
1,3-丁二烯是石脑油裂解过程C4馏分中最主要的组分, 通过羰基化反应合成的下游产品己二醛、己二酸、己二酸二甲酯在尼龙、增塑剂、医药中间体等的生产上有重要应用. 但是如何高效高化学/区域选择性合成这类高附加值产品一直是有机化学研究以及工业化生产的难题. 综述了近年来1,3-二烯类化合物(特别是1,3-丁二烯)发生羰基化反应(氢甲酰化反应、氢酯化反应、氢羧基化反应)构建高附加值化学品的研究进展, 并对该方法存在的难点以及未来发展方向进行了阐述和展望.
关键词: 1,3-丁二烯, 氢甲酰化反应, 氢酯化反应, 合成气, 均相催化
1,3-Butadiene is the main component of C4 fraction in naphtha cracking process. The products of 1,3-butadiene carbonylation (hexanedial, adipic acid and dimethyl adipate) can be used in the production of nylon, plasticizer and pharmaceutical intermediates. How to efficiently and high chemo-/regio-selectivity synthesize these high value-added products has always been a difficult problem in organic chemistry research and industrial production. In this paper, the research progress of carbonylation (hydroformylation, hydroesterification, hydrocarboxylation) of 1,3-dienes (especially 1,3-butadiene) to construct high value-added chemicals in recent years is reviewed, then the difficulties and future development of this method are prospected.
Key words: 1,3-butadiene, hydroformylation, hydroesterification, syngas, homogeneous catalysis