

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

朱益波, 吴凌天, 吴金男, 冀宏
常熟理工学院 生物与食品工程学院,江苏 常熟 215500
基金项目:江苏省高等教育教学改革重点项目(No. 2019JSJG059),江苏省青蓝工程生物工程优秀教学团队项目,常熟理工学院教学改革研究课题(Nos. CSLGJG2018043, CSLGJG2018005, CSLGJG2018044)资助

Construction of the curriculum for developing the ability to solving complex engineering problems in the field of biotechnology industry
Yibo Zhu, Lingtian Wu, Jinnan Wu, Hong Ji
School of Biology and Food Engineering, Changshu Institute of Technology, Changshu 215500, Jiangsu, China
Received: April 17, 2021; Accepted: June 29, 2021; Published: July 9, 2021
Supported by: Key Project of Jiangsu Higher Education Teaching Reform, China (No. 2019JSJG059), Excellent Bioengineering Teaching Team of Jiangsu Qinglan Project, Teaching Reform Project of Changshu Institute of Technology, China (Nos. CSLGJG2018043, CSLGJG2018005, CSLGJG2018044)
Corresponding author: Hong Ji. Tel: +86-512-52251561; E-mail: jihong@cslg.edu.cn.

Abstract: Accurately understanding the features and connotations of complex engineering problems is an important prerequisite for setting graduation requirements, constructing curriculum and designing teaching contents. By discussing the characteristics of complex engineering problems in the biological industry, this paper explored the demands for undergraduates in Yangtze river delta region, summarized the typical jobs and their requirements, and expounded the connotation of complex engineering problems contained in various typical tasks. On this basis, a gradual curriculum system was constructed, which included multiple stages of conceiving, formation and application, to cultivate the ability to solve complex engineering problems in the major of bioengineering. The curriculum coordinated the implementation of deep integration of industry and education, research feed back course construction, course team and advanced courses building up, professional associations covered all crews and students, supporting the ability training of solving complex engineering problems.
Keywords: bioengineeringcomplex engineering problemtypical jobtypical taskcurriculum
当前,世界范围内新一轮科技革命和产业变革加速推进。以新技术、新产业、新业态和新模式为特征的新经济呼唤“新工科”的建设,产业转型升级和新旧动能转换需要“新工科”的建设[4]。生物产业作为21世纪创新最为活跃、影响最为深远的新兴产业,已经成为我国战略性新兴产业的主攻方向之一,对于我国抢占新一轮科技革命和产业革命制高点,加快壮大新产业、发展新经济、培育新动能,建设“健康中国”具有重要意义[5]。国内一些高校围绕新工科背景下生物工程专业的教学与人才培养体系进行了针对性的研究。如天津大学探讨构建了新工科背景下包含基础、综合、设计、科研、实训等5个层次的实践教育体系[6];江南大学围绕人才培养方案、招生体系、课题设置、科研实践等多个方面探讨了多学科交叉的复合型研究生培养体系[7];华东理工大学为培养生物工程领域新工科人才,探索了5M (Mining-model-manipulation-measurement-manufacture)智能生物制造新工科人才培养体系[8];厦门大学以系统性、综合性、模块化的方式建立了“基础-专业-综合”的实验课程体系[9];刘续航等对于生物工程专业高素质复合型应用人才培养方案的完善提出了在实践训练中,可以让学生在接触工作岗位中培养学生解决问题的能力,促进学生的学习与发展[10]
由于现代生物产业技术复杂,产业链长,覆盖面广,涉及农业、医药、化工、食品、能源、环保等众多行业,随着产业规模扩大和竞争日益加剧,产业出现了明显的区域特色和分工协作。常熟理工学院作为地处于苏州地区的地方本科院校,长期致力于为长三角区域培养适应行业发展需求的高素质应用型人才[11-15]。但是,长三角区域对于生物工程相关专业毕业生的岗位需求有哪些?毕业生从事相关岗位需要具备怎样的基本素质和技能?相关从业者需要解决哪些特征的复杂工程问题?目前少有文献针对以上问题进行分析和报道。在此背景下,常熟理工学院生物工程专业以产出为导向(Outcome-based education,OBE) 的理念,以长三角地区的产业人才需求为导向,通过对相关区域生物工程及相关专业的人才需求调研分析,凝练主要专业技术岗位的典型岗位职责和任职要求,分析岗位相关的代表性复杂工程问题,并在此基础上探讨构建围绕解决复杂工程问题能力培养的课程体系。
1 生物工程专业典型技术岗位调研与分析1.1 人才需求调研市场需求调研采用主流人才招聘网站检索、行业企业走访和毕业生网络问卷调查的形式进行调研。通过网络检索(前程无忧网检索词为“江苏省+上海+生物工程或生物技术”)、毕业生网络问卷调查和代表性企业走访,收集网络检索信息3 258条,毕业生问卷369份。
1.2 人才市场典型专业技术岗位及任职要求2018年3月15日,通过前程无忧网检索获得3 258个职位。其中就业热门地点(上海+苏州+无锡+南京) 职位数为2 895个,占比为88%。职位对于学历要求中,本科生占比最高达到33.2%,专科比例为21.6%,硕士和博士占比分别为13.4%和2.3%。学历要求为硕士和博士的职位主要侧重于生物医药类研发。从总体上看,上海、苏南等长三角经济发达地区生物产业经济发达,聚集了大量的生物制造、研发、生物技术服务的行业企业、科研院所,对于生物工程专业人才的需求比较旺盛。根据调研信息,合并工作内容相似的岗位,归纳出行业企业对于生物工程及相似专业招聘的8种主要典型专业技术岗位(不含销售岗位) 及任职要求情况如表 1所示。8种典型岗位中有5种属于生物医药研发制造行业,2种属于生物技术服务行业,1种属于快消品制造行业。这与长三角地区集中了大量的生物医药研发制造和生物技术服务企业有关。
表 1 长三角区域生物工程专业人才典型技术岗位信息表Table 1 Information of typical technical posts for bioengineering talents in Yangtze river delta
Industry field
Percentage of demand (%)
Typical responsibilities
Cell culture engineer
26.7 1. 负责细胞培养实验室的日常维护
Responsible for the daily maintenance of the cell culture laboratory
2. 细胞培养放大及条件优化
Scale-up and optimization of cell culture conditions
3. 细胞罐的验证,提出合理化建议
Verifying the cell tank
4. 负责客户技术问题的咨询和解答
Responsible for consulting and answering customers' technical questions
Education: bachelor degree or above in biological engineering, biochemical engineering, pharmaceutical engineering, fermentation engineering or related major
综合素养*: ①②③④⑤⑥⑦
Comprehensive quality*: ①②③④⑤⑥⑦
Professional competence: have professional knowledge and skills in cell culture, cell physiology and metabolism, scale-up, etc.; working experience in biopharmaceutical industry is preferred; experience in monoclonal antibody production is preferred
18.7 1. 菌种复苏、传代及发酵培养
Cell resurrection, passage and culturing
2. 负责/协助完成发酵工艺放大和验证
Responsible for the amplification and validation of fermentation process
3. 负责/协助完成发酵中小试生产
Responsible for the small and medium pilot production
Education: college degree or above, major in biopharmaceutical, microbiology, fermentation engineering, biochemical engineering, biotechnology or related fields
Comprehensive quality*: ①②③④⑤⑥⑦
Professional competence: fermentation work experience is preferred; familiar with fermentation industry product and technology development is preferred; familiar with the operation of fermenter familiar with the operation and application of various analytical equipment, familiar with the physiological characteristics of main industrial microorganisms
Protein purification researcher
13.1 1. 按要求完成蛋白质的表达、纯化、检测等相关的实验室研发及分析工作
Complete laboratory research, development and analysis related to protein expression, purification and detection as required
2. 做好表达纯化实验室的日常维护,清洁和仪器的保养工作
Responsible for the daily maintenance, cleaning and instrument maintenance of the expression purification laboratory
3. 完成表达纯化所需试剂的配制工作
Complete the preparation of reagents needed for expression and purification
4. 完善、及时、准确地做好试验记录并及时客观地向上级汇报实验进程
Completely, timely and accurate test records and report the experiment progress to the superior in a timely and objective manner
Education: bachelor degree or above in bioengineering, biotechnology, immunology, molecular biology or related
Comprehensive quality*: ①②③④⑤⑥⑦
Professional competence: engage in overexpression and purification work, proficient in ion exchange, hydrophobic and affinity chromatography theory, and have practical skills; familiar with AKTA purification system and other related equipment
Protein analyst
12.5 1. 从事蛋白、抗体等生物大分子的生物化学检测相关实验研究
Engage in related experimental research on biochemical detection of biological macromolecules such as proteins and antibodies
2. 验证和优化分析方法
Validate and optimize the analytical method
3. 对蛋白、抗体质谱检测及数据处理与分析
Protein and antibody mass spectrometry detection, data processing and analysis
4. 使用英语独立撰写相关实验的SOP和方法开发报告
Independently composing SOP and method development reports of relevant experiments in English
5. 对项目中遇到的问题和挑战,提出可行解决方案,确保项目在时间内、预算内完成
Proposed feasible solutions to the problems and challenges encountered in the project to ensure the completion of the project within the limits of time and budget
6. 负责实验安排及日常管理工作,参与实验室仪器等设备、耗材的日常维护
Responsible for the arrangement and daily management of experiments, and participate in the daily maintenance of laboratory instruments and other equipment and consumables
Education: bachelor degree or above in bioengineering, biotechnology or related
Comprehensive quality*: ①②③④⑤⑥⑦
Professional competence: familiar with protein sample pretreatment and qualitative and quantitative analysis methods; proficient in the operation and maintenance of analytical instruments such as liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry experience in quality analysis of monoclonal antibodies and recombinant proteins is preferred
Biocatalysis researcher
8.2 1. 设计生物催化、酶催化反应,酶筛选实验,确认方案并组织实施
Designing biocatalysis, enzyme-catalyzed reaction and enzyme-screening experiment, confirming the plan and organized its implementation
2. 负责酶活测定,酶学性质研究,酶反应过程控制,产品色谱纯度,手性纯度的分析和评估
Responsible for enzymatic activity determination, enzymatic properties study, enzymatic reaction process control, chromatographic purity and chiral purity analysis and evaluation of products
3. 独立完成项目文献调研,并作项目报告
Independently completed project literature research and made project report
4. 完成上级交给的其他任务
Complete other tasks assigned by superior
Education: bachelor degree or above, major in bioengineering, biochemistry, biochemistry, enzyme engineering, chemistry, etc.
Comprehensive quality*: ①②③④⑤⑥⑦
Professional competence: familiar with enzyme catalysis operation; familiar with enzymatic properties, solid theory; familiar with HPLC, enzyme label instrument, etc.; experience in enzyme catalysis related projects is preferred
Biotechnology services
Researcher in molecular biology
10.3 1. 负责DNA重组工作
Responsible for DNA recombinant work
2. 负责核酸分子检测、PCR
Responsible for nucleic acid molecular detection and PCR
3. 维护和保养分子生物学所用各种仪器设备
Maintain various instruments and equipment used in molecular biology
4. 参与具体实验方案设计及实验准备和操作,保持完备准确的实验记录
Participate in the design of specific experimental scheme, preparation and operation of experiments, and keep complete and accurate experimental records
5. 撰写工作和实验结果报告及技术性相关资料
Writing reports of work and experimental results and related technical materials
Education: bachelor degree or above, major in molecular biology or bioengineering
Comprehensive quality*: ①②③④⑤⑥⑦
Professional competence: solid experimental skills in molecular biology, including molecular cloning and gene recombination; familiar with cell culture, cell line and primary cell culture, including cell virus infection, etc. Familiar with gene editing, such as CRISPR/Cas9. etc. proficient in cell analysis and identification techniques; skilled in basic bioinformatics software technology
Microbiology researcher
6.4 1. 负责微生物实验室微生物培养和检测
Responsible for microbial culture and testing in microbiology laboratory
2. 负责微生物PCR检测及PCR检测项目的统筹安排
Responsible for the overall arrangement of microbial PCR detection and PCR detection items
3. 负责遵照GLP、cGMP、GMP等及时完成客户样本等各项检测
Responsible for completing customer samples and other tests in accordance with GLP, cGMP, GMP, etc.
4. 负责相关实验结果的整理并出具实验报告
Responsible for sorting out relevant experimental results and issuing experimental reports
5. 负责相关设备的监控及维护
Responsible for monitoring and maintenance of related equipment
Education: bachelor degree or above, major in Microbiology, Bioengineering or related
Comprehensive quality*: ①②③④⑤⑥⑦
Professional competence: familiar with microorganism and cell culture; proficient in PCR detection
Food, FMCG manufact-uring
4.1 1. 产品开发计划的制定和执行
Formulating and implementing product development plan
2. 已有产品维护、升级
Maintenance and upgrade of existing products
3. 技术性文章编制和撰写(如产品审批、专利、创新成果申报等)
Preparation and writing of technical articles (such as product approval, patent, innovation achievement declaration, etc.)
4. 国际化合作客户研发项目洽谈、合作及技术对接
Negotiation, cooperation and technical docking of R&D projects with international cooperation clients
Education: bachelor degree or above
Comprehensive quality*: ①②③④⑤⑥⑦
Professional competence: ability to independently plan and undertake research and development projects; observe and analyze professional data and present them accurately
* ①交流沟通能力;②创新意识和能力;③职业道德和敬业精神;④学习意识和知识获取能力;⑤熟练的英语应用能力;⑥熟练使用办公及专业软件;⑦团队协作意识与能力.
* ① Communication skills; ② Innovation consciousness and ability; ③ Professional ethics and professional dedication; ④ Learning awareness and knowledge acquisition ability; ⑤ Good command of English; ⑥ Proficient in office and professional software; ⑦ Team cooperation consciousness and ability


表 1中典型岗位要求进一步分析,我们认为生物工程专业从业者的典型能力包括但不限于表 2所示。
表 2 生物工程专业从业者典型能力项Table 2 Typical competence items of practitioners in the Bioengineering profession
Technical ability
Non-technical ability
上游 The upstream 中游 In the middle 下游 The downstream
1. 特定工程菌株、细胞系设计、构建、筛选
Design, construction and screening of specific engineering strains and cell lines
2. 细胞株保存和培养
Cell line preservation and culture
3. 核酸分离、基因检测、分子克隆、基因编辑等服务
Nucleic acid separation, gene testing, molecular cloning, gene editing and other services
4. 相关仪器设备检定、安全使用、维护等
Verification, safe handling and maintenance of related instruments and equipment
1. 细胞大规模培养技术
Large scale cell culture technology
2. 发酵过程控制与优化
Fermentation process control and optimization
3. 针对特定生物工艺的设计与产品开发
Design and product development for specific biological processes
4. 相关仪器设备安全使用、维护
Safe handling and maintenance of relevant instruments and equipment
1. 活性小分子的分离纯化制备
Separation, purification and preparation of active small molecules
2. 功能蛋白分离纯化制备
Separation, purification and preparation of functional proteins
3. 质量监控、活性分析及方法建立
Quality control, activity analysis and method establishment
4. 相关仪器设备安全使用、维护
Safe handling and maintenance of relevant instruments and equipment
1. 法规、标准、技术、知识产权文件的理解、执行、编制、撰写
Understanding, implementation, preparation and writing of regulations, standards, technologies and intellectual property documents
2. 跨专业交流与合作
Cross-professional communication and cooperation
3. 团队协作与领导组织
Teamwork and leadership
4. 恪守职业道德,践行企业文化和工程伦理
Abide by professional ethics, practice corporate culture and engineering ethics
5. 终身学习意识与能力
Lifelong learning awareness and ability


2 生物工程复杂工程问题特征分析生物工程是运用生物科学的理论与方法,结合现代多学科理论与工程技术,在一定的社会、经济、法律条件下,为满足人类生产、生活需求而筛选、利用、设计和改造生物体的结构和功能,以更为经济、有效、大规模地生产所需产品和提供服务的工程活动。生物工程专业建立与发展本身便是多学科交叉融合的过程,符合中国工程教育协会认证标准中对于复杂工程问题定义的1–7的全部特征[8]。其具体体现在:
(1) 需要数学、物理、化学、生物学和工程学的基础知识对工程问题进行合理的描述、分析和阐释。举例如下:
(2) 利用现代生物工程方法生产的产品涉及的对象涵盖了医疗、能源、保健、农业、环保、化工、轻工、食品等众多领域;而在生物工程产品生产过程中需要解决的问题往往也是跨学科领域的。在社会主义新时代的生物制造和技术服务实践中,自然环境、经济利益和社会利益等方面需要包容发展以满足各方的不同利益需求,达到和谐发展的要求。这个特点与认证标准中关于复杂工程问题特征的第5、6和7特征点相符。
3 典型工作岗位的复杂工程问题分析充分认识和深刻理解复杂工程问题的具体特征有助于设置可衡量、可评估的毕业要求,也有利于针对性地改革课程体系、教学内容、制定教学计划、组织教学形式,更有益于系统地培养学生解决复杂工程问题的能力[3]。因此,我们结合表 1中总结的典型岗位职责和任职要求,对相关岗位典型工作任务涉及的复杂工程问题进行了分析。分析结果如表 3所示。
表 3 典型工作岗位的代表性复杂工程问题Table 3 Typical complex engineering problems of typical jobs
Typical tasks
Analysis of complex engineering problems (including but not limited to)
Covered characteristics*
Cell culture engineer
According to the characteristics of different cells, suitable conditions were selected to fulfill the specific requirements of cell culture
It is necessary to search and read professional literature to understand the origin, genetic characteristics and culture requirements of specific cells; it is necessary to optimize and select suitable media according to specific culture objects and objectives; it is necessary to optimize the medium composition and culture conditions by using appropriate experimental design or establishing appropriate cell growth model at a certain scale; according to the characteristics of cell culture, bioreactors were selected or designed to meet the requirements; must be able to manage production and R & D processes according to management systems, standards, codes and legal requirements in specific working situations, and be able to prepare standard operating documents for specific processes
Researcher in molecular biology
Communicate with multidisciplinary staff and customers to understand specific needs; on this basis, through the literature and research, choose the appropriate methods and equipment to meet the customer's personalized service requirements
According to customer requirements, select appropriate methods to clone, recombine, edit and optimize genes, carry out customized research services such as gene expression analysis and cell identification, and provide standardized analysis reports; retrieval and data mining of mainstream databases and research results using general or personalized bioinformatics tools and specialized tools
1, 2, 5, 7
Fermentation technology researcher/Microbial engineer/bioengineer
Preservation and rejuvenation of strains, passage, fermentation process verification, fermentation process amplification and optimization
It is necessary to search, query and read professional materials to understand the nature, genetic characteristics and culture conditions of specific strains; selection and optimization of economical and suitable medium composition and fermentation process according to different culture stages; optimize the fermentation conditions according to the specific fermentation product properties; the fermentation process was optimized and the bioreactor was scaled up according to the appropriate kinetics models and hardware conditions such as cell fermentation product synthesis, cell growth and substrate utilization; preparation of technical documentation for specific fermentation products and processes
Biocatalysis researcher
Design biocatalysis and enzyme catalysis reaction process according to requirements, and monitor the process
Using modern tools to screen or construct biocatalytic elements to meet the specific process requirements and analyze the catalytic characteristics of specific enzymes; design screening methods for specific functional enzymes; analyze the properties and purity of cell or enzyme catalyzed products according to specific requirements; economic and safe catalytic reaction substrates and auxilaries were selected according to the process characteristics; the catalytic kinetics of specific enzymes on the substrates used were analyzed and the factors affecting the maximum catalytic efficiency of the enzymes were determined; to establish and optimize the efficient utilization and recovery of enzymes and separation of products
Protein isolation, purification/analysis researcher
Purification of enzymes and active proteins, property analysis, separation and purification process development and amplification
Process optimization for the expression of specific active proteins or enzymes from different cell sources; through literature search and research, the combination strategies of purification methods were designed according to the characteristics of different sources and types of proteins or enzymes; choose appropriate and economical purification filler; optimize the purification process; the amount and activity of proteins during purification were analyzed
Microbiology researcher
Responsible for completing customer sample testing in time according to GLP, GMP, etc.
According to the standards and requirements, the harmful organisms in the products are screened, the environmental microflora is analyzed, and the source of the over-limit events is analyzed; the identification method should be selected according to the required identification level, the limitations of the identification system used and the identification level (genus, species, strain) to be achieved should be defined, the most suitable identification technology should be selected, and a variety of identification methods should be adopted if necessary
1–5, 7
* 7 characteristics of complex engineering problems defined by China Association for Professional Accreditation of Engineering Education[8].


4 本专业解决复杂工程问题能力培养的课程体系前文对生物工程专业从业者的典型工作岗位能力、素质要求和典型工作涉及的部分代表性复杂工程问题进行了分析。我们认为培养学生解决复杂工程问题能力的关键在于使学生能够熟练运用专业原理、技术、现代化工具,在模拟或者实际工程实践中解决包含但不限于表 3所述的相关代表性复杂工程问题。基于上述分析结果和产出导向的理念,我们依照中国工程教育认证协会标准[16]、专业补充标准[17]和《普通高等学校本科专业类教学质量国家标准》[18],设计了解决复杂工程问题能力培养的生物工程专业课程体系。
毕业生解决复杂工程问题能力的培养绝非几门课程所能够支撑,也不能仅仅依靠高年级专业类课程学习成果,而是伴随毕业要求技术能力和非技术能力指标点的达成而形成的,本专业的通识课程、数学、自然科学和实践课程构成了解决复杂工程问题能力培养的课程体系(表 4)。同时,要加强和完善专业课程中非技术能力的教学与考核。本专业认为“工程问题”有区别于“技术问题”,解决复杂工程问题不仅关注知识综合应用和技术创新能力,更强调要分析、评价新的系统、单元(部件) 或工程项目的应用对社会、健康、安全、法律以及文化等方面可能造成的影响以及问题解决方案所带来的经济成本变化,并能够理解为此应承担的责任和提供经济决策方法。因此,培养解决复杂工程问题能力更需要针对关键问题开发专业课程教学内容,改进教学方法,实施针对课程目标的多元化考核方式和评价方法加强对上述非技术能力的培养。
表 4 本专业培养解决复杂工程问题能力的阶段与课程体系Table 4 The curriculum for developing the ability to solve complex engineering problems of bioengineering
Ability development stages
Curricula modules
Incubation period: master the basic knowledge ofmathematics, engineering foundation, professional foundation, humanistic quality and so on required for the identification and judgment of complex engineering problems
Ideological and moral cultivation and basic law education, English Reading and Writing, Oral English, Entrance Education, Physical Education, Military Theory, Military Skill Training, Psychological health education, Outline of Chinese modern history, MAO Zedong thought and theory system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Basic principle of Marxist fundamental principles, Career development and entrepreneurship education, Arts and humanities and social science public courses, Extracurricular Activities, etc.
Fundamentals of Mathematics, Physics and Engineering
Advanced mathematics, Linear algebra, Probability statistics and experimental data analysis, College physics, Electrotechnics, Mechanical drawing, Computer information technology, Bioinformatics and Biological Big Data Mining, etc.
Professional foundation and industry knowledge
Principles of chemical engineering and experiment, Inorganic and analytical chemistry, Inorganic and analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, Organic chemistry experiments, Physical chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biochemistry experiment, Microbiology experiment principle, Cell biology, Molecular biology and genetic engineering, Internship in biofabrication and service enterprise, Introduction to biological engineering, Engineering ethics and project management, Biological engineering professional English, etc.
Forming period:
focusing on the upper, middle and downstream of biotechnical and non-technical typical capabilities, the ability to analyze and solve complex engineering problems is preliminarily formed through theories, cases and engineering practice
Upstream of biotechnology
Synthetic biology, Industrial microorganism breeding, DNA recombination and molecular cloning training
Midstream of biotechnology
Principles of fermentation engineering, Enzyme engineering and biocatalysis, Bioreactor engineering and equipment, Biological engineering equipment Design, Biological plant design, Chemical engineering unit processes design, Fermentation process comprehensive training, etc.
Downstream of biotechnology
Bioseparation engineering, Preparation innovation and separation and purification practice of bioactive macromolecules, Modem instrument analysis, Biopharmaceutical analysis, etc.
Communication and Management
Writing and expression, Engineering ethics and project management, Pharmaceutical management, Biotechnology economics, EHS management system, etc.
依托项目创新实训、企业情境训练、实习和毕业设计(论文), 综合运用知识、技能解决真实和模拟情境下的专业复杂工程问题
To use:
relying on project innovation training, enterprise situational training, internship and graduation project (thesis), the company comprehensively uses knowledge and skills to solve professional complex engineering problems in real and simulated situations
Project training and research
Bioengineering project innovation training, Professional practice, Graduation practice, Enterprise training courses of College of Medicine and Biotechnology, Graduation design (thesis)


5 总结复杂工程问题能力培养是工程教育产出导向的重点。深入分析与认识专业领域和专业岗位相关的复杂工程问题的特点与内涵是进一步制订专业毕业要求,设计培养方案、课程体系的重要基础,也是指导课程建设、课程实施和课程改革的重要依据。本文依照工程教育认证的理念和要求,根据对毕业生、企业和市场调查的结果,梳理了长三角地区对生物工程类专业本科毕业生主要专业技术岗位的需求与要求,分解了典型能力项,分析和吸收了利益相关方的众多意见建议,凝练了生物工程专业应用型本科层次人才典型工作岗位的代表性复杂工程问题,形成了本专业2018版培养方案中解决复杂工程问题能力培养的课程体系。经过连续3年的实践,各门课程目标不断围绕人才培养的毕业要求,对标解决复杂工程问题能力的培养,利用区域产业资源优势,通过医药生物技术学院建设广泛引入产业界前沿教育资源、教师科研反哺教学项目建设、课程团队与一流课程同步建设、覆盖全员的学生专业社团建设等多种措施进行教学改革,学生的培养质量逐年提高。生物产业正进入快速发展的阶段,如何更好地培养满足业界需求的高素质应用型人才,还需要不断依照工程教育认证的理念和方法体系持续完善。
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