Effects of Black Film Mulched Ridge-Furrow Tillage on Soil Water- Fertilizer Environment and Potato Yield and Benefit Under Different Rainfall Year in Semiarid Region
YANG FengKe,1,2, HE BaoLin1, DONG Bo1,2, WANG LiMing11Dryland Farming Institute, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070 2Key Laboratory of High Water Utilization on Dryland of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730070
Abstract 【Objective】To explore the effects of annual precipitation regime and ridge shapes interaction on soil water and fertilizer environment and potato yield and efficiency of black film mulched ridge-furrow tillage, to analyze and explain the mechanism of water and fertilizer interaction to promote crop production and efficient water use, so as to provide theoretical basis for deeply exploring the yield increase potential of the film mulched ridge-furrow tillage technique. 【Method】Based on the technology of black plastic film mulched ridge-furrow tillage with micro-rainwater catchment ditches on the ridges, we developed three types of soil water-fertilizer regulating tillage systems that consists of low ridge (high 16 cm)-furrow (wide 40 cm), middle ridge (high 24 cm)- furrow (wide 40 cm) and high ridge (high 32 cm)-furrow (wide 40 cm) tillage, all with a 10 cm high and 20 cm wide rainwater catchment ditch on ridges, named as BLRF, BMRF and BHRF, respectively, and used as main treatments. Then, using the local custom white film mulched ridge(high 16 cm, wide 60 cm)-furrow (wide 40 cm) tillage (WRF) as control, a 3-year consecutive field experiments of four treatments had been conducted from 2016 to 2018. Soil water content of 0-200 cm soil layer in the potato key growth period of sowing, seedling, budding, flowering, tuberization and maturing as well as the content of soil organic carbon (SOC), nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and their available component (TN, TP, TK and AN, AP, AK) of 0-30 cm soil layer at the end of the experiment period were determined, soil water storage and water utilization efficiency were calculated, the correlation between soil water, fertilizer and potato yield were analyzed. 【Result】Regardless of the precipitation years, both BLRF, BMRF, BHRF and WRF tillage had caused crop increase consumption of soil water in 40-120 cm soil layer. The soil water content and water storage (SWS) in 0-200 cm soil layers in the potato six key growth stages for BHRF, BMRF and BLRF were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those for WRF. Sufficient precipitation and the increased soil water harvested via black film mulched ridge-furrow tillage with micro-rainwater catchment ditches on ridges significantly complement the soil water in 120-200cm soil layer and effectively maintained soil water balance interseason. Take rainfall patterns into account, the effects of soil water conservation for BLRF and BMRF are better than that for BHRF in dry and normal year, and that for the three tillage models were significant efficient in wet year, all were significantly better than that of WRF. Meanwhile, the content of examined soil nutrient parameters in 0-30 cm soil layer under BHRF, BMRF and BLRF at the end of the experiment period were uniformly significantly higher than that of WRF (P<0.05),with the average content of TN,TK,AN, AP and AK were increased by 4.5%-5.6%, 3.6%-5.9%, 8.4%-18.4%, 15.3%-22.3% and 7.1%-13.3% except that of SOC and TP, respectively. In addition, the potato yield, water use efficiency (WUE), net income and output/input ratio for BLRF, BMRF and BHRF were all significantly higher than those for WRF, mainly contributed to the increased the number and weight of large potatoes caused by the improved soil water and nutrient condition. On 3 year average, the yield, WUE, net income and output/input ration of potato were increased by 16.9%-19.0%、15.5%-19.2%、23.3%-27.3% and 12.1%-18.2%, respectively. The four benefit parameters were more sounded under BLRF and BMRF in dry and normal year and highly significant under all the three tillage patterns in wet year. We observed that the 3-year average potato yield positively significant correlation to the contents of TN, TP, TK AN, AP, AK and highly negative correlation to the 3-year average water consumption (ET). Path analysis indicated that AP, ET, potato growth period precipitation (GPR), TK and TN had explained 99.4% of the yield variation. 【Conclusion】The superimposed water collection effect of black film mulched ridge furrow tillage with micro-rainwater catchment ditches on the ridges significantly improves the soil moisture condition, which, in turn, great promoting the vigorous growth of potato and led more organic matter (stems, roots, etc.) return to the soil,then the nutrients from the decomposition of the organic matter and the applied fertilizer improves the soil nutrient content. Good soil water and fertilizer conditions effectively improve the mutual relationship between soil water and fertilizer, increased the supply of water and fertilizer, and significantly improved the potato yield, WUE, net income and input/output ratio. BLRF and BMRF performed well in dry and normal years, BLRF, BMRF and BHRF performed well in wet years, while BLRF and BMRF performed well in all precipitation years. Therefore, BLRF and BMRF are the two most efficient cultivation model after WRF for dry potato high yield production in semi-arid regions of China. Keywords:black film mulched ridge-furrow tillage with micro-rainwater catchment ditched on ridges;water-fertilizer balance;interaction effect;yield;WUE;net income
PDF (1249KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 杨封科, 何宝林, 董博, 王立明. 不同降雨年型黑膜垄作对土壤水肥环境及马铃薯产量和效益的影响. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(20): 4312-4325 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.20.006 YANG FengKe, HE BaoLin, DONG Bo, WANG LiMing. Effects of Black Film Mulched Ridge-Furrow Tillage on Soil Water- Fertilizer Environment and Potato Yield and Benefit Under Different Rainfall Year in Semiarid Region. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(20): 4312-4325 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.20.006
0 引言
【研究意义】水肥俱缺是我国半干旱区农业生产的两大桎枯[1,2,3,4]。集蓄和高效利用自然降水与中低产田改良、地力培肥有机结合是旱地农业发展的重大科学命题[5]。归因于高效的水土保持作用,覆盖栽培技术在欧洲、非洲、亚洲、中美洲、北美洲等地已广泛应用于旱地农业生产[1,3,6]。其中,白色聚乙烯膜覆盖垄沟集雨耕作技术(full film mulched ridge-furrow tillage)在中国半干旱地区作物可持续高产栽培中发挥了显著地增产增效作用[7,8]。然而,有报道表明白色地膜覆盖沟垄种植是以高耗水、高养分吸收量为代价,会导致作物后期生长阶段因脱水、脱肥、早衰而减产 [9,10],甚至绝收[11,12,13,14]。因而,选择和应用替代覆盖材料,克服或消除白色地膜覆盖的负面效应是生产上亟待解决的关键问题。【前人研究进展】黑色地膜具有较低的透光性和热辐射通透性,与白色地膜比,可降低土壤温度和土壤养分的矿化速率,减少土壤水分无效蒸发和土壤养分矿化损失,水、肥保持效果好[15],其与沟垄种植有机结合初步显现出比白色膜覆盖较强的节水、节肥和增产效应[16,17],可使玉米[6, 18]、马铃薯[19,20,21,22,23]获得更高的产量。但也有相反和无差异的报道[6,14]。以往的研究多集中于该技术应用于玉米、小麦等作物[1-3,6,9,24]的增产及提高水分利用效率等方面的研究,缺乏针对土壤水肥环境及其互作、促进作物可持续增产增效的量化研究,而相对于白膜覆盖垄作优劣性的研究也少见报道[25],对在多变亏水环境下如何进一步挖掘黑膜覆盖垄作增产机理还缺乏深入研究。【本研究切入点】探索黑膜覆盖与垄沟集雨耕作有机整合后集成并放大的调温、集水、保水、保肥的综合效应,及其促进水肥资源高效利用、马铃薯可持续增产增效的机制。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究以3年大田定位试验为基础,设置黑膜覆盖低、中、高垄耕作水肥环境调控处理,探索黑膜覆盖不同垄型垄作对土壤水肥环境及马铃薯产量和效益影响机制,解析其水肥互作、促进作物增产、高效用水机制,为进一步挖掘黑膜覆盖垄作增产潜力提供理论依据。
Fig. 2Monthly rainfall in the potato experimental years
1.2 试验设计
试验共4个处理,即以垄上微沟集雨耕作技术为基础,设黑膜低垄垄上微沟(black plastic film mulched low ridge-furrow tillage with micro-rainwater catchment ditches on ridges,BLRF)、黑膜中垄垄上微沟(black plastic film mulched middle ridge-furrow tillage with micro-rainwater catchment ditches on ridges,BMRF)和黑膜高垄垄上微沟(black plastic film mulched high ridge-furrow tillage with micro-rainwater catchment ditches on ridges,BHRF)3种垄型土壤水肥调控耕作处理(简称黑膜垄作),以当地大面积推广的白膜双垄集雨耕作(local custom white plastic film mulched ridge-furrow tillage,WRF)为对照。
SW:播种期;SD:出苗期; BD:现蕾期;FL:开花期;TB:结薯期;MT成熟期。同列不同字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)。下同 Fig. 5Average soil water content in 0-200 cm soil profile at the key growth stages of potato during 2016-2018
SW: Sowing; SD:Seedling; BD: Budding; FL: Flowering; TB: Tuberization; MT: Maturing. Different letters in the same column mean significant difference at 0.05 level. The same as below
Table 3 表3 表3黑膜垄作对马铃薯产量、水分利用效率、耗水量、效益和产投比的影响 Table 3Effects of black film mulched ridge-furrow tillage on the yield, water use efficiency (WUE), water consumption (ET), economic benefits and input/output ratio of potato
Table 4 表4 表4马铃薯产量与土壤有效磷、钾、氮(AP,AK,AN)、蒸散值(ET)和生育期降水量(GPR)之间的相关关系 Table 4Relationship of potato yield and the available phosphorus, potassium nitrogen (AP, AK, AN), the evapotranspiration (ET) and the precipitation in growing season (PGS)
变量 Variable
与产量相关关系 (r)
直接效应Direct effect
间接效应Indirect effect
总效应 Total effect
AP (x1)
ET (x2)
PGR (x3)
AK (x4)
AN (x5)
R2=0.994,P=0.0000,模型显著性;r,各参数与产量的相关系数;AP(x1),速效磷;ET(x2),马铃薯蒸散值;PGR(x3),马铃薯生育期降水量;AK(x4),速效钾;AN(x5),速效氮。*,**分别表示在a=0.5和a=0.01水平上相关性显著 R2=0.994, P=0.0000, model significance; r, correlation coefficient (r) of each selected parameters to potato yield; AP (x1), available phosphorus; ET(x2), evapotranspiration; PGR (x3), precipitation in potato growing season; AK (x4), available potassium; AN (x5), available nitrogen. *,**mean significance at a=0.05 and a=0.001 levels, respectively
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王红丽, 张绪成, 宋尚有. 半干旱区旱地不同覆盖种植方式玉米田的土壤水分和产量效应 植物生态学报, 2011, 35(8):825-833. DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1258.2011.00825 [本文引用: 1] 为探讨半干旱区旱地不同种植方式玉米(Zea mays)田的土壤水分动态特征, 测定了全膜双垄沟播(PMF)、全沙覆盖(SM)和裸地(CK) 3种不同处理0–200 cm土壤水分季节变化、垂直变化及年际变化。结果表明: PMF明显改善玉米拔节前0–200 cm土壤的水分条件, 有利于玉米前期生长; 随着玉米生育进程的推进, 3种处理的耗水量依次为: PMF﹥SM﹥CK, 而土壤贮水量表现为CK﹥SM﹥PMF; 在相同降雨条件下, PMF处理0–200 cm土壤水分降雨入渗补给深度最大, SM次之, CK最小。随着种植年限增加, PMF的耗水量和耗水深度增加, 两年种植期间耗水深度从20–120 cm向120–200 cm推移; 连续种植两年后, 3种处理40–120 cm土壤含水量下降至9.0%以下, 其中PMF下降最快(7.9%), 土壤含水量接近萎蔫系数7.2%, 玉米只能靠当年降水生长, 如种植年限继续增加, 土壤极有可能形成干层。3种处理之间耗水量、产量、水分利用效率都存在显著差异, PMF最高, SM次之, CK最低。因此, 在半干旱区采用全膜双垄沟播种植玉米可显著提高产量, 但连续种植可导致土壤贮水量显著降低, 对农田可持续生产能力造成不利影响。 WANGH L, ZHANGX C, SONGS Y. Effects of mulching methods on soil water dynamics and corn yield of rain-fed cropland in the semiarid area of China Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2011, 35(8):825-833. (in Chinese) DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1258.2011.00825 [本文引用: 1] 为探讨半干旱区旱地不同种植方式玉米(Zea mays)田的土壤水分动态特征, 测定了全膜双垄沟播(PMF)、全沙覆盖(SM)和裸地(CK) 3种不同处理0–200 cm土壤水分季节变化、垂直变化及年际变化。结果表明: PMF明显改善玉米拔节前0–200 cm土壤的水分条件, 有利于玉米前期生长; 随着玉米生育进程的推进, 3种处理的耗水量依次为: PMF﹥SM﹥CK, 而土壤贮水量表现为CK﹥SM﹥PMF; 在相同降雨条件下, PMF处理0–200 cm土壤水分降雨入渗补给深度最大, SM次之, CK最小。随着种植年限增加, PMF的耗水量和耗水深度增加, 两年种植期间耗水深度从20–120 cm向120–200 cm推移; 连续种植两年后, 3种处理40–120 cm土壤含水量下降至9.0%以下, 其中PMF下降最快(7.9%), 土壤含水量接近萎蔫系数7.2%, 玉米只能靠当年降水生长, 如种植年限继续增加, 土壤极有可能形成干层。3种处理之间耗水量、产量、水分利用效率都存在显著差异, PMF最高, SM次之, CK最低。因此, 在半干旱区采用全膜双垄沟播种植玉米可显著提高产量, 但连续种植可导致土壤贮水量显著降低, 对农田可持续生产能力造成不利影响。
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