李偉明 教授BEng(Hons), PhD, MHKIE, RPE
Contact InformationOffice:FW-457
Research InterestsFire engineering approach, building evacuation modelling, human behaviour in evacuation, pedestrian movement, fire risk assessment.
Dr. Eric Lee received his BEng degree with first class honours in building services engineering and the Ph.D. degree in fire engineering from the City University of Hong Kong. He is a professional engineer and currently the panel member of Fire Discipline of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, the assessor of Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme of the HKSAR Government and also the member of various technical committees of the Buildings Department and Fire Services Department of the HKSAR Government.
Departmental Duty[available after login]
Course Leader Duty BC3791: Computer Aided Design Practices BC4734: Fire Engineering Elective II BC4734P: Fire Engineering Elective II CA2501: Industrial Training - Building Services Engineering CA2507: Industrial Training - Architectural Engineering CA2741: Industrial Training A CA3173: Building Services System and Design Integration CA3791: Computer Aided Design Practices CA3793: System Modelling for Architectural Engineering CA4521: Integrated Building Project Development (Building Services Engineering) CA4733: Fire Engineering Elective I CA4734: Fire Engineering Elective II CA4737: Fire Science and Modelling CA4738: Fire Engineering Approach CA5021: Building Services Systems and Maintenance CA5602: Facilities Management CA6605: Building Electrical & Electronic Engineering CA6607: Applied Fire and Plumbing Engineering CA6607D: Advanced Fire and Plumbing Engineering CA6622: Intelligent Building Assessment CA6635: Open Systems for Building Automation CA6636: Building Defects Diagnosis and Repair CA6637: Advanced Project Development and Appraisal CA6640: Building Design and Performance CA8018: Modelling and Computational Techniques CA8018M: Modelling and Computational Techniques CA8607D: Advanced Fire and Plumbing Engineering CA8622D: Intelligent Building Assessment CA8635D: Open Systems for Building Automation CA8636D: Building Defects Diagnosis and Repair CA8637D: Advanced Project Development and Appraisal CA8640D: Building Design and Performance
Research InterestsFire engineering approach, building evacuation modelling, human behaviour in evacuation, pedestrian movement, fire risk assessment.
Selected PublicationsLEE EWM (2021),For full publications, please refer to: ,https://scholars.cityu.edu.hk/en/persons/wai-ming-lee(274bcde2-1b2f-4448-a45a-58b58ad672b8)/publications.html,LEE EWM (2016),Handbook on Decision Making Chapter: 15, Springer-Verlag; p. 369-395LI DHW, CHOW SKH and LEE EWM (2013),An analysis of a medium size grid-connected building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) system using measured data,Energy and Buildings,60: 383-387.Yuen JKK, LEE EWM, LO SM and YUEN KKR (2013),An Intelligence-Based Optimization Model of Passenger Flow in a Transportation Station,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,14(3): 1290-1300.LEE EWM (2009),Application of an intelligent model developed from experimental data to building design for fire safety,Stochastic Environmental Research Risk Assessment,23: 493-506.Yap KS, Lim CP, LEE EWM and Saleh M (2009),Development and Application of An Enhanced ART-Based Neural Network,Proceedings of the International Conference on Man-Machine Systems (ICoMMS),p.5B8-1-5Yu KF and LEE EWM (2009),Evaluation and modification of gas-particle covariance models by Large Eddy Simulation of a particle-laden turbulent flows over a backward-facing step,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,52: 5652-5656.YIP HL and LEE EWM (2008),An Alternative Approach to the Short Term Prediction of Residential Property Prices in Hong Kong,Surveying & Built Environment,19(1): 54-66.Cheung ALK, LEE EWM, YUEN KKR, Yeoh GH and Cheung SCP (2007),CAPTURING THE PULSATION FREQUENCY OF A BUOYANT POOL FIRE USING THE LARGE EDDY SIMULATION APPROACH,Numerical Heat Transfer Part A,53: 561-576.YUEN KKR, LEE EWM, LO SM and YEOH GH (2006),Prediction of temperature and velocity profiles in a single compartment fire by an improved neural network analysis,Fire Safety Journal,August, 41: 478-485.LEE EWM (2006),Preliminary study on the application of computational fluid dynamics to building drainage system design,Surveying and Built Environment,17(1): 35-43.LEE EWM (2006),Application of Artificial Neural Network to Building Compartment Design for Fire Safety,Lecture Notes in Computing Science,4224: 265-274.LEE EWM, LEE YYR, LIM CP and CY TANG (2006),Application of a noisy data classification technique to determine the occurrence of flashover in compartment fires,Advanced Engineering Informatics,20: 213-222.TANG CY, TSUI CP, CHEN DZ, USKOKOVIC PS, FAN JP, XIE XL and LEE EWM (2006),Damage analysis of praticulate polymer composites based structure by using micro-meso-macro finite element approach,Materical Science Forum,532-533: 648-652.LEE YYR, LEE EWM and NG CF (2005),Sound absorption of a finite flexible micro-perforated panel backed by an air cavity,Journal of Sound and Vibration,287: 227-243.LAM HF and LEE EWM (2005),Structural Health Monitoring by Damage Signature Matching Utilizing Artificial Neural Networks,HKIE Transactions,12(2): 22-29.YUEN KKR and LEE EWM (2004),Air pollution assessment on Tin Shui Wai Open Public Transport Interchange, Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd YUEN KKR, LEE EWM and LO SM (2004),An effective drainage pipework configuration to prevent the drying of floor drains’ U-traps,Symposium on Advanced Technology for Health Care and Hygiene Control,Hong Kong, PRC, March 2004 YUEN KKR, LEE EWM, KWOK WK, CHEUNG CP and YEOH GH (2004),Application of artificial neural network and genetic algorithm to optimization of design parameters in compartment fire,International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer,Norway, March 2004 YUEN KKR, LEE EWM, KWOK WK and CHEUNG SCP (2004),Application of artificial neural network and genetic algorithm to optimization of design parameters in compartment fire,ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer,CHT-04, Noway, April 2004 CDRomYUEN KKR, LEE EWM, LIM CP and CHENG WYG (2004),Fusion of GRNN and FA for Online Noisy Data Regression,Neural Processing Letters,19: 227-241.LEE EWM (2004),Literati Club 2004 Highly Commended Award, Literati Club, Emerald Publishing Limited, United Kingdom LEE EWM, YUEN KKR, LO SM, LAM KC and YEOH GH (2004),A Novel Artificial Neural Network Fire Model for Prediction of Thermal Interface Location in Single Compartment Fire,Fire Safety Journal,February, 39(1): 67-87.LEE EWM, YUEN KKR, SE MK and HUANG HC (2004),Application of Fuzzy ARTMAP to Investigation of Fire Phenomena,Journal of Basic Science and Engineering,Supplementary: 89-94.LEE EWM, LIM CP, YUEN KKR and LO SM (2004),A Hybrid Neural Network Model for Noisy Data Regression,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part B: Cybernetics,April, 34(2): 951-960.LEE EWM and LAM HF (2004),ANN based structural damage diagnosis using measured vibration data,8th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2004),New Zealand, May 2004 LEE EWM and LAM HF (2004),ANN-based structural damage diagnosis using measured vibration data,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,3215: 373-379.LEE EWM and LAM HF (2004),ANN-Based Structural Damage Diagnosis Using Measured Vibration Data,International Conference KES2004,KES, Wellington, New Zealand, September 2004 IIIp.373-379LEE EWM, YUEN KY, CHENG CKC and HUANG HC (2004),The Application of the GRNNFA to the Determination of Thermal Interface in Compartment Fire,Journal of Basic Science and Engineering,Supplement: 95-101.YUEN KKR, LEE EWM and LO SM (2003),The Fight against SARS: A backfilling connection for the prevention of drying out of floor drains' U-traps,Structural Survey,September, 21(4): 114-118.YUEN KKR, LEE EWM, YUEN KKY and CHENG WYG (2003),A Novel Artificial Neural Network Fire Model for Determination of Thermal Interface in Compartment Fire,International conference on building fire safety,Brisbane, Australia, November 2003 p.25-32YUEN KKR, LEE EWM, YUEN KY and CHENG GW (2003),A Novel Artificial Neural Network Fire Model for Determination of Thermal Interface in Compartment Fire,International Conference on Building Fire Safety - Research, Practice and Education ,Australia, November 2003 YUEN KKR, YUEN KY and LEE EWM (2003),Application of artificial neural network for determination of thermal interface in single compartment fire,The International Conference on Building Fire Safety - Research Practice and Education, Queensland University of Technology,Australia, November 2003 p.25-32LO SM, YUEN KKR and LEE EWM (2003),Electrical cable fire risk assessment and design criteria, China Light and Power Ltd LO SM, YUEN KKR and LEE EWM (2003),Development of substation retrofit design guideline, China Light and Power Ltd LO SM, YUEN KKR and LEE EWM (2003),Battery room risk assessment and design criteria, China Light and Power Ltd LEE EWM (2003),Drainage connection design of prevention of SARS spread , Buildings Department, The government of the HKSAR Chapter: Buildings Department Road Shows, LEE EWM (2003), undefinedLEE EWM (2003), undefined[PhD Thesis]LEE EWM, YUEN KKR, CHEUNG SCP and CHENG CKC (2003),Application of Artificial Neural Network for Determination of Thermal Interface in Single Compartment Fire,International Conference on Robotics, Vision, Information and Single Processing,Penang, Malaysia, January 2003 p.588-593LEE EWM, LIM CP and YUEN KKR (2003),A Novel Neural Network Model for Online Noisy Data Regression and Classification,International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modeling Control and Automation,Vienna, Austria, February 2003 p.95-105LEE EWM, YUEN KKR, LO SM and LAM KC (2002),Probabilistic Inference with Maximum Entropy for Prediction of Flashover in Single Compartment Fire,Advanced Engineering Informatics,16: 179-191.YEOH YH, YUEN KKR, LEE EWM and CHEUNG CP (2002),Fire and smoke distribution in a two-room compartment structure,International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow,12(2&3): 178-194.CHEUNG SCP, YUEN KKR, Lo SM, Kwok WK, LEE EWM and bccheng (2001),A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study on Airflow Patterns in an Indoor Gymnasium,The 4th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings,Changsha, Hunan, China, October 2001 p.1825-1832LEE EWM, YUEN KKR and LAM KC (2001),Application of Fuzzy ARTMAP for Prediction of Flashover in Compartment Fire,International Conference on Construction,Hong Kong (SAR), PR China, June 2001 p.321-330LEE EWM, YUEN KKR, LO SM and LAM KC (2000),Prediction of Sprinkler Actuation Time Using the Artificial Neural Network,The Journal of Building Surveying,2(1): 10-13.
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