关键词:DTA-6; GmAC基因表达; 脱落纤维素酶; 花荚脱落率; 产量 Regulation of DTA-6 by Abscission Cellulase and GmAC Gene Expression in Flowers and Pods of Soybean CUI Hong-Qiu1,2,*, FENG Nai-Jie1,*, SUN Fu-Dong1, LIU Tao1, LI Jian-Ying2, DU Ji-Dao1, HAN Yi-Qiang1, ZHENG Dian-Feng1,* 1Agronomy of College, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319, China
2 Daqing Branch College, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Daqing 163316, China
Fund:This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31171503, 31271652), the National Key Technology R&D Program of China (2012BAD20B04), Heilongjiang Provincial Graduate Science and Technology Innovation Projects for Graduate Sdutents (YJSCX2012-253HLJ), Heilongjiang Provincial Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists (JC201309), and Key Scientific and Technological Projects from Heilongjiang Agriculture and Reclamation Bureau (HNK12A-06-03, HNK12A-09-02) AbstractIt is effective to regulate abscission of soybean flowers and pods by spraying plant growth regulators (PGRs). This study was carried out to determine the effect of DTA-6 on abscission cellulase (AC) activity, abscission cellulase gene ( GmAC) expressive, abscission of flowers and pods, and yield in soybean. DTA-6 was foliage sprayed at R1 stage on three varieties of Suinong 28, Kenfeng 16, and Hefeng 50 in 2012 and 2013. The results demonstrated that DTA-6 treatment inhibited GmAC gene expression in abscission zone of flower and pod, with the maximum reduction of 51% among three varieties compared with the control. The abscission cellulase activity was periodically decreased by DTA-6, with different decrements among soybean cultivars. DTA-6 significantly decreased ( P<0.05) abscission rate of soybean flowers and pods, and significantly increased yield ( P<0.05). The relative expression of abscission cellulase gene ( GmAC) in abscission zone of flowers-pods was decreased and the AC activity was regulated by DTA-6, resulting in reduced abscission rate of soybean flowers and pods and promoted yield.
Keyword:DTA-6; GmAC expression; Abscission cellulase; Flowers and pods abscission; Yield Show Figures Show Figures
图1 R1期叶喷DTA-6对大豆花荚离区GmAC基因相对表达量的影响 图柱顶端不同字母表示处理间在0.05水平上显著。SN28: 绥农28; KF16: 垦丰16; HF50: 合丰50。Fig. 1 Effect of DTA-6 sprayed at R1 stage on GmAC gene expression in soybean Different letters superscripted show significant difference in relative expression between treatments at the 0.05 probability level. SN28: Suinong 28; KF16: Kenfeng 16; HF50: Hefeng 50.
图3 R1期叶面喷施DTA-6对花荚脱落率的影响 图柱顶端不同字母表示处理间差异达0.05显著水平。SN28: 绥农28; KF16: 垦丰16; HF50: 合丰50。Fig. 3 Effects of DTA-6 on abscission rate of flowers and pods in soybean Superscripted by different letters are significantly different between treatment at the 0.05 probability level. SN28: Suinong 28; KF16: Kenfeng 16; HF50: Hefeng 50.
图4 R1期叶面喷施DTA-6对大豆产量的影响 图柱顶端不同字母表示差异达0.05显著水平。SN28: 绥农28; KF16: 垦丰16; HF50: 合丰50。Fig. 4 Effects of DTA-6 sprayed at R1 stage on soybean yield Superscripted by different letters are significantly different between treatments at the 0.05 probability level. SN28: Suinong 28; KF16: Kenfeng 16; HF50: Hefeng 50.
4 结论DTA-6通过抑制大豆花荚离区GmAC基因相对表达量, 阶段性地降低大豆荚的AC酶活性, 显著降低花荚脱落率(P< 0.05), 进而显著增加产量(P< 0.05), 并且存在品种差异。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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