

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

殷跃红 教授

教育背景 1995-1997南京航空航天大学机械电子工程专业博士

工作经历 1997―1999 浙江大学机械工程学院流体传动及控制国家重点实验室 博士后
1999―1999 浙江大学机械工程学院流体传动及控制国家重点实验室 副教授
1999―2005 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院机器人研究所 副教授
2005― 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院机器人研究所 教授

研究方向 1) 人工智能、机器视觉与力觉力控制
4) 超精密智能制造

科研项目 2001-2003 国家863项目“车间层可重构装配技术研究,2001AA412250”,第二负责人
2002-2005 上海市科学技术发展基金重大项目“六自由度动感平台及虚拟力觉系统”,主要负责人之一
2003-2005 科技部中德国际合作重点项目“人机一体化两足步行假肢2003DF000017 “,第二负责人
2003-2005 国家自然科学青年基金“基于扩大现实技术机器人弹性变形力交互机理研究** “,负责人
2003-2007 国家自然科学基金重大项目“高加速度、快起停微力传感及微力控制理论和方法研究** “,主要负责人之一
2006-2008 国家863项目“下肢残疾或瘫痪病人用并联关节式助走外骨骼机器人研究2006AA04Z240 “,负责人
2007-2007 国家自然科学基金主任基金“微纳尺度中Casimir力场作用下微力觉及微力控制系统研究** “,负责人
2007-2009 主持上海市教育委员会曙光计划项目“微纳尺度中Casimir力场作用下微力传感研究07SG14 “,负责人
2007-2009 预研重点基金项目“复杂产品装配规划和管理技术9140A**LN0101 “,第二负责人
2007-2009 上海交通大学医工交叉研究基金项目“外骨骼假肢临床应用研究YG2007MS20 “,负责人
2010―2012 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室开放课题资助项目“多力场耦合下分子马达纳米运行机制研究MSV-2010-01“,负责人
2010-2012 上海交通大学医工交叉研究基金重大项目“中枢神经损伤复合康复技术及临床应用研究”,YG2010ZD101;工科负责人
2011-2013 国家自然科学基金,“骨骼肌生物力学原理及新一代仿生假肢研究”,**,负责人;
2012-2014 上海交通大学理工交叉研究基金重点项目,“线性分子马达多场耦合运行机制及新一代人工肌肉研究”,负责人;
2011-2016 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目“空间光学先进制造基础理论及关键技术研究:2011CB013200”课题3“复杂光学面形超精密加工的展成控制,2011CB013203”;2011.11-2016.8,项目负责人
2014-2017 国家自然科学基金,“基于分子马达的骨骼肌新型生物力学模型与变频调控原理”2014-2017,负责人。
2017-2020 国家重大研究计划重大科学仪器设备开发项目《超光滑表面无损检测仪》.

代表性论文专著 [1].Zeng Y., Yang J.T., YIN Y.H., (2019) Evolving Gaussian Process Autoregression based Learning of Human Motion Intent Using Improved Energy Kernel Method of EMG. IEEE Transactions on biomedical engineering. 2019,66(9): 2556-2565
[2].Lin S., YIN Y.H., Research on arc-shaped wheel wear and error compensation in the arc envelop grinding. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2019,103( 5-8): 1847-1859
【3】Yin, Y.H., Ren, M.J., Sun, L.J., 2017, Dependant Gaussian Processes Regression for Intelligent Sampling of Freeform and Structured Surfaces. Annals of the CIRP, 66/1:511- 514.
[2]. Yin, Y.H., Ren, M.J., Sun, L.J., Kong, L.B., 2016, Gaussian Process Based Multi-scale Modelling for Precision Measurement of Complex Surfaces, Annals of the CIRP, 65/1:487-490.
[3]. Yin Y.H., Nee, A. Y., Ong S K, Zhu, J.Y., Gu, P. H., Chen, L. J., 2015, Automating design with intelligent human-machine integration, Annals of the CIRP, 64/2:655-678.
[4]. Yin Y.H., Zhou, C., Zhu, J. Y., 2010, A pipe route design methodology by imitating human imaginal thinking, Annals of the CIRP, 59/1:167-170.
[5]. Ren M.J., Sun L.J., Kong L.B., Yin Y.H., 2017,A CAD-based Curve Network Sampling Strategy for Measurement of Freeform Surfaces on Coordinate Measuring Machine, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, (Published online)
[6]. Ren M.J., Sun L.J., Liu M.Y., Cheung C.F., Yin Y.H., 2017, A Reconstruction-registration Integrated Data Fusion Method for Measurement of Multi-scaled Complex Surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 66(3):414 - 423.
[7]. Chen X., Zeng Y., YIN Y.H.,2017, Active Compliance Control of an Exoskeleton Knee Joint Based on the Understanding of Motor Intent Using Energy Kernel Method of EMG, IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehab. Eng., 25(6): 577-588.
[8]. Ren M.J., Sun L.J., Liu M.Y., Cheung C.F., Yin* Y.H., Cao Y.L., 2017, A Weighted Least Square Based Data Fusion Method for Precision Measurement of Freeform Surfaces. Precision Engineering, 48:144–151.
[9]. Sun L.J., Ren M.J., Yin Y.H., 2017, Domain-specific Gaussian process based intelligent sampling for inspection planning of complex surfaces, International Journal of Production Research, 55(19): 5564-5578.
[10]. Sun L.J., Ren M.J., Hong H.B., Yin* Y.H., 2017, Thermal error reduction based on thermodynamics structure optimization method for an ultra-precision machine tool. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 88(5-8): 1267-1277.
[11]. Wang, Q., Chen, X., Yin, Y.H., Lu, J., 2017, Ontology-based coupled optimisation design method using state-space analysis for the spindle box system of large ultra-precision optical grinding machine, Enterprise information systems, 11(7):1105-1118.
[12]. Yin, Y.H., Zeng Y., Chen X., Fan Y.J.,2016, The internet of things in healthcare: An overview, Journal of Industrial Information Integration,1(1):3-13.
[13]. Jiang, Z., Yin, Y., Wang, Q., Chen, X., 2016, Predictive modelling of grinding force considering wheel deformation for toric fewer-axis grinding of large complex optical mirrors, Transactions of the ASME,J. Manuf. Sci. Eng, 138 : 061
[14]. Hong, H., Yin, Y.H., Chen, X., 2016, Ontological Modelling of Knowledge Management for Human-machine Integrated Design of Ultra-precision Grinding Machine. Enterprise information systems, 10(9):970-981.
[15]. Hong, H., Yin, Y.H., 2016, Ontology-based conceptual design for ultra-precision hydrostatic guideways with human-machine interaction, Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 1(2):11-18.
[16]. Hong, H., Yin, Y.H., 2016, Ontology-based human-machine integrated design method for ultra-precision grinding machine spindle, Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 1:(2): 1-10.
[17]. Xu, Y., Yin, Y.H., 2016, The Effect of Varied Pressure on the Material Removal Rate and Convergence Rate of Optics Lapping, Science Bulletin , 61:862-871.
[18]. Jiang, Z., Yin, Y.H., Chen, X., 2015, Geometric Error Modeling,Separation and Compensation of Tilted Toric Wheel in Fewer-Axis Grinding for Large Complex Optical Mirrors, Transactions of the ASME,J. Manuf. Sci. Eng, 137(3): MANU-14-1125.
[19]. Chen, X., Yin, Y.H., 2014, A highly-efficient semi-phenomenological model for a half-sarcomere aiming at the real-time prediction of the mechanical behavior under various contraction modes. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering , 136(12): 121001-121009.
[20]. Guo, Z., Yu, H.Y., Yin, Y.H., 2014, Developing a mobile lower limb robotic exoskeleton for gait rehabilitation. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Medical Devices, 8(4), 1189-1195.
[21]. Fan, Y.J., Yin, Y.H., XU, L.D., Zeng, Y., Wu, F., 2014, IoT based Smart Rehabilitation System,IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics, Vol.10(2): 1568 - 1577.
[22]. Chen, X., Yin, Y.H., 2014, EMG oscillator model-based energy kernel method for characterizing muscle intrinsic property under isometric contraction. Chinese Sci Bull, 59(14): 1556-1567.
[23]. Fan, Y.J., Yin, Y.H., 2013, Active and Progressive Exoskeleton Rehabilitation Using Multi-Source Information Fusion from sEMG and Force & Position-EPP, IEEE Transactions on biomedical engineering, Vol.60(12): 3314 - 3321.
[24]. Yin, Y.H., XU, L.D., Zhu M.B., Chen, H., 2013, Chen Zhou Novel Human-Machine Collaborative Interface for Aero-Engine Pipe Routing, IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics, Vol.9(4): 2187 - 2199.
[25]. Zhang, J.J., Yin, Y.H., Zhu, J.Y., 2013, Electrical Resistivity-Based Study of Self-Sensing Properties for Shape Memory Alloy-Actuated Artificial Muscle, Sensors, 13(10): 12958-12974.
[26]. Zhang, J.J., Yin, Y.H., 2013, Sigmoid-based hysteresis modeling and high-speed tracking control of SMA-artificial muscle, Sensor and Actuators A:Physical, 201: 264– 273.
[27]. Jiang Z.H., Yin, Y.H., 2013, Geometrical principium of fewer-axis grinding for large complex optical mirrors. Sci China Tech Sci, 56: 1667-1677.CHEN Xing, YIN YueHong, 2013, A dynamical system-Markov model for active postsynaptic responses of muscle spindle afferent nerve. Chinese Sci Bull, Vol.58:603-612.
[28]. Yin, Y.H., Xu, Y., Jiang, Z.H., Wang, Q.R., 2012, Tracking and understanding unknown surface with high speed by force sensing and control for robot, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.12(9):2910-2916.
[29]. Yin, Y.H., Fan, Y.J., XU, L.D., 2012, EMG & EPP-Integrated Human- machine Interface between the Paralyzed and Rehabilitation Exoskeleton. IEEE Transactions on information technology on Biomedicine, Vol.16(4):542-549.
[30]. Yin, Y.H., XIE, J.Y., XU, L.D., Chen, H., 2012, Imaginal thinking-based human-machine design methodology for the configuration of reconfigurable machine tools, IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics, Vol.8(3):659-668.
[31]. Zhang, J.J., Yin, Y.H., 2012, SMA-based bionic integration design of self- sensor–actuator-structure for artificial skeletal muscle, Sens. Actuators A:Phys, 181: 94–102.
[32]. Yin, Y.H., GUO, Z., Chen, X., Fan, Y.J., 2012, Studies on biomechanics of skeletal muscle based on the working mechanism of myosin motors: An overview,Chinese Sci Bull, Vol.57(35): 4533 - 4544.
[33]. Yin, Y.H., Chen, X., 2012 ,Bioelectrochemical control mechanism with variable-frequency regulation for skeletal muscle contraction -Biomechanics of skeletal muscle based on the working mechanism of myosin motors (Ⅱ).Science China-Technological Sciences, Vol.55(8):2115-2125.
[34]. Guo, Z., Yin, Y.H., 2012, A dynamic model of skeletal muscle based on collective behavior of myosin motors-Biomechanics of skeletal muscle based on working mechanism of myosin motors (I). Science China-Technological Sciences, Vol.55(6):1589–1595
[35]. Yin, Y.H., Xie, J.Y., 2011, Reconfigurable manufacturing execution system for pipe cutting, Enterprise Information Systems, Vol. 5, No. 3, 287-299.
[36]. Guo, Z., Yin, Y.H., 2011, Casimir effect on adhesion interaction between myosin molecular motor and actin filament, International journal of nanosystem, 3(1):9-15.
[37]. Fan, Y.J., Guo, Z., Yin, Y.H., 2011, sEMG-based neuro-fuzzy controller for a parallel ankle exoskeleton with proprioception, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol. 26(4), 2011: 450-460.
[38]. Yin, Y.H., Guo, Z., 2011, Collective mechanism of molecular motors and a dynamic mechanical model for sarcomere, Science China Technological Sciences, Vol.54 No.8:2130-2137
[39]. Yu, J.F., Yin, Y.H., 2010, Assembly line balancing based on an adaptive genetic algorithm, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacture Technology, 48(1-4):347–354
[40]. Fang, L., Yin, Y.H., Chen, Z.N., 2008, Design and control of a novel linear wire bonding head, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacture Technology, 35(11-12):1136-1144
[41]. Zhou, C., Yin, Y.H., 2010, Pipe assembly planning algorithm by imitating human imaginal thinking, Assembly Automation, 30(1): 66-74
[42]. Guo, Z., Yin, Y.H., 2010, Coupling mechanism of multi-force interactions in the myosin molecular motor, Chinese Sci Bull, 55 (31):3538-3544
[43]. Yin, S., Yin, Y.H., 2007, Implementation of the interactive bicycle simulator with its functional subsystems, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 7(2): 160-166
[44]. Fang, L., Yin, Y.H., Chen, Z.N., 2007, Robust simultaneous optimal design of structure and control for a wire bonding force control system, Proc. IMechE: Part C: J. Mechanical engineering Science, 221(2): 177-186
[45]. Yin, S., Yin, Y.H., 2007, Study on Virtual Force Sensing and Force Display Device for the Interactive Bicycle Simulator, Sensor and Actuators A : Physical, 140(1):65-74.

教学工作 1、 课程名称:控制系统建模分析与控制,授课对象:本科生,学时数:48,学分:3;
2、 课程名称:机械电子学,授课对象:研究生,学时数: 48,学分:3;

软件版权登记及专利 1、专利名称:机电式虚拟力觉提示装置,
授权号: ZL3.0
授权号:ZL **
授权号:ZL **
授权号:ZL **
20、软件名称:空间管架的数控相贯线切割软件V 2.0
21、软件名称:相贯线切割机可重构数控系统 V2.03
登记号: 2009SR056374

学术兼职 “国际生产工程科学院院士”CIRP Fellow;

荣誉奖励 1997 航空工业总公司(部级)科技进步二等奖(排第四)
1997 江苏省科技进步四等奖 (排第四)
1998 江苏省科技进步二等奖 (排第二)
2004  上海交通大学迪比特优秀教师奖 
2005 上海市科技进步二等奖 (排第四)
2007 上海市曙光****
2009 上海市科技进步二等奖 (排第一)
2011 当选“国际生产工程科学院”CIRP Associate Member;
2018 上银优秀博士论文指导老师

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