
咔唑是一类特殊的含氮芳杂环分子, 咔唑衍生物理化性质独特、结构多样, 在天然产物、药物和功能材料领域有着广阔的应用, 其合成方法一直备受关注. 从吲哚直接环化到咔唑的合成方法简洁高效, 原料廉价易得、产物种类多样. 总结了近5年来以2,3-未取代吲哚为原料合成咔唑衍生物的方法, 典型环化策略包含以下三种: [2+2'+2']环化反应、[2+2'+2"]环化反应和[4+2]苯环化反应, 探讨了每种方法的特点, 并对未来的发展前景进行展望.
关键词: 咔唑, 吲哚, 苯环化反应, 合成方法
Carbazole is an important type of nitrogen organic compound containing aromatic heterocyclic ring. Carbazole derivatives are endowed with unique physical and chemical properties, and applied to natural products, various pharmacological activities, many drugs and photophysical materials. The concise and versatile synthetic strategies of ubiquity of carbazole analogues have attracted significant attention from the synthetic chemists. Herein, the current progress of annulation transformations from indoles to carbazole derivatives is summarized in recent 5 years. The representative samples of the cyclization strategies have been selected and divided into three types, respectively: [2+2'+2'] cyclization reaction, [2+2'+2"] cyclization reaction and [4+2] cycloaddition. The basic properties, advantages and limitations of each reaction are discussed in detail. A perspective is also given in this review.
Key words: carbazole derivatives, indoles, cyclization reaction, synthesis