

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-12


摘要: 脊髓受到物理损伤后随即进入自我修复过程。由于脊髓组织的特殊性,相对于创面愈合而言,其自我修复是有限的。大量研究表明,多种细胞及分子参与脊髓损伤的修复过程。过度的炎症反应可能会使损伤的脊髓遭遇二次打击,进一步影响其自我修复。这种炎症反应与脊髓损伤后巨噬细胞的活动密切相关。综合关于脊髓损伤及创面的研究发现,巨噬细胞在脊髓损伤修复中承担至关重要的作用。通过抑制M1型巨噬细胞募集,促进M2型巨噬细胞分化等方式干预巨噬细胞,有望改善脊髓损伤后的炎症反应。该文就巨噬细胞在脊髓损伤后自我修复中的作用及相关机制进行阐述,并且对近年来通过干预巨噬细胞治疗脊髓损伤的相关研究进行综述。
关键词: 脊髓损伤, 巨噬细胞, 自我修复, 神经再生, 治疗
Self-repair has been initiated after spinal cord injury (SCI). Unlike wound healing, the self-regeneration of spinal cord is incomplete and insufficient. Many studies show that there are a lot of cells and factors active in self-repair of SCI. Inflammatory is a hard problem for us to face in SCI. Over-inflammatory will casecondary damage to the spinal cord and the capacity of self-repair. In the inflammatory environment, Many kinds of research evidence prove that macrophage pays a vital role in the over inflammatory with damaging the self-repair of SCI. Thus, targeting macrophage in spinal cord injury will hopefully become a method in SCI repair. This review clarifies the function and mechanism of macrophage in SCI repair and the new targeting macrophage methods in recovering the self-repair capacity of SCI.
Key words: spinal cord injury, macrophage, self-repair, neuroregenerations, therapy


相关话题/过程 神经 综合 组织 物理