
关键词: 香豆素, 咪唑, 分子内氢键, 荧光
A series of phenanthro[9,10-d]imidazole (CA1~CA6) or 4,5-diphenyl imidazole (CB1~CB6) modified coumarin derivatives with different electron-donating substitutes were synthesized, and their fluorescences in organic solvent and solid were primarily explored. The results showed that the amino substituents in coumarin skelton enabled strong fluorescence in dichloromethane, while hydroxyl-, butoxyl-, or non-substituted derivatives showed very weak emission in dichloromethane. Meanwhile, phenanthro[9,10-d]imidazole modified coumarin dervatives CA1~CA5 exhibited stronger fluorescence than that of 4,5-diphenyl imidazole modified ones. Additionally, the strenghts of intramolecular hydrogen bond as well as the dihedral angles of the imidazole moiety and coumarin ring affected the optical properties of these dyes.
Key words: coumarin, imidazole, intramolecular hydrogen bond, fluorescence