI and CLDAS-V2.0 data, the delicate hourly variabilities of LST and land surface turbulent heat fluxes can be clearly identified.
Figure8. Diurnal variation of the land surface H over the TP in April 2018 estimated from FY-4A/AGRI.
Figure9. Diurnal variation of the land surface LE over the TP in April 2018 estimated from FY-4A/AGRI.