Improving the Sensitivity of ELISA by Large-Capacity Reaction System of Aflatoxigenic Fungi-Biomarker in Agro-products
WEI Xiao1,2,4, ZHANG Qi1,2,3, ZHANG Wen1,3,5, LI Hui1,2,4, LI PeiWu1,2,3,4,51. Oil Crops Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan 430062 2. Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Oil Crops, Ministry of Agriculture, Wuhan 430062 3. Key Laboratory of Detection for Mycotoxins, Ministry of Agriculture, Wuhan 430062 4. Laboratory of Risk Assessment for Oilseeds Products (Wuhan) , Ministry of Agriculture, Wuhan 430062 5. Quality Inspection and Test Center for Oilseeds Products, Ministry of Agriculture, Wuhan 430062
Abstract 【Objective】In order to prevent and reduce the contamination by Aspergillus species from the source, a highly sensitive large-capacity reaction system DAS-ELISA was established, based on the biomarker PO8 protein of aflatoxigenic fungi. This study aimed to provide key technical support for pollution source monitoring. 【Method】 In this study, the dry mycelium was used as a reference for the biomarker PO8 protein, the mycelia lysate made by high pressure homogenization was used as envelope antigen, the purified PO8-VHH was used as capture antibody, and rabbit polyclonal antibody against Aspergillus was used as detection antibody. The antigen and antibody were added to the 96-well microtiter plate at 200 μL/well, and the sandwich ELISA for the large-capacity reaction system was carried out. Based on the principle that the positive hole OD450nm≥1.0, the positive hole OD450nm/negative hole OD450nm was higher to determine the optimal experimental conditions and to establish a standard curve. The performance of the established sandwich ELISA method was evaluated by spike-and-recovery test, repeatability test and specific test. 【Result】 Assays were performed in the PO8-VHH (3 μg?mL -1) coated ELISA format, in which the detection antibody was 2.5 μg?mL -1 diluted. The optimized physicochemical factors in the performance were obtained: the antibody coating condition was 4℃ overnight, the blocking reagent was 3% BSA, the blocking condition was 37℃ 2 h, and the polyclonal antibody working time was 50 min. The standard curve was established under the optimal conditions, the minimum detectable limit was 0.1 μg?mL -1. This method was specific, with no cross reaction with HBHA, FO, FV, and AO. Meanwhile, the inter-assay repetition rate was 1.5%-5.8% and intra-assay repetition rate was 0.4%-3.2%, both lower than 10%, indicating it was good repeatability. Non-aflatoxigenic fungi had lower values, close to negative value. 【Conclusion】 The large-capacity reaction system sandwich ELISA method established in this study could quickly and accurately detect aflatoxigenic fungi, which laid a foundation for further control of aflatoxin contamination from the source. Keywords:agro-products;Aspergillus flavus;nanobody;ELISA;biomarker
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