
氮杂环丙烷在药物分子的设计合成中有广泛应用. 利用电化学方法合成氮杂环丙烷的研究主要集中于富电子烯烃的底物. 利用芳基碘化物介导, 以邻苯二甲酰肼为氮源, 在连通池中实现了缺电子烯烃的氮杂环丙烷化. 高价碘稳定的氮宾及酰化羟肼可能是原位产生的活性氮源试剂, 它们通过分步的过程实现三元环的构建. 一系列α,β-不饱和酯、酰胺、腈和酮都可以通过这个电化学方法转化为对应的氮杂环丙烷.
关键词: 电化学, 氮杂环丙烷, 高价碘, 缺电子烯烃
A protocol of electrochemical aziridination of electron-deficient alkenes was reported using phthalhydrazide as nitrogen source. The reaction could be conducted in undivided cell, and the ArI is essential to achieve the transformation. Hypervalent-iodine-stablized nitrene and acetyl hydroxyhydrazine were suggested as the in-situ generated nitrogen source for the stepwise aziridination. This protocol can be applied to the azirdination of α,β-unsaturated esters, amides, nitrile and ketones to give a series N-containing molecules.
Key words: electrochemistry, aziridination, hypervalent iodine, electron-deficient alkene