1.National Climate Center, Laboratory for Climate Studies, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China 2.Met Office Hadley Centre, Met Office, Exeter EX1 3PB, UK 3.Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China Manuscript received: 2020-04-02 Manuscript revised: 2020-06-24 Manuscript accepted: 2020-07-08 Abstract:The spring of 2018 was the hottest on record since 1951 over eastern China based on station observations, being 2.5°C higher than the 1961?90 mean and with more than 900 stations reaching the record spring mean temperature. This event exerted serious impacts in the region on agriculture, plant phenology, electricity transmission systems, and human health. In this paper, the contributions of human-induced climate change and anomalous anticyclonic circulation to this event are investigated using the newly homogenized observations and updated Met Office Hadley Centre system for attribution of extreme events, as well as CanESM2 (Second Generation Canadian Earth System Model) simulations. Results indicate that both anthropogenic influences and anomalous anticyclonic circulation played significant roles in increasing the probability of the 2018 hottest spring. Quantitative estimates of the probability ratio show that anthropogenic forcing may have increased the chance of this event by ten-fold, while the anomalous circulation increased it by approximately two-fold. The persistent anomalous anticyclonic circulation located on the north side of China blocked the air with lower temperature from high latitudes into eastern China. Without anthropogenic forcing or without the anomalous circulation in northern China, the occurrence probability of the extreme warm spring is significantly reduced. Keywords: extreme warm spring, extreme event attribution, anthropogenic influence, circulation effect 摘要:根据气象站的观测结果,2018年春季是1951年以来中国东部地区有记录以来最热的春季,比1961-90年的平均温度高出2.5°C,并且有900多个气象站达到了春季历史最高温纪录。这一极端高温事件对华东地区的农业、植物生长、电力传输系统和人类健康都产生了重要的影响。本文使用最新的均一化观测资料和更新后的英国气象局Hadley研究中心极端事件归因系统,以及第二代加拿大地球系统模式,研究了人类活动引起的全球变暖和局地的反气旋异常环流对这一极端高温事件发生概率的量化影响。概率比的定量评估表明:人类活动引起的气候变化可以使这一极端高温事件的发生概率增加十倍,而异常的局地反气旋环流使得这一事件的发生概率增加了约两倍。位于中国北部地区的持续性反气旋环流阻止了高纬地区的低气温空气进入中国东部地区。敏感性实验的结果进一步表明,全球增暖和环流异常对2018年春季中国东部地区的这一极端高温事件都有着非常重要的影响,缺少其中任何一个因素,这一极端事件的发生概率都会大大降低。 关键词:最热春季, 极端事件归因, 人类活动效应, 环流效应
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2.1. Observations
Daily mean (TAS) and maximum (TASmax) near-surface air temperatures during 1960?2018 at 2419 Chinese stations were used in this study. This dataset has been quality controlled and homogeneity adjusted (Xu et al., 2013; Wang and Feng 2014) at China’s National Meteorological Information Center. We also calculated the maxima of daily maximum temperature (TXx) in spring (MAM) to represent the severity of this large-scale high-temperature event. The station anomalies were calculated by removing the 1961?90 means at each station, and the warm spring days were counted as the number of days with daily TASmax exceeding 25°C. Different indices indicate that spring 2018 was the warmest at most weather stations across eastern China (see below). Thus, we focus on the region east of 105°E and investigate this event in eastern China. The station anomalies (relative to the 1961?90 average) in eastern China were then aggregated to produce gridded data with a 3° × 3° resolution by averaging all available data within each grid cell. The gridded results were subsequently used to compute the area-weighted regional mean anomalies. NCEP?NCAR reanalysis data (Kalnay et al., 1996) were used to investigate the atmospheric circulation. The mean 500-hPa geopotential height and wind fields over East Asia averaged in the spring are illustrated in Fig. 1a. During the period 1961?90, the circulation pattern in spring over East Asia is mainly characterized by a zonal distribution. The northwesterly airflows on the western side of China in the mid?high latitudes transport cold air to the eastern parts of China, which is not favorable for the occurrence of warm extreme events. However, the spring mean anomalies of geopotential height and wind at 500 hPa (Fig. 1d) in 2018 show that an anomalous anticyclonic center was located in the north side of China, which blocked the transport of cold air into eastern China. The northwesterly airflows from the high-latitude and cold regions were forced to largely bypass eastern China, which could have affected the unusually warm spring in 2018. A similar pattern with anomalous anticyclonic circulation controlling North China persisted for more than 30 days, which is very unusual compared with the climatological mean state. All these factors indicate that the anticyclonic circulation and northwesterly airflows on its western side can be selected as the key region to represent the role of atmospheric circulation, covering a rectangular box enclosing 40°?65°N and 85°?120°E (black boxes in Figs. 1d-f). To test the sensitivity of the selected region, we also extended the critical area [Fig. S1 in the electronic supplementary material (ESM)] and repeated the corresponding analyses. Figure1. Circulation patterns in spring (MAM): (a) 500-hPa height (red contours; units: gpm) and wind (blue vectors; units: m s?1) in East Asia during 1961?90 based on NCEP?NCAR reanalysis data; (d) geopotential height (red contours; units: gpm) and wind (blue vectors; m s?1) spring-mean anomalies (relative to 1961?90) at 500 hPa constructed with reanalysis data for 2018. (b, c) As in (a) but for the mean of the ALL simulations from HadGEM3A and CanESM2. (e, f) As in (d) but with the mean of spring seasons extracted from the HadGEM3A and CanESM2 results with the ALL experiment, for which the circulation pattern correlates well (coefficient > 0.6) with the 2018 reanalysis pattern over the region marked by the black box.
2 2.2. Model simulations -->
2.2. Model simulations
Two types of model simulations were used. One was the simulations from the Hadley Centre event attribution system (Christidis et al., 2013) built on the atmospheric model HadGEM3A. The other was the outputs of large-ensemble simulations conducted with CanESM2 (Arora et al., 2011). The Hadley Centre event attribution system now features the highest resolution global model used in attribution studies, with 85 vertical levels and N216 horizontal resolution (0.56° × 0.83°). Two ensembles were used here: one forced with combined anthropogenic and natural forcings (ALL) and the other by natural forcing only (NAT). In the ALL experiment, observed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and sea-ice concentration (SIC) data (Rayner et al., 2003) were used as boundary conditions, while in the NAT experiment an estimate of the anthropogenic contributions in the SSTs derived from atmosphere?ocean coupled models (Stone, 2013) was subtracted from the SST observational dataset and the sea ice was adjusted accordingly (Christidis et al., 2013). During the period 1960?2013, each ensemble of the ALL and NAT experiment comprised 15 simulations, and subsequently expanded to 105 and 525 simulations for 2014?15 and 2016?18. Since the simulations in 2014?15 are used for test experiments, the simulated results in 1960?2013 are used to conduct the model evaluation assessments and the extension experiment results in 2018 are used to estimate the human and circulation influences on the probability of 2018-like high-temperature events on the observed oceanic condition represented by the observed SSTs and SIC. The CanESM2 is a coupled model that consists of four main components: an atmosphere model (CanAM4), an ocean model (CanOM4), an ocean carbon model (CMOC), and a terrestrial carbon model (CTEM). We used daily outputs of large-ensemble simulations that had 50-member runs and each driven by ALL forcings and NAT forcing for the period 1950?2004. From 2005 to 2020, the ALL simulations were forced with the RCP8.5 scenario, while the NAT simulations were forced with natural forcings by repeating the solar forcing during the last solar cycle and no volcanic eruptions (Fyfe et al., 2017). This assumption of the solar forcing may bring some small errors, as indicated by a reduction in total incident solar radiation forcing over 2001?10 (Folland et al., 2018), but should not have an important impact on this study. Accordingly, changes in the probability of a 2018-like high-temperature event due to human and circulation influence can be evaluated without specific conditioning. For the definition of the current climate state for the year 2018 in CanESM2, the 10-year period of 1995?2004 in the model was considered to represent the current 2018 climate, as the global mean near-surface temperature (GMST) in model simulations increased by 1°C above the preindustrial level in this period (Sun et al., 2018a), the same as with the observed change of GMST in 2018. Therefore, the sample size in CanESM2 was 500 (50-member × 10-year), which is comparable to that (525) in HadGEM3A. The model TAS and TASmax data were used to estimate the regional temperature average for MAM. Anomalies were calculated relative to the 1961?90 means and then interpolated to the same 3° × 3° grid as the observations. Prior to the calculation of the regional mean, the model results were masked according to the availability of the observations. Regional means were computed for individual simulations and then averaged over all available simulated results to obtain the ensemble mean. Similarly, the model geopotential height and wind fields in both the ALL and NAT experiments for 2018 were used to obtain the simulated circulation pattern in MAM. Anomalies were calculated first and then interpolated to the same resolution as the NCEP reanalysis data. Based on the monthly results, seasonal means were obtained to compare with the observed circulation pattern in spring 2018.
2 2.3. Detection methods -->
2.3. Detection methods
We followed the method developed by Christidis and Stott (2015). Firstly, samples of spring TAS, TASmax, and circulation situations were generated from the HadGEM3A extension experiment and CanESM2 1995?2004 simulations. They provided 525 and 500 simulated samples for spring 2018 respectively, in both the ALL and NAT forcing experiments. Next, we partitioned the model results in spring into two groups: one where the model simulations correlated well (correlation coefficients above 0.6) with the observed 2018 circulation patterns over the key region (as shown in Fig. 1d), and the other where the model simulations correlated poorly (correlation coefficients below 0.6) with observations. The ensemble information created by this grouping is illustrated in Table 1. Thus, we created high- and low-correlation ensembles with both the ALL and NAT forcings, which we later used to construct the TAS and TASmax distributions and obtain probability estimates for extreme events. Figures 1e and f display the 500-hPa circulation pattern averaged over the spring months that correspond to the mean of the high-correlation ensemble from the ALL experiment. It shows distinct anomalous anticyclonic circulation located on the north side of China and the climatological northwesterly flow is forced to bypass eastern China, similar to the characteristic pattern of 2018. We then compared the temperature distributions with strong and weak correlations to the 2018 general circulation pattern in the “real world”—that is, under the influence of ALL forcings—to assess the circulation effect. Furthermore, we changed the threshold value of the correlation coefficient to test the sensitivity, and found that similar detection results could be obtained (Fig. S2 in the ESM), suggesting little influence of the threshold selection. We also compared the temperature distributions with ALL and NAT forcing simulations to evaluate the anthropogenic influence.
High corr.
Low corr.
High corr.
Low corr.
Table1. Number of estimates of MAM TAS/TASmax from simulated spring seasons in 2018 from HadGEM3A and CanESM2. The table gives the total number of spring seasons as well as the cases with high and low correlations to the 2018 circulation in experiments forced by combined anthropogenic and natural forcings (ALL) and natural forcing only (NAT).
The probabilities of exceeding the threshold were computed using the Generalized Pareto Distribution if the threshold lay at the tails. Changes in the likelihood are represented as the ratio of the probabilities of extreme temperature: (1) for springs with high and low correlation circulation patterns relative to the spring of 2018, and (2) with and without the effect of anthropogenic influence. Uncertainties in the probability estimates were obtained using a Monte Carlo bootstrap procedure (Christidis et al., 2013). For example, to investigate the effect of anthropogenic influence, we calculated the probabilities of exceeding the extreme temperature threshold based on the ALL and NAT ensembles (PALL and PNAT) and obtained the ratio PALL/PNAT. We then resampled the simulated temperature estimates of these two ensembles to obtain a new estimate of the probability ratio and repeated the bootstrap procedure 1000 times. This provided 1000 estimates of PALL/PNAT from which we could quantify the 5%?95% uncertainty range. The same procedure was applied to the high- and low-correlation ensembles to study the influence of the anomalous atmospheric circulation in 2018.