随着有机电化学和光化学的复兴, 将两者结合的新型光电协同催化有机化学成为了研究热点之一. 光电协同催化广泛应用于氧化还原及偶联反应等众多反应体系. 本综述总结了近5年来光电催化的最新研究进展, 对反应的机理及催化剂进行了系统性的分类, 总结了该类反应体系的优势和特点, 并且对该研究方向的发展进行了展望.
关键词: 有机电化学, 光化学, 光电化学, 协同催化
Following the renaissances of organic electrochemistry and photochemistry, photoelectrochemical approach was arising as one of hot research areas by combination advantages of photocatalysis and electrocatalysis. The photoeletrocatalysis was widely applied in redox reactions, coupling reactions and beyond. The development of photoelectrochemical transformations during past five years is summarized and the related reactions are classified according to mechanism and catalyst. The current progresses and future outlooks of such method are also discussed.
Key words: organic electrochemistry, photochemistry, photoelectrochemistry, synergistic catalysis