Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Phosphorus Flows in the Crop-Livestock System of Fujian Province from 1985 to 2015
LIU DongHui1,2, ZHANG ShiChang3, YANG Jing1,2, HUANG MengYuan1,2, WU LiangQuan1,21.College of Resources and Environment, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002 2.International Magnesium Institute, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002 3.Farmland Construction and Soil Fertilizer Technology Station of Fujian Province, Fuzhou 350003
Editor:YUEMei Received:2019-09-5Accepted:2019-10-15Online:2020-04-01 作者简介 About authors 刘东晖,。
摘要 【目的】探明福建省农牧系统磷素流动时间变化特征及其影响因素,为实施农牧系统养分资源综合管理和推进农业绿色发展提供科学依据。【方法】 通过整理福建省1985—2015年统计年鉴中农牧业产品活动数据和补充文献中农牧业产品养分参数,结合实地调研,使用NUFER (nutrient flows in food chain, environment and resources use) 模型,定量估算1985—2015年福建省种植业和养殖业磷素流动账户平衡、利用率与损失变化特征,明确影响农牧生产系统磷素流动的主要因素。【结果】 1985—2015年,福建省农牧生产系统磷素输入总量由63.1 Gg升至196.2 Gg,主要输入项为化肥投入及饲料进口,其中种植业单位面积化肥磷投入量由27.8 kg·hm-2逐渐上升并稳定于60.4 kg·hm-2,受福建省种植业及养殖业规模和结构变化影响,本地饲料磷供应量由3.33 Gg降至1.65 Gg,饲料磷进口数量由20.7 Gg增至70.2 Gg;农牧系统输出端,磷素输出总量由45.0 Gg增至90.9 Gg,主要输出项为作物主产品和粪尿损失,其中作物主产品变化较小,由24.3 Gg增至26.7 Gg,粪尿损失磷增加较多,由1.44 Gg增至25.8 Gg;在农牧系统内部,磷素的主要去向为土壤累积,且逐年上升,由18.1 Gg升至106 Gg,种植业磷素利用率(PUEc)由36.1%降至16.6%,农牧系统的磷素利用率(PUEc+a)变化趋势与PUEc相仿,逐渐下降并最终维持于15.0%,同时单位农牧产品磷损失由0.3 kg P·kg-1逐渐上升并稳定于1.3 kg P·kg-1。在经济发展和种植结构方面,当人均生产总值(GDP)<1.1万元时,GDP与化肥磷投入数量呈显著正相关,当GDP<1.5万元时,与单位农牧产品磷损失之间呈显著正相关,人均GDP<1.3万元时,与PUEc呈显著负相关;经济作物播种面积占比与单位农牧产品磷损失、化肥磷投入之间呈极显著正相关,与PUEc之间呈极显著负相关。【结论】 当前福建省种植业结构特征为经济作物播种面积占比较高,同时单位面积化肥磷投入量较大,养殖业畜禽粪尿循环不充分,导致单位农牧产品磷损失较多,同时磷素利用率偏低。因此,控制磷肥的施用量、增强农牧业废弃物资源化利用程度,将是提高福建省农牧系统磷素利用率,促进农牧业可持续绿色发展的保障。 关键词:磷素;NUFER模型;磷素利用率;农牧系统;经济作物占比
Abstract 【Objective】The objective of this study is to determine the temporal changes and influencing factors of phosphorus (P) flows in the crop-livestock system of Fujian Province, and to provide a scientific reference for integrated nutrient management and green development of agriculture.【Method】Using a coupled NUFER (nutrient flows in food chain, environment and resources use) model, data were collected and sorted from statistical yearbooks, literatures, and field investigations from 1985 to 2015 to quantitatively estimate the balance, use efficiency and loss characteristics of P flow in the crop-livestock system of Fujian Province. 【Result】The total P input in crop-livestock production system increased from 63.1 to 196.2 Gg in Fujian Province from 1985 to 2015. The main P format inputs were fertilizer and feed import. The amount of per unit area of P fertilizer input in crop system increased gradually from 27.8 to 60.4 kg·hm-2. Due to the influence of scale and structure change of crop-livestock system in Fujian Province, local feed supply decreased from 3.33 to 1.65 Gg, while the feed import increased from 20.7 to 70.2 Gg. From the output perspective, total P increased from 45.0 to 90.9 Gg, mainly including crop main product and animal manure loss. P uptake of crop main products changed slightly (only from 24.3 to 26.7 Gg), while the P loss in animal manure increased significantly from 1.44 to 25.8 Gg. Soil accumulation is the main loss pathway of P in crop-livestock system, which increased year by year from 18.1 to 106 Gg. P use efficiency in crop production system (PUEc) decreased from 36.1% to 16.6%, and the change trend of P use efficiency in crop-livestock system (PUEc+a) was similar to that of PUEc, which gradually decreased and eventually remained at 15.0%. In the same time, the unit P loss of crop-livestock products increased gradually from 0.3 to 1.3 kg P·kg-1. In terms of economic development and planting structure, there was a significant positive correlation between per capita GDP and fertilizer input when the per capita GDP was less than 11 000 yuan. When per capita GDP was less than 15 000 yuan, there was a significant positive correlation between per capita GDP and unit P loss of crop-livestock products, but there was a significantly negative correlation between per capita GDP and PUEc when per capita GDP was less than 13 000 yuan. The proportion of cash crops planting area was significantly and positively correlated with the unit P loss of crop-livestock products and P input of fertilizer, and it was significantly negatively correlated with PUEc.【Conclusion】At present, the cash crops planting area is relatively high, which is one of the structural characteristics of crop system in Fujian Province. At the same time, the unit area quantity of P input by fertilizer is large, circulation of animal manure is inadequate, which probably lead to more unit P loss in crop-livestock products, and low P use efficiency. Therefore, controlling the application amount of phosphate fertilizer and enhancing the utilization level in crop-livestock waste resources will be the guarantee in improving P use efficiency and promoting agriculture sustainable green development in Fujian Province. Keywords:phosphorus;NUFER model;phosphorus use efficiency;crop-livestock system;proportion of cash crops
PDF (870KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 刘东晖, 张世昌, 杨静, 黄梦元, 吴良泉. 1985—2015年福建省农牧系统磷素流动特征及影响因素[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(7): 1419-1431 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.07.011 LIU DongHui, ZHANG ShiChang, YANG Jing, HUANG MengYuan, WU LiangQuan. Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Phosphorus Flows in the Crop-Livestock System of Fujian Province from 1985 to 2015[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(7): 1419-1431 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.07.011
Fig. 1Schematic diagram of phosphorus flows model in crop-livestock production system
Table 1 表1 表1作物收获可(食)用部分和不可(食)用部分占比及其磷含量[21,22,23,24,25] Table 1Proportion of edible part and non-edible part of different crops and their phosphorus content
Fig. 3Changes of phosphorus flows of crop-livestock system of 1985 (A) and 2015 (B) in Fujian Province
2.3 福建省磷素利用率及单位农牧产品磷损失变化趋势
1985—2015年期间,福建省种植业中磷素利用率(PUEc)显著降低,由1985年的36.1%降至2015年的16.6%。养殖业中,畜牧业磷素利用率(PUEa)变化不大,停留于较低水平,2015年为4.7%。农牧系统的磷素利用率(PUEc+a)变化趋势与PUEc相仿,在1985年时最高,之后呈下降趋势,至2005年之后趋于平稳,维持在15.0%左右。单位农牧产品磷损失由1985年的0.3 kg P·kg-1开始逐渐上升,在2004年达到1.3 kg P·kg-1,之后稳定于此(图4)。
Fig. 5Relationship between per capita GDP of Fujian Province and input of fertilizer P (A), unit phosphorus loss of crop-livestock products (B) and PUEc (C) **: P<0.01
Fig. 6Relationship between the proportion of sown area of cash crops and input of fertilizer P (A), unit phosphorus loss of crop-livestock products (B) and PUEc (C)
3 讨论
3.1 福建省农牧生产系统磷素流动变化特征
福建省种植业单位面积磷素投入与输出总量变化特征为先增后保持平稳,这与福建省种植业规模及结构变化特征有关。一方面,1985—2000年福建省种植业播种面积增加明显,这是导致磷素投入和输出总量增加的直接原因;另一方面作物种植结构发生改变,粮食作物种植面积下降,经济作物种植面积逐渐增加,导致单位面积施肥量持续增加。以蜜柚种植为例,福建省平和县蜜柚农户年均常规施肥量为701 kg P2O5·hm-2[33],高于粮食作物的施肥用量(福建稻谷年均施肥量为98 kg P2O5·hm-2)[34]。同时,在2015年福建省化肥磷素施用水平为58.5 kg·hm-2(纯P),高于全国平均值46.1 kg·hm-2[20]。较高的磷肥投入是造成土壤磷素累积过多的直接原因,2015年福建省磷素土壤累积量达到48.3 kg·hm-2,约为1985年的3倍。过量的磷素投入也导致土壤速效磷含量上升迅速,LI等[35]研究表明,1980—2007年,我国南方地区土壤Olsen-P平均从7.4 mg·kg-1增至25.4 mg·kg-1,部分区域具有较高的磷淋洗风险。因此,定量化肥磷素合理投入量,加强作物养分管理,是减少磷素损失的关键。
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