
有机多孔材料凭借其高比表面积、孔道可调性、易功能化修饰和结构多样性等特征, 在催化、能源、吸附与分离等多个领域中展现了巨大应用潜力. 对多官能度有机化合物单体以及高效聚合反应的巧妙应用, 为新型有机多孔材料的创制提供了强有力的工具, 成为该领域的研究热点. 以C3对称型的间苯三酚及其衍生物为例, 综述了其在一系列新型有机多孔材料高效构筑中的最新研究进展.
关键词: 间苯三酚, 多孔高分子材料, 金属有机框架, 共价有机框架, 功能化
Porous organic materials have found many applications, such as catalysis, energy, adsorption and separation., owing to the high specific surface area, pore channel tunability, easy functionalization and structural diversity. The careful selection of specific monomers with polyfunctionality and highly efficient polymerization provides powerful tools for creating novel porous organic materials, and it has become a research topic in this field. Herein the latest progress in the efficient construction of novel porous organic materials is reviewed taking C3 symmetrical phloroglucinol and its derivatives as examples.
Key words: phoroglucinol, porous organic polymer, metal organic framework, covalent organic framework, functionalization