林向暉博士BEng(Hons), MPhil, PhD, MASCE, MHKSTAM
Associate Professor
Contact InformationOffice:FW-422
Research InterestsStructural dynamics, vibration measurement, modal identification, structural model updating and damage detection, Bayesian system identification, design and analysis of vertical axis wind turbine
Ir Dr Paul Heung-fai LAM is currently associate professor in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the City University of Hong Kong. His research interest is structural dynamics, vibration measurement, modal identification, structural model updating and damage detection, Bayesian system identification, design and analysis of vertical axis wind turbine. Dr Lam has over 100 papers published with over 30 keynotes and invited lectures/presentations. A total of HK$39,100,275 research grant has been funded. Dr Lam is the President of the Hong Kong Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (HKSTAM) and the Chairman (Education and Training) of the Hong Kong Construction Metal Structures Association (HKCMSA). Dr Lam is the General Secretary of the International Steering Committee (ISC) of the East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC), which is one of the most important structural engineering conference series in the region (EASEC has been held regularly every two years since 1986). Furthermore, Dr Lam is a committee member of ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) in both the "Structural Health Monitoring and Control" and "Dynamics" Committee. Dr Lam is the guest editor of International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (IJSSD) on the special issue on Structural Assessment and Health Monitoring. He is the editorial board member for "International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering" and "Advanced Steel Construction - an International Journal". Apart from research and professional leadership, Dr Lam dedicated tremendous effort in teaching and curriculum design. The Winner of Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) 2007/2008, a total of HK$1,172,000 teaching grant has been funded.
Departmental Duty[available after login]
Course Leader Duty BC3154: Computer Application in Construction BC3154F: Computer Application in Construction BC3154P: Computer Application in Construction BC3619: Design of Structural Elements BC3619P: Design of Structural Elements BC4157: Computer Application for Structural Engineering BC4157P: Computer Application for Structural Engineering BC4516P: Final Year Project BC4643: Structural Dynamics and Stability BC4643P: Structural Dynamics and Stability BCH2903: Learning to Learn CA2123: Engineering Methods CA3619: Design of Structural Elements CA4639: Integrated Design Project CA4709: Design of Tall Buildings CA6011: Earthquake and Offshore Engineering CA6608: Modern Structural Engineering CA6608D: Advanced Structural Engineering CA8011: Earthquake and Offshore Engineering CCIV0102: Chinese Civilisation II GE1313: Earthquakes
Research InterestsStructural dynamics, vibration measurement, modal identification, structural model updating and damage detection, Bayesian system identification, design and analysis of vertical axis wind turbine
Selected PublicationsLAM HF, Hu J and Adeagbo MO (2019),Bayesian model updating of a 20-story office building utilizing operational modal analysis results,Advances in Structural Engineering,22(16): 3385-3394.LAM HF, HU J, Zhang FL and Ni YC (2019),Markov chain Monte Carlo-based Bayesian model updating of a sailboat-shaped building using a parallel technique,Engineering Structures,193: 12-27.LAM HF, Yang JH and Beck JL (2019),Bayesian operational modal analysis and assessment of a full-scale coupled structural system using the Bayes-Mode-ID method,Engineering Structures,189: 183-202.Peng HY and LAM HF (2019),Power performance assessment of H-rotor vertical axis wind turbines with different aspect ratios in turbulent flows via experiments,Energy,173: 121-132.Yang JH and LAM HF (2019),Bayes-Mode-ID: A Bayesian modal-component-sampling method for operational modal analysis,Engineering Structures,189: 222-240.Hu J, LAM HF and Yang JH (2018),Operational modal identification and finite element model updating of a coupled building following Bayesian approach,Structural Control and Health Monitoring,[DOI: 10.1002/stc.2089]Hu Q, LAM HF, Zhu HP and Alabi SA (2018),Bayesian ballast damage detection utilizing a modified evolutionary algorithm,Smart Structures and Systems,21(4): 435-448.Ng CT, Mohseni H and LAM HF (2018),Debonding detection in CFRP-retrofitted reinforced concrete structures using nonlinear Rayleigh wave,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,[Available online at 20 Aug 2018]LAM HF, Liu YM, Peng HY, Lee CF and Liu HJ (2018),Assessment of solidity effect on the power performance of H-rotor vertical axis wind turbines in turbulent flows,Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy,10[2, 023304]LAM HF, Yang JH and Au SK (2018),Markov chain Monte Carlo-based Bayesian method for structural model updating and damage detection,Structural Control and Health Monitoring,25[DOI: 10.1002/stc.2140]LAM HF, Yang JH, Hu Q and Ng CT (2018),Railway ballast damage detection by Markov chain Monte Carlo-based Bayesian method,Structural Health Monitoring,17(3): 706-724.Peng HY and LAM HF (2018),Numerical investigation into the blade and wake aerodynamics of an H-rotor vertical axis wind turbine,Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy,10[doi: 10.1063/1.5040297]Yang JH and LAM HF (2018),An efficient adaptive sequential Monte Carlo method for Bayesian model updating and damage detection,Structural control and health monitoring,[https://doi.org/10.1002/stc.2260]LAM HF and Peng HY (2017),Measurements of the wake characteristics of co-rotating and counter-rotating twin H-rotor vertical-axis wind turbines,Energy,131: 13-26.LAM HF and Peng HY (2016),Study of wake characteristics of a vertical axis wind turbine by two- and three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics simulations,Renewable Energy,90: 386-398.Peng HY and LAM HF (2016),Turbulence effects on the wake characteristics and the aerodynamic performance of a straight-bladed VAWT by wind tunnel tests and large eddy simulations,Energy,109: 557-568.Peng HY, LAM HF and Lee CF (2016),Investigation into the wake aerodynamics of a five-straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine by wind tunnel tests,Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics,155: 23-35.Hu Q, LAM HF and Alabi SA (2015),Use of measured vibration of in-situ sleeper for detecting underlying railway ballast damage,International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (IJSSD),15(8)[DOI: 10.1142/S026X]Ni YC, Zhang FL and LAM HF (2015),Series of full-scale field vibration tests and Bayesian modal identification of a pedestrian bridge,Journal of Bridge engineering (ASCE),21(8): C4016002-1-18.Ni YC, Zhang FL, LAM HF and Au SK (2015),Fast Bayesian approach for modal identification using free vibration data, Part II - Posterior uncertainty and application,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,70-71: 221-244.LAM HF and Yang JH (2015),Bayesian structural damage detection of steel towers using measured modal parameters,Earthquakes and Structures,8(4): 935-956.LAM HF, Yang JH and Au SK (2015),Bayesian model updating of a coupled-slab system using field test data utilizing an enhanced Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation algorithm,Engineering Structures,102: 144-155.Yang JH, LAM HF and Hu J (2015),Ambient vibration test, modal identification and structural model updating following Bayesian framework,International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (IJSSD),15(7)[DOI: 10.1142/S0246]Zhang FL, Au SK and LAM HF (2015),Assessing uncertainty in operational modal analysis incorporating multiple setups using a Bayesian approach,Structural Control and Health Monitoring,22(3): 395-416.Zhang FL, Ni YC, Au SK and LAM HF (2015),Fast Bayesian approach for modal identification using free vibration data, Part I - Most probable value,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,70-71: 209-220.LAM HF, Hu Q and Wong MT (2014),The Bayesian methodology for the detection of railway ballast damage under a concrete sleeper,Engineering Structures,81: 289-301.LAM HF, Peng HY and Au SK (2014),Development of a practical algorithm for Bayesian model updating of a coupled slab system utilizing field test data,Engineering Structures,79: 182-194.Yang JH and LAM HF (2013),Model updating based structural damage detection of transmission tower: Experimental verification by a scaled-model,Australian Journal of Multi-disciplinary Engineering,10(2): 129-144.Yin T and LAM HF (2013),Dynamic analysis of finite-length circular cylindrical shells with a circumferential surface crack,Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE,139(10): 1419-1434.Au SK, Ni YC, Zhang FL and LAM HF (2012),Full-Scale Dynamic Testing and Modal Identification of a Coupled Floor Slab System,Engineering Structures,37: 167-178.LAM HF, Wong MT and Yang YB (2012),A Feasibility Study on Railway Ballast Damage Detection Utilizing Measured Vibration of In-Situ Concrete Sleeper,Engineering Structures,45: 284-298.LAM HF and Yin T (2010),Statistical Detection of Multiple Cracks on Thin Plates Utilizing Dynamic Response,Engineering Structures,32: 3145-3152.Yin T, LAM HF and Chow HM (2010),A Bayesian Probabilistic Method for Crack Detection in Plate Structures,Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,25(5): 375-386.Ng CT, Veidt M and LAM HF (2009),Guided Wave Damage Characterisation in Beams Utilising Probabilistic Optimisation,Engineering Structures,31(12): 3842-2850.Yin T, LAM HF, Chow HM and Zhu HP (2009),Dynamic Reduction-Based Structural Damage Detection of Transmission Tower Utilizing Ambient Vibration Data,Engineering Structures,31(9): 2009-2019.Yin T, LAM HF and Zhu HP (2009),Statistical Damage Detection of Structures Based on Model Reduction,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - English Edition,30(7): 875-888.LAM HF and Ng CT (2008),A Probabilistic Method for the Detection of Obstructed Cracks of Beam-type Structures Using Spatial Wavelet Transform,Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics,23: 237-245.LAM HF and Ng CT (2008),The Selection of Pattern Features for Structural Damage Detection Using an Extended Bayesian ANN Algorithm,Engineering Structures,30(10): 2762-2770.Kang WJ, Albermani F, KITIPORNCHAI S and LAM HF (2007),Modeling and Analyzing of Lattice Towers with More Accurate Models,International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction (IJASC),3(2): 565-582.LAM HF, Ng CT and LEUNG AYT (2007),Detection of Multi-Crack on Semi-Rigidly Connected Beams Utilizing Dynamic Data,Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE,134: 90-99.LAM HF, Ng CT and Veidt M (2007),Experimental Characterization of Multiple Cracks in a Cantilever Beam Utilizing Transient Vibration Data Following a Probabilistic Approach,Journal of Sound and Vibration,305(1-2): 34-49.Yuen KV, Shi YF, Beck JL and LAM HF (2007),Structural Protection Using MR Dampers with Clipped Robust Reliability-Based Control,Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization,34: 431-443.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00158-007-0097-3]LAM HF, Yuen KV and Beck JL (2006),Structural Health Monitoring via Measured Ritz Vectors Utilizing Artificial Neural Networks,Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,21(4): 232-241.Yuen KV and LAM HF (2006),On the Complexity of Artificial Neural Networks for Smart Structures Monitoring,Engineering Structures,28(7): 977-984.KITIPORNCHAI S, KANG WJ, LAM HF and ALBERMANI F (2005),Factors Affecting the Design and Construction of Lamella Suspen-Dome Systems,Journal of Constructional Steel Research,61: 764-785.Ng CT and LAM HF (2005),Optimization Design of Tall Buildings under Multiple Design Criteria,International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (IJAMM),1(4): 35-48.LAM HF, LEE YYR, SUN HY, CHENG GF and GUO X (2005),Application of the Spatial Wavelet Transform and Bayesian Approach to the Crack Detection of a Partially Obstructed Beam,Thin-Walled Structures,43: 1-21.LAM HF and LEE EWM (2005),Structural Health Monitoring by Damage Signature Matching Utilizing Artificial Neural Networks,HKIE Transactions,12(2): 22-29.LEE EWM and LAM HF (2004),ANN based structural damage diagnosis using measured vibration data,8th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2004),New Zealand, May 2004 LEE EWM and LAM HF (2004),ANN-based structural damage diagnosis using measured vibration data,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,3215: 373-379.LEE EWM and LAM HF (2004),ANN-Based Structural Damage Diagnosis Using Measured Vibration Data,International Conference KES2004,KES, Wellington, New Zealand, September 2004 IIIp.373-379JOHNSON EA, LAM HF, KATAFYGIOTIS LS and BECK JL (2004),The Phase I IASC-ASCE structural health monitoring benchmark problem using simulated data,Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE,January, 130(1): 3-15.LAM HF, KATAFYGIOTIS LS and MICKLEBOROUGH NC (2004),Application of a statistical Model Updating Approach on Phase I of the IASC-ASCE SHM Benchmark Study,Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE,January, 130(1): 34-48.LEE YYR, LAM HF and YUEN KKR (2003),Bayesian System Identification Utilizing Evolution Strategy,Advances in Vibration Engineering,2(2): 121-127.KANG WJ, CHEN ZH, LAM HF and ZUO CR (2003),Analysis and design of the general and outmost-ring stiffened suspen-dome structures,Engineering Structures,November, 25(13): 1685-1695.LAM HF and YUEN KV (2003),First International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-1'2003),Design of artificial neural networks for structural health monitoring,JSCE Conference Hall, Tokyo, Japan, 13-15 November 2003 1p.611-618KATAFYGIOTIS LS and LAM HF (2002),Tangential-Projection Algorithm for Manifold Representation in Unidentifiable Model Updating Problems,Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics,31(4): 791-812.
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