
自首个有关叶立德的反应被报道以来, 它们就成为有机化学中的一个重要研究方向. 其中碘叶立德因兼具碘化合物和叶立德的独特反应性受到了人们的广泛关注. 先概括性地阐述了碘叶立德的制备方法和结构性质, 然后对其在有机合成中的应用做了详细的描述, 包括碘叶立德作为有效的卡宾前体在插入反应、环丙烷化反应中的应用及其在环加成反应、重排反应和卤化反应中的研究进展.
关键词: 碘叶立德, 插入反应, 环加成反应, 重排反应, 三氟甲基硫化反应
Since the first reaction involved ylides was reported, they have been an important research direction of organic chemistry. Among them, iodonium ylides attracted considerable attentions in organic synthesis due to their unique reactivities as both iodine source and ylides. The preparation methods and structural properties of iodonium ylides are generally elaborated. Then, the reactivities of iodonium ylides are reviewed in detal, including the application of iodonium ylides as a carbene precursor in insertion reactions, cyclopropane reactions, and their development research in cycloaddition reactions, rearrangement reactions and halogenation reaction.
Key words: iodonium ylide, insertion reaction, cycloaddition reaction, rearrangement reaction, trifluoromethylthiolation