本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-14
学 位:
手 机:
江苏无锡市蠡湖大道1800号江南大学 粮食与发酵国家工程实验室B2211
个人简介 ?个人简介
2013.2-2014.2 美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校农业和生命科学学院,访问****
2007.4-2010.8 江南大学食品学院,副教授
2010.9-至今 江南大学食品学院,副教授、硕导
1. 植物蛋白结构、功能性质及改性
2. 植物蛋白活性肽及特定肽段的分离富集、性质
3. 植物蛋白作为输送载体包埋活性物质
4. 植物蛋白相关产品的开发技术
1、国家自然科学基金:酶水解大豆球蛋白中含半胱氨酸的肽的结构及性质研究(**), 2013/01-2015/12
2、江苏省自然科学基金:大豆蛋白酶水解产物的巯基二硫键状态及对其性质的影响(BK**), 2011/07-2014/03
3、国家自然科学基金:酶水解大豆蛋白中二硫键分布、结构状态以及非天然连接模式的全局性表征(**), 2012/01-2012/12.
学术论文 ?代表性文章
1.Weiguang song,Xiangzhen Kong, Yufei Hua, Xingfei Li,Caimeng Zhang Yeming Chen. Antioxidant and antibacterial activity and in vitro digestion stability of cottonseed protein hydrolysates. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 118, 108724.
2.Weiguang song,Xiangzhen Kong, Yufei Hua, Yeming Chen, Caimeng Zhang, Yunxia Chen. Identification of antibacterial peptides generated from enzymatic hydrolysis of cottonseed protein. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 125, 109199.
3.Xiangzhen Kong, Lina Zhang, Xu Lu, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua, Yeming Chen. Effect of high-speed shearing treatment on dehulled walnut proteins. LWT - Food Science & Technology, 2019, 116, 108500.
4.Weihao Wu,Xiangzhen Kong*, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua, Yeming Chen. Improving the stability of wheat gliadin nanoparticles-effect of gum arabic addition. Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 80, 78-87.
5.Xiuzhen Ding,Xiangzhen Kong*, Yeming Chen, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua, Xiangyang Li. Selective extraction and antioxidant properties of thiol-containing peptides in soy glycinine hydrolysates. Molecules, 2018, 23, 1909.
6.Xiangzhen Kong, Cong Jia, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua, Yeming Chen. Characteristics of soy protein isolate gum arabic-stabilized oil-in-water emulsions- influence of different preparation routes and pH. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 31875-31885.
7.Xiangzhen Kong, Lingzhi Kong, Yusang Ying, Yufei Hua, Li Wang. Recovering proteins from potato juice by complexation with natural polyelectrolytes. International Journal of Food Science &Technology, 2015, 50, 2160-2167.
8.Xiuzhen Ding, Yufei Hua, Yeming Chen, Caimeng Zhang,Xiangzhen Kong*. Heavy metal complexation of thiol-containing peptides from soy glycinin hydrolysates. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015, 16, 8040-8058.
9.Weiwei Peng,Xiangzhen Kong, Yeming Chen, Caimeng Zhang, Yuexi Yang, Yufei Hua. Effects of heat treatment on the emulsifying properties of pea proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 2016, 52, 301-310.
10.Zhumei Cui,Xiangzhen Kong, Yeming Chen, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua. Effects of rutin incorporation on the physical and oxidative stability of soy protein-stabilized emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, 2014, 41, 1-9.
11.Jie Cui,Xiangzhen Kong*,Yufei Hua, Huiming Zhou, Qing Liu.Continuous hydrolysis of modified wheat gluten in an enzymatic membrane reactor. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2011, 91, 2799-2805.
12.Xiangzhen Kong, Mingming Guo, Yufei Hua, Dong Cao, Caimeng Zhang. Enzymatic preparation of immunomodulating hydrolysates from soy proteins. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99, 8873-8879.
13.Xiangzhen Kong, Huiming Zhou and Haifeng Qian. Enzymatic preparation and functional properties of wheat gluten hydrolysates. Food Chemistry, 2007, 101, 615-620.
14.Xiangzhen Kong, Huiming Zhou and Haifeng Qian. Enzymatic hydrolysis of wheat gluten by proteases and properties of the resulting hydrolysates. Food Chemistry, 2007, 102, 759-763.
15.Xiangzhen Kong, Huiming Zhou, Yufei Hua and Haifeng Qian. Preparation of wheat gluten hydrolysates with high opioid activity. European Food Research and Technology, 2008, 227, 511-517.
16.Xiangzhen Kong,Huiming Zhou and Yufei Hua. Preparation and antioxidant activity of wheat gluten hydrolysates (WGHs) using ultrafiltration membranes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2008, 88(5), 920-926.
17.Xiangzhen Kong, Xianghong Li, Hongjing Wang, Yufei Hua and Youru Huang. Effect of lipoxygenase activity in defatted soybean flour on the gelling properties of soybean protein isolate. Food Chemistry, 2008, 106(3), 1093-1099.
18.Zhen Long,Xiangzhen Kong, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua. Stability of hydroperoxide lyase activity from amaranthus tricolor (Amaranthus mangostanus L.) leaves: influence of selected additives. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2010, 90(5), 729-734.
19.Fang Li,Xiangzhen Kong, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua. Rheological properties and permeability of soy protein-stabilised emulsion gels made by acidification with glucono-delta-lactone. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2011, 91, 2186-2191.
20.Fang Li,Xiangzhen Kong, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua. Effect of heat treatment on the properties of soy protein-stabilised emulsions. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2011, 46, 1554-1560.
21.Jie Xiong,Xiangzhen Kong, Caimeng Zhang, Yeming Chen, Yufei Hua. Production of (2E)-hexenal by a hydroperoxide lyase from Amaranthus tricolor and salt-adding steam distillation for the separation. Eur. Food Res. Technol., 2012, 235, 783-792.
22.Fang Li,Xiangzhen Kong, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua. Gelation behavior and rheological properties of acid-induced soy protein-stabilized emulsion gels. Food Hydrocolloids, 2012, 29, 347-355.
23.Yun Shi,Xiangzhen Kong, Caimeng Zhang, Yeming Chen, Yufei Hua. Adsorption of soy isoflavones by activated carbon: Kinetics, thermodynamics and influence of soy oligosaccharides. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 215-216: 113-121.
24.Qingqing Liu,Xiangzhen Kong, Caimeng Zhang, Yeming Chen, and Yufei Hua. Immobilisation of a hydroperoxide lyase and comparative enzymological studies of the immobilised enzyme with membrane-bound enzyme. J Sci Food Agric, 2013, 93, 1953-1959.
25.Qijun Ruan, Yeming Chen,Xiangzhen Kong, and Yufei Hua. Comparative studies on sulfhydryl determination of soy protein using two aromatic disulfide reagents and two fluorescent reagents. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2013, 61, 2661-2668.
获奖 奖励
专利 授权专利
1、一种低脂肪、高蛋白的改性谷朊粉的制备方法. 0.2
2、一种分步结晶制备硫代烷基/链烯基半胱氨酸亚砜的方法. 6.5
3、一种利用不同水解条件制备具有稳定的功能性的酪蛋白酶解物的方法. 7.5
4、一种以植物蛋白酶解物制备低粘度高稳定性的酸性乳状液的方法. 6.0
5、一种制备天然核桃乳的方法及天然核桃乳. 8.2
研究生培养 ?代表性文章
1.Weiguang song,Xiangzhen Kong, Yufei Hua, Xingfei Li,Caimeng Zhang Yeming Chen. Antioxidant and antibacterial activity and in vitro digestion stability of cottonseed protein hydrolysates. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 118, 108724.
2.Weiguang song,Xiangzhen Kong, Yufei Hua, Yeming Chen, Caimeng Zhang, Yunxia Chen. Identification of antibacterial peptides generated from enzymatic hydrolysis of cottonseed protein. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 125, 109199.
3.Xiangzhen Kong, Lina Zhang, Xu Lu, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua, Yeming Chen. Effect of high-speed shearing treatment on dehulled walnut proteins. LWT - Food Science & Technology, 2019, 116, 108500.
4.Weihao Wu,Xiangzhen Kong*, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua, Yeming Chen. Improving the stability of wheat gliadin nanoparticles-effect of gum arabic addition. Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 80, 78-87.
5.Xiuzhen Ding,Xiangzhen Kong*, Yeming Chen, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua, Xiangyang Li. Selective extraction and antioxidant properties of thiol-containing peptides in soy glycinine hydrolysates. Molecules, 2018, 23, 1909.
6.Xiangzhen Kong, Cong Jia, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua, Yeming Chen. Characteristics of soy protein isolate gum arabic-stabilized oil-in-water emulsions- influence of different preparation routes and pH. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 31875-31885.
7.Xiangzhen Kong, Lingzhi Kong, Yusang Ying, Yufei Hua, Li Wang. Recovering proteins from potato juice by complexation with natural polyelectrolytes. International Journal of Food Science &Technology, 2015, 50, 2160-2167.
8.Xiuzhen Ding, Yufei Hua, Yeming Chen, Caimeng Zhang,Xiangzhen Kong*. Heavy metal complexation of thiol-containing peptides from soy glycinin hydrolysates. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015, 16, 8040-8058.
9.Weiwei Peng,Xiangzhen Kong, Yeming Chen, Caimeng Zhang, Yuexi Yang, Yufei Hua. Effects of heat treatment on the emulsifying properties of pea proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 2016, 52, 301-310.
10.Zhumei Cui,Xiangzhen Kong, Yeming Chen, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua. Effects of rutin incorporation on the physical and oxidative stability of soy protein-stabilized emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, 2014, 41, 1-9.
11.Jie Cui,Xiangzhen Kong*,Yufei Hua, Huiming Zhou, Qing Liu.Continuous hydrolysis of modified wheat gluten in an enzymatic membrane reactor. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2011, 91, 2799-2805.
12.Xiangzhen Kong, Mingming Guo, Yufei Hua, Dong Cao, Caimeng Zhang. Enzymatic preparation of immunomodulating hydrolysates from soy proteins. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99, 8873-8879.
13.Xiangzhen Kong, Huiming Zhou and Haifeng Qian. Enzymatic preparation and functional properties of wheat gluten hydrolysates. Food Chemistry, 2007, 101, 615-620.
14.Xiangzhen Kong, Huiming Zhou and Haifeng Qian. Enzymatic hydrolysis of wheat gluten by proteases and properties of the resulting hydrolysates. Food Chemistry, 2007, 102, 759-763.
15.Xiangzhen Kong, Huiming Zhou, Yufei Hua and Haifeng Qian. Preparation of wheat gluten hydrolysates with high opioid activity. European Food Research and Technology, 2008, 227, 511-517.
16.Xiangzhen Kong,Huiming Zhou and Yufei Hua. Preparation and antioxidant activity of wheat gluten hydrolysates (WGHs) using ultrafiltration membranes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2008, 88(5), 920-926.
17.Xiangzhen Kong, Xianghong Li, Hongjing Wang, Yufei Hua and Youru Huang. Effect of lipoxygenase activity in defatted soybean flour on the gelling properties of soybean protein isolate. Food Chemistry, 2008, 106(3), 1093-1099.
18.Zhen Long,Xiangzhen Kong, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua. Stability of hydroperoxide lyase activity from amaranthus tricolor (Amaranthus mangostanus L.) leaves: influence of selected additives. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2010, 90(5), 729-734.
19.Fang Li,Xiangzhen Kong, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua. Rheological properties and permeability of soy protein-stabilised emulsion gels made by acidification with glucono-delta-lactone. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2011, 91, 2186-2191.
20.Fang Li,Xiangzhen Kong, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua. Effect of heat treatment on the properties of soy protein-stabilised emulsions. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2011, 46, 1554-1560.
21.Jie Xiong,Xiangzhen Kong, Caimeng Zhang, Yeming Chen, Yufei Hua. Production of (2E)-hexenal by a hydroperoxide lyase from Amaranthus tricolor and salt-adding steam distillation for the separation. Eur. Food Res. Technol., 2012, 235, 783-792.
22.Fang Li,Xiangzhen Kong, Caimeng Zhang, Yufei Hua. Gelation behavior and rheological properties of acid-induced soy protein-stabilized emulsion gels. Food Hydrocolloids, 2012, 29, 347-355.
23.Yun Shi,Xiangzhen Kong, Caimeng Zhang, Yeming Chen, Yufei Hua. Adsorption of soy isoflavones by activated carbon: Kinetics, thermodynamics and influence of soy oligosaccharides. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 215-216: 113-121.
24.Qingqing Liu,Xiangzhen Kong, Caimeng Zhang, Yeming Chen, and Yufei Hua. Immobilisation of a hydroperoxide lyase and comparative enzymological studies of the immobilised enzyme with membrane-bound enzyme. J Sci Food Agric, 2013, 93, 1953-1959.
25.Qijun Ruan, Yeming Chen,Xiangzhen Kong, and Yufei Hua. Comparative studies on sulfhydryl determination of soy protein using two aromatic disulfide reagents and two fluorescent reagents. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2013, 61, 2661-2668.
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