

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

张惠媛,1, 刘永伟,2, 杨军峰3, 张双喜4, 于太飞1, 陈隽1, 陈明1, 周永斌1, 马有志1, 徐兆师,1, 付金东,11 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所/国家农作物基因资源与基因改良重大科学工程/农业部麦类生物学与遗传育种重点实验室,北京 100081
2 河北省农林科学院遗传生理研究所/河北省植物转基因中心,石家庄 050051
3 河北旺丰种业有限公司,河北邢台 054900
4 宁夏农林科学院农作物研究所,宁夏永宁 750105

Identification and Analysis of Salt Tolerance of Wheat Transcription Factor TaWRKY33 Protein

ZHANG HuiYuan,1, LIU YongWei,2, YANG JunFeng3, ZHANG ShuangXi4, YU TaiFei1, CHEN Jun1, CHEN Ming1, ZHOU YongBin1, MA YouZhi1, XU ZhaoShi,1, FU JinDong,1 1 Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement/Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Triticeae Crops, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081
2 Institute of Genetics and Physiology, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences/Plant Genetic Engineering Center of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050051
3 Hebei Wangfeng Seed Industry Co., Ltd. Xingtai 054900, Hebei
4 Institute of Crop Science, Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Yongning 750105, Ningxia


第一联系人: 张惠媛,E-mail: zhuiyuan31@126.com。刘永伟,E-mail: liuywmail@126.com。张惠媛和刘永伟为同等贡献作者。
河北省现代农业科技创新工程项目.494-0402- JBN-C7GQ


目的 WRKY转录因子是植物转录调节因子家族之一,参与调控植物病原菌的防御、生长发育和抗逆应答等多种生理过程。小麦WRKY转录因子基因TaWRKY33可以提高转基因拟南芥对干旱和高温的抗性。通过分析TaWRKY33的耐盐性,检测TaWRKY33转录因子的转录活性,深入分析转录因子基因TaWRKY33的功能,以解析其耐盐调控机制。方法 以盐胁迫处理的小麦cDNA为模板,利用实时荧光定量PCR检测TaWRKY33在盐胁迫条件下的表达模式;将TaWRKY33的CDS序列插入带有CaMV35S启动子的pCAMBIA1302表达载体中,构建表达载体pCAMBIA1302- TaWRKY33,转入农杆菌,侵染野生型拟南芥获得转基因株系;同时利用pWMB110-TaWRKY33双元载体创建了过表达小麦株系。用转TaWRKY33的拟南芥和小麦进行耐盐性鉴定。构建诱饵载体pGBKT7-TaWRKY33,通过单转法将诱饵载体pGBKT7-TaWRKY33重组质粒和文库质粒逐步转化到酵母AH109感受态细胞。通过SD/-Trp/-Leu/-His/-Ade和X-α-gal显蓝反应筛选得到阳性克隆,进行测序和BLAST分析。制备小麦原生质体,通过瞬时表达试验共转化报告子和效应子质粒,计算相对荧光值分析转录因子的转录活性。结果 实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,TaWRKY33受盐胁迫的诱导表达。双荧光素酶瞬时表达试验表明TaWRKY33在小麦细胞中可以激活相应荧光素酶的活性。从功能分析,在正常生长条件下转基因拟南芥和野生型拟南芥没有明显差异;在盐处理条件下,转基因拟南芥的根长大于野生型拟南芥的根长;过表达拟南芥的鲜重大于野生型,呈显著性差异。重要的是,在盐处理下,鲜重、相对电导率和Na +含量表明,过表达TaWRKY33的小麦较其受体对照有更好的耐盐性。对TaWRKY33候选互作蛋白分析表明,这些候选互作蛋白主要参与植物体的信号转导或免疫过程,表明TaWRKY33在植物的逆境信号转导、基因转录调控过程中发挥着重要作用。结论 小麦TaWRKY33受盐胁迫的诱导表达,具有潜在的转录激活活性,提高了转基因拟南芥和小麦的耐盐性;TaWRKY33可能需要其他蛋白共同作用提高小麦耐盐性。
关键词: 小麦;WRKY转录因子;酵母双杂;蛋白互作;耐盐性

【Objective】 WRKY transcription factors are one of the largest families of transcriptional regulators in plants which functions in the regulation of various physiological programs, including pathogen defense, growth, development and abiotic stresses. Wheat transcription factor TaWRKY33 enhanced drought and heat tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. To further investigate its function and stress response mechanism, this article studied its salt tolerance and screened wheat cDNA library to obtain its putative interacting proteins by yeast two-hybrid system. Meanwhile, dual luciferase system was used to detect transcriptional activity of TaWRKY33 transcription factors.【Method】TaWRKY33 was tested under salt stress using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) based on SYBR Green I technology. The coding sequence of TaWRKY33 was cloned into pBI121 driven by CaMV35S promoter. The construct was transformed mediated by Agrobacterium into Arabidopsis plants (Col-0) to obtain transgenic lines. Meanwhile, pWMB110- TaWRKY33 binary vector was used to create over expressed wheat lines. Homozygous T3 seeds of Arabidopsis transgenic lines and T2 wheat overexpression lines were used for salt tolerance analysis. The wheat cDNA was used as the template for amplifying the TaWRKY33 coding sequence, and the bait plasmid pGBKT7- TaWRKY33 was constructed. We transformed the recombinant plasmid and cDNA library into yeast cell AH109. We screened positive clones via SD/-Trp/-Leu/-His/-Ade and SD/Raf/Gal/X-α-gal plate. Predicted clones were sequenced and analyzed by BLAST. The protoplasts of wheat were prepared, and the reporters and effector plasmids were transformed by transient expression experiments, and the relative fluorescence values were calculated to illustrate transcription activity of transcription factors. 【Result】 qRT-PCR analysis showed that TaWRKY33 was induced by salt. The transient expression experiment of double luciferase showed that TaWRKY33 could activate the luciferase activity in wheat cells. From the perspective of functional analysis, formed longer roots compared with wild type plants, the fresh weight of overexpressing Arabidopsis was significantly different from that of wild type. Importantly, from the perspective of fresh weight, relative electrical conductivity and Na + content in salt treatment showed that wheat with overexpression of TaWRKY33 had better salt tolerance than control. Through preliminary analysis, the candidate proteins screened by yeast two-hybrid system showed influence on signal transduction and immune process, which demonstrates that TaWRKY33 plays an important role in stress signal transduction and gene transcription regulation in plants.【Conclusion】 Salt-inducible TaWRKY33 improved salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis and wheat and it has potential transcriptional activation activity in cells; TaWRKY33 might function via interacting with a diverse array of protein partners.
Keywords:Triticum aestivum;WRKY transcription factor;yeast two-hybrid system;protein interaction;salt tolerance

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张惠媛, 刘永伟, 杨军峰, 张双喜, 于太飞, 陈隽, 陈明, 周永斌, 马有志, 徐兆师, 付金东. 小麦转录因子基因TaWRKY33的耐盐性分析[J]. 中国农业科学, 2018, 51(24): 4591-4602 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.24.001
ZHANG HuiYuan, LIU YongWei, YANG JunFeng, ZHANG ShuangXi, YU TaiFei, CHEN Jun, CHEN Ming, ZHOU YongBin, MA YouZhi, XU ZhaoShi, FU JinDong. Identification and Analysis of Salt Tolerance of Wheat Transcription Factor TaWRKY33 Protein[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2018, 51(24): 4591-4602 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.24.001

0 引言

【研究意义】作物在生命周期内会不可避免的遭受干旱和高盐等非生物逆境胁迫,影响作物正常的生长,由此造成减产,品质降低,严重影响作物的经济产量。植物在进化过程中形成了一个复杂的信号转导网络[1,2],因此,研究植物对逆境信号的感知、传递以及适应性响应的分子机制,对于阐明植物适应逆境机理,提高作物抗性具有重要意义。【前人研究进展】转录因子(transcription factors,TFs)是信号传递和基因表达调控过程的重要环节。根据基序保守性将植物体众多转录因子[3]分成包括WRKY在内的若干个家族[1,2]。WRKY转录因子在植物中分布广泛,通过信号网络参与多个植物生命过程的调节。WRKY转录因子的N端含有WRKY结构域,在少数WRKY蛋白中其被WRRY、WSKY、WKRY、WVKY或WKKY代替[4]。WRKY家族可以被进一步分为3个亚族GroupⅠ、GroupⅡ和GroupⅢ;依据系统发育数据分析,高等植物WRKY家族GroupⅡ被精确地分为Ⅱa+Ⅱb、Ⅱc和Ⅱd+Ⅱe[5,6]。据报道,WRKY转录因子家族广泛参与植物的生物胁迫响应[7]。近几年,WRKY转录因子通过ABA介导对植物逆境的应答,在受到非生物胁迫信号时,能够调控下游抗逆相关功能基因的表达,增强植株的抗逆性[8,9,10]。过表达OsWRKY45提高了水稻对盐和干旱的抗性[11]。拟南芥AtWRKY46调节渗透胁迫应答和气孔运动[12]。过表达和RNA干扰试验表明大豆GmWRKY27通过抑制其下游抗逆负调因子GmNAC29的表达,从而提高转基因大豆发状根对盐和干旱的抗性[13]。因此,深入研究WRKY转录因子基因的作用机制对提高作物抗性有着重要的现实意义。一般蛋白质行使功能时,需要与其他蛋白质或者其他分子相互作用才能完成。因而,在蛋白质互作水平上研究蛋白质作用机制对理解蛋白质功能具有重要的意义。研究发现,蛋白激酶级联反应OsMKK4-OsMPK3/OsMPK6调控了水稻WRKY转录因子OsWRKY53的激活活性,从而提高植物抗性[14]。目前,关于小麦WRKY转录因子与其他蛋白之间互作的研究还很少。因此,在小麦中寻找与WRKY转录因子互作的蛋白,对于进一步了解小麦WRKY转录因子的作用机制具有重要意义。【本研究切入点】近年来,对WRKY转录因子的研究除抗病之外还集中在发芽、衰老和响应非生物胁迫几方面。然而,大多数还是集中在模式植物,小麦耐盐WRKY蛋白还鲜有报道。【拟解决的关键问题】HE等[15]从小麦中克隆获得一个抗逆相关WRKY转录因子基因TaWRKY33,在ABA和干旱应答信号网络中发挥重要作用。本研究拟通过实时荧光定量PCR鉴定TaWRKY33在盐胁迫下的表达表达模式,通过转基因小麦和转基因拟南芥研究其对盐的响应;利用酵母双杂交技术以pGBKT7-TaWRKY33作为诱饵筛选小麦cDNA文库,得到可能与其互作的候选蛋白,为研究小麦WRKY转录因子的耐盐性提供线索。

1 材料与方法

1.1 植物材料及生长环境

小白麦(Triticum aestivum L.)获赠于中国农业科学院作物科学研究所景蕊莲研究员。播种及生长条件参考文献[15],通过对温室中2周龄的小麦植株进行盐(150 mmol·L-1 NaCl)处理,并分别于0、0.5、1、2、6、12和24 h取样,液氮迅速冷冻,-80℃保存备用。

1.2 小麦原生质体制备及双荧光素酶表达系统

提前配置纤维素酶解液,原生质体制备参考ABEL等[16]。选取1周龄小白麦幼嫩的叶片,切成0.5—1 mm,浸入纤维素酶解液中,黑暗条件下,真空泵抽30 min;然后黑暗条件下室温50 r/min酶解约3 h;用W5(154 mmol·L-1 NaC1、125 mmol·L-1 CaC12、5 mmol·L-1 KC1和5 mmol·L-1 glucose,pH5.6)溶液润湿的60—100目筛子过滤含有原生质体的酶解液,1 030 r/min离心1 min,收集原生质体;再用适量的预冷的W5温和重悬,冰上静置30 min后1 030 r/min离心1 min,用适量的MMG重悬原生质体,使之终浓度为2×105个/mL。

双荧光素酶系统质粒由中国农业科学院生物所林浩研究员转赠。将报告因子质粒和效应因子质粒共转入110 μL的原生质体,质粒总量为15—20 μg,然后加入1.1×体积的PEG4000溶液,轻柔混合,室温诱导转化30 min。最后用400 μL的W5溶液混合终止反应,1 030 r/min离心1 min,取上清,加入1 mL W5溶液,离心1 min,取上清,加入200 μL W5溶液,23℃黑暗孵育16 h。遵照双荧光素酶检测试剂盒Dual- Luciferase? Reporter Assay System(Promega,E1910)分别检测萤火虫荧光素酶(firefly luciferase)和海肾荧光素酶(renilla luciferase)。瞬时表达试验重复3次。

1.3 载体的构建



小麦双元表达载体的构建:将TaWRKY33插入到由泛素启动子驱动的pAHC25载体中,bar作为植物中的筛选标记基因。将构建好的pWMB110- TaWRKY33转染到EHA105农杆菌中。

1.4 酵母感受态细胞的制备及自激活的验证

按照试剂盒说明书(MATCHMAK2 ER pLexA two-Hybrid User Manual,yeast Protocols Handbook)制备酵母感受态。TaWRKY33诱饵载体的自激活验证参考文献[17]。

1.5 酵母双杂系统筛选核库及阳性克隆的分析

挑取SD/-Trp单缺平板的单克隆于800 μL的-Trp单缺液体培养基中,30℃,230 r/min振荡培养8 h,用PCR技术进行菌液检测。PCR产物经1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳,将带有pGBKT7-TaWRKY33重组质粒的正确酵母菌液制备酵母感受态细胞见于太飞等[17]。核库筛选过程见参考文献[17]。

用1 mL YPDA液体培养基培养阳性酵母单克隆,用于PCR检测。将插入片段大小在1 000 bp左右的酵母单克隆的质粒转化到Trans10(TransGen,北京)感受态,菌液测序结果通过DNAMAN软件进行多重序列比对后在NCBI网站进行BLAST同源性分析。

1.6 荧光定量qRT-PCR分析

用试剂盒(TransGen Biotech,北京)提取不同时间盐处理的小麦样品RNA,反转录合成第一链cDNA。设计TaWRKY33引物(TaWRKY33F:5′-GCGAGATGC TCAGGGAGGTG-3′,反向引物序列TaWRKY33R:5′-ACGGCTGGTTGTTGTAGTGGC-3′)进行表达模式分析,反应体系及扩增程序参考文献[15]。以小麦Actin 2为内参,每个反应3次重复。按照2-ΔΔCT法分析目的基因的相对表达量及其标准差。

1.7 相对电导率

分别取自然条件下生长和0.6%盐处理条件下两叶期野生型冬小麦和过表达冬小麦叶片0.1 g,浸入20 mL蒸馏水中,抽真空30 min后室温静置2 h,测得起始电导率值S1。然后将试管沸水煮30 min,待冷却至室温测得最终电导率值S2。相对电导率计算公式为REC = S1×100/S2。

2 结果

2.1 TaWRKY33结构及编码氨基酸的保守域分析

前期研究中,从小麦中获得一个干旱响应的WRKY转录因子基因TaWRKY33[15],通过进一步解析TaWRKY33的结构及编码氨基酸的特点。发现TaWRKY33含有2个外显子和1个内含子(图1-A),内含子含有典型的GT-AG序列。经Ensembl Plants基因组数据库BLAST分析,TaWRKY33位于小麦6B染色体上。

WRKY转录因子家族序列十分保守,通过在线BLAST分析TaWRKY33蛋白序列,得到CDD中与其WRKY基序(WRKY motif)相似度较高的不同物种的WRKY基因。


2.2 TaWRKY33启动子序列的分析

TaWRKY33对干旱、ABA胁迫均有响应[15]。为进一步解析挖掘TaWRKY33在逆境响应方面的功能,首先分析了TaWRKY3启动子的顺式元件。通过对起始密码子ATG上游1 281 bp序列的分析显示,TaWRKY33的启动子区含有多种与逆境应答相关的元件,例如元件HSE(热响应元件)、ABRE(ABA应答元件)、BOXI与Sp1(光应答元件)、MBS(非生物胁迫诱导的MYB结合元件)和TC-rich repeats(与防御和逆境响应相关的元件)等(图2),说明TaWRKY3启动子可能对干旱、ABA以外的胁迫有响应。另外还包含与发育相关的顺式元件(图2)。



Fig. 1Gene structure, WRKY motif and phylogenetic analysis of TaWRKY33



Fig. 2Cis-element analysis of TaWRKY33 promoter

2.2 TaWRKY33受盐胁迫的诱导表达

为进一步研究TaWRKY33对盐胁迫的响应,用qRT-PCR分析NaCl处理下的表达模式。结果表明,TaWRKY33在盐胁迫处理下被缓慢诱导表达(图3)。转录水平在150 mmol·L-1 NaCl盐处理后0.5 h时开始上升,在2 h时相对转录水平达到最大值。此后表达量迅速下降,处理后12 h相对表达水平逐渐恢复到本底水平。


图3TaWRKY33在150 mmol·L-1 NaCl盐处理条件下的表达模式分析

Fig. 3The expression pattern of TaWRKY33 under 150 mmol·L-1 NaCl treatment

2.3 TaWRKY33提高了转基因拟南芥在盐胁迫下根的伸长


通过进一步观察并统计在NaCl处理条件下过表达拟南芥和野生型拟南芥根伸长情况,在正常培养条件下,与野生型拟南芥相比,过表达拟南芥根长无明显差异(图4)。在含有75 mmol·L-1 NaCl培养基上,与野生型拟南芥相比,过表达拟南芥的根长较长,达到显著水平;而在含100 mmol·L-1 NaCl的培养基上,过表达拟南芥总根与野生型拟南芥的总根长均受到明显的抑制,过表达拟南芥的根长比野生型拟南芥的根长略有优势,说明TaWRKY33过表达影响了转基因拟南芥的发芽率(图4-E—图4-F)和根的生长,但在幼苗期对植株的耐盐性只在低盐浓度下有明显效果(图4-A—图4-D)。



Fig. 4Total root length of Arabidopsis under salt stress

2.4 WRKY33蛋白作为核转录激活因子

WRKY类转录因子分为3个亚组。TaWRKY33蛋白属于第二亚组,含有一个保守的WRKY结构域和一个C2H2锌指结构。小麦原生质体瞬时表达证明WRKY33定位在细胞核[15]。为进一步探究其在细胞内的转录活性,利用瞬时双荧光酶系统检测TaWRKY33转录因子在小麦原生质体中的转录活性。融合表达5×GAL4结合位点的Firefly luciferase(LUC)基因作为报告因子,由35S启动子驱动表达的Renilla luciferase(REN)基因作为内参。与此同时,TaWRKY33蛋白融合GAL4结合结构域组成效应子。与对照相比,TaWRKY33明显激活了相关荧光素酶的活性(图5),说明TaWRKY33在植物细胞中具有潜在的转录激活活性。

2.5 诱饵载体的构建及自激活检测

为解析TaWRKY33的抗性机理,利用酵母双杂筛选其可能的候选互作蛋白。将TaWRKY33编码序列构建到pGBKT7诱饵载体,用PCR技术进行菌液检测,琼脂糖电泳得到与目的片段大小相符的单一条带约1 100 bp(图6),经测序和序列比对,提取正确的重组质粒pGBKT7-TaWRKY33。

为检测TaWRKY33的自激活活性,将pGBKT7- TaWRKY33重组质粒转入酵母感受态中,然后涂布于SD/-Trp、SD/-Trp/-Ade和SD/-Trp/-His的固体培养基上,倒置培养2—4 d(图6),只在SD/-Trp培养基长出酵母菌落,而SD/-Trp/-Ade和SD/-Trp/-His平板上没有菌落长出,表明pGBKT7-TaWRKY33成功转入酵母感受态细胞,且TaWRKY33无自激活活性。



Fig. 5TaWRKY33 upregulates relative luciferase activity



Fig. 6Amplification and Auto-activity assays of TaWRKY33

2.6 TaWRKY33互作蛋白的筛选

WRKY转录因子多与其他转录因子、激酶相互作用,共同参与植物的抗逆过程。为了进一步解析TaWRKY33的抗性机理,利用酵母双杂系统筛选其可能的候选蛋白。利用pGBKT7-TaWRKY33诱饵载体筛选小麦cDNA文库,将转化后的酵母细胞涂布于营养缺陷型SD/-Trp/-Leu/-His/-Ade固体平板上,在30℃培养箱中倒置培养4 d左右,挑取直径大于2 mm的单克隆,分别用YPDA培养基活化并点涂于SD/-Trp/- Leu/-His/-Ade/X-α-gal平板上,筛选蓝色阳性克隆(图7-B)。



Fig. 7Screening of TaWRKY33-interacting proteins

2.7 互作蛋白的序列比对分析

将酵母阳性克隆进行菌液PCR检测,结果显示,筛出的互作基因的片段大部分集中在1 000 bp左右(图8)。提取扩增条带大小在750 bp以上的单克隆酵母质粒,进而转化TOP10大肠杆菌并测序,经BLAST比对(表1),发现筛选出的互作候选蛋白包括介导细胞内代谢物质交换的蛋白、 植物抗逆应答及蛋白修复功能相关蛋白和其他 一些编码功能未知蛋白,这些基因可能参与植物 能量代谢、胁迫响应、防御、生长发育等一些生理过程。



Fig. 8PCR identification of candidate clones

2.8 转TaWRKY33小麦的耐盐性鉴定


3 讨论

3.1 WRKY与多种蛋白互作行使功能




Fig. 9Identification and analysis of salt tolerance of TaWRKY33 transgenic wheat

3.2 候选蛋白的生物功能


Table 1
Table 1BLAST analysis and predicted functions of candidate genes
The proteins interacting with TaWRKY33
GenBank accession No.
乙醇酸氧化酶Glycolate oxidase
糖酵解过程Glycolytic process
One of the key enzymes in photorespiration where it oxidizes glycolate to glyoxylate
Chloroplast ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase small subunit (rbcS) gene
To catalyze the primary CO2 fixation step in the reductive pentose phosphate pathway
Chlorophyll a/b-binding protein
To utilizie light energy to assimilate carbon dioxide in photosynthesis
synthase gamma subunit
To form the ATP synthase with other subunits
Cysteine proteinase inhibitor
Protect cells from inappropriate endogenous or external proteolysis and may regulate intra-or extracellular protein breakdown
To be involved in the ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation pathway and the DNA repair pathway
电压依赖性阴离子通道VDAC3X82148电压门控离子通道活性Vo ltage-gated anion channel activity
Up-regulated by the imposition of aluminum, high-salt, and drought stress
尿酸氧化酶Urate oxidase
未知蛋白Unknown protein
Controls plant epidermal traits, and the combination and interaction of these regulatory proteins determine the set of downstream genes to be expressed
This protein is involved in step 1 of the subpathway that synthesizes (S)-allantoin from urate
Triticum aestivum chromosome 3B, genomic scaffold


3.3 遗传学分析TaWRKY33的耐盐性


4 结论


参考文献 原文顺序

XU Z S, CHEN M, LI L C, MA Y Z . Functions of the ERF transcription factor family in plants
Botany, 2008,86(9):969-977.

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XU Z S, CHEN M, LI L C, MA Y Z . Functions and application of the AP2/ERF transcription factor family in crop improvement
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2011,53(7):570-585.

DOI:10.1111/j.1744-7909.2011.01062.xURLPMID:21676172Magsci [本文引用: 2]
You-Zhi Ma (Corresponding author)Plants have acquired sophisticated stress response systems to adapt to changing environments. It is important to understand plants鈥 stress response mechanisms in the effort to improve crop productivity under stressful conditions. The AP2/ERF transcription factors are known to regulate diverse processes of plant development and stress responses. In this study, the molecular characteristics and biological functions of AP2/ERFs in a variety of plant species were analyzed. AP2/ERFs, especially those in DREB and ERF subfamilies, are ideal candidates for crop improvement because their overexpression enhances tolerances to drought, salt, freezing, as well as resistances to multiple diseases in the transgenic plants. The comprehensive analysis of physiological functions is useful in elucidating the biological roles of AP2/ERF family genes in gene interaction, pathway regulation, and defense response under stress environments, which should provide new opportunities for the crop tolerance engineering.

RIECHMANN J L, HEARD J, MARTIN G, REUBER L, JIANG C Z, KEDDIE J, ADAM L, PINEDA O, RATCLIFFE O J, SAMAHA R R, CREELMAN R, PILGRIM M, BROUN P, ZHANG J Z, GHANDEHARI D , SHERMAN B K L, YU G .Arabidopsis transcription factors: genome-wide comparative analysis among eukaryotes
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XIE Z, ZHANG Z L, ZOU X, HUANG J, RUAS P, THOMPSON D, SHEN Q J . Annotations and functional analyses of the rice WRKY gene superfamily reveal positive and negative regulators of abscisic acid signaling in aleurone cells
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RUSHTON P J, BOKOWIEC M T, HAN S, ZHANG H, BRANNOCK J F, CHEN X, LAUDEMAN T W, TIMKO M P . Tobacco transcription factors: Novel insights into transcriptional regulation in the solanaceae
Plant Physiology, 2008,147(1):280-295.

DOI:10.1104/pp.107.114041URLPMID:18337489 [本文引用: 1]
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) is a member of the Solanaceae, one of the agronomically most important groups of flowering plants. We have performed an in silico analysis of 1.15 million gene-space sequence reads from the tobacco nuclear genome and report the detailed analysis of more than 2,500 tobacco transcription factors (TFs). The tobacco genome contains at least one member of each of the 64 well-characterized TF families identified in sequenced vascular plant genomes, indicating that evolution of the Solanaceae was not associated with the gain or loss of TF families. However, we found notable differences between tobacco and non-Solanaceae species in TF family size and evidence for both tobacco- and Solanaceae-specih'c subfamily expansions. Compared with TF families from sequenced plant genomes, tobacco has a higher proportion of ERF/ AP2, C2H2 zinc finger, homeodomain, GRF, TCP, zinc finger homeodomain, BES, and STERILE APETALA (SAP) genes and novel subfamilies of BES, C2H2 zinc finger, SAP, and NAC genes. The novel NAC subfamily, termed TNACS, appears restricted to the Solanaceae, as they are absent from currently sequenced plant genomes but present in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), pepper (Capsicum annuum), and potato (Solanum tuberosum). They constitute approximately 25% of NAC genes in tobacco. Based on our phylogenetic studies, we predict that many of the more than 50 tobacco group IX ERF genes are involved in jasmonate responses. Consistent with this, over two-thirds of group IX ERF genes tested showed increased mRNA levels following jasmonate treatment. Our data are a major resource for the Solanaceae and fill a void in studies of TF families across the plant kingdom.

ZHANG Y, WANG L . The WRKY transcription factor superfamily: Its origin in eukaryotes and expansion in plants
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2005,5(1):1.

DOI:10.1186/1471-2148-5-1URLPMID:544883Magsci [本文引用: 1]
pAbstract/p pBackground/p pWRKY proteins are newly identified transcription factors involved in many plant processes including plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. To date, genes encoding WRKY proteins have been identified only from plants. Comprehensive search for WRKY genes in non-plant organisms and phylogenetic analysis would provide invaluable information about the origin and expansion of the WRKY family./p pResults/p pWe searched all publicly available sequence data for WRKY genes. A single copy of the WRKY gene encoding two WRKY domains was identified from itGiardia lamblia/it, a primitive eukaryote, itDictyostelium discoideum/it, a slime mold closely related to the lineage of animals and fungi, and the green alga itChlamydomonas reinhardtii/it, an early branching of plants. This ancestral WRKY gene seems to have duplicated many times during the evolution of plants, resulting in a large family in evolutionarily advanced flowering plants. In rice, the WRKY gene family consists of over 100 members. Analyses suggest that the C-terminal domain of the two-WRKY-domain encoding gene appears to be the ancestor of the single-WRKY-domain encoding genes, and that the WRKY domains may be phylogenetically classified into five groups. We propose a model to explain the WRKY familys origin in eukaryotes and expansion in plants./p pConclusions/p pWRKY genes seem to have originated in early eukaryotes and greatly expanded in plants. The elucidation of the evolution and duplicative expansion of the WRKY genes should provide valuable information on their functions./p

DONG J, CHEN C, CHEN Z . Expression profiles of the Arabidopsis WRKY gene superfamily during plant defense response
Plant Molecular Biology, 2003,51(1):21-37.

DOI:10.1023/A:1020780022549URLPMID:12602888Magsci [本文引用: 1]
WRKY proteins are a recently identified class of DNA-binding proteins that recognize the TTGAC(C/T) W-box elements found in the promoters of a large number of plant defense-related genes. With oligo molecules containing the W-box sequences as probes, we detected a number of WRKY DNA-binding activities in Arabidopsis that were induced by salicylic acid (SA). Search of the Arabidopsis genome identifies 72 genes encoding proteins characteristic of WRKY DNA-binding transcription factors that can be divided into three groups based on the number and structures of their WRKY zinc-finger motifs. Northern blotting analysis revealed that 49 of the 72 AtWRKY genes were differentially regulated in the plants infected by an avirulent strain of the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae or treated by SA. These pathogen- and/or SA-regulated WRKY genes can be further categorized into groups based on their expression patterns in both wild-type plants and mutants defective in defense signaling pathways. Inspection of the 5 sequences upstream of the predicated translation start sites revealed a substantial enrichment of W boxes in the promoters of pathogen- and/or SA-regulated Arabidopsis WRKY genes. These results suggest that defense-regulated expression of WRKY genes involves extensive transcriptional activation and repression by its own members of the transcription factor superfamily.

SEKI M, UMEZAWA T, URANO K, SHINOZAKI K . Regulatory metabolic networks in drought stress responses
Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2007,10(3):296-302.

DOI:10.1016/j.pbi.2007.04.014URLPMID:17468040Magsci [本文引用: 1]
Plants must adapt to drought stress to survive. The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) is produced under drought stress conditions and is essential for the response to drought stress. The ABA level plays an important role in the response, and several enzymes for ABA biosynthesis and catabolism have been identified. Physiological studies have shown that several metabolites accumulate and function as osmolytes under drought stress conditions. Many drought-inducible genes with various functions have been identified, and transgenic plants that harbor these genes have shown increased tolerance to drought.

MA T, LI M, ZHAO A, XU X, LIU G, CHENG L . Lcwrky5: An unknown function gene from sheepgrass improves drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis.
Plant Cell Reports, 2014,33(9):1507-1518.

DOI:10.1007/s00299-014-1634-3URLPMID:24913125 [本文引用: 1]
Key message The expression of LcWRKY5 was induced significantly by salinity, mannitol and cutting treatments. Arabidopsis- overexpressing LcWRKY5greatly increased dehydration tolerance by regulating...

LEE B H, HENDERSON D A, ZHU J K . The Arabidopsis cold-responsive transcriptome and its regulation by ice1.
The Plant Cell, 2005,17(11):3155-3175.

DOI:10.1105/tpc.105.035568URLPMID:16214899 [本文引用: 1]
To understand the gene network controlling tolerance to cold stress, we performed an Arabidopsis thaliana genome transcript expression profile using Affymetrix GeneChips that contain 鈭24,000 genes. We statistically determined 939 cold-regulated genes with 655 upregulated and 284 downregulated. A large number of early cold-responsive genes encode transcription factors that likely control late-responsive genes, suggesting a multitude of transcriptional cascades. In addition, many genes involved in chromatin level and posttranscriptional regulation were also cold regulated, suggesting their involvement in cold-responsive gene regulation. A number of genes important for the biosynthesis or signaling of plant hormones, such as abscisic acid, gibberellic acid, and auxin, are regulated by cold stress, which is of potential importance in coordinating cold tolerance with growth and development. We compared the cold-responsive transcriptomes of the wild type and inducer of CBF expression 1 (ice1), a mutant defective in an upstream transcription factor required for chilling and freezing tolerance. The transcript levels of many cold-responsive genes were altered in the ice1 mutant not only during cold stress but also before cold treatments. Our study provides a global picture of the Arabidopsis cold-responsive transcriptome and its control by ICE1 and will be valuable for understanding gene regulation under cold stress and the molecular mechanisms of cold tolerance.

QIU Y, YU D . Over-expression of the stress-induced oswrky45 enhances disease resistance and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis.
Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2009,65(1):35-47.

DOI:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2008.07.002URL [本文引用: 1]
The WRKY transcriptional factor superfamily regulates diverse functions, including processes such as plant development and stress response. In this study, we have shown that the rice WRKY45 ( OsWRKY45) expression is markedly induced in response to stress-related hormone abscisic acid (ABA) and various stress factors, e.g., application of NaCl, PEG, mannitol or dehydration, treatment with 0 C and 42 C as well as infection by Pyricularia oryzae Cav. and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Together, these results indicate that the OsWRKY45 may be involved in the signal pathways of both biotic and abiotic stress response. Further analyses of 35S: OsWRK45 Arabidopsis plants have shown that ectopic, constitutive over-expression of the OsWRKY45 transgene confers a number of properties to transgenic plants. These properties include significantly increased expression of PR genes, enhanced resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae tomato DC3000, enhanced tolerance to salt and drought stresses, decreased sensitivity toward ABA signalling during seed germination and post-germination processes, and modulation of ABA/stress-regulated genes during drought induction. In addition, higher levels of OsWRKY45 expression in transgenic plants correlate positively with the strength of the abiotic and biotic responses mentioned above. More specifically, the decreased ABA sensitivities, the enhanced disease resistance and drought tolerances may be attributed, in part, to stomatal closure and induction of stress-related genes during drought induction. The relationship between OsWRKY45 expression and ABA signalling is discussed.

DING Z J, YAN J Y, XU X Y, YU D Q, LI G X, ZHANG S Q, ZHENG S J . Transcription factor wrky46 regulates osmotic stress responses and stomatal movement independently in Arabidopsis.
The Plant Journal, 2014,79(1):13-27.

DOI:10.1111/tpj.12538URLPMID:24773321 [本文引用: 1]
SummaryDrought and salt stress severely inhibit plant growth and development; however, the regulatory mechanisms of plants in response to these stresses are not fully understood. Here we report that the expression of a WRKY transcription factor WRKY46 is rapidly induced by drought, salt and oxidative stresses. T鈥揇NA insertion of WRKY46 leads to more sensitivity to drought and salt stress, whereas overexpression of WRKY46 (OV46) results in hypersensitivity in soil-grown plants, with a higher water loss rate, but with increased tolerance on the sealed agar plates. Stomatal closing in the OV46 line is insensitive to ABA because of a reduced accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the guard cells. We further find that WRKY46 is expressed in guard cells, where its expression is not affected by dehydration, and is involved in light-dependent stomatal opening. Microarray analysis reveals that WRKY46 regulates a set of genes involved in cellular osmoprotection and redox homeostasis under dehydration stress, which is confirmed by ROS and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in stressed seedlings. Moreover, WRKY46 modulates light-dependent starch metabolism in guard cells via regulating QUA-QUINE STARCH (QQS) gene expression. Taken together, we demonstrate that WRKY46 plays dual roles in regulating plant responses to drought and salt stress and light-dependent stomatal opening in guard cells.

WANG F, CHEN H W, LI Q T, WEI W, LI W, ZHANG W K, MA B, BI Y D, LAI Y C, LIU X L, MAN W Q, ZHANG J S, CHEN S Y . Gmwrky27 interacts with gmmyb174 to reduce expression of gmnac29 for stress tolerance in soybean plants
The Plant Journal, 2015,83(2):224-236.

DOI:10.1111/tpj.12879URLPMID:25990284 [本文引用: 1]
Summary Soybean ( Glycine max ) is an important crop for oil and protein resources worldwide. The molecular mechanism of the abiotic stress response in soybean is largely unclear. We previously identified multiple stress-responsive WRKY genes from soybean. Here, we further characterized the roles of one of these genes, GmWRKY27 , in abiotic stress tolerance using a transgenic hairy root assay. GmWRKY27 expression was increased by various abiotic stresses. Over-expression and RNAi analysis demonstrated that GmWRKY27 improves salt and drought tolerance in transgenic soybean hairy roots. Measurement of physiological parameters, including reactive oxygen species and proline contents, supported this conclusion. GmWRKY27 inhibits expression of a downstream gene GmNAC29 by binding to the W oxes in its promoter region. The GmNAC29 is a negative factor of stress tolerance as indicated by the performance of transgenic hairy roots under stress. GmWRKY27 interacts with GmMYB174, which also suppresses GmNAC29 expression and enhances drought stress tolerance. The GmWRKY27 and GmMYB174 may have evolved to bind to neighbouring cis elements in the GmNAC29 promoter to co-reduce promoter activity and gene expression. Our study discloses a valuable mechanism in soybean for regulation of the stress response by two associated transcription factors. Manipulation of these genes should facilitate improvements in stress tolerance in soybean and other crops.

CHUJO T, MIYAMOTO K, OGAWA S, MASUDA Y, SHIMIZU T, KISHI-KABOSHI M, TAKAHASHI A, NISHIZAWA Y, MINAMI E, NOJIRI H, YAMANE H, OKADA K . Overexpression of phosphomimic mutated oswrky53 leads to enhanced blast resistance in rice
PLoS ONE, 2014,9(6):e98737.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0098737URLPMID:24892523 [本文引用: 1]
WRKY transcription factors and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades have been shown to play pivotal roles in the regulation of plant defense responses. We previously reported that OsWRKY53-overexpressing rice plants showed enhanced resistance to the rice blast fungus. In this study, we identified OsWRKY53 as a substrate of OsMPK3/OsMPK6, components of a fungal PAMP-responsive MAPK cascade in rice, and analyzed the effect of OsWRKY53 phosphorylation on the regulation of basal defense responses to a virulence race of rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae strain Ina86-137. An in vitro phosphorylation assay revealed that the OsMPK3/OsMPK6 activated by OsMKK4 phosphorylated OsWRKY53 recombinant protein at its multiple clustered serine-proline residues (SP cluster). When OsWRKY53 was coexpressed with a constitutively active mutant of OsMKK4 in a transient reporter gene assay, the enhanced transactivation activity of OsWRKY53 was found to be dependent on phosphorylation of the SP cluster. Transgenic rice plants overexpressing a phospho-mimic mutant of OsWRKY53 (OsWRKY53SD) showed further-enhanced disease resistance to the blast fungus compared to native OsWRKY53-overexpressing rice plants, and a substantial number of defense-related genes, including pathogenesis-related protein genes, were more upregulated in the OsWRKY53SD-overexpressing plants compared to the OsWRKY53-overexpressing plants. These results strongly suggest that the OsMKK4-OsMPK3/OsMPK6 cascade regulates transactivation activity of OsWRKY53, and overexpression of the phospho-mimic mutant of OsWRKY53 results in a major change to the rice transcriptome at steady state that leads to activation of a defense response against the blast fungus in rice plants.

HE G H, XU J Y, WANG Y X, LIU J M, LI P S, CHEN M, MA Y Z, XU Z S . Drought-responsive WRKY transcription factor genes TaWRKY1 and TaWRKY33 from wheat confer drought and/or heat resistance in Arabidopsis.
BMC Plant Biology, 2016,16(1):116.

DOI:10.1186/s12870-016-0806-4URLPMID:27215938 [本文引用: 10]
Drought stress is one of the major causes of crop loss. WRKY transcription factors, as one of the largest transcription factor families, play important roles in regulation of many plant processes, including drought stress response. However, far less information is available on drought-responsive WRKY genes in wheat (Triticum aestivumL.), one of the three staple food crops. Forty eight putative drought-induced WRKY genes were identified from a comparison betweende novotranscriptome sequencing data of wheat without or with drought treatment.TaWRKY1andTaWRKY33from WRKY Groups III and II, respectively, were selected for further investigation. Subcellular localization assays revealed that TaWRKY1 and TaWRKY33 were localized in the nuclei in wheat mesophyll protoplasts. Various abiotic stress-relatedcis-acting elements were observed in the promoters ofTaWRKY1andTaWRKY33. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis showed thatTaWRKY1was slightly up-regulated by high-temperature and abscisic acid (ABA), and down-regulated by low-temperature.TaWRKY33was involved in high responses to high-temperature, low-temperature, ABA and jasmonic acid methylester (MeJA). Overexpression ofTaWRKY1andTaWRKY33activated several stress-related downstream genes, increased germination rates, and promoted root growth inArabidopsisunder various stresses.TaWRKY33transgenicArabidopsislines showed lower rates of water loss thanTaWRKY1transgenicArabidopsislines and wild type plants during dehydration. Most importantly,TaWRKY33transgenic lines exhibited enhanced tolerance to heat stress. The functional roles highlight the importance of WRKYs in stress response. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12870-016-0806-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

ABEL S, THEOLOGIS A . Transient transformation of Arabidopsis leaf protoplasts: A versatile experimental system to study gene expression.
The Plant Journal, 2010,5(3):421-427.

DOI:10.1111/j.1365-313X.1994.00421.xURLPMID:8180625 [本文引用: 1]
Summary An improved protocol is reported to isolate and transiently transform mesophyll protoplasts of Arabidopsis thaliana. Transfected leaf protoplasts support high levels of expression of the bacterial reporter gene coding for β‐glucuronidase (GUS), under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. Transient expression of GUS activity was monitored spectrophotometrically and reached a maximum between 18 and 48 h after polyethylene glycol (PEG)‐mediated DNA uptake. Histochemical staining for GUS activity revealed reproducible transformation frequencies between 40 and 60%, based on the number of protoplasts survived. To demonstrate the applicability of the transient expression system, the subcellular localization of GUS proteins tagged with different nuclear polypeptides was studied in transfected mesophyll protoplasts, revealing nuclear compartmentalization of the chimeric GUS enzymes. Furthermore, Arabidopsis mesophyll protoplasts support auxin‐mediated induction of chloramphenicol acetyl‐transferase (CAT) activity when transfected with a transcriptional fusion between the CAT reporter gene and the early auxin‐inducible PS‐IAA4/5 promoter. Hence, the method allows in vivo analysis of promoter activity and subcellular localization of fusion proteins in a homologous transformation system.

于太飞, 徐兆师, 李盼松, 陈明, 李连城, 张俊华, 马有志 . 小麦蛋白激酶TaMAPK2互作蛋白的筛选与验证
中国农业科学, 2014,47(13):2494-2503.

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YU T F, XU Z S, LI P S, CHEN M, LI L C, ZHANG J H, MA Y Z . Screening and identification of proteins interacting with TaMAPK2 in wheat
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2014,47(13):2494-2503. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 5]

茹京娜, 于太飞, 陈隽, 陈明, 周永斌, 马有志, 徐兆师, 闵东红 . 小麦锌指转录因子TaDi19A对低温的响应及其互作蛋白的筛选
中国农业科学, 2017,50(13):2411-2422.

[本文引用: 1]

RU J N, YU T F, CHEN J, CHEN M, ZHOU Y B, MA Y Z, XU Z S, MIN D H . Response of wheat zinc-finger transcription factor TaDi19A to cold and its screening of interacting proteins
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017,50(13):2411-2422. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

RUSHTON P J, SOMSSICH I E, RINGLER P, SHEN Q J . WRKY transcription factors
Trends in Plant Science, 2010,15(5):247-258.

DOI:10.1016/j.tplants.2010.02.006Magsci [本文引用: 1]
<p id="">WRKY transcription factors are one of the largest families of transcriptional regulators in plants and form integral parts of signalling webs that modulate many plant processes. Here, we review recent significant progress in WRKY transcription factor research. New findings illustrate that WRKY proteins often act as repressors as well as activators, and that members of the family play roles in both the repression and de-repression of important plant processes. Furthermore, it is becoming clear that a single WRKY transcription factor might be involved in regulating several seemingly disparate processes. Mechanisms of signalling and transcriptional regulation are being dissected, uncovering WRKY protein functions via interactions with a diverse array of protein partners, including MAP kinases, MAP kinase kinases, 14-3-3 proteins, calmodulin, histone deacetylases, resistance proteins and other WRKY transcription factors. WRKY genes exhibit extensive autoregulation and cross-regulation that facilitates transcriptional reprogramming in a dynamic web with built-in redundancy.</p>

RUSHTON D L, TRIPATHI P, RABARA R C, LIN J, RINGLER P, BOKEN A K, LANGUM T J, SMIDT L, BOOMSMA D D, EMME N J, CHEN X, FINER J J, SHEN Q J, RUSHTON P J . WRKY transcription factors: Key components in abscisic acid signalling
Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2012,10(1):2-11.

[本文引用: 1]

LI H, XU Y, XIAO Y, ZHU Z, XIE X, ZHAO H, WANG Y . Expression and functional analysis of two genes encoding transcription factors, vpwrky1 and vpwrky2, isolated from Chinese wild
Vitis pseudoreticulata. Planta, 2010,232(6):1325-1337.

DOI:10.1007/s00425-010-1258-yURLPMID:20811906 [本文引用: 1]
In this study, two WRKY genes were isolated from Erysiphe necator-resistant Chinese wild Vitis pseudoreticulata W. T. Wang 'Baihe-35-1', and designated as VpWRKY1 (GenBank accession no. GQ884198) and VpWRKY2 (GenBank accession no. GU565706). Nuclear localization of the two proteins was demonstrated in onion epidermal cells, while trans-activation function was confirmed in the leaves of 'Baihe-35-1'. Expression of VpWRKY1 and VpWRKY2 was induced rapidly by salicylic acid treatment in 'Baihe-35-1'. Expression of VpWRKY1 and VpWRKY2 was also induced rapidly by E. necator infection in 11 grapevine genotypes; the maximum induction of VpWRKY1 was greater in E. necator-resistant grapevine genotypes than in susceptible ones post E. necator inoculation. Furthermore, ectopic expression of VpWRKY1 or VpWRKY2 in Arabidopsis enhanced resistance to powdery mildew Erysiphe cichoracearum, and enhanced salt tolerance of transgenic plants. VpWRKY2 also enhanced cold tolerance of transgenic plants. In addition, the two proteins were shown to regulate the expression of some defense marker genes in Arabidopsis and grapevine. The data suggest that VpWRKY1 and VpWRKY2 may underlie the resistance in transgenic grapevine to E. necator and tolerance to salt and cold stresses.

ZHOU Q Y, TIAN A G, ZOU H F, XIE Z M, LEI G, HUANG J, WANG C M, WANG H W, ZHANG J S, CHEN S Y . Soybean WRKY-type transcription factor genes, gmwrky13, gmwrky21, and gmwrky54, confer differential tolerance to abiotic stresses in transgenic
Arabidopsis plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2008,6(5):486-503.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-7652.2008.00336.xURL [本文引用: 1]
Abstract WRKY-type transcription factors have multiple roles in the plant defence response and developmental processes. Their roles in the abiotic stress response remain obscure. In this study, 64 GmWRKY genes from soybean were identified, and were found to be differentially expressed under abiotic stresses. Nine GmWRKY proteins were tested for their transcription activation in the yeast assay system, and five showed such ability. In a DNA-binding assay, three proteins (GmWRKY13, GmWRKY27 and GmWRKY54) with a conserved WRKYGQK sequence in their DNA-binding domain could bind to the W-box (TTGAC). However, GmWRKY6 and GmWRKY21, with an altered sequence WRKYGKK, lost the ability to bind to the W-box. The function of three stress-induced genes, GmWRKY13, GmWRKY21 and GmWRKY54, was further investigated using a transgenic approach. GmWRKY21-transgenic Arabidopsis plants were tolerant to cold stress, whereas GmWRKY54 conferred salt and drought tolerance, possibly through the regulation of DREB2A and STZ/Zat10. Transgenic plants over-expressing GmWRKY13 showed increased sensitivity to salt and mannitol stress, but decreased sensitivity to abscisic acid, when compared with wild-type plants. In addition, GmWRKY13-transgenic plants showed an increase in lateral roots. These results indicate that the three GmWRKY genes play differential roles in abiotic stress tolerance, and that GmWRKY13 may function in both lateral root development and the abiotic stress response.

LI C, LV J, ZHAO X, AI X, ZHU X, WANG M, ZHAO S, XIA G . Tachp: A wheat zinc finger protein gene down-regulated by abscisic acid and salinity stress plays a positive role in stress tolerance
Plant Physiology, 2010,154(1):211-221.

[本文引用: 1]

LI S, FU Q, HUANG W, YU D . Functional analysis of an Arabidopsis transcription factor wrky25 in heat stress.
Plant Cell Reports, 2009,28(4):683-693.

DOI:10.1007/s00299-008-0666-yURLPMID:19125253 [本文引用: 1]
The WRKY family is one of the major groups of plant-specific transcriptional regulators. Arabidopsis thaliana WRKY25, which is induced by heat stress, is one of the group I WRKY proteins and responds to both abiotic and biotic stress. This study has examined the regulatory role of WRKY25 using wrky25 mutant and over-expressing WRKY25 transgenic A. thaliana . After 45C for different time periods, wrky25 null mutants showed a moderate increase in thermosensitivity with decreased germination, reduced hypocotyl and root growth, and enhanced conductivity compared to those of wide-type, while WRKY25 over-expressed transgenic seeds exhibited enhanced thermotolerance. Northern blot analysis of wrky25 mutants and WRKY25 over-expressing plants identified putative genes regulated by WRKY25. In consistence with the implication of WRKY25 in heat tolerance, the expression level of six heat-inducible genes and two oxidative stress-responsive genes was more or less down-regulated in wrky25 mutants during heat stress. Among them, heat shock protein Hsp101 , heat shock transcription factor HsfB2a , and cytosolic ascrobate peroxidase APX1 were reduced more obviously than other detected genes. Meanwhile, over-expression of WRKY25 increased the expression of HsfA2 , HsfB1 , HsfB2a , and Hsp101 slightly or moderately. Together, these findings reveal that WRKY25 plays a partial role in thermotolerance.

LI S, FU Q, CHEN L, HUANG W, YU D . Arabidopsis thaliana WRKY25, WRKY26, and WRKY33 coordinate induction of plant thermotolerance.
Planta, 2011,233(6):1237-1252.

[本文引用: 1]

JIANG Y, DEYHOLOS M K . Functional characterization of Arabidopsis NaCl-inducible WRKY25 and WRKY33 transcription factors in abiotic stresses.
Plant Molecular Biology, 2009,69(1/2):91-105.

DOI:10.1007/s11103-008-9408-3URLPMID:18839316 [本文引用: 1]
Previous microarray analyses of Arabidopsis roots identified two closely related WRKY transcription factors ( WRKY25 and WRKY33 ) among the transcripts that increased in abundance following treatment with NaCl. Here, we report further characterization of these genes, which we found to be inducible by a variety of abiotic stresses in an SOS-pathway independent manner, although WRKY33 induction was dependent on ABA signaling. Transcripts of both genes were detected in roots and leaves, while specific patterns of enrichment were observed in stems and floral buds for WRKY25 and WRKY33 , respectively. We also identified upstream intergenic regions from each gene that were sufficient to confer stress-inducible expression on a reporter gene. However, the stress sensitivity of wrky25 null mutants did not differ from wild-type under any assay condition, while wrky33 null mutants and wrky25wrky33 double mutants showed only a moderate increase in NaCl-sensitivity, suggesting functional redundancy with other transcription factors. Nevertheless, overexpression of WRKY25 or WRKY33 was sufficient to increase Arabidopsis NaCl tolerance, while increasing sensitivity to ABA. Through microarray analyses of relevant genotypes, we identified 31 and 208 potential downstream targets of WRKY25 and WRKY33, respectively, most of which contained a W-box in their upstream regions.

WU X, SHIROTO Y, KISHITANI S, ITO Y, TORIYAMA K . Enhanced heat and drought tolerance in transgenic rice seedlings overexpressing oswrky11 under the control of hsp101 promoter
Plant Cell Reports, 2009,28(1):21-30.

DOI:10.1007/s00299-008-0614-xMagsci [本文引用: 2]
<a name="Abs1"></a>An <i>OsWRKY11</i> gene, which encodes a transcription factor with the WRKY domain, was identified as one of the genes that was induced by both heat shock and drought stresses in seedlings of rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i> L.). To determine if overexpression of <i>OsWRKY11</i> confers heat and drought tolerance, <i>OsWRKY11</i> cDNA was fused to the promoter of <i>HSP101</i> of rice and introduced into a rice cultivar Sasanishiki. Overexpression of <i>OsWRKY11</i> was induced by heat treatment. After heat pretreatment, the transgenic lines showed significant heat and drought tolerance, as indicated by the slower leaf-wilting and less-impaired survival rate of green parts of plants. They also showed significant desiccation tolerance, as indicated by the slower water loss in detached leaves. Our results indicate that the <i>OsWRKY11</i> gene plays a role in heat and drought stress response and tolerance, and might be useful for improvement of stress tolerance.

BAHRINI I, SUGISAWA M, KIKUCHI R, OGAWA T, KAWAHIGASHI H, BAN T, HANDA H . Characterization of a wheat transcription factor, tawrky45, and its effect on fusarium head blight resistance in transgenic wheat plants
Breeding Science, 2011,61(2):121-129.

DOI:10.1270/jsbbs.61.121Magsci [本文引用: 1]
The WRKY transcription factors belong to a lame protein family characterized by the conserved WRKY domain. These factors have been identified to play biological functions in various plant developmental processes. WRKY proteins are also known to be involved in regulating plant responses to pathogen attack and stress-related hormones. In this study, we report the isolation and characterization of the gene (TaWRKY45) for the wheat WRKY45 transcription factor. Amino acid sequence alignment and phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the TaWRKY45 protein is orthologous to rice OsWRKY45. Our analysis of its expression in wheat indicated that TaWRKY45 was constitutively expressed in various organs and throughout the lifetime of the plant. We observed that TaWRKY45 was upregulated in response to benzothiadiazole (BTH), a plant immune system strengthner, and Fusarium graminearum, which is a causal fungus for Fusarium head blight (FHB). The constitutive overexpression of the TaWRKY45 transgene conferred an enhanced resistance against F. graminearum to transenic wheat plants grown under greenhouse conditions. These results indicate that TaWRKY45 is involved M the defense systems for the biotic stressors in wheat and that it may be potentially utilized to improve the disease resistance of wheat.

TURAN S, CORNISH K, KUMAR S . Salinity tolerance in plants: Breeding and genetic engineering
Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2012,6(9):1337-1348.

URL [本文引用: 2]
Salinity stress limits crop yield affecting plant growth and restricting the use of land. As world population is increasing at alarming rate, agricultural land is shrinking due to industrialization and/or habitat use. Hence, there is a need to utilize salt affected land to meet the food requirement. Although some success has been achieved through conventional breeding but its use is limited due...

MAHAJAN S, TUTEJA N . Cold, salinity and drought stresses: An overview
Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics, 2005,444(2):139-158.

[本文引用: 2]

TAKAHASHI Y, TATEDA C . The functions of voltage-dependent anion channels in plants
Apoptosis, 2013,18(8):917-924.

DOI:10.1007/s10495-013-0845-3URLPMID:23568336 [本文引用: 1]
Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs), known as outer mitochondrial membrane proteins, are present in all eukaryotic cells. In mammals, they are now recognized to play crucial roles in the regulation of metabolic and energetic functions of mitochondria as well as in mitochondria-mediated apoptosis, in association with various proteins and non-protein modulators. Although there is much less information available for plant than for animal VDACs, their similar electrophysiological and topological properties suggest that some common functions are conserved among eukaryotic VDACs. Recently, it has been revealed that plant VDACs also have various important physiological functions not only in developmental and reproductive processes, but also in biotic and abiotic stress responses, including programmed cell death. In this review, we summarize recent findings about the sequence motifs, localization, and function of plant VDACs and discuss these results in the light of recent advances in research on animal VDACs.

MILLYARD L, LEE J, ZHANG C, YATES G, SADANANDOM A . The ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, tau4 regulates wheat defence against the phytopathogen
Zymoseptoria tritici. Scientific Reports, 2016,6:35683.

DOI:10.1038/srep35683URL [本文引用: 1]
Mycosphaerella graminicola(Zymoseptoria triticicommonly known as Septoria), the causal agent of Septoria Leaf Blotch (STB), is considered one of the major threats to European wheat production. Previous studies have shown the importance of ubiquitination in plant defence against a multitude of pathogens. However the ubiquitination machinery in wheat is under studied, particularly E2 enzymes that have the ability to control the ubiquitination and thereby the fate of many different target proteins. In this study we identify an E2 enzyme,Triticum aestivumUbiquitin conjugating enzyme 4 (TaU4) that functions in wheat defence against Septoria. We demonstrate TaU4 to be a bona fide E2 enzyme through an E2 charging assay. TaU4 localises in both the cytoplasm and nucleus, therefore potentially interacting with E3 ligases and substrate proteins in multiple compartments. Virus Induced Gene Silencing of TaU4 in wheat leaves resulted in delayed development of disease symptoms, reduced Septoria growth and reproduction. We conclude that TaU4 is a novel negative regulator of defence against Septoria.

STREB P, SHANG W, FEIERABEND J, BLIGNY R . Divergent strategies of photoprotection in high-mountain plants
Planta, 2008,207:313-324.

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FEUSSNER K, FEUSSNER I, LEOPOLD I, WASTERNACK C . Isolation of a cDNA coding for an ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBC1 of tomato-the first stress-induced UBC of higher plants
FEBS Letters, 1997,409(2):211-215.

DOI:10.1016/S0014-5793(97)00509-7URLPMID:9202147 [本文引用: 1]
Abstract A clone of an ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (UBC) was isolated from a lambda-ZAP-cDNA library, generated from mRNA of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cells grown in suspension for 3 days. The open reading frame called LeUBC1, encodes for a polypeptide with a predicted molecular mass of 21.37 kDa, which was confirmed by bacterial overexpression and SDS-PAGE. Database searches with LeUBC1 showed highest sequence similarities to UBC1 of bovine and yeast. By Southern blot analysis LeUBC1 was identified as a member of a small E2 subfamily of tomato, presumably consisting of at least two members. As revealed by Northern blot analysis LeUBC1 is constitutively expressed in an exponentially growing tomato cell culture. In response to heat shock an increase in LeUBC1-mRNA was detectable. A strong accumulation of the LeUBC1-transcript was observed by exposure to heavy metal stress which was performed by treatment with cadmium chloride (CdCl2). The cellular uptake of cadmium was controlled via ICP-MS measurements. The data suggest that like in yeast, in plants a certain subfamily of UBC is specifically involved in the proteolytic degradation of abnormal proteins as result of stress.

PENG R H, YAO Q H, XIONG A S, FAN H Q, PENG Y L . Ubiquitin- conjugating enzyme (E2) confers rice UV protection through phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene promoter unit
Acta Botanica Sinica, 2003,45(11):1351-1358.

The induction of general phenylpropanoid and flavonoid glycoside pathways and the consequential accumulation of UV protective flavonoids so far have been regarded as the only major metabolic response to UV light. Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) is a key enzyme of phenylpropanoid metabolism. Inducible in vivo footprints in the pal -1 promoter defined the motif CTCCAACAACCCCTTC as a cis-element that transmits the UV signal. In order to clone its corresponding trans-acting element, three copies of the motif were synthesized and used as a bait of yeast one-hybrid system. A number of genes coding ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme-like proteins (E2) were isolated from a rice cDNA library by the system. The rice (Oryza sativa L) E2 (RE2) was high homology to other E2 of different species and can be induced by UV light. RE2 can react with nuclear extraction protein and binds the pal-1 promoter cis-element. These results suggest that RE2 takes part in plant response to UV stress through regulating the phenylpropanoid metabolism.

NIU C F ,WEI W E I, ZHOU Q Y, TIAN A G, HAO Y J, ZHANG W K, MA B, LIN Q, ZHANG Z B, ZHANG J S, CHEN S Y. Wheat wrky genes tawrky2 and tawrky19 regulate abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic
Arabidopsis plants. Plant, Cell & Environment, 2012,35(6):1156.

WRKY-type transcription factors are involved in multiple aspects of plant growth, development and stress response. WRKY genes have been found to be responsive to abiotic stresses; however, their roles in abiotic stress tolerance are largely unknown especially in crops. Here, we identified stress-responsive WRKY genes from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and studied their functions in stress tolerance. Forty-three putative TaWRKY genes were identified and two multiple stress-induced genes, TaWRKY2 and TaWRKY19, were further characterized. TaWRKY2 and TaWRKY19 are nuclear proteins, and displayed specific binding to typical cis-element W box. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing TaWRKY2 exhibited salt and drought tolerance compared with controls. Overexpression of TaWRKY19 conferred tolerance to salt, drought and freezing stresses in transgenic plants. TaWRKY2 enhanced expressions of STZ and RD29B, and bound to their promoters. TaWRKY19 activated expressions of DREB2A, RD29A, RD29B and Cor6.6, and bound to DREB2A and Cor6.6 promoters. The two TaWRKY proteins may regulate the downstream genes through direct binding to the gene promoter or via indirect mechanism. Manipulation of TaWRKY2 and TaWRKY19 in wheat or other crops should improve their performance under various abiotic stress conditions.
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