关键词:玉米; 弱势粒; 库活性; 激素; 多胺 Relationship of Sink Activity with Endogenous Hormones and Polyamine Contents in Inferior Kernels of Maize WANG Zhi-Gang1,**, LIANG Hong-Wei1,2,**, GAO Ju-Lin1,*, YU Xiao-Fang1, SUN Ji-Ying1, SU Zhi-Jun1, HU Shu-Ping1, YU Shao-Bo1, LI Ya-Jian1, WEI Shu-Li1, YANG Zhe1 1 College of Agronomy, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010019, China
2 Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences, Hohhot 010031, China
Fund:This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31301265), the State Program of China (2016YFD0300103), the Program for Young Talents of Science and Technology in Universities of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (NJYT-14-B04), and the National Key Technology Support Program of China (2013BAD07B04) AbstractSink activity at blister stage of maize is the primary limiting factor of the abortion and/or filling stagnation of inferior kernels. Clarifying the effect of endogenous hormone and polyamine contents on sink activity of inferior kernels in maize is of great importance for regulating inferior kernels in crowding maize colony. In this present study, two typical commercial maize hybrids Zhengdan 958 and Xianyu 335 were planted in 2014 and 2015. At silking stage, two pollination treatments, incomplete pollination (IcP) and complete pollination (CP), were imposed to each cultivar. The objective of incomplete pollination, in which the pollinated filaments within the basal region of ear was decreased by hand-cutting, was to stimulate the inferior kernel setting in the apical region of ear, where the inferior kernels should be aborted or filling-stagnated in complete pollination. The endogenous hormone and polyamine contents were compared between IcP and CP treatments during blister stage, and the relationship of sink activity with endogenous hormone and/or polyamine contents was analyzed. There was no remarkable effect of hybrids and years on sink activity, endogenous hormone and polyamine of kernels. The soluble acid invertase activity of IcP was significantly higher than that of CP, by 13.5% on an average and 21.8% at the maximum. There was no significant difference in contents of Z+ZR, IAA, GA3, and ABA of the inferior kernels between IcP and CP treatments during blister stage. The polyamine content of IcP was significantly higher than that of CP, but the ethylene producing rate was just the opposite. SAI activity correlated with polyamine content positively, but with ethylene release rate negatively, moreover, ethylene release rate showed negative correlation with polyamine content. The results suggested that, during the blister stage of maize, the contents of Z+ZR, IAA, GA3, and ABA of inferior kernels have nothing to do with SAI activity. SAI activity of inferior kernels is mainly affected by polyamine and ethylene, which is promoted by polyamine content and inhibited by ethylene release rate. The balance between polyamine and ethylene determines the result of inferior kernel development, which is radically regulated by assimilate supply of maize plant.
表1 不同授粉处理下玉米弱势粒的Z+ZR、IAA、GA3和ABA含量 Table 1 Z+ZR, IAA, GA3, and ABA content of inferior kernels of maize under different pollination treatments
激素 Hormone
年度 Year
品种 Hybrid
处理 Treatment
含量 Content (ng g-1 FW)
6 d
12 d
18 d
24 d
30 d
玉米素+玉米素核苷 Z+ZR
7.59 b
13.43 a
14.41 a
16.09 a
15.92 a
Xianyu 335
9.56 a
14.47 a
15.64 a
16.43 a
14.33 a
6.54 b
13.44 a
15.00 a
15.31 a
11.71 a
Zhengdan 958
9.81 a
12.84 a
16.13 a
14.90 a
11.86 a
4.16 a
9.32 a
15.62 a
15.25 a
9.17 a
Xianyu 335
3.99 a
11.18 a
16.05 a
12.28 a
9.33 a
4.28 a
7.92 a
15.35 a
14.90 a
11.18 a
Zhengdan 958
4.45 a
8.56 a
13.77 a
12.41 a
12.07 a
生长素 IAA
59.16 a
70.89 a
94.64 a
58.27 a
52.19 a
Xianyu 335
56.42 a
68.34 a
85.97 b
61.26 a
58.74 a
44.96 a
78.85 a
108.14 a
87.65 a
74.79 a
Zhengdan 958
48.40 a
73.45 b
101.64 a
82.32 a
73.45 a
16.88 a
55.03 a
86.00 b
80.57 a
72.26 a
Xianyu 335
15.40 a
36.55 b
102.58 a
85.13 a
73.91 a
14.50 a
34.78 b
88.24 a
101.99 a
81.81 a
Zhengdan 958
17.69 a
48.86 a
83.13 a
81.93 b
77.35 a
脱落酸 ABA
103.05 a
78.89 a
48.45 a
58.55 a
68.00 a
Xianyu 335
93.47 a
68.23 a
57.03 a
80.03 a
57.16 a
77.81 a
47.08 a
62.43 a
78.88 a
60.46 a
Zhengdan 958
87.51 a
58.03 a
57.09 a
78.06 a
63.04 a
87.77 a
81.69 a
97.67 a
90.08 a
121.46 a
Xianyu 335
108.08 a
86.00 a
88.62 a
82.90 a
124.56 a
102.62 a
98.76 a
88.87 a
92.21 a
133.72 a
Zhengdan 958
116.18 a
94.08 a
87.71 a
90.01 a
133.55 a
赤霉素 GA3
7.49 a
6.41 a
5.97 a
5.01 a
4.11 a
Xianyu 335
7.36 a
5.91 a
5.13 a
4.33 a
3.88 a
8.14 a
6.42 a
5.94 a
5.85 a
4.30 a
Zhengdan 958
7.73 b
6.44 a
5.99 a
5.24 a
4.06 a
7.22 a
6.74 a
6.25 a
5.52 a
4.70 a
Xianyu 335
7.30 a
6.33 a
6.06 a
5.61 a
4.60 a
7.98 a
6.89 a
5.72 a
5.59 a
4.54 a
Zhengdan 958
7.92 a
7.68 a
6.18 a
5.70 a
4.47 a
CP: complete pollination; IcP: incomplete pollination. Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level among different treatments. CP: 完全授粉; IcP: 不完全授粉。同一列数字后不同小写字母表示不同处理间差异达0.05显著水平。
表1 不同授粉处理下玉米弱势粒的Z+ZR、IAA、GA3和ABA含量 Table 1 Z+ZR, IAA, GA3, and ABA content of inferior kernels of maize under different pollination treatments
图3 不同控制授粉处理下玉米弱势粒乙烯释放速率变化 缩写同图2。Fig. 3 Dynamics of ethylene producing rate of inferior kernels of maize under different pollination treatments Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 2.
图4 不同控制授粉处理下玉米弱势粒多胺含量变化 缩写同图2。Fig. 4 Change of polyamine content of inferior kernels of maize under different pollination treatments Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 2.
图5 玉米籽粒形成期弱势粒乙烯释放率与SAI活性的关系 缩写同图2。Fig. 5 Relationship between ethylene release rate and soluble acid invertase (SAI) activity of inferior kernels during the blister stage of maize Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 2.
图6 玉米籽粒形成期弱势粒多胺含量与SAI活性的关系 缩写同图2。Fig. 6 Relationship between polyamine content and soluble acid invertase (SAI) of inferior kernels during the blister stage of maize Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 2.
图7 玉米籽粒形成期弱势粒多胺含量与乙烯释放率的关系 缩写同图2。Fig. 7 Relationship between polyamine content and ethylene release rate of inferior kernels during the blister stage of maize Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 2.
图8 乙烯、多胺平衡影响弱势粒库活性并主导弱势粒发育的模式图Fig. 8 Theoretical framework of effects of polyamines and ethylene contents and their balance on sink activity and inferior kernels setting
4 结论玉米籽粒形成期的弱势粒库活性即SAI活性受其内源多胺和乙烯含量及其平衡关系调控, 多胺促进SAI活性, 而乙烯抑制其活性。多胺和乙烯平衡受物质供应状况影响, 当同化物质供应充足时, 多胺大量合成抑制乙烯释放, 从而促进SAI活性使糖分向籽粒中卸载, 使弱势粒成功建成; 当同化物质供应不足时, 多胺合成受限而乙烯大量合成, 抑制SAI活性, 还原糖卸载受阻, 籽粒败育或灌浆受限。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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