Nutrient Resource Quantity from Main Grain Crop Straw Incorporation and Its Enlightenment on Chemical Fertilizer Reduction in Wheat Production in China
LI TingLiang![](https://www.chinaagrisci.com/richhtml/0578-1752/richHtml_jats1_1/images/REemail.gif)
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李廷亮, 王宇峰, 王嘉豪, 栗丽, 谢钧宇, 李丽娜, 黄晓磊, 谢英荷. 我国主要粮食作物秸秆还田养分资源量及其对小麦化肥减施的启示[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(23): 4835-4854 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.23.010
LI TingLiang, WANG YuFeng, WANG JiaHao, LI Li, XIE JunYu, LI LiNa, HUANG XiaoLei, XIE YingHe.
0 引言
【研究意义】农作物秸秆含有大量氮、磷、钾及其他中微量元素,秸秆还田后易分解物质可快速释放矿质养分供后期作物吸收利用,难分解部分则经微生物转化为腐殖质增加土壤碳汇,改善土壤结构和微生态环境,进而提高土壤肥力[1,2,3]。作物秸秆是农业生产中最经济有效的有机养分资源,科学统计评价我国现阶段主要粮食作物秸秆资源量及养分释放特征对合理减少农业化肥投入和提高耕地质量具有重要意义。【前人研究进展】我国农作物秸秆资源丰富,据统计2015年全国农作物秸秆总产量达10.4亿t,其中可收集资源量为9亿 t,秸秆肥料化利用率为43.2%[4]。秸秆含有大量养分资源,宋大利等[5]研究表明2015年我国水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆全量还田可归还的氮素(N)分别为56.9、36.6和61.5 kg·hm-2,占对应作物生产化肥氮施用量的31.6%(水稻)、22.5%(小麦)和28.8%(玉米);柴如山等[6]对我国2013—2017年主要粮食作物秸秆钾素资源量研究表明,我国水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆还田当季可提供的钾素量分别为499万t、193万t和479万t。目前国际上估算秸秆资源量普遍采用的方法是草谷比,而草谷比受作物品种、栽培措施和气候条件等因素影响较大,我国水稻、小麦和玉米的草谷比一般在0.62—1.40、0.73—1.56和0.89—2.00之间[7,8,9,10,11,12]。草谷比的选择很大程度上会影响秸秆和养分资源量的估算结果,毕于运等[11]采用玉米草谷比1.2估算我国2005年玉米秸秆总产量为2.02亿t,而在张培栋等[13]研究中选择玉米草谷比2.0估算我国2005年玉米秸秆资源量为2.78亿t。另外关于作物秸秆养分含量,多数研究[6,14-17]参考了1999年全国农业技术推广服务中心编制的《中国有机肥料养分志》,其中我国水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆的氮(N)含量分别为0.91%、0.65%和0.92%,磷(P2O5)含量分别为0.30%、0.18%和0.34%,钾(K2O)分别为2.29%、1.27%和1.43%;而刘晓永等[12]在《中国有机肥料养分志》基础上通过后期文献统计加权确定的我国水稻、小麦和玉米的磷素(P2O5)含量分别为0.13%、0.09%和0.11%,整体降低了50%以上;高伟[18]对我国北方不同地区玉米秸秆养分含量研究结果为0.93%(N)、0.37%(P2O5)和2.37%(K2O),其中钾素含量则提高了66%。表明作物秸秆养分含量会随作物品种的更替、土壤水肥条件和栽培措施等发生变化。作物秸秆还田后在微生物作用下逐步发生腐解,释放矿质营养元素,研究表明不同作物秸秆中养分释放速率表现为K>P>N,其中秸秆钾的当季释放率可达90%,磷的当季释放率在60%—70%,氮的当季释放率在50%—60%[12,19-21]。秸秆翻埋在15—20 cm土层的累积腐解率高于0—5 cm土层,秸秆在旱地土壤中的累积腐解率和养分释放率总体高于水田[22,23,24]。我国近年小麦种植面积在2 400万hm2以上,其中旱作小麦约占1/3,我国旱地土壤相对贫瘠,化肥利用效率低,因此秸秆还田在小麦种植区的化肥减量有机替代研究对当地土壤质量提升和小麦绿色生产显得尤为重要。【本研究切入点】以往研究中有关秸秆产量及养分资源量统计多依据某一标准或单一文献的草谷比和养分含量值,所以统计结果差异较大,且秸秆还田养分资源估算量大多没有考虑当季养分释放率,仅通过全量养分估算秸秆还田替代化肥潜力。而基于大样本统计的草谷比和养分含量值估算我国主要粮食作物秸秆产量和养分资源量,以及基于秸秆养分当季释放率估算化肥实际可替代量的研究鲜为报道。【拟解决的关键问题】本文基于《中国统计年鉴》和前人大量文献数据,系统研究我国2014—2018年水稻、小麦和玉米三大粮食作物秸秆产量分布特征、秸秆养分含量和释放特征,并进一步分析秸秆还田养分释放对我国小麦生产化肥减施的贡献,以期为我国农业绿色资源化生产提供理论依据。1 研究方法与数据来源
1.1 研究区域
本研究参照中国粮食主产区划分,将中国大陆31个省、市、自治区(未包括香港、澳门、台湾和南海群岛)划分为六大农区:(1)东北农区(黑龙江、吉林和辽宁);(2)华北农区(北京、天津、河北、河南、山东、山西);(3)长江中下游农区(上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、湖北、湖南、江西);(4)西北农区(内蒙古、陕西、宁夏、甘肃、青海、新疆);(5)西南农区(重庆、四川、贵州、云南、西藏);(6)东南农区(福建、广东、广西、海南)。研究的作物包括水稻、小麦和玉米。1.2 估算方法
1.3 数据来源
本研究中各地区作物产量及种植面积数据来自2015—2019年国家统计局编制的《中国统计年鉴》,为避免粮食作物产量年度之间差异引起的统计不准确性,水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆产量为基于2014—2018年作物产量多年统计数据的估算值。关于草谷比的确定,本研究基于前人大量数据统计结果,加权平均计算获得(表1)。水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆养分含量及当季释放率均为近年相关研究文献大量样品统计结果。Table 1
Table 1
作物 Crop | 文献 Reference[7] | 文献 Reference [8] | 文献 Reference [9] | 文献 Reference [10] | 文献 Reference [12] | 文献 Reference [15] | 加权平均值 Mean |
水稻Rice | 0.9(7) | — | 1.0 (41) | — | 1.02 (194) | 1.05 (5) | 1.01 (247) |
小麦 Wheat | 1.16(7) | — | 1.17 (34) | 1.27(437) | 1.36 (257) | 1.32 (4) | 1.14 (839) |
玉米Maize | 1.75(6) | 1.28(12) | 1.04 (34) | — | 1.25 (283) | 1.63 (6) | 1.25 (341) |
2 结果
2.1 我国主要粮食作物秸秆资源量及分布
2014—2018年我国三大粮食作物秸秆总产量年平均为65 386.6万t(表2),其中水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆产量分别占32.3%、22.7%和45.0%。三大粮食作物秸秆资源主要集中在我国华北、长江中下游和东北农区,占总秸秆产量的73.3%。水稻秸秆产量以长江中下游农区最高,西北农区最低,分别占全国水稻秸秆总量的50.7%和2.8%;小麦秸秆产量以华北农区最高,占全国小麦秸秆总量的59.0%,东南农区小麦秸秆年均产量最低,仅1.5万t;玉米秸秆产量以东北和华北农区最高,分别占全国玉米秸秆总量的33.7%和30.4%,以东南农区最低,仅占全国玉米秸秆总量的1.5%。Table 2
Table 2
农区 Agricultural region | 水稻 Rice | 小麦 Wheat | 玉米 Maize | 总量 Total |
东北 Northeast China | 3566.7±292.3 | 41.6±10.6 | 9903.7± 809.5 | 13512.1±1090.1 |
华北North China | 693.2±19.3 | 8752.0±281.2 | 8926.7±991.8 | 18371.9±1233.8 |
长江中下游 Middle and lower Yangtze River areas | 10714.9±284.6 | 3622.7±235.1 | 1689.9±168.8 | 16027.5± 681.3 |
西北 Northwest China | 300.4±28.5 | 1825.8±76.6 | 5558.4±420.3 | 7684.5±401.6 |
西南 Southwest China | 3082.8±118.9 | 599.6±141.5 | 2872.6±345.3 | 6555.0±131.4 |
东南 Southeast China | 2783.5±164.0 | 1.5± 0.7 | 450.8±26.2 | 3235.7±188.1 |
全国 The whole country | 21141.5±291.2 | 14843.1±344.0 | 29402.0±2645.4 | 65386.6±3244.4 |
2.2 我国主要粮食作物秸秆养分含量及资源总量
表3为根据相关文献数据[5-6,12,16,18-21,23-115]统计的我国水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆氮(N)、磷(P2O5)和钾(K2O)养分含量。可知,不同文献背景下作物养分含量差异较大,其中三大作物秸秆氮素含量变异系数在28.7%—39.6%,磷素含量变异系数在69.0%—87.5%,钾素含量变异系数在43.9%—46.1%,表明作物秸秆中磷含量较氮和钾更容易受到研究条件变化的影响。我国水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆氮素(N)平均含量分别为0.78%、0.64%和0.85%,磷素(P2O5)平均含量分别为0.42%、0.27%和0.53%,钾素(K2O)平均含量分别为2.31%、1.53%和1.59%,秸秆总养分含量(N+P2O5+K2O)表现为水稻>玉米>小麦。Table 3
Table 3
作物 Crop | 养分 Nutrient | 最小值 Minimum value | 最大值 Maximum value | 95%置信区间 95% confidence interval | 平均值 Mean | 样本数 Sample number |
水稻 Rice | N | 0.21 | 2.00 | 0.72-0.83 | 0.78 | 110 |
P2O5 | 0.06 | 1.99 | 0.35-0.50 | 0.42 | 99 | |
K2O | 0.1 | 4.79 | 2.11-2.52 | 2.31 | 97 | |
小麦 Wheat | N | 0.36 | 1.16 | 0.60-0.69 | 0.64 | 60 |
P2O5 | 0.06 | 0.87 | 0.21-0.30 | 0.27 | 47 | |
K2O | 0.25 | 3.58 | 1.32-1.74 | 1.53 | 45 | |
玉米 Maize | N | 0.32 | 2.30 | 0.79-0.91 | 0.85 | 111 |
P2O5 | 0.08 | 2.20 | 0.43-0.62 | 0.53 | 90 | |
K2O | 0.11 | 3.87 | 1.44-1.75 | 1.59 | 88 |
依据上述秸秆养分平均含量对我国不同农区主要粮食作物秸秆养分资源量的估算值见表4。2014—2018年,我国三大粮食作物秸秆养分年资源总量为509.8万t(N)、284.7 万t(P2O5)和1 183.0 万t(K2O),其中水稻秸秆养分资源量占年资源总量的32.3%(N)、31.2%(P2O5)和41.3%(K2O),小麦秸秆养分资源量占年资源总量的18.6%(N)、14.1%(P2O5)和19.2%(K2O),玉米秸秆养分资源量占年资源总量的49.0%(N)、54.7%(P2O5)和39.5% (K2O)。三大粮食作物秸秆N、P2O5和K2O资源量在我国不同农区的分布规律一致,总养分量表现为长江中下游(26.0%)>华北(25.4%)>东北(21.3%)>西北(11.1%)>西南(10.5%)>东南(5.6%),其中72.6%的养分资源量集中我国长江中下游、华北和东北农区。玉米是东北和华北农区养分资源主要来源,分别占70.0%和52.7%;水稻是长江中下游农区秸秆养分资源主要来源,占73.1%。
Table 4
Table 4
农区 Agricultural region | 作物 Crop | 养分资源量 Nutrient resources quantity (×104 t) | ||
N | P2O5 | K2O | ||
东北 Northeast China | 水稻 Rice | 27.8±2.3 | 15.0±1.2 | 82.4±6.8 |
小麦 Wheat | 0.3±0.1 | 0.1±0.0 | 0.6±0.2 | |
玉米 Maize | 84.2±6.9 | 52.5±4.3 | 157.5±12.9 | |
华北North China | 水稻 Rice | 5.4±0.2 | 2.9±0.1 | 16.0±0.4 |
小麦 Wheat | 56.0±1.8 | 23.6±0.8 | 133.9±4.3 | |
玉米 Maize | 75.9±8.4 | 47.3±5.3 | 141.9±15.8 | |
长江中下游 Middle and lower Yangtze River areas | 水稻 Rice | 83.6±2.2 | 45.0±1.2 | 247.5±6.6 |
小麦 Wheat | 23.2±1.5 | 9.8±0.6 | 55.4±3.6 | |
玉米 Maize | 14.4±1.4 | 9.0±0.9 | 26.9±2.7 | |
西北 Northwest China | 水稻 Rice | 2.3±0.2 | 1.3±0.1 | 6.9±0.7 |
小麦 Wheat | 11.7±0.5 | 4.9±0.2 | 27.9±1.2 | |
玉米 Maize | 47.2±3.6 | 29.5±2.2 | 88.4±6.7 | |
西南 Southwest China | 水稻 Rice | 24.0±0.9 | 12.9±0.5 | 71.2±2.7 |
小麦 Wheat | 3.8±0.9 | 1.6±0.4 | 9.2±2.2 | |
玉米 Maize | 24.4±2.9 | 15.2±1.8 | 45.7±5.5 | |
东南 Southeast China | 水稻 Rice | 21.7±1.3 | 11.7±0.7 | 64.3±3.8 |
小麦 Wheat | — | — | — | |
玉米 Maize | 3.8±0.2 | 2.4±0.1 | 7.2±0.4 | |
全国 The whole country | 水稻 Rice | 164.9±2.3 | 88.8±1.2 | 488.4±6.7 |
小麦 Wheat | 95.0±2.2 | 40.1±0.9 | 227.1±5.3 | |
玉米 Maize | 249.9±22.5 | 155.8±14.0 | 467.5±42.1 | |
总计Total | 509.8±26.7 | 284.7±16.1 | 1183.0±53.5 |
2.3 我国主要粮食作物秸秆养分释放率及当季归还量
作物秸秆覆盖或翻压还田后,秸秆腐解率和养分释放率因秸秆物质组成、土壤环境条件不同而具有一定差异性。通过文献数据[19-24,96-128]分析表明(表5),我国水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆在下季作物生长过程中的腐解率统计值分别为58.6%、60.0%和57.9%,平均为58.8%;氮素当季释放率分别为54.9%、51.4%和61.9%,平均为56.1%;磷素当季释放率分别为60.9%、65.3%和73.0%,平均为66.4%;钾素当季释放率分别为90.1%、93.3%和92.3%,平均为91.9%。Table 5
Table 5
秸秆腐解及养分释放率 Rate of straw decomposition and nutrients release | 水稻 Rice | 小麦 Wheat | 玉米 Maize |
秸秆腐解率 Straw decomposition rate (%) | 58.6±11.8(29) | 60.0±10.0(23) | 57.9±16.9(75) |
氮释放率 N release rate (%) | 54.9±14.4(30) | 51.4±8.8(21) | 61.9±18.5(55) |
磷释放率 P release rate (%) | 60.9±22.4(28) | 65.3±15.7(21) | 73.0±18.4(55) |
钾释放率 K release rate (%) | 90.1±11.6(27) | 93.3±8.3(20) | 92.4± 6.8(54) |
依据上述文献统计的秸秆养分释放率,对我国不同农区秸秆养分当季归还量的估算值见表6。2014—2018年,我国三大粮食作物秸秆还田养分当季归还量(化肥可替代量)年均值为294.0万t(N)、194.1万t(P2O5)和1 083.9万t(K2O),总量为1 572万t,其中水稻秸秆养分当季归还量占当季养分总归还量的30.8%(N)、27.9%(P2O5)和40.6%(K2O),小麦秸秆养分当季归还量占当季养分总归还量的16.6%(N)、13.5%(P2O5)和19.5%(K2O),玉米秸秆养分当季归还量占当季养分总归还量的52.6%(N)、58.6%(P2O5)和39.9%(K2O)。
Table 6
Table 6
农区 Agricultural region | 作物 Crop | 养分归还量 Nutrient-returning amount (×104 t) | ||
N | P2O5 | K2O | ||
东北 Northeast China | 水稻 Rice | 15.3±1.3 | 9.1±0.7 | 74.2±6.1 |
小麦 Wheat | 0.1±0.0 | 0.1±0.0 | 0.6±0.2 | |
玉米 Maize | 52.1±4.3 | 38.3±3.1 | 145.5±11.9 | |
华北North China | 水稻 Rice | 3.0±0.1 | 1.8±0.0 | 14.4±0.4 |
小麦 Wheat | 28.8±0.9 | 15.4±0.5 | 124.9±4.0 | |
玉米 Maize | 47.0±5.2 | 34.5±3.8 | 131.1±14.6 | |
长江中下游 Middle and lower Yangtze River areas | 水稻 Rice | 45.9±1.2 | 27.4±0.7 | 223.0±5.9 |
小麦 Wheat | 11.9±0.8 | 6.4±0.4 | 51.7±3.4 | |
玉米 Maize | 8.9±0.9 | 6.5±0.7 | 24.8±2.5 | |
西北 Northwest China | 水稻 Rice | 1.3±0.1 | 0.8±0.1 | 6.3±0.6 |
小麦 Wheat | 6.0±0.3 | 3.2±0.1 | 26.1±1.1 | |
玉米 Maize | 29.2±2.2 | 21.5±1.6 | 81.7±6.2 | |
西南 Southwest China | 水稻 Rice | 13.2±0.5 | 7.9±0.3 | 64.2±2.5 |
小麦 Wheat | 2.0±0.5 | 1.1±0.2 | 8.6±2.0 | |
玉米 Maize | 15.1±1.8 | 11.1±1.3 | 42.2±5.1 | |
东南 Southeast China | 水稻 Rice | 11.9±0.7 | 7.1±0.4 | 57.9±3.4 |
小麦 Wheat | — | — | — | |
玉米 Maize | 2.4±0.1 | 1.7±0.1 | 6.6±0.4 | |
全国 The whole country | 水稻 Rice | 90.5±1.2 | 54.1±0.7 | 440.0±6.1 |
小麦 Wheat | 48.8±1.1 | 26.2±0.6 | 211.9±4.9 | |
玉米 Maize | 154.7±13.9 | 113.8±10.2 | 432.0±38.9 | |
总计Total | 294.0±16.2 | 194.1±11.5 | 1083.9±49.3 |
2.4 小麦生产中秸秆还田及化肥减量分析
表7是我国不同小麦种植制度下前茬作物秸秆全量还田当季化肥投入替代量。本研究中小麦一年一作区单位面积秸秆产量是基于我国北方旱作小麦平均产量的计算值[129],另外以我国玉米和水稻单位面积秸秆产量分别作为小麦玉米轮作区和稻麦轮作区的前茬作物秸秆量,前茬作物秸秆量表现为玉米(7 482.2 kg·hm-2)>水稻(6 971.0 kg·hm-2)>小麦(4 448.3 kg·hm-2)。Table 7
Table 7
小麦种植制度 Wheat cropping systems | 前茬作物秸秆量 Straw quantities from previous crop | 秸秆还田养分替代量 Nutrients substitution quantities through straw-returning | ||
N | P2O5 | K2O | ||
一年一作小麦(北方旱作麦区) Wheat monoculture (Dryland wheat production region in north China ) | 4448.3 | 14.6 | 7.8 | 63.5 |
小麦玉米轮作 Wheat-maize rotation | 7482.2 | 39.4 | 28.9 | 109.9 |
稻麦轮作 Rice-wheat rotation | 6971.0 | 29.9 | 17.8 | 145.1 |
结合不同种植制度下小麦的推荐施肥量(表8)可知,在小麦一年一作区,秸秆全量还田当季可释放14.6 kg N·hm-2、7.8 kg P2O5·hm-2和65.3 kg K2O·hm-2, 理论上可替代小麦生产中7.6%—48.7%(N)、8.9%—60.0%(P2O5)和58.8%—100%(K2O)的化肥投入量;小麦玉米轮作区,玉米秸秆全量还田当季可释放39.4 kg N·hm-2、28.9 kg P2O5·hm-2和109.9 kg K2O·hm-2,理论上可替代小麦生产中21.4%—22.5%(N)、18.1%—57.8%(P2O5)和100%(K2O)的化肥投入量;稻麦轮作区,水稻秸秆全量还田当季可释放29.9 kg N·hm-2、17.8 kg P2O5·hm-2和145.1 kg K2O·hm-2, 理论上可替代小麦生产中13.3%—19.9%(N)、12.7%—50.9%(P2O5)和100%(K2O)的化肥投入量。可见,由于我国不同地区土壤养分含量、水分状况、小麦品种及其他气候环境条件等不同,小麦产量水平和理论施肥量具有较大的区域差异性,对应秸秆还田替代化肥比例差异较大。因此,在具体小麦生产过程中,化肥减施比例要结合实际秸秆还田量及施肥量确定。
Table 8
Table 8
小麦种植制度 Wheat cropping systems | 小麦产量水平 Yield level of wheat (kg·hm-2) | 土壤养分含量 Soil nutrient content | 小麦推荐施肥量 Recommended fertilization rate of wheat (kg·hm-2) | ||||
土壤硝态氮 Soil nitrate nitrogen (kg·hm-2) | 土壤有效磷 Soil available P (P, mg·kg-1) | 土壤速效钾 Soil available K (K, mg·kg-1) | N | P2O5 | K2O | ||
一年一作小麦[130,131] (北方旱作麦区) Wheat monoculture (Dryland wheat production region in north China) | 4000 | <50 | <5 | <120 | 192 | 88 | 108 |
50—100 | 5—10 | 120—150 | 147 | 66.0 | 54 | ||
100—150 | 10—15 | 150—200 | 97 | 44.0 | 32 | ||
150—200 | 15—20 | >200 | 47 | 22.0 | 0 | ||
>200 | >20 | — | 30 | 13 | — | ||
小麦玉米轮作[5,131-133] Wheat-maize rotation | 7500 | — | <7 | <90 | 175—184 | 160 | 60 |
— | 7—14 | 90—120 | 130 | 30 | |||
— | 14—30 | 120—150 | 100 | 0 | |||
— | 30—40 | >150 | 50 | 0 | |||
— | >40 | — | 0 | — | |||
稻麦轮作[131-133,5] Rice-wheat rotation | 6000 | — | <5 | <50 | 150—225 | 140 | 120 |
— | 5—10 | 50—100 | 105 | 90 | |||
— | 10—20 | 100—130 | 70 | 60 | |||
— | 20—30 | 130—160 | 35 | 30 | |||
— | >30 | >160 | 0 | 0 |
3 讨论
3.1 我国主要粮食作物秸秆产量估算
秸秆作为粮食作物生产的副产品,区域范围内资源量并没有准确的统计数据,国内外研究通用方法是采用草谷比与作物产量进行估算。不同文献中我国作物产量统计口径主要依据《中国统计年鉴》或《中国农业统计年鉴》,差异总体不大,但草谷比的取值是影响秸秆产量估算结果的关键因素。宋大利等[5]对我国2015年水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆资源量的估算结果为6.2亿t;从宏斌等[134]统计表明,2017年我国水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆资源量为7.1亿t;而柴如山等[15]对我国2013—2017年主要粮食作物秸秆产量统计结果表明,我国水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆年均产量分别为2.3、1.7和4.0亿t,总量为8.0亿t。上述研究秸秆估算量的差异与文献中所选取草谷比具有很大关系。本研究中为了避免参考单一文献草谷比值带来的统计误差,文中草谷比为前人大量样本统计值的加权平均值,水稻、小麦和玉米的草谷比分别为1.01(n=247)、1.14(n=839)和1.25(n=341),大样本统计结果更具有科学性和可信度。本研究结果表明2014—2018年我国水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆年均产量分别为2.1、1.5和2.9亿t,总量为6.5亿t。另外本研究发现,2014—2018年期间我国玉米秸秆产量的变异系数较大,原因是近年来我国玉米种植面积在不断加大,2018年全国玉米总产量较2014年增加了14%。3.2 秸秆养分含量及变化特征
另外,本研究表明我国三大粮食作物秸秆养分年均资源量为509.8万t(N)、 284.7万t(P2O5)和1 183.0万t(K2O),其中钾素资源量和宋大利等[5]和柴如山等[6]估算值相近,氮素资源量估算值低于宋大利等[5]估算值(625.6万t),磷素资源量高于宋大利等[5]估算值(197.9万t),这与秸秆氮、磷含量取值有很大关系,但研究均表明我国秸秆养分资源量主要集中在长江中下游、华北和东北农区。
3.3 秸秆还田养分释放特征
秸秆直接还田后,秸秆养分伴随着秸秆腐解过程逐步释放,因此在研究秸秆还田替代化肥时应考虑秸秆还田后养分的当季有效性[12]。秸秆腐解过程受到秸秆碳氮比、土壤水肥条件、通气性及温度等环境因素影响[1]。目前秸秆腐解研究多采用尼龙网袋原位法,且大量研究表明,秸秆养分释放表现为前期快、后期慢,大概在100—150 d达到稳定停滞状态,养分释放率一般表现为钾>磷>氮[12,19-24,112,115]。本文对大量相关文献统计分析表明,当还田秸秆进入腐解停滞期,水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆氮的释放率平均为54.9%、51.4%和61.9%,磷释放率平均为60.9%、65.3%和73.0%,钾释放率平均为90.1%、93.3%和92.3%。秸秆中钾主要以离子态存在,研究发现秸秆浸泡2 d后,90%的钾就可释放出来[20]。而秸秆中氮素主要为难降解的结构性氮素,所以秸秆氮的释放率最低[1]。腐解菌剂的添加可以进一步提高秸秆氮和磷的释放率[1,47, 143]。本研究表明,我国三大粮食作物秸秆还田养分当季归还量(化肥可替代量)年均值为294.0万t(N)、194.1万t(P2O5)和1 083.9万t(K2O),总量为1 572万t,其中72.7%当季归还量集中在长江中下游、华北和东北地区,且三大粮食作物中以玉米秸秆养分(N+P2O5+K2O)当季归还量最高,占当季养分总归还量的44.6%。水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆全部还田,其养分当季释放量相当于我国2018年农用氮肥(N)施用量(2 065.4万t)的14.2%,农用磷肥施用量(728.9万t)的26.6%,农用钾肥施用量为(590.3万t)的1.8倍(2019年中国统计年鉴)。秸秆还田不仅可替代部分化肥用量,同时由于其养分逐步释放特征,起到了缓释肥的效果。
3.4 秸秆还田替代化肥当量及肥效特征
我国秸秆综合利用主要包括肥料化、饲料化、燃料化、基料化、原料化利用。据统计,2015年我国秸秆利用量达到7.2亿t,资源综合利用率为80.1%,其中秸秆肥料化利用率为43.2%[4, 144]。鉴于目前农田土壤化肥减施有机替代的生态需求,秸秆作为成本最低的有机肥源,其肥料化利用逐渐被加以重视[145]。本研究中以小麦生产为例,在小麦一年一作区、小麦玉米轮作区和稻麦轮作区,上季秸秆全量还田理论上可替代小麦生产季 4.6—39.4 kg N·hm-2、7.8—28.9 kg P2O5·hm-2和65.3—145.1 kg K2O·hm-2的化肥投入量。以4元/kg N、7元/kg P2O5和8元/kg K2O肥料价格计算,可产生595—1 521元/hm2的肥料成本效应。秸秆还田在减施化肥基础上,还可以改善土壤结构,提高土壤肥效[145]。YAN等[146]在华北地区基于10年水稻秸秆还田定位试验研究表明,秸秆还田可以显著提高土壤总有机碳和活性有机碳含量,并增加参与土壤碳循环微生物的相对丰度。赵士诚等[147]研究表明长期秸秆还田增加了土壤碳固持,并可增加酸解氨基酸态氮含量,降低铵态氮的晶格固定。但另一方面我们也必须意识到秸秆还田不当会产生一些负面影响,秸秆不能及时腐解会影响根系生长,产生病虫害以及与作物争夺氮素的问题[145,148]。周延辉等[149]通过文献数据对中国地区小麦产量与秸秆还田响应关系分析表明,稻秆还田量小于5 000 kg·hm-2、玉米秸秆还田小于 6 000 kg·hm-2时,小麦增产效果比较好。
4 结论
我国主要粮食作物秸秆资源丰富,2014—2018年三大粮食作物秸秆年均产量为65 386.6万t,其中水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆分别占32.3%、22.7%和45.0%,秸秆资源量的73.3%分布在我国华北、长江中下游和东北农区。我国三大粮食作物秸秆养分资源年均量为509.8万t(N)、 284.7万t(P2O5)和1 183.0万t(K2O),秸秆还田当季养分释放量为294.0万t(N)、194.1万t(P2O5)和1 083.9万t(K2O)。在小麦生产区,前茬作物秸秆全量还田理论上可替代小麦生产季 4.6—39.4 kg N·hm-2、7.8—28.9 kg P2O5·hm-2和65.3—145.1 kg K2O·hm-2的化肥投入量。秸秆还田对于补充土壤养分,减少化肥用量,提高土壤肥力具有重要意义。但由于我国不同农区气候及土壤条件相差较大,秸秆还田腐解养分释放效应不同,因此合理的秸秆还田量及还田方式需进一步做区域尺度上的定量研究,以推进我国农业绿色高效生产。(责任编辑 李云霞)
参考文献 原文顺序
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DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.10.001URL [本文引用: 2]
China’s demand for energy has been growing rapidly in recent years and its dependence on international energy market has been keeping increase. Using agricultural crop residue as an energy resource is an important choice of developing renewable energy and relieving the energy shortage of China. However, there are still many debates on how many crop residues can be used for commercial energy production in China. On the basis of the results of existing studies and the official statistic data, this paper analyzed the energy utilization potentials and densities of crop residues in different regions and provinces of China. In this paper, we first calculated the theoretic amount of crop residue in different regions of China based on the outputs of different crops and the collectable amount of crop residue which is part of the theoretic amount minus the uncollectable amount, then we calculated the amount of crop residue which could be used for commercial energy production. The results show that China’s theoretical resource quantity of crop residue in 2009 was 7.48×108 t, the available crop residue that can be collected was 6.34×108 t, among which 1.52×108 t can be used for commercial energy production. The distribution of crop residue that can be used for commercial energy utilization is very unequal across China. The quantity of crop residue for energy utilization is larger in the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Northeast China and North China, where the quantities of crops residue for energy production are 0.42×108 t, 0.37×108 t and 0.35×108 t, respectively. We also calculated the densities of crop residue in different regions of China. The results show that the densities of crop residue could be used for energy utilization in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Loess Plateau, Southwest China, and Northwest China are lower than other regions. Given the high cost of collecting crop residue, it is not suitable to construct large-scale crop residue based power plant in Tibet, Shanxi, Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi, Guizhou, Ningxia, Liaoning, Fujian, Inner Mongolia, Tianjin, Hebei, Chongqing, Shanghai and Beijing. Only Jilin, Henan, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Heilongjiang and Hubei are appropriate to establish large-scale crop residue based fuel ethanol plants. The results of this study have important implications for the formulation of China’s crop residue utilization policy.
DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.10.001URL [本文引用: 2]
China’s demand for energy has been growing rapidly in recent years and its dependence on international energy market has been keeping increase. Using agricultural crop residue as an energy resource is an important choice of developing renewable energy and relieving the energy shortage of China. However, there are still many debates on how many crop residues can be used for commercial energy production in China. On the basis of the results of existing studies and the official statistic data, this paper analyzed the energy utilization potentials and densities of crop residues in different regions and provinces of China. In this paper, we first calculated the theoretic amount of crop residue in different regions of China based on the outputs of different crops and the collectable amount of crop residue which is part of the theoretic amount minus the uncollectable amount, then we calculated the amount of crop residue which could be used for commercial energy production. The results show that China’s theoretical resource quantity of crop residue in 2009 was 7.48×108 t, the available crop residue that can be collected was 6.34×108 t, among which 1.52×108 t can be used for commercial energy production. The distribution of crop residue that can be used for commercial energy utilization is very unequal across China. The quantity of crop residue for energy utilization is larger in the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Northeast China and North China, where the quantities of crops residue for energy production are 0.42×108 t, 0.37×108 t and 0.35×108 t, respectively. We also calculated the densities of crop residue in different regions of China. The results show that the densities of crop residue could be used for energy utilization in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Loess Plateau, Southwest China, and Northwest China are lower than other regions. Given the high cost of collecting crop residue, it is not suitable to construct large-scale crop residue based power plant in Tibet, Shanxi, Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi, Guizhou, Ningxia, Liaoning, Fujian, Inner Mongolia, Tianjin, Hebei, Chongqing, Shanghai and Beijing. Only Jilin, Henan, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Heilongjiang and Hubei are appropriate to establish large-scale crop residue based fuel ethanol plants. The results of this study have important implications for the formulation of China’s crop residue utilization policy.
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【Objective】 The purpose of the study is to understand the general condition and spatial-temporal patterns of winter wheat harvest index and identify the main factors that contributed to harvest index (HI) changes of winter wheat in China. 【Method】 With observed data of winter wheat cultivation at agrometeorological stations between 1982 and 2005, HI of winter wheat and its relevant statistical parameters were calculated in different regions of China. Analysis was conducted on the inter-annual variability of winter wheat HI in Henan, Hebei and Shandong. Partial correlation between HI and three yield components and straw biomass were also statistically analyzed. 【Result】 For the recent twenty years, the average HI in China was 0.409 (±0.069, n=1 522), with 0.378 (±0.061, n=428) in 1980s, 0.408 (±0.070, n=657) in 1990s and 0.440 (±0.062, n=437) at present; it was averagely 0.408, 0.417 and 0.410 in Henan, Hebei and Shandong respectively. HI increased temporally in the dominant plantation region of China, at the rate of 0.066/10a (Henan), 0.044/10a (Shandong) and 0.032/10a (Hebei) accordingly. Results of partial correlation analysis showed the most significant negative correlation between harvest index and straw biomass. Significant positive correlation between harvest index and the three yield components were also exists but differed spatially. 【Conclusion】 Winter wheat harvest index showed spatial- temporal variations in China. Decreasing straw biomass contributed the most to harvest index gain, while 1000-kernel-weight contributed the least; the number of spikes and kernels per spike influenced harvest index in a positive but spatially different way.
URL [本文引用: 2]
【Objective】 The purpose of the study is to understand the general condition and spatial-temporal patterns of winter wheat harvest index and identify the main factors that contributed to harvest index (HI) changes of winter wheat in China. 【Method】 With observed data of winter wheat cultivation at agrometeorological stations between 1982 and 2005, HI of winter wheat and its relevant statistical parameters were calculated in different regions of China. Analysis was conducted on the inter-annual variability of winter wheat HI in Henan, Hebei and Shandong. Partial correlation between HI and three yield components and straw biomass were also statistically analyzed. 【Result】 For the recent twenty years, the average HI in China was 0.409 (±0.069, n=1 522), with 0.378 (±0.061, n=428) in 1980s, 0.408 (±0.070, n=657) in 1990s and 0.440 (±0.062, n=437) at present; it was averagely 0.408, 0.417 and 0.410 in Henan, Hebei and Shandong respectively. HI increased temporally in the dominant plantation region of China, at the rate of 0.066/10a (Henan), 0.044/10a (Shandong) and 0.032/10a (Hebei) accordingly. Results of partial correlation analysis showed the most significant negative correlation between harvest index and straw biomass. Significant positive correlation between harvest index and the three yield components were also exists but differed spatially. 【Conclusion】 Winter wheat harvest index showed spatial- temporal variations in China. Decreasing straw biomass contributed the most to harvest index gain, while 1000-kernel-weight contributed the least; the number of spikes and kernels per spike influenced harvest index in a positive but spatially different way.
URL [本文引用: 2]
There are some problems such as statistics lacking, unsuitability of the ratio of main product output to that of by-product of the crops in the estimation of straw resources. The paper chooses the revised ratio of main product output to that of by-product of crops and estimates the quantity of straw resource comprehensively and systematically. The estimation results show that the total straw yield in China has a generally increasing trend with the improvement of agricultural comprehensive production capacity, and China is the biggest country in straw resources that its total output of straw resources in 2005 reached 841 831 200 t, which the straw of food crops was the main source. It has a great potential for rice husk, corncob, bagasse to develop new energy.
URL [本文引用: 2]
There are some problems such as statistics lacking, unsuitability of the ratio of main product output to that of by-product of the crops in the estimation of straw resources. The paper chooses the revised ratio of main product output to that of by-product of crops and estimates the quantity of straw resource comprehensively and systematically. The estimation results show that the total straw yield in China has a generally increasing trend with the improvement of agricultural comprehensive production capacity, and China is the biggest country in straw resources that its total output of straw resources in 2005 reached 841 831 200 t, which the straw of food crops was the main source. It has a great potential for rice husk, corncob, bagasse to develop new energy.
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中国农作物秸秆资源丰富,但不同地区秸秆及其养分资源数量、还田利用状况以及随时间的变化特征仍不清楚。该研究基于官方统计数据和文献资料,分析了中国不同年代各省秸秆资源和氮磷钾养分资源量及其还田利用状况,为秸秆养分资源的合理利用和化肥零增长下作物养分管理提供科学依据和参考。结果表明:从1980s到2010s,中国秸秆及其养分资源总量分别增长了85.5%和104%,西北地区以及西藏、黑龙江增幅明显。华北、长江中下游、四川盆地以及黑龙江地区的秸秆及其养分资源占全国的2/3以上。到2010s秸秆资源和氮磷钾养分资源分别达到9.01×108和2 485.63×104 t,相当于单位耕地面积上6 665.52和183.91 kg/hm2,比1980s分别增加1 601.18和56.85 kg/hm2。各种作物秸秆及其养分资源所占比例各地区差异较大,2010s谷类作物秸秆及其养分资源分别占全国的69.86%和56.47%,东北地区谷类作物秸秆比例最高;果蔬类作物秸秆及其养分资源分别占9.67%和21.99%,东南地区果蔬类作物秸秆比例最高;豆类、薯类、油料类、棉麻纤维类和其他类作物秸秆及其养分资源占比相对较小。从1980s到2010s,秸秆直接还田量持续增加,燃烧还田量从1980s到2000s增加,2010s则下降。然而,秸秆养分还田量持续增加,氮磷钾还田总量从1980s的583.92×104 t(N 97.81×104 t、P2O5 40.10×104 t和K2O 446.01×104 t)增加到2010s的1 770.66×104 t(N 574.53×104 t、P2O5 105.53×104 t和K2O 1 090.60×104 t),相当于单位耕地面积从60.89 kg/hm2(N 10.20 kg/hm2、P2O5 4.18 kg/hm2、K2O 46.51 kg/hm2)增加到131.02 kg/hm2(N 42.51 kg/hm2、P2O5 7.81 kg/hm2、K2O 80.70 kg/hm2)。1980s、1990s、2000s、2010s秸秆氮磷钾养分还田率分别为47.92%、56.16%、60.11%和71.24%。内蒙古、新疆、黑龙江省秸秆养分还田率增加明显,但华北、长江中下游和四川盆地秸秆养分还田量占全国秸秆养分还田总量的2/3以上。
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中国农作物秸秆资源丰富,但不同地区秸秆及其养分资源数量、还田利用状况以及随时间的变化特征仍不清楚。该研究基于官方统计数据和文献资料,分析了中国不同年代各省秸秆资源和氮磷钾养分资源量及其还田利用状况,为秸秆养分资源的合理利用和化肥零增长下作物养分管理提供科学依据和参考。结果表明:从1980s到2010s,中国秸秆及其养分资源总量分别增长了85.5%和104%,西北地区以及西藏、黑龙江增幅明显。华北、长江中下游、四川盆地以及黑龙江地区的秸秆及其养分资源占全国的2/3以上。到2010s秸秆资源和氮磷钾养分资源分别达到9.01×108和2 485.63×104 t,相当于单位耕地面积上6 665.52和183.91 kg/hm2,比1980s分别增加1 601.18和56.85 kg/hm2。各种作物秸秆及其养分资源所占比例各地区差异较大,2010s谷类作物秸秆及其养分资源分别占全国的69.86%和56.47%,东北地区谷类作物秸秆比例最高;果蔬类作物秸秆及其养分资源分别占9.67%和21.99%,东南地区果蔬类作物秸秆比例最高;豆类、薯类、油料类、棉麻纤维类和其他类作物秸秆及其养分资源占比相对较小。从1980s到2010s,秸秆直接还田量持续增加,燃烧还田量从1980s到2000s增加,2010s则下降。然而,秸秆养分还田量持续增加,氮磷钾还田总量从1980s的583.92×104 t(N 97.81×104 t、P2O5 40.10×104 t和K2O 446.01×104 t)增加到2010s的1 770.66×104 t(N 574.53×104 t、P2O5 105.53×104 t和K2O 1 090.60×104 t),相当于单位耕地面积从60.89 kg/hm2(N 10.20 kg/hm2、P2O5 4.18 kg/hm2、K2O 46.51 kg/hm2)增加到131.02 kg/hm2(N 42.51 kg/hm2、P2O5 7.81 kg/hm2、K2O 80.70 kg/hm2)。1980s、1990s、2000s、2010s秸秆氮磷钾养分还田率分别为47.92%、56.16%、60.11%和71.24%。内蒙古、新疆、黑龙江省秸秆养分还田率增加明显,但华北、长江中下游和四川盆地秸秆养分还田量占全国秸秆养分还田总量的2/3以上。
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农作物秸秆中含有丰富的有机质,是个巨大的能源库,对其的准确定量是秸秆综合利用的前提条件.文章以2005年中国农作物秸秆资源为例,结合农作物秸秆的能源转化方式,定量估算了中国农作物秸秆能源化的潜力,为秸秆综合利用提供参考资料.结果表明,中国每年约有3.995×108 t农作物秸秆可作为能源利用,这些秸秆若全部以直接燃烧、锅炉燃烧、压缩成型燃烧、沼气供热、沼气发电、气化供热以及气化发电等不同转化方式加以利用,则其能源化产品可分别替代化石燃料0.291×108,0.5×108,2.039×108,0.815×108,0.258×108,2.217×108和0.5987×108 t标煤.其中气化供热能源转化效率最高,可达60.37%,其次为压缩成型燃烧,能源转化效率达58.26%.秸秆资源用于气化供热和压缩成型燃烧潜力巨大.
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农作物秸秆中含有丰富的有机质,是个巨大的能源库,对其的准确定量是秸秆综合利用的前提条件.文章以2005年中国农作物秸秆资源为例,结合农作物秸秆的能源转化方式,定量估算了中国农作物秸秆能源化的潜力,为秸秆综合利用提供参考资料.结果表明,中国每年约有3.995×108 t农作物秸秆可作为能源利用,这些秸秆若全部以直接燃烧、锅炉燃烧、压缩成型燃烧、沼气供热、沼气发电、气化供热以及气化发电等不同转化方式加以利用,则其能源化产品可分别替代化石燃料0.291×108,0.5×108,2.039×108,0.815×108,0.258×108,2.217×108和0.5987×108 t标煤.其中气化供热能源转化效率最高,可达60.37%,其次为压缩成型燃烧,能源转化效率达58.26%.秸秆资源用于气化供热和压缩成型燃烧潜力巨大.
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Based on agricultural statistics, investigating data of farmer and a number of data published in the literatures, the amount of crop straw and its nutrient resources were estimated in 2006, and the utilization situation of crop straw and its nutrient resources were analyzed in China. The results showed that there was more than 760 million tons crop straws in 2006, which included the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus (P2O5), potassium (K2O) nutrient were 7.76 million tons, 2.49 million tons, 13.42 million tons, respectively. Four kinds of crop straw fate appeared as follow: returned to field (including straight returning and making compost), fuel (including straight burning, setting fire and biogas), fodder and others (including raw material of industry and throwing aside), and the percentage of that were 24.3%, 29.9%, 35.3% and 10.5% in 2006, respectively. The amount of crop straw nitrogen, phosphorus (P2O5), potassium (K2O) nutrient returned to field were 3.05 million tons, 1.76 million tons, 9.67 million tons, respectively. And the rates of the straw nutrient returned to field were 39.3%, 70.5% and 72.0%, respectively. There were great potential of crop straw returned to field, and drastic measures would be needed to reverse the trend of straw burned.
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Based on agricultural statistics, investigating data of farmer and a number of data published in the literatures, the amount of crop straw and its nutrient resources were estimated in 2006, and the utilization situation of crop straw and its nutrient resources were analyzed in China. The results showed that there was more than 760 million tons crop straws in 2006, which included the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus (P2O5), potassium (K2O) nutrient were 7.76 million tons, 2.49 million tons, 13.42 million tons, respectively. Four kinds of crop straw fate appeared as follow: returned to field (including straight returning and making compost), fuel (including straight burning, setting fire and biogas), fodder and others (including raw material of industry and throwing aside), and the percentage of that were 24.3%, 29.9%, 35.3% and 10.5% in 2006, respectively. The amount of crop straw nitrogen, phosphorus (P2O5), potassium (K2O) nutrient returned to field were 3.05 million tons, 1.76 million tons, 9.67 million tons, respectively. And the rates of the straw nutrient returned to field were 39.3%, 70.5% and 72.0%, respectively. There were great potential of crop straw returned to field, and drastic measures would be needed to reverse the trend of straw burned.
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为推动区域农作物秸秆综合利用,减少秸秆露天焚烧气体对环境的影响,以京津冀地区为研究对象,评估分析了各类农作物秸秆资源产生、利用状况及其应用潜力,并定量估算了该地区主要农作物秸秆露天焚烧气体污染物排放特征。结果表明,2012年京津冀地区农作物秸秆资源总产量为5 406.9万t,秸秆中氮、磷、钾养分资源总量分别达到3.7×104、7.4×104、1.0×106 t。秸秆资源化利用方式主要以还田为主,北京市、天津市、河北省还田量分别占秸秆量的67.7%、27.3%和61.2%。秸秆露天焚烧主要以小麦和玉米秸秆为主,占田间秸秆焚烧总量的93.03%,焚烧排放的污染物总量分别达到1.0×106和4.8×105 t。基于京津冀地区秸秆利用现状,建议因地制宜地推动秸秆全量化利用,并在秸秆还田机制、离田利用机制、组织管理机制、技术研发机制等方面出台系统配套的政策措施,以期为中国不同区域秸秆资源的科学利用提供参考。
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为推动区域农作物秸秆综合利用,减少秸秆露天焚烧气体对环境的影响,以京津冀地区为研究对象,评估分析了各类农作物秸秆资源产生、利用状况及其应用潜力,并定量估算了该地区主要农作物秸秆露天焚烧气体污染物排放特征。结果表明,2012年京津冀地区农作物秸秆资源总产量为5 406.9万t,秸秆中氮、磷、钾养分资源总量分别达到3.7×104、7.4×104、1.0×106 t。秸秆资源化利用方式主要以还田为主,北京市、天津市、河北省还田量分别占秸秆量的67.7%、27.3%和61.2%。秸秆露天焚烧主要以小麦和玉米秸秆为主,占田间秸秆焚烧总量的93.03%,焚烧排放的污染物总量分别达到1.0×106和4.8×105 t。基于京津冀地区秸秆利用现状,建议因地制宜地推动秸秆全量化利用,并在秸秆还田机制、离田利用机制、组织管理机制、技术研发机制等方面出台系统配套的政策措施,以期为中国不同区域秸秆资源的科学利用提供参考。
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为了研究松嫩平原还田玉米秸秆的腐解特征和养分释放规律,该试验采用尼龙网袋法,设置埋土和覆盖地表2种玉米秸秆还田方式,进行连续4 a的定位观测。结果表明:1)还田玉米秸秆的腐解速率和养分释放率都表现为埋土处理大于覆盖地表。秸秆腐解主要集中在还田的前3年,3 a累计腐解率达到91.70%和81.96%,其中第1年腐解率分别为60.63%和45.53%。2)还田玉米秸秆中养分释放的快慢顺序为K>P>C>N。埋土和覆盖处理秸秆中钾的释放主要在还田第1年,释放率达到了96.26%和84.04%;而磷、碳和氮的释放则主要集中在还田前3年,其中磷释放率为92.03%和83.29%;碳释放率为90.96%和82.06%;氮释放率为91.70%和81.96%。3)还田玉米秸秆中半纤维素的腐解速度快于纤维素,木质素最慢。其中埋土和覆盖处理秸秆半纤维素2 a腐解率为88.78%和86.30%;纤维素2 a腐解率为80.42%和70.86%;而木质素3 a累计腐解率为78.63%和66.48%。
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为了研究松嫩平原还田玉米秸秆的腐解特征和养分释放规律,该试验采用尼龙网袋法,设置埋土和覆盖地表2种玉米秸秆还田方式,进行连续4 a的定位观测。结果表明:1)还田玉米秸秆的腐解速率和养分释放率都表现为埋土处理大于覆盖地表。秸秆腐解主要集中在还田的前3年,3 a累计腐解率达到91.70%和81.96%,其中第1年腐解率分别为60.63%和45.53%。2)还田玉米秸秆中养分释放的快慢顺序为K>P>C>N。埋土和覆盖处理秸秆中钾的释放主要在还田第1年,释放率达到了96.26%和84.04%;而磷、碳和氮的释放则主要集中在还田前3年,其中磷释放率为92.03%和83.29%;碳释放率为90.96%和82.06%;氮释放率为91.70%和81.96%。3)还田玉米秸秆中半纤维素的腐解速度快于纤维素,木质素最慢。其中埋土和覆盖处理秸秆半纤维素2 a腐解率为88.78%和86.30%;纤维素2 a腐解率为80.42%和70.86%;而木质素3 a累计腐解率为78.63%和66.48%。
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In order to find out the proper proportions of crop straws and chemical fertilizer used in field, characteristic of nutrients release of rice straw, wheat straw and rapeseed straw were studied by method of nylon net bag under waterlogged incubation. The results showed that the decomposition rate of crop straws was much faster at the beginning stage and rapeseed straw decomposed faster than rice straw and wheat straw. And crop straws decomposition rate kept a slowly steady until the end of experiment, which had no obvious difference among three crop straws. After 124 days incubation, the cumulative decomposition rates of rice straw, wheat straw and rapeseed straw were 49.17%, 52.17% and 49.8%, respectively. The sequence of nutrients release rates of the three crop straws were K>P>C>N, while the sequence of nutrients release amount were C>K>N>P. C release rate of rice, wheat and rapeseed straw were up to 57.53, 66.58 and 52.54 percent, and N were up to 42.05, 49.26 and 57.83 percent, and P were up to 68.28, 59.93 and 67.32 percent after 124 days incubation, respectively. For all three crop straws K release rate was 98 percent within the first 12 days of incubation. It was indicated that on the basis of crop straws decomposition characteristics and nutrients release amount the application rates of K fertilizer should be decrease and used in crop growth later stage, while N and P should be maintained as usual practice at early crop growth stage.
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In order to find out the proper proportions of crop straws and chemical fertilizer used in field, characteristic of nutrients release of rice straw, wheat straw and rapeseed straw were studied by method of nylon net bag under waterlogged incubation. The results showed that the decomposition rate of crop straws was much faster at the beginning stage and rapeseed straw decomposed faster than rice straw and wheat straw. And crop straws decomposition rate kept a slowly steady until the end of experiment, which had no obvious difference among three crop straws. After 124 days incubation, the cumulative decomposition rates of rice straw, wheat straw and rapeseed straw were 49.17%, 52.17% and 49.8%, respectively. The sequence of nutrients release rates of the three crop straws were K>P>C>N, while the sequence of nutrients release amount were C>K>N>P. C release rate of rice, wheat and rapeseed straw were up to 57.53, 66.58 and 52.54 percent, and N were up to 42.05, 49.26 and 57.83 percent, and P were up to 68.28, 59.93 and 67.32 percent after 124 days incubation, respectively. For all three crop straws K release rate was 98 percent within the first 12 days of incubation. It was indicated that on the basis of crop straws decomposition characteristics and nutrients release amount the application rates of K fertilizer should be decrease and used in crop growth later stage, while N and P should be maintained as usual practice at early crop growth stage.
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.10.008URL [本文引用: 2]
【Objective】 The study was carried out to investigate factors affecting the decomposition and nutrient release of wheat and maize residue under indoor and field conditions, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the rational return of crop residue and its suitable nutrient management practices. 【Method】 We conducted indoor incubation experiment with nylon bag and field experiment to study residue decomposition characteristics of wheat and maize under various nitrogen (N) fertilizer dosages (0, CK; 180 kg N·hm -1, N180; 360 kg N·hm -2, N360). In indoor environment, we focused on the effects of N dosage and soil types (Shajiang black soil: ST, Fluvo-aquic soil: FT), while in field condition, we emphasized on the effects of N dosages and burying depth (surface and 20 cm depth treatment) of the residue. 【Result】 Laboratory studies found that both residue types and soil types significantly affected residue decay constant, C, N, and P release. With the increasing of N application rate, the decay constant of wheat residue increased in both soil types, while the maize residue decreased. The N releases of maize and wheat residue decreased (the wheat residue increased in FT soil). The decay constant of wheat residue of the FT soil and the release of C, N, and P were significantly higher than those of the ST soil, while the soil types had little effect on the decomposition of maize residue. Under the lab incubation condition (180d), the average C releases of wheat residue were 370 g·kg -1, N was 4 g·kg -1, and P was 3.6 g·kg -1; maize residue C release was 560 g·kg -1, N was 11 g·kg -1, and P was 3.3 g·kg -1. Under field condition, the depth of residue returning significantly affected the decay constants of wheat and maize residue and the release of C, N and P. The decay constant and nutrient releases of residues treated with 20 cm were significantly higher than that of surface treatment. For surface treatment, the decay constant and C release of wheat residue declined gradually with the increase of N fertilizer application rate, but the maize residue increased. For 20 cm treatment, the decay constant of wheat residue and the release of C, N, and P increased with the amount of N fertilizer, while maize residue showed a decreasing trend. Under field condition, surface wheat residue biomass could decompose 40% after a maize growing season (June - October 2015), releasing 150 g C·kg -1, 2 g N·kg -1and 3.5 g P·kg -1; burying underground to 20 cm could decompose 80%, releasing 360 g C·kg -1, 4 g N·kg -1, and 3.8 g P·kg -1. Maize residues biomass could only decompose 40% after a wheat growth season (October 2015-June 2016) when the residues being returned to the surface, releasing 210 g C·kg -1, 5 g N·kg -1, and 2 g P·kg -1, but the 20 cm treatment could decompose 60%, releasing 360 g C·kg -1, 6 g N·kg -1, and 2.5 g P·kg -1. Principal component analysis showed that the decay constant of wheat residue under indoor conditions was significantly positively correlated with soil inorganic N, urease and straw N content, and negatively correlated with soil sucrase and straw C/N ratio, while maize residue decay constant was negatively correlated with soil inorganic N. Under field conditions, the decay constant of wheat residue was negatively correlated with soil urease, soil invertase, residue C content, N content and residue C/N ratio, while maize residue decay constant was negatively correlated with soil inorganic N content, soil urease, invertase and residue C/N ratio, and positively correlated with residue N and P content.【Conclusion】Both indoor and field experiment showed that the decay constants and nutrient release characteristics of wheat and maize residue were different. The application of N fertilizer promoted the decomposition of wheat residue but had little effect on the decomposition of maize residue. The soil types (ST and FT) significantly affected the decomposition of wheat residue, but the effects on maize residue decomposition were small. Returning crop residue to the soil could significantly promote the decomposition of wheat and maize residue and its nutrient release. In production, the crop residue should be returned to the soil, and appropriate N dosage should be adopted to soil types and residue types to promote the decomposition of straw.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.10.008URL [本文引用: 2]
【Objective】 The study was carried out to investigate factors affecting the decomposition and nutrient release of wheat and maize residue under indoor and field conditions, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the rational return of crop residue and its suitable nutrient management practices. 【Method】 We conducted indoor incubation experiment with nylon bag and field experiment to study residue decomposition characteristics of wheat and maize under various nitrogen (N) fertilizer dosages (0, CK; 180 kg N·hm -1, N180; 360 kg N·hm -2, N360). In indoor environment, we focused on the effects of N dosage and soil types (Shajiang black soil: ST, Fluvo-aquic soil: FT), while in field condition, we emphasized on the effects of N dosages and burying depth (surface and 20 cm depth treatment) of the residue. 【Result】 Laboratory studies found that both residue types and soil types significantly affected residue decay constant, C, N, and P release. With the increasing of N application rate, the decay constant of wheat residue increased in both soil types, while the maize residue decreased. The N releases of maize and wheat residue decreased (the wheat residue increased in FT soil). The decay constant of wheat residue of the FT soil and the release of C, N, and P were significantly higher than those of the ST soil, while the soil types had little effect on the decomposition of maize residue. Under the lab incubation condition (180d), the average C releases of wheat residue were 370 g·kg -1, N was 4 g·kg -1, and P was 3.6 g·kg -1; maize residue C release was 560 g·kg -1, N was 11 g·kg -1, and P was 3.3 g·kg -1. Under field condition, the depth of residue returning significantly affected the decay constants of wheat and maize residue and the release of C, N and P. The decay constant and nutrient releases of residues treated with 20 cm were significantly higher than that of surface treatment. For surface treatment, the decay constant and C release of wheat residue declined gradually with the increase of N fertilizer application rate, but the maize residue increased. For 20 cm treatment, the decay constant of wheat residue and the release of C, N, and P increased with the amount of N fertilizer, while maize residue showed a decreasing trend. Under field condition, surface wheat residue biomass could decompose 40% after a maize growing season (June - October 2015), releasing 150 g C·kg -1, 2 g N·kg -1and 3.5 g P·kg -1; burying underground to 20 cm could decompose 80%, releasing 360 g C·kg -1, 4 g N·kg -1, and 3.8 g P·kg -1. Maize residues biomass could only decompose 40% after a wheat growth season (October 2015-June 2016) when the residues being returned to the surface, releasing 210 g C·kg -1, 5 g N·kg -1, and 2 g P·kg -1, but the 20 cm treatment could decompose 60%, releasing 360 g C·kg -1, 6 g N·kg -1, and 2.5 g P·kg -1. Principal component analysis showed that the decay constant of wheat residue under indoor conditions was significantly positively correlated with soil inorganic N, urease and straw N content, and negatively correlated with soil sucrase and straw C/N ratio, while maize residue decay constant was negatively correlated with soil inorganic N. Under field conditions, the decay constant of wheat residue was negatively correlated with soil urease, soil invertase, residue C content, N content and residue C/N ratio, while maize residue decay constant was negatively correlated with soil inorganic N content, soil urease, invertase and residue C/N ratio, and positively correlated with residue N and P content.【Conclusion】Both indoor and field experiment showed that the decay constants and nutrient release characteristics of wheat and maize residue were different. The application of N fertilizer promoted the decomposition of wheat residue but had little effect on the decomposition of maize residue. The soil types (ST and FT) significantly affected the decomposition of wheat residue, but the effects on maize residue decomposition were small. Returning crop residue to the soil could significantly promote the decomposition of wheat and maize residue and its nutrient release. In production, the crop residue should be returned to the soil, and appropriate N dosage should be adopted to soil types and residue types to promote the decomposition of straw.
[本文引用: 3]
[本文引用: 3]
This paper used basin pot culture with plastic film method to study the dynamic characteristics of soil nutrients and soil microbial biomass during 120 d decomposition of different proportions of wheat and corn straws with different decomposing agents (F1: organic waste fermentation bacteria; F2: microbial agent; F3: "Manyuanchun" bio-fermentation). The results showed that during 120 d composition of wheat and corn straws, the increasing rates of soil organic matter, available nitrogen and total nitrogen in each treatment was rapid at the early stage and slow at the latter stage. The changes of increasing rates of soil phosphorus and potassium followed rapid-slow-rapid-slow trend. Throughout the trial stage, the soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) content of wheat treatments were increased first and then decreased. However, soil microbial biomass nitrogen (SMBN) content showed an alternating changing trend. Change in SMBC content of corn straw treatments was quite different from that of wheat treatments after 100 d composition. Treatments with decomposing agents improved soil nutrients, SMBC and SMBN contents, showed significant effects on soil fertility improvement. Among three decomposing agents, F3 (containing bacillus, filamentous fungi, actinomycetes and yeasts with special features) was the best in enhancing soil nutrients contents. The performance of different straw decomposing agents for wheat and corn straws were wheat > corn for F1, wheat ≥ corn for F2 and wheat < corn for F3. Therefore, F1 (training by multiple aerobic complex strains with a strong ability to decompose the cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin and other organic ingredients of organic waste) and F3 most promoted wheat and corn straw decomposition, respectively. F2 (rich in microbial flora which decomposes cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin and other bio-organic substances) equally promoted wheat and corn straw decomposition. For different decomposing agents, the order of SMBC and SMBN contents in wheat treatments was F2 > F3 > F1. The orders SMBC and SMBN in corn treatments were F2 > F3 ≈ F1 and F3 > F2 ≈ F1. SMBC in each corn straw treatment was greater than that in wheat straw treatments, for SMBN it was inverse. This was consistent with the amount of C/N ratio of the straws, the greater the C/N ratio the greater the SMBC content and the smaller the SMBN content.
This paper used basin pot culture with plastic film method to study the dynamic characteristics of soil nutrients and soil microbial biomass during 120 d decomposition of different proportions of wheat and corn straws with different decomposing agents (F1: organic waste fermentation bacteria; F2: microbial agent; F3: "Manyuanchun" bio-fermentation). The results showed that during 120 d composition of wheat and corn straws, the increasing rates of soil organic matter, available nitrogen and total nitrogen in each treatment was rapid at the early stage and slow at the latter stage. The changes of increasing rates of soil phosphorus and potassium followed rapid-slow-rapid-slow trend. Throughout the trial stage, the soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) content of wheat treatments were increased first and then decreased. However, soil microbial biomass nitrogen (SMBN) content showed an alternating changing trend. Change in SMBC content of corn straw treatments was quite different from that of wheat treatments after 100 d composition. Treatments with decomposing agents improved soil nutrients, SMBC and SMBN contents, showed significant effects on soil fertility improvement. Among three decomposing agents, F3 (containing bacillus, filamentous fungi, actinomycetes and yeasts with special features) was the best in enhancing soil nutrients contents. The performance of different straw decomposing agents for wheat and corn straws were wheat > corn for F1, wheat ≥ corn for F2 and wheat < corn for F3. Therefore, F1 (training by multiple aerobic complex strains with a strong ability to decompose the cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin and other organic ingredients of organic waste) and F3 most promoted wheat and corn straw decomposition, respectively. F2 (rich in microbial flora which decomposes cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin and other bio-organic substances) equally promoted wheat and corn straw decomposition. For different decomposing agents, the order of SMBC and SMBN contents in wheat treatments was F2 > F3 > F1. The orders SMBC and SMBN in corn treatments were F2 > F3 ≈ F1 and F3 > F2 ≈ F1. SMBC in each corn straw treatment was greater than that in wheat straw treatments, for SMBN it was inverse. This was consistent with the amount of C/N ratio of the straws, the greater the C/N ratio the greater the SMBC content and the smaller the SMBN content.
The effect of CO2 enrichment on the quality and quantity of wheat straw, wheat straw decomposition and anaerobic soil microbial biomass activity was examined in rice season. Analysis shows that elevated CO2 significantly enhances C/N and lignin/N rations of wheat straw due primarily to decreased N content. However, elevated CO2 has no effect on biochemical compositions (soluble fractions, semi-cellulose, cellulose and lignin) and phenol content of wheat straw. Alteration of wheat straw quality caused by elevated CO2 has insignificant effect on wheat straw and wheat straw C decomposition, but rather significantly retardes wheat straw N decomposition. When all produced wheat straw under ambient and elevated CO2 are added to the soil, elevated CO2 alteration of wheat straw quantity has no obvious impact on subsequent wheat straw decomposition. Change in wheat straw quality from elevated CO2 insignificantly affects subsequent soil microbial biomass C. This implicitly explains any lack of effect of elevated CO2 on wheat straw quality, decomposition and C content.
The effect of CO2 enrichment on the quality and quantity of wheat straw, wheat straw decomposition and anaerobic soil microbial biomass activity was examined in rice season. Analysis shows that elevated CO2 significantly enhances C/N and lignin/N rations of wheat straw due primarily to decreased N content. However, elevated CO2 has no effect on biochemical compositions (soluble fractions, semi-cellulose, cellulose and lignin) and phenol content of wheat straw. Alteration of wheat straw quality caused by elevated CO2 has insignificant effect on wheat straw and wheat straw C decomposition, but rather significantly retardes wheat straw N decomposition. When all produced wheat straw under ambient and elevated CO2 are added to the soil, elevated CO2 alteration of wheat straw quantity has no obvious impact on subsequent wheat straw decomposition. Change in wheat straw quality from elevated CO2 insignificantly affects subsequent soil microbial biomass C. This implicitly explains any lack of effect of elevated CO2 on wheat straw quality, decomposition and C content.
氮、 磷用量偏大,钾肥用量不足不仅影响水稻的正常生长发育,而且导致养分利用率偏低。本文通过田间试验,研究减量施用氮、 磷肥,稳定钾肥投入对水稻产量、 养分积累量和肥料利用率的影响。试验设14个处理,每个处理重复2次。结果表明,氮钾、 磷钾、 氮磷钾配施处理的水稻秸秆生物量和籽粒产量均显著高于不施肥处理(P<0.05); 减氮控磷稳钾处理(N 225 kg/hm2、 P2O5 60 kg/hm2、 K2O 90 kg/hm2)与常规施肥处理相比(N 300 kg/hm2、 P2O5 150 kg/hm2、 K2O 60 kg/hm2)能显著增加水稻秸秆生物量(P<0.05),明显提高千粒重和籽粒产量; 试验还得出,减氮控磷稳钾处理分蘖期地上部氮、 钾含量和秸秆氮、 钾含量显著高于常规施肥处理(P<0.05); 收获期地上部氮、 钾的积累量和氮、 磷的表观利用率显著大于常规施肥处理(P<0.05)。适当减少氮、 磷用量, 增加钾肥用量能改善氮、 钾营养状况,促进地上部干物质的积累,提高籽粒产量和氮、 磷表观利用率。N 196.2 kg/hm2、 P2O5 46.5 kg/hm2、 K2O 90 kg/hm2的配施方案具有实际推广应用价值。
氮、 磷用量偏大,钾肥用量不足不仅影响水稻的正常生长发育,而且导致养分利用率偏低。本文通过田间试验,研究减量施用氮、 磷肥,稳定钾肥投入对水稻产量、 养分积累量和肥料利用率的影响。试验设14个处理,每个处理重复2次。结果表明,氮钾、 磷钾、 氮磷钾配施处理的水稻秸秆生物量和籽粒产量均显著高于不施肥处理(P<0.05); 减氮控磷稳钾处理(N 225 kg/hm2、 P2O5 60 kg/hm2、 K2O 90 kg/hm2)与常规施肥处理相比(N 300 kg/hm2、 P2O5 150 kg/hm2、 K2O 60 kg/hm2)能显著增加水稻秸秆生物量(P<0.05),明显提高千粒重和籽粒产量; 试验还得出,减氮控磷稳钾处理分蘖期地上部氮、 钾含量和秸秆氮、 钾含量显著高于常规施肥处理(P<0.05); 收获期地上部氮、 钾的积累量和氮、 磷的表观利用率显著大于常规施肥处理(P<0.05)。适当减少氮、 磷用量, 增加钾肥用量能改善氮、 钾营养状况,促进地上部干物质的积累,提高籽粒产量和氮、 磷表观利用率。N 196.2 kg/hm2、 P2O5 46.5 kg/hm2、 K2O 90 kg/hm2的配施方案具有实际推广应用价值。
The paper reviews the effects of the applied amount and the type of nitrogen fertilizers on methane oxidation in soils by methanotrophs and the counteraction of high methane concentration on nitrogen suppression.Soils have a natural ability to fix the allowed extent of exogenous nitrogen through absorption and chelating and so on with soil colloids,etc.and ensure a constant rate of methane consumption from atmosphere.The activity and growth of methanotrophs can be stimulated by appropriate nitrogen addition into soils,but also suppressed by nitrogen more than the critical value fixed by soils.In genera1.methanotroph Type I is more sensitive to environmental disturhation than methanotroph Type.Atmospheric methane oxidation mainly affected by methanotroph Type I and methanotroph Type II in natural soils can be reduced by addition of nitrogen fertilizers into soils,which is a long-term suppression effect and is unreversible,and can not be restored by high methane ratio as such in paddy soils.
The paper reviews the effects of the applied amount and the type of nitrogen fertilizers on methane oxidation in soils by methanotrophs and the counteraction of high methane concentration on nitrogen suppression.Soils have a natural ability to fix the allowed extent of exogenous nitrogen through absorption and chelating and so on with soil colloids,etc.and ensure a constant rate of methane consumption from atmosphere.The activity and growth of methanotrophs can be stimulated by appropriate nitrogen addition into soils,but also suppressed by nitrogen more than the critical value fixed by soils.In genera1.methanotroph Type I is more sensitive to environmental disturhation than methanotroph Type.Atmospheric methane oxidation mainly affected by methanotroph Type I and methanotroph Type II in natural soils can be reduced by addition of nitrogen fertilizers into soils,which is a long-term suppression effect and is unreversible,and can not be restored by high methane ratio as such in paddy soils.
The study focused on the problems of lean soil and low fertility in arid area of central Ningxia. To explore the optimum rate of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application under straw returning, taking the treatment with straw return and no nitrogen fertilization as control, we investigated the effects of three N application levels (150, 300, 450 kg.hm(-2)) with return of total maize straw (9000 kg.hm(-2)) on soil water and nutrient status and maize yield. The results showed that the soil water storage (0-100 cm) at 300 and 450 kg N.hm(-2) in middle and late growing period of maize was significantly increased by 10.1% and 9.0%. The enhancement of soil fertility was highest at 300 kg N.hm(-2), with significant increases of the contents of soil organic matter, total N, alkali-hydrolyzable-N, available P, and available K by 12.8%, 31.6%, 11.6%, 20.6% and 74.2%, respectively. The enhancement of maize grain yield was highest at 300 and 450 kg N.hm(-2), with the value being 32.1% and 23.7%, respectively. The net income at 300 and 450 kg.hm(-2) N was significantly increased by 31.8% and 16.8%, respectively. Our results showed that straw returning plus proper quantity of N fertilizer could improve soil water and fertilizer status and enhance maize yield and net income in arid area of central Ningxia. The treatment of straw returning with 300 kg.hm(-2) N was the best one.
The study focused on the problems of lean soil and low fertility in arid area of central Ningxia. To explore the optimum rate of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application under straw returning, taking the treatment with straw return and no nitrogen fertilization as control, we investigated the effects of three N application levels (150, 300, 450 kg.hm(-2)) with return of total maize straw (9000 kg.hm(-2)) on soil water and nutrient status and maize yield. The results showed that the soil water storage (0-100 cm) at 300 and 450 kg N.hm(-2) in middle and late growing period of maize was significantly increased by 10.1% and 9.0%. The enhancement of soil fertility was highest at 300 kg N.hm(-2), with significant increases of the contents of soil organic matter, total N, alkali-hydrolyzable-N, available P, and available K by 12.8%, 31.6%, 11.6%, 20.6% and 74.2%, respectively. The enhancement of maize grain yield was highest at 300 and 450 kg N.hm(-2), with the value being 32.1% and 23.7%, respectively. The net income at 300 and 450 kg.hm(-2) N was significantly increased by 31.8% and 16.8%, respectively. Our results showed that straw returning plus proper quantity of N fertilizer could improve soil water and fertilizer status and enhance maize yield and net income in arid area of central Ningxia. The treatment of straw returning with 300 kg.hm(-2) N was the best one.
Field trails were carried to study the effects of tobacco straw incorporation and potassium (K) fertilizer on rice yield, K uptake and use efficiency, and its substitute for K fertilizer under different paddy soil K levels in tobaccorice rotation areas. Results showed that both tobacco straw incorporation (2250 kg·hm-2) and K fertilizer application (75 kg K2O ·hm-2) could increase grain yield and aboveground K uptake of rice. The treatment of tobacco straw incorporation with K fertilizer (St+NPK) got the best effect on rice yield compared with the control (NP). In this treatment (St+NPK), rice yields were increased by 13.3%, 17.1% and 13.5% for lowK soil (available potassium content < 100 mg·kg-1), middleK soil (available potassium content 100-150 mg·kg-1) and highK soil (available potassium content > 150 mg·kg-1), respectively, compared with NP. Tobacco straw incorporation (St+NP) could increase K fertilizer recovery efficiency and K fertilizer agronomic efficiency. Under the current practice of applying 75 kg K2O·hm-2, St+NPK showed no significant effect on K fertilizer recovery efficiency and K fertilizer agronomic efficiency, demonstrating that the recommended rate of K fertilizer might be more than the actual demand of rice growth. More importantly, data of tobacco straw substitute for K fertilizer showed that tobacco straw incorporation could replace 10%-22% K fertilizer during rice growing season, i.e. K fertilizer could be reduced by 7.2-16.5 kg·hm-2 for rice under the condition of tobacco straw incorporation. Therefore, it was suggested that straw incorporation could reduce the rate of K fertilizer for highK soil, but the current K fertilizer inputs (75 kg K2O·hm-2) should be supplied to get high rice yield and maintain the soil potassium balance for lowK soil and middleK soil.
Field trails were carried to study the effects of tobacco straw incorporation and potassium (K) fertilizer on rice yield, K uptake and use efficiency, and its substitute for K fertilizer under different paddy soil K levels in tobaccorice rotation areas. Results showed that both tobacco straw incorporation (2250 kg·hm-2) and K fertilizer application (75 kg K2O ·hm-2) could increase grain yield and aboveground K uptake of rice. The treatment of tobacco straw incorporation with K fertilizer (St+NPK) got the best effect on rice yield compared with the control (NP). In this treatment (St+NPK), rice yields were increased by 13.3%, 17.1% and 13.5% for lowK soil (available potassium content < 100 mg·kg-1), middleK soil (available potassium content 100-150 mg·kg-1) and highK soil (available potassium content > 150 mg·kg-1), respectively, compared with NP. Tobacco straw incorporation (St+NP) could increase K fertilizer recovery efficiency and K fertilizer agronomic efficiency. Under the current practice of applying 75 kg K2O·hm-2, St+NPK showed no significant effect on K fertilizer recovery efficiency and K fertilizer agronomic efficiency, demonstrating that the recommended rate of K fertilizer might be more than the actual demand of rice growth. More importantly, data of tobacco straw substitute for K fertilizer showed that tobacco straw incorporation could replace 10%-22% K fertilizer during rice growing season, i.e. K fertilizer could be reduced by 7.2-16.5 kg·hm-2 for rice under the condition of tobacco straw incorporation. Therefore, it was suggested that straw incorporation could reduce the rate of K fertilizer for highK soil, but the current K fertilizer inputs (75 kg K2O·hm-2) should be supplied to get high rice yield and maintain the soil potassium balance for lowK soil and middleK soil.
[本文引用: 1]
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Clearance of nutrient input/output and balance in farmland in different regions of China is critical for nutrient management, scientific distribution and application of fertilizer resources, and improving nutrient use efficiency, etc. Based on existed literatures this paper systematically analyzed and discussed the current nutrient resources and application status, estimated the amount of manures, crop straws and their potential amount of nutrients NPK. The characteristics of nutrient input, output and balance in different regions of China were analyzed and evaluated. Strategies and suggestions on nutrient management were discussed based on the existed issues of nutrient input and output.
Clearance of nutrient input/output and balance in farmland in different regions of China is critical for nutrient management, scientific distribution and application of fertilizer resources, and improving nutrient use efficiency, etc. Based on existed literatures this paper systematically analyzed and discussed the current nutrient resources and application status, estimated the amount of manures, crop straws and their potential amount of nutrients NPK. The characteristics of nutrient input, output and balance in different regions of China were analyzed and evaluated. Strategies and suggestions on nutrient management were discussed based on the existed issues of nutrient input and output.
To investigate the effects of tillage and straw returning on wheat yield and quality,an experiment of 4 treatments(no-tillage straw mulching,NTS;no-tillage high stubble remaining,NTH;conventional tillage straw incorporation,CTS and conventional till
To investigate the effects of tillage and straw returning on wheat yield and quality,an experiment of 4 treatments(no-tillage straw mulching,NTS;no-tillage high stubble remaining,NTH;conventional tillage straw incorporation,CTS and conventional till
【Objective】 The objective of this study is to explore the effects of single type of organic matter and their combinations with various proportions of different organic materials on soil properties. The results would also provide a scientific basis and practical guidance to optimal utilization of agricultural organic wastes and achieve the aim of optimal configuration and agricultural sustainability regarding to soil quality. 【Method】 In this study, three organic materials were used, including rice straw, peanut straw and pig manure. Based on the mass ratio, the single type of organic matter only, the combination of both (rice straw and peanut straw mixing at the ratio of 7﹕3 and 3﹕7, respectively) and three ones (1﹕1). All single and mixture treatments were amended with 1% organic matters of the soil mass and cultivated for 90 days. Thereafter, soil nutrient and biochemical properties were measured. 【Result】 The results showed that different organic materials had a significant impact on soil nutrients and biochemical characteristics. Overall, mixtures of different organic materials were more effective than only single one for improving soil properties measured. The mixture treatments on soil nutrient availability showed additional effects, i.e. the nutrient release derived from mixtures were more than weighted average values of two and three materials. The additional effects of the mixtures on the activities of urease and invertase were not significant, for example, the increased effects of SZ, SHZ and 3S7H mixtures on invertase were 1.46%, 0.18% and 5.97%, respectively. Carbon mineralization rate of the mixture treatments had significant negative additional effects with the treatments of SH, SZ and 3S7H showed 9.91%, 23.54% and 22.95% lower than the weighted average values, respectively. And the corresponding decreased effects for the CO2-C production rate were 24.56%, 16.47% and 18.18%, respectively. BIOLOG analysis showed that AWCD value and carbon utilization potential of the treatments S and 7S3H were the highest among all treatments. The metabolic quotients (qCO2) in the S and 7S3H treatments were higher than those of other treatments. The materials combination of nutrient release and microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen had stronger positive addition. The materials combination of mineralization of organic carbon and qCO2 had stronger negative addition. 【Conclusion】 Results showed that mixing organic materials could improve soil nutrient contents enhance as well as soil biochemical activity. Compared to only one type of organic matter, materials mixture could provide more resources and favorable habitat for soil biological development, leading to acceleration of decomposition and nutrient release and finally improvement of soil fertility.
【Objective】 The objective of this study is to explore the effects of single type of organic matter and their combinations with various proportions of different organic materials on soil properties. The results would also provide a scientific basis and practical guidance to optimal utilization of agricultural organic wastes and achieve the aim of optimal configuration and agricultural sustainability regarding to soil quality. 【Method】 In this study, three organic materials were used, including rice straw, peanut straw and pig manure. Based on the mass ratio, the single type of organic matter only, the combination of both (rice straw and peanut straw mixing at the ratio of 7﹕3 and 3﹕7, respectively) and three ones (1﹕1). All single and mixture treatments were amended with 1% organic matters of the soil mass and cultivated for 90 days. Thereafter, soil nutrient and biochemical properties were measured. 【Result】 The results showed that different organic materials had a significant impact on soil nutrients and biochemical characteristics. Overall, mixtures of different organic materials were more effective than only single one for improving soil properties measured. The mixture treatments on soil nutrient availability showed additional effects, i.e. the nutrient release derived from mixtures were more than weighted average values of two and three materials. The additional effects of the mixtures on the activities of urease and invertase were not significant, for example, the increased effects of SZ, SHZ and 3S7H mixtures on invertase were 1.46%, 0.18% and 5.97%, respectively. Carbon mineralization rate of the mixture treatments had significant negative additional effects with the treatments of SH, SZ and 3S7H showed 9.91%, 23.54% and 22.95% lower than the weighted average values, respectively. And the corresponding decreased effects for the CO2-C production rate were 24.56%, 16.47% and 18.18%, respectively. BIOLOG analysis showed that AWCD value and carbon utilization potential of the treatments S and 7S3H were the highest among all treatments. The metabolic quotients (qCO2) in the S and 7S3H treatments were higher than those of other treatments. The materials combination of nutrient release and microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen had stronger positive addition. The materials combination of mineralization of organic carbon and qCO2 had stronger negative addition. 【Conclusion】 Results showed that mixing organic materials could improve soil nutrient contents enhance as well as soil biochemical activity. Compared to only one type of organic matter, materials mixture could provide more resources and favorable habitat for soil biological development, leading to acceleration of decomposition and nutrient release and finally improvement of soil fertility.
研究探讨了玉米秸秆还田方式 (直接或过腹还田 )与化肥配施对土壤养分变化的影响。研究表明 ,秸秆过腹还田对提高耕层土壤速效 N贡献较大 ;耕层土壤速效 P含量主要与化肥施用量有关 ;耕层土壤速效 K含量与秸秆直接还田有关。该试验条件下 ,秸秆直接还田和秸秆过腹还田的土壤有机质含量基本保持平衡。产量统计分析表明 ,化肥对提高玉米产量及水分利用效率有明显影响 ,其次为秸秆直接翻压还田。适宜的秸秆直接还田量、秸秆过腹还田量与化肥 N配比 (试验中每公顷用量分别为 60 0 0、1 50 0和 1 0 5kg) ,其产量、水分利用效率和肥料 N的利用效率较高。研究为该区玉米秸秆作为饲源和有机肥源的合理再分配利用 ,秸秆、牛粪与化肥平衡配施 ,以及秸秆还田对土壤肥力的贡献和对作物产量的影响提供了依据。
研究探讨了玉米秸秆还田方式 (直接或过腹还田 )与化肥配施对土壤养分变化的影响。研究表明 ,秸秆过腹还田对提高耕层土壤速效 N贡献较大 ;耕层土壤速效 P含量主要与化肥施用量有关 ;耕层土壤速效 K含量与秸秆直接还田有关。该试验条件下 ,秸秆直接还田和秸秆过腹还田的土壤有机质含量基本保持平衡。产量统计分析表明 ,化肥对提高玉米产量及水分利用效率有明显影响 ,其次为秸秆直接翻压还田。适宜的秸秆直接还田量、秸秆过腹还田量与化肥 N配比 (试验中每公顷用量分别为 60 0 0、1 50 0和 1 0 5kg) ,其产量、水分利用效率和肥料 N的利用效率较高。研究为该区玉米秸秆作为饲源和有机肥源的合理再分配利用 ,秸秆、牛粪与化肥平衡配施 ,以及秸秆还田对土壤肥力的贡献和对作物产量的影响提供了依据。
Three year field micro plot experiment was conducted to study the effect of applying corn root stubble, corn straw, and the ordure of cattle fed with corn straw to improve soil fertility in northern Liaoning province. The results showed that chemical fertilizers could significantly increase the corn production, while organic fertilizers mainly improved the soil physical and chemical properties so as to increase soil fertility.In comparison with no fertilizer treatment, combination of chemical fertilizers and organic materials could increase soil organic matter by 3.06%~27.78%.The increments of soil organic matter by using different organic materials were in order of 100% corn straw > 50% corn straw > mixture of cattle ordure and soil > cattle ordure > 33% corn straw > corn root stubble.For maintaining and increasing soil organic matter, corn straw was better than mixture of cattle ordure and soil, and secondly better than cattle ordure if they contained the same carbon content.In addition, comparing with applying chemical fertilizers only, combination of chemical fertilizers and organic materials increased soil labile oxidization organic matter by 10.91%~20.67%, increased extractable humic acid by 1.43%~14.28%, raised slack/stable ratio of bonded humus by 0.07~019, and raised HA/FAratio by 0.07~024. Meanwhile, this combination improved the soil nutrient status of N, P, and K, and the status of soil moisture and porosity, which demonstrated the increase of activity of soil organic matter and the improvement of soil fertility.So directly adding straw into soil without removing after harvest in autumn should be actively recommended, and the amount of corn straw added into soil should be 30 to 50 percent of the total production of corn straw.
Three year field micro plot experiment was conducted to study the effect of applying corn root stubble, corn straw, and the ordure of cattle fed with corn straw to improve soil fertility in northern Liaoning province. The results showed that chemical fertilizers could significantly increase the corn production, while organic fertilizers mainly improved the soil physical and chemical properties so as to increase soil fertility.In comparison with no fertilizer treatment, combination of chemical fertilizers and organic materials could increase soil organic matter by 3.06%~27.78%.The increments of soil organic matter by using different organic materials were in order of 100% corn straw > 50% corn straw > mixture of cattle ordure and soil > cattle ordure > 33% corn straw > corn root stubble.For maintaining and increasing soil organic matter, corn straw was better than mixture of cattle ordure and soil, and secondly better than cattle ordure if they contained the same carbon content.In addition, comparing with applying chemical fertilizers only, combination of chemical fertilizers and organic materials increased soil labile oxidization organic matter by 10.91%~20.67%, increased extractable humic acid by 1.43%~14.28%, raised slack/stable ratio of bonded humus by 0.07~019, and raised HA/FAratio by 0.07~024. Meanwhile, this combination improved the soil nutrient status of N, P, and K, and the status of soil moisture and porosity, which demonstrated the increase of activity of soil organic matter and the improvement of soil fertility.So directly adding straw into soil without removing after harvest in autumn should be actively recommended, and the amount of corn straw added into soil should be 30 to 50 percent of the total production of corn straw.
A laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to study the straw decomposition and soil nutrient contents after single and combined applications of maize- and horsebean straws. With the single application of maize straw, the mineralization rates of the straw and soil organic C were lower, and the immobilization of soil mineral N sustained longest. Combined application of maize- and horsebean straws promoted the mineralization of the straws organic C and soil immobilized N. Both single and combined application of the straws increased the contents of soil microbial biomass C and N significantly. It was suggested that a combined application of gramineous and leguminous straws could promote the straws decomposition and harmonize the soil nutrient supply.
A laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to study the straw decomposition and soil nutrient contents after single and combined applications of maize- and horsebean straws. With the single application of maize straw, the mineralization rates of the straw and soil organic C were lower, and the immobilization of soil mineral N sustained longest. Combined application of maize- and horsebean straws promoted the mineralization of the straws organic C and soil immobilized N. Both single and combined application of the straws increased the contents of soil microbial biomass C and N significantly. It was suggested that a combined application of gramineous and leguminous straws could promote the straws decomposition and harmonize the soil nutrient supply.
【目的】玉米是中国第一大粮食作物,如何处理大量的玉米秸秆成为玉米种植区面临的关键问题之一,深入研究冬种绿肥对玉米秸秆腐解释放的影响,对农业可持续发展具有重要意义。【方法】采用尼龙网袋法,通过对红壤旱地空闲 (YCK)及紫花苜蓿(YZ)、 黑麦草(YH)、 肥田萝卜(YL)绿肥种植模式下玉米秸秆177 d的腐解量和养分释放的监测,分析玉米秸秆腐解速率及碳、 氮、 磷、 钾的释放规律。【结果】四种种植模式下,玉米秸秆腐解及养分释放均呈现前期快后期慢的规律,7 d的腐解和养分释放速率均达到最大。翻压177 d时,四种种植模式下(YCK、 YZ、 YH、 YL)玉米秸秆累积腐解量分别为23.41、 21.22、 20.86和20.95 g,玉米秸秆碳累积释放量分别为12.38、 11.07、 11.18、 11.36 g ,与YCK种植模式相比,YZ、 YH、 YL种植模式秸秆累积腐解量分别显著降低了9.3%、 10.9%、 10.5%,碳累积释放量则分别显著降低了10.6%、 9.7%和8.3%; 各处理氮累积释放量分别为479.46、 513.04、 442.58和530.20 mg,相比YCK种植模式,种植绿肥对玉米秸秆氮累积释放量的影响不显著,而YH种植模式较YZ和YL种植模式则显著降低了13.7%和16.5%。各处理磷累积释放量分别为58.10、 57.91、 58.47和59.47 mg,且YL种植模式较YCK种植模式显著提高了2.35%; 翻压 28 d时,各处理钾累积释放量为487.20、 444.85、 456.94和434.55 mg,分别占加入量的100.0%、 91.3%、 93.8%和89.2%,且三个种植模式均显著低于YCK种植模式,42 d时各处理的钾均全部释放。从玉米秸秆碳与氮、 磷、 钾比来看,翻压177 d时,与YCK种植模式相比,YZ和YL种植模式玉米秸秆碳氮比显著增加了102.8%、 91.6%; YZ、 YH、 YL种植模式碳磷比分别显著增加了48.4%、 72.4%、 147.0%。翻压 28 d时,YH种植模式玉米秸秆碳钾比较YL种植模式显著提高。【结论】玉米秸秆腐解及其养分释放速率均在翻压后第7天达到最大值,之后腐解和养分释放速率减缓。与空闲相比,种植绿肥能显著减缓玉米秸秆腐化和秸秆中碳和钾的释放,而种植紫花苜蓿和肥田萝卜能促进玉米秸秆氮素释放,种植黑麦草则减缓了玉米秸秆氮素释放。种植肥田萝卜能显著促进玉米秸秆磷素释放。冬季种植肥田萝卜既对玉米秸秆还田后氮素释放有一定促进作用,又能增加红壤中磷的有效性,同时还能减缓玉米秸秆钾的释放,使钾释放更为长效,是一种土壤培肥和秸秆养分释放较好的绿肥种植模式。
【目的】玉米是中国第一大粮食作物,如何处理大量的玉米秸秆成为玉米种植区面临的关键问题之一,深入研究冬种绿肥对玉米秸秆腐解释放的影响,对农业可持续发展具有重要意义。【方法】采用尼龙网袋法,通过对红壤旱地空闲 (YCK)及紫花苜蓿(YZ)、 黑麦草(YH)、 肥田萝卜(YL)绿肥种植模式下玉米秸秆177 d的腐解量和养分释放的监测,分析玉米秸秆腐解速率及碳、 氮、 磷、 钾的释放规律。【结果】四种种植模式下,玉米秸秆腐解及养分释放均呈现前期快后期慢的规律,7 d的腐解和养分释放速率均达到最大。翻压177 d时,四种种植模式下(YCK、 YZ、 YH、 YL)玉米秸秆累积腐解量分别为23.41、 21.22、 20.86和20.95 g,玉米秸秆碳累积释放量分别为12.38、 11.07、 11.18、 11.36 g ,与YCK种植模式相比,YZ、 YH、 YL种植模式秸秆累积腐解量分别显著降低了9.3%、 10.9%、 10.5%,碳累积释放量则分别显著降低了10.6%、 9.7%和8.3%; 各处理氮累积释放量分别为479.46、 513.04、 442.58和530.20 mg,相比YCK种植模式,种植绿肥对玉米秸秆氮累积释放量的影响不显著,而YH种植模式较YZ和YL种植模式则显著降低了13.7%和16.5%。各处理磷累积释放量分别为58.10、 57.91、 58.47和59.47 mg,且YL种植模式较YCK种植模式显著提高了2.35%; 翻压 28 d时,各处理钾累积释放量为487.20、 444.85、 456.94和434.55 mg,分别占加入量的100.0%、 91.3%、 93.8%和89.2%,且三个种植模式均显著低于YCK种植模式,42 d时各处理的钾均全部释放。从玉米秸秆碳与氮、 磷、 钾比来看,翻压177 d时,与YCK种植模式相比,YZ和YL种植模式玉米秸秆碳氮比显著增加了102.8%、 91.6%; YZ、 YH、 YL种植模式碳磷比分别显著增加了48.4%、 72.4%、 147.0%。翻压 28 d时,YH种植模式玉米秸秆碳钾比较YL种植模式显著提高。【结论】玉米秸秆腐解及其养分释放速率均在翻压后第7天达到最大值,之后腐解和养分释放速率减缓。与空闲相比,种植绿肥能显著减缓玉米秸秆腐化和秸秆中碳和钾的释放,而种植紫花苜蓿和肥田萝卜能促进玉米秸秆氮素释放,种植黑麦草则减缓了玉米秸秆氮素释放。种植肥田萝卜能显著促进玉米秸秆磷素释放。冬季种植肥田萝卜既对玉米秸秆还田后氮素释放有一定促进作用,又能增加红壤中磷的有效性,同时还能减缓玉米秸秆钾的释放,使钾释放更为长效,是一种土壤培肥和秸秆养分释放较好的绿肥种植模式。
There are many problems such as low soil organic matter, available nutrients and microbial activity, compaction, and poor tillage properties for a newly reclaimed cultivated land, and the establishment of a fast, effective measure for improving soil fertility quality is of importance to enhance the quality and production performance of the newly cultivated land. A field experiment was carried out to observe the effect of organic wastes on soil fertility of a newly reclaimed cultivated land, and compared the differences of different types of urban organic wastes. The field experiment included nine treatments, i.e., pig manure, chicken manure, rice straw, vegetable harvest residue, urban sludge, biogas residue, manure+rice straw compost, garbage compost and control without organic fertilizer at annual application rate of 30 t·hm-2, and ran for three consecutive years. The results showed that the application of each type of the eight organic wastes had obvious effects on improving soil fertility. Among them, pig manure, chicken manure, pig manure+rice straw compost, rice straw and biogas residue were the most effective to enhance the carbon pool management index of soil. The addition of pig manure+rice straw compost and biogas residue had the best effect on increasing the soil water stable aggregates and decreasing soil bulk density. Sewage sludge, pig manure+rice straw compost and garbage compost could enhance soil water holding capacity. Pig manure, chicken manure and pig manure+rice straw compost had most obvious effect on increasing soil available nutrients. All kinds of organic wastes increased the number of soil microorganisms and the activity of enzymes. There were some risk of soil heavy metals pollution for the longterm application of sludge, garbage compost and manure. However, the impact of shortterm application of the wastes on soil environmental quality was not obvious. Overall, effects of organic wastes on soil fertility decreased in the order of pig manure+rice straw compost>chicken manure>pig manure>biogas residue>garbage compost>rice straw>urban sludge>vegetable harvest residue, and the effects on soil pollution increased in the sequence of rice straw<vegetable harvest residue<pig manure+rice straw compost<biogas residue<chicken manure<pig manure<garbage compost<urban sludge.
There are many problems such as low soil organic matter, available nutrients and microbial activity, compaction, and poor tillage properties for a newly reclaimed cultivated land, and the establishment of a fast, effective measure for improving soil fertility quality is of importance to enhance the quality and production performance of the newly cultivated land. A field experiment was carried out to observe the effect of organic wastes on soil fertility of a newly reclaimed cultivated land, and compared the differences of different types of urban organic wastes. The field experiment included nine treatments, i.e., pig manure, chicken manure, rice straw, vegetable harvest residue, urban sludge, biogas residue, manure+rice straw compost, garbage compost and control without organic fertilizer at annual application rate of 30 t·hm-2, and ran for three consecutive years. The results showed that the application of each type of the eight organic wastes had obvious effects on improving soil fertility. Among them, pig manure, chicken manure, pig manure+rice straw compost, rice straw and biogas residue were the most effective to enhance the carbon pool management index of soil. The addition of pig manure+rice straw compost and biogas residue had the best effect on increasing the soil water stable aggregates and decreasing soil bulk density. Sewage sludge, pig manure+rice straw compost and garbage compost could enhance soil water holding capacity. Pig manure, chicken manure and pig manure+rice straw compost had most obvious effect on increasing soil available nutrients. All kinds of organic wastes increased the number of soil microorganisms and the activity of enzymes. There were some risk of soil heavy metals pollution for the longterm application of sludge, garbage compost and manure. However, the impact of shortterm application of the wastes on soil environmental quality was not obvious. Overall, effects of organic wastes on soil fertility decreased in the order of pig manure+rice straw compost>chicken manure>pig manure>biogas residue>garbage compost>rice straw>urban sludge>vegetable harvest residue, and the effects on soil pollution increased in the sequence of rice straw<vegetable harvest residue<pig manure+rice straw compost<biogas residue<chicken manure<pig manure<garbage compost<urban sludge.
The pot experimental results showed that horsebean stalk had distinct minus-allelopathic effect on the seedling growth of wheat and soybean,it decreased the biological yields for 50.4% and 58.2% apart.Soybean straw had minus-allelopathic effect on the seedling growth of wheat and plusallelopathic effect on soybean,it decreased the biological yield for 19.8%.The minus-allelopathic effect maize straw to wheat of was the most,it decreased the biological yield for 60.8%.But it had salience plusallelopathic effect to soybean and maize,their biological yields increased for 18.7% and 10.3% apart.Wheat straw had minus-allelopathic effect on the seedling growth of wheat,maize and soybeanall,it decreased the biological yields for 50.8%,5.1% and 24.9%.A llelopathic effect of straw were weakened along with time processing.Applied straw of horsebean can increase not only the storage capacity,but also improve the providing level of soil nutrient.The cultivating soil effect of maize and wheat straw were in the middle.Though app lied straw of soybean can increase the storage capacity of soil nutrient and nitrogen level,but the amplitude were not wide.Planting crops can evidently accelerate the effect of cultivating soil of straw and fertility providing.
The pot experimental results showed that horsebean stalk had distinct minus-allelopathic effect on the seedling growth of wheat and soybean,it decreased the biological yields for 50.4% and 58.2% apart.Soybean straw had minus-allelopathic effect on the seedling growth of wheat and plusallelopathic effect on soybean,it decreased the biological yield for 19.8%.The minus-allelopathic effect maize straw to wheat of was the most,it decreased the biological yield for 60.8%.But it had salience plusallelopathic effect to soybean and maize,their biological yields increased for 18.7% and 10.3% apart.Wheat straw had minus-allelopathic effect on the seedling growth of wheat,maize and soybeanall,it decreased the biological yields for 50.8%,5.1% and 24.9%.A llelopathic effect of straw were weakened along with time processing.Applied straw of horsebean can increase not only the storage capacity,but also improve the providing level of soil nutrient.The cultivating soil effect of maize and wheat straw were in the middle.Though app lied straw of soybean can increase the storage capacity of soil nutrient and nitrogen level,but the amplitude were not wide.Planting crops can evidently accelerate the effect of cultivating soil of straw and fertility providing.
With japonica rice Yangfujing 8 as material, dry matter production, yield formation and the related physiological traits of rice under simplified cultivations (direct seeding, mechanical transplanting and parachute transplanting) with wheat residue return and wheat residue removal were investigated. Compared with the rice plants under wheat residue removal, the panicle number of rice plants under wheat residue return was decreased slightly, whereas the number of grains per panicle, seedsetting rate and 1000grain weight were all increased, leading to a significant increase in grain yield. Under wheat residue return, number of stems and tillers of rice was much lower at all the growth stages, and the photosynthetic potential, leaf area index and dry matter accumulation were lower before the heading stage but higher after heading stage than those under wheat residue removal. For rice plants under wheat residue return, the rootshoot ratio was higher at all the growth stages, and the high efficient leaf area and its ratio to total leaf area at the heading stage, the grainleaf ratio, the exportation and transportation rates of carbohydrates stored in stems and sheaths and the harvest index were all higher than those for rice plants under wheat residue removal. Moreover, the root activity, root bleeding, photosynthetic rate and ATPase activity in grains of rice plants under wheat residue return were also higher than those of rice plants under wheat residue removal during grain filling stage. The physiological causes of highyielding rice under wheat residue return were discussed, and the key regulatory approaches under wheat residue return in rice were put forward.
With japonica rice Yangfujing 8 as material, dry matter production, yield formation and the related physiological traits of rice under simplified cultivations (direct seeding, mechanical transplanting and parachute transplanting) with wheat residue return and wheat residue removal were investigated. Compared with the rice plants under wheat residue removal, the panicle number of rice plants under wheat residue return was decreased slightly, whereas the number of grains per panicle, seedsetting rate and 1000grain weight were all increased, leading to a significant increase in grain yield. Under wheat residue return, number of stems and tillers of rice was much lower at all the growth stages, and the photosynthetic potential, leaf area index and dry matter accumulation were lower before the heading stage but higher after heading stage than those under wheat residue removal. For rice plants under wheat residue return, the rootshoot ratio was higher at all the growth stages, and the high efficient leaf area and its ratio to total leaf area at the heading stage, the grainleaf ratio, the exportation and transportation rates of carbohydrates stored in stems and sheaths and the harvest index were all higher than those for rice plants under wheat residue removal. Moreover, the root activity, root bleeding, photosynthetic rate and ATPase activity in grains of rice plants under wheat residue return were also higher than those of rice plants under wheat residue removal during grain filling stage. The physiological causes of highyielding rice under wheat residue return were discussed, and the key regulatory approaches under wheat residue return in rice were put forward.
【Objective】 In order to explore the effect of straw retention on SOC(soil organic carbon)content, the contributions of wheat and corn residues (root and straw) to SOC under fluvo-aquic soil area were studied, which have a great significance to take technical measures to promote SOC content of winter wheat-summer corn rotation system.【Method】The optimized DPM/RPM values (the ratio of decomposable plant material to resistant plant material) of different residues in Roth C-26.3 model was adjusted on the basis of the remaining rates of different organic materials after their decomposition. The modified model was validated with the data obtained from the short-time decomposition experiment (2012.11-2013.11) and the long-term trial conducted in Zhengzhou (1990-2008). Based on the optimized DPM/RPM parameters of Roth C-26.3 model, the contributions of wheat and corn residues to SOC in winter wheat-summer corn rotation system in northern China under three different fertilizer treatments (no fertilizer CK, chemical fertilizer NPK, chemical fertilizer combined with straw NPKS) were simulated. 【Result】DPM/RPM values of wheat root (WR), wheat straw(WS), corn root (CR), corn straw (CS) were 0.89, 3.04, 4.35 and 3.25, respectively, when the model was in optimal condition. It showed that in CK treatment, the carbon input derived from wheat root and corn root were 50%, respectively, while the contributions of wheat root and corn root to newly-formed soil organic (0-20 cm) were 60% and 40%, the retention coefficients of wheat root and corn root were 15.5% and 10.8%, respectively; in NPK treatment the carbon input derived from wheat root and corn root were 60% and 40%, respectively, while the contributions of wheat root and corn root to newly-formed soil organic (0-20 cm) were 71% and 29%, the retention coefficients of wheat root and corn root were 17.5% and 11.4%, respectively; in NPKS treatment the carbon input derived from wheat root and corn root were 47%, 21% and 32%, respectively, while the contributions of wheat root and corn root to newly-formed soil organic (0-20 cm) were 50%, 22% and 28%, the retention coefficients of wheat root and corn root were 16.9%, 11.2% and 11.4%, respectively. In a word, the contribution of wheat residue (50% -71%) to newly-formed SOC was greater than corn residue (22%-40%) in winter wheat-summer corn rotation system in north China whether no fertilization, balanced fertilization or straw returned. The ratio of SOC derived from wheat to newly-formed SOC was greater than the proportion of the carbon input from wheat to total carbon input, instead of the carbon input of corn and its contribution to newly-formed SOC. The carbon efficiency of wheat root (15.5% -17.5%) was more than the carbon efficiency of corn root and corn straw (10.8% -11.4%).【Conclusion】The modified RothC model can be used to explore the contributions of wheat and corn residues to newly-formed SOC in fluvo-aquic soil area. The contribution of wheat root to SOC was greater than corn root in winter wheat-summer corn rotation system in the North China and the retention coefficient of corn root was greater than the corn straw in NPKS treatment, so the application of root residues (especially wheat roots) could promote the soil organic carbon stock.
【Objective】 In order to explore the effect of straw retention on SOC(soil organic carbon)content, the contributions of wheat and corn residues (root and straw) to SOC under fluvo-aquic soil area were studied, which have a great significance to take technical measures to promote SOC content of winter wheat-summer corn rotation system.【Method】The optimized DPM/RPM values (the ratio of decomposable plant material to resistant plant material) of different residues in Roth C-26.3 model was adjusted on the basis of the remaining rates of different organic materials after their decomposition. The modified model was validated with the data obtained from the short-time decomposition experiment (2012.11-2013.11) and the long-term trial conducted in Zhengzhou (1990-2008). Based on the optimized DPM/RPM parameters of Roth C-26.3 model, the contributions of wheat and corn residues to SOC in winter wheat-summer corn rotation system in northern China under three different fertilizer treatments (no fertilizer CK, chemical fertilizer NPK, chemical fertilizer combined with straw NPKS) were simulated. 【Result】DPM/RPM values of wheat root (WR), wheat straw(WS), corn root (CR), corn straw (CS) were 0.89, 3.04, 4.35 and 3.25, respectively, when the model was in optimal condition. It showed that in CK treatment, the carbon input derived from wheat root and corn root were 50%, respectively, while the contributions of wheat root and corn root to newly-formed soil organic (0-20 cm) were 60% and 40%, the retention coefficients of wheat root and corn root were 15.5% and 10.8%, respectively; in NPK treatment the carbon input derived from wheat root and corn root were 60% and 40%, respectively, while the contributions of wheat root and corn root to newly-formed soil organic (0-20 cm) were 71% and 29%, the retention coefficients of wheat root and corn root were 17.5% and 11.4%, respectively; in NPKS treatment the carbon input derived from wheat root and corn root were 47%, 21% and 32%, respectively, while the contributions of wheat root and corn root to newly-formed soil organic (0-20 cm) were 50%, 22% and 28%, the retention coefficients of wheat root and corn root were 16.9%, 11.2% and 11.4%, respectively. In a word, the contribution of wheat residue (50% -71%) to newly-formed SOC was greater than corn residue (22%-40%) in winter wheat-summer corn rotation system in north China whether no fertilization, balanced fertilization or straw returned. The ratio of SOC derived from wheat to newly-formed SOC was greater than the proportion of the carbon input from wheat to total carbon input, instead of the carbon input of corn and its contribution to newly-formed SOC. The carbon efficiency of wheat root (15.5% -17.5%) was more than the carbon efficiency of corn root and corn straw (10.8% -11.4%).【Conclusion】The modified RothC model can be used to explore the contributions of wheat and corn residues to newly-formed SOC in fluvo-aquic soil area. The contribution of wheat root to SOC was greater than corn root in winter wheat-summer corn rotation system in the North China and the retention coefficient of corn root was greater than the corn straw in NPKS treatment, so the application of root residues (especially wheat roots) could promote the soil organic carbon stock.
A ten years location experiment of various kinds straw return to field and deep fertilization in autumn was conducted in Shouyang dryland experimental area of Shanxi Province to study their effect on the growth and yield of dryland corn,the use efficency of soil water and fertilizer,and the changes of soil fertility.The results showed that this kind of experimental method could better solve the contradiction of deep fertilization with maintaining soil moisture and keeping a full stand of seedlings in spring,and the competition of water and fertilizer between the degradation of crop remains and the seedlings.What is more,the abundant resources of crop remains were used more sufficiently,the activity of soil microorganisms was more active,and soil fertility was obviously improved,which was proved by the complete and strong seedlings and developed roots,the photosynthesis and transpiration rates were enhanced,the water use efficiency(WUE)was increased by 3.26~3.51 kg·hm-2·mm-1,and the accumulated water consumption was decreased by 8.1~264.5 mm.During plant growth period,the utilization rate of fertilizer N and P could increase 3.9%~13.9% and 3.0%~9.1%,respectively,and the use efficiency of water and fertilizer was higher.The ten years accumulated yield increased 12.10~17.27 t·hm-2,a rise of 25.6%~36.5%,and in the meantime,higher soil fertility and productivity were maintained.
A ten years location experiment of various kinds straw return to field and deep fertilization in autumn was conducted in Shouyang dryland experimental area of Shanxi Province to study their effect on the growth and yield of dryland corn,the use efficency of soil water and fertilizer,and the changes of soil fertility.The results showed that this kind of experimental method could better solve the contradiction of deep fertilization with maintaining soil moisture and keeping a full stand of seedlings in spring,and the competition of water and fertilizer between the degradation of crop remains and the seedlings.What is more,the abundant resources of crop remains were used more sufficiently,the activity of soil microorganisms was more active,and soil fertility was obviously improved,which was proved by the complete and strong seedlings and developed roots,the photosynthesis and transpiration rates were enhanced,the water use efficiency(WUE)was increased by 3.26~3.51 kg·hm-2·mm-1,and the accumulated water consumption was decreased by 8.1~264.5 mm.During plant growth period,the utilization rate of fertilizer N and P could increase 3.9%~13.9% and 3.0%~9.1%,respectively,and the use efficiency of water and fertilizer was higher.The ten years accumulated yield increased 12.10~17.27 t·hm-2,a rise of 25.6%~36.5%,and in the meantime,higher soil fertility and productivity were maintained.
Tillage and straw incorporation are important agricultural practices that can break plough layer and improve black soil fertility. The effects of tillage and straw incorporation on straw humification coefficient, soil organic carbon (SOC), and maize yield were investigated in a field experiment. Subsoil combined with straw incorporation in 20-35 cm soil layer (ST+S) could break plough layer and decrease the bulk density by 5.7%, 3.3% and 5.7% compared with traditional til-lage (TT), subsoil (ST) and traditional tillage combined with straw incorporation (TT+S) in six experimental years, respectively, and the best effects were observed in ST and ST+S treatments in the first expe-rimental year. The rate of straw decomposition was higher in 0-20 cm (72.0%) than in 20-35 cm (59.2%), and the straw humification coefficient in 0-20 cm and 20-35 cm soil la-yers reached the peak in first experimental year with 15.9% and 12.7%, respectively. Compared with initial soil sample, SOC and light fraction organic carbon (LFOC) of TT, ST and ST+S treatments in 0-20 cm soil layer was decreased in experimental years, but was increased by 2.9% and 12.4% within TT+S, respectively. SOC and light fraction organic carbon (LFOC) of ST+S in 20-35 cm soil layer was increased by 9.2% and 9.9%, respectively. The effect of field treatments on maize yield showed in a decreasing trend of ST+S>TT+S>ST>TT, effects of tillage and straw incorporation on maize yield could continue 3 and 6 years, respectively, indicating that tillage and straw incorporation had time effect. Therefore, straw incorporated into 20-35 cm soil layer based on tillage was an effective, sustainable agricultural practice of improving black soil quality.
Tillage and straw incorporation are important agricultural practices that can break plough layer and improve black soil fertility. The effects of tillage and straw incorporation on straw humification coefficient, soil organic carbon (SOC), and maize yield were investigated in a field experiment. Subsoil combined with straw incorporation in 20-35 cm soil layer (ST+S) could break plough layer and decrease the bulk density by 5.7%, 3.3% and 5.7% compared with traditional til-lage (TT), subsoil (ST) and traditional tillage combined with straw incorporation (TT+S) in six experimental years, respectively, and the best effects were observed in ST and ST+S treatments in the first expe-rimental year. The rate of straw decomposition was higher in 0-20 cm (72.0%) than in 20-35 cm (59.2%), and the straw humification coefficient in 0-20 cm and 20-35 cm soil la-yers reached the peak in first experimental year with 15.9% and 12.7%, respectively. Compared with initial soil sample, SOC and light fraction organic carbon (LFOC) of TT, ST and ST+S treatments in 0-20 cm soil layer was decreased in experimental years, but was increased by 2.9% and 12.4% within TT+S, respectively. SOC and light fraction organic carbon (LFOC) of ST+S in 20-35 cm soil layer was increased by 9.2% and 9.9%, respectively. The effect of field treatments on maize yield showed in a decreasing trend of ST+S>TT+S>ST>TT, effects of tillage and straw incorporation on maize yield could continue 3 and 6 years, respectively, indicating that tillage and straw incorporation had time effect. Therefore, straw incorporated into 20-35 cm soil layer based on tillage was an effective, sustainable agricultural practice of improving black soil quality.
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With (15)N isotope labeled maize straw in nylon net bags and buried in the wheat field at two N rates of 0 and 200 kg N.hm(-2), the effects of nitrogen application on the decomposition of straw dry matter and the release dynamics of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (C, N, P and K) after maize straw retention were investigated in the winter wheat-summer maize rotation system in Guanzhong Plain, Shaanxi, China. Results showed that N application did not affect the decomposition of the returned straw C and dry matter, but promoted the release of P and inhibited the release of N and K from straw during sowing to wintering periods of winter wheat. From the grain filling to the harvest of winter wheat, the decomposition of the returned straw and the release of N, P and K were not affected, but the release of straw C was significantly enhanced by N application. The release dynamic of straw C was synchronized with the decomposition of the dry matter, and the C/N of straw declined gradually with the extension of wheat growing. Until the harvest of winter wheat, the accumulative decomposition rate of straw dry matter was less than 50%, and the total straw C release rate was around 47.9% to 51.1%. The C/N ratio of the returned straw was decreased from 32.2 to 20.2 and 17.9, respectively at N rates of 0 and 200 kg N.hm(-2). From sowing to harvest of winter wheat, the net release of N, P and K from the straw was observed. The N release was 7.2-9.4 kg.hm(-2) and 12.7%-16.6% of the total straw N, and the P release was 1.29-1.44 kg.hm(-2) and 29.0%-32.4% of the total straw P, while a great deal of K was released quickly, with approximately 80% of the straw K released before wintering, 51.8-52.5 kg.hm(-2) and 90.5%-91.7% of the total straw K released at wheat harvest. It was suggested that the K fertilizer application should be decreased for the winter wheat due to the great amount K release from the returned maize straw, and an extra amount of N and P fertilizer should be applied under the straw retention cropping system.
With (15)N isotope labeled maize straw in nylon net bags and buried in the wheat field at two N rates of 0 and 200 kg N.hm(-2), the effects of nitrogen application on the decomposition of straw dry matter and the release dynamics of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (C, N, P and K) after maize straw retention were investigated in the winter wheat-summer maize rotation system in Guanzhong Plain, Shaanxi, China. Results showed that N application did not affect the decomposition of the returned straw C and dry matter, but promoted the release of P and inhibited the release of N and K from straw during sowing to wintering periods of winter wheat. From the grain filling to the harvest of winter wheat, the decomposition of the returned straw and the release of N, P and K were not affected, but the release of straw C was significantly enhanced by N application. The release dynamic of straw C was synchronized with the decomposition of the dry matter, and the C/N of straw declined gradually with the extension of wheat growing. Until the harvest of winter wheat, the accumulative decomposition rate of straw dry matter was less than 50%, and the total straw C release rate was around 47.9% to 51.1%. The C/N ratio of the returned straw was decreased from 32.2 to 20.2 and 17.9, respectively at N rates of 0 and 200 kg N.hm(-2). From sowing to harvest of winter wheat, the net release of N, P and K from the straw was observed. The N release was 7.2-9.4 kg.hm(-2) and 12.7%-16.6% of the total straw N, and the P release was 1.29-1.44 kg.hm(-2) and 29.0%-32.4% of the total straw P, while a great deal of K was released quickly, with approximately 80% of the straw K released before wintering, 51.8-52.5 kg.hm(-2) and 90.5%-91.7% of the total straw K released at wheat harvest. It was suggested that the K fertilizer application should be decreased for the winter wheat due to the great amount K release from the returned maize straw, and an extra amount of N and P fertilizer should be applied under the straw retention cropping system.
采用尼龙网袋法于2007-2008年连续2a在水稻常规栽培和节水灌溉栽培模式下,研究小麦秸秆腐解特征、养分释放规律及对土壤微生物数量、酶活性和养分状况的影响。结果表明:秸秆还田后,在0-30d腐解较快,后期腐解速率逐渐变慢。90 d时累计腐解率达到了48.9%-61.3%。秸秆中养分释放速率表现为K>P>N≈C。节水栽培模式下小麦秸秆还田腐解率和养分释放率均显著高于常规栽培。秸秆还田后,土壤微生物数量以及土壤脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性均呈现"前期迅速增加,中期急剧减少,后期缓慢减少"的变化特征,而纤维素酶活性呈现"前期剧升、中期缓增、后期骤降"的变化趋势。小麦秸秆在节水栽培模式下还田土壤微生物数量和酶活性均显著高于常规栽培。适当增加秸秆用量可以提高微生物数量和酶活性,用量过高对细菌和放线菌数量有负效应。秸秆还田可显著提高土壤有机碳和养分含量。土壤有机碳、全氮、碱解氮和速效磷含量在整个试验期间均呈增加趋势。速效钾含量在秸秆还田30 d时达到最高,而后则逐渐降低。节水栽培模式下秸秆还田后土壤有机碳和养分含量的提高效应显著高于常规栽培。提高秸秆用量对土壤养分含量有显著的正效应。
采用尼龙网袋法于2007-2008年连续2a在水稻常规栽培和节水灌溉栽培模式下,研究小麦秸秆腐解特征、养分释放规律及对土壤微生物数量、酶活性和养分状况的影响。结果表明:秸秆还田后,在0-30d腐解较快,后期腐解速率逐渐变慢。90 d时累计腐解率达到了48.9%-61.3%。秸秆中养分释放速率表现为K>P>N≈C。节水栽培模式下小麦秸秆还田腐解率和养分释放率均显著高于常规栽培。秸秆还田后,土壤微生物数量以及土壤脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性均呈现"前期迅速增加,中期急剧减少,后期缓慢减少"的变化特征,而纤维素酶活性呈现"前期剧升、中期缓增、后期骤降"的变化趋势。小麦秸秆在节水栽培模式下还田土壤微生物数量和酶活性均显著高于常规栽培。适当增加秸秆用量可以提高微生物数量和酶活性,用量过高对细菌和放线菌数量有负效应。秸秆还田可显著提高土壤有机碳和养分含量。土壤有机碳、全氮、碱解氮和速效磷含量在整个试验期间均呈增加趋势。速效钾含量在秸秆还田30 d时达到最高,而后则逐渐降低。节水栽培模式下秸秆还田后土壤有机碳和养分含量的提高效应显著高于常规栽培。提高秸秆用量对土壤养分含量有显著的正效应。
【Objective】The decomposition characteristics and nutrient releasing patterns of rapeseed and wheat straws were studied under different rice cultivations and straw mulching models in 2007 and 2008 growing seasons, respectively.【Method】Wheat and rapeseed straws were wrapped in net nylon bags and put on the surface or embedded into the soil under conventional cultivation and water-saving cultivation models.【Result】The results showed that the decomposition rate of straw was faster in the first 30 days and then slowed down until the end of the experiment. Under water-saving cultivation model, 90 days after straws were embedded into soil, the decomposition rate was high up to 61.06%. The cumulative decomposition rates of wheat and rapeseed straw were 48.88%-59.95% and 50.88%-61.06%, respectively. Under conventional cultivation model, the straws that were mulched decomposed faster than the straws that were embedded into the soil did. With straw mulching, there was no obvious difference in decomposition rates between the two cultivation models. When straws were embedded into the soil, the straw under water-saving cultivation model decomposed faster than the straw under the conventional cultivation model. The sequence of nutrients releasing rates were K>P>N≈C. C releasing rates of wheat straw and rapeseed straw were up to 48.29-63.79% and 50.29-66.55%, and N were up to 48.35-52.83% and 46.48%-57.67%, and P were up to 54.83%-67.49% and 56.44%-75.64%, and K were up to 91.98%-95.99% and 92.31%-96.24% after 90 days of decomposition, respectively. The effect of cultivation model and incorporation method on N, P and C releasing patterns had almost the same trend with the decomposition of straw. K release rate was more than 90% after 30 days of decomposition. 【Conclusion】 It is concluded that on the basis of straw mulching, the water-saving cultivation model can promote the straw to decompose and to release the nutrients.
【Objective】The decomposition characteristics and nutrient releasing patterns of rapeseed and wheat straws were studied under different rice cultivations and straw mulching models in 2007 and 2008 growing seasons, respectively.【Method】Wheat and rapeseed straws were wrapped in net nylon bags and put on the surface or embedded into the soil under conventional cultivation and water-saving cultivation models.【Result】The results showed that the decomposition rate of straw was faster in the first 30 days and then slowed down until the end of the experiment. Under water-saving cultivation model, 90 days after straws were embedded into soil, the decomposition rate was high up to 61.06%. The cumulative decomposition rates of wheat and rapeseed straw were 48.88%-59.95% and 50.88%-61.06%, respectively. Under conventional cultivation model, the straws that were mulched decomposed faster than the straws that were embedded into the soil did. With straw mulching, there was no obvious difference in decomposition rates between the two cultivation models. When straws were embedded into the soil, the straw under water-saving cultivation model decomposed faster than the straw under the conventional cultivation model. The sequence of nutrients releasing rates were K>P>N≈C. C releasing rates of wheat straw and rapeseed straw were up to 48.29-63.79% and 50.29-66.55%, and N were up to 48.35-52.83% and 46.48%-57.67%, and P were up to 54.83%-67.49% and 56.44%-75.64%, and K were up to 91.98%-95.99% and 92.31%-96.24% after 90 days of decomposition, respectively. The effect of cultivation model and incorporation method on N, P and C releasing patterns had almost the same trend with the decomposition of straw. K release rate was more than 90% after 30 days of decomposition. 【Conclusion】 It is concluded that on the basis of straw mulching, the water-saving cultivation model can promote the straw to decompose and to release the nutrients.
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该文采用尼龙网袋法,研究了长期培养条件下,不同预处理方式(氨化、酸化、微波、无处理)对玉米秸秆腐解与养分释放特征的影响。结果表明,培养100 d后,包括对照在内的各处理秸秆质量累积腐解率均超过50%,其中酸化、氨化处理有利于促进玉米秸秆的快速腐解;培养300 d后,氨化、酸化、微波处理玉米秸秆的累积腐解率分别为 89.22%、91.68%和82.26%,其中氨化、酸化处理显著高于对照(80.81%)。与对照相比,在秸秆快速分解期(0~100 d),酸化处理秸秆可多释放23.95%的氮、13.11%的磷、4.27%的钾;氨化处理秸秆可多释放9.69%的氮;微波处理秸秆可多释放4.28%的碳;培养结束时(300 d),酸化处理更有利于钾素、磷素的释放,比对照多释放了7.73%的钾、6.34%的磷;氨化处理更有利于氮素、磷素的释放,比对照多释放了6.16%的氮、5.41%的磷;微波处理可略增加钾素的释放,比对照提高1.61%。综上可见,玉米秸秆还田前进行适当酸化或氨化处理,可促进其腐解,提高养分释放速率,尤其酸化处理效果更好,但具体田间操作及表现仍需进一步研究。
该文采用尼龙网袋法,研究了长期培养条件下,不同预处理方式(氨化、酸化、微波、无处理)对玉米秸秆腐解与养分释放特征的影响。结果表明,培养100 d后,包括对照在内的各处理秸秆质量累积腐解率均超过50%,其中酸化、氨化处理有利于促进玉米秸秆的快速腐解;培养300 d后,氨化、酸化、微波处理玉米秸秆的累积腐解率分别为 89.22%、91.68%和82.26%,其中氨化、酸化处理显著高于对照(80.81%)。与对照相比,在秸秆快速分解期(0~100 d),酸化处理秸秆可多释放23.95%的氮、13.11%的磷、4.27%的钾;氨化处理秸秆可多释放9.69%的氮;微波处理秸秆可多释放4.28%的碳;培养结束时(300 d),酸化处理更有利于钾素、磷素的释放,比对照多释放了7.73%的钾、6.34%的磷;氨化处理更有利于氮素、磷素的释放,比对照多释放了6.16%的氮、5.41%的磷;微波处理可略增加钾素的释放,比对照提高1.61%。综上可见,玉米秸秆还田前进行适当酸化或氨化处理,可促进其腐解,提高养分释放速率,尤其酸化处理效果更好,但具体田间操作及表现仍需进一步研究。
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In order to discuss the effect of soil fertility on composition transformation and energy change of corn stalk during decomposition, carborundum tube was used to study the decomposition of corn stalk buried in different soils with high, medium and low fertility for 480 days. The decomposition rate and change of energy states of corn stalk were revealed. The results showed that the fractions of alcohol-benzene soluble and water soluble decreased with the process of decomposition. The concentration of semicellulose and cellulose increased firstly and then decreased. However, the concentration of lignin increased. The change of energy states of corn stalk throughout the whole process could be divided into three stages such as fluctuating stage, decreasing stage and stable stage. Totally, the humification was a process of energy release. For 480 days of decomposition, the decomposition rate was highest in soil with medium fertility and lowest in soil with low fertility among three type of fertility. The decomposition of water soluble factions and lignin were promoted in medium fertility soil. However, alcohol-benzene soluble fraction, and semi-cellulose and cellulose fraction were decayed acceleratedly in soil with high fertility. Furthermore, more humic substance was formed and energy states of decayed corn stalk was highest in soil with high fertility.
In order to discuss the effect of soil fertility on composition transformation and energy change of corn stalk during decomposition, carborundum tube was used to study the decomposition of corn stalk buried in different soils with high, medium and low fertility for 480 days. The decomposition rate and change of energy states of corn stalk were revealed. The results showed that the fractions of alcohol-benzene soluble and water soluble decreased with the process of decomposition. The concentration of semicellulose and cellulose increased firstly and then decreased. However, the concentration of lignin increased. The change of energy states of corn stalk throughout the whole process could be divided into three stages such as fluctuating stage, decreasing stage and stable stage. Totally, the humification was a process of energy release. For 480 days of decomposition, the decomposition rate was highest in soil with medium fertility and lowest in soil with low fertility among three type of fertility. The decomposition of water soluble factions and lignin were promoted in medium fertility soil. However, alcohol-benzene soluble fraction, and semi-cellulose and cellulose fraction were decayed acceleratedly in soil with high fertility. Furthermore, more humic substance was formed and energy states of decayed corn stalk was highest in soil with high fertility.
【目的】玉米是中国第一大粮食作物,如何处理大量的玉米秸秆成为玉米种植区面临的关键问题之一,深入研究冬种绿肥对玉米秸秆腐解释放的影响,对农业可持续发展具有重要意义。【方法】采用尼龙网袋法,通过对红壤旱地空闲 (YCK)及紫花苜蓿(YZ)、 黑麦草(YH)、 肥田萝卜(YL)绿肥种植模式下玉米秸秆177 d的腐解量和养分释放的监测,分析玉米秸秆腐解速率及碳、 氮、 磷、 钾的释放规律。【结果】四种种植模式下,玉米秸秆腐解及养分释放均呈现前期快后期慢的规律,7 d的腐解和养分释放速率均达到最大。翻压177 d时,四种种植模式下(YCK、 YZ、 YH、 YL)玉米秸秆累积腐解量分别为23.41、 21.22、 20.86和20.95 g,玉米秸秆碳累积释放量分别为12.38、 11.07、 11.18、 11.36 g ,与YCK种植模式相比,YZ、 YH、 YL种植模式秸秆累积腐解量分别显著降低了9.3%、 10.9%、 10.5%,碳累积释放量则分别显著降低了10.6%、 9.7%和8.3%; 各处理氮累积释放量分别为479.46、 513.04、 442.58和530.20 mg,相比YCK种植模式,种植绿肥对玉米秸秆氮累积释放量的影响不显著,而YH种植模式较YZ和YL种植模式则显著降低了13.7%和16.5%。各处理磷累积释放量分别为58.10、 57.91、 58.47和59.47 mg,且YL种植模式较YCK种植模式显著提高了2.35%; 翻压 28 d时,各处理钾累积释放量为487.20、 444.85、 456.94和434.55 mg,分别占加入量的100.0%、 91.3%、 93.8%和89.2%,且三个种植模式均显著低于YCK种植模式,42 d时各处理的钾均全部释放。从玉米秸秆碳与氮、 磷、 钾比来看,翻压177 d时,与YCK种植模式相比,YZ和YL种植模式玉米秸秆碳氮比显著增加了102.8%、 91.6%; YZ、 YH、 YL种植模式碳磷比分别显著增加了48.4%、 72.4%、 147.0%。翻压 28 d时,YH种植模式玉米秸秆碳钾比较YL种植模式显著提高。【结论】玉米秸秆腐解及其养分释放速率均在翻压后第7天达到最大值,之后腐解和养分释放速率减缓。与空闲相比,种植绿肥能显著减缓玉米秸秆腐化和秸秆中碳和钾的释放,而种植紫花苜蓿和肥田萝卜能促进玉米秸秆氮素释放,种植黑麦草则减缓了玉米秸秆氮素释放。种植肥田萝卜能显著促进玉米秸秆磷素释放。冬季种植肥田萝卜既对玉米秸秆还田后氮素释放有一定促进作用,又能增加红壤中磷的有效性,同时还能减缓玉米秸秆钾的释放,使钾释放更为长效,是一种土壤培肥和秸秆养分释放较好的绿肥种植模式。
【目的】玉米是中国第一大粮食作物,如何处理大量的玉米秸秆成为玉米种植区面临的关键问题之一,深入研究冬种绿肥对玉米秸秆腐解释放的影响,对农业可持续发展具有重要意义。【方法】采用尼龙网袋法,通过对红壤旱地空闲 (YCK)及紫花苜蓿(YZ)、 黑麦草(YH)、 肥田萝卜(YL)绿肥种植模式下玉米秸秆177 d的腐解量和养分释放的监测,分析玉米秸秆腐解速率及碳、 氮、 磷、 钾的释放规律。【结果】四种种植模式下,玉米秸秆腐解及养分释放均呈现前期快后期慢的规律,7 d的腐解和养分释放速率均达到最大。翻压177 d时,四种种植模式下(YCK、 YZ、 YH、 YL)玉米秸秆累积腐解量分别为23.41、 21.22、 20.86和20.95 g,玉米秸秆碳累积释放量分别为12.38、 11.07、 11.18、 11.36 g ,与YCK种植模式相比,YZ、 YH、 YL种植模式秸秆累积腐解量分别显著降低了9.3%、 10.9%、 10.5%,碳累积释放量则分别显著降低了10.6%、 9.7%和8.3%; 各处理氮累积释放量分别为479.46、 513.04、 442.58和530.20 mg,相比YCK种植模式,种植绿肥对玉米秸秆氮累积释放量的影响不显著,而YH种植模式较YZ和YL种植模式则显著降低了13.7%和16.5%。各处理磷累积释放量分别为58.10、 57.91、 58.47和59.47 mg,且YL种植模式较YCK种植模式显著提高了2.35%; 翻压 28 d时,各处理钾累积释放量为487.20、 444.85、 456.94和434.55 mg,分别占加入量的100.0%、 91.3%、 93.8%和89.2%,且三个种植模式均显著低于YCK种植模式,42 d时各处理的钾均全部释放。从玉米秸秆碳与氮、 磷、 钾比来看,翻压177 d时,与YCK种植模式相比,YZ和YL种植模式玉米秸秆碳氮比显著增加了102.8%、 91.6%; YZ、 YH、 YL种植模式碳磷比分别显著增加了48.4%、 72.4%、 147.0%。翻压 28 d时,YH种植模式玉米秸秆碳钾比较YL种植模式显著提高。【结论】玉米秸秆腐解及其养分释放速率均在翻压后第7天达到最大值,之后腐解和养分释放速率减缓。与空闲相比,种植绿肥能显著减缓玉米秸秆腐化和秸秆中碳和钾的释放,而种植紫花苜蓿和肥田萝卜能促进玉米秸秆氮素释放,种植黑麦草则减缓了玉米秸秆氮素释放。种植肥田萝卜能显著促进玉米秸秆磷素释放。冬季种植肥田萝卜既对玉米秸秆还田后氮素释放有一定促进作用,又能增加红壤中磷的有效性,同时还能减缓玉米秸秆钾的释放,使钾释放更为长效,是一种土壤培肥和秸秆养分释放较好的绿肥种植模式。
Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of nitrogen application rates and straw returning on grain yield, nutrient accumulation, nutrient release from straw and nutrient balance in late sowing wheat. The results showed that straw returning together with appropriate application of nitrogen fertilizer improved the grain yield. Dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium accumulation increased significantly as the nitrogen application rate increased. At the same nitrogen application rate (270 kg N·hm-2), the dry matter, phosphorus and potassium accumulation of the treatment with straw returning were higher than that without straw returning, but the nitrogen accumulation was lower. Higherrate nitrogen application promoted straw decomposition and nutrient release, and decreased the proportion of the nutrient released from straw after jointing. The dry matter, phosphorus and potassium release from straw showed a reverse ‘N’ type change with the wheat growing, while nitrogen release showed a ‘V’ type change. The nutrient surplus increased significantly with the nitrogen application rate. At the nitrogen application rate for the highest grain yield, nitrogen and potassium were surplus significantly, and phosphorus input could keep balance. It could be concluded that as to late sowing wheat with straw returning, applying nitrogen at 257 kg·hm-2 and reducing potassium fertilizer application could improve grain yield and reduce nutrients loss.
Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of nitrogen application rates and straw returning on grain yield, nutrient accumulation, nutrient release from straw and nutrient balance in late sowing wheat. The results showed that straw returning together with appropriate application of nitrogen fertilizer improved the grain yield. Dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium accumulation increased significantly as the nitrogen application rate increased. At the same nitrogen application rate (270 kg N·hm-2), the dry matter, phosphorus and potassium accumulation of the treatment with straw returning were higher than that without straw returning, but the nitrogen accumulation was lower. Higherrate nitrogen application promoted straw decomposition and nutrient release, and decreased the proportion of the nutrient released from straw after jointing. The dry matter, phosphorus and potassium release from straw showed a reverse ‘N’ type change with the wheat growing, while nitrogen release showed a ‘V’ type change. The nutrient surplus increased significantly with the nitrogen application rate. At the nitrogen application rate for the highest grain yield, nitrogen and potassium were surplus significantly, and phosphorus input could keep balance. It could be concluded that as to late sowing wheat with straw returning, applying nitrogen at 257 kg·hm-2 and reducing potassium fertilizer application could improve grain yield and reduce nutrients loss.
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.19.011URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】Nitrogen (N) is the main nutrient factor limiting wheat yield increase on dryland. Unreasonable application of N fertilizer not only makes it difficult to increase wheat yield, but also leads to increased nitrate N (NO3--N) residual in soil, enhanced N losses, and reduced N use efficiency. Therefore, it is of great significance to optimize the method of N fertilizer recommendation and solve the problem of unreasonable N fertilizer application for the sustainable production of wheat on dryland.【Method】 Based on balancing N output from soil by crop production and aimed at stabilizing crop yield, improving soil fertility and regulating NO3--N residual, the present method for Recommendation of N fertilizer Based on Monitoring NO3--N in 1.0 m Soil (RNBM, N application rate = N required for the target crop yield + Fertilizer N losses + Safety threshold of NO3--N in 1 m soil at harvest or before sowing (55.0/110.0 kg·hm-2) - N input from environment - N input with straw retention - N input with seed - Soil N mineralization during winter wheat growing season - NO3--N in 1m soil at harvest or sowing) was optimized to be as: N application rate = N required for the target crop yield + Safety threshold of NO3--N in 1 m soil at harvest or before sowing (55.0/110.0 kg·hm-2) - NO3--N in 1 m soil at harvest or before sowing. Using the optimized RNBM, two-year field experiments on 30 plots were carried out in six counties on Weibei Arid Tableland in Shaanxi Province. 【Result】 As the result of chronically unreasonable application of N fertilizer due to the lack of normative N fertilizer recommendation methods, it was found that in this region, the NO3--N residual in 1.0 m soil at sowing varied largely among different sites from 34.2 kg·hm-2 to 708.4 kg·hm-2, with the average to be 165.2 kg·hm-2 and 17 of 30 sites higher than 110.0 kg·hm-2. Nitrogen application rates determined by the optimized RNBM ranged from 30.0 kg·hm-2 to 247.3 kg·hm-2, with the average of 128.4 kg·hm-2, which was 25.2% lower compared to that (171.6 kg·hm-2)of the farmer’s practice (FP). The averaged wheat grain yield by the optimized RNBM and FP was respectively 5 658 kg·hm-2 and 5 489 kg·hm-2, grain N concentration was 20.8 g·kg-1 and 20.3 g·kg-1, showing no significant difference. Compared to FP, the optimized RNBM significantly increased N use efficiency (NUE) and partial fertilizer productivity of N (PFPN) by 24.0% (from 46.3% to 57.3 %) and 130.1% (from 34.9 kg·kg-1 to 80.3 kg·kg-1), respectively. At harvest time, NO3--N residual in 1.0 m soil under FP was found averaged to be 70.6 kg·hm-2 (17.4 kg·hm-2 to 203.4 kg·hm-2), and that under the optimized RNBM was only 51.4 kg·hm-2 (15.6 kg·hm-2 to 113.9 kg·hm-2), a little bit lower than the expected target of 55.0 kg·hm-2. During the rainfall intensive summer fallow, NO3--N leached from 0 to 100 cm soil layer under the optimized RNBM was observed to be reduced by 47.9% compared to the FP. 【Conclusion】Therefore, the optimized RNBM is able to be flexibly used to determine and effectively regulate the N fertilizer rate, stabilize wheat grain yield, increase NUE and PFPN, and minimize NO3--N residue and leaching in dryland soil.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.19.011URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】Nitrogen (N) is the main nutrient factor limiting wheat yield increase on dryland. Unreasonable application of N fertilizer not only makes it difficult to increase wheat yield, but also leads to increased nitrate N (NO3--N) residual in soil, enhanced N losses, and reduced N use efficiency. Therefore, it is of great significance to optimize the method of N fertilizer recommendation and solve the problem of unreasonable N fertilizer application for the sustainable production of wheat on dryland.【Method】 Based on balancing N output from soil by crop production and aimed at stabilizing crop yield, improving soil fertility and regulating NO3--N residual, the present method for Recommendation of N fertilizer Based on Monitoring NO3--N in 1.0 m Soil (RNBM, N application rate = N required for the target crop yield + Fertilizer N losses + Safety threshold of NO3--N in 1 m soil at harvest or before sowing (55.0/110.0 kg·hm-2) - N input from environment - N input with straw retention - N input with seed - Soil N mineralization during winter wheat growing season - NO3--N in 1m soil at harvest or sowing) was optimized to be as: N application rate = N required for the target crop yield + Safety threshold of NO3--N in 1 m soil at harvest or before sowing (55.0/110.0 kg·hm-2) - NO3--N in 1 m soil at harvest or before sowing. Using the optimized RNBM, two-year field experiments on 30 plots were carried out in six counties on Weibei Arid Tableland in Shaanxi Province. 【Result】 As the result of chronically unreasonable application of N fertilizer due to the lack of normative N fertilizer recommendation methods, it was found that in this region, the NO3--N residual in 1.0 m soil at sowing varied largely among different sites from 34.2 kg·hm-2 to 708.4 kg·hm-2, with the average to be 165.2 kg·hm-2 and 17 of 30 sites higher than 110.0 kg·hm-2. Nitrogen application rates determined by the optimized RNBM ranged from 30.0 kg·hm-2 to 247.3 kg·hm-2, with the average of 128.4 kg·hm-2, which was 25.2% lower compared to that (171.6 kg·hm-2)of the farmer’s practice (FP). The averaged wheat grain yield by the optimized RNBM and FP was respectively 5 658 kg·hm-2 and 5 489 kg·hm-2, grain N concentration was 20.8 g·kg-1 and 20.3 g·kg-1, showing no significant difference. Compared to FP, the optimized RNBM significantly increased N use efficiency (NUE) and partial fertilizer productivity of N (PFPN) by 24.0% (from 46.3% to 57.3 %) and 130.1% (from 34.9 kg·kg-1 to 80.3 kg·kg-1), respectively. At harvest time, NO3--N residual in 1.0 m soil under FP was found averaged to be 70.6 kg·hm-2 (17.4 kg·hm-2 to 203.4 kg·hm-2), and that under the optimized RNBM was only 51.4 kg·hm-2 (15.6 kg·hm-2 to 113.9 kg·hm-2), a little bit lower than the expected target of 55.0 kg·hm-2. During the rainfall intensive summer fallow, NO3--N leached from 0 to 100 cm soil layer under the optimized RNBM was observed to be reduced by 47.9% compared to the FP. 【Conclusion】Therefore, the optimized RNBM is able to be flexibly used to determine and effectively regulate the N fertilizer rate, stabilize wheat grain yield, increase NUE and PFPN, and minimize NO3--N residue and leaching in dryland soil.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.14.010URL [本文引用: 3]
【Objective】It is of great significance to clarify relationships of NPK requirement to farmers’ wheat grain yield for reasonable fertilization and decreasing fertilizer application rates.【Method】A 2 years long on-farm survey combined with sample collection and analysis related to wheat production were carried out in the Spring Wheat (SW), Dryland Wheat (DW), Wheat-Maize (WM), Rice-Wheat regions (RW) of China, to study the relationships of NPK requirement to wheat grain yield of farmers.【Result】The mean grain yield of wheat was observed to be 6.4 t·hm-2, and the differences were significant among the yield averages of different regions, with the grain yield average of 6.0, 4.0, 7.7, 5.5 t·hm-2 in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively. The high yield regions usually had higher above-ground biomass and spike numbers, and harvest indexes increased with grain yields. The average N requirement was 28.1 kg·Mg-1, with the average of 28.6, 28.3, 29.3 and 25.0 kg·Mg-1 in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively, and the N requirement average decreased significantly by16.9% and 16.4% in DW and WM, tending to decrease but being not significant in SW and RW regions, when the yield was increased from the very low to the very high levels. The average P requirement was 4.0 kg·Mg-1, with the average of 4.5, 3.2, 4.1 and 4.1 kg·Mg-1 in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively. P requirement average decreased significantly by 11.4% and 17.8% in WM and RW, decreased by 8.6% but not significantin DW region, when the yield was increased from the very low to the very high levels, and even though the lowest P requirement of 3.7 kg·Mg-1 occurred at the very low wheat yield level, it was still significantly decreased by 21.4%, when the yield was increased from the lower to the very high level. The average K requirement was 21.5 kg·Mg-1, with the average of 26.5, 17.1, 23.3 and 18.8 kg·Mg-1 respectively and significantly different in the four regions, and the K requirement average significantly decreased by 4.0%, 4.4%, 12.7% and 19.9% in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively, when the yield was increased from the very low to the very high levels, although the difference was only significant in the RW region. 【Conclusion】Wheat grain yield of farmers were significantly different among the main wheat production regions in China, relationships of NPK requirements to grain yields were also different with regions, and generally they tended to decrease with the grain yield increase. Therefore, fertilizer application recommendation should determine the reasonable nutrient requirement based on the yield levels, the crop nutrient requirement characteristics and the land soil nutrient supply capacities of farmers, in order to avoid over or insufficient fertilizer application in different regions of China.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.14.010URL [本文引用: 3]
【Objective】It is of great significance to clarify relationships of NPK requirement to farmers’ wheat grain yield for reasonable fertilization and decreasing fertilizer application rates.【Method】A 2 years long on-farm survey combined with sample collection and analysis related to wheat production were carried out in the Spring Wheat (SW), Dryland Wheat (DW), Wheat-Maize (WM), Rice-Wheat regions (RW) of China, to study the relationships of NPK requirement to wheat grain yield of farmers.【Result】The mean grain yield of wheat was observed to be 6.4 t·hm-2, and the differences were significant among the yield averages of different regions, with the grain yield average of 6.0, 4.0, 7.7, 5.5 t·hm-2 in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively. The high yield regions usually had higher above-ground biomass and spike numbers, and harvest indexes increased with grain yields. The average N requirement was 28.1 kg·Mg-1, with the average of 28.6, 28.3, 29.3 and 25.0 kg·Mg-1 in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively, and the N requirement average decreased significantly by16.9% and 16.4% in DW and WM, tending to decrease but being not significant in SW and RW regions, when the yield was increased from the very low to the very high levels. The average P requirement was 4.0 kg·Mg-1, with the average of 4.5, 3.2, 4.1 and 4.1 kg·Mg-1 in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively. P requirement average decreased significantly by 11.4% and 17.8% in WM and RW, decreased by 8.6% but not significantin DW region, when the yield was increased from the very low to the very high levels, and even though the lowest P requirement of 3.7 kg·Mg-1 occurred at the very low wheat yield level, it was still significantly decreased by 21.4%, when the yield was increased from the lower to the very high level. The average K requirement was 21.5 kg·Mg-1, with the average of 26.5, 17.1, 23.3 and 18.8 kg·Mg-1 respectively and significantly different in the four regions, and the K requirement average significantly decreased by 4.0%, 4.4%, 12.7% and 19.9% in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively, when the yield was increased from the very low to the very high levels, although the difference was only significant in the RW region. 【Conclusion】Wheat grain yield of farmers were significantly different among the main wheat production regions in China, relationships of NPK requirements to grain yields were also different with regions, and generally they tended to decrease with the grain yield increase. Therefore, fertilizer application recommendation should determine the reasonable nutrient requirement based on the yield levels, the crop nutrient requirement characteristics and the land soil nutrient supply capacities of farmers, in order to avoid over or insufficient fertilizer application in different regions of China.
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DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2015.0301URL [本文引用: 1]
【目的】 选育氮高效的小麦品种,可有效提高氮素利用效率和生产效率,对环境安全至关重要。本文分析了小麦氮代谢相关性状的遗传效应,为小麦氮高效品种选育提供理论依据。【方法】 选用7个小麦品种及其组配的12个杂交组合,进行田间盆栽试验。设置3个氮水平,利用基因型与环境互作的加性-显性遗传模型,对氮代谢相关的10个性状进行遗传与相关性分析。【结果】 株高、开花期和成熟期单茎干物重、开花期氮素积累量、籽粒氮素积累量和氮素吸收总量主要受加性效应控制,花后氮素同化量受显性×环境互作效应影响较大,氮素利用效率、氮素生理效率以加性×环境互作效应为主。10个性状狭义遗传力总体不高(平均值为0.56),广义遗传力总体较高(平均值为0.881)。互作广义遗传力均达到1%显著水平,表明不同的氮水平对遗传表达有较大影响。氮素利用效率、氮素生理效率和开花期氮素积累量的互作狭义遗传力较大,表明不同氮水平对这些性状的选择效果不同。通过加性效应预测值得出,亲本DK138和JN10的氮素利用效率和氮素生理效率的加性效应为显著正效应。大多数组合的显性主效应与不同氮水平下的显性×环境互作效应在方向上不尽一致,表明小麦氮高效杂交后代的选择宜考虑特定的氮水平条件。显性效应预测值表明,组合JN10×W9903的氮素生理效率显性效应值最大且达到显著水平,是氮素生理效率较高的组合。相关分析表明,两两性状间以加性遗传相关为主。氮素生理效率与株高呈加性正相关关系,达到10%显著水平。除株高和谷氨酰胺合成酶活性外,氮素利用效率与其他性状间以显性环境互作相关为主。氮素利用效率与氮素生理效率之间的显性×环境互作相关系数达到10%显著水平。氮素利用率与氮素生理效率的表现型和基因型相关系数为正值且达1%显著水平。【结论】 通过性状分析表明,株高在一定程度上可以作为氮素生理效率的间接选择性状,氮素利用效率与氮素生理效率这两个性状进行协同改良。品种DK138和JN10可作为亲本以提高后代的氮素利用效率和氮素生理效率。杂交组合LM14×W9903表现出良好的后代选育利用潜力。
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2015.0301URL [本文引用: 1]
【目的】 选育氮高效的小麦品种,可有效提高氮素利用效率和生产效率,对环境安全至关重要。本文分析了小麦氮代谢相关性状的遗传效应,为小麦氮高效品种选育提供理论依据。【方法】 选用7个小麦品种及其组配的12个杂交组合,进行田间盆栽试验。设置3个氮水平,利用基因型与环境互作的加性-显性遗传模型,对氮代谢相关的10个性状进行遗传与相关性分析。【结果】 株高、开花期和成熟期单茎干物重、开花期氮素积累量、籽粒氮素积累量和氮素吸收总量主要受加性效应控制,花后氮素同化量受显性×环境互作效应影响较大,氮素利用效率、氮素生理效率以加性×环境互作效应为主。10个性状狭义遗传力总体不高(平均值为0.56),广义遗传力总体较高(平均值为0.881)。互作广义遗传力均达到1%显著水平,表明不同的氮水平对遗传表达有较大影响。氮素利用效率、氮素生理效率和开花期氮素积累量的互作狭义遗传力较大,表明不同氮水平对这些性状的选择效果不同。通过加性效应预测值得出,亲本DK138和JN10的氮素利用效率和氮素生理效率的加性效应为显著正效应。大多数组合的显性主效应与不同氮水平下的显性×环境互作效应在方向上不尽一致,表明小麦氮高效杂交后代的选择宜考虑特定的氮水平条件。显性效应预测值表明,组合JN10×W9903的氮素生理效率显性效应值最大且达到显著水平,是氮素生理效率较高的组合。相关分析表明,两两性状间以加性遗传相关为主。氮素生理效率与株高呈加性正相关关系,达到10%显著水平。除株高和谷氨酰胺合成酶活性外,氮素利用效率与其他性状间以显性环境互作相关为主。氮素利用效率与氮素生理效率之间的显性×环境互作相关系数达到10%显著水平。氮素利用率与氮素生理效率的表现型和基因型相关系数为正值且达1%显著水平。【结论】 通过性状分析表明,株高在一定程度上可以作为氮素生理效率的间接选择性状,氮素利用效率与氮素生理效率这两个性状进行协同改良。品种DK138和JN10可作为亲本以提高后代的氮素利用效率和氮素生理效率。杂交组合LM14×W9903表现出良好的后代选育利用潜力。
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2017.08.012URL [本文引用: 1]
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Using Denghai 605 (DH605) as the experimental material, shading (S) and increasing light (L) treatments from flowering to maturity stage were designed in a field experiment to explore effects of light on dry matter accumulation and nutrient absorption of summer maize. Results showed that grain yield, dry matter accumulation and nutrient absorption decreased significantly after shading but increased after increasing light. Yields in S treatment from 2011 to 2013 were reduced by 59.4%, 79.0% and 60.6% compared to those in CK, while that in L treatment were increased by 16.3%, 12.9% and 6.8%, respectively. The relative N and P absorption increased to a certain extent because of the greater effect of shading on dry matter accumulation than that of N and P absorption. After shading, K absorption of whole plant corn decreased significantly to a greater extent than that of dry matter accumulation decrease. The proportion of nutrient allocated to grains decreased significantly after shading. Dry matter accumulation and N and P absorption rates increased significantly after increasing light, and effects of increasing light on N and P absorption were greater than that of dry matter accumulation. Nutrient accumulation and the proportion allocated to grain increased significantly after increasing light.
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Using Denghai 605 (DH605) as the experimental material, shading (S) and increasing light (L) treatments from flowering to maturity stage were designed in a field experiment to explore effects of light on dry matter accumulation and nutrient absorption of summer maize. Results showed that grain yield, dry matter accumulation and nutrient absorption decreased significantly after shading but increased after increasing light. Yields in S treatment from 2011 to 2013 were reduced by 59.4%, 79.0% and 60.6% compared to those in CK, while that in L treatment were increased by 16.3%, 12.9% and 6.8%, respectively. The relative N and P absorption increased to a certain extent because of the greater effect of shading on dry matter accumulation than that of N and P absorption. After shading, K absorption of whole plant corn decreased significantly to a greater extent than that of dry matter accumulation decrease. The proportion of nutrient allocated to grains decreased significantly after shading. Dry matter accumulation and N and P absorption rates increased significantly after increasing light, and effects of increasing light on N and P absorption were greater than that of dry matter accumulation. Nutrient accumulation and the proportion allocated to grain increased significantly after increasing light.
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.01.008URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The aim of this study was to clarify wheat yield variation and its relationship to yield components and nutrient uptake and utilization for major high-yielding cultivars, so as to provide guidance to close yield gap and realize high yield and high quality in wheat production. 【Method】 Field experiments were conducted in 2016-2017 to test the major wheat cultivars in North-Huanghuai, South-Huanghuai, and the middle and lower Yangtze River reaches of China, under local suitable agricultural cultivations. The variation of yield and its relationship to dry matter accumulation, yield components, NPK uptake and utilization were investigated for the high-yielding cultivars in the three wheat production regions. 【Result】 Large variation of grain yield existed in each wheat production region, ranging from 7 751 to 8 702 kg hm -2 in North-Huanghuai, 7 302 to 8 413 kg·hm -2 in South-Huanghuai, and 5 554 to 6 294 kg·hm -2 in the middle and lower Yangtze River reaches. The high-yielding cultivars in North-Huanghuai were found to have higher biomass, harvest index and spike number than that of control cultivars, the high-yielding cultivars in South-HuangHuai had higher harvest index and grain number, and the high-yielding cultivars in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River had higher harvest index and thousand grain weight. Besides, in North-HuangHuai the high-yielding cultivars showed lower grain N content and N requirement, and higher N physiological efficiency than that of control, in South-HuangHuai the high-yielding cultivars showed lower straw P content and P requirement, higher P physiological efficiency and straw K content, and in the middle and lower Yangtze River reaches, the high-yielding cultivars showed lower K content in grain, higher K content in straw, P content in grain and straw, and N and P uptake in shoot, and lower P physiological efficiency and higher P requirement.【Conclusion】 The elite high-yielding cultivars, such as Luyuan118, Pumai168 and Huamai7, showed higher yield performance in North-Huanghuai, South-Huanghuai and the middle and lower Yangtze River reaches, respectively. In main wheat production regions of China, increasing shoot biomass and harvest index was the key factor to produce high grain yields. Also, enhancing shoot nutrient uptake and nutrient harvest index was necessary to achieve high grain nutrition quality as well as high yield.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.01.008URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The aim of this study was to clarify wheat yield variation and its relationship to yield components and nutrient uptake and utilization for major high-yielding cultivars, so as to provide guidance to close yield gap and realize high yield and high quality in wheat production. 【Method】 Field experiments were conducted in 2016-2017 to test the major wheat cultivars in North-Huanghuai, South-Huanghuai, and the middle and lower Yangtze River reaches of China, under local suitable agricultural cultivations. The variation of yield and its relationship to dry matter accumulation, yield components, NPK uptake and utilization were investigated for the high-yielding cultivars in the three wheat production regions. 【Result】 Large variation of grain yield existed in each wheat production region, ranging from 7 751 to 8 702 kg hm -2 in North-Huanghuai, 7 302 to 8 413 kg·hm -2 in South-Huanghuai, and 5 554 to 6 294 kg·hm -2 in the middle and lower Yangtze River reaches. The high-yielding cultivars in North-Huanghuai were found to have higher biomass, harvest index and spike number than that of control cultivars, the high-yielding cultivars in South-HuangHuai had higher harvest index and grain number, and the high-yielding cultivars in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River had higher harvest index and thousand grain weight. Besides, in North-HuangHuai the high-yielding cultivars showed lower grain N content and N requirement, and higher N physiological efficiency than that of control, in South-HuangHuai the high-yielding cultivars showed lower straw P content and P requirement, higher P physiological efficiency and straw K content, and in the middle and lower Yangtze River reaches, the high-yielding cultivars showed lower K content in grain, higher K content in straw, P content in grain and straw, and N and P uptake in shoot, and lower P physiological efficiency and higher P requirement.【Conclusion】 The elite high-yielding cultivars, such as Luyuan118, Pumai168 and Huamai7, showed higher yield performance in North-Huanghuai, South-Huanghuai and the middle and lower Yangtze River reaches, respectively. In main wheat production regions of China, increasing shoot biomass and harvest index was the key factor to produce high grain yields. Also, enhancing shoot nutrient uptake and nutrient harvest index was necessary to achieve high grain nutrition quality as well as high yield.
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.14.011URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The objective of the study was to determine the effects of film mulching cultivation on yield formation and nitrogen uptake-translocation of winter wheat in dry highland of Loess Plateau, so as to provide important basis for high yield and high efficiency in rainfed winter wheat production.【Method】An experiment was conducted to study the effects of interactions between different fertilization and film mulching practices on yield formation of winter wheat, aboveground nitrogen accumulation and translocation, soil nitrate-N residue and N balance in soil-plant system by four cultivation patterns, including farmer pattern (PF), farmer fertilization rate plus ridge mulching-furrow planting (RFSF1), monitoring fertilization plus ridge mulching-furrow planting (RFSF2) and monitoring fertilization plus whole field filming with soil covering and hole-seeding (WFFHS), during 2012-2016 in winter wheat growing region of dry highland in Southern Shanxi. 【Result】 Obtained results showed that average yield of winter wheat under traditional farmer pattern was 3 367 kg·hm-2 , which could be increased to 4 491 kg·hm-2 by optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation. The contribution rate of optimized fertilization on yield was 14.8%, and the synergy contribution rate of mulching and optimized fertilization was up to 24.7%-42.1%. The yield formation mainly depended on spikenumberperhectare, followed by thousand kernelweight in dry high land of Loess Plateau. Due to the reasonable population construction and favorable water and nutrientconditions, the spikenumber per hectare, 1000-grain weight and yield of WFFHS treatment were the highest, with the mean value of 5.81million·hm-2, 44.3 g and 4 785 kg·hm-2, respectively. In terms of aboveground nitrogen translocation, a significant positive correlation was observed between nitrogen translocation amount from vegetative organs to grains after anthesis and biomass or grain yield, the correlation coefficients were 0.959** and 0.960**, respectively. Aboutthree quartersofN in grain were from translocation of vegetative organs before anthesis, and a quarter from root uptake after anthesis under the PF treatment, optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation remarkably increased the nitrogen translocation amount from vegetative organs to grains, the translocation contribution rate was 81.4%-88.8%. In terms of soil nitrate-N residue, the accumulation amounts of nitrate nitrogen of 1 m soil layer had been over 100 kg·hm-2 on account of long-term excessive fertilization in Loess Plateau, and the peak of nitrate nitrogen accumulation was 20-60 cm layer. After successive planting of winter wheat for 4 years, the accumulation amounts of nitrate nitrogen in 2 m soil layer under traditional fertilization rate had been up to 277 kg·hm-2, of which 75% concentrated on 0-120 cm soil layer, with a 87.7% increase since pre-sowing of 2012. However, the amounts of nitrate nitrogen accumulation in 2 m soil layer under optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation was only 15.7%-24.2% higher than that at pre-sowing in 2012. Meanwhile, it was found that nitrate nitrogen accumulation in 120-200 cm at harvest stage in 2016 was 10.2%-133.7% higher than that at pre-sowing in 2012, which indicated that the residual nitrate nitrogen had a strong leaching downward trend. With considering of aftereffect of residual N, the soil N balance for 4 years was overall analyzed, and it was observed that the N utilization efficiency was 28.8%-56.7%, the N apparent residualrate was 12.1%-28.9%, and the N apparent loss rate was 31.2%-49.6% in dry highland of Loess Plateau. Optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation could reduce the apparent nitrogen loss and the residual Nmin, increase the apparent mineralized nitrogen. The WFFHS treatment could utilize the residual Nmin and mineralized nitrogen ina more great extent, which accumulated in the previous years, so the WFFHS treatment had lowest nitrogen apparent loss rate (31.2%) and N apparent residualrate (12.1%), highest N utilization efficiency (56.7%) among all the treatments.【Conclusion】it was concluded that whole field filming with soil covering and hole-seeding combined with monitoring fertilization cultivation could further improve the soil water and fertilizer condition, utilize the residual Nmin, increase the aboveground nitrogen accumulation and translocation, construct reasonable population, and obtain the remarkable yield increasing effect and higher N utilization efficiency finally. So it was considered as a recommendable cultivation mode in dryland of Loess Plateau.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.14.011URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The objective of the study was to determine the effects of film mulching cultivation on yield formation and nitrogen uptake-translocation of winter wheat in dry highland of Loess Plateau, so as to provide important basis for high yield and high efficiency in rainfed winter wheat production.【Method】An experiment was conducted to study the effects of interactions between different fertilization and film mulching practices on yield formation of winter wheat, aboveground nitrogen accumulation and translocation, soil nitrate-N residue and N balance in soil-plant system by four cultivation patterns, including farmer pattern (PF), farmer fertilization rate plus ridge mulching-furrow planting (RFSF1), monitoring fertilization plus ridge mulching-furrow planting (RFSF2) and monitoring fertilization plus whole field filming with soil covering and hole-seeding (WFFHS), during 2012-2016 in winter wheat growing region of dry highland in Southern Shanxi. 【Result】 Obtained results showed that average yield of winter wheat under traditional farmer pattern was 3 367 kg·hm-2 , which could be increased to 4 491 kg·hm-2 by optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation. The contribution rate of optimized fertilization on yield was 14.8%, and the synergy contribution rate of mulching and optimized fertilization was up to 24.7%-42.1%. The yield formation mainly depended on spikenumberperhectare, followed by thousand kernelweight in dry high land of Loess Plateau. Due to the reasonable population construction and favorable water and nutrientconditions, the spikenumber per hectare, 1000-grain weight and yield of WFFHS treatment were the highest, with the mean value of 5.81million·hm-2, 44.3 g and 4 785 kg·hm-2, respectively. In terms of aboveground nitrogen translocation, a significant positive correlation was observed between nitrogen translocation amount from vegetative organs to grains after anthesis and biomass or grain yield, the correlation coefficients were 0.959** and 0.960**, respectively. Aboutthree quartersofN in grain were from translocation of vegetative organs before anthesis, and a quarter from root uptake after anthesis under the PF treatment, optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation remarkably increased the nitrogen translocation amount from vegetative organs to grains, the translocation contribution rate was 81.4%-88.8%. In terms of soil nitrate-N residue, the accumulation amounts of nitrate nitrogen of 1 m soil layer had been over 100 kg·hm-2 on account of long-term excessive fertilization in Loess Plateau, and the peak of nitrate nitrogen accumulation was 20-60 cm layer. After successive planting of winter wheat for 4 years, the accumulation amounts of nitrate nitrogen in 2 m soil layer under traditional fertilization rate had been up to 277 kg·hm-2, of which 75% concentrated on 0-120 cm soil layer, with a 87.7% increase since pre-sowing of 2012. However, the amounts of nitrate nitrogen accumulation in 2 m soil layer under optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation was only 15.7%-24.2% higher than that at pre-sowing in 2012. Meanwhile, it was found that nitrate nitrogen accumulation in 120-200 cm at harvest stage in 2016 was 10.2%-133.7% higher than that at pre-sowing in 2012, which indicated that the residual nitrate nitrogen had a strong leaching downward trend. With considering of aftereffect of residual N, the soil N balance for 4 years was overall analyzed, and it was observed that the N utilization efficiency was 28.8%-56.7%, the N apparent residualrate was 12.1%-28.9%, and the N apparent loss rate was 31.2%-49.6% in dry highland of Loess Plateau. Optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation could reduce the apparent nitrogen loss and the residual Nmin, increase the apparent mineralized nitrogen. The WFFHS treatment could utilize the residual Nmin and mineralized nitrogen ina more great extent, which accumulated in the previous years, so the WFFHS treatment had lowest nitrogen apparent loss rate (31.2%) and N apparent residualrate (12.1%), highest N utilization efficiency (56.7%) among all the treatments.【Conclusion】it was concluded that whole field filming with soil covering and hole-seeding combined with monitoring fertilization cultivation could further improve the soil water and fertilizer condition, utilize the residual Nmin, increase the aboveground nitrogen accumulation and translocation, construct reasonable population, and obtain the remarkable yield increasing effect and higher N utilization efficiency finally. So it was considered as a recommendable cultivation mode in dryland of Loess Plateau.
DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119514URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1016/j.rser.2017.06.076URL [本文引用: 3]
DOI:10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e00962URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2014.0614URL [本文引用: 1]
【目的】近年,华北小麦-玉米轮作系统秸秆全量还田已逐步普及,但秸秆还田下土壤氮库组成的变化并不清楚。本文利用肥料定位试验,研究了长期秸秆还田(32年)对华北潮土肥力、 氮库组分和作物产量的影响。【方法】研究选用河北省衡水旱作试验站长期定位试验的不施肥(对照CK)和等量氮、 磷肥用量下的0kg/hm2(S0)、 2250kg/hm2(S1)、 4500kg/hm2(S2)和9000kg/hm2(S3)秸秆还田处理。于2012年小麦收获后采集各处理0—20 cm土样,利用新鲜土样测定微生物量氮、 NH+4-N和NO-3-N;风干土壤用常规方法测定氮磷钾全养分、 有机质和pH,用Bremner法测定有机氮(酸解氨基酸态氮、 酸解氨态氮、 氨基糖氮和酸解未知态氮),用Silver-Bremner法测定固定态铵。同时结合长期试验数据, 分析长期秸秆还田下有机质和作物产量的变化。【结果】与试验开始前(1981年)相比,长期施用化肥处理的土壤全磷和有机质显著增加,全氮没有明显变化,而全钾出现降低趋势(-3.2%);秸秆用量的增加提高了全氮、 全磷和有机质,降低了pH值,但对全钾没有影响。酸解氨基酸态氮、 酸解氨态氮和未知态氮为潮土有机氮的主要组分;与CK相比,长期施肥提高了土壤有机氮含量,酸解氨基酸态氮、 酸解氨态氮和氨基糖氮均随秸秆用量的增加而增加,而不同施肥处理对酸解未知态氮和非酸解氮没有明显影响。长期化肥施用提高了微生物量氮和晶格固定态铵,秸秆用量的增加进一步提高了微生物量氮,但降低了固定碳铵。施肥没有明显影响NH+4-N含量,但长期施用化肥提高了NO-3-N含量,且高量秸秆还田对NO-3-N含量的提高具有促进作用。施肥显著提高了作物产量,在施用化肥基础上增施秸秆进一步提高了小麦和玉米产量,且玉米产量随秸秆用量的增加而增加,而高量秸秆还田对小麦产量并没有显著影响。【结论】长期化肥(氮、 磷肥)和秸秆结合施用提高了土壤肥力(主要为氮、 磷), 增加了土壤碳固持,但仅玉米秸秆还田导致了土壤钾消耗,增加钾肥投入维持土壤钾平衡是必要的。长期秸秆还田对酸解氨基酸态氮的贡献高于酸解氨态氮;高量秸秆还田提高了微生物量氮和NO-3-N含量,但降低了固定态铵含量。长期秸秆还田提高了作物产量,而为保证秸秆还田后茬的作物高产,与之配套的还田方法和田间管理是很必要的。
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2014.0614URL [本文引用: 1]
【目的】近年,华北小麦-玉米轮作系统秸秆全量还田已逐步普及,但秸秆还田下土壤氮库组成的变化并不清楚。本文利用肥料定位试验,研究了长期秸秆还田(32年)对华北潮土肥力、 氮库组分和作物产量的影响。【方法】研究选用河北省衡水旱作试验站长期定位试验的不施肥(对照CK)和等量氮、 磷肥用量下的0kg/hm2(S0)、 2250kg/hm2(S1)、 4500kg/hm2(S2)和9000kg/hm2(S3)秸秆还田处理。于2012年小麦收获后采集各处理0—20 cm土样,利用新鲜土样测定微生物量氮、 NH+4-N和NO-3-N;风干土壤用常规方法测定氮磷钾全养分、 有机质和pH,用Bremner法测定有机氮(酸解氨基酸态氮、 酸解氨态氮、 氨基糖氮和酸解未知态氮),用Silver-Bremner法测定固定态铵。同时结合长期试验数据, 分析长期秸秆还田下有机质和作物产量的变化。【结果】与试验开始前(1981年)相比,长期施用化肥处理的土壤全磷和有机质显著增加,全氮没有明显变化,而全钾出现降低趋势(-3.2%);秸秆用量的增加提高了全氮、 全磷和有机质,降低了pH值,但对全钾没有影响。酸解氨基酸态氮、 酸解氨态氮和未知态氮为潮土有机氮的主要组分;与CK相比,长期施肥提高了土壤有机氮含量,酸解氨基酸态氮、 酸解氨态氮和氨基糖氮均随秸秆用量的增加而增加,而不同施肥处理对酸解未知态氮和非酸解氮没有明显影响。长期化肥施用提高了微生物量氮和晶格固定态铵,秸秆用量的增加进一步提高了微生物量氮,但降低了固定碳铵。施肥没有明显影响NH+4-N含量,但长期施用化肥提高了NO-3-N含量,且高量秸秆还田对NO-3-N含量的提高具有促进作用。施肥显著提高了作物产量,在施用化肥基础上增施秸秆进一步提高了小麦和玉米产量,且玉米产量随秸秆用量的增加而增加,而高量秸秆还田对小麦产量并没有显著影响。【结论】长期化肥(氮、 磷肥)和秸秆结合施用提高了土壤肥力(主要为氮、 磷), 增加了土壤碳固持,但仅玉米秸秆还田导致了土壤钾消耗,增加钾肥投入维持土壤钾平衡是必要的。长期秸秆还田对酸解氨基酸态氮的贡献高于酸解氨态氮;高量秸秆还田提高了微生物量氮和NO-3-N含量,但降低了固定态铵含量。长期秸秆还田提高了作物产量,而为保证秸秆还田后茬的作物高产,与之配套的还田方法和田间管理是很必要的。
URL [本文引用: 1]
A survey was carried out in three main maize production regions in Northeast, North, and Southwest China, including 720 villages of 125 counties, withthe purpose of investigating the present situation of maize straw resource utilization and its effect. Among the present utilization ways of maize straw resource, the main ones were returning to soil, feeding livestock, and using as fuel, their proportions being 30.8%, 26.2%, and 24.6%, respectively. In Northeast China, the top three utilization ways were fuel, livestock feed, and returning tosoil, with the proportions being 35.4%, 30.8% and 19.8%; in North China, thetop three were returning to soil, livestock feed, and fuel, with the proportions being 43.6%, 19.9%, and 17.9%; and in Southwest China, they were returning to soil, livestock feed, and fuel, with the proportions being 29.0%, 27.9%, and 20.5%, respectively. In the survey areas, the proportion of using maize strawas fuel was smaller (128%), and that of using as industrial raw material was only 0.7%. Returning maize straw to soil increased maize yield (the increment in Northeast, North, and Southwest China was 632.0, 371.6, and 290.4 kg·hm-2, respectively), improved soil condition, and decreased the application rates of manure, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers by 20%-30%, 16%-30%, 24%-34%, and 33%-38%,respectively. The maize yield increased with increasing straw mass and its returning amount and proportion. However, because of wanting complete sets of available machines, straw returning was low in quality, which increased the difficultyin weed controlling and promoted the occurrence of some diseases and insect pests, giving impacts on maize seedlings growth. It would be necessary to strengthen the researches on the related complete set maize straw returning techniques.
URL [本文引用: 1]
A survey was carried out in three main maize production regions in Northeast, North, and Southwest China, including 720 villages of 125 counties, withthe purpose of investigating the present situation of maize straw resource utilization and its effect. Among the present utilization ways of maize straw resource, the main ones were returning to soil, feeding livestock, and using as fuel, their proportions being 30.8%, 26.2%, and 24.6%, respectively. In Northeast China, the top three utilization ways were fuel, livestock feed, and returning tosoil, with the proportions being 35.4%, 30.8% and 19.8%; in North China, thetop three were returning to soil, livestock feed, and fuel, with the proportions being 43.6%, 19.9%, and 17.9%; and in Southwest China, they were returning to soil, livestock feed, and fuel, with the proportions being 29.0%, 27.9%, and 20.5%, respectively. In the survey areas, the proportion of using maize strawas fuel was smaller (128%), and that of using as industrial raw material was only 0.7%. Returning maize straw to soil increased maize yield (the increment in Northeast, North, and Southwest China was 632.0, 371.6, and 290.4 kg·hm-2, respectively), improved soil condition, and decreased the application rates of manure, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers by 20%-30%, 16%-30%, 24%-34%, and 33%-38%,respectively. The maize yield increased with increasing straw mass and its returning amount and proportion. However, because of wanting complete sets of available machines, straw returning was low in quality, which increased the difficultyin weed controlling and promoted the occurrence of some diseases and insect pests, giving impacts on maize seedlings growth. It would be necessary to strengthen the researches on the related complete set maize straw returning techniques.
[本文引用: 1]
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