1.Key Laboratory of Middle Atmosphere and Global Environment Observation, Institute of Atmospheric Physic, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 2.The School of Earth Science, Chinese Academy of Science University, Beijing 100049, China 3.Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China 4.Meteorological Observation Center of the China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China 5.Xiamen Meteorological Service, Xiamen 361013, China Manuscript received: 2021-01-04 Manuscript revised: 2021-02-09 Manuscript accepted: 2021-02-19 Abstract:The solar-powered marine unmanned surface vehicle (USV) developed by the USV team of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics is a rugged, long-duration, and autonomous navigation vessel designed for the collection of long-range, continuous, real-time, meteorological and oceanographic measurements, especially under extreme sea conditions (sea state 6–7). These solar-powered USVs completed a long-term continuous navigation observation test over 26 days. During this time, they coordinated double-USV observations and actively navigated into the path of Typhoon Sinlaku (2020) before collecting data very close to its center during the 2020 USV South China Sea Typhoon Observation Experiment. Detailed high temporal resolution (1 min) real-time observations collected by the USV on the typhoon were used for operational typhoon forecasting and warning for the first time. As a mobile meteorological and oceanographic observation station capable of reliable, automated deployment, data collection, and transmission, such solar-powered USVs can replace traditional observation platforms to provide valuable real-time data for research, forecasting, and early warnings for potential marine meteorological disasters. Keywords: solar-powered unmanned surface vehicle, typhoon, meteorological and oceanographic observation 摘要:中科院大气所无人船研发团队研制的太阳能无人艇是一款长航时的自动驾驶气象观测船,能够获得长时间连续的实时大气和海洋观测数据;在恶劣的海洋环境下(6~7级海况)也能完成无人探测。在2020年无人艇南海观测期间,太阳能无人艇完成了连续的长航时航行测试(26天)和双艇协同观测试,并主动航行至2020年第三号台风“森拉克”路径上,获得了非常接近台风中心的实时观测数据。无人艇获取的高时间分辨率(1分钟)实时观测数据第一次应用于台风预报预警的业务工作。作为移动的大气海洋观测站,无人艇可以自动部署、自动观测和自动传输,未来可以替代传统的观测平台获取非常有价值的海上实时观测数据,应用于海洋灾害性天气的研究、预报和早期预警等工作中。 关键词:太阳能无人艇, 台风, 大气和海洋观测
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2. Introduction to IAP USV and specifications The main technical challenges faced by USV in acquiring long-term meteorological and oceanographic observations in the deep ocean include improving its long-term persistence and increasing its survivability under extreme sea conditions, especially during the passage of typhoons/hurricanes (US DOD, 2013). Therefore, the IAP USV team developed two types of long-term unmanned autonomous marine meteorological observation USVs, which are the solar-powered USV and the diesel-powered unmanned semi-submersible vehicle (USSV). From 2017 to 2020, the USV and USSV have completed dozens of sea tests and trials, and have sailed thousands of kilometers in total. The world's first rocketsonde was launched from the USSV in 2017 (Chen et al., 2019b). The IAP USV is a long-term, rugged, and unmanned autonomous navigation vessel (Fig. 1). The USV can automatically deploy, collect and transmit observations, and can complete unmanned measurements under extreme sea conditions. Details about the USV design and performance are provided in Table 1. The vessel can carry a payload of 20 kg for an automatic weather station (AWS), sea surface temperature (SST) and seawater salinity sensors, wave sensors, and pyranometers. China’s Beidou communication satellites allow for the measured data to be automatically transmitted to the ground control center, where high temporal resolution temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind direction, wind speed, SST, seawater salinity, and total shortwave radiation can be obtained in real-time. The technical specifications of meteorological and hydrological sensors are shown in Table 2. Figure1. The IAP solar-powered USV conducted sea trials in a sea area near Tanmen Port of Hainan Island in June 2020.
Technical parameters
The solar-powered USV
Observation modes
Navigation mode, positioning mode, drifting mode
80 kg
4.6 m×2.0 m×1.2 m
3–5 knots
30 days
Positioning accuracy
10 m
20 kg
Beidou satellite communication
Data interface
Solar energy/24 V
Power consumption
400 W
Sea states
Communication frequency
1–60 mins (adjustable)
Observation parameters
Temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind direction, wind speed, SST, salinity, and total shortwave radiation
Table1. Main technical parameters of the solar-powered USV.
Observation parameters
Technical specifications (range and accuracy)
?25°C?55°C, 0.2°C
Air pressure
850?1150 hPa, 0.5 hPa
Relative humidity
0?100%, ±3%
Wind speed
0?40 m s?1, 1 m s?1
Wind direction
0°?360°, 2°?5°
Total shortwave radiation
0?2000 W m?2, 3%
Seawater temperature
?5°C?35°C, 0.01°C
0?80 mS cm?1, 0.01 mS cm?1
Table2. Technical specifications of the meteorological and hydrological observation parameters
Compared with traditional meteorological and oceanographic observation platforms such as buoys, the main technical advantages of the USV are as follows: (1) Automatic deployment, collection, and transmission of data. (2) Powered by solar energy, the USV can carry out long-term and long-range continuous meteorological and oceanographic observations. (3) The semi-submersible structure minimizes the effect of waves on vehicle motion, making the USV very stable and allowing it to survive and collect data under extreme sea conditions (sea state 6–7). (4) Real-time acquisition and Beidou satellite transmission of high temporal resolution (up to one minute) observations. The main components of the USV system are the USV hull, USV control system, power system, communication system, meteorological and hydrological observation loads, auxiliary unit, and a ground control center. A block diagram of the system is shown in Fig. 2. The meteorological and hydrological sensors were calibrated before and after the observation experiment. The USV can be self-righting, semi-submerged, and has a high waterproof grade, and can work under severe sea conditions (sea state 6–7). The onboard control system can preset and change the navigation route and observation mode via presets and real-time commands issued with the communication system from the ground control center. The communication system transmits control commands and observation data in real time through the Beidou satellite array. The USV platform can carry different types of meteorological and oceanographic observation instruments according to the observation mission. The ground control center monitors the working state of the USV in real time, sends control commands, and receives and stores observation data. Figure2. Block diagram of the USV meteorological and oceanographic observation system.