
源于广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌无毒基因型分析

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汪文娟,, 苏菁, 杨健源, 韦小燕, 陈凯玲, 陈珍, 陈深, 朱小源,广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所/广东省植物保护新技术重点实验室,广州 510640

Analysis of Magnaporthe oryzae Avirulent Genes in the Infected Hybrid Rice Combinations Derived from a Sterile Line of Guang 8 A

WANG WenJuan,, SU Jing, YANG JianYuan, WEI XiaoYan, CHEN KaiLing, CHEN Zhen, CHEN Shen, ZHU XiaoYuan,Plant Protection Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of High Technology for Plant Protection, Guangzhou 510640


第一联系人: 汪文娟,E-mail: juanlook@163.com


目的 分析源于广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌(Magnaporthe oryzae)无毒基因型,为华南不同主栽抗病水稻品种的合理布局提供参考依据。 方法 利用抗稻瘟病单基因系,对稻瘟病菌单孢分离菌株进行致病型测定;并根据已克隆的且与稻瘟病菌致病性相关的8个无毒基因功能性分子标记进行分离菌株的无毒基因型分析。选取分离自广8 A杂交稻组合的27个稻瘟病菌单孢菌株,提取各菌株的菌丝体DNA作为模板,进行PCR扩增及琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测。并对其中的7个稻瘟病菌菌株进行相应无毒基因全长或CDS区域的PCR产物测序,将测序序列与相应无毒菌株的无毒基因序列进行比较分析。 结果 所测定的菌株对其中的5个单基因系IRBLkh-K3(Pikh)、IRBLb-B(Pib)、IRBLz5-CA(Pi2)、NIL-e1(Pi50)和IRBL9-W(Pi9)表现高的无毒性频率(>85%),所有菌株对单基因系IRBL9-W(Pi9)和NIL-e1(Pi50)都表现无毒;这些菌株对其中的7个单基因系表现较低的无毒性频率(<20%),包括IRBLks-F5(Piks)、IRBLa-A(Pia)和IRBL19-A(Pi19)等,表明分离自广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌对不同的单基因系表现出不同的致病型。所有菌株都被检测出含无毒基因AvrPi9AvrPik,并可检测到无毒基因AvrPik 的2种类型:AvrPik-D型和AvrPik-E型,但未检测出无毒基因Avr1-CO39AvrPiiAvrPia。在部分菌株中能检测到无毒基因AvrPiz-tAvrPibAvrPita预期大小的产物,但在所检测的菌株中均以较低的频率与不同的突变类型出现。对GD13-621、GD14-349与GD15-291等7个菌株分别进行相应无毒基因的PCR产物测序,AvrPi9AvrPitaAvrPiz-t的基因序列与其各自无毒菌株的无毒基因序列完全一致,表明分离菌株中这3个无毒基因的基因结构相对稳定。测序菌株的AvrPib基因序列与已报道的AvrPib无毒菌株的序列在基因的上游区域存在2个SNP的差异及3个连续碱基的插入,具有较丰富的多样性;6个测序菌株的AvrPik基因序列高度一致,仅在编码区存在1个SNP的差异即136(C/A),该位点SNP的变异导致氨基酸的错义突变46(H/N),表现为菌株携带AvrPik-D或AvrPik-E型。 结论 在华南主栽品种广8 A杂交稻组合上分离的稻瘟病菌中AvrPi9AvrPik分布较为广泛,在上述品种感病区域,可选用含Pi9Pik的抗病品种作为轮换种植。
关键词: 杂交稻组合;广8 A;稻瘟病菌;无毒基因;抗稻瘟病单基因系

【Objective】 The objective of this study is to analyze the avirulent genotypes of Magnaporthe oryzae derived from the hybrid rice combinations of Guang 8 A, and to provide a reference for rational distribution of cultivars with different blast resistant genes in South China. 【Method】 A set of single-spore strain was subjected to pathotype analysis using blast monogenic differential lines. According to the functional markers of 8 Avr genes, which had been cloned and were associated with the rice blast pathogenicity, the haplotypes of Avr genes were analyzed. The DNA, which extracted from the 27 strains of rice blast fungi, was used as a template for PCR amplification. The PCR products of avirulent full gene or CDS region were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and sequencing, and their sequences were compared to corresponding avirulent genes.【Result】 The tested strains showed high frequency (>85%) of avirulence to the 5 monogenic differential lines, such as IRBLkh-K3 (Pikh), IRBLb-B (Pib), IRBLz5-CA (Pi2), NIL-e1 (Pi50) and IRBL9-W (Pi9), all strains were avirulent to IRBL9-W (Pi9) and NIL-e1 (Pi50). These strains showed relatively low frequency of avirulence (<20%) to the 7 monogenic differential lines, such as IRBLks-F5 (Piks), IRBLa-A (Pia), IRBL19-A (Pi19) and so on, indicating that the strains from the combination of Guang 8 A showed different pathotypes to different rice blast-resistant lines. AvrPi9 and AvrPik fragments were almost present in all strains, and two haplotypes (AvrPik-D and AvrPik-E) of AvrPik were identified. But none of Avr1-CO39, AvrPii or AvrPia was amplified in any strain. The expected size products of AvrPiz-t, AvrPib and AvrPita could be detected in some strains, but they all appeared in lower frequency and different mutation types in the tested strain. Amplicon sequencing of 7 strains (GD13-621, GD14-349, GD15-291, et al.) revealed that the sequences of AvrPi9, AvrPita and AvrPiz-t were identical to those of the respective avirulent strains. This result indicated that these 3 Avr genes had a stable gene structure. Compared to AvrPib in an avirulent strain, AvrPib in the tested strains contained 2 nucleotide changes or 3 consecutive nucleotide insertions in the gene upstream region. The results indicated that AvrPib had a rich haplotype. The sequences of AvrPik in 6 strains were highly consistent, only contained one nucleotide changes in the coding region (136C/A), resulting in one amino acid substitutions (46H/N), which showed two haplotypes of AvrPik (AvrPik-D or AvrPik-E).【Conclusion】 In the strains from the major rice cultivars of Guang 8 A in South China, the distribution of AvrPi9 and AvrPik was relatively wide. In the susceptible areas of the above cultivars, the resistant cultivars carrying Pi9 and Pik could be used as rotation planting cultivars.
Keywords:hybrid rice combinations;Guang 8 A;Magnaporthe oryzae;avirulent gene;rice blast-resistant lines

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汪文娟, 苏菁, 杨健源, 韦小燕, 陈凯玲, 陈珍, 陈深, 朱小源. 源于广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌无毒基因型分析[J]. 中国农业科学, 2018, 51(24): 4633-4646 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.24.005
WANG WenJuan, SU Jing, YANG JianYuan, WEI XiaoYan, CHEN KaiLing, CHEN Zhen, CHEN Shen, ZHU XiaoYuan. Analysis of Magnaporthe oryzae Avirulent Genes in the Infected Hybrid Rice Combinations Derived from a Sterile Line of Guang 8 A[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2018, 51(24): 4633-4646 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.24.005

0 引言

【研究意义】水稻(Oryza sativa)是世界上最重要的粮食作物之一,全球一半以上的人口以稻米作为主食[1]。由稻瘟病菌(Magnaporthe oryzae;无性态:Pyricularia oryzae)引起的稻瘟病是全球水稻生产上最具毁灭性的病害之一[2],严重威胁着粮食产量,每年由该病害引起的水稻产量损失高达10%—30%,严重时甚至颗粒无收[3,4,5]。培育和种植抗病品种是控制该病害最经济与环保的措施[6,7]。以野败型优质籼稻不育系广8 A配组选育的广8优165、广8优169和广8优2168等杂交稻组合,是华南稻区近年来广泛推广种植的优质杂交稻组合[8]。随着该系列组合的连续大面积推广种植,其抗瘟性逐渐下降。探明侵染广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌无毒基因类型及其变异情况,可为该稻区抗病品种的轮换及新品种的选育提供科学依据。【前人研究进展】水稻对稻瘟病菌的抗性符合“基因对基因”学说,即在水稻品种中存在一个抗性基因,在稻瘟病菌中也对应存在一个无毒基因[9];只有在稻瘟病菌的无毒基因与寄主抗性基因相互作用的前提下,水稻品种才表现出抗瘟性[10,11]。近年来,在水稻抗瘟基因和稻瘟病菌无毒基因的鉴定与分析方面,取得了重要的研究进展。目前,已有PWL1PWL2Avr1-CO39AvrPitaACE1AvrPiz-tAvrPiaAvrPiiAvrPik/km/kpAvrPibAvrPi9AvrPi54等12个无毒基因完成了克隆[12,13,14,15]。并且,根据已克隆无毒基因的序列信息开发特异性分子标记,在鉴定稻瘟病菌群体中无毒基因的类型与变异方面已有大量的研究报道。李祥晓等[16]利用7个稻瘟病菌无毒基因的特异性引物,对177个来自黑龙江省的稻瘟病菌单孢菌株进行PCR检测,结果表明7个无毒基因以不同的出现频率在黑龙江省不同地区均有分布;王世维等[17]利用6个已克隆无毒基因分子标记,对辽宁省26个稻瘟病菌单孢菌株进行PCR检测及无毒基因PCR产物测序分析,结果表明在辽宁稻区稻瘟病菌中AvrPikAvrPiz-tAvrPita分布相对广泛;朱名海等[18]利用6个无毒基因分子标记对南繁区稻瘟病菌无毒基因的分布情况进行分析,结果表明除了无毒基因AvrPia在南繁非核心区的稻瘟病菌株中未检测到外,其他5个无毒基因在所检测的稻瘟病菌中均存在,其中无毒基因AvrPik的分布频率为100%。另一方面,随着国内外水稻抗稻瘟病近等基因系和单基因系的育成,国内****已开始利用这些单基因系鉴别系统开展稻瘟病菌致病小种变异的研究[19,20,21,22]。【本研究切入点】深入阐明分离自主栽品种稻瘟病菌小种的变异特征,需要从病原菌致病性变异和无毒基因型分析两方面开展研究。为准确探明侵染华南主推品种广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌所携带的无毒基因类型及变异情况,本研究结合抗病单基因系品种致病性鉴定和已知无毒基因的扩增和测序,对采集自广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌进行分析,研究不同菌株中无毒基因的类型及其变异情况。【拟解决的关键问题】通过25个稻瘟病抗性单基因系对采集自广8 A杂交稻组合的27个稻瘟病菌株进行致病型测定;根据8个已克隆无毒基因(Avr1-CO39AvrPitaAvrPiiAvrPi9、AvrPiz-tAvrPiaAvrPik/km/kpAvrPib)功能性分子标记的检测,明确源自广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌无毒基因或其等位基因的存在/缺失情况,并对扩增的无毒基因产物进行测序,比较分析测序菌株间无毒基因序列的变异特征;比较分离自广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌菌株与其他来源菌株的无毒基因类型,为华南稻区抗瘟品种的合理布局与稻瘟病的有效控制提供依据。

1 材料与方法


1.1 病原菌材料、繁殖及产孢

病原菌来源:2012—2016年,从广东不同稻区的杂交稻主导品种广8 A杂交稻组合上采集穗颈瘟病样,从中分离纯化稻瘟病菌菌株。

田间采集的穗颈瘟标样,用0.5%的强氯精消毒2 min,随后用无菌水清洗,置于灭菌的培养皿中保湿培养约3 d,利用孢子振落法进行病原菌株的单孢分离。共分离获得稻瘟病菌单孢菌株41个(表1),所有菌株保存于广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所。

Table 1
Table 1Forty-one M. oryzae strains and their origins
Sampling location
Sampling cultivar
Strain number
Sampling location
Sampling cultivar
Strain number
河源 Heyuan广8优165 Guang8you165GD12-535河源 Heyuan广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-259
阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD12-716河源 Heyuan广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-270
阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD12-721河源 Heyuan广8优165 Guang8you165GD15-291
阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD12-730河源 Heyuan广8优2168 Guang8you2168GD15-304
河源 Heyuan广8优169 Guang8you169GD13-493河源 Heyuan广8优165 Guang8you165GD15-315
阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD13-621河源 Heyuan广8优188 Guang8you188GD15-316
阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD13-626云浮 Yunfu广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-436
茂名 Maoming广8优169 Guang8you169GD13-659阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-506
阳江 Yangjiang广8优188 Guang8you188GD13-3009阳江 Yangjiang广8优2168 Guang8you2168GD15-520
阳江 Yangjiang广8优2168 Guang8you2168GD13-3024阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-523
河源 Heyuan广8优2168 Guang8you2168GD14-070阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-530
云浮 Yunfu广8优169 Guang8you169GD14-298阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-542
阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD14-349阳江 Yangjiang广8优165 Guang8you165GD15-543
阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD14-366茂名 Maoming广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-586
阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD14-368河源 Heyuan广8优165 Guang8you165GD16-246
阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD14-372河源 Heyuan广8优188 Guang8you188GD16-272
阳江 Yangjiang广8优165 Guang8you165GD14-376河源 Heyuan广8优165 Guang8you165GD16-280
阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD14-381阳江 Yangjiang广8优169 Guang8you169GD16-327
阳江 Yangjiang广8优165 Guang8you165GD14-401阳江 Yangjiang广8优2168 Guang8you2168GD16-334
河源 Heyuan广8优2168 Guang8you2168GD15-023从化 Conghua广8优169 Guang8you169GD16-3071
韶关 Shaoguan广8优金占 Guang8youjinzhanGD15-236


菌株活化及产孢:将保存的菌株转移至酵母固体培养基,25℃左右的生化培养箱中活化培养7 d以上;然后将菌丝体转接到玉米培养基上繁殖,25℃左右培养约13 d。用消毒过的无菌水洗去玉米粒表面的菌丝,将玉米粒置于消毒的搪瓷盘中(25 cm×19 cm×2 cm),上面覆盖一层湿纱布,然后在日光灯下光照培养3—4 d,进行产孢。

1.2 致病型测定

植物材料:25个抗稻瘟病单基因系分别为IRBLa-A(Pia)、IRBLi-F5(Pii)、IRBLks-F5(Piks)、IRBLk-Ka(Pik)、 IRBLkp-K60(Pikp)、IRBLkh-K3(Pikh)、IRBLz-Fu(Piz)、IRBLz5-CA(Pi2)、IRBLzt-T(Piz-t)、IRBLta-K1(Pita)、IRBLb-B(Pib)、IRBLt-K59(Pit)、IRBLsh-S(Pish)、IRBL1-CL(Pi1)、IRBL3-CP4(Pi3)、IRBL5-M(Pi5)、IRBL7-M(Pi7)、IRBL9-W(Pi9)、IRBL12-M(Pi12)、IRBL19-A(Pi19)、IRBLkm-Ts(Pikm)、IRBL20-IR24(Pi20)、IRBLta2-Re(Pita2)、IRBL11-Zh(Pi11)、NIL-e1(Pi50),其中NIL-e1是ZHU等[23]以丽江新团黑谷为背景,经过6次回交及6次自交发展而成;含Pi50的抗稻瘟病近等基因系,由广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所选育,其余单基因系由国际水稻研究所选育。感病对照:丽江新团黑谷(LTH)。植物材料种植:将水稻种子催芽后穴播于30 cm×20 cm×5 cm规格的搪瓷盆里,每盆播25个材料,每个材料播种量约为10粒种子。稻苗采取旱育栽培,长至1叶1心期用硫酸铵施肥,每盆施肥量为0.5 g,接种前共需施肥3次。待稻苗长至3.5—4叶龄时,进行人工喷雾接种。接种及调查:用无菌水洗下玉米粒上的孢子,用2层塑料细纱网隔去除玉米残渣,配成适量浓度的孢子液,一般将孢子液浓度调至1×105个/mL,进行人工喷雾接种。接种后置于遮光密闭的培养箱中暗培养,在25℃及相对湿度达95%以上的条件下保湿24 h,之后转至玻璃温室,在25—28℃下保湿培养至稻苗发病,一般在接种7 d左右观察稻苗的整体发病情况进行调查。病级调查方法按照国际水稻研究所稻瘟病圃苗瘟分级标准进行:0—3级为抗(R);4—9级为感(S)。

1.3 稻瘟病菌DNA的提取

将分离纯化的稻瘟病菌单孢菌株在CM(完全培养基)固体培养基上活化培养,挑取适量菌丝块接到CM液体培养基中,于28℃摇床,160 r/min振荡培养3—5 d,收集菌丝体;用Omega公司的真菌DNA抽提试剂盒,提取菌丝体的基因组DNA。

1.4 无毒基因分子标记检测

引物设计:8个已克隆稻瘟病菌的无毒基因(Avr1- CO39AvrPitaAvrPiiAvrPi9AvrPiz-tAvrPiaAvrPikAvrPib)中,AvrPib的特异引物根据GenBank中AvrPib基因序列,利用软件Primer Premier 5.0设计;其他7个无毒基因的特异引物参照SELISANA等[24]开发的序列。所有引物都在生工生物工程(上海)股份有限公司(广州生工)合成。引物序列详见表2

Table 2
Table 2Primers used for the PCR detection of Avr genes in this study
Sequence (5′-3′)
Expected fragment size (bp)
Avr1-CO39 FTGCCGCATTTTGCTAACCG994检测Avr1-CO39启动子及CDS To detect Avr1-CO39 promoter and CDS
AvrPita FCAGGCATACATTGGAGAGCC1549检测AvrPita启动子及CDS To detect AvrPita promoter and CDS
AvrPii FGGTAGATATCCGCTGACTGG839检测AvrPii启动子及CDS To detect AvrPii promoter and CDS
AvrPiz-t FGTTGCGATTATGATCCGTCG1144检测AvrPiz-t启动子及CDS To detect AvrPiz-t promoter and CDS
AvrPia FCAGAGAAACGGACTTGGAGG1220检测AvrPia启动子及CDS To detect AvrPia promoter and CDS
AvrPik-CDE FTCCTGCTGCTAACTCCATTC~1000检测AvrPik-CDE型启动子及CDS To detect the type of AvrPik-CDE promoter and CDS
AvrPik-D FACCCTAACTTTTTCGACC286检测AvrPik-D型CDS To detect the type of AvrPik-D CDS
AvrPib FATGCCGACAATGCGAGGTAT1598检测AvrPib启动子及CDS To detect AvrPib promoter and CDS


无毒基因分子标记检测:PCR反应总体积为20 μL,其中包括稻瘟病菌基因组DNA(20—30 ng·μL-1)1 μL;10×PCR Mixture10 μL,正、反向引物(10 μmol·L-1)各0.5 μL,ddH2O 8 μL。PCR扩增程序:94℃预变性3 min,94℃变性30 s,56—60℃(根据不同引物而定)退火30 s,72℃延伸1 min/kb,共设置35次循环,最后72℃延伸5 min。PCR产物于1%—1.2%的琼脂糖凝胶中电泳检测。

1.5 部分无毒基因序列测序分析

利用高保真酶KOD-Plus(东洋纺,日本)进行PCR扩增,并对产物进行目的片段的纯化,将纯化的PCR产物送到广州英潍捷基公司进行测序。采用Lasergene 7.0软件中的SeqMan(http://www.dnastar.com/)进行全部测序序列的比对与拼接;并采用DNAStar MegAlign ClustalV软件对有差异的核苷酸序列进行比较分析。

2 结果

2.1 分离自广8优组合的菌株致病型

利用25个水稻抗稻瘟病单基因系和感病对照品种丽江新团黑谷,对其中采集自广8 A杂交稻组合的27个稻瘟病菌株进行致病型测定。结果表明,这些菌株对25个单基因系的无毒性频率具有丰富的多样性(表3)。所测定的菌株对其中的5个单基因系NIL-e1(Pi50)、IRBL9-W(Pi9)、IRBLz5-CA (Pi2)、IRBLkh-K3(Pikh)和IRBLb-B(Pib)表现高无毒性频率(>85%);其中,所有菌株对单基因系NIL-e1(Pi50)和IRBL9-W(Pi9)均表现无毒。然而,这些菌株对其中的7个单基因系IRBLt-K59(Pit)、IRBL12-M(Pi12)、IRBLks-F5(Piks)、IRBLa-A(Pia)、IRBL3-CP4(Pi3)、IRBL11-Zh(Pi11)、IRBL19-A(Pi19)表现相对较低的无毒性频率(<20%)。上述结果表明,分离自广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌对不同的抗瘟单基因系表现出不同的致病型。

Table 3
Table 3Pathotypes of different strains against 25 blast-resistant lines
IRBLs单基因系对菌株的反应 Reactions of IRBLs to the strains
The frequency of
avirulent genes (%)
S:感病Susceptible;R:抗病Resistant。1: IRBLa-A (Pia); 2: IRBLi-F5 (Pii); 3: IRBLks-F5 (Piks); 4: IRBLk-Ka (Pik); 5: IRBLkp-K60 (Pikp); 6: IRBLkh-K3 (Pikh); 7: IRBLz-Fu (Piz); 8: IRBLz5-CA (Pi2); 9: IRBLzt-T (Piz-t); 10: IRBLta-K1(Pita); 11: IRBLb-B (Pib); 12: IRBLt-K59 (Pit); 13: IRBLsh-S (Pish); 14: IRBL1-CL (Pi1); 15: IRBL3-CP4 (Pi3); 16: IRBL5-M (Pi5); 17: IRBL7-M (Pi7); 18: IRBL9-W (Pi9); 19: IRBL12-M (Pi12); 20: IRBL19-A (Pi19); 21: IRBLkm-Ts (Pikm); 22: IRBL20-IR24 (Pi20); 23: IRBLta2-Re (Pita2); 24: IRBL11-Zh (Pi11); 25: NIL-e1(Pi50); LTH:感病对照Susceptible control


2.2 稻瘟病菌8个无毒基因在广8优组合分离菌株中的单倍型




Fig. 1Detection of Avr genes in M. oryzae strains based on molecular markers of avirulent genes




Fig. 2Sequences alignment of AvrPib or AvrPik from tested strains to their standard sequences

2.3 稻瘟病菌中Avr基因的存在与各自R基因致病型间的相关性


Table 4
Table 4Comparison of avirulent genes haplotypes and pathogenic types of different strains
Reactions to Pi9
Reactions to different Pik alleles
Reactions to Pii
Reactions to Piz-t
Reactions to Pita
Reactions to Pib
Reactions to Pia and Pi-CO39
AVR haplotype
AVR haplotype
AVR haplotype
AVR haplotype
AVR haplotype
AVR haplotype
AVR haplotype
R:抗病 Resistant;S:感病 Susceptible;+:与原始无毒菌株的无毒基因特征一致 Identical to the AVR characterized in the original avirulent strains;-:无毒基因缺失或功能丧失 AVR absent or loss of function;加粗标示的4个菌株不含有功能性的无毒基因对4—5个单基因系表现出非预期的无毒性反应 The 4 strains without functional AVR genes displayed unexpected avirulence to 4-5 IRBLs are highlighted in bold


2.4 源自广8 A杂交稻组合以及其他主栽品种的稻瘟病菌无毒基因型比较

为了进一步比较源自广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌菌株与其他品种来源菌株致病性的差异,选取25个抗性单基因系中的11个品种对源自广8优组合的41个菌株进行致病性测定。这11个品种所含的抗病基因常见于华南稻区水稻品种中。结果表明,所测试的41个菌株对11个抗稻瘟病单基因系的致病性具有丰富的多样性,对其中的4个单基因系IRBL9-W(Pi9)、NIL-e1(Pi50)、IRBLkh-K3(Pikh)及IRBL1-CL(Pi1)表现高的无毒性频率(>92%),相反地,对其中的2个单基因系IRBLzt-T(Piz-t)和IRBLta2-Re(Pita2)表现较低的无毒性频率(<40%)(表5)。

Table 5
Table 5Pathogenic reaction of 41 strains to 11 blast-resistant lines
Sampling cultivar
11个单基因系对菌株的反应 Reactions of 11 blast-resistant lines to the strains
广8优165 Guang8you165GD12-535RRSRRSRSSRR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD12-716RRRRRRRRSSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD12-721RRRRRSSSSSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD12-730RRSRRSSSSSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD13-493RRSRRSRSSSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD13-621RRRRRRRRRRR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD13-626RRRRRRSRSRR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD13-659RSSRRSSSSSR
广8优188 Guang8you188GD13-3009RRSRRRSSSSR
广8优2168 Guang8you2168GD13-3024RRRRRRSRRSR
广8优2168 Guang8you2168GD14-070RRRRRSSSSSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD14-298RRRRRRRRRRR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD14-349RRSRRRRSSSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD14-366RSRRSRSRRSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD14-368RSRRRRSRRRR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD14-372RSRRSSSRRSR
广8优165 Guang8you165GD14-376RRSRRSSRSRR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD14-381RRRRRRSSSSR
广8优165 Guang8you165GD14-401RSRRRRSSSSR
广8优2168 Guang8you2168GD15-023RRSRRSSSSSR
广8优金占 Guang8youjinzhanGD15-236RSRRRSSRRSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-259RSSRRSSSSSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-270RRSSRSSSRRR
广8优165 Guang8you165GD15-291RSSRRRRRRSR
广8优2168 Guang8you2168GD15-304RRRRRRSSSRR
广8优165 Guang8you165GD15-315RSRRRRSRRSR
广8优188 Guang8you188GD15-316RSRRRRRRRSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-436RRSRRSSSSSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-506RRRRRSSRRSR
广8优2168 Guang8you2168GD15-520RRSRRSSSRSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-523RRRRRSSSSSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-530RSRRRRRRRRR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-542RRRRRRSSRSR
广8优165 Guang8you165GD15-543RRRRRRRRRSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD15-586RSRRRSSSSSR
广8优165 Guang8you165GD16-246RSSRRRRSSSS
广8优188 Guang8you188GD16-272RRRRRRRRSSR
广8优165 Guang8you165GD16-280RRRRRRRRRRR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD16-327RRSRRSSSSSR
广8优2168 Guang8you2168GD16-334RRSRRSSSSSR
广8优169 Guang8you169GD16-3071RRSRSSRSSRR
The frequency of avirulent genes (%)


将11个抗稻瘟病单基因系鉴别品种对源自常规稻粤晶丝苗2号、杂交稻五优308和本研究的广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌致病型分析进行比较,结果表明分离自广8 A杂交稻组合、粤晶丝苗2号[21]和五优308[22]的菌株对其中的3个单基因系IRBL9-W(Pi9)、IRBLkh-K3(Pikh)和IRBL1-CL(Pi1)表现出一致的较高无毒性频率(>88%);对其中的1个单基因系IRBLta2-Re(Pita2)表现出一致较低的无毒性频率(<40%)。另外,不同来源菌株间的致病性存在一定的差异,分离自粤晶丝苗2号的菌株对含抗病基因PikpPiz单基因系的无毒基因频率高达100%,但所测试的菌株可以侵染含抗病基因Pi50PishPi2Piz-t的单基因系;分离自五优308的菌株对含抗病基因Pi2PikpPi50的无毒基因频率达83%以上,但所测试菌株都能侵染含Pish的单基因系;分离自广8 A杂交稻系列组合的菌株对含抗病基因Piz-t的无毒基因频率较低(26.83%)(图3)。



Fig. 3Comparison the frequency of different Avr genes in M. oryzae from different rice cultivars

3 讨论

3.1 无毒基因监测与品种布局


侵染华南不同主栽品种的稻瘟病菌无毒基因型具有共性及差异性。分离自粤晶丝苗2号、五优308和广8优组合的稻瘟病菌对单基因IRBL9-W(Pi9)、IRBLkh-K3(Pikh)和IRBL1-CL(Pi1)表现出一致的高无毒性频率(>88%),对单基因系IRBLta2-Re(Pita2)和IRBLi-F5(Pii)表现出较低的无毒性频率(<40%);分离自广8优组合的稻瘟病菌对单基因系NIL-e1(Pi50)均表现无毒,分离自粤晶丝苗2号的稻瘟病菌不侵染含抗病基因PikpPiz单基因系,分离自五优308的稻瘟病菌对含抗病基因Pi2的品种呈现较高的无毒性频率。在上述3类品种均感病的稻区,可以布局含Pi9PikhPi1的抗病品种,而上述品种由于其无毒基因型存在一定的差异,可考虑在同一稻区进行轮换使用,以减轻病原菌无毒基因型单一化的选择压力。前人研究表明,抗瘟基因Pi50Pi9在我国水稻育种上具有重要的应用价值,ZHU等[23]对抗瘟基因Pi50的研究表明,该基因对华南地区稻瘟病菌表现出广谱抗性;李进斌等[26]分析了22个抗病基因在云南3个稻区的抗性,表明Pi9Pi2在该3个稻区具有良好的抗性;张国民等[27]分析了24个抗病基因在我国寒地稻区的抗性,表明Pi9对该稻区的稻瘟病菌具有广谱抗性。因此,含Pi50Pi9的水稻品种抗瘟性好,可与广8 A杂交稻组合进行轮换使用。

3.2 无毒基因变异机制

“植物-病原菌”的相互作用是两者协同进化的主要推动力[28],目前存在两种寄主与病原菌的进化机制,即“军备竞赛”和“阵地战模式”机制[29]。无毒基因AvrPikPik等位基因间呈现竞争性的阶梯型共进化模式[30],该基因的突变主要是编码区单碱基的突变引起氨基酸的变异。在本研究中检测到了已报道的AvrPik-D型和AvrPik-E型等位基因,其中AvrPik-D型可被抗病基因Pik、Pik-pPik-mPik-h所识别;AvrPik-E型可被抗病基因PikPikhPikm识别[30]。本研究在26个菌株中都能检测到AvrPik-CDE基因片段,利用AvrPik-D型引物在其中的12个菌株能检测到AvrPik-D型;说明含Pik、PikpPikmPikh及其等位基因的水稻品种可抵御侵染广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌。汪文娟等[31]在华南杂交稻裕优132、恒丰优华占、吉丰优华占等组合中分别检测到PikPikp;这些品种可与广8 A杂交稻组合在生产上轮换使用。


3.3 无毒基因型分析


4 结论

抗稻瘟病单基因系致病型监测显示,含抗瘟基因Pi9PikhPi50的单基因系对分离自广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌菌株具有较高的抗病性,无毒基因AvrPi9AvrPik在侵染广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌中分布较为广泛;且在该组合种植区的稻瘟菌群体中遗传结构稳定,推广含Pi9Pik的水稻品种可减轻稻瘟病的发生。分离自粤晶丝苗2号、五优308和广8 A杂交稻组合的稻瘟病菌间具有不同的无毒基因类型及频率,这3个品种或组合感病区域适合种植含Pi9PikhPi1的品种。其中,在广8优组合感病的区域,可轮换种植粤晶丝苗2号和五优308;在粤晶丝苗2号感病的种植区,可轮换种植与广8 A杂交稻组合及五优308抗瘟基因类型相近的品种。

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Abstract Surface recognition and penetration are among the most critical plant infection processes in foliar pathogens. In Magnaporthe oryzae, the Pmk1 MAP kinase regulates appressorium formation and penetration. Its orthologs also are known to be required for various plant infection processes in other phytopathogenic fungi. Although a number of upstream components of this important pathway have been characterized, the upstream sensors for surface signals have not been well characterized. Pmk1 is orthologous to Kss1 in yeast that functions downstream from Msb2 and Sho1 for filamentous growth. Because of the conserved nature of the Pmk1 and Kss1 pathways and reduced expression of MoMSB2 in the pmk1 mutant, in this study we functionally characterized the MoMSB2 and MoSHO1 genes. Whereas the Momsb2 mutant was significantly reduced in appressorium formation and virulence, the Mosho1 mutant was only slightly reduced. The Mosho1 Momsb2 double mutant rarely formed appressoria on artificial hydrophobic surfaces, had a reduced Pmk1 phosphorylation level, and was nonresponsive to cutin monomers. However, it still formed appressoria and caused rare, restricted lesions on rice leaves. On artificial hydrophilic surfaces, leaf surface waxes and primary alcohols-but not paraffin waxes and alkanes- stimulated appressorium formation in the Mosho1 Momsb2 mutant, but more efficiently in the Momsb2 mutant. Furthermore, expression of a dominant active MST7 allele partially suppressed the defects of the Momsb2 mutant. These results indicate that, besides surface hydrophobicity and cutin monomers, primary alcohols, a major component of epicuticular leaf waxes in grasses, are recognized by M. oryzae as signals for appressorium formation. Our data also suggest that MoMsb2 and MoSho1 may have overlapping functions in recognizing various surface signals for Pmk1 activation and appressorium formation. While MoMsb2 is critical for sensing surface hydrophobicity and cutin monomers, MoSho1 may play a more important role in recognizing rice leaf waxes.

YOSHIDA K, SAITOH H, FUJISAWA S, KANZAKI H, MATSUMURA H, YOSHIDA K, TOSA Y, CHUMA I, TAKANO Y, WIN J, KAMOUN S, TERAUCHI R . Association genetics reveals three novel avirulence genes from the rice blast fungal pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae.
The Plant Cell, 2009,21(5):1573-1591.

DOI:10.1105/tpc.109.066324URLPMID:19454732 [本文引用: 2]
To subvert rice (Oryza sativa) host defenses, the devastating ascomycete fungus pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae produces a battery of effector molecules, including some with avirulence (AVR) activity, which are recognized by host resistance (R) proteins resulting in rapid and effective activation of innate immunity. To isolate novel avirulence genes from M. oryzae, we examined DNA polymorphisms of secreted protein genes predicted from the genome sequence of isolate 70-15 and looked for an association with AVR activity. This large-scale study found significantly more presence/absence polymorphisms than nucleotide polymorphisms among 1032 putative secreted protein genes. Nucleotide diversity of M. oryzae among 46 isolates of a worldwide collection was extremely low, suggestive of recent pathogen dispersal. However, no association between DNA polymorphism ano AVR was identified. Therefore, we used genome resequencing of Ina 168, an M. oryzae isolate that contains nine AVR genes. Remarkably, a total of 1.68 Mb regions, comprising 316 candidate effector genes, were present in Ina168 but absent in the assembled sequence of isolate 70-15. Association analyses of these 316 genes revealed three novel AVR genes, AVR-Pia, AVR-Pii, and AVR-Pik/km/kp, corresponding to five previously known AVR genes, whose products are recognized inside rice cells possessing the cognate R genes. AVR-Pia and AVR-Pii have evolved by gene gain/loss processes, whereas AVR-Pik/km/kp has evolved by nucleotide substitutions and gene gain/loss.

ZHANG S L, WANG L, WU W H, HE L Y, YANG X F, PAN Q H . Function and evolution of Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence gene AvrPib responding to the rice blast resistance gene Pib.
Scientific Reports, 2015,5:11642.

[本文引用: 3]

WU J, KOU Y J, BAO J D, LI Y, TANG M Z, ZHU X L, PONAYA A, XIAO G, LI J B, LI C Y, SONG M Y ,CUMAGUN C J R C, DENG Q Y, LU G D, JEON J S, NAQVI N I, ZHOU B. Comparative genomics identifies the Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence effector AvrPi9 that triggers Pi9-mediated blast resistance in rice.
New Phytologist, 2015,206(4):1463-1475.

[本文引用: 1]

RAY S, SINGH P K, GUPTA D K, MAHATO A K, SARKAR C, RATHOU R, SINGH N K , SHARMA T R. Analysis of Magnaporthe oryzae genome reveals a fungal effector,which is able to induce resistance response in transgenic rice line containing resistance gene,Pi54
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7: Article 1140.

DOI:10.3389/fpls.2016.01140URLPMID:4976503 [本文引用: 1]
Rice blast caused byMagnaporthe oryzaeis one of the most important diseases of rice.Pi54, a rice gene that imparts resistance toM. oryzaeisolates prevalent in India, was already cloned but its avirulent counterpart in the pathogen was not known. After decoding the whole genome of anavirulentisolate ofM. oryzae, we predicted 11440 protein coding genes and then identified four candidate effector proteins which are exclusively expressed in the infectious structure, appresoria.In silicoprotein modeling followed by interaction analysis between Pi54 protein model and selected four candidate effector proteins models revealed that Mo-01947_9 protein model encoded by a gene located at chromosome 4 ofM. oryzae, interacted best at the Leucine Rich Repeat domain of Pi54 protein model. Yeast-two-hybrid analysis showed that Mo-01947_9 protein physically interacts with Pi54 protein.Nicotiana benthamianaleaf infiltration assay confirmed induction of hypersensitive response in the presence ofPi54gene in a heterologous system. Genetic complementation test also proved that Mo-01947_9 protein induces avirulence response in the pathogen in presence ofPi54gene. Here, we report identification and cloning of a new fungal effector gene which interacts with blast resistance genePi54in rice.

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ZHU X Y, CHEN S, YANG J Y, ZHOU S C, ZENG L X, HAN J L, SU J, WANG L, PAN Q H . The identification of Pi50(t), a new member of the rice blast resistance Pi2/Pi9 multigene family.
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The deployment of broad-spectrum resistance genes is the most effective and economic means of controlling blast in rice. The cultivar Er-Ba-Zhan (EBZ) is a widely used donor of blast resistance in South China, with many cultivars derived from it displaying broad-spectrum resistance against blast. Mapping in a set of recombinant inbred lines bred from the cross between EBZ and the highly blast-susceptible cultivar Liangjiangxintuanheigu (LTH) identified in EBZ a blast resistance gene on each of chromosomes 1 ( Pish ), 6 ( Pi2 / Pi9 ) and 12 ( Pita / Pita - 2 ). The resistance spectrum and race specificity of the allele at Pi2 / Pi9 were both different from those present in other known Pi2 / Pi9 carriers. Fine-scale mapping based on a large number of susceptible EBZ02×02LTH F 2 and EBZ02×02LTH BC 1 F 2 segregants placed the gene within a 53-kb segment, which includes Pi2 / Pi9 . Sequence comparisons of the LRR motifs of the four functional NBS-LRR genes within Pi2 / Pi9 revealed that the EBZ allele is distinct from other known Pi2 / Pi9 alleles. As a result, the gene has been given the designation Pi50 (t).

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