

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

樊晓静,1, 于文涛,2, 蔡春平2, 林浥1, 王泽涵1, 房婉萍3, 张见明4, 叶乃兴,11福建农林大学园艺学院/茶学福建省高校重点实验室,福州 350002
2福州海关技术中心/福建省检验检疫技术研究重点实验室,福州 350001
3南京农业大学园艺学院,南京 210095
4武夷学院科研处,福建武夷山 354300

Construction of Molecular ID for Tea Cultivars by Using of Single- nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Markers

FAN XiaoJing,1, YU WenTao,2, CAI ChunPing2, LIN Yi1, WANG ZeHan1, FANG WanPing3, ZHANG JianMing4, YE NaiXing,11College of Horticulture, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University/Key Laboratory of Tea Science in Universities of Fujian Province, Fuzhou 350002
2Technology Centre of Fuzhou Customs District/Fujian Key Laboratory for Technology Research of Inspection and Quarantine, Fuzhou 350001
3College of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095
4Wuyi University, Wuyishan 354300, Fujian

通讯作者: * 叶乃兴,E-mail: ynxtea@126.com; 于文涛,E-mail: wtyu@foxmail.com

责任编辑: 李莉

Corresponding authors: $con.vcortext
作者简介 About authors
樊晓静,E-mail: 1187248076@qq.com

【目的】建立茶树品种的SNP分子标记数据库,结合茶树品种基本信息,将SNP位点组成的DNA指纹图谱构建28位数字组成的茶树品种资源分子身份证,便于茶树品种资源的保护与精准管理,避免“同名异物、同物异名”的现象。【方法】通过挖掘茶树的表达序列标签,获得大量的高质量表达序列标签,将其进行装配后,开发候选位点,将候选位点与茶树全基因组进行BLAST,得到其在全基因组染色体上的位置与具体关联基因。以铁观音、福鼎大白茶、龙井43、云抗10号等103份国内外不同类型的茶树品种资源为供试材料,提取基因组DNA,利用预扩增技术和微流体芯片法对供试茶树品种资源进行SNP基因分型,获得SNP位点数据及候选SNP位点的信息指数、观测杂合度、期望杂合度等信息,将多态性从高到低进行排序,进行SNP位点组合筛选,得到最优SNP位点组合后,结合茶树品种基本信息构建茶树品种资源分子身份证。【结果】从茶树的表达序列标签数据库中挖掘出1 786个候选SNP位点。根据序列保守性,筛选出96个SNP标记位点,与最新茶树基因组比对发现候选位点较均匀地分布于茶树全基因组的15条染色体上;对茶树品种资源的候选SNP位点的多态性信息进行分析,剔除10个不具多态性的位点,剩余86个位点的信息指数平均值为0.517,观测杂合度平均值为0.370,期望杂合度平均值为0.346,固定指数平均值为-0.036,次等位基因频率平均值为0.269。从86个SNP位点中筛选出24个多态性高的SNP位点,组成DNA指纹图谱,可区分出全部参试茶树品种资源。对24个SNP位点组成的DNA指纹图谱并结合茶树品种资源基本信息进行数字编码,最终形成由28位数字组成的茶树品种资源分子身份证。【结论】依据SNP标记的多态性信息,筛选SNP位点,精准区分全部供试茶树品种,并将24个SNP位点所构建的茶树品种资源DNA指纹图谱及品种资源的基本属性信息编码成特定的数字串,使每份茶树品种资源具有唯一的分子身份证,并生成相应的条形码和二维码,可快速被扫码设备识别。
关键词: 茶树;品种资源;SNP;分子身份证;DNA指纹图谱

【Objective】In order to facilitate the protection and precise management of tea cultivars and avoid the phenomenon of homonyms and synonyms, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) molecular marker database of tea cultivars was established, and the 28 digit molecular identities of tea cultivars were constructed by DNA fingerprinting of SNP loci and the basic information of tea cultivars. 【Method】By mining the expressed sequence tags (EST) of tea plants, a large number of high-quality ESTs were obtained. Then, the ESTs were assembled to develop candidate SNP loci. And, high-quality SNPs for tea plants were screened. Furthermore, the candidate SNP loci were compared with the whole genome of tea plant to confirm their positions on the chromosomes and specific genes. The genomic DNA was extracted from fresh leaves of 103 tea cultivars. Subsequently, the genotyping of accessions was carried out on microfluidic chips. Information index, observed heterozygosity and expected heterozygosity of the candidate SNPs were obtained. The SNP loci were further screened by their polymorphism, obtaining the optimal combination of SNP loci. The molecular identities of tea cultivars were finally constructed by combining the basic information of tea cultivars. 【Result】A total of 1 786 candidate SNP loci were selected from the EST database of Camellia sinensis. According to the sequence conservation, 96 SNP loci were selected. Compared with the latest tea plant genome, the candidate loci were evenly distributed on 15 chromosomes of the whole tea plant genome. The polymorphism information of candidate SNP loci of tea cultivars were analyzed, and 10 non-polymorphic loci were eliminated. The average values of information index, observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, fixed index and minor allele frequency of the remaining 86 loci were 0.517, 0.370, 0.346, -0.036, 0.269, respectively. 24 SNPs, with high polymorphism, were screened out from 86 SNPs to distinguish all tea cultivars. Based on the fingerprint of 24 SNP markers and the basic information of tea cultivars, the tea molecular ID, which composed of 28 digits, was formed finally. 【Conclusion】According to the polymorphism information of SNP markers, the candidate SNP loci were screened. And all tea cultivars were accurately distinguished. Furthermore, The DNA fingerprints of 103 tea cultivars were constructed by the 24 SNP markers and the converted serial codes from information of the tea cultivars, each germplasm thus has a unique molecular identity code, and the bar codes and quick response (QR) codes are generated as the molecular ID card, which can be quickly identified by the code scanning equipment.
Keywords:Camellia sinensis;cultivar;SNP;molecular ID;DNA fingerprint

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樊晓静, 于文涛, 蔡春平, 林浥, 王泽涵, 房婉萍, 张见明, 叶乃兴. 利用SNP标记构建茶树品种资源分子身份证[J]. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(8): 1751-1760 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.08.014
FAN XiaoJing, YU WenTao, CAI ChunPing, LIN Yi, WANG ZeHan, FANG WanPing, ZHANG JianMing, YE NaiXing. Construction of Molecular ID for Tea Cultivars by Using of Single- nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Markers[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(8): 1751-1760 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.08.014


0 引言

【研究意义】茶树(Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)为多年生异花授粉植物,具有高度异质性和杂合性[1]。中国西南地区是茶树的起源地[2],茶树从起源地向中国其他地区和国外的自然传播和人为传播过程中,积累了自然演化和人工选择的变异,从而在各茶区形成了丰富的茶树品种资源[3]。然而在茶树品种资源的大量引种及频繁的品种资源交换过程中,造成同名异物、同物异名的现象[4,5],不仅给茶树品种资源保护利用带来诸多困难,也损害了消费者的权益。因而科学准确地区分和鉴定茶树品种资源具有重要意义。【前人研究进展】传统使用形态标记、细胞标记等方法来区分、鉴定植物品种均有一定局限性。如形态学标记容易受环境和植物发育阶段等影响;细胞学标记容易受制片技术的影响,且对于染色体小数量多的物种,其染色体核型不易区分清楚[6]。随着生物信息技术的进步,以生物的遗传物质核酸的多态性为基础的分子标记得到了快速发展,DNA分析技术开始大量应用于植物学研究。RAPD、SSR等分子标记技术在研究茶树遗传多样性、指纹图谱及分子身份证构建等方面已有较多运用[7,8,9,10,11,12,13]。如安徽茶树群体中的SSR遗传多样性分析[8]、茶树SSR指纹图谱的构建[9,10]、野生茶树的RAPD分子标记鉴定[11]和名山茶树基因身份证的构建[13]。LANDER[14]在1996年提出SNP的遗传标记技术,作为继SSR为代表的第二代分子标记技术之后发展起来的第三代分子标记技术,是指个体间基因组DNA序列同一位置单个核苷酸变异所引起的多态性。SNP标记具有高密度性,且广泛存在于基因组中,如人类基因组中平均每1 000 bp就会出现一个SNP,玉米中平均每57 bp出现一个SNP[15]。SNP作为第三代分子标记,其优点在于快速、自动化、高通量[16],其多态性几乎在所有被研究物种中都被用作有效的遗传标记,包括动物[17]和植物[18]。【本研究切入点】目前,关于茶树SNP分子标记的研究,主要集中在品种资源鉴定、遗传多样性、遗传关系的分析及指纹图谱的构建[19,20],对茶树品种资源的分子身份证进行构建鲜见报道。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究通过收集国内外103份茶树种质,利用SNP标记并结合茶树品种资源基本信息构建茶树品种资源分子身份证,以期为茶树品种资源保护鉴定提供一种新思路。

1 材料与方法

1.1 供试材料


Table 1
Table 1Molecular ID of 103 tea plant cultivars
品种资源 Cultivars分子身份证 Molecular ID品种资源 Cultivars分子身份证 Molecular ID
蕉城苦茶1号 Jiaocheng Kucha 11351232113232131123233232332紫牡丹 Zimudan1353112323322131312131212111
蕉城苦茶4号 Jiaocheng Kucha 41351232123232331223233232332凤圆春 Fengyuanchun1353111111111121311211112211
蕉城苦茶5号 Jiaocheng Kucha 51351132121112131123213212131大叶乌龙 Dayewulong1353112112313211113231111111
寿宁地洋1号 Shouning Diyang 11351321113222111121122111223蜀永1号 Shuyong 11503323111113131121212111223
寿宁地洋2号 Shouning Diyang 11351311131323131112113111211蜀永2号 Shuyong 21503321313212133222232312222
寿宁芎坑1号 Shouning Xiongkeng 11351121132321111233112213221蜀永3号 Shuyong 21503113223211111211211122312
寿宁芎坑2号 Shouning Xiongkeng 21351113211321131113113213212蜀永808 Shuyong 8081503123223212131221131112322
凤凰苦茶 Fenghuangkucha1441213233232111323233211111蜀永703 Shuyong 7031503123213221121132231121221
佛手 Foshou1353211232221111311213311211名山白毫131 Mingshanbaihao 1311513111231313121112112313212
白鸡冠 Baijiguan1352113111121111211121213113安徽7号 Anhui 71343311131232121211111313113
慢奇兰 Manqilan1352122113122111323311311121蒙山9号 Mengshan 91343111131311111112122113212
金面奇兰 Jinmianqilan1352111131122131331111312111名山早311 Mingshanzao 3111513131132311121332112313232
寿宁桃眉 Shouning Taomei1352131121122111332131111232川茶2号 Chuancha 21513123223121111111211312322
寿宁黄叶茶 Shouning Huangyecha1352113331331111113211312213川茶3号 Chuancha 21513121233221131112221311221
吴山清明茶 Wushanqingmingcha1352321132333131321212311221紫嫣 Ziyan1513112211311131311211113212
水古茶 Shuigucha1332323211323111312332112222云抗10号 Yunkang 101533113123211131123211112332
夜来香单丛 Yelaixiang Dancong1442232122121111311233113131云茶1号 Yuncha 11533311332323121312331313211
芝兰香单丛 Zhilanxiang Dancong1442132223232121223233211331长叶白毫 Changyebaihao1533223123232111223233212322
八仙香单丛 Baxianxiang Dancong1442233123132121123233232131紫娟 Zijuan1533111111211231121211112132
老仙翁单丛 Langxianweng Dancong1442232223212121111231232331鄂茶11号 Echa 111423123131311121132113321123
红帝单丛 Hongdi Dancong1442231123232221113232212331千年雪 Qiannianxue1333311212121131312311333113
城门单丛 Chengmen Dancong1442113123211111312211112111平阳特早 Pingyangtezao1333123233121121132132112123
探春香单丛 Tanchunxiang Dancong1442233123232121113231213331中茶102 Zhongcha 1021333121111321111332311113221
贡香单丛 Gongxiang Dancong1442211211232111323212212111碧云 Biyun1333131231332131311322311233
棕榈香单丛 Zonglvxiang Dancong1442111121211211121211111111白叶1号 Baiye 11333113131113131112131111211
鸭屎香单丛 Yashaxiang Dancong1442131133132311113232211331龙井43 Longjing 431333113313213111331132312113
姜母香单丛 Jiangmuxiang Dancong1442233331232321121233232331中茶108 Zhongcha 1081333311331313111112222311211
青心大冇 Qingxindamao1712112121132111312213112311嘉茗1号 Jiaming 11333322233111111332112113223
软枝乌龙 Ruanzhiwulong1712112321312131312233112112龙井长叶 Longjingchangye1333313131123121211111313212
四季春 Sijichun1712122231322111312223111223黄金芽 Huangjinya1333123111322111131212311122
福鼎大白茶 Fuding Dabaicha1353131132311121332112313231安徽3号 Anhui 31343111231313121112112313211
政和大白茶 Zhenghe Dabaicha1353123111121111121212111221凫早2号 Fuzao 21343122332123121331231313121
霞浦春波绿 Xiapu Chunbolv1353321131321211122123311121舒茶早 Shuchazao1343121231311111322212313123
早逢春 Zaofengchun1353111221212111223212211333农抗早 Nongkangzao1343313211121121132112311211
霞浦元宵茶 Xiapu Yuanxiaolv1353313233121131211311311211白毫早 Baihaozao1433332232121111111312113232
福云6号 Fuyun 61353111111111111111231111111槠叶齐 Chuyeqi1433112123223111221222122112
福云7号 Fuyun 71353213211132111111111111131桃源大叶 Taoyuandaye1433121133223111111211311121
福云10号 Fuyun 101353113311131111111211311131涟源奇曲 Lianyuanqiqu1432121123211131111112112121
福云20号 Fuyun 201353133131231111332213131131湘波绿 Xiangbolv1433213111132211111111113112
福云595 Fuyun 5951353211211112211111111113111尖波黄 Jianbohuang1433132111111111111212111232
大红袍 Dahongpao1353322212313131322213112223保靖黄金茶1号 Baojing Huangjincha 11433323212322131211211212221
铁观音 Tieguanyin1353112131312111332211311112乌叶单丛 Wuye Dancong1443132121232121113233212331
黄棪 Huangdan1353212221113111313231213111金萱 Jinxuan1713122222121111322212211122
肉桂 Rougui1353211133312321333111212211翠玉 Cuiyu1713321321231111331213312321
本山 Benshan1353212331312111331111311112福云8号 Fuyun 81354213311111111111231111132
梅占 Meizhan1353122122112111311112312121福云591 Fuyun 5911354111331311211311212111111
毛蟹 Maoxie1353132331311121331321311131寿宁凤阳种 Shouning Fengyangzhong1354112332321121112112311111
白芽奇兰 Baiyaqilan1353122321322331311231112221金茗早 Jinmingzao1354112222111121113232213111
九龙大白茶 Jiulongdabaicha1353213311111111111231111131长乐种 Changlezhong1354213211132111111311111131
九龙袍 Jiulongpao1353322212313131322213112123玉绿 Yulv1005112231111131231112111211
福建水仙 Fujian Shuixian1353311131311311211111311211格鲁吉亚1号 Gelujiya 11005221323212111212112312121
八仙茶 Baxiancha1353111123232121222232213211


1.2 DNA的提取


1.3 SNP基因分型

中国乌龙茶产业协同创新中心课题组前期从国家生物信息中心(national center of biotechnology information,NCBI)的数据库(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)中下载了茶树的表达序列标签(express sequence tags,EST),获得大量可用于数据挖掘的高质量EST。经过软件CAP3程序将序列装配,再利用Quality SNP在含有6条以上同源序列重叠群中开发候选SNP位点,得到了1 786个候选EST-SNP位点。为确保获得高质量的SNP用于后期验证,之后进入人工选择,要求筛选出的SNP位点前后有60 bp碱基完全保守,最终筛选出用于茶树种质资源的96个SNP标记位点[20,21]。目前,已有多个茶树全基因组数据公布[22,23,24,25],将96个候选位点与最新发表的茶树全基因组[25]进行局部序列比对搜索[26],得到候选SNP位点序列在全基因组染色体与具体基因上的位置。利用Fluidigm 96.96 Dynamic Array? IFC芯片(Integrated Fluidic Circuit; Fluidigm? Corp,USA)进行基因分型,该芯片可同时检测96个样品和96个SNP位点,且上样后可自动进行PCR反应,芯片读取图如电子附图1。96.96 Dynamic Array? IFC芯片使用方法需根据样品实际情况进行改进;而后使用EP1?成像仪(Fluidigm? Corp, USA)获得96.96 IFC荧光图像。



Fig. 1Polymorphism plots of 24 SNP loci

Blue: Heterozygote (XY); Red: Homozygote (XX); Green: Homozygote (YY)

1.4 数据处理

利用Fluidigm SNP Genotyping Analysis软件(https://www.fluidigm.com/software)进行数据导出和分析,并确定每个SNP位点处的样品基因型是纯合子或杂合子。使用GenAlEx6.503软件分析等位基因频率(allele frequency)、信息指数(information index,I)、观察杂合度(observed heterozygosity,Ho)、预期杂合度(expected heterozygosity,He)、固定指数(fixation index,F)和次等位基因频率(minor allele frequency,MAF)。将茶树品种资源基本信息与其DNA指纹图谱信息结合,利用在线条码生成器(http://barcode.cnaidc.com)和二维码在线生成软件(http://qr-batch.com/)以数字条码的形式构建茶树品种资源分子身份证。

2 结果

2.1 茶树SNP标记多态性描述统计


2.2 茶树品种资源最佳SNP位点的筛选及指纹图谱的构建




Fig. 2SNP fingerprints of 103 tea germplasms

Blue: Heterozygote (XY); Red: Homozygote (XX); Green: Homozygote (YY)

2.3 茶树DNA指纹图谱编码


2.4 茶树品种资源信息编码

茶树的基本信息由4位数字组成,其中,茶树品种资源类型分类参考陈亮等[27,28]方法。第1位数字代表茶组植物具体物种,茶树(Camellia sinensis (L.) O.Kuntze)为1,大厂茶(C. tachangensis F. C. Zhang)为2,厚轴茶(C. crassicolumna Chang)为3,大理茶(C. taliensis (W. W. Smith) Melchior)为4,秃房茶(C. gymnogyna Chang)为5;第2—3位数字代表行政区划代码,如福建为35,浙江为33,云南为53,国外为00;第4位数字代表茶树品种资源类型,野生茶树为1,地方品种和地方种质为2,优良品种(含育成品种)为3,新选品系、株系为4,国外品种为5。以福鼎大白茶举例,4位数字商品码为1353,其中“1”表示是分类上茶组植物种类,“35”代表该茶树种质原产地是福建,“3”表示为优良品种。

2.5 茶树品种资源分子身份证的构建

基本商品信息和DNA指纹图谱共同组成由28位数字编码的茶树品种资源分子身份证(表1)。以国家级品种福鼎大白茶举例,其品种资源基本信息为:属茶组植物中的茶树(C. sinensis),原产于福建,品种资源类型为优良品种,转换成数字码为1353;其24个SNP分子标记的基因型分别为TC、TT、AT、CT、GG、GG、CC、TC、TG、TC、TT、AG、GG、TT、CC、AG、CT、TT、CC、AT、GG、GG、CC、TC,转换成24位数字码为131132311121332112313231。则福鼎大白茶的分子身份证为1353131132311121332112313231(图3-A),将其转化为条形码和二维码如图3-B所示。



Fig. 3Molecular ID of Camellia sinensis Fuding Dabaicha

3 讨论

3.1 茶树品种资源SNP标记的基因分型


3.2 茶树最佳引物的筛选确认

筛选较少的引物,可以缩短茶树品种资源鉴定的时间,降低应用成本。最佳引物的选择是构建指纹图谱和分子身份证的重要步骤。PAN[33]利用21对引物对1 025份甘蔗种质构建了分子身份证。李春花等[34]采用15对引物构建了48份苦荞资源的分子身份证。冉昆等[35]利用10对引物构建了45份山东地方种质梨的分子身份证。高源等[36]利用TP-M13-SSR分子标记技术,通过筛选引物,对苹果分子身份证进行了构建。在本研究的96个SNP标记中,去除10个在试验样品中表现出多态性差的标记位点,再依据引物的信息指数(I),通过从高到低排序,逐步增加引物组合数量,使其能够区分更多的品种资源,以获得最佳的引物。经过分析,本研究最终筛选了24个SNP标记位点能够将103份茶树品种资源完全区分,24个SNP标记位点位于茶树全基因组的12条染色体上,染色体覆盖度为80%,覆盖度较高,有利于茶树品种资源的有效鉴别。

3.3 茶树品种资源DNA分子身份证的价值与应用


4 结论


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