王宇PhD(Cornell), MASCE, MHKIE
Contact InformationOffice:FW-472
Web:Personal Homepage
Research InterestsGeotechnical Risk and Reliability, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Lifeline Systems, Soil Structure Interaction, Soil and Rock Property Characterization Using Laboratory and Field Tests
Dr. Wang's recent research efforts have focused on geotechnical uncertainty, risk, and reliability (e.g., probabilistic site characterization, development and application of Bayesian methods in geotechnical engineering, reliability-based design of geotechnical engineering, probabilistic slope stability analysis), soil-structure interaction (e.g., responses of buried utility pipelines to ground displacement induced by seismic strong motions or urban underground construction activities such as tunneling), and seismic risk assessment of critical civil infrastructure systems (e.g. water supply systems and submarine telecommunication cables). Recruitment of PhD students and research staff (RA or postdoc) is currently ongoing. Potential applicants, particularly those with strong mathematical background or significant numerical simulation experience, are welcome to send CV directly to yuwang@cityu.edu.hk.
Course Leader Duty BC2515: Industrial Training C BC2515P: Industrial Training C BC3669: Soil Mechanics and Engineering Applications BC3669F: Soil Mechanics and Engineering Applications BC3669P: Soil Mechanics and Engineering Applications BC4665: Geotechnical Analysis and Design BC4665P: Geotechnical Analysis and Design CA2503: Industrial Training - Civil and Structural Engineering CA2515: Industrial Training C CA3669: Soil Mechanics and Engineering Applications CA3687: Soil Mechanics CA4665: Geotechnical Analysis and Design
Research InterestsGeotechnical Risk and Reliability, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Lifeline Systems, Soil Structure Interaction, Soil and Rock Property Characterization Using Laboratory and Field Tests
Selected PublicationsWANG Y (2011),Reliability-based design of spread foundations by Monte Carlo Simulations,Geotechnique,61(8): 677-685.WANG Y, AU SK and Kulhawy FH (2011),Expanded reliability-based design approach for drilled shafts,Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE,137(2): 140-149.WANG Y and Shi J and Ng CWW (2011),Numerical modeling of tunneling effect on buried pipelines,Canadian Geotechnical Journal,48(7): 1125-1137.WANG Y, AU SK and Cao ZJ (2010),Bayesian approach for probabilistic characterization of sand friction angle,Engineering Geology,114(3-4): 281-292.WANG Y, AU SK and Fu Q (2010),Seismic Risk Assessment and Mitigation of Water Supply Systems,Earthquake Spectra,26(1): 257-274.
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