
香港中文大学内科及药物治疗学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Lau Louis Ho Shing

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-29

{ "chinesename
Louis Ho Shing
Assistant Professor (Clinical), Department of Medicine & Therapeutics
Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Honorary Resident Specialist, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hospital Authority
Advanced endoscopy, gastrointestinal bleeding
Antithrombotics and gastrointestinal bleeding
Early detection and treatment of gastrointestinal cancers
Application of big data research and artificial intelligence in medicine

(852) 2693 9549
Dr. Lau’s research focuses on gastrointestinal bleeding and advanced endoscopy, with special interest in the use of antithrombotics in gastrointestinal bleeding, endoscopic treatment of gastrointestinal cancers and application of big data research and artificial intelligence in medicine.

Dr. Lau is one of the faculty members of the Asian Novel Bio-Imaging and Intervention Group. He was nominated as Distinguished Young Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. He received the Gold Medal of Best Thesis Award and the Distinguished Research Paper Award from the Hong Kong College of Physicians. He also received the Early Career Investigator Award from the American Gastroenterological Association.

Lau LH, Guo CL, Yip TC, Mak JW, Wong SH, Lam KL, Wong GL, Ng SC, Chan FK. Risks of post-colonoscopic polypectomy bleeding and thromboembolism with warfarin and direct oral anticoagulants: a population-based analysis. Gut. 2021 Feb 22:gutjnl-2020-323600." },{ "publication
Guo CLT, Wong SH, Lau LHS, Lui RNS, Mak JWY, Tang RSY, Yip TCF, Wu WKK, Wong GLH, Chan FKL, Lau JYW, Sung JJY. Timing of endoscopy for acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding: a territory-wide cohort study. Gut. 2021 Sep 21:gutjnl-2020-323054." },{ "publication
Ng SC, Xu Z, Mak JWY, Yang K, Liu Q, Zuo T, Tang W, Lau L, Lui RN, Wong SH, Tse YK, Li AYL, Cheung K, Ching JYL, Wong VWS, Kong APS, Ma RCW, Chow EYK, Wong SKH, Ho ICH, Chan PKS, Chan FKL. Microbiota engraftment after faecal microbiota transplantation in obese subjects with type 2 diabetes: a 24-week, double blind, randomised controlled trial. Gut. 2021 Mar 30:gutjnl-2020-323617." },{ "publication
Lau LH, Wong SH, Yip TC, Wong GLH, Wong VWS, Sung JJY. Collateral Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Hospitalizations and Clinical Outcomes in Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases – A Territory-wide Observational Study in Hong Kong. Gastroenterology. 2020 Nov;159(5):1979-1981.e3." },{ "publication
LHS Lau, Sung JJY. Treatment of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in 2020: New techniques and outcomes. Dig Endosc. 2020;10.1111/den.13674." },{ "publication
Lau JYW, Yu Y, Tang RSY, Chan HCH, Yip HC, Chan SM, Luk SWY, Wong SH, Lau LHS, Lui RN, Chan TT, Mak JWY, Chan FKL, Sung JJY. Timing of Endoscopy for Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding. N Engl J Med. 2020 Apr 2;382(14):1299-1308." },{ "publication
Wong GLH, Lau LHS, Ching JYL, Tse YK, Ling RHY, Wong VWS, Chiu PWY, Lau JYW, Chan FKL. Prevention of recurrent idiopathic gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding: a double-blind, randomised trial. Gut. 2020 Apr;69(4):652-657." },{ "publication
Lui RN, Wong SH, Lau LHS, Chan TT, Cheung KCY, Li A, Chin ML, Tang W, Ching JYL, Lam KLY, Chan PKS, Wu JCY, Sung JJY, Chan FKL, Ng SC. Faecal microbiota transplantation for treatment of recurrent or refractory Clostridioides difficile infection in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J. 2019 Jun;25(3):178-182." },{ "publication
Wong GL, Ma AJ, Deng H, Ching JY, Wong VW, Tse YK, Yip TC, Lau LH, Liu HH, Leung CM, Tsang SW, Chan CW, Lau JY, Yuen PC, Chan FK. Machine learning model to predict recurrent ulcer bleeding in patients with history of idiopathic gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2019 Apr;49(7):912-918." }]}
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