

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

吴曹阳,1, 梁诗涵1, 邱军2, 高金锋1, 高小丽1, 王鹏科1, 冯佰利,1, 杨璞,11西北农林科技大学农学院,陕西杨凌 712100
2全国农业技术推广服务中心,北京 100125

An Examination on Breeding Status Quo of Chinese Tartary Buckwheat Varieties Based on the National Cross-Country Tests of Tartary Buckwheat Varieties in China over 12 Consecutive Years

WU CaoYang,1, LIANG ShiHan1, QIU Jun2, GAO JinFeng1, GAO XiaoLi1, WANG PengKe1, FENG BaiLi,1, YANG Pu,11College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi
2National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center, Beijing 100125

通讯作者: 杨璞,E-mail: yangpu5532@hotmail.com; 冯佰利,E-mail: 7012766@163.com

责任编辑: 李莉

作者简介 About authors
吴曹阳,E-mail: caoyang9728@163.com

关键词: 苦荞;区域试验;产量;农艺性状;品种改良

【Objective】Aimed at analyzing agronomic traits and yield changes of national Tartary buckwheat varieties in regional trials over 12 consecutive years, and discussing improvements and existing problems with Tartary buckwheat varieties in China, so as to provide basis for future genetic improvements in Tartary buckwheat in China.【Method】Depending on influences of environmental factors such as climate and geography on characteristics of Tartary buckwheat and in terms of southern and northern trial groups classified according to the geographical division standards of North and South China, the cluster analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression were employed to analyze variations of Tartary buckwheat varieties in growing duration, plant height, branch and node numbers of main stem, grain weight per plant, 1000-grains weight and yield in the National Tests of Tartary Buckwheat Varieties of China in 12 years from 2003 to 2014 and that examined correlations between different traits of Tartary buckwheat in the northern and southern trial groups, and traits differences of Tartary buckwheat varieties developed by the different breeding units between the two trial groups.【Result】Over the 12 years in question, the yields of the Tartary buckwheat varieties in the northern and southern trial groups increased by 21% and 32%, with an average annual rate of increase of 1.8% and 2.6%, respectively. There were totally 42 buckwheat varieties developed by 19 breeding units of 9 provinces, Shaanxi, Gansu, Yunnan, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Hunan and Chongqing. Of these breeding units, there were 5 units in Yunnan, 4 units in Guizhou, 3 units in Shaanxi, 2 units in Gansu, Shanxi and in Sichuan, and 1 unit in Jiangxi, Hunan and Chongqing City. The tested varieties developed by twelve breeding units from Yunnan, Guizhou and Shaanxi, three major Tartary buckwheat producers of China, made up 59.5% of all the tested varieties. The cluster analysis of Tartary buckwheat varieties from the different provinces (regions) showed that when the relative genetic distance was 5, the northern and southern trial groups can be divided into 4 and 3 classes, respectively. Of the northern group, the varieties from Shaanxi, Hunan and Shanxi were grouped into one class, the varieties from Gansu, Guizhou, Jiangxi and Yunnan were grouped into one class, and the varieties from Chongqing and Sichuan were grouped into one class; and of the southern trial group, the varieties from Guizhou, Jiangxi, Yunnan and Chongqing were grouped into one class, the varieties from Shaanxi, Gansu and Shanxi were grouped into one class, and the varieties from Sichuan and Hunan were grouped into one class. Correlation analysis showed that there was significantly positive correlations between the plant weights and yields of the northern and southern trial groups; significantly positive correlations between the grain weight per plant and yields of the northern trial group and significantly positive correlations of the grain weights per plant and plant heights with the branch numbers of main stems of the southern trial group; and there were different correlations in the other traits between the north and south trial groups. Multiple regression analysis showed that the growing durations, branch numbers of main stems, grain weights per plant and 1000-grains weights of the Tartary buckwheat varieties of the northern group jointly contributed 53.0% to their yield variation, and the growing durations, branch and node numbers of main stems, grain weights per plant and 1000-grains weights of the Tartary buckwheat varieties in the southern group jointly contributed 61.4% to their yield variation.【Conclusion】The national Tartary buckwheat variety regional tests in 12 years from 2003 to 2014 showed that certain improvements were made in the yield and related traits of Tartary buckwheat varieties in the northern and southern trial groups, with their yields increased to a certain extent and their growing durations shortened, but with their other traits not much changed. Of all the breeding units in question, the varieties developed by the breeding units in Yunnan, Guizhou and Jiangxi had wider environmental adaptabilities than the varieties developed by the other units in the other provinces. It was still the main goal in current Tartary buckwheat variety improvement to develop Tartary buckwheat varieties with high and stably yields, stress resistances and other excellent agronomic traits. Correlation analysis showed that it was an important approach in Tartary buckwheat variety breeding to improve Tartary buckwheat in grain weight per plant and branch numbers of main stems, etc. It was the key problem to develop Tartary buckwheat varieties with high flavonoids, easy hulling, good shattering and lodging resistances and uniform maturities and good suitability for mechanized cultivation for Tartary buckwheat production. Identifying new Tartary buckwheat germplasm resources and excellent genes, strengthening researches and developments and applications of new technologies such as molecular design breeding, and improving Tartary buckwheat variety improvement technologies and levels were the important directions in Tartary buckwheat variety improvement.
Keywords:Tartary buckwheat;regional adaptation test;yield;agronomic traits;cultivar improvement

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吴曹阳, 梁诗涵, 邱军, 高金锋, 高小丽, 王鹏科, 冯佰利, 杨璞. 基于连续12年国家苦荞区域试验的中国苦荞品种选育现状分析[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(19): 3878-3892 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.19.003
WU CaoYang, LIANG ShiHan, QIU Jun, GAO JinFeng, GAO XiaoLi, WANG PengKe, FENG BaiLi, YANG Pu. An Examination on Breeding Status Quo of Chinese Tartary Buckwheat Varieties Based on the National Cross-Country Tests of Tartary Buckwheat Varieties in China over 12 Consecutive Years[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(19): 3878-3892 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.19.003

0 引言

【研究意义】苦荞(Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn)属蓼科荞麦属,是荞麦属2个栽培种之一,是起源于中国的古老农作物,也是重要的出口创汇农产品[1,2]。中国苦荞地域分布南北纵越20°,东西横越37°,垂直高度4 000 m,主要集中分布在云南省、四川省、贵州省、西藏自治区、甘肃省、陕西省、山西省等高海拔地区,具有耐干旱、耐贫瘠、耐寒冷及适应能力强等特性,是这些地区不可或缺的特色农作物。按照区划布局、栽培特点和耕作制度,苦荞产区可以划分为4个生态区,即北方春荞麦区、北方夏荞麦区、南方秋冬荞麦区和西南高原春秋荞麦区。其中,北方春荞麦区和西南高原春秋荞麦区是苦荞主产区。苦荞不仅富含淀粉、脂肪、蛋白质、矿物质及钙、铁、磷、锌、碘、铜、铂、硼、钴等营养成分[3],还富含生物类黄酮[4],具有降血脂血糖、降胆固醇、抗氧化、防癌等功效[5,6,7]。因此,筛选和培育高产优质苦荞品种,集成示范抗逆高产栽培技术是实现产区农民增产增收的主要途径之一。品种区域试验是育成品种丰产性、适应性评价的重要依据,参试品种的产量、品质和农艺性状表现代表一定时期内育种水平的高低。系统分析连续多年苦荞区域试验品种的性状表现和特性,剖析当前苦荞育种存在的主要问题,为未来苦荞品种选育提供参考。【前人研究进展】中国从20世纪70年代末开始苦荞种质资源的收集、保存工作。20世纪80年代初,云南省、贵州省、四川省、陕西省、甘肃省、山西省等地的科研单位先后开展了苦荞的育种工作,到20世纪80年代,苦荞的育种单位有10多个;目前,全国苦荞育种单位比过去略有增加,已增至20余个。从1984年开始,由山西省农业科学院牵头组织开展了国家荞麦区域试验(3年/轮),至2000年共进行了5轮,鉴定了一些优良苦荞品种,在生产上发挥了重要作用。2001年种子法实施后,苦荞被国家列为非审定作物。从2002年开始,由西北农林科技大学组织开展了第6—12轮国家苦荞区域试验,考察了参试品种的生育期、株高、主茎分枝数、主茎节数、单株粒重、千粒重、产量、淀粉含量、蛋白质含量、黄酮含量等性状。与此同时,苦荞主产省区也开展了省级苦荞品种区域试验。通过苦荞品种区域试验平台,先后有35个苦荞品种通过国家和省级鉴定[8]。通过剖析苦荞参试品种的性状间关系,发现产量与单株粒数、主茎节数之间存在显著的关联[9]。在水稻[10,11]、小麦[12,13]、玉米[14,15]等作物的研究中,通过分析连续多年的品种数据均为后期品种改良提出了建设性意见。研究发现,通过改良产量构成因子,有望进一步提高作物产量[16]。除了产量及相关性状以外,品质性状也是影响作物品种鉴定的重要因素[17],特别是一些专用品种的审定[18]。在国家苦荞品种区域试验中,主要关注了碳水化合物含量、脂肪含量、蛋白质含量和黄酮含量,对于在水稻、玉米、小麦等作物[19,20,21]选育中广泛关注的优质[22]、耐密植[23]、早熟[24]、多抗[25]、适宜机械化[26]和专用[27]等方向均缺少足够关注。苦荞作为药食同源作物,市场开发前景广阔。但中国对于苦荞的科研工作起步相对较晚,育种技术落后、现有品种产量低且不稳定[28]。因此,在利用传统的诱变育种、杂交育种及杂种优势利用等育种技术的基础上,如何加强分子育种技术研发与应用,进而培育优质高产专用品种是苦荞生产亟待解决的关键问题。【本研究切入点】长期以来,苦荞属于小宗作物,农业生产上多种植于高寒、丘陵地区。水资源匮乏、交通不便、生产方式落后、管理粗放、消费量低和地域性强等因素综合作用导致苦荞产量一直处于较低且不稳定的水平,生产能力徘徊不前[29]。另外,苦荞品种改良未获突破性进展,也严重制约了中国苦荞产业发展[30]。因此,分析国家苦荞品种区域试验数据,梳理连续4轮(12年)国家苦荞区域试验参试品种的性状变化,比较不同年份、不同育种单位品种间的差别,探究目前苦荞育种工作中存在的问题,为未来苦荞品种改良提供参考。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究通过对2003—2014年参试的所有苦荞品种(北方组和南方组)的主要农艺性状进行分析,研究不同年份和不同育种单位品种间的性状差异及其对产量的影响,为苦荞品种改良提供理论依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料

2003—2014年国家共进行了4轮苦荞区域试验,分别是2003—2005年、2006—2008年、2009—2011年和2012—2014年。参加苦荞区域试验的品种共有42个,由来自9个省(市)的19个单位供种(电子附表1)。在这4轮苦荞区域试验中,共有46个试点参加试验,依据中国南北方地理划分标准将苦荞区试试点分为北方组和南方组,其中北方组24个,南方组22个。每轮试验的区试点数为9—15个,参试品种9—14个(电子附表2),采用随机区组排列,重复3次,小区面积10 m2,行距33 cm,各试点留苗密度在60万—90万株/hm2。试验点均选择中等地力的土地,田间管理水平保持一致,每轮试验所用对照品种均为九江苦荞(以CK表示,下同)。

Table 1
Table 1The performance of yield and agronomic traits of Tartary buckwheat in northern group from 2003 to 2014
年份 Year平均
生育日数Growing duration (d)102.67±6.8193.00±1.0088.33±2.3188.00±2.6093.00±6.84
株高Plant height (cm)138.20±6.06109.70±2.65113.00±2.23119.06±5.28119.99±12.74
主茎分枝数Branch numbers5.73±0.125.50±0.365.80±0.755.53±0.485.64±0.15
主茎节数Node numbers14.67±1.0715.40±0.3615.83±0.4615.16±0.4915.26±0.49
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)5.53±0.453.93±0.593.40±0.564.03±0.974.23±0.92
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)17.63±0.0620.50±1.3519.73±0.5717.07±1.6418.73±1.64
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)2370.31±160.902005.36±436.531964.58±151.752141.59±278.502120.46±182.96
生育日数Growing duration (d)103.33±5.6988.00±1.0090.00±2.4591.00±1.7393.08±6.95
株高Plant height (cm)126.70±5.93102.43±1.33114.43±4.51131.53±1.34118.78±13.06
主茎分枝数Branch numbers6.10±0.266.80±0.626.03±0.855.47±0.606.10±0.55
主茎节数Node numbers14.57±0.9014.63±0.2915.77±0.6416.50±0.2615.37±0.93
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)4.50±0.363.77±0.313.82±0.494.97±1.804.26±0.58
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)18.50±0.4417.70±1.5618.62±0.8515.73±1.1217.64±1.33
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)2113.76±262.601854.51±427.811777.91±99.092390.61±339.562034.20±277.69
生育日数Growing duration (d)-93.33±2.89-85.17±1.3389.25±5.77
株高Plant height (cm)-120.27±1.42-116.17±5.25118.22±2.90
主茎分枝数Branch numbers-6.40±0.36-5.25±0.565.83±0.81
主茎节数Node numbers-15.93±0.42-14.05±0.4714.99±1.33
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)-4.47±0.06-4.30±0.694.38±0.12
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)-18.03±1.07-17.30±0.8317.67±0.52
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)-2048.89±341.89-2278.20±214.092163.55±162.15
生育日数Growing duration (d)107.13±6.0390.56±4.2889.33±2.5295.75±11.4695.69±8.11
株高Plant height (cm)141.11±11.17103.98±4.50112.30±7.30120.83±9.01119.56±15.93
年份 Year平均
主茎分枝数Branch numbers5.60±0.806.33±0.346.13±0.935.78±0.975.96±0.33
主茎节数Node numbers16.03±1.1414.60±0.9015.13±0.7616.22±2.4315.49±0.76
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)4.48±0.354.00±0.763.80±0.464.07±1.364.09±0.28
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)18.54±0.5217.76±1.3818.90±0.6218.16±1.4318.34±0.49
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)1859.42±147.491924.57±369.452148.67±26.101895.43±388.701957.02±130.51
生育日数Growing duration (d)104.22±5.3695.11±3.0683.67±0.5894.00±1.0094.25±8.41
株高Plant height (cm)131.80±7.96117.60±6.22109.30±1.04124.90±9.82120.90±9.67
主茎分枝数Branch numbers5.80±0.356.20±0.545.33±0.675.77±0.425.78±0.35
主茎节数Node numbers14.96±1.1815.82±0.8613.90±0.2616.70±0.7015.34±1.20
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)5.50±0.673.80±0.593.70±0.364.53±0.654.38±0.83
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)18.77±0.5017.81±1.7718.00±0.7016.97±1.2017.89±0.74
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)2316.40±193.061869.48±392.461949.12±152.722186.14±251.202080.29±207.04
生育日数Growing duration (d)100.33±5.6989.33±1.1586.00±1.7385.00±1.0090.17±7.03
株高Plant height (cm)126.73±5.45107.30±3.66111.47±3.33119.90±5.67116.35±8.68
主茎分枝数Branch numbers5.63±0.125.37±0.126.40±0.805.67±0.555.77±0.44
主茎节数Node numbers13.67±0.8113.93±0.4014.83±0.8114.90±0.3014.33±0.63
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)4.60±0.303.37±0.323.67±0.554.13±0.783.94±0.54
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)18.73±0.2117.93±1.1417.30±0.1717.07±1.2917.76±0.75
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)2086.44±118.561795.34±389.542002.73±128.292186.25±219.112017.69±166.14
生育日数Growing duration (d)-92.75±4.9784.33±1.15-88.54±5.95
株高Plant height (cm)-112.33±7.5799.77±2.30-106.05±8.88
主茎分枝数Branch numbers-5.69±0.576.07±1.03-5.88±0.27
主茎节数Node numbers-15.21±1.0113.93±0.81-14.57±0.90
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)-3.44±0.513.47±1.10-3.45±0.02
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)-17.90±1.2217.30±0.17-17.60±0.42
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)-1749.95±390.481816.48±34.42-1783.22±47.05
生育日数Growing duration (d)--85.50±1.38-85.50±1.38
株高Plant height (cm)--105.52±3.22-105.52±3.22
主茎分枝数Branch numbers--6.30±1.01-6.30±1.01
主茎节数Node numbers--14.37±0.73-14.37±0.73
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)--3.85±0.42-3.85±0.42
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)--17.48±0.69-17.48±0.69
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)--2132.77±120.46-2132.77±120.46
生育日数Growing duration (d)---85.33±1.1585.33±1.15
株高Plant height (cm)---120.17±8.06120.17±8.06
主茎分枝数Branch numbers---6.13±0.766.13±0.76
主茎节数Node numbers---14.97±0.3814.97±0.38
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)---4.57±1.174.57±1.17
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)---16.60±0.7016.60±0.70
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)---2237.99±203.212237.99±203.21


1.2 调查指标







千粒重:1 000粒种子的重量,以“g”表示。


1.3 数据统计方法

用Excel 2016软件对北方组和南方组苦荞农艺性状数据进行统计分析。用SPSS软件进行不同育种单位培育品种间的聚类分析,用Ward法进行聚类,区间测量方法选择平方欧氏距离。用STATISTICA 10.0软件进行相关性分析以及产量与各农艺性状之间的多元线性回归分析。

2 结果

2.1 苦荞育种进步与品种主要特征变化

基于2003—2014年参加区域试验的所有苦荞品种按生长区气候条件分成北方组和南方组,对参试品种7个产量相关性状进行分析。结果发现,北方组的各个品种生育日数为86.9—104.6 d,平均生育日数为93.5 d;株高为109.5—134.9 cm,平均为119.0 cm;主茎分枝数为5.6—6.0个,平均为5.9个;主茎节数为14.9—15.5节,平均为15.2节;单株粒重为3.7—4.9 g,平均为4.2 g;千粒重为17.3—18.5 g,平均为18.0 g;产量为1 825.9—2 217.6 kg·hm-2,平均为2 025.0 kg·hm-2。由图1可知,2006—2014年,产量随着年份的推移增加了21%,CK在不同年份之间的变化趋势与品种平均值变化趋势基本一致。



Fig. 1Performance of Tartary buckwheat characters in Northern group and Southern group in each round of regional trials from 2003 to 2014

CK (North) and CK (South) represent the changes of the control variety Jiujiangkuqiao in four rounds. a: Growing duration; b: Plant height; c: Branch numbers; d: Node numbers; e: Grain weight per plant; f: 1000-grains weight; g: Yield

南方组的各苦荞品种生育日数为82.4—93.8 d,平均生育日数为85.8 d;株高为98.7—115.7 cm,平均为108.5 cm;主茎分枝数为4.5—5.6个,平均为5.0个;主茎节数为14.0—16.6节,平均为14.9节;单株粒重为3.8—5.9 g,平均为4.6 g;千粒重为20.1—22.4 g,平均为20.9 g;产量为2 016.4—2 657.1 kg·hm-2,平均为2 196.6 kg·hm-2。由图1可以看出,2003—2011年,主茎分枝数、单株粒重和产量随着年份推移而持续增加,主茎分枝数、单株粒重和产量分别增加了22%、55%和32%,CK在不同年份之间的变化趋势与品种平均值变化趋势基本一致。


2.2 苦荞育种单位之间的品种差异


北方组苦荞供种单位共19个,分别位于陕西省、甘肃省、山西省、云南省、贵州省、江西省、四川省、湖南省和重庆市9个省区。2003—2014年,参试品种的生育日数为(85.33±1.15)—(95.69±8.11)d,平均为(90.54±3.73)d,其中云南省最长,重庆市最短;株高为(105.52±3.22)—(120.90±9.67)cm,平均为(116.17±6.04)cm,其中贵州省最高,湖南省最低;主茎分枝数为(5.64±0.15)—(6.30±1.01)个,平均为(5.93±0.21)个,其中湖南省最高,陕西省最低;主茎节数为(14.33±0.63)—(15.49±0.76)节,平均为(14.97±0.45)节,其中云南省最高,江西省最低;单株粒重为(3.45±0.02)—(4.57±1.17)g,平均为(4.13±0.34)g,其中重庆市最高,四川省最低;千粒重为(16.60±0.70)—(18.73±1.64)g,平均为(17.74±0.59)g,其中陕西省最高,重庆市最低;产量为(1 783.22±47.05)—(2 237.99±203.21)kg·hm-2,平均为(2 058.58±132.95)kg·hm-2,其中重庆市最高,四川省最低(表1)。

南方组苦荞供种单位共19个,分别位于陕西省、甘肃省、山西省、云南省、贵州省、江西省、四川省、湖南省和重庆市9个省(市)。2003—2014年,参试品种的生育日数为(81.00±2.65)—(87.07±5.56)d,平均为(83.93±2.12)d,其中云南省最长,重庆市最短;株高为(102.53±7.02)—(115.00±6.91)cm,平均为(108.47±3.87 cm),其中重庆市最高,四川省最低;主茎分枝数为(4.66±0.58)—(6.05±0.71)个,平均为(5.10±0.45)个,其中湖南省最高,江西省最低;主茎节数为(14.17±0.52)—(15.15±1.28)节,平均为(14.53±0.33)节,其中云南省最高,湖南省最低;单株粒重为(4.33±1.17)—(5.73±0.94)g,平均为(4.85±0.50)g,其中湖南省最高,陕西省最低;千粒重为(19.50±0.54)—(21.18±0.88)g,平均为(20.62±0.52)g,其中云南省最高,湖南省最低;产量为(1 966.89±404.21)—(2 736.19±302.84)kg·hm-2,平均为(2 240.85±235.38)kg·hm-2,其中湖南省最高,陕西省最低(表2)。

Table 2
Table 2The performance of yield and agronomic traits of Tartary buckwheat in southern group from 2003 to 2014
年份 Year平均
生育日数Growing duration (d)94.67±3.2182.67±3.7984.33±1.5382.11±2.8085.94±5.89
株高Plant height (cm)117.40±9.6179.93±6.54106.17±4.92115.77±8.12104.82±17.31
主茎分枝数Branch numbers4.77±0.504.37±1.105.37±1.034.52±0.814.76±0.44
主茎节数Node numbers17.03±0.5713.17±1.3614.13±0.5014.20±1.3814.63±1.67
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)3.90±1.252.97±1.015.70±1.304.77±0.744.33±1.17
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)21.43±2.4821.23±0.7620.83±0.9320.47±1.3220.99±0.43
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)2023.41±117.301387.13±387.192312.04±483.402144.98±358.671966.89±404.21
生育日数Growing duration (d)92.33±5.5181.00±4.0084.00±1.7981.67±2.0884.75±5.22
株高Plant height (cm)101.27±4.7390.30±8.57108.15±6.27127.30±3.10106.75±15.54
主茎分枝数Branch numbers4.97±0.495.40±0.925.37±0.774.33±0.575.02±0.50
主茎节数Node numbers16.10±1.0814.00±0.5614.57±0.6214.30±0.7914.74±0.93
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)3.60±0.754.53±0.915.28±0.804.37±0.744.45±0.69
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)22.33±1.8121.03±0.7620.32±0.7919.43±0.4520.78±1.23
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)1783.33±264.531894.32±284.122362.90±302.141970.25±296.742002.70±252.10
生育日数Growing duration (d)-85.00±4.00-80.67±2.5882.83±3.06
株高Plant height (cm)-110.70±7.12-112.45±6.21111.58±1.24
主茎分枝数Branch numbers-5.47±1.11-4.23±0.734.85±0.87
主茎节数Node numbers-15.20±0.69-13.17±1.0914.18±1.44
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)-3.93±0.40-4.77±0.164.35±0.59
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)-20.10±0.61-21.32±0.5920.71±0.86
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)-1988.97±130.17-2194.04±325.442091.50±145.00
生育日数Growing duration (d)95.38±5.7684.56±4.1083.67±2.3184.67±4.5687.07±5.56
株高Plant height (cm)110.10±10.0497.53±2.54118.27±5.00114.58±8.81110.12±9.03
主茎分枝数Branch numbers4.21±0.935.61±1.055.60±1.064.68±0.745.02±0.70
主茎节数Node numbers17.03±1.2014.87±1.1714.43±0.6414.27±1.7315.15±1.28
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)3.33±0.954.56±0.946.70±0.824.58±0.604.79±1.40
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)22.36±1.4320.38±0.6020.67±0.3821.31±0.5121.18±0.88
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)1785.14±384.192188.02±304.552796.93±150.022060.83±354.522207.73±427.28
生育日数Growing duration (d)92.78±5.3186.11±3.4179.00±1.0083.00±4.5885.22±5.82
株高Plant height (cm)110.97±5.51104.56±10.28109.40±1.77114.27±5.85109.80±4.04
主茎分枝数Branch numbers4.86±0.615.14±1.005.23±1.124.47±0.584.93±0.35
主茎节数Node numbers16.74±1.1715.01±0.9413.37±0.4714.00±1.4714.78±1.47
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)4.38±0.954.07±1.096.27±1.935.20±0.304.98±0.98
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)22.78±1.9619.82±1.1420.63±0.1520.57±0.5120.95±1.27
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)2083.01±242.181823.59±251.163122.37±451.412043.17±432.232268.03±580.87
生育日数Growing duration (d)91.00±6.0083.67±3.5183.00±1.0081.67±3.0684.83±4.19
株高Plant height (cm)107.60±0.50101.80±4.36114.30±2.69116.87±4.01110.14±6.80
主茎分枝数Branch numbers4.10±0.724.73±1.255.43±0.914.37±0.354.66±0.58
主茎节数Node numbers14.83±0.5914.07±1.0514.43±0.7013.67±1.3114.25±0.50
年份 Year平均
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)4.00±0.703.97±0.935.57±0.124.93±0.724.62±0.78
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)22.20±1.5719.90±0.6619.47±0.8120.70±0.2620.57±1.20
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)1997.65±372.732038.94±355.642739.88±421.232229.39±363.262251.47±340.89
生育日数Growing duration (d)-83.42±4.1279.33±1.15-81.38±2.89
株高Plant height (cm)-97.57±8.07107.50±1.32-102.53±7.02
主茎分枝数Branch numbers-5.24±1.175.97±0.72-5.60±0.51
主茎节数Node numbers-14.28±0.8414.33±0.74-14.30±0.04
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)-3.98±0.757.10±0.87-5.54±2.20
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)-20.13±0.5420.10±0.26-20.12±0.02
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)-2053.63±251.552829.64±282.74-2441.64±548.72
生育日数Growing duration (d)--82.33±0.52-82.33±0.52
株高Plant height (cm)--105.50±2.58-105.50±2.58
主茎分枝数Branch numbers--6.05±0.71-6.05±0.71
主茎节数Node numbers--14.17±0.52-14.17±0.52
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)--5.73±0.94-5.73±0.94
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)--19.50±0.54-19.50±0.54
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)--2736.19±302.84-2736.19±302.84
生育日数Growing duration (d)---81.00±2.6581.00±2.65
株高Plant height (cm)---115.00±6.91115.00±6.91
主茎分枝数Branch numbers---5.00±0.825.00±0.82
主茎节数Node numbers---14.57±1.0314.57±1.03
单株粒重Grain weight per plant (g)---4.90±0.984.90±0.98
千粒重1000-grains weight (g)---20.83±0.1220.83±0.12
产量Yield (kg·hm-2)---2201.52±330.012201.52±330.01






Fig. 2The cluster analysis of Tartary buckwheat cultivars in different province

a: Tartary buckwheat in northern group; b: Tartary buckwheat in southern group

2.3 苦荞参试品种主要农艺性状间的相关性分析与多元回归分析


Table 3
Table 3The correlation among yield and yield related traits of Tartary buckwheat in northern group and Tartary buckwheat in southern group
Growing duration
Plant height
Branch numbers
Node numbers
Grain weight per plant
1000-grains weight
生育日数Growing duration0.5501-0.51680.7280*0.10570.7689*-0.3775
株高Plant height-0.0207-0.44920.7614*0.8308**0.19540.4583
主茎分枝数Branch numbers-0.5019-0.5130-0.2343-0.0704-0.60970.1644
主茎节数Node numbers0.6598*0.2379-0.34750.58920.37120.1295
单株粒重Grain weight per plant-0.5037-0.37050.8875**-0.2938-0.21110.8269**
千粒重1000-grains weight0.60280.4917-0.8535**0.7421*-0.7660*-0.3988
The lower left triangle indicates the coefficients of correlation between traits of Tartary buckwheat in northern group; upper right triangle indicates the correlation coefficient between traits of Tartary buckwheat in southern group. *indicates significant level at P<0.05, ** indicates significant level at P<0.01



(1)北方组苦荞:Y = 2005.990–0.310 X1+0.150 X3+0.686 X5+0.163 X6r=0.7283,R2= 0.5304,F=23.5332,P=0.0000);

(2)南方组苦荞:Y = 868.800+0.325 X1+0.327 X3–0.320 X4+0.594 X5–0.250 X6r=0.7836,R2= 0.6140,F=33.6695,P=0.0000)。


3 讨论

3.1 苦荞产量相关性状改良是高产品种选育的基础



重庆市、山西省、湖南省和陕西省的育种单位所提供的苦荞品种产量在北方组苦荞区试中表现较好;湖南省、四川省的育种单位提供的苦荞品种产量在南方组苦荞区试中表现较好,与聚类分析的结果一致,北方组区试中重庆市虽单独被划分为一组,但从整体上来看,提供高产量苦荞品种的育种省基本划分在一起。结合卡方分析,根据苦荞的地域偏好性,陕西省、山西省和重庆市所育成的品种适宜在北方推广种植;四川省和湖南省的苦荞品种在南方有更好的经济效益。但陕西省的苦荞品种在南方组第二轮区试中出现大幅减产的现象,说明了苦荞育种可能存在抗病虫、抗干旱和抗灾害等方面的不足,除了考虑提高产量,苦荞抗逆品种的选育是下一步育种的重点方向。四川省的苦荞品种单株粒重在南方组第三轮区试中变化非常大,且明显超越其他省份,产量也增加了近800 kg,或许可以说明四川省的育种策略主要是通过增加单株粒重来实现增产。



3.2 稳定的政策支持和持续的科技投入是苦荞品种改良取得进展的重要推动力

20世纪80年代,中国科学家开始对苦荞进行开发利用,1989年,农业部科技司批准在太原成立“全国荞麦育种、栽培及开发利用科研协作组”,而后苦荞产业的发展不仅是科技人员和企业的呼吁要求,也得到了政府的支持。在这4轮苦荞区域试验中,一共有42个品种参加了区试试验,云南省、贵州省和陕西省的12家育种单位提供了25个苦荞品种,占苦荞参试品种总数的59.5%,是中国苦荞育种的中坚力量。而在主粮作物中,仅2018年通过国家审定的水稻品种就有268个,且达到优质米部标的水稻品种占审定品种的50%[33]。2018年,有77个小麦品种通过国家审定[34]。1972—2013年,玉米国家和地区审定的品种总数为6 291[35]。由此可见,苦荞品种选育的数量远远低于主粮作物,且育种力量也远不如大宗粮食作物。因此,为了更好地改良苦荞品种,要加强基础研究,如广泛考察、收集和鉴定野生资源,建立种质库等;还要适应市场,培育适宜机械化栽培、易于脱壳和满足保健功能的苦荞品种;此外,在选育新品种时,也要尝试多种育种方法,如杂交育种、生物工程育种和杂种优势利用等[36]。目前,苦荞基因组测序工作已经完成[37],苦荞分子育种技术的发展也将为苦荞育种提供强力支持。

3.3 高黄酮、易脱壳、低苦味、抗落粒、抗倒伏和适宜机械化的多元化目标是苦荞育种改良的主要方向





4 结论


参考文献 原文顺序

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屈洋, 周瑜, 王钊, 王鹏科, 高金锋, 高小丽, 冯佰利. 苦荞产区种质资源遗传多样性和遗传结构分析
中国农业科学, 2016, 49(11): 2049-2062.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.11.002URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The objective of this study was to understand the genetic diversity and population structure of tartary buckwheat resources from different production regions and to provide theoretical foundation of functional gene and resources use. 【Method】 Eight phenotypic traits were evaluated by correlation and principal component analyses. Plants were cultivated in the greenhouse, and 10 fresh leaves were selected in the three leaf stage. DNA of tartary buckwheat was extracted using the CTAB method, and then they were amplified based on the SSR marker, detected by the electrophoresis, and took photos and saved. 0, 1 matrix was structured based on the detection of SSR, and eighty-three materials were used to analyze genetic diversity and genetic structure by PowerMarker3.25 and Structure2.3.4 software. 【Result】 Distribution of the eight phenotypic traits were scattered with most apparently interrelated. The cumulative contribution rate of four principal components formerly reached up to 85.2%, which may show the relative relationships of the plant traits. The variation coefficient and genetic diversity of plant height and main stem diameter contributed the most to this metrics between all plant traits. Among the distinct geographical regions, the mean H′ (1.82) of Tibet population was the richest, and in Sichuan population was the second with a mean H′ of 1.78, just slightly lower. Genetic diversity of plant traits from the distinct regions showed that the H′ of growth stage, plant height, and main stem branch number in Sichuan population were the highest, while the H′ of leaf width was the richest trait in the Shaanxi population, andof 1000-seeds weight H′ in Yunnan population was the richest trait for plants of that region. Principal component analysis of 7 different geographical populations showed plant traits of similar production regions may have a close relation. Genetic diversity of 83 individuals of tartary buckwheat germplasm resources was detected by 13 pairs of SSR primes. A total of 208 loci were detected, among which 200 (96.2%) were polymorphous. The number of amplified fragments and polymorphous fragments per primer combination were 16 and 15.4; the number of alleles varied from 4 to 58, and the frequencies of major alleles varied from 0.02 to 0.86; gene diversity was between 0.38 and 0.98, and polymorphic information index was 0.35-0.98. Genetic diversity of different production regions showed that genetic structure of the northerly populations showed close relationship, and genetic structure of southwesterly population was also so, which showed the relationship between population cluster and production regions. The number of alleles (12.1), genetic diversity index (0.84), and polymorphic information content (0.83) in Shaanxi were the highest among the regions. All resources were divided into three clusters based on modules by genetic structure analysis, and cluster analysis based on genetic distance showed dispersive resources and no regionalization. Genetic distances were close from plant materials of the same production regions among different resources. 【Conclusion】 Polymorphic information contents of tartary buckwheat from main production regions were high, and the genetic diversity among them was rich. Resource interflow and genetic material exchange were observed in northerly and southwesterly production regions.
QU Y, ZHOU Y, WANG Z, WANG P K, GAO J F, GAO X L, FENG B L. Analysis of genetic diversity and structure of Tartary buckwheat resources from production regions
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2016, 49(11): 2049-2062. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.11.002URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The objective of this study was to understand the genetic diversity and population structure of tartary buckwheat resources from different production regions and to provide theoretical foundation of functional gene and resources use. 【Method】 Eight phenotypic traits were evaluated by correlation and principal component analyses. Plants were cultivated in the greenhouse, and 10 fresh leaves were selected in the three leaf stage. DNA of tartary buckwheat was extracted using the CTAB method, and then they were amplified based on the SSR marker, detected by the electrophoresis, and took photos and saved. 0, 1 matrix was structured based on the detection of SSR, and eighty-three materials were used to analyze genetic diversity and genetic structure by PowerMarker3.25 and Structure2.3.4 software. 【Result】 Distribution of the eight phenotypic traits were scattered with most apparently interrelated. The cumulative contribution rate of four principal components formerly reached up to 85.2%, which may show the relative relationships of the plant traits. The variation coefficient and genetic diversity of plant height and main stem diameter contributed the most to this metrics between all plant traits. Among the distinct geographical regions, the mean H′ (1.82) of Tibet population was the richest, and in Sichuan population was the second with a mean H′ of 1.78, just slightly lower. Genetic diversity of plant traits from the distinct regions showed that the H′ of growth stage, plant height, and main stem branch number in Sichuan population were the highest, while the H′ of leaf width was the richest trait in the Shaanxi population, andof 1000-seeds weight H′ in Yunnan population was the richest trait for plants of that region. Principal component analysis of 7 different geographical populations showed plant traits of similar production regions may have a close relation. Genetic diversity of 83 individuals of tartary buckwheat germplasm resources was detected by 13 pairs of SSR primes. A total of 208 loci were detected, among which 200 (96.2%) were polymorphous. The number of amplified fragments and polymorphous fragments per primer combination were 16 and 15.4; the number of alleles varied from 4 to 58, and the frequencies of major alleles varied from 0.02 to 0.86; gene diversity was between 0.38 and 0.98, and polymorphic information index was 0.35-0.98. Genetic diversity of different production regions showed that genetic structure of the northerly populations showed close relationship, and genetic structure of southwesterly population was also so, which showed the relationship between population cluster and production regions. The number of alleles (12.1), genetic diversity index (0.84), and polymorphic information content (0.83) in Shaanxi were the highest among the regions. All resources were divided into three clusters based on modules by genetic structure analysis, and cluster analysis based on genetic distance showed dispersive resources and no regionalization. Genetic distances were close from plant materials of the same production regions among different resources. 【Conclusion】 Polymorphic information contents of tartary buckwheat from main production regions were high, and the genetic diversity among them was rich. Resource interflow and genetic material exchange were observed in northerly and southwesterly production regions.

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中国农业科学, 2012, 45(6): 1042-1053.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2012.06.002URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The SSR molecular markers system was optimized and constructed for genetic diversity analyses of Chinese tartary buckwheat germplasm resources, which is helpful for evaluating Chinese tartary buckwheat collections. 【Method】 The SSR-PCR system was optimized by [L16(45)]orthogonal design, the optimized gel concentration of PAGE was confirmed, and the genetic diversity of 50 tartary buckwheat accessions was analyzed by 19 SSR primer pairs screened from 250 ones of different crops. 【Result】The optimized SSR-PCR system was as follows: 30 ng DNA template, 150 &mu;mol&bull;L-1 dNTP, 0.1 &mu;mol&bull;L-1 primer, 2.0 U&bull;L-1 TaqDNA polymerase, 2.0 mmol&bull;L-1 Mg2+, 1&times;Taq buffer and ddH2O then added up to terminal volume of 25 &mu;L with 6% PAGE for testing. The primers screening efficiency was 7.6%, and the primers from common buckwheat were applicable. A total of 157 alleles were detected by 19 primers, with 2-11 alleles for each primer pair, and the average was 7.42. Moreover, the averaged PIC and DP values were 0.8881 and 5.684, respectively. Using Popgen Ver.1.31, 50 accessions were clustered into 5 groups at GS 0.578. The clustering results revealed that the genetic diversity of accessions of tartary buckwheat was not correlated to their geographic origins. The genetic diversity of tartary buckwheat from Sichuan was very rich as genetic parameters were the highest. The core primers could be used to identify the similar accessions.【Conclusion】 The SSR molecular markers system was effective for assessment of genetic diversity of Chinese tartary buckwheat germplasm resources. SSR primers of common buckwheat could be used in tartary buckwheat. TBP5 and Fes2695 were SSR core primers. It showed a high genetic diversity in 50 Chinese tartary buckwheat accessions which could be classified into 5 groups.
GAO F, ZHANG Z W, WU B. Construction and application of SSR molecular markers system for genetic diversity analysis of chinese Tartary buckwheat germplasm resources
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2012, 45(6): 1042-1053. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2012.06.002URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The SSR molecular markers system was optimized and constructed for genetic diversity analyses of Chinese tartary buckwheat germplasm resources, which is helpful for evaluating Chinese tartary buckwheat collections. 【Method】 The SSR-PCR system was optimized by [L16(45)]orthogonal design, the optimized gel concentration of PAGE was confirmed, and the genetic diversity of 50 tartary buckwheat accessions was analyzed by 19 SSR primer pairs screened from 250 ones of different crops. 【Result】The optimized SSR-PCR system was as follows: 30 ng DNA template, 150 &mu;mol&bull;L-1 dNTP, 0.1 &mu;mol&bull;L-1 primer, 2.0 U&bull;L-1 TaqDNA polymerase, 2.0 mmol&bull;L-1 Mg2+, 1&times;Taq buffer and ddH2O then added up to terminal volume of 25 &mu;L with 6% PAGE for testing. The primers screening efficiency was 7.6%, and the primers from common buckwheat were applicable. A total of 157 alleles were detected by 19 primers, with 2-11 alleles for each primer pair, and the average was 7.42. Moreover, the averaged PIC and DP values were 0.8881 and 5.684, respectively. Using Popgen Ver.1.31, 50 accessions were clustered into 5 groups at GS 0.578. The clustering results revealed that the genetic diversity of accessions of tartary buckwheat was not correlated to their geographic origins. The genetic diversity of tartary buckwheat from Sichuan was very rich as genetic parameters were the highest. The core primers could be used to identify the similar accessions.【Conclusion】 The SSR molecular markers system was effective for assessment of genetic diversity of Chinese tartary buckwheat germplasm resources. SSR primers of common buckwheat could be used in tartary buckwheat. TBP5 and Fes2695 were SSR core primers. It showed a high genetic diversity in 50 Chinese tartary buckwheat accessions which could be classified into 5 groups.

李成磊, 赵海霞, 温国琴, 周婧, 孙家宜, 姚攀峰, 陈惠, 王安虎, 吴琦. 苦荞细胞色素CYP81家族同源基因FtP450-R4的克隆、分子鉴定及其功能分析
农业生物技术学报, 2015, 23(2): 181-192.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Cytochrome P450s are one of the largest enzyme protein families in higher plants and widely involve in secondary metabolism and stress tolerance. In this study, a CYP81 homologous gene FtP450-R4(GenBank Accession No. KM271986) was obtained from Fagopyrum tataricum. The full-length of FtP450-R4 cDNA contained a 5'-UTR (49 bp), a 3'-UTR (194 bp) and an ORF of 1 527 bp. It encoded a protein of 508 amino acid residues. Bioinformatics analysis showed that the FtP450-R4 was located in endoplasmic reticulum by the 4~24 amino acid residues in the N-terminal, and it shared the homology of 44%~46% with F3'H, I2'H, and other plants CYP450 proteins. Sequence multi-alignment showed that FtP450-R4 contained the classic motifs and conserved regions of CYP450s, but excluded the feature motifs of GGEK in F3′H. Phylogenetic tree showed that FtP450-R4, Arabidopsis thaliana CYP81 families and I2′H were gathered in a large cluster, suggesting that FtP450-R4 might involve in flavonoids hydroxylation or stress response. FtP450-R4 could be significantly induced in cotyledons by UV-B, cold and drought stress, but not in hypocotyls. The recombinant protein of FtP450-R4 expressed in a soluble form in Escherichia coli strain BL21(DE3) and activity identification showed that it could perform enzyme catalysis using reduced form of nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and kaempferol as substrates. Totally, this work can make better understand for the function of CYP450s and provides fundamental information for the flavonoids regulation mechanism in F. tataricum.
LI C L, ZHAO H X, WEN G Q, ZHOU J, SUN J Y, YAO P F, CHEN H, WANG A H, WU Q. Molecular cloning, characterization and functional analysis of a cytochrome CYP81 family homologous gene FtP450- R4 from Fagopyrum tataricum
Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 2015, 23(2): 181-192. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
Cytochrome P450s are one of the largest enzyme protein families in higher plants and widely involve in secondary metabolism and stress tolerance. In this study, a CYP81 homologous gene FtP450-R4(GenBank Accession No. KM271986) was obtained from Fagopyrum tataricum. The full-length of FtP450-R4 cDNA contained a 5'-UTR (49 bp), a 3'-UTR (194 bp) and an ORF of 1 527 bp. It encoded a protein of 508 amino acid residues. Bioinformatics analysis showed that the FtP450-R4 was located in endoplasmic reticulum by the 4~24 amino acid residues in the N-terminal, and it shared the homology of 44%~46% with F3'H, I2'H, and other plants CYP450 proteins. Sequence multi-alignment showed that FtP450-R4 contained the classic motifs and conserved regions of CYP450s, but excluded the feature motifs of GGEK in F3′H. Phylogenetic tree showed that FtP450-R4, Arabidopsis thaliana CYP81 families and I2′H were gathered in a large cluster, suggesting that FtP450-R4 might involve in flavonoids hydroxylation or stress response. FtP450-R4 could be significantly induced in cotyledons by UV-B, cold and drought stress, but not in hypocotyls. The recombinant protein of FtP450-R4 expressed in a soluble form in Escherichia coli strain BL21(DE3) and activity identification showed that it could perform enzyme catalysis using reduced form of nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and kaempferol as substrates. Totally, this work can make better understand for the function of CYP450s and provides fundamental information for the flavonoids regulation mechanism in F. tataricum.

NAKAMURA K, NARAMOTO K, KOYAMA M. Blood-pressure- lowering effect of fermented buckwheat sprouts in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Journal of Functional Foods, 2013, 5: 406-415.

DOI:10.1016/j.jff.2012.11.013URL [本文引用: 1]

ZHENG C, HUA C, MA X, PENG C, ZHANG H, QIN L. Cytotoxic phenylpropanoid glycosides from Fagopyrum tataricum(L.) Gaertn
Food Chemistry, 2012, 132: 433-438.

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黎瑞源, 石桃雄, 陈其皎, 潘凡, 陈庆富. 中国35个苦荞审定品种EST-SSR指纹图谱构建与遗传多样性分析
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陈先敏, 梁效贵, 赵雪, 高震, 吴巩, 申思, 林珊, 周丽丽, 周顺利. 历年国审玉米品种产量和品质性状变化趋势分析
中国农业科学, 2018, 51(21): 4020-4029.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.21.002URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】Simultaneous improvement in yield and quality of maize hybrids is vital to improve maize variety and develop the maize industry. Amounts of studies focused on the trends of crude starch and crude protein concentrations with maize varieties released in different eras, however, the results are different and the relationships between different substances were rarely mentioned. Hence, further exploration of the changing trends of yield and quality related traits for maize hybrids released in China over the past years and their intrinsic connections are needed. 【Method】The information of 770 maize varieties released in China from 1992 to 2017 were collected, and the related traits of yield and quality of the 73.64% common maize hybrids were used for further analysis. 【Result】The results showed that the volume weight, 1000-kernel weight and crude starch concentration were significantly or highly significantly increased with an average annual improvements of 1.87 g·L -1, 0.91 g, and 0.19%, respectively. To the contrast, the crude fat concentration was significantly reduced by 0.03% per year. The annual average of crude protein and lysine concentration remained stable along with time, the averages from 1992 to 2017 were 9.88% and 0.30%, respectively. Correlation analysis was processed and both volume weight and 1000-kernel weight were significantly positively correlated with crude starch concentration, however, they were negatively related to the crude fat concentration to some extent. In addition, both of the crude protein and lysine concentration showed extremely significant negative relationships with the crude starch concentration and 1000-kernel weight. The accumulation trends based on 1000-kernel weight showed that crude starch, crude protein and lysine per 1000-kernel increased to some extent over the released years. The average annual increase for each trait was 1.159 g, 0.092 g and 0.001 g, respectively. Crude fat accumulation still decreased which is similar to its concentration. 【Conclusion】Overall, during the process of maize varieties improvement, the traits related to yield such as 1000-kernel weight and bulk weight are relatively fast improved in China, and the advance of them rely on, to a great extent, the enhancement of the crude starch concentration, however, which may lead to an effect of carbon dilution on the concentrations of crude protein, lysine and crude fat. The carbon dilution effects and the relatively fast improvement in 1000-kernel weight determined the different performances between concentrations and accumulations for crude protein and lysine. Besides, the relationships between the traits of suitable mechanical grain-harvesting and grain quality deserve further attention during the selection of suitable mechanical grain-harvesting variety.
CHEN X M, LIANG X G, ZHAO X, GAO Z, WU G, SHEN S, LIN S, ZHOU L L, ZHOU S L. Analysis on the trends of yield and quality related traits for maize hybrids released in China over the past years
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2018, 51(21): 4020-4029. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.21.002URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】Simultaneous improvement in yield and quality of maize hybrids is vital to improve maize variety and develop the maize industry. Amounts of studies focused on the trends of crude starch and crude protein concentrations with maize varieties released in different eras, however, the results are different and the relationships between different substances were rarely mentioned. Hence, further exploration of the changing trends of yield and quality related traits for maize hybrids released in China over the past years and their intrinsic connections are needed. 【Method】The information of 770 maize varieties released in China from 1992 to 2017 were collected, and the related traits of yield and quality of the 73.64% common maize hybrids were used for further analysis. 【Result】The results showed that the volume weight, 1000-kernel weight and crude starch concentration were significantly or highly significantly increased with an average annual improvements of 1.87 g·L -1, 0.91 g, and 0.19%, respectively. To the contrast, the crude fat concentration was significantly reduced by 0.03% per year. The annual average of crude protein and lysine concentration remained stable along with time, the averages from 1992 to 2017 were 9.88% and 0.30%, respectively. Correlation analysis was processed and both volume weight and 1000-kernel weight were significantly positively correlated with crude starch concentration, however, they were negatively related to the crude fat concentration to some extent. In addition, both of the crude protein and lysine concentration showed extremely significant negative relationships with the crude starch concentration and 1000-kernel weight. The accumulation trends based on 1000-kernel weight showed that crude starch, crude protein and lysine per 1000-kernel increased to some extent over the released years. The average annual increase for each trait was 1.159 g, 0.092 g and 0.001 g, respectively. Crude fat accumulation still decreased which is similar to its concentration. 【Conclusion】Overall, during the process of maize varieties improvement, the traits related to yield such as 1000-kernel weight and bulk weight are relatively fast improved in China, and the advance of them rely on, to a great extent, the enhancement of the crude starch concentration, however, which may lead to an effect of carbon dilution on the concentrations of crude protein, lysine and crude fat. The carbon dilution effects and the relatively fast improvement in 1000-kernel weight determined the different performances between concentrations and accumulations for crude protein and lysine. Besides, the relationships between the traits of suitable mechanical grain-harvesting and grain quality deserve further attention during the selection of suitable mechanical grain-harvesting variety.

陆大雷, 孙世贤, 陆卫平. 国家鲜食甜玉米区域试验品种产量和品质性状分析
中国农学通报, 2016, 32(13): 164-171.

[本文引用: 1]

LU D L, SUN S X, LU W P. Yield and quality of fresh sweet maize in national regional test
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2016, 32(13): 164-171. (in Chinese)

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刘贺梅, 孙建权, 胡秀明, 殷春渊, 王和乐, 田芳慧, 马朝阳, 马晓红, 王书玉. 优质高产水稻新品种新科稻31的选育与应用
安徽农业科学, 2019, 47(2): 28-30.

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LIU H M, SUN J Q, HU X M, YIN C Y, WANG H L, TIAN F H, MA C Y, MA X H, WANG S Y. Breeding and application of new rice variety Xinkedao 31 with good quality and high yield
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 47(2): 28-30. (in Chinese)

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李国锋. 高产优质抗倒玉米新品种ND367的选育与高产栽培技术
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LI G F. Breeding and high-yield cultivation techniques of new high-yield and good-quality maize variety ND367
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于亮, 钮力亚, 王伟伟, 陆莉, 王奉芝, 王伟, 王连鹏, 王艳, 藏秀金. 抗逆丰产型小麦新品种‘沧麦14’的选育
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YU L, NIU L Y, WANG W W, LU L, WANG F Z, WANG W, WANG L P, WANG Y, ZANG X J. Breeding of resistant and high yield new wheat variety ‘Cangmai 14’
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李豪圣, 刘建军, 宋健民, 曹新有, 程敦公, 王灿国, 刘成, 郭军, 翟胜男, 韩冉, 訾妍, 赵振东, 刘爱峰. 优质强筋小麦济麦229选育实践与思考
山东农业科学, 2019, 51(8): 21-24.

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LI H S, LIU J J, SONG J M, CAO X Y, CHENG D G, WANG C G, LIU C, GUO J, ZHAI S N, HAN R, ZI Y, ZHAO Z D, LIU A F. Breeding practice and consideration of wheat variety Jimai 229 with high quality and strong gluten
Shandong Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 51(8): 21-24. (in Chinese)

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李少昆, 张万旭, 王克如, 俞万兵, 陈永生, 韩冬生, 杨小霞, 刘朝巍, 张国强, 王浥州, 柳枫贺, 陈江鲁, 杨京京, 谢瑞芝, 侯鹏, 明博. 北疆玉米密植高产宜粒收品种筛选
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LI S K, ZHANG W X, WANG K R, YU W B, CHEN Y S, HAN D S, YANG X X, LIU C W, ZHANG G Q, WANG Y Z, LIU F H, CHEN J L, YANG J J, XIE R Z, HOU P, MING B. The selection of high yield maize cultivars suitable for dense planting and grain mechanical harvesting in North of Xinjiang
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张建华, 尚保华, 行翠平, 史民芳, 安林利. 晚播早熟节水小麦新品种沃麦608选育
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李月, 石桃雄, 黄凯丰, 汤晓辛, 何娟, 简永, 陈庆富. 苦荞生态因子及农艺性状与产量的相关分析
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汪灿, 胡丹, 杨浩, 阮仁武, 袁晓辉, 易泽林, 宋志成, 赵丹. 苦荞主要农艺性状与产量关系的多重分析
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Crops, 2013(6): 18-22. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

吕凤, 杨帆, 范滔, 刘京, 李乾, 王林刚, 龙晓波. 1977-2018年水稻品种审定数据分析
中国种业, 2019(2): 35-46.

[本文引用: 1]

F, YANG F, FAN T, LIU J, LI Q, WANG L G, LONG X B. Analysis of validation data of rice varieties from 1977 to 2018
China Seed Industry, 2019(2): 35-46. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

种业导刊, 2018(5): 40-47.

[本文引用: 1]

Nationally Validation Varieties in 2018
Seed Industry Guide, 2018(5): 40-47. (in Chinese)

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杨扬, 王凤格, 赵久然, 刘亚维. 中国玉米品种审定现状分析
中国农业科学, 2014, 47(22): 4360-4370.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.22.002URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】Variety accreditation acts as the permiting for commercialization of maize varieties, the basis for the regulation and administration of seeds market, and the reference for variety selection and right protection in China. Therefore, comprehensive analysis on accredited maize varieties according to demands of businesses such as maize variety management, and in-depth exploration of the internal link and implicit message of these variety data can provide more systematic and distinct reference to seeds management departments, scientific research institutions, seeds enterprises and farmers.【Method】 The state and provincial authorized maize variety data of China in 42 years were obtained through material search, collection and data verification, and the trend of change of maize varieties on the market in different years and regions, the repeated rate of parental inbred lines of all the accredited maize varieties and the relationship between the accreditation, protection and withdraw from promotion of maize varieties were discussed.【Result】It is shown that during the period of 1972-2013, the total number of state and provincial accredited maize varieties was 6291, among which 503 were of state level, while the present state and provincial accredited variety number was 4882, among which 332 were of state level. A total of 1726 breeding organizations have records of accredited maize varieties, and scientific research institutions and seeds enterprises accounted for 48.3% and 46.6%, respectively, with an average of 7 and 3 varieties for each organization. A total of 8754 different parental inbred lines have been used in hybridization match of all accredited maize varieties, 19.4% of which were used repeatedly. The three most frequently used inbred lines were Mo17, Chang7-2 and Dan340. A record count of 1876 of all accredited maize varieties in 42 years have been withdrawn from promotion and the average employment period of such withdrawn varieties was 13.3a. Applications for new variety property have been filed for 29.2% of all accredited maize varieties in history and approved for only 15.1% of them.【Conclusion】During the recent 10 years, the number of accredited maize varieties at all levels increased steadily year by year, so was the maize variety inventory. In terms of trend, the northern area has more accredited varieties than the southern area and the number of accredited varieties in the eastern area increased faster than that in the western area. Of all breeding organizations, scientific research institutions acted as the main entity in terms of the quantity of accredited maize varieties and the number of accredited maize varieties of large-scale seeds enterprises increased remarkably. The number of newly-named parental inbred lines has increased rapidly, so the repeating rate of them has decreased year by year. The yearly number of accredited varieties withdrawn from promotion tends to be steady and fewer varieties are overlapped in both accreditation and property applications.
YANG Y, WANG F G, ZHAO J R, LIU Y W. Analysis of the current situation of accredited maize varieties in China
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2014, 47(22): 4360-4370. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.22.002URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】Variety accreditation acts as the permiting for commercialization of maize varieties, the basis for the regulation and administration of seeds market, and the reference for variety selection and right protection in China. Therefore, comprehensive analysis on accredited maize varieties according to demands of businesses such as maize variety management, and in-depth exploration of the internal link and implicit message of these variety data can provide more systematic and distinct reference to seeds management departments, scientific research institutions, seeds enterprises and farmers.【Method】 The state and provincial authorized maize variety data of China in 42 years were obtained through material search, collection and data verification, and the trend of change of maize varieties on the market in different years and regions, the repeated rate of parental inbred lines of all the accredited maize varieties and the relationship between the accreditation, protection and withdraw from promotion of maize varieties were discussed.【Result】It is shown that during the period of 1972-2013, the total number of state and provincial accredited maize varieties was 6291, among which 503 were of state level, while the present state and provincial accredited variety number was 4882, among which 332 were of state level. A total of 1726 breeding organizations have records of accredited maize varieties, and scientific research institutions and seeds enterprises accounted for 48.3% and 46.6%, respectively, with an average of 7 and 3 varieties for each organization. A total of 8754 different parental inbred lines have been used in hybridization match of all accredited maize varieties, 19.4% of which were used repeatedly. The three most frequently used inbred lines were Mo17, Chang7-2 and Dan340. A record count of 1876 of all accredited maize varieties in 42 years have been withdrawn from promotion and the average employment period of such withdrawn varieties was 13.3a. Applications for new variety property have been filed for 29.2% of all accredited maize varieties in history and approved for only 15.1% of them.【Conclusion】During the recent 10 years, the number of accredited maize varieties at all levels increased steadily year by year, so was the maize variety inventory. In terms of trend, the northern area has more accredited varieties than the southern area and the number of accredited varieties in the eastern area increased faster than that in the western area. Of all breeding organizations, scientific research institutions acted as the main entity in terms of the quantity of accredited maize varieties and the number of accredited maize varieties of large-scale seeds enterprises increased remarkably. The number of newly-named parental inbred lines has increased rapidly, so the repeating rate of them has decreased year by year. The yearly number of accredited varieties withdrawn from promotion tends to be steady and fewer varieties are overlapped in both accreditation and property applications.

赵建栋, 李秀莲, 陈稳良, 史兴海, 高伟. 山西荞麦育种成就、存在问题及对策
农业科技通讯, 2019(7): 40-43.

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ZHAO J D, LI X L, CHEN W L, SHI X H, GAO W. Shanxi buckwheat breeding achievements, problems and countermeasures
Bulletin of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2019(7): 40-43. (in Chinese)

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ZHANG L J, LI X X, MA B, GAO Q, DU H L, HAN Y H, LI Y, CAO Y H, QI M, ZHU Y X, LU H W, MA M C, LIU L L, ZHOU J P, NAN C H, QIN Y J, WANG J, CUI L, LIU H M, LIANG C Z, QIAO Z J. The Tartary buckwheat genome provides insights into rutin biosynthesis and abiotic stress tolerance
Molecular Plant, 2017, 10(9): 1224-1237.

DOI:10.1016/j.molp.2017.08.013URLPMID:28866080 [本文引用: 1]
Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) is an important pseudocereal crop that is strongly adapted to growth in adverse environments. Its gluten-free grain contains complete proteins with a well-balanced composition of essential amino acids and is a rich source of beneficial phytochemicals that provide significant health benefits. Here, we report a high-quality, chromosome-scale Tartary buckwheat genome sequence of 489.3 Mb that is assembled by combining whole-genome shotgun sequencing of both Illumina short reads and single-molecule real-time long reads, sequence tags of a large DNA insert fosmid library, Hi-C sequencing data, and BioNano genome maps. We annotated 33 366 high-confidence protein-coding genes based on expression evidence. Comparisons of the intra-genome with the sugar beet genome revealed an independent whole-genome duplication that occurred in the buckwheat lineage after they diverged from the common ancestor, which was not shared with rosids or asterids. The reference genome facilitated the identification of many new genes predicted to be involved in rutin biosynthesis and regulation, aluminum stress resistance, and in drought and cold stress responses. Our data suggest that Tartary buckwheat's ability to tolerate high levels of abiotic stress is attributed to the expansion of several gene families involved in signal transduction, gene regulation, and membrane transport. The availability of these genomic resources will facilitate the discovery of agronomically and nutritionally important genes and genetic improvement of Tartary buckwheat.

宫风秋, 张莉, 李志西, 杜双奎, 金杰. 加工方式对传统荞麦制品芦丁含量及功能特性的影响
西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2007(9): 179-183.

URL [本文引用: 1]
为了分析不同加工方式对传统荞麦制品营养成分含量及功能特性的影响。利用高效液相色谱法测定了蒸、煮、烙、油炸和发酵等加工方式所得传统荞麦制品中的芦丁、槲皮素含量,对其制品的抗氧化能力进行了比较。结果表明,荞麦面粉加水调制成面团时,芦丁结构发生了变化,生成了槲皮素;传统荞麦制品中,槲皮素含量远高于芦丁含量;不同加工方式对芦丁和槲皮素含量的影响不同,发酵对荞麦中芦丁、槲皮素的影响最大(苦荞面粉中的芦丁含量为6 869.1 mg/kg,槲皮素未捡出;而苦荞醋中的芦丁含量为19.8 mg/kg,槲皮素含量为29.2 mg/kg),油炸次之,煮制对芦丁、槲皮素的影响最小;不同加工方式所得苦荞制品的甲醇提取物均具有一定的抗氧化能力,其中发酵制品的抗氧化能力最强,而油炸制品最弱。此结果提示人们在加工荞麦制品时,应尽量避免采用加热温度较高的烙制和油炸,可多采用煮制加工,以减少对荞麦制品品质的影响,同时应重视苦荞醋的研究与开发。
GONG F Q, ZHANG L, LI Z X, DU S K, JIN J. Effects of processing methods on rutin content and functional characteristics of traditional buckwheat products
Journal of Northwest A & F University(Natural Science Edition), 2007(9): 179-183. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
为了分析不同加工方式对传统荞麦制品营养成分含量及功能特性的影响。利用高效液相色谱法测定了蒸、煮、烙、油炸和发酵等加工方式所得传统荞麦制品中的芦丁、槲皮素含量,对其制品的抗氧化能力进行了比较。结果表明,荞麦面粉加水调制成面团时,芦丁结构发生了变化,生成了槲皮素;传统荞麦制品中,槲皮素含量远高于芦丁含量;不同加工方式对芦丁和槲皮素含量的影响不同,发酵对荞麦中芦丁、槲皮素的影响最大(苦荞面粉中的芦丁含量为6 869.1 mg/kg,槲皮素未捡出;而苦荞醋中的芦丁含量为19.8 mg/kg,槲皮素含量为29.2 mg/kg),油炸次之,煮制对芦丁、槲皮素的影响最小;不同加工方式所得苦荞制品的甲醇提取物均具有一定的抗氧化能力,其中发酵制品的抗氧化能力最强,而油炸制品最弱。此结果提示人们在加工荞麦制品时,应尽量避免采用加热温度较高的烙制和油炸,可多采用煮制加工,以减少对荞麦制品品质的影响,同时应重视苦荞醋的研究与开发。

赵玉平, 肖春玲. 苦荞麦不同器官总黄酮含量测定及分析
食品科学, 2004(10): 264-266.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Measurement of root, stem, leaves, flowers, hull, flour of the buckwheat. It was result that the buckwheat root contentwas 0.51%, the stem 1.25%, and the leaves 5.39%, The flowers 6.28, the grains 2.13%, the hull 1.06%, and the powder 2.31%.High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to determine the rutin of the organs. The sample was analyzed ona C18 column with methanol water (0.45% H3PO4)(55:45) and assayed by 260nm UV detector. The highest rutin content ofbuckwheat was in its every Organs。
ZHAO Y P, XIAO C L. Determination of total flavones on fagopyrum gaertn of variety organs
Food Science, 2004(10): 264-266. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
Measurement of root, stem, leaves, flowers, hull, flour of the buckwheat. It was result that the buckwheat root contentwas 0.51%, the stem 1.25%, and the leaves 5.39%, The flowers 6.28, the grains 2.13%, the hull 1.06%, and the powder 2.31%.High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to determine the rutin of the organs. The sample was analyzed ona C18 column with methanol water (0.45% H3PO4)(55:45) and assayed by 260nm UV detector. The highest rutin content ofbuckwheat was in its every Organs。

徐建飞, 金黎平. 马铃薯遗传育种研究:现状与展望
中国农业科学, 2017, 50(6): 990-1015.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.06.003URL [本文引用: 1]
Potato, the third most important food crop, plays a key role in global and China&rsquo;s food security. Improvement of varieties is a base for sustainable development of potato industry. Potatoes frequently suffer from diverse biotic and abiotic stress, so it is urgent to breed new varieties with better disease resistance, stress tolerance, tuber yield and quality as well as specific usage to meet the needs of potato processing and people nutrition. Potato breeding is a system combining germplasm evaluation and utilization, major traits genetics analysis, breeding technology application and variety extension and crop management together. Within a global conservation strategy there are about 65,000 accessions. Using a homozygous doubled-monoploid potato clone, 86% of the 844-megabase genome sequence are revealed and assembled, and 39,031 protein-coding genes are predicted. At present, re-sequencing of potato accessions is in process. Common cultivated potato is an asexual propagation tetraploid with tetrasomic inheritance and high heterozygosity. Nevertheless, inheritance of many major traits involving plant development and morphology, tuber quality, disease resistance and stress tolerance are revealed. A lot of genes determining potato major traits are mapped and cloned. Potato breeding technology involves conventional breeding, ploidy manipulation, marker-assisted selection, genetic engineering and promising genomic selection for complex traits. Since 1949, China potato breeding has achieved great progress that is reflected on growth of number of registered varieties. Dutch potato breeding ranks among the best in world and participatory potato breeding model is a successful practice for commercial breeding. In the future, it is a trend to breed superior and specific purpose varieties based on improvement of integrated breeding technology, innovation of breeding model and germplasm utilization.
XU J F, JIN L P. Advances and perspectives in research of potato genetics and breeding
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017, 50(6): 990-1015. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.06.003URL [本文引用: 1]
Potato, the third most important food crop, plays a key role in global and China&rsquo;s food security. Improvement of varieties is a base for sustainable development of potato industry. Potatoes frequently suffer from diverse biotic and abiotic stress, so it is urgent to breed new varieties with better disease resistance, stress tolerance, tuber yield and quality as well as specific usage to meet the needs of potato processing and people nutrition. Potato breeding is a system combining germplasm evaluation and utilization, major traits genetics analysis, breeding technology application and variety extension and crop management together. Within a global conservation strategy there are about 65,000 accessions. Using a homozygous doubled-monoploid potato clone, 86% of the 844-megabase genome sequence are revealed and assembled, and 39,031 protein-coding genes are predicted. At present, re-sequencing of potato accessions is in process. Common cultivated potato is an asexual propagation tetraploid with tetrasomic inheritance and high heterozygosity. Nevertheless, inheritance of many major traits involving plant development and morphology, tuber quality, disease resistance and stress tolerance are revealed. A lot of genes determining potato major traits are mapped and cloned. Potato breeding technology involves conventional breeding, ploidy manipulation, marker-assisted selection, genetic engineering and promising genomic selection for complex traits. Since 1949, China potato breeding has achieved great progress that is reflected on growth of number of registered varieties. Dutch potato breeding ranks among the best in world and participatory potato breeding model is a successful practice for commercial breeding. In the future, it is a trend to breed superior and specific purpose varieties based on improvement of integrated breeding technology, innovation of breeding model and germplasm utilization.
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