关键词:花生品种; 指纹图谱; SSR标记; 群体结构 DNA Fingerprinting of Peanut ( Arachis hypogaea L.) Varieties Released in Henan Province SUN Zi-Qi1,2, ZHANG Xin-You2,*, XU Jing2, ZHANG Zhong-Xin2, LIU Hua2, YAN Mei2, DONG Wen-Zhao2, HUANG Bing-Yan2, HAN Suo-Yi2, TANG Feng-Shou2, LIU Zhi-Yong1,* 1 College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
2 Industrial Crops Research Institute, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Oil Crops in Huanghuaihai Plains, Ministry of Agriculture / Henan Provincial Key Laboratory for Genetic Improvement of Oil Crops, Zhengzhou 450002, China
Fund:This study was supported by the Key Project of Science and Technology of Henan Province (141100110600), the China Agriculture Research System of Peanut (CARS-14), the Agriculture Research System of Henan Province (S2012-5), and the Special Fund for Independent Innovation of Henan Academy of Agricultural Science AbstractThe DNA fingerprints of 90 peanut varieties released in Henan province before 2015 were generated using 95 polymorphic loci of 14 SSR markers. All varieties were distinguished by the DNA polymorphisms except for three pairs of varieties with only one SSR locus difference between each pair. SSR clustering analysis revealed that the 90 peanut varieties could be classified into 88 types at a 0.98 genetic similarity coefficient. The remaining two variety pairs had only one allele difference since one variety was the maternal parent of the other. About three fourth (74.4%) of the peanut varieties were distinctive from other varieties at a genetic similarity coefficient threshold of 0.95, indicating a very relatively narrow genetic background of the released peanut varieties in Henan province compared to other crops. Population structure analysis based on 60 SSR markers demonstrated that the 90 varieties could be divided into three subgroups in accordance with the classification according to botanical and pod characteristics, which was consistent with the results of SSR markers cluster analysis. This study provides some fundamental information for selection of parental lines, identification and evaluation of new varieties, as well as establishment of DNA fingerprinting standard in peanut breeding program.
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