張世安教授DSc, PhD, MSc, MBA, LLM, LLB(Hons), FRICS, FHKIS, RPS(QS), MHKIE, RPE(Bldg)
Contact InformationOffice:FW-407
Research InterestsConstruction Dispute management and resolution.Trust and Organisational issues in construction contracting. Managing Mega projects.
The research interests of Professor Cheung include Law in construction, trust and organisational culture. Building on his industrial experience in contract administration, Professor Cheung has developed research programmes in contract and dispute management. Professor Cheung is the Head of the Construction Dispute Resolution Research Unit (CDRRU) and specialty editor of Contracting of the ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. The CDRRU has published the following research monographs - "Trust in Co-operative Contracting in Construction
Construction Dispute Research: Conceptualisation, Avoidance and Resolution
The Soft Power of Construction Contracting Organisations
Construction Dispute Research Expanded". Professor Cheung is a recipient of the 2010 City University of Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Awards.
Course Leader Duty BC2311: Construction Contracts I BC2311F: Construction Contracts I BC2311P: Construction Contracts I BC4313: Construction Contracts III BC4313F: Construction Contracts III CA4313: Construction Contracts III CA6114: Construction Dispute Resolution CA6203: Contracts Management CA6233: Contract and Dispute Management CA6620: Contract Strategy and Cost Control CA6816: Construction Dispute Resolution
Research InterestsConstruction Dispute management and resolution.Trust and Organisational issues in construction contracting. Managing Mega projects.
Selected PublicationsKEUNG C, YEUNG KLD and CHEUNG SO (2022),Quantity Surveying Practice: The Nuts and Bolts, Routledge, Taylor and Francis; CHEUNG SO and Wong Shek Pui Peter and Yiu Tak Wing (2015),the Soft Power of Construction Contracting Organisations Routledge, Taylor and Franciis; CHEUNG SO (2014),Construction Dispute Research: Conceptualisation, Avoidance and Resolution Springer International Publishing; CHEUNG SO, YIU TW and HW CHAN (2010),Exploring the Potential for Predicting Project Dispute Resolution Satisfaction Using Logistic Regression,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,136(5): 508-517.CHEUNG SO, CHOW PT and YIU TW (2009),Contingent Use of Negotiators’ Tactics in ConstructionDispute Negotiation,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE,135(6): 466-476.CHEUNG SO, WONG WK, YIU TW and KWOK TW (2008),Exploring the Influence of Contract Governance on Connstruction Dispute Negotiation,Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, ASCE,134(4): 397-398.CHEUNG SO, YIU TW, LEUNG AYT and Chiu OK (2008),Catastrophic Transitions of Construction Contracting Behavior,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE,134(12): 942-952.Wong WK, CHEUNG SO, YIU TW and Pang HY (2008),A Framework for Trust in Construction Contracting,International Journal of Project Management,26: 821-829.YIU TW, CHEUNG SO and Chow PT (2008),Logistic Regression Modeling of Construction Negotiation Outcomes,IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,55(3): 468-478.CHEUNG SO and YIU TW (2007),A Study of Construction Mediator Tactics (Part I): Taxonomies of Dispute Sources, Mediator Tactics and Mediation Outcomes,Building and Environment,February, 42(2): 752-761.SUEN CHH and CHEUNG SO (2007),Appealing Arbitrator's Decisions - The Nema Guidelines Revisited ,International Construction Law Review ,24(1): 102-117.SUEN CHH and CHEUNG SO (2007),Mareva Injunctions: Evolving Principles and Practices Revisited,Construction Law Journal ,23(2): 117-136.SUEN CHH, CHEUNG SO and Hong Ting Lee (2007),Interlocutory Injunctions in Construction Cases in Hong Kong: Revisiting American Cyanamid Principles,ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education & Practice (Legal Affairs Section) ,October , 133(4): 1-7.SUEN CHH, CHEUNG SO and Mondejar R. (2007),Managing Ethical Behaviour in Construction Organizations in Asia: How do the teachings of Confucius, Taoism and Globalization influence ethics management?,International Journal of Project Management ,25WONG PSP and CHEUNG SO (2007),An analysis of the relationship between learning behaviour and performance improvement of the contracting organizations,The International Journal of Project Management, Accepted in April 2007.,WONG PSP, CHEUNG SO and HardCastle C. (2007),Embodying learning effect in performance prediction,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE,133(6): 474-483.WONG PSP, CHEUNG SO, Kam R. K. F. and Wong P. P. K. (2007),A user-oriented web-based multimedia programme for measuring building services engineering works,The International Journal of Engineering Education,Sept 2006, WONG PSP, CHEUNG SO and Leung M. K. Y. (2007),The Moderating Effect of Organizational Learning Type on Performance Improvement.,Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE,July 2007, YIU TW and CHEUNG SO (2007),A Study of Construction Mediator Tactics (Part II): The Contingent Use of Tactics,Building and Environment,February, 42(2): 762-769.YIU TW and CHEUNG SO (2007),Behavioral Transition: A Framework for the Construction Conflict–Tension Relationship,IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,August, 54(3): 498-505.YIU TW, CHEUNG SO and Cheung, CH (2007),Toward a Typology of Construction Mediator Tactics,Building and Environment,June, 42(6): 2344-2359.CHEUNG SO, WONG PSP, Fung A.Y.S and Coffey M.V. (2006),Predicting project performance through neural networks.,The International Journal of Project Management,24(3): 207-215.CHEUNG SO and YIU TW (2006),Are Construction Disputes Inevitable?,IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,August, 53(3): 456-470.CHEUNG SO, YIU TW and Chim PS (2006),How Relational are Construction Contracts?,Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practices, ASCE,January, 132(1): 48-56.CHEUNG SO, YIU TW and Yeung SF (2006),A Study of Styles and Outcomes in Construction Dispute Negotiation,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE,August, 132(8): 805-814.Lo T., WONG PSP and CHEUNG SO (2006),Using Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach to measure performance of the partnering projects. ,Surveying and Built Environment,17(1): 45-57.Tam WYV, TAM CM, YIU TW and CHEUNG SO (2006),Critical Factors for Environmental Performance Assessment (EPA) in the Hong Kong Construction Industry,Construction Management and Economics,November, 24: 1113-1123.YIU TW and CHEUNG SO (2006),A Catastrophe Model for Construction Conflict Behavior,Building and Environment,April, 41(4): 438-447.YIU TW, CHEUNG SO and MOK FM (2006),Logistic Likelihood Analysis of Mediation Outcomes,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE,October, 132(10): 1026-1036.
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