1.LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 2.Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster (KLME), Ministry of Education & Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters (CIC-FEMD), Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China 3.Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Government College University, Faisalabad 38000, Pakistan 4.Climate Change Research Center (CCRC), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 5.College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Manuscript received: 2020-05-06 Manuscript revised: 2020-07-16 Manuscript accepted: 2020-07-29 Abstract:This study investigated the large-scale circulation anomalies, in both the upper and lower troposphere, associated with the interannual variation of rainfall in Pakistan during summer, using the station observation data in this country and circulation data of the NCEP?NCAR reanalysis from 1981 to 2017. Results showed that the upper- and lower-tropospheric circulation anomalies associated with monthly rainfall variability exhibit similar features from June to August, so analyses were performed on June?August circulation and Pakistan rainfall data. The analyzed results indicated that summer rainfall in Pakistan is enhanced when there is an anticyclonic anomaly to the northwest of Pakistan in the upper troposphere and easterly anomalies along the southern foothills of the Himalayas in the lower troposphere, and vice versa. These upper- and lower-tropospheric circulation anomalies were found to be related, but show unique features. The upper-tropospheric anticyclonic anomaly is closely related to the Silk Road Pattern along the Asian westerly jet, while the lower-tropospheric easterly anomalies are related to the cyclonic anomaly to the south of Pakistan, i.e., intensified South Asian monsoon trough. The results presented here suggest that the interannual variability of summer rainfall in Pakistan is a combined result of upper- and lower-tropospheric circulation anomalies, and of extratropical and tropical circulation anomalies. Keywords: rainfall, Pakistan, interannual variability, Silk Road Pattern, monsoon trough 摘要:本文研究了与巴基斯坦夏季降水年际变化有关的高层、低层大尺度环流异常。研究使用了巴基斯坦的站点观测资料和NCEP–NCAR的再分析环流资料,研究时段为1981–2017年。结果表明,无论是高层还是低层,与降水年际变化有关的环流异常在6–8月都表现出相似的特征,因而我们针对6–8月平均的环流和巴基斯坦降水资料进行了分析。分析结果表明,当对流层高层巴基斯坦西北部出现反气旋式环流异常、低层沿喜马拉雅山南麓为东风异常时,巴基斯坦降水增强,反之降水减弱。高层的反气旋式环流异常和沿亚洲急流的丝绸之路遥相关关系密切,而低层的东风异常和巴基斯坦南部南亚季风槽的加强有关。这些结果一方面说明,巴基斯坦夏季降水的年际变化是高层-低层、热带-热带外环流共同作用的结果;另一方面也说明,我们在研究与巴基斯坦夏季降水有关的高层、低层环流异常时,要注意不同层次物理过程的不同。 关键词:降水, 巴基斯坦, 年际变化, 丝绸之路遥相关, 季风槽
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5.1. Conclusions
In this study, we investigate the circulation anomalies associated with interannual variations of Pakistan rainfall during summer. It is found that wind anomalies associated with Pakistan monthly rainfall are similar between June, July and August, in both the upper and lower troposphere. Therefore, we focus on the summer-mean (i.e., JJA mean) results. The results indicate that more Pakistan summer rainfall is significantly associated with an upper-tropospheric anticyclonic anomaly to the northwest of Pakistan and lower-tropospheric easterly anomalies along the foothills of the Himalayas, including Pakistan. The lower-tropospheric easterly anomalies, in comparison with the upper-tropospheric anticyclonic anomaly, show a closer relationship with Pakistan rainfall, suggesting the important role of lower-tropospheric zonal wind anomalies in affecting rainfall through modulating water vapor transport. These upper- and lower-tropospheric circulation anomalies also show a close relationship, and the vertical section of anomalies indicates a roughly barotropic structure throughout the entire troposphere. On the other hand, the upper- and lower-tropospheric anomalies show separate features. The upper-tropospheric anticyclonic anomaly is closely related to the SRP along the upper-tropospheric Asian jet and the easterly anomalies along the foothills of the Himalayas, but not to the lower-tropospheric cyclonic anomaly to the south of Pakistan. By contrast, the lower-tropospheric easterly anomalies are closely related to the cyclonic anomaly to the south of Pakistan, but do not correspond well to the SRP, although showing a close relationship to the upper-tropospheric anticyclonic anomaly. Thus, attention should also be paid to different physical mechanisms responsible for these upper- and lower-tropospheric circulation anomalies associated with Pakistan rainfall.
2 5.2. Discussion -->
5.2. Discussion
3 5.2.1. Comparison with flooding in 2010 -->
5.2.1. Comparison with flooding in 2010
An unusually heavy rainfall event occurred during late July to early August 2010 in Pakistan, causing tremendous disasters, including widespread landslides, and a death toll of nearly 3000 in the country. The event triggered many studies (Hong et al., 2011; Galarneau et al., 2012; Lau and Kim, 2012; Ullah and Gao, 2012; Martius et al., 2013; Rasmussen et al., 2015), the results of which suggest that this heavy rainfall event came about due to a combination of upper-tropospheric extratropical Rossby waves and lower-tropospheric monsoonal depressions. However, as noted by Wang et al. (2011), a cyclonic anomaly appeared to the northwest of Pakistan in the upper troposphere during the Pakistan flood period in summer 2010, in sharp contrast to the anticyclonic anomaly associated with more summer rainfall in Pakistan on the interannual time scale shown by previous studies (e.g., Syed et al., 2012; Wu, 2017) and the present study. In our analysis, the upper-tropospheric ACI has its largest negative value in 2010 in the 1981?2017 analysis period (see Fig. 4), confirming the existence of a cyclonic anomaly to the west of Pakistan in summer 2010. Such a discrepancy may be attributable to differences in time scales. The flooding during summer 2010 essentially was caused by synoptic events with time scales of days, while in this study we focused on the interannual variability of monthly or seasonal rainfall. The rains that caused the flooding do not contribute much to the monthly precipitation in Pakistan, as can be seen from the slightly above-normal July and August 2010 rainfall in Fig. 1. Moreover, as mentioned by Webster et al. (2011), there were some other factors resulting in the devastating flooding of summer 2010, in addition to the fact that rainfall was high, but not unexceptionally so. These factors include the precursory severe drought and resultant sparser vegetation during 2010, deforestation in northern Pakistan, and the concurrence between heavy rainfall and the mountainous region. Furthermore, the flooding during summer 2010 tended to appear over a limited spatial scope, which can be supported by the findings of Vellore et al. (2016): 34 extreme rainfall events occurred in the northwest region of India, which is the eastern neighbor of Pakistan, were selected in their study, but none of them occurred during summer 2010.
3 5.2.2. Subseasonal change -->
5.2.2. Subseasonal change
The similarity of circulation anomalies associated with monthly Pakistan rainfall from June to August, shown in Figs. 2 and 3, suggests that the relationship between circulation and rainfall is stable during summer. However, there are also some appreciable differences in the monthly relationship between circulation and rainfall, including that the upper-tropospheric cyclonic anomaly over southern China is strong in June and August but weak in July, and the lower-tropospheric cyclonic anomaly to the south of Pakistan is strongest in June but weakest in August. These monthly differences suggest that there would be a subseasonal change in the relationship between circulation and Pakistan rainfall. In the following, we further discuss the subseasonal difference based on a comparison with the results of Wang et al. (2019), who identified a negative relationship in July?August precipitation between the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and Pakistan on the interannual time scale, and suggested that the former affects the latter. Figure 10 shows that in July and August a negative rainfall anomaly appears over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, corresponding to more rainfall in Pakistan, consistent with Wang et al. (2019), but the rainfall anomaly is weak in June. Thus, this difference in rainfall anomaly over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau may partially explain the monthly different circulation anomalies associated with Pakistan rainfall, and there would be other influencing factor(s), especially for June. In summary, the subseasonal difference in the relationship between rainfall variability over Pakistan and circulation anomalies should be further investigated. Figure10. CRU rainfall anomalies (shading; units: mm d?1) regressed onto the standardized time series of the Pakistan rainfall index in (a) June, (b) July, (c) August, and (d) JJA. Marked areas indicate anomalies significant at the 0.05 level, and solid lines delineate the topography higher than 3000 m. The red parallelogram in (d) is used to obtain the domain-averaged precipitation anomalies, in order to calculate its temporal correlation coefficient with the Pakistan station rainfall.
3 5.2.3. Vertical coupling -->
5.2.3. Vertical coupling
In this study, we suggest that both the upper- and lower-tropospheric circulation anomalies are crucial in affecting Pakistan summer rainfall. These circulation anomalies are related to each other through vertical coupling. Regarding the causality between the upper-tropospheric anticyclonic anomaly and lower-tropospheric easterly anomalies, we incline to the view that the former affects the later, considering that the former can be induced by the upstream circulation anomalies which are associated with the SRP. However, caution should be applied to any conclusion on causality. First, the upper-tropospheric anticyclonic anomaly and lower-tropospheric easterly anomalies show some unique features, suggesting that they might be affected by different factors. The upper-tropospheric anomalies tend to be more closely related to the extratropical circulation anomalies over the Eurasian continent, while the lower-tropospheric ones more closely related to the tropical or monsoonal anomalies. Second, the anomalous rainfall, as a diabatic heating forcing, may in turn have a feedback to the upper- and lower-tropospheric circulation anomalies. The large-scale circulation anomalies associated with Pakistan summer rainfall can be helpful for an understanding of the predictability of rainfall. On the one hand, the upper-tropospheric anomalies, which are related to the extratropical SRP, might be of low predictability (Kosaka et al., 2012). On the other hand, the more influential lower-tropospheric easterly anomalies are in the tropical regions and thus may be of greater predictability. The predictive relation between circulation factors such as the EASTI and ACI and Pakistan summer rainfall would be an interesting topic for further investigation.
3 5.2.4. Other issues -->
5.2.4. Other issues
Although this study focuses on the rainfall variation in Pakistan, the results can be extended to Northwest India. On the one hand, Pakistan rainfall is closely associated with rainfall anomalies in Northwest India, in each month of summer and in terms of the summer mean (Fig. 10). On the other hand, various previous studies have indicated that the SRP or CGT can influence rainfall in Northwest India, as well as in Pakistan (e.g., Kripalani et al., 1997; Wu, 2002, 2017; Ding and Wang, 2005; Syed et al., 2012). In addition, there is good agreement between the CRU precipitation data and Pakistan station rainfall data, which can be found in Fig. 10. This consistency between the two datasets can be further confirmed by the high correlation coefficients between them. We used the parallelogram in Fig. 10d to represent Pakistan rainfall in the CRU precipitation data and obtained the correlation coefficients between the two datasets: 0.77 for June, 0.88 for July, 0.81 for August, and 0.90 for JJA. This result suggests that both datasets are reliable for investigating the interannual variability of precipitation in Pakistan. Situated at the northernmost edge of the Asian monsoonal region and to the south of the Asian upper-tropospheric westerly jet, Pakistan experiences complex climate variability in summer, and further studies on Pakistan’s climate variability may be of great help towards a better understanding of tropical?extratropical interaction related to the strongest monsoon (i.e., Asian summer monsoon) in the world. Acknowledgements. We sincerely thank the Executive Editor-in-Chief, anonymous reviewers and Editor, who gave us insightful and constructive comments and suggestions. This research was jointly sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41705044 and 41721004), the Joint Open Project of KLME and CIC-FEMD (Grant No. KLME20 1802), and the second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research (STEP) Program (Grant No. 2019QZKK0102).