Abstract 【Objective】The shadows in UAV multi-spectral remote sensing images were removed to improve the accuracy of the nitrogen inversion model for apple canopy. 【Method】Using the UAV multi-spectral images collected in June 2019 at the apple orchard of Qixia city in Shandong province, as the experimental area, normalized shaded vegetation index (NSVI) and normalized canopy shadow index (NDCSI) were respectively used to remove shadow and to extract the spectral information of the canopy in non shadow area. The correlation analysis method was used to analyze the correlation between the spectral data, including the data obtained based on the original spectral images and the images after removing the shadow based on NSVI and NDCSI, and the measured leaf nitrogen content data, respectively, and then the sensitive wavelength of nitrogen content were screened and spectral parameters were constructed. Partial least squares (PLS) and support vector machine (SVM) methods were used to build the inversion model of nitrogen content and to carry out the precision inspection in the fruit tree canopy. 【Result】The results showed that the green band and red band were sensitive bands for the inversion of nitrogen content in fruit tree canopy based on UAV multi-spectral images. The spectral information of fruit tree canopy was weakened by shadow, and the spectral difference of canopy multispectral bands before and after shadow removal was significant, especially in red-edge band and near-infrared band. The accuracy of nitrogen inversion model based on two shadow indexes after shadow removal was improved, and the optimal model was the support vector machine nitrogen content inversion model based on NDCSI, the modeling set of this model R2 and RPD was 0.774 and 1.828, the validation set R2 and RPD were 0.723 and 1.819 respectively. 【Conclusion】NDCSI could effectively remove the shadow in the multi-spectral fruit tree canopy image of the UAV to improve remote sensing inversion accuracy of nitrogen content in apple canopy, so as to provide a useful reference for precise nitrogen management in orchard. Keywords:canopy shadow;shadow vegetation index;UAV;multispectral;remote sensing
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Table 1 表1 表1多光谱传感器的波段参数 Table 1Band parameters of multispectral sensor
波段 Band
中心波长 Band center (nm)
带宽 Band width (nm)
Bg为绿光波段,Br为红光波段,Breg为红边波段,Bnir为近红外波段。下同 Bg is the green band, Br is the red band, Breg is the red edge band, and Bnir is the near infrared band. The same below
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