
Critical Phosphorus Concentration Dilution Model and Phosphorus Nutrition Diagnosis in Two Cotton Cultivars with Different Phosphorus Sensitivity
PANG BaoGang, CAO Nan, ZHOU ZhiGuo, ZHAO WenQing
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庞保刚, 曹楠, 周治国, 赵文青. 不同磷敏感棉花品种临界磷浓度稀释模型与磷营养诊断[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(22): 4561-6130 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.22.004
PANG BaoGang, CAO Nan, ZHOU ZhiGuo, ZHAO WenQing.

0 引言
【研究意义】磷是作物生长发育必需的大量营养元素之一[1],它不仅是生命结构体的组成成分,参与核酸、磷脂等的合成[2],还对作物光合代谢、产量等起重要作用[3]。为满足作物的需求,农民经常大量使用磷肥,但磷在土壤中移动慢,磷肥当季利用率仅为10%—25%,施入的过量磷肥大部分残留于土壤中而未被作物吸收,不仅造成了有限磷肥资源的浪费,给农业生产造成巨大的经济损失[4],同时也导致环境问题日益突出,例如水体富营养化[5]、地下水污染[6]等。棉花是我国重要的经济作物[7],虽然棉花对磷的需求量相对氮钾要小[8],但仍然普遍存在磷肥施用过量[9]、利用率低[10]等问题。临界磷浓度稀释曲线可作为作物磷盈亏诊断的方法,对作物磷营养管理尤为重要,因此,建立临界磷浓度稀释曲线并用于棉花磷营养快速诊断,可为指导棉花磷肥合理施用、实现节肥增效提供理论依据。【前人研究进展】磷肥对棉花产量的影响结果较一致,研究结果均表明缺磷会导致棉花产量下降[11]、品质降低[12],充足的磷肥供应可提高棉花生物量[13]、产量[14]和单株铃数、铃重[15]。针对棉花适宜施磷量,前人的研究主要集中在西北内陆棉区,并根据产量或生物量来推荐[16,17],各研究得出的适宜施磷量亦有较大差异(75—180 kg P2O5·hm-2施磷量之间)[11, 14-21],这与棉花品种、气候条件、土壤条件不同等密切相关。从作物出发,根据作物临界磷浓度稀释曲线来进行磷营养管理、推荐适宜施磷量,可在一定程度规避上述差异。临界磷浓度是指作物或作物的某个器官在某个生育时期获得最大生物量时的最低磷浓度[22,23],临界磷浓度(Pc)稀释曲线一般表示为Pc=aW-b,式中,W为地上部生物量,a、b为参数,分别表示当地上部干物质质量为1 t·hm-2时植株的磷浓度和每积累单位干物质时磷浓度下降的速度[22,24-25]。近年来,作物临界磷浓度稀释曲线已应用于梯牧草[22]、小麦[22,24]以及马铃薯[23,25]等作物,但不同作物、相同作物不同品种间以及相同品种在不同地点的临界磷稀释模型参数均会有变化。BELANGER等[22]研究发现,梯牧草成熟度的不同,其临界磷浓度稀释曲线不同,成熟草皮为Pc=3.27W-0.20,新生草皮为Pc=5.23W-0.40。BELANGER等[24]研究发现,小麦的临界磷浓度稀释曲线在不同地点参数不同,其中a值范围为3.62—4.94 g·(100 g)-1,b值范围为0.21—0.49。ZAMUNER等[23]建立了马铃薯的临界磷浓度稀释曲线为Pc=3.919W-0.304,并通过计算磷营养指数(PNI),用于测定播种后60—80 d马铃薯磷营养状况。PNI为棉株地上部磷浓度的实测值与根据临界磷浓度稀释模型求得的相应生物量的临界磷浓度值的比值,经常用于作物营养诊断[23],若PNI<1,表示植株磷缺乏;PNI = 1,表明植株体内磷营养处于最佳状态;PNI>1,则表明植株磷营养过剩。【本研究切入点】前人研究多通过施磷量对棉花产量、磷素利用率的影响提出适宜的施磷量,但从临界磷浓度稀释曲线和磷营养指数的角度分析棉花适宜施磷量的研究较少。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究旨在通过分析磷肥施用量对棉花生物量、产量等的影响,针对不同磷敏感性棉花品种分别建立临界磷稀释曲线,计算磷营养指数,为棉花磷素营养诊断和磷肥管理提供理论依据。1 材料与方法
1.1 试验设计
试验于2017—2018年在江苏省大丰市稻麦原种场(33°27' N,120°34' E)进行。选用磷敏感型棉花品种鲁54和磷弱敏感型棉花品种豫早棉9110为材料[26],设置施磷量(0、50、100、150、200 kg P2O5·hm-2,分别用P0、P50、P100、P150、P200表示)试验。所用磷肥为重过磷酸钙,在棉花播种前做基肥一次性基施。氮、钾肥用量分别为225 kg N·hm-2、225 kg K2O·hm-2。氮肥播种前施用40%,盛蕾期施用60%;钾肥在棉花播种前做基肥一次性基施。试验采用随机区组设计,共10个处理,每处理重复3次,每小区面积79.2 m2(13.2 m×6 m)。供试土壤为砂壤土,2017、2018年土壤容重分别为1.37、1.36 g·cm-3,pH 分别为8.3、8.1,0—20 cm土层分别含有机质11.9、12.1 g·kg-1,全氮0.8、0.8 g·kg-1、速效氮18.2、18.1 mg·kg-1、速效磷18.3、18.1 mg·kg-1、速效钾 117.1、115.9 mg·kg-1。棉花种子分别于2017年5月28日、2018年5月29日播种,于2017年10月15日、2018年10月14日收获,种植密度均为9.0×105株/hm2。田间其他管理措施均按棉花高产栽培要求进行。1.2 取样方法与测定内容
分别在棉花苗期、盛蕾期、盛花期、盛铃期、吐絮期取样。每小区选择长势一致的棉花3株,按根、主茎、果枝、主茎叶、果枝叶、铃(壳,纤维,棉籽)等不同器官进行分样,在105℃下杀青30 min,80℃下烘至恒重,分别称量干物质重,并计算地上部生物量。之后粉碎,过1 mm 筛,用H2SO4-H2O2法消煮,采用间断式流动分析仪测定各器官磷浓度,并计算棉株地上部磷浓度。
在棉花成熟期,每处理小区选取20株棉花,统计单株铃数,待棉花吐絮时,在各小区取连续5 m长的棉花植株,收取全部吐絮棉铃,测定单铃籽棉重、计算籽棉产量。
1.3 临界磷稀释曲线模型的建立及验证
1.3.1 临界磷稀释曲线模型的建立 采用2017年的试验数据进行模型建立。临界磷浓度是指在一定的生长时期内获得最大生物量时的最小磷浓度值[23]。临界磷浓度稀释曲线计算方法参照JUSTES等[27]、薛晓萍等[28]以及ZAMUNER等[23],根据每个取样日的理论最大地上部生物量和与之相应的磷浓度,建立棉花临界磷浓度稀释曲线模型:式中,Pc(%)为棉株地上部临界磷浓度值,Wc(t·hm-2)为棉株地上生物量理论最大值,a、b为参数,a代表棉花地上部单位生物量的临界磷浓度值;b为控制临界磷浓度稀释曲线斜率的统计参数。
1.3.2 模型验证 采用2018年的试验数据进行模型验证。模型的验证用国际通用的根均方差RMSE[29,30]和标准化根均方差n-RMSE[31]的方法:
式中,Pi、Oi分别为临界磷浓度测定值和模拟值;n为样本量;S为实测数据的平均值。RMSE值越小,模拟值与测量值的一致性越好,偏差越小,即模型的预测精确度越高。JAMIESON等[32]认为:n-RMSE< 10%,模型稳定性极好;10%<n-RMSE<20%,模型稳定性较好;20%<n-RMSE<30%,模型稳定性一般;n-RMSE>30%,模型稳定性较差。
1.4 棉花磷营养指数(PNI)与相对地上部生物量(RDW)
作物磷营养指数PNI为棉株地上部磷浓度的实测值与根据临界磷浓度稀释模型求得的相应生物量的临界磷浓度值的比值,采用下式计算:式中,Pa为棉株地上部磷浓度的实测值;Pc为根据临界磷浓度稀释模型求得的相应生物量的临界磷浓度值。若PNI<1,表示植株磷缺乏;PNI = 1,表明植株体内磷营养处于最佳状态;PNI>1,则表明植株磷
1.5 数据处理
采用Microsoft Excel 2010进行数据整理与分析,用Origin 2017作图,处理间多重比较采用LSD法。2 结果
2.1 施磷量对棉花籽棉产量及产量构成的影响
棉花铃数、铃重品种间差异显著,与豫早棉9110相比,鲁54铃数相对较高,铃重较低,因此品种间籽棉产量差异不显著。施磷、品种×施磷量显著提高棉花铃数和籽棉产量,2年2个品种表现一致,但对铃重影响不显著(表1)。Table 1
Table 1
品种 Variety | 施磷量 Phosphorus application rate (kg P2O5·hm-2) | 2017 | 2018 | ||||
铃数 Boll number (×104·hm-2) | 铃重 Seedcotton weight per boll (g) | 籽棉产量 Seedcotton yield (kg·hm-2) | 铃数 Boll number (×104·hm-2) | 铃重 Seedcotton weight per boll (g) | 籽棉产量 Seedcotton yield (kg·hm-2) | ||
豫早棉9110 Yuzaomian 9110 | 0 | 87.1±1.0b | 4.0±0.0a | 3459.5±33.6c | 92.6±0.9d | 4.2±0.1a | 3869.3±55.4d |
50 | 93.5±1.0b | 4.0±0.0a | 3760.8±47.2b | 98.4±1.3c | 4.2±0.2a | 4124.9±65.9c | |
100 | 110.6±7.2a | 4.0±0.1a | 4459.0±79.8a | 109.6±0.9b | 4.3±0.0a | 4681.6±58.6b | |
150 | 115.2±4.0a | 4.0±0.1a | 4643.1±71.9a | 113.9±2.8a | 4.3±0.0a | 4897.2±87.4a | |
200 | 115.5±1.6a | 4.1±0.1a | 4691.7±53.7a | 116.3±3.3a | 4.3±0.0a | 4991.9±93.5a | |
鲁54 Lu 54 | 0 | 90.0±2.1d | 3.7±0.1a | 3366.1±59.9d | 91.4±1.5d | 3.9±0.1a | 3538.1±49.5d |
50 | 104.6±3.8c | 3.8±0.1a | 3924.9±75.6c | 108.9±2.2c | 3.9±0.2a | 4257.7±58.5c | |
100 | 115.5±4.0b | 3.8±0.0a | 4342.0±70.0b | 120.3±2.9b | 4.0±0.1a | 4762.3±79.1b | |
150 | 122.7±1.1a | 3.8±0.0a | 4686.3±84.4a | 127.4±1.9a | 4.0±0.0a | 5107.6±72.4a | |
200 | 123.5±2.5a | 3.8±0.1a | 4705.7±47.9a | 126.0±1.6a | 4.0±0.0a | 5127.9±81.2a | |
方差分析ANOVA | |||||||
品种Variety (V) | ** | ** | NS | ** | ** | NS | |
施磷量P rate | ** | NS | ** | ** | NS | ** | |
品种×施磷量V×P rate | ** | NS | ** | ** | NS | ** |
随施磷量的增加,棉花铃数和籽棉产量增加,两者均在150和200 kg P2O5·hm-2施磷量下达到最大,并显著高于0、50、100 kg P2O5·hm-2施磷量,2个品种表现一致。在2017年,与不施磷相比,50、100、150、200 kg P2O5·hm-2的施磷量下,磷敏感性棉花品种鲁54棉花籽棉产量分别提高16.6%、29.0%、39.2%、39.8%,铃数分别增加了16.0%、28.0%、36.0%、36.9%;磷弱敏感性品种豫早棉 9110的籽棉产量分别提高8.7%、28.9%、34.2%、35.6%,铃数分别提高7.4%、27.0%、32.3%、32.6%。在2018年,与不施磷相比,50、100、150、200 kg P2O5·hm-2的施磷量下,磷敏感性棉花品种鲁54棉花籽棉产量分别提高20.3%、34.6%、44.3%、44.9%,铃数分别提高19.1%、31.6%、39.4%、37.9%;磷弱敏感性品种豫早棉 9110的籽棉产量分别提高6.6%、21.0%、26.6%、29.0%,铃数分别提高6.3%、18.4%、23.0%、25.6%。
2.2 施磷量对棉花地上部生物量及磷浓度的影响
2.2.1 施磷量对棉花地上部生物量的影响 棉株地上部生物量在苗期各施磷量间无显著差异,在盛蕾期、盛花期、盛铃期、吐絮期差异显著,基本表现为P0<P50<P100<P150 ≈ P200,2个品种2年结果一致(图1)。图1

Fig. 1Effects of phosphorus application on the dynamics of aboveground dry matter SS, PSS, PFS, PBS and BOS represented cotton seedling stage, peak squaring stage, peak flowering stage, peak boll setting stage and boll opening stage, respectively. The same as below
2.2.2 施磷量对棉花地上部磷浓度的影响 随棉花生育进程的推进,棉株地上部磷浓度呈现出逐渐下降的趋势,鲁54的地上部磷浓度下降幅度大于豫早棉9110。在同一取样日,棉株地上部磷浓度随施磷量增加而升高,2个品种结果趋势一致(图2)。

Fig. 2Effects of phosphorus application on the dynamics changes of aboveground biomass phosphorus content in 2017
2.3 棉株地上部临界磷浓度稀释曲线模型的建立及验证
2.3.1 模型建立 苗期各处理地上部生物量之间没有显著差异,且其地上部磷浓度没有显著差异,因此采用平均值作为该时期的临界磷浓度值。棉花苗期、盛蕾期、盛花期、盛铃期和吐絮期临界磷浓度值分别为1.04%、0.92%、0.62%、0.42% 和 0.36%(鲁54);0.98%、0.93%、0.60%、0.46% 和0.38%(豫早棉9110)。对上述临界磷浓度值与其对应的干物重进行拟合(图3),得到了鲁54、豫早棉 9110 2个品种棉花临界磷浓度稀释模型,方程的决定系数分别为0.858、0.845,均达到显著水平(表2)。此外,对每个取样日磷浓度的最大、最小实测值与其对应的地上部生物量进行拟合,可得到棉花最高(Pmax,%)、最低(Pmin,%)磷浓度稀释模型,即磷稀释边界模型,模型参数见表2。鲁54的最高、临界磷浓度稀释曲线有差异,而豫早棉9110的最高、临界磷浓度稀释曲线基本重合。
2.3.2 模型验证 磷敏感性棉花品种鲁54、磷弱敏感性棉花品种豫早棉9110的临界磷浓度测定值与模拟值的误差分别为0.0257—0.0863、0.0084—0.1163(表3),对应的临界磷浓度稀释模型的RMSE分别为0.1296、0.1383,n-RMSE分别为17.8504%、18.5447%;表明棉花磷稀释模型有较高的稳定性。
Table 2
Table 2
品种 Variety | 磷稀释模型 Phosphorus dilution model | |||
a | b | R2 | ||
鲁54 Lu 54 | Pmin | 0.599 | 0.139 | 0.945** |
Pmax | 0.798 | 0.217 | 0.852* | |
Pc | 0.784 | 0.221 | 0.858* | |
豫早棉9110 | Pmin | 0.584 | 0.320 | 0.978** |
Yuzaomian 9110 | Pmax | 0.782 | 0.201 | 0.838* |
Pc | 0.774 | 0.198 | 0.845* |

Fig. 3The phosphorus dilution model of cotton aboveground biomass in 2017
Table 3
Table 3
生育期 Stage | 鲁54 Lu 54 | 豫早棉9110 Yuzaomian 9110 | ||||
测定值 Observed value | 模拟值 Simulated value | 误差 Error | 测定值 Observed value | 模拟值 Simulated value | 误差 Error | |
苗期 Seedling stage | 1.3500 | 1.4292 | 0.0560 | 1.2800 | 1.3045 | 0.0173 |
盛蕾期Peak squaring stage | 0.9200 | 0.7979 | 0.0863 | 0.9300 | 0.7658 | 0.1161 |
盛花期Peak flowering stage | 0.5800 | 0.5262 | 0.0381 | 0.6265 | 0.5833 | 0.0305 |
盛铃期Peak boll setting stage | 0.4000 | 0.4363 | 0.0257 | 0.4734 | 0.4853 | 0.0084 |
吐絮期Boll opening stage | 0.3800 | 0.4167 | 0.0259 | 0.4181 | 0.4473 | 0.0207 |
RMSE | 0.1296 | 0.1383 | ||||
n-RMSE | 17.8504% | 18.5447% |
2.4 不同施磷量对磷营养指数(PNI)的影响

Fig. 4Changes of phosphorus nutrition indices (PNI) of cotton
2.5 PNI与相对地上部生物量(RDW)之间的关系

n=10, R20.05 = 0.399, R20.01 = 0.586。*和**分别表示在0.05和0.01水平上差异显著
Fig. 5Relationship between phosphorus nutrition index (PNI) and relative shoot biomass (RDW) of cotton
n=10, R20.05 = 0.399, R20.01 = 0.586. *, significantly different at P<0.05; **, significantly different at P<0.01
3 讨论
3.1 棉花临界磷浓度稀释曲线模型及其验证
3.2 不同磷敏感性棉花品种磷营养诊断及适宜施磷量推荐
PNI是基于作物临界磷稀释模型提出的指标,以实际磷浓度与临界磷浓度的比值来评价磷素营养状况以及定量动态描述作物磷营养状况的变化。本研究中,相同生育时期PNI值随施磷量的增加而增加。本研究还发现,磷营养指数与相对地上部生物量呈现显著正相关,与安志超等[33]在玉米中发现氮营养指数与相对地上生物量呈现正相关结果相似,说明本研究确定的磷稀释曲线模型可以用来评估棉花磷营养状况。关于棉花最佳施磷量目前已有不少研究。杨鸿杰等[18]研究发现棉花获得最高产的施磷量为158.3 kg P2O5·hm-2,最佳施磷量为146.3 kg P2O5·hm-2。杨明花等[34]研究发现随着施磷量的增加,棉花产量呈现先增加后降低的趋势,最优的施磷量是150 kg P2O5·hm-2。姚银坤等[21]从施磷对产量的影响出发,得到获得最大产量时的施磷量为132 kg P2O5·hm-2。本研究中,施磷量低于150 kg P2O5·hm-2时,2个棉花品种产量随施磷量的增加而增加,且鲁54产量增加幅度大于豫早棉9110,施磷量多于150 kg P2O5·hm-2时,棉花产量增加不显著;棉花地上部生物量在150 kg P2O5·hm-2施磷范围内,随着施磷量的增加而增加,超过此施磷量,生物量增加不显著甚至略有下降;根据2个品种各时期PNI与水平“1”的关系,发现在磷肥用量150 kg P2O5·hm-2时,PNI值整体在1附近,磷肥用量为200 kg P2O5·hm-2时,则表现出磷素盈余现象,施磷量低于150 kg P2O5·hm-2时,PNI小于1,表明磷肥供应不足。综合产量结果与PNI,本研究认为较适宜的棉花施磷量为150 kg P2O5·hm-2,这与王海洋等[19]的研究结果一致。
4 结论
棉花铃数和籽棉产量在150、200 kg P2O5·hm-2施磷量下显著增加,铃数在各施磷量间差异不显著。随生育进程的推进,棉花地上部磷浓度逐渐降低,地上部生物量呈升高趋势。根据地上部生物量和磷浓度的关系,分别建立了不同磷敏感性棉花品种的临界磷稀释曲线模型(鲁54:Pc=0.784W-0.221,豫早棉9110:Pc=0.774W-0.198)。2个稀释曲线模型的RMSE分别为0.1296、0.1383;n-RMSE分别为17.8504%、18.5447%,说明模型有较好的稳定性。棉花磷营养指数PNI随生育进程的推移呈先升高后下降的趋势,在同一取样时期,PNI随施磷量的增加而升高,150 kg·hm-2施磷量时PNI平均值较接近于1。根据棉花籽棉产量在不同施磷量之间的表现及PNI,推荐本地区棉花最佳施磷量为150 kg P2O5·hm-2。参考文献 原文顺序
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DOI:10.1016/j.jplph.2019.153051URLPMID:31639535 [本文引用: 1]

Phosphorus (P) is an essential mineral, required for crucial plant genetic, metabolic and signaling functions. Under P deficiency, normal physiological function can be disrupted, especially photosynthetic metabolism. The majority of photosynthetic studies of P stress has been on model organisms, and very little is known about plants that evolved on P deficient soils. Aspalathus linearis (Burm.f.) R.Dahlgren, a native to the Mediterranean ecosystem of South Africa was used to study the photosynthetic responses during short-term P limitation. A. linearis seedlings were cultured under glasshouse conditions and exposed to short-term P stress. Leaf photosynthetic gas exchange was coupled with metabolic analyses. In spite of the decline in leaf cellular Pi, the photosynthetic rates remained unchanged. These leaves also maintained their levels of light harvesting and reaction center pigments. The efficiency of the light reactions' utilization of ATP and NADPH increased during P-stress. Leaf glucose levels decreased during P-stress, while sucrose concentrations remained unaffected. These results show that during short-term P-stress, A. linearis can maintain its photosynthetic rates by altering the structural and functional components of the light reactions.
DOI:10.1021/es801217qURLPMID:19209578 [本文引用: 1]

Human-induced eutrophication degrades freshwater systems worldwide by reducing water quality and altering ecosystem structure and function. We compared current total nitrogen (TN) and phosphorus (TP) concentrations for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency nutrient ecoregions with estimated reference conditions. In all nutrient ecoregions, current median TN and TP values for rivers and lakes exceeded reference median values. In 12 of 14 ecoregions, over 90% of rivers currently exceed reference median values. We calculated potential annual value losses in recreational water usage, waterfront real estate, spending on recovery of threatened and endangered species, and drinking water. The combined costs were approximately $2.2 billion annually as a result of eutrophication in U.S. freshwaters. The greatest economic losses were attributed to lakefront property values ($0.3-2.8 billion per year, although this number was poorly constrained) and recreational use ($0.37-1.16 billion per year). Our evaluation likely underestimates economic losses incurred from freshwater eutrophication. We document potential costs to identify where restoring natural nutrient regimes can have the greatest economic benefits. Our research exposes gaps in current records (e.g., accounting for frequency of algal blooms and fish kills) and suggests further research is necessary to refine cost estimates.
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Field experiments of winter wheatsummer maize rotation were conducted in North China Plain irrigation area to explore the effects of wheat season irrigation with dairy effluent on grain yield, phosphorus uptake, accumulative phosphorus usage efficiency and phosphorus accumulation in soil. The results showed that the irrigation with dairy effluent significantly improved the yields of winter wheat and summer maize. With the increasing of P2O5 carried by dairy effluent into soil, winter wheat yield increased at first and then decreased. When the P2O5 increased 137 kg·hm-2, winter wheat yield increased to the maximum (7646.4 kg·hm-2) and the phosphorus utilization rate was the highest (24.8%). But excessive phosphorus decreased the winter wheat yield and phosphorus utilization efficiency. Summer maize yield and phosphorus uptake increased with the increase of P2O5 carried by dairy effluent. The summer maize yield increased by 2222.4-2628.6 kg·hm-2 and the phosphorus uptake increased by 13.9-21.1 kg·hm-2 in contrast to the control (CK). Under conventional phosphorus fertilization at 88 kg·hm-2, and the summer maize yield increased by 2235.0 kg·hm-2 compared with CK. As the time of irrigation with dairy effluent increasing, the grain yield increased more significantly. The cumulative phosphorus utilization in this rotation system increased year by year. After six seasons of crop harvest, the cumulative phosphorus utilization rate increased into 40.0%-47.7%. Under the experimental condition, two times of irrigation with the dairy effluents in the winter wheatsummer maize rotation system was the best operating mode.
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Field experiments of winter wheatsummer maize rotation were conducted in North China Plain irrigation area to explore the effects of wheat season irrigation with dairy effluent on grain yield, phosphorus uptake, accumulative phosphorus usage efficiency and phosphorus accumulation in soil. The results showed that the irrigation with dairy effluent significantly improved the yields of winter wheat and summer maize. With the increasing of P2O5 carried by dairy effluent into soil, winter wheat yield increased at first and then decreased. When the P2O5 increased 137 kg·hm-2, winter wheat yield increased to the maximum (7646.4 kg·hm-2) and the phosphorus utilization rate was the highest (24.8%). But excessive phosphorus decreased the winter wheat yield and phosphorus utilization efficiency. Summer maize yield and phosphorus uptake increased with the increase of P2O5 carried by dairy effluent. The summer maize yield increased by 2222.4-2628.6 kg·hm-2 and the phosphorus uptake increased by 13.9-21.1 kg·hm-2 in contrast to the control (CK). Under conventional phosphorus fertilization at 88 kg·hm-2, and the summer maize yield increased by 2235.0 kg·hm-2 compared with CK. As the time of irrigation with dairy effluent increasing, the grain yield increased more significantly. The cumulative phosphorus utilization in this rotation system increased year by year. After six seasons of crop harvest, the cumulative phosphorus utilization rate increased into 40.0%-47.7%. Under the experimental condition, two times of irrigation with the dairy effluents in the winter wheatsummer maize rotation system was the best operating mode.
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DOI:10.11963/1002-7807.smdhl.20180103URL [本文引用: 1]

[Objective] Phosphorus is one of three major required nutrients for cotton growth and development. A phosphorus deficiency will lead to retarded cotton growth, undeveloped roots, and the abscission of buds and bolls, which results in serious reductions in cotton yield and quality. While applied phosphorus is easily fixed in soils, it is mostly transferred to occluded P, which is not available to plants. Therefore, this study aimed to provide theoretical support for the study of response mechanisms to low phosphorus stress and the efficient phosphorus uptake and utilization of different cotton genotypes. [Method] The effects of phosphorus accumulation and utilization, leaf photosynthetic characteristics and root morphology of two genotypes of cotton (CCRI 79 and SCRC 28) were studied in hydroponic cultures having different phosphorus concentrations. [Result] CCRI 79 had higher phosphorus utilization rates of 90.92 mg·mg–1 at the low phosphorus level (KH2PO4 1.0×10–5 mol·L–1) and 23.09 mg·mg–1 at the high phosphorus level (KH2PO4 0.5 mol·L–1) compared with SCRC 28. When phosphorus was deficient, the total root length, total root surface area and total root volume of SCRC 28 increased by 13.05%, 18.78% and 10.50%, respectively, while the total root length, total root surface area and total root volume of CCRI 79 decreased significantly. [Conclusion] Here, we found that SCRC 28 had a root morphology and physiological characteristics that allowed it to adapt to low phosphorusstress, while CCRI 79 utilized phosphorus more efficiently.
DOI:10.11963/1002-7807.smdhl.20180103URL [本文引用: 1]

[Objective] Phosphorus is one of three major required nutrients for cotton growth and development. A phosphorus deficiency will lead to retarded cotton growth, undeveloped roots, and the abscission of buds and bolls, which results in serious reductions in cotton yield and quality. While applied phosphorus is easily fixed in soils, it is mostly transferred to occluded P, which is not available to plants. Therefore, this study aimed to provide theoretical support for the study of response mechanisms to low phosphorus stress and the efficient phosphorus uptake and utilization of different cotton genotypes. [Method] The effects of phosphorus accumulation and utilization, leaf photosynthetic characteristics and root morphology of two genotypes of cotton (CCRI 79 and SCRC 28) were studied in hydroponic cultures having different phosphorus concentrations. [Result] CCRI 79 had higher phosphorus utilization rates of 90.92 mg·mg–1 at the low phosphorus level (KH2PO4 1.0×10–5 mol·L–1) and 23.09 mg·mg–1 at the high phosphorus level (KH2PO4 0.5 mol·L–1) compared with SCRC 28. When phosphorus was deficient, the total root length, total root surface area and total root volume of SCRC 28 increased by 13.05%, 18.78% and 10.50%, respectively, while the total root length, total root surface area and total root volume of CCRI 79 decreased significantly. [Conclusion] Here, we found that SCRC 28 had a root morphology and physiological characteristics that allowed it to adapt to low phosphorusstress, while CCRI 79 utilized phosphorus more efficiently.
DOI:1002-7807(2010)05-0466-05URL [本文引用: 2]

通过田间试验,研究了磷肥不同用量对棉花干物质积累、产量及氮磷钾吸收、积累、分配的影响。结果表明:增施磷肥可以增加棉花干物质量、产量和氮磷钾素的积累量,但过量施用磷肥增加效果并不明显。当磷肥用量(P2O5)为 75 ~ 150 kg·hm-2 时,对棉花干物质积累、产量和棉花各器官氮磷钾素的积累有明显的促进作用,棉花花铃期干物质积累和棉花各器官氮磷钾的积累量分别比对照平均提高了 24.6%、30.7%、55.9% 和 36.4%;吐絮期干物质积累、产量和棉花各器官氮磷钾的积累量分别比对照平均提高了 33.4%、39.9%、49.1%、47.7% 和 53.0%。
DOI:1002-7807(2010)05-0466-05URL [本文引用: 2]

通过田间试验,研究了磷肥不同用量对棉花干物质积累、产量及氮磷钾吸收、积累、分配的影响。结果表明:增施磷肥可以增加棉花干物质量、产量和氮磷钾素的积累量,但过量施用磷肥增加效果并不明显。当磷肥用量(P2O5)为 75 ~ 150 kg·hm-2 时,对棉花干物质积累、产量和棉花各器官氮磷钾素的积累有明显的促进作用,棉花花铃期干物质积累和棉花各器官氮磷钾的积累量分别比对照平均提高了 24.6%、30.7%、55.9% 和 36.4%;吐絮期干物质积累、产量和棉花各器官氮磷钾的积累量分别比对照平均提高了 33.4%、39.9%、49.1%、47.7% 和 53.0%。
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