--> --> --> -->2.1. Data
The data used in this study were obtained from the China Meteorological Administration. They include the monthly mean surface AT records (recorded at a height of 1.5 m), the monthly mean ST records at the five layers of 0 cm, 40 cm, 80 cm, 160 cm and 320 cm (ST0, ST40, ST80, ST160, ST320, respectively), the sunshine duration (SSD), and the snow depth (SD). All the data cover the period from 1960 to 2013.Due to the serious lack of long-term ST data, we barely found enough stations with all meteorological elements recorded. Hence, we used a criterion that, for each element, only those stations with no more than 5.5% missing data during 1960?2013 were selected. The numbers of selected stations for the AT, ST0, ST40, ST80, ST160, ST320, SD and SSD were 2038, 1549, 239, 150, 23, 19, 550 and 1932, respectively. Northeastern China was defined as the region covering (40°?55°N, 122°?135°E). The number of stations with ST data decreased sharply from ST0 to ST320, but there were still eight stations for ST320 in northeastern China. Before analysis, the gaps in the time series caused by the missing data were filled using a simple linear interpolation algorithm.
2.2. Methods
32.2.1. Linear analysis
Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to identify the linear relations between different variables. The temporal changes of the correlations between different pairs of variables were also revealed by linear correlation in a sliding 15-year window, and the time steps of each sliding were 1 year. In addition, within each 15-year window, least-squares linear trends were also fitted (denoted as 15-year trends) to detect turning points of the trends.3
2.2.2. Nonlinear causality analysis
We used convergent cross mapping (CCM) and its time-lagged version (time-lagged CCM) to identify variables that cause the variations in ST. This analysis method is effective in detecting whether variables are coupled in a nonlinear system, and their causality (Sugihara et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2018b; Zhang et al., 2019). Moreover, it can reveal the time delay if the variables are delay-coupled. Brief introductions to CCM and time-lagged CCM are given in the following two subsections.3 CCM
Suppose we have two observational variables from a complex system, denoted as X and Y. CCM considers that if Y causes X, then the information of Y can be encoded in the nonlinear system attractor of X. Thus, by using an algorithm called cross mapping, the attractor of X is able to reconstruct the time series of Y (Sugihara et al., 2012). The cross mapping from X to Y can be carried out according to the following steps (Tsonis et al., 2018):(i) Based on Takens’ theorem (Takens, 1981), we first use the time series of X (with data length L) to reconstruct the nonlinear system attractor of X, which is represented by the vector
(ii) Before using the attractor of
(iii) According to Tsonis et al. (2018), Y at time t can be estimated by
Then, we can calculate the cross mapping skill (Sugihara et al., 2012) that quantifies how close the estimated value
Likewise, the cross mapping skill from Y to X can also be measured referring to the above steps, labeled as
CCM is an effective method for detecting the causality in a coupled nonlinear system; however, one should note that there are limitations, especially under the circumstance of strong coupling. As previously reported (Sugihara et al., 2012; McCracken and Weigel, 2014; M?nster et al., 2016, 2017; Ma et al., 2018), the non-zero cross mapping skill may not reflect the real coupling direction in the presence of strong coupling or even intermediate coupling. Using CCM, it may not be easy to distinguish the real causality relations from the symmetric coupling. Furthermore, the existence of noise may also reduce the cross mapping skill. Therefore, the detected causality from the CCM needs to be considered with caution, and its time-lagged version, the time-lagged CCM, is sometimes required.
3 Time-lagged CCM
Time-lagged CCM performs better in detecting causality relations in the presence of a strong coupling effect and random noise and can further estimate the delay effect of causal interaction, according to Ye et al. (2015). When detecting a causal influence from Y(t + tp) to X(t) (tp denotes the time lag and accepts both 0, positive and negative values) in a delayed-coupled system, it is assumed that the information of Y(t + tp) has been encoded to X(t), so that the value of Y(t + tp) can be reconstructed from X(t) (Takens, 1981; Ye et al., 2015). Following the computation algorithm of the CCM, one can use X(t) to cross map Y(t + tp) with different values of tp, and estimate the cross mapping skillAs suggested in Ye et al. (2015), the causal relationship between two variables can be identified according to the following new criterion of causal inference: (i) if the maximum of
3.1. Impact strengths and time lags of the AT on the underlying ST
The AT variability can propagate downward to the deep soil layers (Beltrami and Kellman, 2003; Hu and Feng, 2005; Chudinova et al., 2006), but the signal decays during the propagation, and the significance of the AT effects on the ST in deep layers is doubtful. Compared to the time-lagged linear correlation analysis (Fig. S4 in the ESM), time-lagged CCM can distinguish the true causal relationship from the phenomenon of synchrony even if the variables are nonlinearly coupled (Sugihara et al., 2012; Ye et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2018b). Before the analysis of the causality from the AT to the STs, we first tested whether nonlinear processes were reflected in the time series of the variables of interest. As shown in Fig. S5 and Fig. S6 in the ESM, using simplex projection (Sugihara and May, 1990) the optimal embedding dimension (E) was calculated. Then, using the S-map method (Sugihara, 1994) based on this E, we found the time series of both the AT and the STs have nonlinear signals, suggesting that nonlinear causal inference analysis (CCM or its time-lagged version) is necessary. Accordingly, based on the monthly anomaly time series (data length: 648 months), time-lagged CCM was thus employed to detect the strength (the maximum of the cross mapping skills for different time lags in time-lagged CCM) and the time lag of the impacts of the monthly AT on the ST at different layers. As shown in Fig. 1, the AT impacts on the ST are regionally different. With the increase in depth, the impact intensity decays rapidly, but the cross mapping skills of the CCM at all layers are statistically significant at the 99% confidence level (first column in Fig. 1). It takes time for the signals from the AT to propagate downward to the soil layers. At the depth of 40 cm, the responses of the ST to the AT variability at most stations are either “synchronous” or have one-month lags (right-hand column in Fig. 1). Only at several stations in northeastern China and northern Xinjiang province is the time taken to propagate downward to 40 cm longer than one month. It is worth noting that the detected “synchronization” is actually limited by the temporal resolution (i.e., monthly) of the data, as the time-lagged CCM cannot detect time lags shorter than one month. For more precise information, datasets with higher temporal resolution (e.g., daily) are required. With the depth increasing, the time lags increase from around one month at 40 cm to even ten months at some stations at 320 cm. Note that the AT and ST are weakly coupled in northeastern China. The cross mapping skills in this region are obviously smaller than in other regions. This may be a result of the fact that the influences of the AT take more time to propagate downward to the deep soil layers, and thus the intensity decays more. However, the mechanisms for this phenomenon are still unclear. It may be related to the soil type, but further studies are needed.Figure1. Cross mapping skills of the CCM between the AT and the ST at different layers (ST40, ST80, ST160, ST320) (left-hand column) and the cross mapping lag for the response of the STs to the variations in the AT (right-hand column; units: months). Cross mapping skills of the CCM at all stations are statistically significant at the 99% confidence level.
3.2. Impacts of AT versus the impacts of soil memory from the previous season
Since the impacts of AT decay with the increase in depth, one may ask whether its impacts still dominate the variations of the ST at deeper layers. Particularly, in view of the strong soil memory in deep layers, is there a depth where the effects of soil memory become more important? To answer this question, the impact intensities of the AT and the soil memory on the ST in different seasons were compared in terms of the CCM coefficientFigure2. Cross mapping skills of the CCM between the STs and (i) the AT (black dashed line) and (ii) the STs in the previous season (blue dashed line). The right-hand column shows the results with all stations included, while the left-hand column excludes the stations in northeastern China. Above the red dashed line indicates the greater than 95% confidence level. MAM, March?May; JJA, June?August; SON, September?October; DJF, December?February.
4.1. Comparison of the AT and ST trends in different seasons
During the first decade of the 21st century there was a warming slowdown in the global mean surface temperature. When different seasons are considered, however, the hiatus did not occur everywhere. In the last section, significant AT impacts on the subsurface ST were found at all stations and all soil layers. Therefore, the ST trends are supposed to be similar to the AT trends, regardless of warming or cooling. As shown in Fig. S8 in the ESM, the spatial distribution of the AT and ST trends are similar in spring, summer and autumn. As for winter, however, the cooling trends of the AT in northeastern China have not been replicated by the STs in this region. On the contrary, continuous warming trends in the STs from 0 cm to 320 cm can be seen during the warming hiatus period (Fig. 3).Figure3. Linear trends of the AT and STs (ST0, ST40, ST80, ST160, ST320) in winter (first column) and spring (second column) from 1998 to 2013. The spatial averages over northeastern China are shown in the third (winter) and fourth (spring) columns. “trend1” indicates the temperature changes from 1960 to 2013 and “trend2” shows the results from 1998 to 2013. “*” indicates the trends are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. The curves are the time series of the anomalous AT and STs in northeastern China (right-hand vertical axis of the panels in the third and fourth columns; units: °C). The bars show the trends calculated from the sliding 15-year windows [left-hand vertical axis of panels in the third and fourth columns; units: °C (10 yr)?1].
For a closer look of the trends, the third column of Fig. 3 shows the time series of the winter AT and winter ST at different depths averaged over northeastern China. It is clear that they all have similar trends from 1960, but since 1998, the trends between the AT and the ST display opposite signs (Fig. 3). A dramatic increase in ST0 is apparent from 1998 to 2013, and this is mainly attributable to the change in the observational infrastructure in 2005. Before 2005, the winter surface ST was usually measured manually on the bare ground. After the use of automatic measurement instruments in 2005, however, the ST0 was measured automatically even when the ground was snow covered. Thus, higher temperatures may be measured after 2005 (Xu et al., 2019). In spite of this, however, the ST0 still increases after 2005, and this warming cannot be explained by the change in the observational infrastructure. With increased depth, the ST trend becomes weaker. For the ST40, ST80, ST160 and ST320 layers, the linear trends from 1998 to 2013 are 0.544°C (10 yr)?1, 0.472°C (10 yr)?1, 0.071°C (10 yr)?1 and 0.15°C (10 yr)?1, respectively. To identify the start time of the warming trend, 15-year trends of the ST were calculated. It was found that the trends of ST40 and ST80 experienced a negative-to-positive change at the beginning of the 21st century, while those of ST160 and ST320 have been positive since the mid-1970s. This implies that the warming of the soil below 160 cm from 1998 to 2013 may be part of a persistent warming at a longer time scale. In other words, the physical processes related to the wintertime ST variability seem to vary with depth.
When spring comes, the situation becomes completely different. The trend deviations between the AT and the ST almost disappear in northeastern China. Except for the ST at 320 cm, decreasing trends in ST are found at most stations in northeastern China, as well as in the spatial averages during the warming hiatus period (Fig. 3). The 15-year trends further reveal a positive-to-negative change at the beginning of the 21st century.
4.2. Potential reasons for the soil warming
To understand the observed warming trend of the ST at different layers in winter, potential factors including the SD (the SD exceeds 4 cm in northeastern China, as shown in Fig. S9 in the ESM), the AT, the autumn ST, and the SSD were first studied using linear correlation analysis (Fig. 4). Considering the inhomogeneity of the ST0 (see previous section), in this section we only focus on the subsurface ST from 40 cm to 320 cm. The weak coupling between the AT and the ST in northeastern China was reconfirmed by the nonsignificant linear correlation coefficients (first column in Fig. 4). The SSD was found to be closely related with the ST40, but the correlation is negative, reflecting indirect relations between the SSD and the ST40. The effects of AT and SSD seem to be blocked by the effects of the snow cover, as significant positive correlations between the ST and the SD were found at the depths of 40 cm and 80 cm. The 15-year sliding correlations further indicate that the positive relations between the SD and the ST were stable in the past four decades and became more significant after the mid-1990s. This finding may be related to the insulation effect of the thicker snow cover. As reported in Zhang (2005), an increase in SD by 5 to 15 cm can lead to a 1°C increase in ground temperature. In the past few decades, large-scale wintertime cooling and increased snowfall over Eurasia have been found (Cohen et al., 2012; Tang et al., 2013; Luo et al., 2017). In this context, the SD in northeastern China has become thicker, and the spatial pattern of the SD increasing trend (Fig. S9) was found to be similar to the ST trends at the layers of 40 cm and 80 cm. Moreover, the 15-year trends of the SD in northeastern China also reveal a negative-to-positive change at the beginning of the 21st century (figure not shown). These facts support the inference that the thicker snow cover may contribute to the warmer ST at these two layers.Figure4. The curves show the 15-year sliding correlation coefficients between the winter ST and four variables in northeastern China: the AT (first column), SSD (second column), SD (third column) and autumn ST (fourth column). Above the upper red line or below the bottom red line indicates the correlation coefficients are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. The bars show the correlation coefficients from 1960 to 2013. The solid bars indicate the correlation coefficients are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. All correlation coefficients were calculated after removing the trends of the time series.
With the increase in depth, the correlations between the ST and the SD become nonsignificant, but the ST memory gradually starts to dominate. At the depth of 160 cm, the ST in autumn was found to be closely related to the ST in winter, but the 15-year sliding correlations reveal significant correlations only before 1980. For the ST at 320 cm, the memory from the previous season seems to have bigger impacts, as the correlation coefficients between the ST in autumn and the ST in winter are consistently significant over the past few decades. Accordingly, the memory effects from autumn may be important for the winter ST at deep layers. It is worth noting, however, that the persistent impact from autumn seems to mainly contribute to the interannual variations of the winter ST. It may not be possible to explain the slightly increasing trends of the winter ST at 160 cm and 320 cm by the memory effect from autumn, as the autumn ST at 160 cm and 320 cm does not exhibit increasing trends in northeastern China during the warming hiatus (Fig. S8).
Due to the time series of the SD (seasonal data) having nonlinear signals (Fig. S10 in the ESM), to further confirm the effects of the SD and the soil memory on the variations in ST at different layers, in the rest of this section the CCM method was applied (Fig. S11 in the ESM). In line with the results of linear correlation analysis (Fig. 4), the causal effects of the SD on the ST40 and ST80 in winter are remarkable, with the cross mapping skills nearly converging to 0.4 and 0.3, respectively. As for the ST at deeper layers, however, the cross mapping skills between the SD and the ST160 (ST320) almost vanish, indicating no causal effects. To rule out the potential biases induced by the drawbacks of the CCM (see Methods section), we further applied the PAI method (McCracken and Weigel, 2014) to check the causal relations detected by the CCM. As shown in Fig. S12 in the ESM, the causal effects of the SD on the winter ST at shallower layers (i.e., 40 cm and 80 cm) are confirmed well, without doubt. Regarding the effect of the soil memory on the winter ST, the CCM analysis indicates that the autumn ST has significant impacts on the winter ST at 320 cm, with the cross mapping skill nearly converging to 0.75. As for the ST at 160 cm, the CCM analysis does not infer a certain causality between the autumn ST and the winter ST, as the cross mapping skill is not convergent, indicating this depth might be a transition layer where the ST is influenced by the combined effects of both the snow cover and the soil memory.