报道了一种铜催化“一锅法”高效合成膦酰化异喹啉酮类化合物的新方法. 该反应是第一例基于铜催化Ullmann偶联策略以氰甲基亚磷酸酯为含膦试剂制备含膦取代氮杂环化合物的新方法.
关键词: 铜催化, 异喹啉酮, 串联反应, 有机膦化合物
An efficient and convenient copper-catalyzed cascade synthesis of C-4 phosphonated isoquinolin-1(2 H)-ones has been initially proposed. This is the first example for the construction of phosphine-containing heterocycles through copper-catalyzed Ullmann-type coupling reactions using cyanomethylphosphonates as the building blocks, and it will broaden the strategies of organophosphorus synthesis in the field of organic and pharmaceutical chemistry.
Key words: copper-catalysis, isoquinolin-1(2 H)-one, tandem reaction, organophosphorus