1.State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 2.College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Manuscript received: 2020-02-13 Manuscript revised: 2020-07-22 Manuscript accepted: 2020-09-02 Abstract:Utilizing three different sets of reanalysis data, this study examines the long- and short-lived observed positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) events (referred to as NAO+_LE and NAO+_SE) and long- and short-lived observed negative NAO events (referred to as NAO?_LE and NAO?_SE). Composite results indicate that the NAO-like circulation anomalies associated with the long-lived NAO events can reach the stratosphere, while they are primarily confined to the troposphere in the short-lived NAO events. Thus, the coupling/connection of stratospheric and tropospheric circulation anomalies is much better (worse) in the long-lived (short-lived) NAO events. A series of modified stratospheric initial-value experiments conducted with a simplified model indicate that a better (worse) connection between stratospheric and tropospheric circulation anomalies in the initial-value fields tend to gradually induce the NAO-like tropospheric circulation anomalies in the troposphere on the subsequent days, and thus naturally elongate (reduce) the lifetimes of the original NAO events by altering the tropospheric synoptic eddy vorticity flux over the North Atlantic region. Keywords: North Atlantic Oscillation, lifetimes, stratosphere, eddy forcing 摘要:利用三套不同的再分析资料,本文研究了观测的北大西洋涛动(NAO)的长生命和短生命事件。合成的结果表明,长生命NAO事件的环流异常可以上探到平流层,而短生命NAO事件的环流异常则主要局限于对流层。因此,平流层和对流层的联系/耦合在长(短)生命的NAO事件中更为紧密(疏远)。利用一个简单大气模式运行的一组改变NAO事件的平流层初值场的实验表明,在初值场中,联系更为紧密(疏远)的平流层和对流层,通过影响对流层天气涡旋强迫,能够逐渐导致在随后的对流层中出现和原先NAO事件符号相同(相反)且空间结构类似的环流异常。这将自然地延长(缩短)原先NAO事件的生命期。 关键词:北大西洋涛动, 生命期, 平流层, 涡旋强迫
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2.1. Data
Three sets of reanalysis daily data are employed in this study. They are: the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) Reanalysis-1 data (Kalnay et al., 1996; denoted as NCEP1 hereafter); the 40-yr European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Re-analysis data (Uppala et al., 2005; denoted as ERA-40 hereafter); and the fifth generation of ECMWF atmospheric reanalyses of the global climate [Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), 2017; denoted as ERA5 hereafter]. The horizontal resolution of all three sets of data is 2.5° × 2.5°. In the vertical direction, NCEP1 (ERA-40 and ERA5) have 17 (23) levels spanning from 1000 to 10 (1) hPa. For calculation convenience, we remove 29 February of each leap year in these data. NCEP, ERA-40 and ERA5 cover 62 boreal winters (December–January) from 1948/49 to 2009/10 (5580 days), 45 boreal winters from 1957/58 to 2001/02 (4050 days), and 39 boreal winters from 1979/80 to 2017/18 (3510 days), respectively. The daily anomaly of each calendar day in NCEP1, ERA-40 and ERA5 is defined as the departure from their multi-year averaged value at that day in those 62, 45 and 39 boreal winters.
2 2.2. Simplified model -->
2.2. Simplified model
This study also utilizes a modified version of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory dynamical core atmospheric model (Song, 2016). The observed storm tracks, background flows from troposphere to stratosphere, and the NAO’s dynamical properties in boreal winter can be realistically simulated in this model [see Figs. 1 and 2 of Song (2016)]. Using this model, an 8000-day perpetual-boreal-winter run① and some modified stratospheric initial-value experiments are conducted with a T42 horizontal resolution and vertical 20 evenly spaced sigma levels. Figure2. Time series of the daily NAO index (black thin curves) for individual positive and negative observed NAO events from lag ?10 to 10 day in NCEP1 (top row), ERA-40 (middle row), and ERA5 (bottom row). Red thick curves are their respective composite results. Sky blue dashed line denotes the value of 0.5 in the left-hand column and ?0.5 in the right-hand column.
2 2.3. NAO and NAO events -->
2.3. NAO and NAO events
In this study, we define the NAO pattern in the reanalysis data and the model’s 8000-day perpetual-boreal-winter run as the first empirical orthogonal function mode (EOF1) of their daily sea level pressure (SLP) anomalies over the North Atlantic region (20°–85°N, 90°W–50°E). To account for grid area reductions toward the pole, before performing the EOF analysis, we perform an area-weight calculation by multiplying the square root cosine latitude by the SLP anomalies. The corresponding normalized first principal component (PC1) is the daily NAO index. Their explained variance is 19.38% for NCEP1, 19.11% for ERA-40, 18.99% for ERA5, and 22.86% for the model. In this study, besides the SLP-based NAO index, the daily NAM/NAO index at 1000–10 hPa is also employed. The 1000–10 hPa NAM index is defined as the normalized PC1 of the geopotential height anomalies of each level over the Northern Hemisphere (NH; 0°–360°, 20°–90°N). Meanwhile, the 1000–10 hPa NAO index is acquired by projecting the daily geopotential height anomalies onto the SLP-based NAO index regressed geopotential height anomaly patterns at each level. Based on the daily NAO index, we can identify the positive and negative NAO events in the reanalysis data by adopting a three-step procedure as employed in Song (2019): (1) Search for the maximum (minimum) of the daily NAO index data in a boreal winter (11 December to 18 February). If the maximum (minimum) found is $ \geqslant $ 1.0 ($ \leqslant $ ?1.0), then it is believed that a positive (negative) NAO event has occurred. The maximum (minimum) day is denoted as lag 0 day of this positive (negative) NAO event. (2) Remove the NAO index from lag ?10 to 10 day of this NAO event from the daily NAO index of that winter. Lag?/+ x day represents x days before/after the lag 0 day. (3) Search for the next maximum (minimum) in the remaining daily NAO index data of that winter. This three-step procedure is repeatedly cycled until no more maximum (minimum) found is $\geqslant $ 1.0 ($ \leqslant $ ?1.0) in each boreal winter. Through this procedure, we identify 92, 67 and 54 positive NAO events, and 76, 54 and 47 negative NAO events in NCEP1, ERA-40 and ERA5, respectively. The peak day of each identified positive and negative NAO event in these three sets of data is marked in Fig. 1. It is clear that the temporal distribution of the identified NAO events is rather random. There is no evident seasonal preference for the presence of the NAO events. We also notice that, during the overlapping period of these three sets of data (the winters of 1979/80–2000/01), the peak days of the identified NAO events in these three sets of data are highly consistent. The peak days of the 62% positive NAO events identified in NCEP1 (23 out of 37 events) also agree in the other two datasets. For negative NAO events identified in NCEP1, this number is 76% (13 out of 17 events). These results indicate that our three-step procedure for identifying the NAO events is robust and reliable. The model’s 8000-day perpetual-boreal-winter run also uses a similar three-step procedure, resulting in 119 positive NAO events and 114 negative NAO events being identified.
3.1. Lifetimes
The daily NAO index of each positive and negative NAO event identified in the three sets of data and their corresponding composite time series from lag ?10 to 10 day are shown in Fig. 2. In this study, the definition of the lifetime of an observed positive (negative) NAO event parallels that of Song (2019). It is the number of days in which the NAO index is contiguously $\geqslant $ 0.5 ($ \leqslant $ ?0.5) before and after the mature day. Based on this lifetime definition, the composite time series of the daily NAO index of the NAO events shown in Fig. 2 indicate that the composite positive (negative) NAO events has a lifetime of 6 (10) days in NCEP1, 7 (10) days in ERA-40, and 9 (8) days in ERA5, respectively. The lifetimes of the composite positive and negative NAO events in these three sets of data shown in Fig. 2 only stand for their respective averaged lifetime. To obtain more complete information about the lifetimes of the observed NAO events, as in Song (2019), we also examine the percentage of occurrence of the NAO events with a specified lifetime from 3–21 days in these three sets of data. These results are shown in Fig. 3. It is clear that the percentages of occurrence of the NAO events with a specified lifetime in the three sets of data are different. In both NCEP1 and ERA-40, NAO events with a lifetime of 3–4 days are most likely to occur. About 30% of the positive or negative NAO events have that kind of synoptic-scale lifetime. For the rest of the NAO events, generally speaking, the longer the lifetime the smaller the occurrence frequency. However, it is still the case that more than 15% of the NAO events’ lifetimes are no less than 14 days. Meanwhile, in ERA5, instead of synoptic-scale NAO events whose lifetimes are about 3–4 days, NAO events with a weekly (5–9 days) lifetime occur most frequently (around 50%). The lifetimes of about 18% of NAO events are no shorter than 14 days. Accordingly, we can respectively select the long- and short-lived NAO events among the identified positive and negative NAO events in NCEP1, ERA-40 and ERA5 based on their lifetimes. First, the time series of the lifetimes of all of the positive NAO events in NCEP1, ERA-40 and ERA5 are respectively normalized. Then, 21, 15 and 12 (28, 22 and 14) positive NAO events are recognized as long-lived (short-lived) NAO events in NCEP1, ERA-40 and ERA5 if we take 0.8 (?0.8) standard deviations of the time series as a threshold. For the negative NAO events, we perform similar analyses and recognize 19, 13 and 9 (27, 19 and 14) long-lived (short-lived) negative NAO events in NCEP1, ERA-40 and ERA5, respectively. Hereafter, as in Song (2019), we abbreviate the long- and short-lived positive (negative) NAO events as NAO+_LE (NAO?_LE) and NAO+_SE (NAO?_SE). Figure 4 illustrates the time series of daily NAO index (black thin lines) of every long- and short-lived NAO event in the three sets of data from lag ?10 to 10 day. To depict their averaged temporal evolution, we also show the corresponding composite results of the time series of daily NAO index (red thick lines). Clearly, the averaged lifetime of the long-lived NAO events is greater than two weeks; whereas, the averaged lifetime of the short-lived NAO events is only around 4–5 days. Figure4. As in Fig. 2 except for the NAO+_LE (leftmost column), the NAO+_SE (left-middle column), the NAO?_LE (right-middle column), and the NAO?_ SE (rightmost column).
2 3.2. Composite circulation anomalies -->
3.2. Composite circulation anomalies
Next, we turn our attention to comparing and discussing the composite anomalous circulations associated with the long- and short-lived observed NAO events from the troposphere to stratosphere. Note that, in this subsection, we only show the composite anomalous circulations associated with the long- and short-lived NAO events in NCEP1, because the composite anomalous tropospheric and stratospheric circulations associated with the long- and short-lived NAO events in the three sets of data are highly similar.
3 3.2.1. Troposphere -->
3.2.1. Troposphere
Figure 5 demonstrates the 300-hPa NH composite geopotential height anomalies associated with NAO+_LE and NAO+_SE from lag ?10 to lag 10 day. Unsurprisingly, the most conspicuous difference between NAO+_LE and NAO+_SE is that the duration and intensity of the meridional dipolar circulation anomalies of the NAO over the North Atlantic region are much longer and stronger, respectively, in NAO+_LE. Besides that, we notice that the composite geopotential height anomalies are similar in shape but opposite in sign in the early stage of NAO+_LE and NAO+_SE. For NAO+_LE (NAO+_SE), there are significant negative (positive) geopotential height anomalies located at the high latitudes of the North Atlantic region, accompanied by a significant anomalous anticyclone (cyclone) in the northeastern Pacific domain (see Figs. 5a, b and 5l, m). Drouard et al. (2013) pointed out that the presence of this northeastern Pacific anomalous anticyclone (cyclone) might favor the emergence of the positive (negative) phase of the NAO through modulating the downstream propagating synoptic waves. Thus, the northeastern Pacific anomalous anticyclone (cyclone) might act as a favorable condition for the formation of NAO+_LE (NAO+_SE). Figure5. Composite anomalies of 300-hPa geopotential height for (a–k) NAO+_LE and (l–v) NAO+_SE, from lag ?10 to 10 day. Solid (dashed) contours represent positive (negative) values; zero contours are omitted. The contour interval is 50 gpm and composite results at the 95% confidence level are dotted.
Figure 6 is similar to Fig. 5, but shows the 300-hPa NH composite geopotential height anomalies associated with NAO?_LE and NAO?_SE from lag ?10 to lag 10 day. Unlike the positive NAO events, no significant geopotential height anomalies are found over the high latitudes of the North Atlantic region in the early stage of NAO?_LE and NAO?_SE (see Figs. 6a and l). In fact, we observe anomalous positive geopotential height over the high latitudes of Eurasia to the North Pacific region in the initial stage of NAO?_LE (see Figs. 6a and b). Meanwhile, for NAO?_SE, a “south positive–north negative” NPMD is found just before the emergence of the meridional dipole of the negative NAO. Note that Song (2019) proved that a presence of the “south positive–north negative” NPMD is not conducive to the formation of the negative NAO-like circulation anomalies over the North Atlantic region on the following days. Therefore, probably, the existence of this NPMD is helpful for the formation of NAO?_SE. Figure6. As in Fig.5 but for (a–k) NAO?_LE and (l–v) NAO?_SE.
3 3.2.2. Stratosphere -->
3.2.2. Stratosphere
In the last two decades, many studies have pointed out that the stratospheric circulation anomalies, especially for those related to the stratospheric polar vortex, can significantly impact the tropospheric circulation (Kidston et al., 2015; Waugh et al., 2017). Baldwin and Dunkerton (1999) showed that the signal of the stratospheric NAM/NAO could propagate downward to the surface in some circumstances, which might modulate the duration of the tropospheric NAM/NAO. This viewpoint is supported by results of some numerical experiments that, during the winter, the time scale of the annular mode in the troposphere is longer when the models have a dynamic active stratosphere (Gerber and Polvani, 2009; Simpson et al., 2011; Kim and Reichler, 2016). Thus, it is possible that the long- or short-lived NAO events are related to the states of the stratosphere. In order to compare the anomalous stratospheric circulations associated with the long- and short-lived NAO events, Fig. 7 shows the 20-hPa composite geopotential height anomalies associated with NAO+_LE and NAO+_SE from lag ?10 to lag 10 day in the NH. In the early stage of NAO+_LE, the spatial pattern of composite stratospheric geopotential height anomalies is a zonal wavenumber-1 structure, with positive anomalies over the North Pacific/North America and negative anomalies over the NH polar region (see Figs. 7a–c). On the following days, this zonal wavenumber-1 structure gradually evolves into a typical stratospheric positive NAO pattern, with a deeper NH polar vortex surrounded by midlatitude positive anomalies (see Figs. 7f–k). Meanwhile, the early stage of NAO+_SE corresponds to positive geopotential height anomalies over the North Atlantic region (see Figs. 7l–n), and then a large proportion of positive anomalies over the high latitudes of Eurasia and a small region of negative anomalies over North America are observed in the later stage. Similarly, Fig. 8 shows the 20-hPa composite geopotential height anomalies from lag ?10 to lag 10 day in the NH, but for NAO?_LE and NAO?_SE. Overall, the pattern and temporal evolution of the composite stratospheric geopotential height anomalies associated with NAO?_LE mirror the results of NAO+_LE but with reversed signs. In the early stage of NAO?_SE, there are negative stratospheric geopotential height anomalies over the high latitudes of North America and positive anomalies over the North Atlantic regions. Generally speaking, the composite stratospheric geopotential height anomalies associated with the later stage of NAO?_SE are relatively weak and less organized. Figure7. Composite anomalies of 20-hPa geopotential height for (a–k) NAO+_LE and (l–v) NAO+_SE, from lag ?10 to 10 day. Solid (dashed) contours represent positive (negative) values; zero contours are omitted. The contour interval is 50 gpm and composite results at the 95% confidence level are dotted.
Figure8. As in Fig.7 but for (a–k) NAO?_LE and (l–v) NAO?_SE.
To demonstrate the vertical structure of anomalous circulations associated with long- and short-lived NAO events, we also show the 1000–10-hPa composite geopotential height anomalies zonally averaged from 90°W–0° (North Atlantic sector) for NAO+_LE and NAO+_SE in Fig. 9, and for NAO?_LE and NAO?_SE in Fig. 10. Prior to the onset of NAO+_LE (NAO+_SE), there are quasi-barotropic negative (positive) stratospheric geopotential height anomalies peaking at 20 hPa and extending to the lower troposphere in the region north of 60°N. Then, along with the temporal evolution of NAO+_LE, those negative geopotential height anomalies become stronger and gradually descend to the surface, accompanied by positive geopotential height anomalies at midlatitudes, forming the classical quasi-barotropic NAO-like dipolar mode in the troposphere. Meanwhile, as NAO+_SE evolves, the positive stratospheric geopotential height anomalies associated with NAO+_SE become weaker. In the mature stage of NAO+_SE, the geopotential height anomalies are positive in the stratosphere and negative in the troposphere, which composes a baroclinic structure with opposite signs in the stratosphere and troposphere (see Figs. 9q and r). Generally speaking, the vertical patterns of the anomalous geopotential height associated with NAO?_LE (NAO?_SE) and their evolutions shown in Fig. 10 are similar to the results of NAO+_LE (NAO+_SE) shown in Fig. 9 but with reversed signs. Nevertheless, we notice that the stratospheric anomalies are barely detectable in the mature stage of NAO?_SE (see Fig. 10q). Figure9. Composite zonally averaged (90°W–0°) geopotential height anomalies for (a–k) NAO+_LE and (l–v) NAO+_SE, from lag ?10 to 10 day in latitude–height cross sections. Solid (dashed) contours represent positive (negative) values; zero contours are omitted, and the contour interval is 50 gpm.
Figure10. As Fig. 9 but for (a–k) NAO?_LE and (l–v) NAO?_SE.
3 3.2.3. 1000–10 hPa NAM/NAO index -->
3.2.3. 1000–10 hPa NAM/NAO index
The temporal evolution of the vertical structure of anomalous circulations associated with the long-lived NAO events shown in Figs. 9 and 10 remind us of the well-known downward propagation of stratospheric NAM/NAO-like circulation anomalies (Kidston et al., 2015; Waugh et al., 2017). One might argue that the long-lived NAO events are originated from the stratosphere. In order to provide a more comprehensive picture about the relationship between the stratospheric NAM/NAO and tropospheric NAM/NAO, we present the composite 1000–10 hPa NAM and NAO index during the lifecycle of long- and short-lived NAO events from lag ?10 to 10 day in Figs. 11 and 12, respectively. It is unsurprising to observe that the key results of Figs. 11 and 12 are highly similar, since the NAM index and the NAO index are closely related. Figure11. Composite NAM index between 1000 hPa and 10 hPa for NAO+_LE, NAO+_SE, NAO?_LE, and NAO?_SE. Solid (dashed) contours represent positive (negative) values; zero contours are in bold, and the contour interval is 0.1.
Figure12. As in Fig. 11 but showing the composite NAO index between 1000 hPa and 10 hPa.
We notice that the early stage (lag ?10 to lag ?4 day) of NAO+_LE and NAO+_SE (NAO?_LE and NAO?_SE) respectively corresponds to weak positive and negative (negative and positive) NAM/NAO index from the near-surface to the stratosphere. Thus, the results of Figs. 11 and 12 are closely consistent with the results of Figs. 9 and 10, in that the early stage of NAO+_LE and NAO?_SE (NAO+_SE and NAO?_LE) corresponds to stratospheric negative (positive) geopotential height anomalies over the North Atlantic region. Besides that, both NAO+_LE and NAO+_SE (NAO?_LE and NAO?_SE) are associated with evident positive (negative) NAM/NAO indices in their mature stage (lag ?3 to lag 3 day). However, the NAM/NAO indices associated with the observed long-lived NAO events can penetrate upward into the stratosphere. Meanwhile, the NAM/NAO indices associated with the observed short-lived NAO events tend to be confined to the troposphere. These results can also explain why there is a typical stratospheric NAO pattern in the later stage of the long-lived NAO events, while the geopotential height anomalies in the later stage of the short-lived NAO events are relatively weak and less organized. We might therefore refer to the long-lived NAO events as “stratosphere–troposphere-coupling” type events, and the short-lived NAO events as “pure tropospheric” type events. Baldwin and Dunkerton (1999) had already pointed out that some tropospheric NAM events are connected to stratospheric NAM events. However, there are still many pure tropospheric NAM events that are independent to the stratosphere [see Plate 1 of Baldwin and Dunkerton (1999)]. However, they did not discuss the difference in persistence between the stratosphere–troposphere-coupling events and the pure tropospheric events. More importantly, instead of an evident feature of downward propagation of stratospheric NAM/NAO index, Figs. 11 and 12 show an immediate (zero time delay) connection between stratospheric and tropospheric NAM/NAO index and/or a slight upward propagation characteristic of the tropospheric NAM/NAO index during the lifecycle of the long- and short-lived NAO events. Thus, the long-lived NAO events are not originated from the stratosphere. However, the better (worse) coupling/connection of stratospheric and tropospheric circulation anomalies in the long-lived (short-lived) NAO events might play a role in their formation.