
关键词: 烯丙基硅, Julia烯烃化反应, 环丙基甲醇, 格氏试剂
Allylsilanes have emerged as synthetically useful intermediates that can undergo a variety of chemical transformations and have been found versatile applications in C-C bond construction as well as in preparation of complex molecules. Exploration on the stereoselective route to functionalized allylsilanes is of great significance for the development of organic synthetic methodology. An efficient pathway to a series of novel alkoxy-substituted homoiodio-allylsilanes via the Julia olefination of silylmethyl cyclopropyl carbinols was described. Carbinols derived from cyclopropyl aryl ketone were evidenced to be superiorer in controlling the stereoselectivity of the products than the alkyl equivalents.
Key words: allylsilane, Julia olefination, cyclopropyl carbinol, Grignard reagent