

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-23

Abstract:Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) is recognized by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). After nearly 20 years of development, 59 GIAHS exist across 22 countries. For a long time, researchers in different fields have provided technical support for the conservation and development of GIAHS, focusing on concept and connotation, structure and function, traditional ecological wisdom, knowledge and technology systems, tourism development, ecological compensation mechanism, and more. However, the global spatial distribution features and influencing factors of GIAHS remain understudied. Studying the spatial distribution of GIAHS and its influencing factors will help to fully grasp the geographic changes and regional differences of GIAHS resources, and provide important references for the recognition and conservation of global agricultural civilization. Based on the 59 projects listed on the GIAHS by March 2020, this study used the Gini coefficient method to analyze the global spatial distribution features of GIAHS from the perspective of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and continental and national perspectives. The Gini coefficients of GIAHS are 0.63, 0.68, 0.76, and 0.83, respectively, and the uniformity coefficients of GIAHS are 0.37, 0.32, 0.24, and 0.17, respectively, in five continents, different latitudes, different longitudes, and recognized countries. The results show that there is a strong concentration and low uniformity of GIAHS across the measured regional scales. Asia has the highest GIAHS distribution, followed by Africa and Europe, while relatively few exist in the Americas. GIAHS are mainly distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, especially between 30°-60°N. They are also concentrated in the Eastern Hemisphere, especially between 100°-160°E. The concentration of GIAHS in the recognized countries is very high, and the number of GIAHS in China, Japan, and Korea exceeds half of the total. The distribution of GIAHS is influenced by climate conditions and geography, agricultural origination centers, influence of GIAHS and concept of national development, and more. The countries at the center of the agricultural origin account for the majority of GIAHS-recognized countries. GIAHS recognition potential is high in those countries with complex climates that are important to GIAHS. At the same time, the existing GIAHS have a very high degree of climate type concentration and a very low distribution uniformity, mainly concentrated in the temperate and tropical monsoon climates. This paper suggests that it is necessary to carry out a census in different latitudes and climatic zones to recognize agricultural and fishery systems in small island countries, and to increase support for economically underdeveloped countries. As a firm supporter and major contributor to GIAHS, China should make full use of its accumulated experience and international influence to promote the further optimization of GIAHS work in FAO.
Key words:Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)/
Gini coefficient/
Spatial distribution/
Influence factors/
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


相关话题/空间 农业 地理 日本 经济

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