1.Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Guangzhou 510080, China 2.Center for Monsoon System Research, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 4.Climate Research Division, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Toronto, ON M3H 5T4, Canada Manuscript received: 2019-01-07 Manuscript revised: 2019-06-27 Manuscript accepted: 2019-07-11 Abstract:Previous studies suggested that there are large discrepancies in the intensity trend of the zonally averaged Hadley circulation (ZAHC) among different reanalyses. As the land, ocean, and topography are not evenly distributed, the ZAHC may mask the regional variability. Changes in the regional HC have important implications for regional climate change. Here, we detect the long-term trend of the boreal spring regional Hadley circulation intensity over the western Pacific (WPHC) since 1979 in both hemispheres using six reanalysis datasets. Unlike the ZAHC, we find that the trend of the spring WPHC intensity is consistent among various reanalysis datasets. All reanalyses show pronounced strengthening trends for the WPHC in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, which may be partly attributable to the robust warming trends of sea surface temperature in the tropical western Pacific. The result could improve our understanding of Hadley circulation variability at the regional scale and has implications for regional climate changes. Keywords: regional Hadley circulation, western Pacific, long-term trend, boreal spring 摘要:哈德莱环流(Hadley Circulation, HC)是热力驱动的大尺度大气环流系统,它在维持全球热量、角动量和水汽平衡等方面发挥着重要的作用,同时它的变异对全球许多气候系统也存在显著的调制作用。前人研究大多集中在分析纬向平均HC的变化。关于纬向平均HC,前人研究指出纬向平均HC强度的长期变化存在很大的不确定性,不同再分析资料得到的结果有明显的不同。但由于海陆分布不均匀以及地形的存在,不同区域HC的变化与纬向平均HC有显著的差异。与纬向平均HC相比,鲜有研究分析区域HC环流的长期变化,但区域HC对区域气候有更直接和更重要的作用。本文采用六套不同再分析资料分析了最近几十年春季西太平洋区域HC强度的长期变化趋势。我们发现六套不同再分析资料一致显示春季西太平洋区域HC强度在最近几十年呈现显著的增强趋势。进一步分析指出春季西太平洋区域HC的增强与热带西太平洋海表面温度的长期增暖有显著的联系。本文得到的结果有助于提高我们对区域HC及区域气候变化的理解。 关键词:区域哈德莱环流, 西太平洋, 长期趋势, 春季
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2. Data The data used in this study are from six reanalysis datasets: NCEP1, NCEP2, ERA-Interim, JRA-55, 20CR, and CFSR. Detailed descriptions of these reanalyses are summarized in Table 1. This study also employs four SST datasets: ERSST.v3, on a horizontal resolution of 2° × 2° (Smith et al., 2008); HadISST, on a horizontal resolution of 1° × 1° (Rayner et al., 2003); the Kaplan Extended SST dataset, version 2 (KaplanSST), on a horizontal resolution of 5° × 5° (Kaplan et al., 1998); and OISSTv2, on a horizontal resolution of 1° × 1° (Reynolds et al., 2002). The analysis period spans from 1979 to 2016, except for 20CR (from 1979 to 2014), CFSR (from 1979 to 2012), and OISSTv2 (from 1982 to 2016). We focus on the boreal spring (MAM) seasonal mean. Statistical significances of the linear trends and correlation are estimated according to a two-sided Student’s t-test.
Notes: All correlation coefficients exceed the 95% confidence level. All reanalysis datasets are computed over the same interval (1979–2012) when calculating the correlations.
Table1. Reanalysis data used and correlation coefficients of the WPHCI in the NH and SH among these datasets.
3. Results The zonally averaged meridional mass streamfunction is commonly used to characterize the ZAHC (e.g., Oort and Rasmusson, 1970; Oort and Yienger, 1996; Dima and Wallace, 2003). To characterize the regional HC, the meridional mass streamfunction (ψ) is derived by averaging the divergent component of the meridional wind in a regional domain (e.g., Zhang and Wang, 2013, 2015; Schwendike et al., 2014; Huang et al., 2018b), which is expressed as follows: where ${V_d}$ denotes the divergent meridional wind, $R$ is the Earth’s radius, $\varphi $ is the latitude, g is the gravitational acceleration, $p$ is atmospheric pressure, and the square brackets denote the zonal average over a specified regional domain. $\psi $ is derived by vertically integrating [${V_d}$] from the top of the atmosphere. To ensure mass conservation, the divergent meridional wind at each grid has been corrected by removing its mass-weighted vertical mean value (Oort and Yienger, 1996), and assuming $\psi {\rm{ = }}0$ at both the top and the lower boundary of the atmosphere (Stachnik and Schumacher, 2011). A positive (negative) $\psi $ indicates a clockwise (counterclockwise) meridional circulation. In addition, here, the magnitude of the regional HC mass transport is scaled to match the global HC by the coefficient $2\pi $. To represent the spring WPHC, we select the longitudinal band from 110°E to 160°E following previous studies (e.g., Chen et al., 2014; Schwendike et al., 2014; Huang et al., 2018a, b). Note that slightly varying this longitude band (e.g., 110°–165°E, 120°–165°E, or 105°–165°E) does not affect the robustness of the results reported below (figure not shown). Figure 1 displays the climatology (contours) and long-term trend (shading) of the WPHC during boreal spring. The MAM climatology of the WPHC is similar among the six reanalyses. It reveals a roughly symmetric and magnitude-comparable two-cell pattern, with the ascending branch located around the equator and descending branches around 30° latitude in each hemisphere, consistent with previous studies (e.g., Guo and Tan, 2018). The pattern also resembles the climatological structure of the boreal spring ZAHC (Dima and Wallace, 2003; Feng et al., 2013), which further verifies that the approach of the meridional mass streamfunction is also useful for defining and assessing the variations of the regionally averaged HC (e.g., Zhang and Wang, 2013, 2015; Schwendike et al., 2014; Huang et al., 2018b; Nguyen et al., 2018). For the long-term trend of the WPHC, all the reanalyses exhibit significant positive (negative) ψ trends in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere extending throughout the troposphere. This suggests a strengthening of the WPHC during boreal spring in both hemispheres. Figure1. Climatology (contours; units: 1010 kg s?1) and the linear trends [shading; units: 1010 kg s?1 (10 yr?1)] of the boreal spring regional meridional mass streamfunction over the western Pacific (110°–160°E) in (a) NCEP1, (b) NCEP2, (c) ERA-Interim, (d) JRA-55, (e) 20CR, and (f) CFSR. Positive (negative) values are indicated by solid (dashed) contours representing clockwise (counterclockwise) circulations. The contour intervals are 3.5 × 1010 kg s?1. Stippled regions denote trends that are significantly different from zero at the 90% confidence level.
To further quantify the robust strengthening of the WPHC intensity, we define a regional circulation intensity index to capture the long-term trend of the WPHC intensity (WPHCI), following Oort and Yienger (1996) in defining the zonal mean HC. Specifically, the WPHCI in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere is defined as the maximum (minimum) of the meridional mass streamfunction of the WPHC between 30°N (30°S) and the equator. Figure 2 shows the time series of the WPHCI in the two hemispheres derived from the six datasets over their respective time periods. It is clear from Fig. 2 that the interannual evolution of the WPHCI is similar among the reanalyses. However, a higher consistency of the interannual WPHCI variability among the datasets is seen in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) compared to that in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) (Fig. 2). Correlations of the WPHCI between individual reanalysis datasets are given in Table 1. The WPHCIs from the six reanalyses are highly correlated with each other—particularly in the SH, where the correlation coefficients exceed 0.89 (Table 1). Besides, the WPHCI in the SH exhibits evident variability on decadal time scales (Fig. 2b). An obvious strengthening is seen around 2000, which may be associated with the cold ENSO/Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)-like SST pattern in recent decades (Fig. 2b), e.g., Wang and Liu, 2016. Furthermore, previous studies have suggested that the PDO variability contributes to the tropical expansion (e.g., Allen and Kovilakam, 2017; Grise et al., 2019). Therefore, whether the PDO is also a forcing factor for the decadal-scale variability of the WPHCI over the SH is an interesting issue and deserves further investigation in the future. Figure2. Time series of the boreal spring WPHC intensity in the (a) NH and (b) SH for the six reanalyses.
Figure 3 shows the uncertainty of long-term WPHCI trends for the six reanalyses over their respective time periods. In the NH, all reanalyses show a statistically significant intensification of the WPHCI. In the SH, a pronounced intensified trend of the WPHCI appears in most datasets, except that in ERA-Interim. Nevertheless, the trend in ERA-Interim is still marginally significant at the 90% confidence level (Fig. 3). The statistical results remain the same when we compute the trends over the overlapping period (1979–2012) for the six datasets. Besides, in order to further quantify the intensification of the WPHC, Table 2 shows the relative changes of the intensity for the WPHC from 1979 to 2012 over the NH and SH in the six reanalysis datasets. Note that the relative changes of the intensity for the WPHC are calculated according to the following three steps. First, we obtain the linear fitting lines for the WPHCIs in the six reanalysis datasets based on the least-squares method. Second, we calculate the difference through using the value of the linear fitting line for the WPHCI in the last year minus that in the first year. Finally, the relative changes of the intensity for the WPHC are defined as the ratio of the difference derived from the second step to the value of the linear fitting line for the WPHCI in the first year. It is clear from Table 2 that all reanalyses show a positive relative change. Specifically, the multiple reanalysis ensemble mean (MEM) displays an intensification from 1979 to 2012 with a 61% relative change of the intensity for the WPHC in the NH, and a 36% relative change in the SH. Figure3. Linear trends of the boreal spring WPHCI in the (a) NH and (b) SH for the six reanalyses. The error bars of the 90% confidence interval are estimated based on two-tailed Student’s t-tests. Units of the trends are 1010 kg s?1 (10 yr)?1. Positive (negative) trend values indicate strengthening of the NH (SH) WPHC.
Note: The MEM represents the multiple reanalysis ensemble mean.
Table2. Relative changes in the intensity of the WPHC from 1979 to 2012 over the NH and SH in the six reanalysis datasets.
To further confirm the reliability of the results derived from Figs. 1 and 3, which use the meridional mass streamfunction to describe the WPHC structure and define the WPHCI, Fig. 4 displays the long-term trend of the WPHC calculated from the two-dimensional wind fields of the vertical section during boreal spring. The WPHC trends show a largely similar spatial pattern compared to its climatology in all the reanalyses (compare Fig. 4 with Fig. 1), confirming that there is a significant tendency of WPHC intensification in all the datasets. In particular, there are pronounced upward trends over the tropics and downward trends over the subtropics, strengthening the climatological circulation. In addition, it is noted that there are slight differences in the NCEP1 and NCEP2 datasets, with the pattern of the WPHC trend shifted slightly southward in the NH, than those in the other four reanalyses, consistent with Figs. 1a and 1b. In summary, the results obtained from the meridional mass streamfunction and directly from the two-dimensional wind fields of the vertical section agree well, and suggest that all the reanalyses considered have pronounced intensification tendencies of the WPHC intensity in both hemispheres during boreal spring. Figure4. Linear trends of the boreal spring WPHC from 1979 to 2016 in (a) NCEP1, (b) NCEP2, (c) ERA-Interim and (d) JRA-55; from 1979 to 2014 in (e) 20CR; and from 1979 to 2012 in (f) CFSR. Vertical velocities have been multiplied by ?100 in the figure, with positive (negative) values indicating ascending (descending) motion. Units for the trends of the divergent meridional wind are m s?1 (10 yr)?1 and those for vertical velocity are 10?2 Pa s?1 (10 yr)?1. Shading indicates the trends that are significantly different from zero at the 90% confidence level.
A question then needs to be addressed is why the WPHC intensity during boreal spring has been strengthening during recent decades? Given that the HC is a thermally driven meridional circulation, the variation of the HC is closely linked to the underlying thermal structure in the tropics (e.g., Allen and Kovilakam, 2017; Feng et al., 2018a, b; Grise et al., 2019). For example, Feng et al. (2018a, b) suggested that it is the meridional SST structures that play an important role in impacting the response of the HC to SST. In addition, previous studies have shown that the recent HC widening is driven by the tropical SST (e.g., Allen and Kovilakam, 2017; Grise et al., 2019). Therefore, regarding the strengthening of the MAM WPHC intensity, one potential reason may be the significant warming of the SST over the tropics—especially the SST warming in the Indo-western Pacific region (Quan et al., 2004; Feng et al., 2013). Figure 5 shows long-term trend of SST during boreal spring derived from the four SST datasets. It is clear from Fig. 5 that the long-term trends of SST are similar among the four SST datasets, with pronounced warming in the tropical Indian Ocean, tropical Atlantic, and tropical western Pacific. The warming trends are also found in the subtropics of the central North and South Pacific (Fig. 5), consistent with the findings of previous studies (e.g., Deser et al., 2010; Sun et al., 2017). Figure5. Linear trends of the boreal spring SST from 1979 to 2016 in (a) ERSST.v3, (b) HadISST, (c) KaplanSST, and from 1982 to 2016 in (d) OISSTv2. Units for the trends of SST are °C (10 yr)?1. Stippling denotes trends significantly different from zero at the 95% confidence level. Regions A, B, and C, indicated by the black boxes and selected to further investigate the trend of SST in some specific regions, are (5°S–15°N, 120°–160°E), (20°–35°N, 180°–150°W), and (15°S–30°S, 180°–150°W), respectively.
To further investigate the relationship between the SST trends and the long-term trends of the WPHC intensity, we also display the spatial distributions of the correlations between the WPHCI of both hemispheres and the boreal spring SST (Fig. 6). From Fig. 6, it is apparent that there are similar spatial patterns among different datasets (e.g., compare Figs. 6a–d with Figs. 6e–h). Furthermore, the spatial distributions of the correlation coefficients between the boreal spring WPHCI in both hemispheres and the boreal spring SST also show a similar pattern, with significant positive correlations over the tropical western Pacific and the subtropics of the central North and South Pacific (Fig. 6). These areas of significant positive correlation are coincident with the significant warming areas of the SST trends, indicating strengthening of the boreal spring WPHCI is connected to the warming of the SST over those regions (Fig. 5 and Fig. 6). Furthermore, in a previous study, Zeng et al. (2011) found that an anomalous enhanced WPHC over the NH is accompanied by an enhanced midlatitude zonal cell characterized by air parcels rising in the central North Pacific and descending in the western North Pacific. That is, the ascent around the tropical western Pacific and the central North Pacific makes a positive contribution to the strengthening of the WPHC over the NH (Zeng et al., 2011). Therefore, according to Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 and the aforementioned previous study, we select several regions for further investigation. Regions A, B, and C represent the tropical western Pacific, the subtropical central North Pacific, and the subtropical central South Pacific, respectively (Fig. 5 and Fig. 6). Note that the robustness of the results reported below is not sensitive to a reasonable change of the regions selected (figure not shown). Figure6. Spatial distribution of the correlation coefficients between the boreal spring WPHCI over the NH obtained from the multiple reanalysis ensemble mean and the boreal spring SST anomalies in (a) ERSST.v3, (b) HadISST, (c) KaplanSST, and (d) OISSTv2. Stippling denotes correlation coefficients significantly different from zero at the 95% confidence level. (e–h) As in (a–d), but for anomalies correlated upon the minus one WPHCI over the SH. Definitions of Regions A, B, and C are the same as in Fig. 5.
Figure 7 displays time series and the long-term trends of the regionally averaged SST over Regions A, B, and C derived from the four SST datasets. It is clear that the interannual evolution of the SST over these regions is similar among the four SST datasets (Fig. 7). Besides, all datasets show a statistically significant warming trend over Regions A, B, and C (Fig. 7), corresponding well to the findings obtained in Fig. 5. Therefore, the warming of the SST over these regions contributes positively to the strengthening of the WPHC intensity during boreal spring (Figs. 5, 6, and 7). Particularly, the WPHCI over the NH is highly correlated with that over the SH, with correlations of about ?0.56, significant at the 99% confidence level. Hence, the warming of the tropical western Pacific plays a key role in the pronounced intensification tendencies of the WPHC through influencing the mutual ascending branch of the WPHC in both hemispheres (Figs. 5, 6, and 7). In addition, the warming in the subtropics of the central North and South Pacific (Figs. 5, 6, and 7) also makes some positive contributions to the strengthening of the WPHC, with an enhanced rising branch over there, flowing westward aloft, and sinking in the subtropical western Pacific, similar to previous studies (e.g., Zeng et al., 2011). By contrast, the warming in the tropical Indian Ocean makes a negative contribution to the long-term trend of the WPHC intensity, as the WPHCI has a negative correlation with the SST in the Indian Ocean (Fig. 5 and Fig. 6). The warming SST produces increased ascending motion over the Indian Ocean, which flows eastward aloft through the tropical Walker circulation and then sinks in the tropical western Pacific, weakening the intensity of the WPHC. Figure7. Normalized time series of the boreal spring SST (units: °C) averaged over (a) Region A, (b) Region B, and (c) Region C, obtained from four SST datasets. (d) Linear trends (units: 10 yr?1) of normalized time series in (a–c). The error bars of the 95% confidence intervals are also shown in (d). A positive trend value indicates warming of the SST. Definitions of Regions A, B, and C are the same as in Fig. 5.