盧偉真教授BEng MEng (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ), PhD (DeMont Univ, UK), CEng, MHKIE, FHKSTAM, FICACM, MBEPAC, GFCSTAM, MCAPF
Contact InformationOffice:FW-408
Web:Personal Homepage
Research InterestsNumerical computation, Building and Environmental engineering,Built environment assessment,HVAC system,Soft ComputingWind effect on high-rise buildings
Prof. Lu joined City University of Hong Kong in 1996 as a Research Fellow, was promoted to Assistant Professor in October 1998, Associate Professor in February 2004, and Professor in 2013. She obtained BSc and MSc from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1982 and 1985, and PhD from De Montfort University in 1995 respectively. She was appointed as Assistant Lecturer and Lecturer in Xi'an Jiaotong University from 1985-1990. From 1990 to 1993, she worked as a Research Scientist in National Engineering Laboratory, UK. In 1993, she worked as a Research Officer in De Montfort University, UK, obtained Ph.D. degree in October 1995, and took the Lecturer post in Hong Kong Polytechnic University before joined City University of Hong Kong. Prof. Lu is actively involved in teaching, research, and administration duties. She currently teaches Building Services Engineering discipline. Her main research interests include: indoor air quality, air pollution and assessment, built environmental assessment, applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and soft computing in building and environmental engineering. Since 1999, she has successfully attracted 5 RGC-GRF research grants and 16 CityU research grants (in PI capacity). She has authored/co-authored over 180 referred journal papers and referred conference papers. She is actively involved in professional activities as well. She was Past-President of Hong Kong Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (HKSTAM) for 2010-2012. She currently serves as Associate Editor of HKIE Transactions, member of editorial board, Journal of Hydrodynamics, PRC, Guest Professor of Sichuan University and Shenyang Architectural & Civil Engineering University. She is listed in 'Who is Who in Computational Science and Engineering' (http://www.wwcse.com/cgi-bin/whosin.cgi?n=l) since 2003 and 'Marquis Who is Who in Science and Engineering' since 2005. She also serves as member of advisory committee of several international conferences and reviewer for several prestigious international journals.
Course Leader Duty BC2111: Construction Environment BC2111F: Construction Environment BC2111P: Construction Environment BC2782: Drawing Practice and Building Services Laboratory BC3421: Decision Making and Operational Techniques for Engineering Management BC3421F: Decision Making and Operational Techniques for Engineering Management BC3421P: Decision Making and Operational Techniques for Engineering Management BC4723: HVAC Engineering Elective I BC4723P: HVAC Engineering Elective I BC4724: HVAC Engineering Elective II BC4724P: HVAC Engineering Elective II BC4763: HVAC Engineering Elective I BC4764: HVAC Engineering Elective II CA4723: HVAC Engineering Elective I CA4724: HVAC Engineering Elective II CA4727: Advanced HVAC Systems GE1318: Are We Safe?: Risks in Our Everyday Life
Research InterestsNumerical computation, Building and Environmental engineering,Built environment assessment,HVAC system,Soft ComputingWind effect on high-rise buildings
Selected PublicationsHe HD, Qiao ZX, Pan W and LU WJ (2017),Multiscale multifractal properties between ground-level ozone and its precursors in rural area in Hong Kong,Journal of Environmental Management,Feb., 196: 270-277.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.02.024]Pan W, Xue Y, HE HD and LU WJ (2017),Traffic control oriented impact on the persistence of urban air pollutants: A causeway bay revelation during emergency period,Transportation Research Part D,Apr, 51: 304-313.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2017.02.001]Peng GH, LU WJ, He HD and Gu ZH (2017),Prevision of vehicle headway effect on urban traffic with a new car-following model,Modern Physics Letters B,Apr., 31(10): 1750103[http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S1032]Shan XF, Wang P and LU WJ (2017),The reliability and availability evaluation of repairable district heating networks under changeable external conditions,Applied Energy,July, 203: 686-695.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.06.081]Yin YQ, Zhang B, Li YM and LU WJ (2017),Effect of Dead Load on Dynamic Characteristics ofRotating Timoshenko Beams,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Aug., 2015: 582192[http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/582192]Gu ZH, Cao XM, Jiao YT and LU WJ (2016),Appropriate CFD Models for Simulating Flow around Spur Dike Group along Urban Riverways,Water Resources Management,Oct., 30: 4559-4570.[DOI 10.1007/s11269-016-1436-1]He HD, Pan W, LU WJ, Xue Y and Peng GH (2016),Multifractal property and long-range cross-correlation behavior of particulate matters at urban traffic intersection in Shanghai,Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess,Aug., 30: 1515-1525.[DOI 10.1007/s00477-015-1162-x]He HD, Shi W and LU WJ (2016),Investigation of exhaust gas dispersion in the near-wake region of a light-duty vehicle,Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess,Jan. , 31: 775-783.[DOI 10.1007/s00477-016-1208-8]Peng GH, LU WJ and He HD (2016),Nonlinear analysis of a new car-following model accountingfor the global average optimal velocity dierence,Modern Physics Letters B,Sept., 30(27): 1650327[http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S3279]Peng GH, LU WJ, He HD and Gu ZH (2016),Nonlinear analysis of a new car-following model accounting for the optimal velocity changes with memory,Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat,Apr., 40: 197-205.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cnsns.2016.04.024]Peng GH, HE HD and LU WJ (2016),A new car-following model with the consideration ofincorporating timid and aggressive driving behaviors,Physica A,Oct., 442: 197-202.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2015.09.009]Shi W, LU WJ, Xue Y and He HD (2016),Revised lattice Boltzmann model for traffic flow withequilibrium traffic pressure,Physica A,Sept., 443: 22-31.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2015.09.045]He HD, LU WJ and Xue y (2015),Prediction of particulate matters at urban intersection by using multilayer perceptron model based on principal components,Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess,Apr., 29: 2107-2114.[DOI 10.1007/s00477-014-0989-x]Peng GH, He HD and LU WJ (2015),A new lattice model with the consideration of the trafficinterruption probability for two-lane traffic flow,Nonlinear Dynamics,Mar., 81: 417-424.[DOI 10.1007/s11071-015-2001-9]Peng, GH, LU WJ and He, HD (2015),Impact of the traffic interruption probability of optimal current on traffic congestion in lattice model,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,425: 27-33.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2015.01.045]Xue Y, Pan W, LU WJ and He HD (2015),Multifractal nature of particulate matters (PMs) in Hong Kong urban air,Science of the Total Environment,June, 532: 744-751.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.06.065]Xue, Y, Jia, LS, Teng, WZ and LU WJ (2015),Long-range correlations in vehicular traffic flow studied in the framework of Kerner’s three-phase theory based on rescaled range analysis,Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation,22: 285-296.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cnsns.2014.09.017 ]LU WJ and Wang, D (2014),Learning machines: Rationale and application in ground-level ozone prediction,Applied Soft Computing,24: 135-141.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2014.07.008 ]LU WJ and Xue, Y, He, HD (2014),Detrended fluctuation analysis of particle number concentrations on roadsides in Hong Kong,Building and Environment,82: 580-587.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.09.015]Gu, ZH, Cao, XM, Liu, GL and LU WJ (2014),Optimizing operation rules of sluices in river networks based on knowledge-driven and data-driven mechanism,Water Resources Management,28: 3455-3469.[http://dx.doi:10.1007/s11269-014-0679-y]He, HD, LU WJ and Xue, Y (2014),Prediction of particulate matter at street level using artificial neural networks coupling with chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm,Building and Environment,78: 111-117.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.04.011]Pan, W, XUe, Y, Zhao, R and LU WJ (2014),Biham-Middleton-Levine model in consideration of cooperative willingness,Chinese Physics B,23(5): 058902[http://dx.doi:10.1088/1674-1056/23/5/058902]Xue, Y, Kang, SJ, LU WJ and He, HD (2014),Energy dissipation of traffic flow at an on-ramp,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,398: 172-178.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.physa.2013.12.032]Yang, QY, LU WJ and Zhou, SF, Wang, XK (2014),Impact of dissipation and dispersion terms on simulations of open-channel confluence flow using two-dimensional depth-averaged model,Hydrological Processes,28: 3230-3240.[http://dx.doi:10.1002/hyp.988]Yang, QY, Liu, TH, and LU WJ (2013),Numerical Simulation of Confluence Flow in Open Channel with Dynamic Meshes Techniques,Advances in Mechanical Engineering,Article ID 860431, [http://dx.doi:org/10.1155/2013/860431]He, HD and LU WJ (2012),Spectral analysis of vehicle pollutants at traffic intersection in Hong Kong,Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess,26: 1053-1061.[http://dx.doi:10.1007/s00477-012-0560-6]He, HD and LU WJ (2012),Decomposition of pollution contributors to urban ozone levels concerning regional and local scales,Building and Environment,49(1): 97-103.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.09.019]He, HD and LU WJ (2012),Urban aerosol particulates on Hong Kong roadsides: Size distribution and concentration levels with time,Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess,26: 177-187.[http://dx.doi:10.1007/s00477-011-0465-9]Wang, XY, Wang, QY, LU WJ and Wang, XK (2012),Experimental study of near-wall turbulent characteristics in an open-channel with gravel bed using an acoustic doppler velocimeter,Experiments in Fluids,52(1): 85-94.[http://dx.doi:10.1007/s00348-011-1202-3]LU WJ and He, HD, Dong, LY (2011),Performance assessment of air quality monitoring networks using principal component analysis and cluster analysis,Building and Environment,46(3): 577-583.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2010.09.004]LU WJ and He, HD, Leung AYT (2011),Assessing air quality in Hong Kong: A proposed, revised air pollution index (API),Building and Environment,46(12): 2562-2569.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.06.011]He, HD, LU WJ and Dong, LY (2011),An improved cellular automaton model considering effect of traffic lights and driving behaviour,Chinese Physics B,20(4): 040514[http://dx.doi:10.1088/1674-1056/20/4/040514]Wang, XY, Yang, QY, LU WJ and Wang, XK (2011),Effects of bed load movement on mean flow characteristics in mobile gravel beds,Water Resources Management,25(11): 2781-2795.[http://dx.doi:10.1007/s11269-011-9838-6]LU WJ and Wang, D (2009),Assessing the relative importance of surface ozone influential variables in regional-scale analysis,Atmospheric Environment,43(22): 3621-3629.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.03.039]LU WJ and Wang, Dong (2009),Assessing the relative importance of surface ozone influential variables in regional-scale analysis,Atmospheric Environment,July, 43(22-23): 3621-3629.He, HD, LU WJ and Xue, Y (2009),Prediction of PM10 concentrations at urban traffic intersections using semi-empirical box modelling with instantaneous velocity and acceleration,Atmospheric Environment,43(40): 6336-6342.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.09.027]He, Hongdi, LU WJ and Xue, Y (2009),Prediction of PM10 concentrations at urban traffic intersections using semi-empirical box modelling with instantaneous velocity and acceleration,Atmospheric Environment,December, 43(40): 6336-6342.He, Hongdi, LU WJ and Xue, Y (2009),Dynamic characteristics and simulation of traffic flow with slope,Chinese Physics B,July, 18(7): 2703-2708.Lee, Y, Hui, CK, LU WJ and Lee, EWM (2009),The low frequency sound radiation of a chaotically vibrating curved beam/panel,International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation,10(9): 1159-1166.[http://dx.doi:10.1515/IJNSNS.2009.10.9.1159]Lu, Z, LU WJ and Zhang, JL (2009),Microorganisms and particles in AHU systems: Measurement and analysis,Building and Environment,April, 44(4): 694-698.Tain, HH, He, Hongdi, Xue, Y and LU WJ (2009),Lattice hydrodynamic model with bidirectional pedestrian flow,Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications,July, 388(14): 2895-2902.Xue, Y, Tian, HH, He, HD, LU WJ and Wei, YF (2009),Exploring jamming transitions and density waves in bidirectional pedestrian traffic,The European Physical Journal B,69: 289-295.[http://dx.doi:10.1140/epjb/e2009-00149-8]Xue, Y, Tian, HH and LU WJ (2009),Exploring jamming transitions and density waves in bidirectional pedestrian traffic,European Physical Journal B,May, 69(2): 289-295.Yang, QY, Wang, XY, LU WJ and Wang, XK (2009),Experimental study on characteristics of separation zone in confluence zone in rivers,Journal of Hydrologic Engineering – ASCE,14(2): 166-177.[http://dx.doi:10.1061/(ASCE/1084-0699(2009)14:2(166)]Yang, QY, Wagn, XY and LU WJ (2009),Experimental Study on Characteristics of Separation Zone in Confluence Zones in Rivers,Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,Feb., 14(2): 166-171.LU WJ (2008),Progress on Vehicle emissions, modeling and prediction in urban - Review Paper,Mechanics in Engineering力学与实践,September, 30(4): 1-7.LU WJ and Wang, D (2008),Ground-level ozone prediction by support vector machine approach with a cost-sensitive classification scheme,Science of the Total Environment,395: 109-116.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.01.035]LU WJ and Wang, XK (2008),Investigation of respirable suspended particulate trend and relevant environmental factors in Hong Kong downtown areas,Chemosphere,71(3): 561-567.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2007.09.050]Lu, Z, LU WJ and Zhang, JL, Sun, DX (2008),Microorganisms and particles in AHU systems: Measurement and analysis,Building and Environment,44(4): 692-698.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2008.05.014]Mo, Y, He, Hongdi, LU WJ and Xue, Y (2008),Effect of multi-velocity-difference in traffic flow,Chinese Physics B,December, 17(12): 4446-4450.Wang, WJ, Men, CQ and LU WJ (2008),Online prediction model based on support vector machine,NeuroComputing,71: 550-558.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2007.07.020]Zhang, JY, LU WJ and Huo, R, Feng, R (2008),A new model for determining neutral-plane position in shaft space of a building under fire situation,Building and Environment,43(6): 1101-1108.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2007.02.004]Shi, CL, LU WJ and Chow, WK, Huo, R (2007),An investigation on spill plume development and natural filling in large-scale atrium under retail shop fire,Int. Journal of Hest and Mass Transfer,50: 513-529.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2006.07.020]LU WJ and Wang, XK (2006),Evolving trend and self-similarity of ozone pollution in central Hong Kong ambient during 1984–2002,Science of the Total Environment,357: 160-168.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv. 2005.03.015]Wang, D and LU WJ (2006),Forecasting of ozone level in time series using MLP model with a novel hybrid training algorithm,Atmospheric Environment,40: 913-924.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.10.042]Wang, D and LU WJ (2006),Ground-level ozone prediction using multi-layer perceptron trained with an innovative hybrid approach,Ecological Modelling,198(3-4): 332-340.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2006.05.031]Wang, D and LU WJ (2006),Forecasting ozone levels and analyzing their dynamics by a Bayesian multilayer perception model for two air-monitoring sites in Hong Kong,Human and Ecological Risk Assessment,12(2): 313-327.[http://dx.doi:10.1080/13725]Wang, D and LU WJ (2006),Interval estimation of urban ozone level and selection of influential factors by employing automatic relevance determination model,Chemosphere,,62: 1600-1611.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2005.06.047]Wang, XK and LU WJ (2006),Seasonal variation of air pollution index: Hong Kong case study,Chemosphere,63: 1261-1272.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2005.10.031]LU WJ and Wang, WJ (2005),Potential assessment of the support vector machine method in forecasting ambient air pollutant trends,Chemosphere,59: 693-701.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2004.10.032]LU WJ, LEUNG AYT, YAN SH and SO TPA (2004),Estimating the Performance of SARS Virus Cleaner Using CFD Approach,Symposium on Advanced Technology for Health Care and Hygiene Control,Hong Kong, PRC, 4 March 2004 LU WJ, PANG KC, HU ZR and MEI XJ (2004),A numerical study on effect of smoke extraction system in an underground shopping mall under fire situation,Fire Science and Technology 消防科學與技術,23(1): 49-53.LU WJ and WANG XK (2004),Interaction patterns of major air pollutants in Hong Kong territory,Science of the Total Environment,324(1-3): 247-259.LU WJ, ZHANG WS, CUI CZ and LEUNG AYT (2004),A numerical analysis of free-surface flow in curved open channel with velocity-pressure-free-surface correction,Computational Mechanics,February, 33(3): 215-224.LU WJ (2003),Who's Who in Computational Science and Engineering , Saxe-Coburg Publications, United Kingdom [http://www.wwcse.com/cgi-bin/whosin.cgi?n=1]LU WJ and Fan, HY, Lo, SM (2003),Application of evolutionary neural network method in predicting pollutant levels in downtown area of Hong Kong,NeuroComputing,51(1): 387-400.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/S0925-2312(02)00623-9]LU WJ and Leung, AYT (2003),A preliminary study on potential of developing shower/laundry wastewater reclamation and reuse system,Chemosphere,52(9): 1451-1459.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/S0045-6535(03)00482-X]LU WJ, PANG KC, HU ZR and MEI XJ (2003),A numerical study on effect of smoke extraction system in an underground shopping mall under fire situation,The Symposium on Performance Based Fire Protection design and Assessment Technology,Xuzhou, PRC, November 2003 p.63-69LU WJ, WANG W, WANG X and LEUNG AYT (2003),Prediction of air pollutant levels using support vector machines: an effective tool,7th International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil and Structural Engineering,Egmond-aan-Zee, Netherlands, 2-4 September 2003 LU WJ, WANG WJ, WANG XK and LEUNG AYT (2003),Using improved neural network model to analyze RSP, NOX and NO2 levels in urban air in Mongkok, Hong Kong,Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,September, 87(3): 235-254.LU WJ and WANG XK (2003),Monitoring and prediction of particulate levels in public taxi transport interchange in Hong Kong,Transactions of Tianjin University,9: 54-58.LU WJ and WANG XK (2003),Characteristics recognition of pollutant levels in public taxi transport interchanges in Hong Kong,Journal of South China University of Technology: Natural Science,31: 18-22.LU WJ and WANG XK (2003),Assessment of interactive patterns within major air pollutants in urban air in selected sites in Hong Kong,International Conference on Pollution in the Metropolitan & Urban Environment (POLMET 2003),HKIE, Hong Kong, PRC, 3-5 November 2003 WANG W, LU WJ, WANG X and LEUNG AYT (2003),Developing optimal feed-forward neural networks using a constructive dynamic training method and pruning with a genetic algorithm,7th International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil and Structural Engineering,Egmond-aan-Zee, Netherlands, 2-4 September 2003 WANG XK, LU WJ, WANG WJ and LEUNG AYT (2003),A study of ozone variation trend within area of affecting human health in Hong Kong,Chemosphere,September, 52: 1405-1410.Wang, WJ, LU WJ and Wang, WK, Leung, AYT (2003),Prediction of maximum daily ozone level using combined neural network and statistical characteristics,Environment International,29(5): 555-562.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/S0160-4120(03)00013-8]YAN SH, LU WJ and LEUNG AYT (2003),An investigation of airflow field and air pollution distribution in public transport interchange in Hong Kong,The 4th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning (ISHVAC 2003),Beijing, PRC, 8-11 October 2003 Ip.384-392LO SM, YUEN KKR, LU WJ and Chen DH (2002),A CFD study of buoyancy effects on smoke spread in refuge floor of a high-rise building,Journal of Fire Science,20(6): 439-464.LU WJ and Fan, HY, Leung, AYT, Wong, JCK (2002),Analysis of pollutant levels in central Hong Kong applying neural network method with particle swarm optimization,Environmental Monitoring & Assessment,79(3): 217-230.[http://dx.doi:10.1023/A:1]LU WJ and Wang, WJ, Fan, HY, Leung, AYT, Xu, ZB, Lo, SM, Wong, JCK (2002),Prediction of pollutant levels in Causeway Bay area in Hong Kong using an improved neural network model,Journal of Environmental Engineering - ASCE,128(12): 1146-1157.[http://dx.doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(2002)12:12(1146)]LU WJ and Wang, WK, Wang, WJ, Leung, AYT, Yuan, KK (2002),A preliminary study of ozone trend and its impact on environment in Hong Kong,Environment International,28(6): 503-512.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/S0160-4120(02)00078-8]LU WJ, LO SM, YUEN KKR and Fang Z (2001),An investigation of the impact of floor setting on airflow and smoke extraction in designated refuge floor,International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics,14: 327-337.LU WJ, LO SM, Fang Z and YUEN KKR (2001),A Preliminary investigation of airflow field in designated refuge floor,Building and Environment,36: 219-230.LU WJ, LO SM, Fang Z and YUEN KKR (2001),A CFD study of air movement in designated refuge floor,International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics,15: 169-176.LU WJ and Lo, SM, Fang, Z, Yuen, KK (2001),A CFD study of air movement in designated refuge floor,International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics,15(2): 169-176.[http://dx.doi:10.1080/10026]LU WJ and Lo, SM, Fang, Z, Yuen, KK (2001),An investigation of the impact of floor setting on airflow and smoke extraction in designated refuge floor,International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics,14(4): 327-337.[http://dx.doi:10.1080/10732]Fan, HY, LU WJ and Xu, ZB (2001),An empirical comparison of three novel genetic algorithms,Engineering Computations,17(8): 981-1001.[http://dx.doi:10.1108/60901]LU WJ and Howarth, AT, Jeary, AP (1997),Prediction of airflow and temperature field in a room with convective heat source,Building and Environment,32(6): 541-550.[http://dx.doi:10.1016/S0360-1323(97)00014-0]
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