劉錦茂教授BS, MEng, PhD, MAE, FHKEng, CEng (UK), PEng (HK), FIMechE, FIES, FASME, FHKIE
Dean of Graduate Studies,
Yeung Kin Man Chair Professor of Sustainable Engineering,
Chair Professor of Civil Engineering,
Director of the Centre for Nature-Inspired Engineering
Contact InformationOffice:FW-470
Web:Personal Homepage
Research InterestsComputational mechanics; Multiscale and multi-physics modeling; Sustainable materials and engineering; Nano and multifunctional materials; Optimization; Fire-inspired research
Professor K.M. Liew is an elected Member of Academia Europaea (MAE) and elected Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (FHKEng). Currently, he is the Dean of Graduate Studies, Founding Director of Centre for Nature-Inspired Engineering, Yeung Kin Man Chair Professor of Sustainable Engineering and Chair Professor of Civil Engineering in City University of Hong Kong. Professor Liew was the Head of Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering from 2011 to 2017, and the Founding Director of Centre for Applied Computing and Interactive Media (CityU) from 2005 to 2009. Prior to joining CityU, he was a tenured Full Professor at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), a Singapore-MIT Professorial Fellow, and the Founding Director of Nanyang Center for Supercomputing and Visualization. Over his academic career, he has published over 850 SCI journal articles. Professor Liew is listed by: (1) the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) as a Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering (since 2001; (2) the Clarivate Analytics as the 2018 Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering, as well as the 2019, 2020 and 2021 Highly Cited Researcher in Cross-Field; and (3) the Stanford University's Report as top 2% most Highly-Cited scientists and ranked #1 in Asia in Computational Mathematics. His publications have been cited over forty-five thousand times and his current h-index is 105. To date, Professor Liew has attracted over US$50 million research and development funds from government funding agencies, industries and higher institutions. He has graduated over 80 PhD students and supervised over 70 Post-doctoral fellows. His students are well received by industries and many of them have become faculty members of universities worldwide.
Research InterestsComputational mechanics; Multiscale and multi-physics modeling; Sustainable materials and engineering; Nano and multifunctional materials; Optimization; Fire-inspired research
Selected PublicationsLiu X, Yang Q S, LIEW KM and HE XQ (2017), Superstretchability and stability of helical structures of carbon nanotube/polymer composite fibers: Coarse-grained molecular dynamics modeling and simulation,Carbon,115: 220-228.HE XQ, Rafiee M, Mareishi S and LIEW KM (2015),Large amplitude vibration of fractionally damped viscoelastic CNTs/fiber/polymer multiscale composite beams,Composite Structures,131: 1111-1123.Huang ZQ, HE XQ and LIEW KM (2015),A sensitive interval of imperfect interface parameters based on the analysis of general solution for anisotropic matrix containing an elliptic inhomogeneity,International Journal of Solids and Structures,73-74: 67-77.Yang ZJ, Yang QS, Liu X, HE XQ and LIEW KM (2015),Detailed investigation on elastoplastic deformation and failure of carbon nanotube fibers by monotonic and cyclic tensile experiments,Carbon,94: 73-78.Guo SJ, Yang QS, HE XQ and LIEW KM (2014),Modeling of interface cracking in copper-graphite composites by MD and CFE method,Composites Part B: Engineering,58: 586-592.Huang ZQ, Zhou JC, HE XQ and LIEW KM (2014),Variational analysis for angle-ply laminates with matrix cracks,International Journal of Solids and Structures,51: 3669-3678.Mareishi S, Rafiee M, HE XQ and LIEW KM (2014),Nonlinear free vibration, postbuckling and nonlinear static deflection of piezoelectric fiber-reinforced laminated composite beams,Composites Part B: Engineering,59: 123-132.Rafiee M, HE XQ and LIEW KM (2014),Nonlinear analysis of piezoelectric nanocomposite energy harvesting plates,Smart Materials & Structures,23: 065001HE XQ, Wang JB, Liu B and LIEW KM (2012),Analysis of nonlinear forced vibration of multi-layered graphene sheets,Computational Materials Science,61: 194-199.He, W., WU Y and LIEW KM (2008),A fracture energy based constitutive model for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures under cyclic loading,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering ,Oct, 197(51-52): 4745-4762.Hu YG, LIEW KM, Wang Q, HE XQ and Yakobson BI (2008),Nonlocal shell model for elastic wave propagation in single- and double-walled carbon nanotubes,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids,56: 3475-3485.He, Wei, WU Y, LIEW KM and Wu, Zhishen (2006),A 2D total strain based constitutive model for predicting the behaviors of concrete structures,International Journal of Engineering Science,44(18-19): 1280-1303.LIEW KM, HE XQ and Kitipornchai S (2006),Predicting nanovibration of multi-layered graphene sheets embedded in an elastic matrix,Acta materialia,54: 4229-4236.YANG J, LIEW KM, WU Y and KITIPORNCHAI S (2006),Thermo-mechanical post-buckling of FGM cylindrical panels with temperature-dependent properties,International Journal of Solids and Structures,January, 43(2): 307-324.HE XQ, KITIPORNCHAI S and LIEW KM (2005),Buckling analysis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes: a continuum model accounting for van der Waals interaction,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids,53(2): 303-326.HE XQ, Kitipornchai S and LIEW KM (2005),Resonance analysis of multi-layered graphene sheets as nanoscale resonators,Nanotechnology,16: 2086-2091.HE XQ, KITIPORNCHAI S, WANG CM and LIEW KM (2005),Modeling of van der Waals force for infinitesimal deformation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes treated as cylindrical shells,International Journal of Solids and Structures,42: 6032-6047.KITIPORNCHAI S, HE XQ and LIEW KM (2005),Buckling analysis of triple-walled carbon nanotubes embedded in an elastic matrix,Journal of Applied Physics,97: 114318Kitipornchai S, HE XQ and LIEW KM (2005),Continuum model for the vibration of multi layered graphene sheets,Physical Review B,72(7): 075443KITIPORNCHAI S, YANG J and LIEW KM (2005),Random vibration of the functionally graded laminates in thermal environments,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,195(9-12): 1075-1095.LIEW KM, HE XQ and Kitipornchai S (2005),Buckling characteristics of embedded multi-walled carbon nanotubes,PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES,461(2064): 3785-3805.LIEW KM, REN J and REDDY JN (2005),Numerical Simulation of the Thermomechanical Behaviour of Shape Memory Alloys,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,63(7): 1014-1040.LIEW KM, WONG CH, HE XQ, TAN MJ and MEGUID SA (2005),Nanomechanics of single and multi-walled carbon nanotubes,Physical Review B,69: 115429LIEW KM, YANG J and WU Y (2005),Nonlinear vibration of a coating-FGM-substrate cylindrical shell subjected to a temperature gradient,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,195(9-12): 1007-1026.TAI CH, ZHAO Y and LIEW KM (2005),Parallel-multigrid computation of unsteady incompressible viscous flows using a matrix-free implicit method and high-resolution characteristics-based scheme,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,194(36-38): 3949-3983.YANG J, LIEW KM and KITIPORNCHAI S (2005),Second-order statistics of the elastic buckling of functionally graded rectangular plates,Composites Sciences and Technology,2005, 65(7-8): 1165-1175.YANG J, LIEW KM and KITIPORNCHAI S (2005),Stochastic analysis of compositionally graded plates with system uncertainties under static loading,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,47(10): 1519-1541.KITIPORNCHAI S, YANG J and LIEW KM (2004),Semi-analytical Solution for Nonlinear Vibration of Laminated FGM Plates with Geometric Imperfections,International Journal of Solids and Structures,May, 41(9-10): 2235-2257.LIEW KM, HE XQ and KITIPORNCHAI S (2004),Finite Element Method for the Feedback Control of FGM Shells in the Frequency Domain via Piezoelectric Sensors and Actuators,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,January, 193(3-5): 257-273.LIEW KM, HE XQ and Ray T (2004),On the use of computational intelligence in the optimal shape control of functionally graded smart plates,Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.,193: 4475-4492.LIEW KM, HE XQ, Tan MJ and Lim HK (2004),Dynamic analyses of laminated composite plates with piezoelectric sensor/actuator patches using the FSDT mesh-free method,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,46: 411-431.LIEW KM, HE XQ and WONG CH (2004),On the study of elastic and plastic properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes under axial tension using molecular dynamics simulation,Acta Materialia,52: 2521-2527.LIEW KM and CHEN XL (2004),Mesh-free radial point interpolation method for the buckling analysis of Mindlin plates subjected to in-plane point loads,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,60(11): 1861-1877.LIEW KM, REN J and KITIPORNCHAI S (2004),Analysis of the Pseudoelastic Behaviour a SMA Beam by the Element-Free Galerkin Method,Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,May, 28(5): 497-507.LIEW KM, YANG J and KITIPORNCHAI S (2004),Thermal postbuckling of laminated plates comprising FGM with temperature-dependent material properties,Journal of Applied Mechanics ASME,71(6): 839-850.YANG J, KITIPORNCHAI S and LIEW KM (2004),Nonlinear Analysis of the Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Behaviour of Shear Deformable FGM Plates with Piezoelectric Actuators,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,March, 59(12): 1605-1623.YANG J, KITIPORNCHAI S and LIEW KM (2004),Dynamic Stability of Laminated FGM Plates Based on Higher-Order Shear Deformation Theory,Computational Mechanics,March, 33(4): 305-315.LIEW KM, HE XQ, NG TY and KITIPORNCHAI S (2003),Finite Element Piezothermoelasticity Analysis and the Active Control of FGM Plates with Integrated Piezoelectric Sensors and Actuators,Computational Mechanics,July, 31(3-4): 350-358.LIEW KM, YANG J and KITIPORNCHAI S (2003),The Postbuckling of Piezoelectric FGM Plates under Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Loading,International Journal of Solids and Structures,July, 40(15): 3869-3892.LIEW KM, ZOU GP and RAJENDRAN S (2003),A spline strip kernel particle method and its application to two-dimensional elasticity problems,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,57(5): 599-616.RAJENDRAN S and LIEW KM (2003),A novel unsymmetric 8-node plane element immune to mesh distortion under a quadratic displacement field,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,58(11): 1713-1748.YANG J, KITIPORNCHAI S and LIEW KM (2003),Large Amplitude Vibration of Thermo-Electro-Mechanically Stressed FGM Laminated Plates,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,August, 192(33-36): 3861-3885.ZHU JJ and LIEW KM (2003),Description of deformation in shape memory alloys from DO3 austenite to 18R martensite by group theory,Acta Materialia,51(9): 2443-2456.HE XQ, LIEW KM, Ng TY and Sivashanker S (2002),A FEM model for the active control of curved FGM shells using piezoelectric sensor/actuator layers,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,54: 853-870.LIEW KM, HE XQ, Ng TY and Kitipornchai S (2002),Active control of FGM shells subjected to a temperature gradient via piezoelectric sensor/actuator patches,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,55: 653-668.LIEW KM, WU HY and NG TY (2002),Meshless method for modeling of human proximal femur: Treatment of nonconvex boundaries and stress analysis,Computational Mechanics,28(5): 390-400.LIU XB and LIEW KM (2002),Lyapunov exponents for two nonlinear systems driven by real noises,Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A – Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,458(2027): 2705-2719.HE XQ, Ng TY, Sivashanker S and LIEW KM (2001),Active control of FGM plates with integrated piezoelectric sensors and actuators,International Journal of Solids and Structures,38: 1641-1655.LIEW KM, HE XQ, Ng TY and Sivashanker S (2001),Active Control of FGM plates subjected to a temperature gradient: Modelling via finite element method based on FSDT,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,Dec, 52(11): 1253-1271.
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