Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping of Bruchids Resistance Based on A Novel Genetic Linkage Map in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)
WANG Yan,1, FAN BaoJie1, CAO ZhiMin1, ZHANG ZhiXiao1, SU QiuZhu1, WANG Shen1, WANG XueQing2, PENG XiuGuo3, MEI Li4, WU YuHua1, LIU ShaoXing1, TIAN ShengMin1, XU JunJie1, JIANG ChunZhi1, WANG WeiJuan5, LIU ChangYou,1, TIAN Jing,11Institute of Cereal and Oil Crops, Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences/Hebei Laboratory of Crop Genetic and Breeding, Shijiazhuang 050035 2Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050031 3Shijiazhuang Botanical Garden, Shijiazhuang 050000 4Beijing Agricultural Technology Extension Centre, Beijing 100029 5Plant Protection Department of Chongli District, Zhangjiakou 076350, Hebei
Abstract 【Objective】Bruchids are the main storage pests of cowpea. The discovery of bruchids resistance genes is helpful for breeding resistant varieties and reducing the harm of bruchids to cowpea production.【Method】In this study, a RIL population of 282 lines derived from the cross between Zhongjiang No.1 (a bruchid-susceptible cultivar) and Pant-lobia-1 (a bruchid-resistant cultivar) was used for phenotype identification of bruchids resistance by artificial inoculation of Callosobruchus chinensis and Callosobruchus maculates. The two parents were used to screen polymorphic markers from 3 992 SSR markers of mung bean, adzuki bean and cowpea. Genotypes of 282 lines were analyzed using the polymorphic SSR markers. Based on the phenotype identification and genotype analysis, a genetic linkage map was constructed and the bruchids resistance gene(s) of cowpea was located using Inclusive Composite Interval Mapping (ICIM-ADD). 【Result】The results showed that Zhongjiang No. 1 and F1 seeds were 100% susceptible to Callosobruchus chinensis and Callosobruchus maculates, and the damage rates of Pant-lobia-1 were 22.5% and 42.5%, respectively. It was speculated that the resistance of Pant-lobia-1 to bruchids was recessive inheritance. 182 polymorphic markers were obtained from 3 992 SSR markers of mung bean, adzuki bean and cowpea. Using those polymorphic SSR markers, a genetic linkage map with 11 linkage groups was constructed. The map covered a total length of 1 065.23 cM with an average interval of 5.85 cM between adjacent markers. Two bruchid-resistant QTLs from linkage groups 1 and 5 were discovered, which were temporarily named as vubr1-1 and vubr5-1. QTL vuvr1-1 was located between markers XD11-44 and HAAS_VR_2274, which genetic distance was 7.6 cM, explaining 7.16% and 6.92% of the phenotypic variation in the two bruchid-resistant tests respectively. QTL vubr5-1 was located between markers XD1-14 and CP185, which genetic distance was 2.9 cM, explaining 6.96% and 6.37% of the phenotypic variation in the two bruchid-resistant tests respectively. 【Conclusion】A genetic linkage map containing 11 linkage groups and 182 polymorphic markers was constructed. Two QTLs linked with bruchids resistance were identified on linkage groups 1 and 5. Keywords:Vigna unguiculata;SSR;bruchid resistance;genetic mapping;quantitative trait locus
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0 引言
【研究意义】豆象是豇豆(Vigna unguiculata (Linn.) Walp.)等食用豆类作物的主要仓储害虫,以幼虫蛀入籽粒内进行危害[1],导致豇豆品质和质量下降,发生严重时可造成整仓库的豇豆籽粒全部受损,严重影响豇豆产业的发展[2,3]。在中国危害豇豆的豆象主要是绿豆象(Callosobruchus chinensis)和四纹豆象(Callosobruchus maculates)[4,5]。其中,四纹豆象是中国进境检疫三类危险性害虫之一。目前,国内外主要通过化学防治和生物防治方法防治豆象危害[6,7,8]。化学防治方法容易导致农药残留和环境污染,而生物防治方法成本高、见效慢[9,10]。因此,利用作物本身的抗性培育抗豆象品种是防治豆象最为经济有效的方法。【前人研究进展】目前,国内外筛选到的豇豆抗豆象资源较少,1985年国际热带农业研究所(International Institute of Tropical Agriculture,IITA)筛选了8 000多份豇豆资源,仅得到3份抗性资源,分别为TVU11952、TVU11953和TVU20273抗源[11,12]。近年来,随着分子生物学技术的快速发展,国内外关于豇豆QTL定位的研究不断增多。2015年HUYNH等[13]利用1 536个SNP标记定位了2个与蚜虫抗性相关的QTL位点,分别位于第1连锁群和第7连锁群。2018年LO等[14]利用17 739个多态性标记构建了一个高密度遗传连锁图谱,并定位了9个与豇豆驯化相关的QTL位点。但是关于豇豆抗豆象性状遗传研究较少。1983年REDDEN[15]研究认为TVU2027的抗豆象特性是由1个主要隐性基因及其修饰基因起作用。2005年SINGH[16]通过研究TVU11952、TVU11953和TVU2027的抗性遗传,认为它们的抗豆象基因相同,均由2个隐性基因控制,并命名为rm1和rm2。2018年MIESHO等[17]利用41 948个SNP标记对217份豇豆核心种质进行全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association studies,GWAS),筛选到6个与抗豆象相关的候选基因,分别位于豇豆第1、2、6和8染色体。【本研究切入点】目前,国外关于豇豆抗豆象分子遗传基础研究结果不一,而国内关于豇豆抗豆象遗传研究鲜见报道。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究利用来自尼尔利亚的抗豆象豇豆品种Pant-lobia-1作为抗豆象基因来源,与中国豇豆品种中豇1号杂交构建重组自交系(recombinant inbred lines,RIL)群体,进行豇豆遗传连锁图谱构建和抗豆象QTL定位,为豇豆抗豆象分子标记辅助育种和抗豆象基因克隆提供依据。
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*, **, and ***: Indicated markers exhibiting significant deviation from the expected segregation ratio at the 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 levels, respectively
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