Effects of Straw Returning and Nitrogen Application Rate on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Utilization of Winter Wheat
WANG XinYuan,1, ZHAO SiDa1, ZHENG XianFeng,1, WANG ZhaoHui1,2, HE Gang11College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University/Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Agro-environment in Northwest China, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi 2State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology in Arid Area, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi
Abstract 【Objective】A seven-year location-fixed field experiment was carried out to explore the effects of combining straw returning with chemical nitrogen (N) fertilizer on wheat yield, grain protein content, aboveground N uptake, soil nitrate-N (NO3--N) residue at harvest, and apparent N balance in winter wheat-summer maize rotation region of Shaanxi, so as to provide a reference for yield increase and N utilization.【Method】The experiment was arranged in a split block design with two main treatments and five subplots. The main treatments included maize straw returning to soil (straw returning) and removal straw from field (control), and the subplots included five N application rate, i.e., 0 (N0), 84 kg·hm-2 (N84), 168 kg·hm-2 (N168), 252 kg·hm-2 (N252), and 336 kg·hm-2 (N336).【Result】For wheat yield, there was no significant difference between straw returning and control. Compared with N0, applying fertilizer N (including N84, N168, N252, and N336) increased grain yield by 18%-29%. However, compared with N168, there was a risk of yield reduction under high N application rate (N336). Straw returning and N application rate had an interactive effect on wheat yield. Compared with the control, the straw retuning increased grain yield by 5%-6% when N application rates were 252 and 336 kg·hm-2, which was mainly due to the 5%-7% increase in the number of spikes. For grain protein, there was no significant difference between straw returning and control. Compared with N0, applying fertilizer N increased grain protein concentration by 16%-33%. For aboveground N uptake, there was no significant difference between straw returning and control. Compared with N0, applying fertilizer N increased aboveground N uptake by 36%-72%. Straw returning and N application rate had an interactive effect on aboveground N uptake. Compared with the control, the straw retuning increased aboveground N uptake by 5%-8% when N application rates were 252 and 336 kg·hm-2. Compared with control, the straw returning increased the residual soil nitrate nitrogen by an average of 18%, and the increased nitrate nitrogen content was mainly distributed in the 70-170 cm soil layer. For N168 treatment, soil N was in the state of depletion in control, and soil N depletion was effectively compensated when straws were returned to the field. A further increase in N application rate would greatly increase N surplus, resulting in a larger environmental risks. Compared with control, applying fertilizer N had a greater contribution to N surplus.【Conclusion】Straw returning and applying fertilizer N had the ability to increase wheat yield and aboveground N uptake, while also increased residual NO3--N in soil and N surplus. Taking into account wheat yield, soil NO3--N residue, and apparent N balance, the strategy of straw returning combined with 168 kg·hm-2 fertilizer N was beneficial to maintain wheat yield and to protect ecological environment. Keywords:wheat;straw returning;nitrogen application rate;yield component;grain protein concentration;aboveground nitrogen uptake;soil nitrate-nitrogen;soil nitrogen balance
PDF (1299KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 王新媛, 赵思达, 郑险峰, 王朝辉, 何刚. 秸秆还田和氮肥用量对冬小麦产量和氮素利用的影响. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(23): 5043-5053 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.23.010 WANG XinYuan, ZHAO SiDa, ZHENG XianFeng, WANG ZhaoHui, HE Gang. Effects of Straw Returning and Nitrogen Application Rate on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Utilization of Winter Wheat. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(23): 5043-5053 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.23.010
Table 1 表1 表1小麦产量、产量构成要素、籽粒蛋白质含量、地上部吸氮量和土壤硝态氮残留量的方差分析 Table 1Analysis of variance of wheat grain yield, yield components, grain protein, aboveground N uptake, and NO3--N residue
项目 Item
籽粒产量 Grain yield
公顷穗数 Number of spike
穗粒数 Grain number of spike
千粒重 Thousand-grain weight
籽粒蛋白质 含量 Grain protein
地上部 吸氮量 N uptake
硝态氮残留 NO3--N residue
年 Year (Y)
秸秆还田Straw returning (S)
氮肥用量 N rate (N)
ns表示无显著差异;<0.01表示差异达到极显著水平;<0.05表示差异达到显著水平 ns indicates no significant difference were detected among treatments; <0.01 indicates the difference were detected among treatments at 0.01 level; <0.05 indicates the difference were detected at 0.05 level among treatments
误差棒表示特定指标在年际间的变异。不同大写字母表示玉米秸秆还田条件下不同氮肥用量间的差异显著(P<0.05)。不同小写字母表示玉米秸秆不还田条件下不同氮肥用量间的差异显著(P<0.05)。图2同 Fig. 1Effects of straw returning and N application rate on grain yield and yield components of winter wheat
Error bars indicate the inter-annual variability of the specific indicator. Different capital letters indicate that there is a significant difference between N application rate in maize straw returning at P<0.05. Different small letters indicate that there is a significant difference between N application rate in controlling treatment (without straw returning) at P<0.05. The same as Fig. 2
Fig. 2Effects of straw returning and N application rate on protein content of grain and aboveground N uptake
2.3 秸秆还田和氮肥用量对土壤硝态氮残留量及其分布的影响
分析冬小麦收获期0—200 cm土层的土壤硝态氮残留量可知(表1),秸秆还田、氮肥用量及其交互作用均显著影响土壤硝态氮残留量。与秸秆不还田相比,秸秆还田的土壤硝态氮残留量平均增加18%(图3)。与N0相比,N84、N168、N252和N336处理的土壤硝态氮残留量分别增加了73%(56 kg N·hm-2)、327%(252 kg N·hm-2)、610%(469 kg N·hm-2)和881%(678 kg N·hm-2)。在N0、N84、N168、N252、N336条件下,秸秆还田比秸秆不还田的土壤硝态氮残留量分别平均增加30%、7%、29%、20%、13%(图3)。可见,秸秆还田措施和增加氮肥用量均使得土壤硝态氮残留量增加;氮肥用量与土壤硝态氮残留量呈指数关系,当氮肥用量超过推荐量时,增加的土壤硝态氮残留量高于增加的氮肥用量。
箱形图的实线和虚线分别表示中位数和平均值。箱形图的上边界和下边界分别表示75%和25%的四分位数。箱形图的上缘和下缘分别表示95%和5%的百分位数。不同小写字母表示玉米秸秆不还田条件下不同氮肥用量的土壤硝态氮残留量差异显著(a)。不同大写字母表示玉米秸秆还田条件下不同氮肥用量的土壤硝态氮残留量差异显著(b) Fig. 3The effect of N application rate on soil NO3--N in 0-200 cm soil layer at winter wheat harvest with straw returning (a) and without straw returning (b)
Solid and dashed lines in this figure indicate the median and mean, respectively. The box boundaries indicate the 75% and 25% quartiles, and the whisker caps indicate the 95th and 5th percentiles. Different small letters indicate that there is a significant difference between N application rate in controlling treatment (without straw returning) at P<0.05. Different capital letters indicate that there is a significant difference between N application rate in maize straw returning at P<0.05
误差棒表示LSD值,若秸秆还田与不还田处理间的差异显著,相应土层则有误差棒,否则无误差棒 Fig. 4The effect of straw returning on the distribution of soil NO3--N residue in 0-200 cm soil layer under different N application rates
Error bars denote the LSD at P≤0.05. If there is an error bar in a certain soil layer, the difference between straw returning and control is significant
Table 2 表2 表22011-2018年冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系表观氮素平衡 Table 2Apparent N balance of winter wheat-summer maize rotation system during 2011 to 2018 (kg·hm-2)
氮平衡 N balance
项目 Item
秸秆不还田 Control
秸秆还田 Straw returning
氮输入 N input
种子氮Seed N
化肥氮Fertilizer N
秸秆还田带入氮 Straw N
干湿沉降1) Dry and wet deposition
氮输出 N output
籽粒氮携出 Grain N uptake
秸秆氮携出 Straw N uptake
氮盈余N surplus
表中数据以冬小麦-夏玉米周年计算,未考虑土壤净氮矿化和表观氮损失。方差分析为等氮量条件下秸秆还田和秸秆不还田的比较结果。不同小写字母代表处理间差异显著。1)干湿沉降数据来源于文献[19] The data in the table is calculated on the basis of winter wheat and summer maize annual data, without considering soil net nitrogen mineralization and apparent nitrogen loss. The analysis of variance is the comparison result of straw returning to field and straw not returning to field under equal nitrogen amount conditions. Different small letters indicates significant differences were detected among treatments at 0.05 level. 1)The wet and dry deposition data were from the literature[19]
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