The Uncertainty of Agricultural Yield Risk Assessment and Agricultural Insurance Pricing: Literature Review and Wayforward
ZHANG Qiao,1,2, WANG Ke,1,31Agricultural Information Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081 2China Institute for Actuarial Science of Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 102206 3China Agriculture Reinsurance Corporation, Beijing 100083
Abstract As the importance of making an accurate rate to the sustainable development of agricultural insurance programs, lots of literature on agricultural risk assessment and agricultural insurance pricing had been conducted since the 1980s. Yet, uncertainty still existed regarding the risk assessment results and/or the agricultural insurance premium. With the purpose of improving the credibility of Chinese agricultural insurance pricing, we firstly conduct a literature review on the recent development in the field of agricultural risk assessment and insurance pricing, and then put forward the uncertainty sources for agricultural insurance pricing, followed by a solution. It is found that the data scarcity, the fuzziness in dealing with technical issues, and the unmatched spatial scale of risk assessment and pricing are the three reasons for the uncertainty of agricultural risk assessment and insurance pricing, and improving the agricultural insurance pricing credibility has been emerging as a hot topic in recent literature. Reducing the uncertainty of agricultural insurance pricing can be achieved in the big data era with the help of data mixing technology and data-intensive research. While making a sound agricultural insurance rate cannot overcome the essential adverse selection problem which could hamper the agricultural insurance sustainable development, however, it can be partly addressed by providing more flexible agricultural insurance products with alternative coverage levels. Keywords:agricultural insurance;agricultural yield risk assessment;agricultural insurance pricing;insurance ratemaking;uncertainty
PDF (392KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 张峭, 王克. 农业生产风险评估及农业保险费率厘定的不确定性:研究进展和破解之道. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(22): 4778-4786 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.22.006 ZHANG Qiao, WANG Ke. The Uncertainty of Agricultural Yield Risk Assessment and Agricultural Insurance Pricing: Literature Review and Wayforward. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(22): 4778-4786 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.22.006
针对农业保险精算数据量少的问题,不管是国外****还是国内****,基本思路都是利用气象、土壤等信息来补充和扩展农业保险精算所需的数据量。REJESUS等[26]提出了在农业保险费率厘定中考虑气象数据信息以提升费率厘定科学性的方法。SHEN等[27]提出了将专家知识纳入农业保险定价的新框架,以中国东北三省水稻产量巨灾保险为例的实证研究表明,该框架会提升定价的稳健性。KER等[28]提出了一个新的定价思路,某区域 i 的费率并不仅以该地区数据为基础进行测算,而是以所有区域的数据进行计算,研究表明该方法具有很好的优势,可以提高费率厘定的精度。WOODARD 等[29]提出了在农业保险费率厘定中将土壤信息纳入模型进行考虑的思路和方法,研究结果表明纳入土壤信息后农业保险费率更加准确和稳健。PORTH等[25]针对农业保险精算数据不足的问题,首次将保险精算领域的信度理论纳入农业保险精算,利用全国平均赔付率或气象数据来对某一省份农业保险费率定价进行赋权,提升了定价的信度。在国内,有****根据我国有较高质量农业灾情统计数据的情况,提出了基于灾情数据的农作物生产风险评估方法[30,31]。还有很多****利用气候数据对农业生产风险进行评估(如,王月琴等[32]、赵思健等[33]、牛浩等[34]),但这类研究多用于天气指数保险的定价。吴海平等[35]以河北省为例验证了KER(2016)研究思路在中国应用的可行性,结果表明同时利用特定县及风险同质区域的产量数据进行农业保险定价,能够显著提升农业保险费率厘定的信度。除此之外,肖宇谷等[9]提出了农业保险费率厘定区间估计的思路和方法,在传统评估方法的基础上利用Bootstrap方法估算出可能的保险费率区间,并利用区间的长度来判断费率厘定的可信度水平,为解决农业生产风险评估信度不高问题提供了新的思路。
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