

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-07

2009.09--2013.06 曲阜师范大学化学与化工学院学士
从事抗病毒蛋白结构功能基础研究与仿生生物分子应用开发工作,主要通过蛋白质结构解析与生物分子仿生进行细胞微生物成像与冷链食品病原微生物检测等工作。在AngewChem、ACS Appl Mater Interfaces、Protein Cell等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文10余篇,影响因子>70。作为主要完成人参与”十二五”重大专项、国家自然科学基金、天津市重点科技攻关等国家和省部级科研项目3项,主持承担国际评审项目等专项基金2项。受邀参加美国化学学会年会(ACS)、国际青年****论坛等多个国际学术会议并做报告。主要开展以下研究:抗病毒蛋白质结构解析与功能分析;仿生肽类分子开发;生物成像与病原微生物检测等。
(1) Kong J, Wang Y*, Zhang J, Qi W*, Su R, He Z. Rationally Designed Peptidyl Virus-Like Particles Enable Targeted Delivery of Genetic Cargo. AngewandteChemie International Edition, 2018, 57, 14032-14036, IF = 12.257, Inside Cover.
(2) Kong J, Zhang J, Wang Y*, Qi W, Huang M, Su R, He Z. Bioinspired Fluorescent Peptidyl Nanoparticles with Rainbow Colors. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 2020, 12, 31830-31841, IF= 8.758.
(3) Kong J, Wang Y*, Qi W*, Su R, He Z. Photo- and Aromatic Stacking-Induced Green Emissive Peptidyl Nanoparticles for Cell Imaging and Monitoring of Nucleic Acid Delivery. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 2019, 11 (17), 15401-15410, IF= 8.758.
(4) Kong J, Zhang J, Wang Y*, Rao H, Hu L, Qi W, Su R, He Z. Bioinspired pH-Sensitive Fluorescent Peptidyl Nanoparticles for Cell Imaging, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 2020, 12(4):4212-4220, IF= 8.758.
(5) Kong J, Xu B, Wei W, Wang X, Xie W, Yu XF*. Characterization of the amino-terminal domain of Mx2/MxB-dependent interaction with the HIV-1 capsid. Protein Cell,2014, 5, 954-957, IF = 10.16.
(6) Kong J, Wang Y*, Qi W, Huang M, Su R, He Z. Green fluorescent protein inspired fluorophores. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2020;285:102286.IF= 9.92.
(7) Kong J, Wang M M, He S Y, Peng X*, Qin X H*. Structural characterization and directed modification of Sus scrofa SAMHD1 reveal the mechanism underlying deoxynucleotide regulation. FEBS Journal, 2019, 286: 3844-3857, IF = 4.530.
(8) Kong J, Wang Y*, Qi W, Su R, He Z. Enzyme-Free Visualization of Nucleic Acids during HIV Infection by Octopus-like DNA, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 150,122-128, IF = 4.784.
(9) Kong J, Ma M, He S, Qin X*. Mx oligomer: a novel capsid pattern sensor. Future Microbiology, 2016, 11, 1047-1055, IF = 3.190.
(10) Li Y#, Kong J#, Peng X, Hou W, Qin X, Yu XF*. Structural Insights into the High-efficiency Catalytic Mechanism of the Sterile alphaMotif/Histidine-Aspartate Domain-containing Protein. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2015, 290,29428-29437, IF = 4.106.
(11) Xu B#, Kong J#, Wang X, Wei W, Xie W, Yu XF*. Structural insight into the assembly of human anti-HIV dynamin-like protein MxB/Mx2. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2015, 456, 197-201, IF = 2.705.
Email: kongjia@nwafu.edu.cn

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