

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

张奇茹,1, 谢英荷,1,2,3, 李廷亮1,2,3, 刘凯1, 姜丽伟1, 曹静1, 邵靖琳11山西农业大学资源与环境学院,山西太谷 030801
2山西农业大学农业资源与环境国家级实验教学示范中心,山西太谷 030801
3山西农业大学山西省土壤肥料研究生教育创新中心,山西太谷 030801

Effects of Organic Fertilizers Replacing Chemical Fertilizers on Yield, Nutrient Use Efficiency, Economic and Environmental Benefits of Dryland Wheat

ZHANG QiRu,1, XIE YingHe,1,2,3, LI TingLiang1,2,3, LIU Kai1, JIANG LiWei1, CAO Jing1, SHAO JingLin11College of Resources and Environment, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801, Shanxi
2National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801, Shanxi
3Shanxi Provincial Soil and Fertilizer Postgraduate Education Innovation Center, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801, Shanxi

通讯作者: 谢英荷,E-mail: xieyinghe@163.com

责任编辑: 李云霞

作者简介 About authors
张奇茹,E-mail: 1575938795@qq.com

【目的】通过5年连续监测有机肥、生物有机肥替代化肥对旱地小麦产量、养分利用、经济及土壤环境的影响,以期为旱地小麦科学高效生产提供施肥依据。【方法】于2013—2018年在山西省洪洞县旱地麦田试验区,通过农户施肥(FP)、测控施肥(OF)、有机肥替代化肥(OFM)和生物有机肥替代化肥(OFB)4个处理,分析有机肥替代化肥对黄土旱塬冬小麦产量构成,经济效益,养分吸收转移特征,肥料利用效率,土壤环境等的影响。【结果】(1)与FP处理相比,OFM、OFB处理5年平均减施化肥氮素35%,籽粒产量显著提高17.2%—21.4%、纯收入显著提高44.3%—54.7%;与OF处理相比,OFM、OFB处理5年平均替代化肥氮素40%,增加了公顷穗数和千粒重,籽粒产量显著提高6.0%—9.8%,纯收入显著提高12.9%—21.0%。(2)OFM、OFB处理与OF处理相比,籽粒氮含量显著提高9.6%—12.8%,磷含量显著提高12.5%—17.9%;籽粒氮、磷、钾的花前营养器官转移量与花后土壤吸收量均有所提高,特别是促进了籽粒中氮、磷素的花后土壤吸收量,分别显著提高了48.8%—50.5%,70.5%—76.2%。(3)与OF处理相比,OFM处理的钾肥农学效率和偏生产力显著提高33.9%和6.2%。OFB处理的氮、磷肥的表观回收率显著提高48.6%和65.5%,氮、钾肥的农学效率显著提高71.3%和51.3%,偏生产力显著提高20.3%和10.0%。(4)经过5年的有机肥、生物有机肥替代化肥处理,土壤肥力(有机质, 全氮, 有效磷, 速效钾)有所提高,表层土壤硝态氮残留显著减少9.6%—23.0%,且2 m土层硝态氮无明显淋溶现象。【结论】有机肥、生物有机肥替代化肥可以提高小麦籽粒对氮、磷、钾的吸收,促进氮、磷素的花后土壤吸收,提高肥料的利用效率,显著降低土壤硝态氮残留量,有助于提升土壤肥力,最终获得较高的经济和环境效益,是旱地麦田高效持续生产和发展绿色农业的一项重要措施。
关键词: 旱地小麦;有机替代;产量效率;环境效应

【Objective】In order to provide the fertilization basis for scientific and efficient production of dryland wheat, the effects of organic fertilizer and biological organic fertilizer replacing chemical fertilizer on wheat yield, nutrient utilization, economy and soil environment were monitored continuously for 5 years. 【Method】From 2013 to 2018 in the dryland wheat field area of Hongtong County, Shanxi Province, there were four different fertilization patterns, including farmer pattern (FP), optimized fertilizers pattern (OF), optimized fertilizers+organic fertilizers pattern (OFM), and optimized fertilizers+biological organic fertilizers pattern (OFB), which were used to analyze the effects on the yield composition, economic benefits, nutrient absorption and transfer characteristics, fertilizer use efficiency, and soil environment of dry wheat in the Loess Plateau. 【Result】(1) Compared with the FP treatment, the average nitrogen fertilizer application was reduced by 35%, and the grain yield was significantly increased by 17.2%-21.4%, and net income was significantly increased by 44.3%-54.7% under OFM and OFB treatments, respectively; compared with the OF treatment, the average nitrogen substitution rate of OFM and OFB in five years was 40%, the spike number per hectare and 1000 grain weight were increased, and the grain yield was significantly increased by 6.0%-9.8%, and net income was significantly increased by 12.9%-21.0% under OFM and OFB treatments, respectively. (2) Compared with OF treatment, the contents of nitrogen in grain was significantly increased by 9.6%-12.8%, and the contents of phosphorus in grain was significantly increased by 12.5%-17.9% under OFM and OFB treatments, respectively; the transport amount at pre-anthesis of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of grain and the soil absorption after bloom were also increased, especially the soil absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus after anthesis was significantly increased by 48.8%-50.5% and 70.5%-76.2% under OFM and OFB treatments, respectively.(3) Compared with the OF treatment, the agronomic efficiency and partial productivity of potassium fertilizer under OFM treatment were significantly increased by 33.9% and 6.2%, respectively. The results showed that the apparent recovery rate of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer was increased by 48.6% and 65.5%, the agronomic efficiency of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer up by 71.3% and 51.3%, respectively, and the partial productivity was increased by 20.3% and 10.0%, respectively. (4)Organic fertilizers and biological organic fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizer increased soil fertility (organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium contents), nitrate nitrogen residue in soil surface was significantly decreased by 9.6%-23.0%, and there was no obvious leaching phenomenon of nitrate nitrogen in 2 m soil layer after 5 years. 【Conclusion】Instead of chemical fertilizer, organic fertilizers and biological organic fertilizers could improve the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in wheat grain, promote the absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus in soil after anthesis, improve the utilization efficiency of fertilizer, and significantly reduce the residue of nitrate nitrogen in soil, and alleviate soil alkalization, which was helpful to improve soil fertility and ultimately obtain higher economic and environmental benefits. Therefore, it was an important measure for the efficient and sustainable production of dryland wheat fields and the development of green agriculture.
Keywords:dryland wheat;organic fertilizer replacing chemical fertilizer;yield efficiency;environmental effects

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张奇茹, 谢英荷, 李廷亮, 刘凯, 姜丽伟, 曹静, 邵靖琳. 有机肥替代化肥对旱地小麦产量和养分利用效率的影响及其经济环境效应[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(23): 4866-4878 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.23.012
ZHANG QiRu, XIE YingHe, LI TingLiang, LIU Kai, JIANG LiWei, CAO Jing, SHAO JingLin. Effects of Organic Fertilizers Replacing Chemical Fertilizers on Yield, Nutrient Use Efficiency, Economic and Environmental Benefits of Dryland Wheat[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(23): 4866-4878 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.23.012


0 引言

【研究意义】小麦是我国主要粮食作物,种植面积占粮食种植面积的22%,其中70%为旱地小麦,产量占小麦总产20%以上[1]。化肥对小麦的影响举足轻重,但现阶段化肥施用存在严重不合理现象,主要表现为重施化肥、氮肥过量和不足并存,造成环境污染,影响人体健康[2]。近年来,通过有机肥替代部分化肥,在不减产甚至增产的前提下减少化肥的施用,这是我国深入开展化肥零增长行动,加快推进绿色农业发展的重要措施[3]。有机肥(尤其是畜禽粪便)与生物有机肥是目前研究较多的有机肥料,在提升土壤肥力方面有各自的优势[4]。明确不同有机肥替代化肥条件下的小麦产量,养分吸收转运,土壤环境等情况,为黄土高原小麦生产合理高效施肥提供依据,对农业环境的改善具有促进作用。【前人研究进展】有机肥能提高作物产量,肥料利用率及土壤肥力,降低土壤硝态氮残留。刘金华[5]研究表明等氮条件下,商品有机肥替代化肥处理能提高小麦株高和产量。杨修一等[6]研究表明有机肥替代化肥氮素,配合控释尿素施用,可显著增加土壤总碳和铵态氮含量。沈冰涛等[7]研究表明与单施化肥处理相比,有机肥替代化肥能提高小麦产量和土壤养分及部分酶活性。赵聪等[8]研究表明,有机肥配施低量无机肥既能提高土壤肥力, 又能缓解硝态氮在土壤剖面中的累积和淋溶。吕凤莲等[9]研究表明,有机肥替代75%化肥氮可以提高作物产量和氮效率,增加年经济效益,同时有效减少土壤硝态氮的残留量。MARCOTE等[10]研究表明,增施有机肥料和微生物肥料有利于改善土壤理化性质和微生物区系。宋震震等[11]研究发现,长期施用有机肥能显著增加土壤微生物碳和氮,能提高土壤碱性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶的活性。宋松等[12]研究表明生物有机肥可以改善土壤团粒结构,根系环境和土壤酶活性,提高作物吸收养分能力。韩晓增等[13]研究发现,长期施用有机肥能使土壤pH稳定在一个适宜作物生长的范围。【本研究切入点】黄土高原是典型的旱作麦田区,过量施肥导致养分损失严重。以往的相关研究大多集中在施肥对产量等的影响,本项研究在测控施肥即“1 m土层硝态氮监控施氮肥,0—40 cm土层磷、钾衡量施肥”基础上,分别用有机肥、生物有机肥替代部分化肥,研究长期有机替代后养分利用转移及土壤环境效应等。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究依托旱地小麦水肥高效长期定位试验区,每年在测控定量减施氮肥的基础上,以有机肥和生物有机肥替代部分化肥,试验进行5年,研究其对小麦产量及其构成,籽粒氮、磷、钾含量,养分的转移吸收,肥料利用效率及土壤环境等的影响,以便为当地麦田生产的科学环境友好施肥管理以及绿色农业发展提供理论依据和技术支撑。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验区概况

试验于2013—2018年在山西省洪洞县刘家垣镇旱地麦田产区进行,试验区处于山西省中南部,气候干燥,降水量少。此地区年均日照时间在2 450 h左右,年均平均气温为12℃以下,一年的有效积温约3 327℃,平均年降水量460—500 mm,每年的降水主要集中在7、8、9月份,是一个典型的雨养旱地农业区。试验土壤类型为石灰性褐土,土壤质地为中壤,播前表层土壤各养分含量为:有机质15.3 g·kg-1,全氮0.8 g·kg-1,硝态氮8.1 mg·kg-1,有效磷11.7 mg·kg-1,速效钾205.4 mg·kg-1,pH7.6,容重1.2 g·cm-3。种植小麦为晋麦47。

1.2 试验设计

试验设置4个处理,4次重复,采用随机区组设计,小区面积0.012 hm2。4个处理均为垄膜沟播种植模式,处理1(FP)为农户施肥,按照当地农户经验施肥;处理2(OF)为测控施化肥,即“1 m土层硝态氮监控施氮肥,0—40 cm土层磷、钾衡量施肥”技术;处理3(OFM)是以有机肥替代处理2部分化肥、处理4(OFB)是以生物有机肥替代处理2部分化肥。处理2、3、4遵循N、P、K等养分量施肥,偏差养分利用尿素、过磷酸钙、氯化钾补齐。各处理均设置空白对照。试验中所施氮肥为尿素(含N 46%),磷肥为过磷酸钙(含P2O5 16%),钾肥为氯化钾(含K2O 60%),处理3的有机肥为腐熟的鸡粪,养分含量(N 1.4%、P2O5 2.7%、K2O 1.6%),处理4的生物有机肥由山西农业大学资源环境学院微生物实验室提供,以处理3中鸡粪为基质,添加菌种培养制成有机肥,菌种包括:固氮菌、溶磷菌。每年于小麦播前测定土壤养分含量,根据养分含量确定施肥量,5年的各处理施肥量见表1

Table 1
Table 1Nutrient consumption of each treatment in the test area from 2013 to 2018 (N-P2O5 -K2O, kg·hm-2)


所有肥料均作为底肥,在小麦播种前均匀撒入相应小区,小麦播量为150 kg·hm-2。5年的播种均在9月底至10月初进行,收获在6月初进行。每年6月中旬至9月中旬为夏闲期。

1.3 样品的采集及测定方法

1.3.1 样品采集 冬小麦播前、收获时采集0—2 m土层的土样,每20 cm为一层。测定2 m土层硝态氮,0—40 cm土层有效磷、速效钾含量。

在冬小麦开花期、收获期采集植株样品,用于各器官氮素含量测定;在收获期各小区收获 3 m×20 m 样方,脱粒计产,并选取代表性 3个1 m 长的小麦样段,调查穗数、穗粒数及千粒重。

1.3.2 样品测定方法


(2)土壤硝态氮测定:CaCl2 浸提,流动分析仪测定。

(3)土壤有效磷测定:0.5 mol·L-1 NaHCO3浸提-钼蓝比色法测定。

(4)土壤速效钾测定:采用1.0 mol·L-1 NH4OAc浸提-火焰光度法测定。




1.3.3 计算方法

花前营养器官氮(磷、钾)素转移量(kg·hm-2)= 花期地上部氮(磷、钾)素积累量(kg·hm-2)-成熟期地上部营养器官氮(磷、钾)素积累量(kg·hm-2);

花后土壤氮(磷、钾)素吸收量(kg·hm-2)= 籽粒氮(磷、钾)素积累量(kg·hm-2)-花前营养器官氮(磷、钾)素转移量(kg·hm-2);




1.4 统计分析

试验数据采用Excel 2010整理作图,SPSS进行方差分析,多重比较采用 LSD 法,差异显著水平为 0.05。

2 结果

2.1 有机肥替代化肥对小麦产量构成及效益的影响

与FP处理相比,OFM、OFB处理5年平均减施化肥氮素35%,年均籽粒产量显著提高17.2%— 21.4%,年均生物产量显著提高17.5%—19.9%。年均纯收入显著提高44.3%—54.7%。与OF处理相比,OFM、OFB处理在等养分投入的前提下,5年平均替代化肥氮素40%,年均籽粒产量显著提高6.0%— 9.8%,年均生物产量提高5.9%—8.1%;年均纯收入显著提高12.9%—21.0%(表2)。

Table 2
Table 2Composition and benefits of wheat production from 2013 to 2018
Grain yield (kg·hm-2)
Biological yield (kg·hm-2)
产量构成Yield component成本
Net profit
Spike number
Kernel number per spike
weight (g)
同一年份同列数据后不同小写字母表示在 0.05 水平差异显著。下同
Values followed by different small letters within a column in the same year indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level. The same as below



2.2 有机肥替代化肥对小麦籽粒氮磷钾含量的影响


Table 3
Table 3The content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in wheat grains from 2013 to 2018 (g·kg-1)





2.3 有机肥替代化肥对小麦养分转移利用的影响


Table 4
Table 4The amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium transferred and absorbed by each treatment from 2013 to 2018 (kg·hm -2)
Amount of
Amount of
Amount of
Amount of
Amount of
Amount of


2.4 有机肥替代化肥对肥料利用效率的影响


Table 5
Table 5Utilization efficiency of fertilizers processed from 2013 to 2018
Apparent recovery (%)
Agronomic efficiency (kg·kg-1)
Partial productivity (kg·kg-1)
Nitrogen fertilizerPhosphate fertilizerPotassium
Nitrogen fertilizerPhosphate fertilizerPotassium
Nitrogen fertilizerPhosphate fertilizerPotassium
FP treatment didn't apply potassium fertilizer, so haven't potassium fertilizer utilization efficiency


2.5 有机肥替代化肥对土壤肥力及环境的影响

表6为2018年各处理收获后表层(0—20 cm)土壤肥力状况,OFB处理的有机质含量比FP、OF处理显著提高4.8%—6.3%,比OFM处理提高1.3%,但差异不显著。有效磷含量与有机质规律一致,OFB处理比FP、OF处理显著提高41.3%—87.5%,比OFM处理提高24.2%,但差异不显著。速效钾含量OFB处理比FP、OF处理显著提高17.8%—37.2%,OFM与OFB处理间差异不显著。表6可以看出,OFM、OFB处理比FP、OF处理的pH降低1.3%—2.5%,但处理间差异不显著。说明长期施用有机肥和生物有机肥对土壤pH无改善调节作用。

Table 6
Table 6Surface soil fertility and nitrate nitrogen residues during the harvest period of each treatment in 2018
Organic matter
Total nitrogen
Available phosphorus
Available potassium (mg·kg-1)
Nitrate nitrogen (kg·hm-2)


同时由表6可以看出,土壤表层硝态氮贮量,OFM、OFB处理比FP处理显著降低36.5%—45.8%,比OF处理显著降低9.6%—23.0%;图1是2013年播前和2018年收获时不同处理2 m土层硝态氮累积状况。由图1可以看出,2018年收获时,各处理硝态氮在0—40 cm土层均有较高累积,其中FP处理累积量最高。同时FP处理2 m土层硝态氮累积量也达到了347.2 kg·hm-2,显著高于其他各处理,比2013年播前提高了123.0%,并且在1—2 m土层有明显的淋溶累积。而OFM、OFB处理的2 m土层硝态氮累积量较FP处理降低67.0%—69.1%,较OF处理降低2.5%—4.0%,较2013年播前降低21.7%—26.7%。表明通过有机肥、生物菌肥替代化肥能促进小麦对氮素的吸收,减少了土壤硝态氮残留,降低了土壤退化和环境影响的风险。


图1有机肥替代化肥下2 m土层硝态氮残留特征

Fig. 1Residual characteristics of nitrate nitrogen in 2 m soil layer under organic fertilizer replacing chemical fertilizer

3 讨论

3.1 有机肥替代化肥对小麦产量的影响



3.2 有机肥替代化肥对麦田籽粒养分吸收转移及肥料利用率的影响



3.3 有机肥替代化肥对土壤肥力及环境的影响


本试验中有机肥替代化肥后的土壤表层和2 m土层硝态氮储量均有显著降低,且2 m土层硝态氮无明显淋溶现象。吕凤莲等[9]和马臣等[21]研究均表明,有机肥替代化肥能减少硝态氮残留。有机替代后土壤硝态氮聚集在表层,降低了硝态氮向下层淋溶的风险。有机肥的添加改善了土壤理化性质,增加了土壤团聚化程度,提高微生物活性,更多的氮被利用,从而降低无机氮的残留[44]。因此有机肥、生物有机肥替代化肥可以促进作物吸收养分,增加土壤养分含量,降低土壤硝态氮的残留,对降低环境污染具有重要意义。

4 结论


(责任编辑 李云霞)

参考文献 原文顺序

马清霞, 王朝辉, 惠晓丽, 张翔, 张悦悦, 侯赛宾, 黄宁, 罗来超, 张世君, 党海燕 . 基于产量和养分含量的旱地小麦施磷量和土壤有效磷优化
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【Objective】It is of great importance to explore the wheat grain yield, soil available phosphorus (P) and grain nutrient contents under a long term P application at different rates, for the purpose of appropriate P application, wheat yield increase and improvement of nutritional quality in drylands.【Method】Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of different phosphorus (P) rates on wheat yield, biomass, yield components, grain nitrogen (N)-, P- and potassium (K)-contents, soil available P content, and P absorption and utilization, based on the long-term fixed field experiment which was initiated in 2004 in the Loess Plateau. Soil and plant samples were collected in the consecutive experimental years of 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. 【Result】 The three-year averaged results showed that long-term application of P increased wheat yield, biomass, spike number and grains per spike by 67%, 58%, 64% and 8%, respectively, while 1000-grain weight was decreased by 7% compared with no P application. The wheat yield and biomass were quadratically correlated with the P rate, and the maximum wheat yield was 6 465 kg·hm -2 at P rate of 144 kg P2O5·hm -2. The P and K content of grain increased with the P rate increasing, while the N content showed an opposite trend. There was a significant positive correlation between the soil available P content and the P rate. The soil available P was 16.9 mg·kg -1at sowing and 20.4 mg·kg -1at harvest when the maximum yield was occurred. The P absorption and utilization efficiency decreased with the increased of P rate. For each 50 kg P2O5·hm -2 increment, the P requirement increased by 0.4 g·kg -1 for the grain yield formation, while the P harvest index and the P physiological efficiency decreased by 1.3% and 45.1 kg·kg -1, respectively. 【Conclusion】 By balancing the wheat grain yield and key nutrient contents, the target grain yield should be 95% of the maximum yield in drylands of the experimental area, and the corresponding P application rate should be kept at 94 kg P2O5·hm -2, the available P at 12.0 and 13.8 mg·kg -1 at sowing and harvest, respectively.
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【Objective】It is of great importance to explore the wheat grain yield, soil available phosphorus (P) and grain nutrient contents under a long term P application at different rates, for the purpose of appropriate P application, wheat yield increase and improvement of nutritional quality in drylands.【Method】Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of different phosphorus (P) rates on wheat yield, biomass, yield components, grain nitrogen (N)-, P- and potassium (K)-contents, soil available P content, and P absorption and utilization, based on the long-term fixed field experiment which was initiated in 2004 in the Loess Plateau. Soil and plant samples were collected in the consecutive experimental years of 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. 【Result】 The three-year averaged results showed that long-term application of P increased wheat yield, biomass, spike number and grains per spike by 67%, 58%, 64% and 8%, respectively, while 1000-grain weight was decreased by 7% compared with no P application. The wheat yield and biomass were quadratically correlated with the P rate, and the maximum wheat yield was 6 465 kg·hm -2 at P rate of 144 kg P2O5·hm -2. The P and K content of grain increased with the P rate increasing, while the N content showed an opposite trend. There was a significant positive correlation between the soil available P content and the P rate. The soil available P was 16.9 mg·kg -1at sowing and 20.4 mg·kg -1at harvest when the maximum yield was occurred. The P absorption and utilization efficiency decreased with the increased of P rate. For each 50 kg P2O5·hm -2 increment, the P requirement increased by 0.4 g·kg -1 for the grain yield formation, while the P harvest index and the P physiological efficiency decreased by 1.3% and 45.1 kg·kg -1, respectively. 【Conclusion】 By balancing the wheat grain yield and key nutrient contents, the target grain yield should be 95% of the maximum yield in drylands of the experimental area, and the corresponding P application rate should be kept at 94 kg P2O5·hm -2, the available P at 12.0 and 13.8 mg·kg -1 at sowing and harvest, respectively.

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The effect of cow manure and two rates of addition of municipal solid waste (MSW) compost on the enzymatic activity of a soil supporting barley cultivation was studied and compared with mineral fertilisation (MF). The experiment was carried out in unirrigated land in field conditions for two years. One set of plots was fertilised only once, at the start of the experiment, while another set of plots was fertilised annually (before each sowing). In general, the organic amendments stimulated soil enzyme activity but mineral fertilisation did not. The annual addition of large quantities of MSW compost, in general, led to lower levels of enzyme activity than similar rates of amendment in the plots receiving a single addition, probably because of the toxic effect which the heavy metals incorporated with the MSW compost had on microbial development. In the second year, plot receiving a single application of organic amendment showed higher protease hydrolysing casein, beta-glucosidase and dehydrogenase activities than control or soil with mineral fertilisation. This implied that the addition of organic waste, and particularly MSW compost, had a catalysing effect in the soil which lasted for the following years. Barley yields obtained with organic amendments were, in general, similar to, or even higher, than those obtained with mineral fertilisation. The annual addition of high doses of compost had an inhibitory effect on enzyme activity and barley yield (compared with the results obtained with the low addition of compost) due to the negative effect of the heavy metals incorporated with the compost.

宋震震, 李絮花, 李娟, 林治安, 赵秉强 . 有机肥和化肥长期施用对土壤活性有机氮组分及酶活性的影响
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本文以中国农业科学院山东禹城长期定位施肥试验为平台,研究了长期施用有机肥和化肥26年后对土壤活性氮库不同组分[颗粒有机氮(POM-N)、 可溶性有机氮(DON)、 微生物量氮(SMBN)及轻组有机氮(LFOM-N)]及土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明,与不施肥相比,长期施肥显著提高了土壤全氮、 颗粒有机氮、 可溶性有机氮、 微生物量氮以及轻组有机氮的含量,长期施有机肥效果好于化肥,施用高量有机肥效果好于施用常量有机肥。常量施用量下,50%有机肥和50%化肥配施处理其土壤全氮和活性有机氮库各组分含量与高量化肥处理的相当。长期施化肥处理土壤全氮及活性有机氮库各组分含量随施肥量的增加而显著增高。POM-N对土壤全氮的贡献率最高,且明显受施肥方式的影响,LFOM-N对土壤全氮的贡献率不随施肥方式的改变而变化。长期施肥处理土壤脲酶、 碱性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性显著增加,它们之间及与土壤全氮、 速效磷及有机碳含量间呈现显著或极显著相关性,脲酶活性与土壤各活性氮组分间也存在显著或极显著相关性; 但长期施肥后土壤过氧化氢酶的活性低于不施肥
SONG Z Z, LI X H, LI J, LIN Z A, ZHAO B Q . Long-term effects of mineral versus organic fertilizers on soil labile nitrogen fractions and soil enzyme activities in agricultural soil
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 2014,20(3):525-533. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2014.0302URL [本文引用: 1]
本文以中国农业科学院山东禹城长期定位施肥试验为平台,研究了长期施用有机肥和化肥26年后对土壤活性氮库不同组分[颗粒有机氮(POM-N)、 可溶性有机氮(DON)、 微生物量氮(SMBN)及轻组有机氮(LFOM-N)]及土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明,与不施肥相比,长期施肥显著提高了土壤全氮、 颗粒有机氮、 可溶性有机氮、 微生物量氮以及轻组有机氮的含量,长期施有机肥效果好于化肥,施用高量有机肥效果好于施用常量有机肥。常量施用量下,50%有机肥和50%化肥配施处理其土壤全氮和活性有机氮库各组分含量与高量化肥处理的相当。长期施化肥处理土壤全氮及活性有机氮库各组分含量随施肥量的增加而显著增高。POM-N对土壤全氮的贡献率最高,且明显受施肥方式的影响,LFOM-N对土壤全氮的贡献率不随施肥方式的改变而变化。长期施肥处理土壤脲酶、 碱性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性显著增加,它们之间及与土壤全氮、 速效磷及有机碳含量间呈现显著或极显著相关性,脲酶活性与土壤各活性氮组分间也存在显著或极显著相关性; 但长期施肥后土壤过氧化氢酶的活性低于不施肥

宋松, 孙莉, 石俊雄 . 连续施用生物有机肥对烟草青枯病的防治效果
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中国农业科学, 2009,42(2):532-542.

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【Objective】Field experiments were carried out to study the optimum substitution of partial mineral-fertilizer- nitrogen (N) by organic-fertilizer-N and to provide a base for the commercial development of mixed organic and mineral fertilizers for rice. 【Method】 Field experiments were done in Changshu city, Jiangsu province under different substitution rates and four N fertilizer rates. 【Result】 Grain yields of 8 242-10 187 kg?hm-2 (4007) and 10 048-11 654 kg?hm-2(Changyou 1) were obtained when 180 kg N?hm-2 was applied with a percentage of organic-fertilizer-N in total N being 15%-30% or 240 kg N?hm-2 with a percentage of organic-fertilizer-N in total N being 10%-20%, which corresponds to application of 1 500-3 000 kg?hm-2 of common compost fertilizer, compared with inorganic nitrogen fertilizer treatment. Compared with inorganic nitrogen fertilizer treatment, a more steady supply of nitrogen could be maintained when certain amounts of organic-fertilizer-N were applied together with inorganic-fertilizer-N. Nitrogen accumulation in 4007 and Changyou 1 were 172.6-256.4 kg?hm-2 and 185.9-235.6 kg?hm-2, respectively, when 180 kg N?hm-2 was applied with a percentage of organic-fertilizer-N in total N being 15%-30% or 240 kg N?hm-2 with a percentage of organic-fertilizer-N in total N being 10%-20%. In these treatments, the highest nitrogen use efficiency was obtained in 4007 (36.6%-48.1%) and Changyou 1 (34.3%-40.0%). 【Conclusion】 Application of mixed mineral-fertilizer-N and organic-fertilizers-N had a better or the same effects on the yields of rice grains and N use efficiency could be significantly increased compared with the single application of mineral nitrogen fertilizer. The best substitution of mineral fertilizer N by organic fertilizer N were 15%-30% or 10%-20% when 180 kg N?hm-2 or 240 kg N?hm-2 was applied in terms of rice fertilization.

MENG L, ZHANG X L, JIANG X F, WANG Q J, HUANG Q W, XU Y C, YANG X M, SHEN Q R . Effects of partial mineral nitrogen substitution by organic fertilizer nitrogen on the yields of rice grains and their proper substitution rate
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2009,42(2):532-542. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】Field experiments were carried out to study the optimum substitution of partial mineral-fertilizer- nitrogen (N) by organic-fertilizer-N and to provide a base for the commercial development of mixed organic and mineral fertilizers for rice. 【Method】 Field experiments were done in Changshu city, Jiangsu province under different substitution rates and four N fertilizer rates. 【Result】 Grain yields of 8 242-10 187 kg?hm-2 (4007) and 10 048-11 654 kg?hm-2(Changyou 1) were obtained when 180 kg N?hm-2 was applied with a percentage of organic-fertilizer-N in total N being 15%-30% or 240 kg N?hm-2 with a percentage of organic-fertilizer-N in total N being 10%-20%, which corresponds to application of 1 500-3 000 kg?hm-2 of common compost fertilizer, compared with inorganic nitrogen fertilizer treatment. Compared with inorganic nitrogen fertilizer treatment, a more steady supply of nitrogen could be maintained when certain amounts of organic-fertilizer-N were applied together with inorganic-fertilizer-N. Nitrogen accumulation in 4007 and Changyou 1 were 172.6-256.4 kg?hm-2 and 185.9-235.6 kg?hm-2, respectively, when 180 kg N?hm-2 was applied with a percentage of organic-fertilizer-N in total N being 15%-30% or 240 kg N?hm-2 with a percentage of organic-fertilizer-N in total N being 10%-20%. In these treatments, the highest nitrogen use efficiency was obtained in 4007 (36.6%-48.1%) and Changyou 1 (34.3%-40.0%). 【Conclusion】 Application of mixed mineral-fertilizer-N and organic-fertilizers-N had a better or the same effects on the yields of rice grains and N use efficiency could be significantly increased compared with the single application of mineral nitrogen fertilizer. The best substitution of mineral fertilizer N by organic fertilizer N were 15%-30% or 10%-20% when 180 kg N?hm-2 or 240 kg N?hm-2 was applied in terms of rice fertilization.

王斌, 万运帆, 郭晨, 李玉娥, 秦晓波, 任涛, 赵婧 . 控释尿素、稳定性尿素和配施菌剂尿素提高双季稻产量和氮素利用率的效应比较
植物营养与肥料学报, 2015,21(5):1104-1112.

DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2015.0502URL [本文引用: 1]
【目的】中国是最大的水稻生产和消费国,氮肥是保证水稻高产的关键,水稻种植中氮素利用率偏低一直是亟待解决的问题,包膜、添加硝化抑制剂和菌剂等为其提供了可行的解决手段。本文以新型尿素为研究对象,进行四季水稻的连续试验,从作物生长、产量构成和氮素利用方面做出综合评价,为其在水稻种植上的推广提供科学依据。【方法】2012和2013年在湖北荆州(江汉平原代表站点),进行两年大田试验设置了五种氮肥处理: 常规尿素(CK)、树脂包膜控释尿素(CRU)、碧晶尿素(NU)(含氯甲基吡啶)、硝化抑制剂DMPP(3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐)(DMPP)、有效微生物菌剂(EM),跟踪观测不同尿素对双季稻生长性状(株高、茎蘖数、穗数、叶绿素)、产量要素(穗粒数、结实率、千粒重、秸秆产量、籽粒产量)以及氮素利用率(吸收利用率、农学利用率、生理利用率)的影响,分析新型氮肥的增产效益及氮素利用率。【结果】新型氮肥能促进水稻植株的增高、叶绿素含量的提升,增加茎蘖数、成穗数和穗粒数,并提高结实率和千粒重,最终促进秸秆和籽粒产量的增长。CRU处理增产最为明显和稳定,早晚稻相比CK处理平均增产达18%(P<0.05), 而DMPP、NU和EM处理早稻增产不明显,晚稻增产14%(P<0.05),晚稻增产效益优于早稻。新型氮肥能有效提高氮素吸收利用率,以CRU最高,两年平均氮素利用率为53%,NU次之(为47%),CK最低(仅为35%);随着菌剂不断施入,EM处理氮素利用率逐季增高,在2013年晚稻为55%,与CK达到极显著差异(P<0.01)。新型氮肥处理的农学利用率不同程度高于CK,其中CRU处理最高,在2013年达到差异极显著(P<0.01)。新型氮肥处理的生理利用率2012年均低于CK,2013年仅DMPP处理高于CK,但差异不显著。【结论】与普通尿素相比,控释尿素、稳定尿素和配施微生物菌剂均能促进植株生长、提高氮素利用率,其效果以包膜控释尿素最好也最稳定,添加硝化抑制剂的稳定肥料次之,与菌剂配施作用需进一步验证。
WANG B, WAN Y F, GUO C, LI Y E, QIN X B, REN T, ZHAO J . A comparison of the effects of controlled release urea, stable urea and microorganisms increasing double rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertiliers, 2015,21(5):1104-1112. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2015.0502URL [本文引用: 1]
【目的】中国是最大的水稻生产和消费国,氮肥是保证水稻高产的关键,水稻种植中氮素利用率偏低一直是亟待解决的问题,包膜、添加硝化抑制剂和菌剂等为其提供了可行的解决手段。本文以新型尿素为研究对象,进行四季水稻的连续试验,从作物生长、产量构成和氮素利用方面做出综合评价,为其在水稻种植上的推广提供科学依据。【方法】2012和2013年在湖北荆州(江汉平原代表站点),进行两年大田试验设置了五种氮肥处理: 常规尿素(CK)、树脂包膜控释尿素(CRU)、碧晶尿素(NU)(含氯甲基吡啶)、硝化抑制剂DMPP(3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐)(DMPP)、有效微生物菌剂(EM),跟踪观测不同尿素对双季稻生长性状(株高、茎蘖数、穗数、叶绿素)、产量要素(穗粒数、结实率、千粒重、秸秆产量、籽粒产量)以及氮素利用率(吸收利用率、农学利用率、生理利用率)的影响,分析新型氮肥的增产效益及氮素利用率。【结果】新型氮肥能促进水稻植株的增高、叶绿素含量的提升,增加茎蘖数、成穗数和穗粒数,并提高结实率和千粒重,最终促进秸秆和籽粒产量的增长。CRU处理增产最为明显和稳定,早晚稻相比CK处理平均增产达18%(P<0.05), 而DMPP、NU和EM处理早稻增产不明显,晚稻增产14%(P<0.05),晚稻增产效益优于早稻。新型氮肥能有效提高氮素吸收利用率,以CRU最高,两年平均氮素利用率为53%,NU次之(为47%),CK最低(仅为35%);随着菌剂不断施入,EM处理氮素利用率逐季增高,在2013年晚稻为55%,与CK达到极显著差异(P<0.01)。新型氮肥处理的农学利用率不同程度高于CK,其中CRU处理最高,在2013年达到差异极显著(P<0.01)。新型氮肥处理的生理利用率2012年均低于CK,2013年仅DMPP处理高于CK,但差异不显著。【结论】与普通尿素相比,控释尿素、稳定尿素和配施微生物菌剂均能促进植株生长、提高氮素利用率,其效果以包膜控释尿素最好也最稳定,添加硝化抑制剂的稳定肥料次之,与菌剂配施作用需进一步验证。

马凡凡, 邢素林, 甘曼琴, 刘佩诗, 黄瑜, 甘晓玉, 马友华 . 有机肥替代化肥对水稻产量、土壤肥力及农田氮磷流失的影响
作物杂志, 2019(5):89-96.

[本文引用: 1]

MA F F, XING S L, GAN M Q, LIU P S, HUANG Y, GAN X Y, MA Y H . Effects of organic fertilizer substituting for chemical fertilizer on rice yield, soil fertility and nitrogen and phosphorus loss in farmland
Crops, 2019(5):89-96. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

刘宇辉, 田秀平, 张晴雯, 张爱平, 刘杏认, 杨正礼 . 复合菌肥部分替代化肥对冬小麦氮素吸收的影响
华北农学报, 2019,34(2):178-186.

[本文引用: 1]

LIU Y H, TIAN X P, ZHANG Q W, ZHANG A P, LIU X R, YANG Z L . Nitrogen absorption of winter wheat influenced by combined biofertilizer replace chemical fertilizer
Acta Agriculturae Boreali- Sinica, 2019,34(2):178-186. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

任伟, 赵鑫, 黄收兵, 周楠, 王若男, 陶洪斌, 王璞 . 不同密度下增施有机肥对夏玉米物质生产及产量构成的影响
中国生态农业学报, 2014,22(10):1146-1155.

URL [本文引用: 1]
本研究在夏玉米季适当降低种植密度并连续两年施用有机肥, 旨在了解黄淮海地区夏玉米群体物质累积和产量构成对有机肥施用量和种植密度的响应, 从而降低倒伏风险, 确保稳产、高产。试验采用随机区组设计, 设高、中、低3个种植密度, 分别为90 000株?hm-2、75 000株?hm-2和60 000株?hm-2, 3个种植密度下设不同的有机肥施用量处理, 其中高密度下设30 m3?hm-2一种施肥量, 中密度下设30 m3?hm-2一种施肥量, 低密度下设0 m3?hm-2、30 m3?hm-2和45 m3?hm-2 3种施肥量。研究结果表明: 施用有机肥可以有效改善土壤肥力。施用有机肥第1年, 在中、低密度下对玉米干物质生产、群体生长速率和产量构成均产生一定的促进作用, 但效果不显著。施用有机肥第2年, 低密度下玉米群体衰老速率减缓, 叶面积指数和棒三叶叶绿素相对含量在生育后期均维持在较高水平, 花后群体生长速率维持在较高水平, 且与中高密度无显著差异, 群体花后生物量增加幅度最大, 成熟期地上部总生物量显著提高甚至接近中高密度。低密度下施用有机肥后穗粒数和千粒重均大幅度提高, 从而有效补偿了低密度下穗数的不足, 最终低密度下施用45 m3?hm-2有机肥处理产量达10 838 kg?hm-2, 与中、高密度下施用30 m3?hm-2有机肥处理的产量11 080 kg?hm-2和11 202 kg?hm-2基本持平且差异不显著。由此可见, 通过适度降低密度并增施有机肥能够有效合理地调控群体花前花后生长, 避免前期旺长和后期早衰, 实现保穗保花增重增产的目的。
REN W, ZHAO X, HUANG S B, ZHOU N, WNAG R N, TAO H B, WNAG P . Effects of application of organic fertilizer under different planting densities on dry matter production and yield formation of summer maize
Chinese Journal of EcoAgriculture, 2014,22(10):1146-1155. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
本研究在夏玉米季适当降低种植密度并连续两年施用有机肥, 旨在了解黄淮海地区夏玉米群体物质累积和产量构成对有机肥施用量和种植密度的响应, 从而降低倒伏风险, 确保稳产、高产。试验采用随机区组设计, 设高、中、低3个种植密度, 分别为90 000株?hm-2、75 000株?hm-2和60 000株?hm-2, 3个种植密度下设不同的有机肥施用量处理, 其中高密度下设30 m3?hm-2一种施肥量, 中密度下设30 m3?hm-2一种施肥量, 低密度下设0 m3?hm-2、30 m3?hm-2和45 m3?hm-2 3种施肥量。研究结果表明: 施用有机肥可以有效改善土壤肥力。施用有机肥第1年, 在中、低密度下对玉米干物质生产、群体生长速率和产量构成均产生一定的促进作用, 但效果不显著。施用有机肥第2年, 低密度下玉米群体衰老速率减缓, 叶面积指数和棒三叶叶绿素相对含量在生育后期均维持在较高水平, 花后群体生长速率维持在较高水平, 且与中高密度无显著差异, 群体花后生物量增加幅度最大, 成熟期地上部总生物量显著提高甚至接近中高密度。低密度下施用有机肥后穗粒数和千粒重均大幅度提高, 从而有效补偿了低密度下穗数的不足, 最终低密度下施用45 m3?hm-2有机肥处理产量达10 838 kg?hm-2, 与中、高密度下施用30 m3?hm-2有机肥处理的产量11 080 kg?hm-2和11 202 kg?hm-2基本持平且差异不显著。由此可见, 通过适度降低密度并增施有机肥能够有效合理地调控群体花前花后生长, 避免前期旺长和后期早衰, 实现保穗保花增重增产的目的。

李小萌, 陈效民, 曲成闯, 张志龙, 张俊, 黄春燕, 刘云梅 . 生物有机肥与减量配施化肥对连作黄瓜养分利用率及产量的影响
水土保持学报, 2020,34(2):309-317.

[本文引用: 1]

LI X M, CHEN X M, QU C C, ZHANG Z L, ZHANG J, HUANG C Y, LIU Y M . Effects of bio-organic fertilizer combined with reduced fertilizer on nutrient utilization and yield of continuous cropping cucumber
Journal of Soil and Water Conversion, 2020,34(2):309-317. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

马臣, 刘艳妮, 梁路, 翟丙年, 张昊青, 王朝辉 . 有机无机肥配施对旱地冬小麦产量和硝态氮残留淋失的影响
应用生态学报, 2018,29(4):1240-1248.

DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201804.023URLPMID:29726234 [本文引用: 2]
The effects of optimum nitrogen (N) fertilization rate with and without adding manure on wheat yield and leaching of residual nitrate-N in soil profile were examined in Weibei dryland, Shaanxi with a field experiment combined different N fertilization rates (0, 75, 150, 225, 300 kg N.hm(-2)) and organic manure (0 and 30 t.hm(-2)). The results showed that, compared to chemical N fertilizer, combined application of inorganic fertilizer and organic manure increased winter wheat yield by 14.7% when N fertilization rate was reduced by 27.1%. The highest yield was obtained when 150 kg.hm(-2) of N rate was combined with the manure (N150+M). The combination of N fertilizer and manure promoted N uptake of wheat grain and increased N use efficiency by 20.2%. The highest N use efficiency was recorded in the N150+M treatment. In addition, the lea-ching of residual nitrate-N during the wheat growing season and the leaching of nitrate-N during summer fallow were decreased. When N application rate was lower than 115 kg.hm(-2), N fertilizer combined with organic manure reduced the amount of nitrate-N leaching in summer fallow. We recommend the combined application of organic manure with about 150 kg.hm(-2) of N fertilizers in Weibei dryland to guarantee high winter wheat yield, N use efficiency, and reduce excessive residue of fertilizer N in the soil.
MA C, LIU Y N, LIANG L, ZHAI B N, ZHANG H Q, WANG Z H . Effects of combined application of chemical fertilizer and organic manure on wheat yield and leaching of residual nitrate-N in dryland soil
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2018,29(4):1240-1248. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201804.023URLPMID:29726234 [本文引用: 2]
The effects of optimum nitrogen (N) fertilization rate with and without adding manure on wheat yield and leaching of residual nitrate-N in soil profile were examined in Weibei dryland, Shaanxi with a field experiment combined different N fertilization rates (0, 75, 150, 225, 300 kg N.hm(-2)) and organic manure (0 and 30 t.hm(-2)). The results showed that, compared to chemical N fertilizer, combined application of inorganic fertilizer and organic manure increased winter wheat yield by 14.7% when N fertilization rate was reduced by 27.1%. The highest yield was obtained when 150 kg.hm(-2) of N rate was combined with the manure (N150+M). The combination of N fertilizer and manure promoted N uptake of wheat grain and increased N use efficiency by 20.2%. The highest N use efficiency was recorded in the N150+M treatment. In addition, the lea-ching of residual nitrate-N during the wheat growing season and the leaching of nitrate-N during summer fallow were decreased. When N application rate was lower than 115 kg.hm(-2), N fertilizer combined with organic manure reduced the amount of nitrate-N leaching in summer fallow. We recommend the combined application of organic manure with about 150 kg.hm(-2) of N fertilizers in Weibei dryland to guarantee high winter wheat yield, N use efficiency, and reduce excessive residue of fertilizer N in the soil.

李廷亮, 谢英荷, 高志强, 洪坚平, 孟丽霞, 马红梅, 孟会生, 贾俊香 . 黄土高原旱地小麦覆膜增产与氮肥增效分析
中国农业科学, 2018,51(14):2735-2746.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.14.011URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The objective of the study was to determine the effects of film mulching cultivation on yield formation and nitrogen uptake-translocation of winter wheat in dry highland of Loess Plateau, so as to provide important basis for high yield and high efficiency in rainfed winter wheat production.【Method】An experiment was conducted to study the effects of interactions between different fertilization and film mulching practices on yield formation of winter wheat, aboveground nitrogen accumulation and translocation, soil nitrate-N residue and N balance in soil-plant system by four cultivation patterns, including farmer pattern (PF), farmer fertilization rate plus ridge mulching-furrow planting (RFSF1), monitoring fertilization plus ridge mulching-furrow planting (RFSF2) and monitoring fertilization plus whole field filming with soil covering and hole-seeding (WFFHS), during 2012-2016 in winter wheat growing region of dry highland in Southern Shanxi. 【Result】 Obtained results showed that average yield of winter wheat under traditional farmer pattern was 3 367 kg·hm-2 , which could be increased to 4 491 kg·hm-2 by optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation. The contribution rate of optimized fertilization on yield was 14.8%, and the synergy contribution rate of mulching and optimized fertilization was up to 24.7%-42.1%. The yield formation mainly depended on spikenumberperhectare, followed by thousand kernelweight in dry high land of Loess Plateau. Due to the reasonable population construction and favorable water and nutrientconditions, the spikenumber per hectare, 1000-grain weight and yield of WFFHS treatment were the highest, with the mean value of 5.81million·hm-2, 44.3 g and 4 785 kg·hm-2, respectively. In terms of aboveground nitrogen translocation, a significant positive correlation was observed between nitrogen translocation amount from vegetative organs to grains after anthesis and biomass or grain yield, the correlation coefficients were 0.959** and 0.960**, respectively. Aboutthree quartersofN in grain were from translocation of vegetative organs before anthesis, and a quarter from root uptake after anthesis under the PF treatment, optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation remarkably increased the nitrogen translocation amount from vegetative organs to grains, the translocation contribution rate was 81.4%-88.8%. In terms of soil nitrate-N residue, the accumulation amounts of nitrate nitrogen of 1 m soil layer had been over 100 kg·hm-2 on account of long-term excessive fertilization in Loess Plateau, and the peak of nitrate nitrogen accumulation was 20-60 cm layer. After successive planting of winter wheat for 4 years, the accumulation amounts of nitrate nitrogen in 2 m soil layer under traditional fertilization rate had been up to 277 kg·hm-2, of which 75% concentrated on 0-120 cm soil layer, with a 87.7% increase since pre-sowing of 2012. However, the amounts of nitrate nitrogen accumulation in 2 m soil layer under optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation was only 15.7%-24.2% higher than that at pre-sowing in 2012. Meanwhile, it was found that nitrate nitrogen accumulation in 120-200 cm at harvest stage in 2016 was 10.2%-133.7% higher than that at pre-sowing in 2012, which indicated that the residual nitrate nitrogen had a strong leaching downward trend. With considering of aftereffect of residual N, the soil N balance for 4 years was overall analyzed, and it was observed that the N utilization efficiency was 28.8%-56.7%, the N apparent residualrate was 12.1%-28.9%, and the N apparent loss rate was 31.2%-49.6% in dry highland of Loess Plateau. Optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation could reduce the apparent nitrogen loss and the residual Nmin, increase the apparent mineralized nitrogen. The WFFHS treatment could utilize the residual Nmin and mineralized nitrogen ina more great extent, which accumulated in the previous years, so the WFFHS treatment had lowest nitrogen apparent loss rate (31.2%) and N apparent residualrate (12.1%), highest N utilization efficiency (56.7%) among all the treatments.【Conclusion】it was concluded that whole field filming with soil covering and hole-seeding combined with monitoring fertilization cultivation could further improve the soil water and fertilizer condition, utilize the residual Nmin, increase the aboveground nitrogen accumulation and translocation, construct reasonable population, and obtain the remarkable yield increasing effect and higher N utilization efficiency finally. So it was considered as a recommendable cultivation mode in dryland of Loess Plateau.
LI T L, XIE Y H, GAO Z Q, HONG J P, MENG L X, MA H M, MENG H S, JIA J X . Analysis on yield increasing and nitrogen efficiency enhancing of winter wheat under film mulching cultivationin the Loess Plateau
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2018,51(14):2735-2746. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.14.011URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The objective of the study was to determine the effects of film mulching cultivation on yield formation and nitrogen uptake-translocation of winter wheat in dry highland of Loess Plateau, so as to provide important basis for high yield and high efficiency in rainfed winter wheat production.【Method】An experiment was conducted to study the effects of interactions between different fertilization and film mulching practices on yield formation of winter wheat, aboveground nitrogen accumulation and translocation, soil nitrate-N residue and N balance in soil-plant system by four cultivation patterns, including farmer pattern (PF), farmer fertilization rate plus ridge mulching-furrow planting (RFSF1), monitoring fertilization plus ridge mulching-furrow planting (RFSF2) and monitoring fertilization plus whole field filming with soil covering and hole-seeding (WFFHS), during 2012-2016 in winter wheat growing region of dry highland in Southern Shanxi. 【Result】 Obtained results showed that average yield of winter wheat under traditional farmer pattern was 3 367 kg·hm-2 , which could be increased to 4 491 kg·hm-2 by optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation. The contribution rate of optimized fertilization on yield was 14.8%, and the synergy contribution rate of mulching and optimized fertilization was up to 24.7%-42.1%. The yield formation mainly depended on spikenumberperhectare, followed by thousand kernelweight in dry high land of Loess Plateau. Due to the reasonable population construction and favorable water and nutrientconditions, the spikenumber per hectare, 1000-grain weight and yield of WFFHS treatment were the highest, with the mean value of 5.81million·hm-2, 44.3 g and 4 785 kg·hm-2, respectively. In terms of aboveground nitrogen translocation, a significant positive correlation was observed between nitrogen translocation amount from vegetative organs to grains after anthesis and biomass or grain yield, the correlation coefficients were 0.959** and 0.960**, respectively. Aboutthree quartersofN in grain were from translocation of vegetative organs before anthesis, and a quarter from root uptake after anthesis under the PF treatment, optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation remarkably increased the nitrogen translocation amount from vegetative organs to grains, the translocation contribution rate was 81.4%-88.8%. In terms of soil nitrate-N residue, the accumulation amounts of nitrate nitrogen of 1 m soil layer had been over 100 kg·hm-2 on account of long-term excessive fertilization in Loess Plateau, and the peak of nitrate nitrogen accumulation was 20-60 cm layer. After successive planting of winter wheat for 4 years, the accumulation amounts of nitrate nitrogen in 2 m soil layer under traditional fertilization rate had been up to 277 kg·hm-2, of which 75% concentrated on 0-120 cm soil layer, with a 87.7% increase since pre-sowing of 2012. However, the amounts of nitrate nitrogen accumulation in 2 m soil layer under optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation was only 15.7%-24.2% higher than that at pre-sowing in 2012. Meanwhile, it was found that nitrate nitrogen accumulation in 120-200 cm at harvest stage in 2016 was 10.2%-133.7% higher than that at pre-sowing in 2012, which indicated that the residual nitrate nitrogen had a strong leaching downward trend. With considering of aftereffect of residual N, the soil N balance for 4 years was overall analyzed, and it was observed that the N utilization efficiency was 28.8%-56.7%, the N apparent residualrate was 12.1%-28.9%, and the N apparent loss rate was 31.2%-49.6% in dry highland of Loess Plateau. Optimized fertilization combined with mulching cultivation could reduce the apparent nitrogen loss and the residual Nmin, increase the apparent mineralized nitrogen. The WFFHS treatment could utilize the residual Nmin and mineralized nitrogen ina more great extent, which accumulated in the previous years, so the WFFHS treatment had lowest nitrogen apparent loss rate (31.2%) and N apparent residualrate (12.1%), highest N utilization efficiency (56.7%) among all the treatments.【Conclusion】it was concluded that whole field filming with soil covering and hole-seeding combined with monitoring fertilization cultivation could further improve the soil water and fertilizer condition, utilize the residual Nmin, increase the aboveground nitrogen accumulation and translocation, construct reasonable population, and obtain the remarkable yield increasing effect and higher N utilization efficiency finally. So it was considered as a recommendable cultivation mode in dryland of Loess Plateau.

黄婷苗, 郑险峰, 侯仰毅, 李晓, 王朝辉 . 秸秆还田对冬小麦产量和氮、磷、钾吸收利用的影响
植物营养与肥料学报, 2015,21(4):853-863.

DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2015.0404URL [本文引用: 1]
【目的】陕西关中平原是我国典型的冬小麦—夏玉米轮作区,冬小麦播种前将上季收获后的玉米秸秆还田是当地普遍采用的作物秸秆管理方式。本研究以优化秸秆还田条件的小麦养分资源管理,实现作物增产和肥料增效为目标,通过2年的田间定位试验,探索关中地区玉米秸秆还田条件下,冬小麦高产高效的最佳养分管理措施。【方法】试验于2011年10月至2013年5月在陕西省周至县终南镇进行,供试冬小麦品种为周麦23,夏玉米品种为郑单958。采用裂区设计,主处理为玉米秸秆全量还田(S1)和秸秆不还田(S0),副处理为5个不同氮肥施用水平(N 0、84、168、252和336 kg/hm2),种植作物为冬小麦。通过不同氮水平的回归分析,研究了玉米秸秆还田对后茬冬小麦的籽粒产量、生物量和收获期地上部氮、磷、钾养分吸收利用的影响。【结果】与玉米秸秆不还田相比,秸秆还田对冬小麦籽粒产量和收获期地上部氮、磷、钾养分吸收量的影响均表现出低氮降低、高氮增加的趋势。第一年和第二年在施氮量分别低于N 153和187 kg/hm2时,秸秆还田处理小麦减产,相反则增产,并且增产量随着氮肥用量的增加而增大;生物量与产量趋势一致,前后两年玉米秸秆还田与不还田条件下,冬小麦生物量相等时的氮肥用量分别为N 190和202 kg/hm2。在产量构成要素中,同一氮水平时,秸秆还田对小麦穗粒数和千粒重没有明显影响,而每公顷穗数却表现为低氮降低、高氮增加的趋势,所以秸秆还田后穗数增加是小麦增产的主要原因。同时,在玉米秸秆还田条件下,小麦地上部氮、磷、钾吸收量增加时,第一年的氮肥用量分别高于N 275、123和213 kg/hm2,第二年分别高于N 200、165和241 kg/hm2,但氮、磷、钾的收获指数不随施氮量的增加而递增。而且过量施氮也会造成小麦籽粒磷含量的降低。【结论】在综合同一施氮水平时,秸秆还田后的冬小麦籽粒产量和地上部氮、磷、钾养分吸收利用的变化,建议在陕西关中平原的冬小麦—夏玉米轮作区域,氮肥用量应控制在N 150~200 kg/hm2,以保证在玉米秸秆还田条件下小麦的增产和氮、磷、钾养分资源的高效合理利用。
HUANG T M, ZHENG X F, HOU Y Y, LI X, WANG Z H . Yield and N, P and K uptake and utilization of winter wheat affected by straw return to soil
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 2015,21(4):853-863. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2015.0404URL [本文引用: 1]
【目的】陕西关中平原是我国典型的冬小麦—夏玉米轮作区,冬小麦播种前将上季收获后的玉米秸秆还田是当地普遍采用的作物秸秆管理方式。本研究以优化秸秆还田条件的小麦养分资源管理,实现作物增产和肥料增效为目标,通过2年的田间定位试验,探索关中地区玉米秸秆还田条件下,冬小麦高产高效的最佳养分管理措施。【方法】试验于2011年10月至2013年5月在陕西省周至县终南镇进行,供试冬小麦品种为周麦23,夏玉米品种为郑单958。采用裂区设计,主处理为玉米秸秆全量还田(S1)和秸秆不还田(S0),副处理为5个不同氮肥施用水平(N 0、84、168、252和336 kg/hm2),种植作物为冬小麦。通过不同氮水平的回归分析,研究了玉米秸秆还田对后茬冬小麦的籽粒产量、生物量和收获期地上部氮、磷、钾养分吸收利用的影响。【结果】与玉米秸秆不还田相比,秸秆还田对冬小麦籽粒产量和收获期地上部氮、磷、钾养分吸收量的影响均表现出低氮降低、高氮增加的趋势。第一年和第二年在施氮量分别低于N 153和187 kg/hm2时,秸秆还田处理小麦减产,相反则增产,并且增产量随着氮肥用量的增加而增大;生物量与产量趋势一致,前后两年玉米秸秆还田与不还田条件下,冬小麦生物量相等时的氮肥用量分别为N 190和202 kg/hm2。在产量构成要素中,同一氮水平时,秸秆还田对小麦穗粒数和千粒重没有明显影响,而每公顷穗数却表现为低氮降低、高氮增加的趋势,所以秸秆还田后穗数增加是小麦增产的主要原因。同时,在玉米秸秆还田条件下,小麦地上部氮、磷、钾吸收量增加时,第一年的氮肥用量分别高于N 275、123和213 kg/hm2,第二年分别高于N 200、165和241 kg/hm2,但氮、磷、钾的收获指数不随施氮量的增加而递增。而且过量施氮也会造成小麦籽粒磷含量的降低。【结论】在综合同一施氮水平时,秸秆还田后的冬小麦籽粒产量和地上部氮、磷、钾养分吸收利用的变化,建议在陕西关中平原的冬小麦—夏玉米轮作区域,氮肥用量应控制在N 150~200 kg/hm2,以保证在玉米秸秆还田条件下小麦的增产和氮、磷、钾养分资源的高效合理利用。

昝亚玲, 王朝辉, 周玲, 戴健 . 不同养分投入的各品种小麦产量及养分效率差异研究
农业机械学报, 2012,43(9):91-98.

[本文引用: 1]

ZAN Y L, WANG Z H, ZHOU L, DAI J . Use efficiency of different winter wheat cultivars response to different nutrient inputs
Journal Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 2012,43(9):91-98. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

毛平平, 王丽, 张永清, 党建友, 裴雪霞, 武雪萍 . 施用有机肥条件下氮肥不同底追比对冬小麦干物质运转和籽粒产量的影响
中国土壤与肥料, 2016(5):50-54.

[本文引用: 1]

MAO P P, WANG L, ZHANG Y Q, DANG J Y, PEI X X, WU X P . Effect of nitrogen fertilization ratio of base and topdressing with biological-organic fertilizers on the growth, yield and its constituent elements of winter wheat
Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China, 2016(5):50-54. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

陆强, 王继琛, 李静, 王磊, 张丽, 哈丽哈什·依巴提, 王秋君, 张坚超, 黄启为, 沈其荣 . 秸秆还田与有机无机肥配施在稻麦轮作体系下对籽粒产量及氮素利用的影响
南京农业大学学报, 2014,37(6):66-74.

[本文引用: 1]

LU Q, WANG J C, LI J, WANG L, ZHANG L, HALIHASHI Y, WANG Q J, ZHANG J C, HUANG Q W, SHEN Q R . Effects of combined application of straw returning field and organic and inorganic fertilizer on rice grain yield and nitrogen utilization
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2014,37(6):66-74. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

高洪军, 朱平, 彭畅, 张秀芝, 李强, 张卫建 . 等氮条件下长期有机无机配施对春玉米的氮素吸收利用和土壤无机氮的影响
植物营养与肥料学报, 2015,21(2):318-325.

DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2015.0205URL [本文引用: 1]
【目的】研究等氮量投入条件下,长期使用不同有机物料替代无机肥的适宜比例对玉米氮养分累积、运移和氮肥利用效率和产量的影响,可以为吉林黑土区春玉米高效施肥,维持并提高土壤肥力提供理论依据。【方法】以国家(公主岭)黑土肥力与肥料效益长期定位试验为研究平台,玉米品种郑单958为供试作物,设5个不同处理,即: 不施肥(CK)、氮肥(N)、氮磷钾化肥(NPK)、粪肥+NPK(MNPK)、 秸秆还田+NPK(SNPK)。在玉米苗期、拔节期、大喇叭口期、抽丝期、灌浆期和成熟期采集地上部植株样品,分析玉米植株不同部位的氮含量和累积量以及运移比例,计算氮肥利用效率。【结果】在玉米各生育时期,MNPK处理氮素累积量均高于NPK和SNPK处理;拔节期至大喇叭口期氮素累积量为19.6786.44 kg/hm2,其中MNPK氮素累积量达到86.44 kg/hm2,为氮素累积量增加最多、吸收速率最快的时期;在成熟期,MNPK、NPK、SNPK、N 和CK处理植株氮素总累积量分别达到286.2、276.2、249.4、151.7和63.6 kg/hm2,SNPK处理氮素累积量略低于NPK处理,MNPK显著高于NPK和SNPK(P<0.05)。 MNPK、SNPK、NPK和N处理中,叶和茎鞘总氮素转移量分别为99.0、79.7、87.2和41.8 kg/hm2,总的转移氮素对籽粒的贡献率分别为51.0%、47.7%、47.2%和43.4%,以MNPK处理的总氮素转移量和转移氮素对籽粒贡献率最高,与其他处理差异显著。在各处理中,MNPK、NPK和SNPK三个处理的氮肥偏生产力(PFP)均大于60 kg/kg,以MNPK最高,达到65.4 kg/kg。与化肥NPK处理比较,SNPK氮素偏生产力和收获指数差异不显著。MNPK处理土壤无机氮的含量在玉米整个生育期一直高于化肥NPK处理,并在玉米大喇叭口期达到最高,达到60.83 mg/kg,并与其他处理差异显著。【结论】长期有机无机配合施用,不仅能有效调节氮素积累和转运,还能提高氮肥利用效率。在适宜氮用量为165 kg/hm2时,以农家肥氮替代70%,或秸秆氮替代30%化肥氮素,既减少化肥氮投入,又增加了土壤供氮能力,因此,有机肥氮替代部分化肥氮是吉林省黑土区春玉米氮素管理的有效途径之一。
GAO H J, ZHU P, PENG C, ZHANG X Z, LI Q, ZHANG W J . Effects of partially replacement of inorganic N with organic materials on nitrogen efficiency of spring maize and soil inorganic nitrogen content under the same N input
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 2015,21(2):318-325. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2015.0205URL [本文引用: 1]
【目的】研究等氮量投入条件下,长期使用不同有机物料替代无机肥的适宜比例对玉米氮养分累积、运移和氮肥利用效率和产量的影响,可以为吉林黑土区春玉米高效施肥,维持并提高土壤肥力提供理论依据。【方法】以国家(公主岭)黑土肥力与肥料效益长期定位试验为研究平台,玉米品种郑单958为供试作物,设5个不同处理,即: 不施肥(CK)、氮肥(N)、氮磷钾化肥(NPK)、粪肥+NPK(MNPK)、 秸秆还田+NPK(SNPK)。在玉米苗期、拔节期、大喇叭口期、抽丝期、灌浆期和成熟期采集地上部植株样品,分析玉米植株不同部位的氮含量和累积量以及运移比例,计算氮肥利用效率。【结果】在玉米各生育时期,MNPK处理氮素累积量均高于NPK和SNPK处理;拔节期至大喇叭口期氮素累积量为19.6786.44 kg/hm2,其中MNPK氮素累积量达到86.44 kg/hm2,为氮素累积量增加最多、吸收速率最快的时期;在成熟期,MNPK、NPK、SNPK、N 和CK处理植株氮素总累积量分别达到286.2、276.2、249.4、151.7和63.6 kg/hm2,SNPK处理氮素累积量略低于NPK处理,MNPK显著高于NPK和SNPK(P<0.05)。 MNPK、SNPK、NPK和N处理中,叶和茎鞘总氮素转移量分别为99.0、79.7、87.2和41.8 kg/hm2,总的转移氮素对籽粒的贡献率分别为51.0%、47.7%、47.2%和43.4%,以MNPK处理的总氮素转移量和转移氮素对籽粒贡献率最高,与其他处理差异显著。在各处理中,MNPK、NPK和SNPK三个处理的氮肥偏生产力(PFP)均大于60 kg/kg,以MNPK最高,达到65.4 kg/kg。与化肥NPK处理比较,SNPK氮素偏生产力和收获指数差异不显著。MNPK处理土壤无机氮的含量在玉米整个生育期一直高于化肥NPK处理,并在玉米大喇叭口期达到最高,达到60.83 mg/kg,并与其他处理差异显著。【结论】长期有机无机配合施用,不仅能有效调节氮素积累和转运,还能提高氮肥利用效率。在适宜氮用量为165 kg/hm2时,以农家肥氮替代70%,或秸秆氮替代30%化肥氮素,既减少化肥氮投入,又增加了土壤供氮能力,因此,有机肥氮替代部分化肥氮是吉林省黑土区春玉米氮素管理的有效途径之一。

王德梅, 于振文, 张永丽, 许振柱 . 不同灌水处理条件下不同小麦品种氮素积累、分配与转移的差异
植物营养与肥料学报, 2010,16(5):1041-1048.

DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2010.0501URL [本文引用: 1]
Differences of nitrogen uptake and utilization in different wheat cultivars under different irrigation amount and at different stages were studied with 15N tracing technique. Three irrigation regimes were applied in the present experiment: no irrigation during the whole growth season(represented as W0); irrigated both before sowing and at jointing stages(W1); irrigated 3 times, before sowing, at jointing and anthesis stages(W2).The results were as follows: under the same irrigation condition, total nitrogen accumulation amount, nitrogen accumulation amount derived from fertilizer and soil of cv. T23 were higher than those of cv. S664. Nitrogen accumulation amount derived from fertilizer and soil in vegetative organs at anthesis, in grain and vegetative organs at maturity of cv. T23, were higher than those of cv. S664. The above results indicated that cv. T23 had higher nitrogen absorptive capacity than cv. S664. Nitrogen translocation amount from fertilizer in vegetative organs after anthesis at treatment W2 was lower than that at treatment W1, while nitrogen translocation amount from soil had no significant change. However, nitrogen translocation amount both from fertilizer and soil were remarkably increased at treatment W2 compared with those at treatment W1. There were no significant difference on grain yield, grain protein yield and nitrogen use efficiency in cv. T23 plants between treatments W1 and W2, but grain protein content, irrigation benefit and water use efficiency at treatment W1 were higher. Grain yield and grain protein yield of cv. S664 at treatment W2 were higher than those at treatment W1, while there were no differences of grain protein content, nitrogen use efficiency, irrigation benefit and water use efficiency between treatments W1 and W2. In conclusion, treatment W1 is better irrigation model for cv. T23 while treatment W2 is better for cv. S664 because of high yield and high water/nitrogen use efficiency.
WANG D M, YU Z W, ZHANG Y L, XU Z Z . Changes in nitrogen accumulation, distribution, translocation and nitrogen use efficiency in different wheat cultivars under different irrigation condition
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2010,16(5):1041-1048. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2010.0501URL [本文引用: 1]
Differences of nitrogen uptake and utilization in different wheat cultivars under different irrigation amount and at different stages were studied with 15N tracing technique. Three irrigation regimes were applied in the present experiment: no irrigation during the whole growth season(represented as W0); irrigated both before sowing and at jointing stages(W1); irrigated 3 times, before sowing, at jointing and anthesis stages(W2).The results were as follows: under the same irrigation condition, total nitrogen accumulation amount, nitrogen accumulation amount derived from fertilizer and soil of cv. T23 were higher than those of cv. S664. Nitrogen accumulation amount derived from fertilizer and soil in vegetative organs at anthesis, in grain and vegetative organs at maturity of cv. T23, were higher than those of cv. S664. The above results indicated that cv. T23 had higher nitrogen absorptive capacity than cv. S664. Nitrogen translocation amount from fertilizer in vegetative organs after anthesis at treatment W2 was lower than that at treatment W1, while nitrogen translocation amount from soil had no significant change. However, nitrogen translocation amount both from fertilizer and soil were remarkably increased at treatment W2 compared with those at treatment W1. There were no significant difference on grain yield, grain protein yield and nitrogen use efficiency in cv. T23 plants between treatments W1 and W2, but grain protein content, irrigation benefit and water use efficiency at treatment W1 were higher. Grain yield and grain protein yield of cv. S664 at treatment W2 were higher than those at treatment W1, while there were no differences of grain protein content, nitrogen use efficiency, irrigation benefit and water use efficiency between treatments W1 and W2. In conclusion, treatment W1 is better irrigation model for cv. T23 while treatment W2 is better for cv. S664 because of high yield and high water/nitrogen use efficiency.

谢军, 赵亚南, 陈轩敬, 李丹萍, 徐春丽, 王珂, 张跃强, 石孝均 . 有机肥氮替代化肥氮提高玉米产量和氮素吸收利用效率
中国农业科学, 2016,49(20):3934-3943.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.20.008URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 Replacing chemical fertilizer with organic manure is an important way to achieve fertilizer zero increase in China. Eight years location experiments of replacing chemical fertilizer with organic manure were carried out to study maize productivity and nitrogen uptake and nitrogen utilization efficiency in purple soil, so as to provide scientific evidence about rational utilization organic resources and adjust maize fertilization pattern.【Method】In 8 years location experiments, five different fertilization patterns were designed, including CK (non-N fertilization), FP (farmers’ practice), OP (optimal chemical fertilization), MF (organic manure replacing 50% chemical N) and OM (organic manure replacing 100% chemical N), on the variation of maize yield and biomass and nitrogen uptake and nitrogen utilization efficiency.【Result】Replacing partial chemical with organic manure increased maize yield and biomass significantly. Compared with FP and OM and OP treatments, replacing 50% chemical N with organic manure increased maize yield by 13.7% and 13.5% and 12.5%, respectively; it also increased maize biomass by 11.3% and 7.0% and 8.6%, respectively. Compared to CK, the other four treatments decreased the coefficient of variation (CV) and increased the SYI and HI with the greatest change in MF. Organic manure replacing partial chemical N promoted N uptake in maize, and transferred more N to grain. Compared to OP and OM treatments, replacing 50% chemical N with organic manure increased grain N uptake by 7.0% and 29.6%. REN increase 2.5% and 26.5%, respectively. Compare to OP treatment, PFPN and NHI and FCRN in MF increased by 6.2 kg·kg-1 and 3.5% and 6.3%, respectively; Compared to OM treatment, increased by 6.6 kg·kg-1 and 0.8% and 5.8%, respectively. There was a significant difference in N demand for each ton of grain yield among treatments, with 9.4 and 10.8 kg in OP and MF treatments, respectively, which was less than that in FP and OM treatments (14.5 and 12.9 kg). Therefore, OP and MF could improve the N efficiency for grain production. 【Conclusion】 Replacing 50% chemical N with organic manure significantly increased maize economic yield and biomass, also increased yield stability and sustainability; It promoted N uptake in maize and transferred more N to grain, thus increasing N efficiency. So partial chemical N is replaced by organic manure is a rational fertilization pattern to increase maize yield and improve maize yield stability and improve N efficiency in Southwest China.
XIE J, ZHAO Y N, CHEN X J, LI D P, XU C L, WANG K, ZHANG Y Q, SHI X J . Nitrogen of organic manure replacing chemical nitrogenous fertilizer improve maize yield and nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2016,49(20):3934-3943. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.20.008URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 Replacing chemical fertilizer with organic manure is an important way to achieve fertilizer zero increase in China. Eight years location experiments of replacing chemical fertilizer with organic manure were carried out to study maize productivity and nitrogen uptake and nitrogen utilization efficiency in purple soil, so as to provide scientific evidence about rational utilization organic resources and adjust maize fertilization pattern.【Method】In 8 years location experiments, five different fertilization patterns were designed, including CK (non-N fertilization), FP (farmers’ practice), OP (optimal chemical fertilization), MF (organic manure replacing 50% chemical N) and OM (organic manure replacing 100% chemical N), on the variation of maize yield and biomass and nitrogen uptake and nitrogen utilization efficiency.【Result】Replacing partial chemical with organic manure increased maize yield and biomass significantly. Compared with FP and OM and OP treatments, replacing 50% chemical N with organic manure increased maize yield by 13.7% and 13.5% and 12.5%, respectively; it also increased maize biomass by 11.3% and 7.0% and 8.6%, respectively. Compared to CK, the other four treatments decreased the coefficient of variation (CV) and increased the SYI and HI with the greatest change in MF. Organic manure replacing partial chemical N promoted N uptake in maize, and transferred more N to grain. Compared to OP and OM treatments, replacing 50% chemical N with organic manure increased grain N uptake by 7.0% and 29.6%. REN increase 2.5% and 26.5%, respectively. Compare to OP treatment, PFPN and NHI and FCRN in MF increased by 6.2 kg·kg-1 and 3.5% and 6.3%, respectively; Compared to OM treatment, increased by 6.6 kg·kg-1 and 0.8% and 5.8%, respectively. There was a significant difference in N demand for each ton of grain yield among treatments, with 9.4 and 10.8 kg in OP and MF treatments, respectively, which was less than that in FP and OM treatments (14.5 and 12.9 kg). Therefore, OP and MF could improve the N efficiency for grain production. 【Conclusion】 Replacing 50% chemical N with organic manure significantly increased maize economic yield and biomass, also increased yield stability and sustainability; It promoted N uptake in maize and transferred more N to grain, thus increasing N efficiency. So partial chemical N is replaced by organic manure is a rational fertilization pattern to increase maize yield and improve maize yield stability and improve N efficiency in Southwest China.

梁靖越, 王昌全, 李冰, 龙思帆, 陈兰 . 猪粪配施化肥对稻-麦轮作系统籽粒产量和氮素利用率的影响
应用生态学报, 2019,30(4):1088-1096.

DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201904.031URLPMID:30994268 [本文引用: 1]
To examine the effects of pig manure application on dry matter production, nitrogen accumulation and distribution, grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of rice and wheat, the field trial was conducted with wheat 863 and rice 498. Fertilization treatments consisted of seven rates of organic manure supply: control (CK, no chemical nitrogen fertilizer, no pig manure), conventional fertilizing (T1, no pig manure), 2500 kg.hm(-2) pig manure with 75% conventional fertilizing (T2), 5000 kg.hm(-2) pig manure with 50% conventional fertilizing (T3), 10000 kg.hm(-2) pig manure (T4), 15000 kg.hm(-2) pig manure (T5) and 20000 kg.hm(-2) pig manure (T6). Combined application of pig manure with chemical fertilizer promoted dry matter accumulation of rice and wheat throughout the growing season. At the maturity stage of rice and wheat, the highest aboveground dry matter accumulation presented under highest pig manure input (T6). The dry matter accumulation and nitrogen distribution were enriched in stem or leaf. The dry matter accumulation and nitrogen distribution rate in grain at T6 was significantly lower than T2 treatment. The high-est nitrogen fertilizer partial productivity, fertilizer agronomic efficiency and grain yield of rice pre-sented at T3 treatment, which increased by 11.4%, 55.4%, 11.4% than that of conventional chemical fertilizer treatment, respectively. These vaules for wheat were at T2, which was 14.0%, 29.1%, 14.0% higher than that of conventional fertilizer treatment, respectively. The combined application of pig manure with appropriate rates of chemical fertilizer (T2 and T3) could promote dry matter accumulation, the migration of nitrogen to grains, the increase of yield and the nitrogen use efficiency. Too much pig manure input (15000-20000 kg.hm(-2)) could lead to excessive supply of nitrogen for crops. In this case, the transportation of dry matter to economic organs would be blocked and the nitrogen enriched to stem. The late-maturing phenomenon occurred, resulting in significant decrease of grain yield.
LIANG J Y, WANG C Q, LI B, LONG S F, CHEN L . Effects of combined application of pig manure with urea on grain yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency in rice-wheat rotation system
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2019,30(4):1088-1096. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201904.031URLPMID:30994268 [本文引用: 1]
To examine the effects of pig manure application on dry matter production, nitrogen accumulation and distribution, grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of rice and wheat, the field trial was conducted with wheat 863 and rice 498. Fertilization treatments consisted of seven rates of organic manure supply: control (CK, no chemical nitrogen fertilizer, no pig manure), conventional fertilizing (T1, no pig manure), 2500 kg.hm(-2) pig manure with 75% conventional fertilizing (T2), 5000 kg.hm(-2) pig manure with 50% conventional fertilizing (T3), 10000 kg.hm(-2) pig manure (T4), 15000 kg.hm(-2) pig manure (T5) and 20000 kg.hm(-2) pig manure (T6). Combined application of pig manure with chemical fertilizer promoted dry matter accumulation of rice and wheat throughout the growing season. At the maturity stage of rice and wheat, the highest aboveground dry matter accumulation presented under highest pig manure input (T6). The dry matter accumulation and nitrogen distribution were enriched in stem or leaf. The dry matter accumulation and nitrogen distribution rate in grain at T6 was significantly lower than T2 treatment. The high-est nitrogen fertilizer partial productivity, fertilizer agronomic efficiency and grain yield of rice pre-sented at T3 treatment, which increased by 11.4%, 55.4%, 11.4% than that of conventional chemical fertilizer treatment, respectively. These vaules for wheat were at T2, which was 14.0%, 29.1%, 14.0% higher than that of conventional fertilizer treatment, respectively. The combined application of pig manure with appropriate rates of chemical fertilizer (T2 and T3) could promote dry matter accumulation, the migration of nitrogen to grains, the increase of yield and the nitrogen use efficiency. Too much pig manure input (15000-20000 kg.hm(-2)) could lead to excessive supply of nitrogen for crops. In this case, the transportation of dry matter to economic organs would be blocked and the nitrogen enriched to stem. The late-maturing phenomenon occurred, resulting in significant decrease of grain yield.

刘彦伶, 李渝, 白怡婧, 黄兴成, 张雅蓉, 张萌, 张文安, 蒋太明 . 长期不同施肥对水稻干物质和磷素积累与转运的影响
植物营养与肥料学报, 2019,25(7):1146-1156.

[本文引用: 2]

LIU Y L, LI Y, BAI Y J, HUANG X C, ZHANG Y R, ZHANG M, ZHANG W A, JIANG T M . Effects of long-term different fertilization on accumulation and transport of dry matter and phosphorus in rice
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 2019,25(7):1146-1156. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 2]

杨宁, 赵护兵, 王朝辉, 张达斌, 高亚军 . 豆科作物-小麦轮作方式下旱地小麦花后干物质及养分累积、转移与产量的关系
生态学报, 2012,32(15):4827-4835.

DOI:10.5846/stxb201107221085URL [本文引用: 2]
研究旱作条件下豆科绿肥轮作影响旱地小麦产量变化的作物营养生态机制,对优化旱地作物种植施肥制度,促进水分资源高效利用、土壤培肥、作物增产有重要意义。通过两年定位试验,分析了与不同豆科作物轮作引起的后茬小麦产量变化及其与干物质、氮磷钾养分累积、转移的关系。结果表明:与秋豆轮作的第一季,小麦籽粒产量无显著变化,但第二季小麦产量提高23.4%;与绿豆轮作,两季产量分别降低19.2%和4.4%;与大豆轮作,产量无显著变化。与秋豆轮作增加了小麦花后干物质及氮、磷养分累积,和对照相比分别增加了35.1%,128.8%和14.0%,而与大豆和绿豆轮作花后干物质累积分别降低26.7%和17.0%,花后氮累积分别降低44.2%和24.4%,花后磷累积与对照相比无显著差异。与此对应,秋豆-小麦轮作,其后茬小麦花后干物质及养分累积对产量形成的贡献显著增加,茎叶花前累积氮、磷向籽粒的转移对产量的贡献明显小于大豆-小麦和绿豆-小麦轮作处理。与氮、磷不同,小麦茎叶花前累积钾素向籽粒转移的同时,花后植株钾素没有累积,反而明显损失,其中与秋豆轮作的小麦花后植株钾素损失量较小,为3.8 kg/hm2,籽粒钾素占转移钾的81.0%;休闲或与大豆、绿豆轮作的小麦花后植株钾素损失较多,分别为10.9,12.6和5.5kg/hm2,籽粒钾素占转移钾的52.9%,52.9%和66.8%。与秋豆-小麦轮作处理小麦增产的主要原因是花后植株能累积更多干物质和氮、磷养分,减少了花前累积于茎叶的钾素在花后的损失。
YANG N, ZHAO H B, WANG Z H, ZHANG D B, GAO Y J . Accumulation and translocation of dry matter and nutrients of wheat rotated with legumes and its relation to grain yield in a dryland area
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012,32(15):4827-4835. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.5846/stxb201107221085URL [本文引用: 2]
研究旱作条件下豆科绿肥轮作影响旱地小麦产量变化的作物营养生态机制,对优化旱地作物种植施肥制度,促进水分资源高效利用、土壤培肥、作物增产有重要意义。通过两年定位试验,分析了与不同豆科作物轮作引起的后茬小麦产量变化及其与干物质、氮磷钾养分累积、转移的关系。结果表明:与秋豆轮作的第一季,小麦籽粒产量无显著变化,但第二季小麦产量提高23.4%;与绿豆轮作,两季产量分别降低19.2%和4.4%;与大豆轮作,产量无显著变化。与秋豆轮作增加了小麦花后干物质及氮、磷养分累积,和对照相比分别增加了35.1%,128.8%和14.0%,而与大豆和绿豆轮作花后干物质累积分别降低26.7%和17.0%,花后氮累积分别降低44.2%和24.4%,花后磷累积与对照相比无显著差异。与此对应,秋豆-小麦轮作,其后茬小麦花后干物质及养分累积对产量形成的贡献显著增加,茎叶花前累积氮、磷向籽粒的转移对产量的贡献明显小于大豆-小麦和绿豆-小麦轮作处理。与氮、磷不同,小麦茎叶花前累积钾素向籽粒转移的同时,花后植株钾素没有累积,反而明显损失,其中与秋豆轮作的小麦花后植株钾素损失量较小,为3.8 kg/hm2,籽粒钾素占转移钾的81.0%;休闲或与大豆、绿豆轮作的小麦花后植株钾素损失较多,分别为10.9,12.6和5.5kg/hm2,籽粒钾素占转移钾的52.9%,52.9%和66.8%。与秋豆-小麦轮作处理小麦增产的主要原因是花后植株能累积更多干物质和氮、磷养分,减少了花前累积于茎叶的钾素在花后的损失。

周江明 . 有机-无机肥配施对水稻产量、品质及氮素吸收的影响
植物营养与肥料学报, 2012,18(1):234-240.

DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2012.11186URL [本文引用: 1]
Controlled release nitrogen fertilizers (CRNF) are physically prepared from the granules of the The field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of different ratio of organic and mineral fertilizers (organic N accounted for 100%, 70%, 40%, 20% and 0%, respectively) on yield, quality and nitrogen uptake of early rice, late rice and single-crop rice, under the same application rates of nitrogen. The results show that when organic nitrogen accounts for 40%, 20% and 40% of the total amount, yields of early rice, late rice and single-crop rice are highest, which are increased by 8.5%, 2.8% and 4.6% respectively compared with the yields of chemical fertilizer areas. When organic N accounts for 20% to 40%, rice quality is better, while higher proportion of organic N can result in rice fragile, increase chalk rate and reduce protein content. When organic N accounts for 20%, N uptake by early rice, late rice and single-crop rice was highest.
ZHOU J M . Effect of combined application of organic and mineral fertilizers on yield, quality and nitrogen uptake of rice
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2012,18(1):234-240. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2012.11186URL [本文引用: 1]
Controlled release nitrogen fertilizers (CRNF) are physically prepared from the granules of the The field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of different ratio of organic and mineral fertilizers (organic N accounted for 100%, 70%, 40%, 20% and 0%, respectively) on yield, quality and nitrogen uptake of early rice, late rice and single-crop rice, under the same application rates of nitrogen. The results show that when organic nitrogen accounts for 40%, 20% and 40% of the total amount, yields of early rice, late rice and single-crop rice are highest, which are increased by 8.5%, 2.8% and 4.6% respectively compared with the yields of chemical fertilizer areas. When organic N accounts for 20% to 40%, rice quality is better, while higher proportion of organic N can result in rice fragile, increase chalk rate and reduce protein content. When organic N accounts for 20%, N uptake by early rice, late rice and single-crop rice was highest.

任科宇, 段英华, 徐明岗, 张旭博 . 施用有机肥对我国作物氮肥利用率影响的整合分析
中国农业科学, 2019,52(17):2983-2996.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.17.007URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 Combined chemical fertilizers with manure is one of the important approaches to improve the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of crops. Nowadays, rare studies focused on systematic comparison and analysis of combine chemical fertilizers with manure on nitrogen use efficiency in different regions of China. In addition, NUE is affected by many factors, such as nitrogen application amount, soil properties and the climatic conditions and even most of them are in the specific regions. Therefore, this study was carried out to explore the effects of chemical fertilizers combined with manure on NUE, and quantify the response of NUE to manure application in different soils and climatic regions, so as to give the guidance on sustaining regional agricultural development and provide an important theoretical basis for reducing fertilizer application. 【Method】 This study was conducted based on a database of NUE including 412 sets on NPKM vs. NPK, which were collected from 110 published articles with wheat, maize and rice. We analyzed the differences of NUE between the treatment of NPK and NPKM in five regions in China by Meta-analysis, and quantified the contribution of main controlling factors on positive manure affects by Random Forest analysis. 【Result】 Compared with NPK, NPKM treatment increased the NUE by 3.6%. NPKM treatment significantly increased the NUE of crops in all regions except the Northeast China. The highest enhancement was found at Northwestern China, followed by Northern China, Southern Region and Eastern China. Soil organic matter, pH, available potassium and total nitrogen were the main factors affecting the “positive effect” of manure on NUE. The increment of NUE by manure application was higher in the soils with lower organic matter content than that in the soils with high organic matter content. The increase of NUE in alkaline soils with manure applied was 1.3 and 1.8 times higher than those on neutral and acidic soils, respectively. The improvement of NUE by manure application varied among climate regions: temperate continental climate zone>temperate monsoon climate zone>subtropical monsoon climate zone. 【Conclusion】 The application of manure could significantly increase the NUE of crops, especially in northwestern areas with low organic matter content and less rainfall.
REN K Y, DUAN Y H, XU M G, ZHANG X B . Effect of manure application on nitrogen use efficiency of crops in China: A meta-analysis
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019,52(17):2983-2996. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.17.007URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 Combined chemical fertilizers with manure is one of the important approaches to improve the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of crops. Nowadays, rare studies focused on systematic comparison and analysis of combine chemical fertilizers with manure on nitrogen use efficiency in different regions of China. In addition, NUE is affected by many factors, such as nitrogen application amount, soil properties and the climatic conditions and even most of them are in the specific regions. Therefore, this study was carried out to explore the effects of chemical fertilizers combined with manure on NUE, and quantify the response of NUE to manure application in different soils and climatic regions, so as to give the guidance on sustaining regional agricultural development and provide an important theoretical basis for reducing fertilizer application. 【Method】 This study was conducted based on a database of NUE including 412 sets on NPKM vs. NPK, which were collected from 110 published articles with wheat, maize and rice. We analyzed the differences of NUE between the treatment of NPK and NPKM in five regions in China by Meta-analysis, and quantified the contribution of main controlling factors on positive manure affects by Random Forest analysis. 【Result】 Compared with NPK, NPKM treatment increased the NUE by 3.6%. NPKM treatment significantly increased the NUE of crops in all regions except the Northeast China. The highest enhancement was found at Northwestern China, followed by Northern China, Southern Region and Eastern China. Soil organic matter, pH, available potassium and total nitrogen were the main factors affecting the “positive effect” of manure on NUE. The increment of NUE by manure application was higher in the soils with lower organic matter content than that in the soils with high organic matter content. The increase of NUE in alkaline soils with manure applied was 1.3 and 1.8 times higher than those on neutral and acidic soils, respectively. The improvement of NUE by manure application varied among climate regions: temperate continental climate zone>temperate monsoon climate zone>subtropical monsoon climate zone. 【Conclusion】 The application of manure could significantly increase the NUE of crops, especially in northwestern areas with low organic matter content and less rainfall.

谢勇, 赵易艺, 张玉平, 唐丽, 何石福, 石敦杰, 刘强, 荣湘民 . 南方丘陵地区生物黑炭和有机肥配施化肥的应用研究
水土保持学报, 2018,32(4):197-203, 215.

[本文引用: 1]

XIE Y, ZHAO Y Y, ZHANG Y P, TANG L, HE S F, SHI D J, LIU Q, RONG X M . Research on application of biochar and organic manure combined with chemical fertilizers in hilly area of southern China
Journal of Soil and Water Conversion, 2018,32(4):197-203, 215. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

温延臣, 张曰东, 袁亮, 李伟, 李燕青, 林治安, 赵秉强 . 商品有机肥替代化肥对作物产量和土壤肥力的影响
中国农业科学, 2018,51(11):2136-2142.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.11.011URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The three-year continuous field experiment under winter wheat-summer maize rotation system was carried out in North China Plain, to study the effects of commercial organic fertilizer substituting chemical fertilizer on crop yields and soil fertility. Thus, the aim of present study was achieved to provide academic and practical evidence for fertilizer application.【Method】The treatments included the following three treatments: control (T1, no fertilizer added), conventional dosage of inorganic fertilizer (T2), and commercial organic fertilizer partial substituting chemical fertilizer (T3) (The substituting ratio of N, P2O5 and K2O were 11.3%, 13.7%, 58.8%, respectively). In addition, the application amount of total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium between T2 and T3 kept the same. During the mature period, crop yield, yield composition and soil fertility under different treatment were investigated. 【Result】 The results were shown as: (1) The three-year average yield of winter wheat and summer maize under T3 treatment were 7 700 kg·hm-2 and 9 175 kg·hm-2, respectively (higher than no fertilizer treatment by 259%, 161%, respectively). (2) Compared with chemical fertilizer treatment, commercial organic fertilizer partially substituting chemical fertilizer application had no significant difference in spike numbers, grains per spike and 1 000-grain weight of winter wheat or summer maize. (3) After three-year cultivation, compared with chemical fertilizer application alone, soil organic carbon and total nitrogen content of commercial organic fertilizer partially substituting chemical fertilizer treatment increased by 19.5% and 12.3%, respectively.【Conclusion】Compared with no fertilizer treatment, fertilizer application could significantly increase crop production. Moreover, commercial organic fertilizer partially substituting chemical fertilizer maintained crop yield, and also improved soil fertility, which was beneficial to the sustainable utilization of soil resource. Therefore, commercial organic fertilizer partially substituting chemical fertilizer is a scientific strategy for fertilizer application in North China Plain.
WEN Y C, ZHANG Y D, YUAN L, LI W, LI Y Q, LIN Z A, ZHAO B Q . Crop yield and soil fertility response to commercial organic fertilizer substituting chemical fertilizer
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2018,51(11):2136-2142. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.11.011URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The three-year continuous field experiment under winter wheat-summer maize rotation system was carried out in North China Plain, to study the effects of commercial organic fertilizer substituting chemical fertilizer on crop yields and soil fertility. Thus, the aim of present study was achieved to provide academic and practical evidence for fertilizer application.【Method】The treatments included the following three treatments: control (T1, no fertilizer added), conventional dosage of inorganic fertilizer (T2), and commercial organic fertilizer partial substituting chemical fertilizer (T3) (The substituting ratio of N, P2O5 and K2O were 11.3%, 13.7%, 58.8%, respectively). In addition, the application amount of total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium between T2 and T3 kept the same. During the mature period, crop yield, yield composition and soil fertility under different treatment were investigated. 【Result】 The results were shown as: (1) The three-year average yield of winter wheat and summer maize under T3 treatment were 7 700 kg·hm-2 and 9 175 kg·hm-2, respectively (higher than no fertilizer treatment by 259%, 161%, respectively). (2) Compared with chemical fertilizer treatment, commercial organic fertilizer partially substituting chemical fertilizer application had no significant difference in spike numbers, grains per spike and 1 000-grain weight of winter wheat or summer maize. (3) After three-year cultivation, compared with chemical fertilizer application alone, soil organic carbon and total nitrogen content of commercial organic fertilizer partially substituting chemical fertilizer treatment increased by 19.5% and 12.3%, respectively.【Conclusion】Compared with no fertilizer treatment, fertilizer application could significantly increase crop production. Moreover, commercial organic fertilizer partially substituting chemical fertilizer maintained crop yield, and also improved soil fertility, which was beneficial to the sustainable utilization of soil resource. Therefore, commercial organic fertilizer partially substituting chemical fertilizer is a scientific strategy for fertilizer application in North China Plain.

祝英, 王治业, 彭轶楠, 巩晓芳, 晋小军, 周剑平 . 有机肥替代部分化肥对土壤肥力和微生物特征的影响
土壤通报, 2015,46(5):1161-1167.

[本文引用: 1]

ZHU Y, WANG Z Y, PENG Y N, GONG X F, JIN X J, ZHOU J P . Changes of soil nutrients and microbial communities under the condition of organic fertilizers replacing part of chemical fertilizers
Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2015,46(5):1161-1167. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

张新建, 宁晓光, 郑桂亮, 孔凡涛, 赵秋 . 有机肥替代化肥对土壤肥力及番茄产量和品质的影响
中国农学通报, 2020,36(14):59-63.

[本文引用: 1]

ZHANG X J, NING X G, ZHENG G L, KONG F T, ZHAO Q . Replacing chemical fertilizer with organic manure effects on soil fertility and tomato yield and quality
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2020,36(14):59-63. (in Chinese)

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陶玥玥, 王海候, 金梅娟, 施林林, 董林林, 陆长婴, 沈明星 . 小麦产量与土壤养分对水生植物源有机氮替代率的响应
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胡诚, 曹志平, 罗艳蕊, 马永良 . 长期施用生物有机肥对土壤肥力及微生物生物量碳的影响
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Seven years experiment on the effects of bio-organic fertilization,including 15t/hm2?a and 7.5t/hm2?a vermicompost(EM compost,EM chook manure and traditional vermicompost),and chemical fertilizer on soil fertility and microbial biomass carbon was conducted at the Quzhou Station of China Agricultural University.The results show enhancement in soil fertility and improvement in soil physical-chemical properties under long-term application of EM compost or traditional vermicompost.Soil pH values gradually decline when applied EM compost or traditional vermicompost increases,but soil organic matter,total N,alkali-hydrolyzable N,available P,available K and soil microbial biomass carbon increase;while significant positive correlations are observed between them and the used amount of fertilize.Chemical fertilizer enhances soil organic matter,total N and available nutrient to a certain extent.The different fertilizers are ranked according to their effects on soil fertility and microbial biomass carbon as follows:control<chemical fertilizer<traditional vermicompost<EM compost.Significant positive correlations are observed between soil microbial biomass carbon and soil organic matter,total N,alkali-hydrolyzable N,available P and available K;indicating that microbial biomass carbon could be a biological indicator in soil quality evaluation.
HU C, CAO Z P, LUO Y R, MA Y L . Effect of long-term application of microorganismic compost or vermicompost on soil fertility and microbial biomass carbon
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2007,15(3):48-51. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
Seven years experiment on the effects of bio-organic fertilization,including 15t/hm2?a and 7.5t/hm2?a vermicompost(EM compost,EM chook manure and traditional vermicompost),and chemical fertilizer on soil fertility and microbial biomass carbon was conducted at the Quzhou Station of China Agricultural University.The results show enhancement in soil fertility and improvement in soil physical-chemical properties under long-term application of EM compost or traditional vermicompost.Soil pH values gradually decline when applied EM compost or traditional vermicompost increases,but soil organic matter,total N,alkali-hydrolyzable N,available P,available K and soil microbial biomass carbon increase;while significant positive correlations are observed between them and the used amount of fertilize.Chemical fertilizer enhances soil organic matter,total N and available nutrient to a certain extent.The different fertilizers are ranked according to their effects on soil fertility and microbial biomass carbon as follows:control<chemical fertilizer<traditional vermicompost<EM compost.Significant positive correlations are observed between soil microbial biomass carbon and soil organic matter,total N,alkali-hydrolyzable N,available P and available K;indicating that microbial biomass carbon could be a biological indicator in soil quality evaluation.

柯蓓 . 有机肥替代部分化肥对甘薯产量及土壤养分含量的影响
福建农业科技, 2019(9):67-70.

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Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2019(9):67-70. (in Chinese)

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李超, 谢英荷, 李廷亮, 黄涛, 柳玉凤, 窦露 . 施肥措施对旱地小麦产量与土壤硝态氮残留的影响
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Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences, 2018,46(4):583-587. (in Chinese)

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