
由于工业的迅速发展, 水体中的金属离子的浓度大幅度地增大, 从而引起了一系列的危害. 因此, 离子识别受体和电化学传感器的研究深受科研人员的青睐. 二茂铁具有稳定的氧化还原性能和易于化学修饰等特点, 同时二茂铁衍生物的合成方法非常成熟, 从而成为了一类非常重要的金属阳离子识别受体. 按冠醚、多胺、共轭及杂环等不同分子识别中心进行分类, 从所用原料、合成方法、分子结构等方面, 就近几年基于二茂铁的金属阳离子识别受体的研究进展进行了综述, 同时对其前景及发展进行了展望.
关键词: 二茂铁, 阳离子识别, 受体, 研究进展
Due to the rapid development of industry, the concentration of metal ions in water has increased significantly, thus causing a series of harm. Therefore, the research on ion recognition receptors and electrochemical sensors is favored by researchers. Ferrocene based metal compounds are considered to be very important metal cation recognition receptors due to their stability, favourable electrochemical property, reaction activity, and the synthesis method of ferrocene derivatives is very mature. From the aspects of raw materials, synthesis methods, molecular structure, etc., the research progress of ferro-cene-based cation recognition receptors in recent years is reviewed. It is mainly classified from different molecular recognition centers such as crown ethers, polyamines, conjugates and heterocycles. At last, the future and development of ferrocene receptors are prospected.
Key words: Keywords ferrocene, cation recognition, receptor, research progress